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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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chief meteorologist jeff ranieri kicks off our team coverage. it is going to be an eventful weekend. >> the snow continuing across the sera . we have seen on- again and off-again rainfall as the area of upper level pressure spins to the north. bringing in a cold last of her and the low snow. across the bay area , we are starting to see the next round of rain beginning to move in with a few areas of lightening now developing through the san francisco peninsula. i want to track it moving off to the north and east. it will keep the rainfall in berkeley and orinda through 5:30 did off to the south and rain over the santa cruz mountains moving into palo alto at 5:15. no big changes in the forecast as we look ahead toward the upcoming weekend. we will undergo on-again and off-again periods of rainfall in the forecast through sunday. spotty thunderstorms. chance of small hail. isolated wind gusts up to 50.
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i do not see major flooding, but we could get into street flooding. and sierra snow with total surpassing seven feet. this is a look tonight or tomorrow. totals of 39 in kingsville. 39, tahoe. 85, kirkwood. as we head through sunday, there will be snow, but it does not look like nearly as much in a 24 hour period. still healthy amounts. by sunday, it starts to taper off a little bit 8 fits -- inches at kingsville. the numbers will go down more as we head toward monday i will have more details coming up later on on a winter storm warning up toward lake county. the forecast in 50 minutes. you know it is bad when a region that relies on tourism tells you to stay away. that is what ski resorts are saying and local authorities on the chp when it comes to visiting tahoe this weekend.
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jodi hernandez joins us live on interstate 80 in the sera with a closer look at the conditions . i saw you at 4:30 and a lot going on where your. -- you are. >> reporter: we are at 5000 elevation in niagara has been snowing all day. look at the amount of snow behind us. the chp has been saying not to travel up to the mountains all week. they were not kidding. this is what it looks like driving over the summit. donner pass is nearly impossible. as the biggest storm of the season begins barreling through. >> we are canadian. we thought we could handle it. >> reporter: this family from campbell got more than they bargained for. despite the test, they tricked up the mountain anyway hoping for a ski outing at soda springs. we caught up with them at the chain control. subject we were taking our kids we promised we wanted to keep our promise. >> reporter: they would not
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cancel your reservation? >> they would not cancel the reservation >> reporter: the exit to soda springs resort was snowed in. the resort joined other sera ski resorts closing today. >> if you have four-wheel drive, keep it slow. if you do not have to be a peer, do not come up here. the resorts are closing today for the rest of the weekend. there is no point. >> reporter: the manager of this restaurant and lodge since it is usually slammed and businesses are empty today. that is okay. >> people are calling for the status what do you suggest or recommend? we are like, we would love your business, but we do not recommend coming up this weekend. it is too much of a risk. >> reporter: too much of a risk is right we are back here live. this tour bus did take the risk . they started in north hollywood this morning and made it here to nyack and they are stuck. they do not have any snow tires 56 people aboard the bus hoping
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to make it up to circus circus in reno. it looks like they are not going to make it. if you have plans to travel up this way, again, it is best to change your plans. the snow could stick around for quite some time there will be plenty of time to enjoy it, just not this weekend. reporting live in nyack, i am jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> i am sure they thought gambling would be fine, but the bus was about that. this is why chp and other officials are warning us not to try driving anywhere. we cannot say it enough. 10 feet of snow. dangerous conditions. do you want to drive or not? i do not excel. video shot earlier today by the sacramento affiliate. conditions somewhat passable back then. the caltrans camera live look looks on possible. this is 80 at soda springs and donner summit. if you look on the left-hand side of your screen, those are
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trucks at a standstill in whiteout conditions. not good. pg&e is getting customers ready for the start. earlier today, the company met with the people that people in a coffee shop to answer questions they may have. a lot of people wanted to know more about the energy bill, but the storm was a big concern. pg&e is advising people to charge electronic devices like your phone or anything you need. also, your car if electric to make sure it is fully powered. important you have flashlights and batteries ray to go. >> also, making sure you go outside and take a look in your backyard. if you have things like lawn furniture or tripling to get caught up in the wind, it could make contact with our climate and trigger outages in your neighborhood. you want to lock those down or bring them indoors. >> pg and eisai crews are pre- positioned around the bay area. the hope is they will be around near major issues that pop up over the weekend.
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stay on top of the rain in bay area in the snow in the sera. download our nbc bay area app. the qr on the left side of the screen will take you to radar. point your phone, at the code and you will get the little yellow indicator and you are good to go. a south bay city is facing a very excessive ultimatum from the state. the water board is ordering san jose to clear in cameras along the waterways saying it is causing pollution. if the city cannot get it done by june 23 five, it could face fines of $100,000 per day. as nbc bay area robert handa tells us, city leaders say the ticking clock is forcing them to take action fast. >> reporter: san jose city leaders say they had a long list of encampments they could've used as a backdrop to deliver their message. but will the people that need to hear the message listen?
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an aerial view from sky ranger shows the daunting task for san jose as a response to a state water board mandate to clear up homeless in cameras along its 140 miles of water with. a closer look shows why. san jose it's it's storm permits from the state which monitors the runoff in the creeks. even though the city filters most water before it hits the creek, the state measures the water already in the creek, which has been polluted by encampments the state has given san jose until june 2025 to fix it. spotted if we are out of the plant with the stormwater permit, we could be subject to daily fines of $50,000 per pollutant. >> reporter: per pollutant drives up the fines since a single pollutant can be trash, waste, plastics or metals the city estimates almost 90% of the pollutants come from a cabinets. as much as the city has been looking for places to house again house, it will take more and faster. >> to do that at that kind of scale requires us to build out safe sleeping, safe parking,
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modular units et cetera. >> reporter: councilmember pam foley got community cooperation for a housing facility in our district. saying residents generally approved the idea since the displaced homeless would have a place to go instead of into the neighborhoods. >> the only hesitation is will we get it done? do they trust government to get it done? to city leaders acknowledge enforcement make it tougher, but helping encampment residents will want to move for comfort and safety reasons. we had mixed reactions from the encampment. >> if the city offered you housing would you take it and leave? >> it depends on the housing and where it is out -- at. >> reporter: one man asked us not to show his face or name he was more cynical. >> if you will come back. a few will not leave. >> reporter: the city says it could take six months to develop an overall plan which would leave 10 months to come into state compliance considering how long they can
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with the been here, june 25 deadline will come up fast. in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. the cdc now says it is time to treat covid more like the flu . people who test positive for the virus no longer had to isolate for five days. today the agency revised its long-standing guideline. it aligns with public health advice for flu and other respiratory illness. stay home if sick. go back to school or work what you feel better and you have been fever free for 24 hours. this shift reflects the decrease in the depths is the start of the pandemic. as well as commission that many people no longer testing for covid anyway. the concept to super tuesday. former president trump is not, campaign trail. instead in a federal courtroom for one of two important hearings in the cases against him. in an interview with nbc, the sole remaining republican rival nikki haley weighed in on his
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legal woes. saying all of his court cases should be dealt with before voters head to the polls in november. nbc's drew petra mold has he tells. to four days before super tuesday and the republican forerunner former president trump spending the day the south florida courtroom. a hearing in georgia determines the case going for, state. in florida, a judges hearing arguments on the proposed trial dates in the case of his handling of classified documents special counsel jack smith is pushing for july 8th trial date, but trump's lawyers want to push back until after the election. >> before we get to the question of a trial, the thing i am most interested in today is whether judge kenneth set a trial date at all. >> different cases. >> reporter: in georgia is accused of overturning the election results, the judge is considering removing the district attorneys in the case. >> there are several legal issues to sort through.
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i hope to have an answer for everyone in the next two weeks. >> between florida and georgia cases and two others and washington d.c. and new york, trump faces 100 criminal charges. there are major question about how the cases will be decided for election day. >> reporter: there is a looming decision from the u.s. up in court on his claim that presidential immunity block them from being persecuted. >> i am honored by this up in court. this is about the presidency. they have to do in unity thing. if you do not, a presidents will not be a president >> reporter: his critics including his republican rival nikki haley worry if he wins in november he could and the prosecution. >> all cases should be dealt with before november we need to know what is going to happen before the presidency happened. >> reporter: polls show the majority of republicans would support trump even if convicted. in the classified documents case, his attorneys offered up a possible trial date in august. a reporter in the courtroom says
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his team made it clear that holding the trial that you would interfere with his presidential campaign. that is part of the reason why they say it should be pushed to next year. drew petrimoulx, nbc news washington d.c. still ahead, playing out in the east bay. the links some people are going to to steal gasoline and how it could end up costing the victims. elon musk is not happy with openai ceo and the reason he is filing a lawsuit is next.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance.
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a pfizer product. a warning for drivers in the east bay after a rash of destructive gas theft. these are puncturing the gas tanks leaving drivers with no fuel and a car that takes weeks to repair. >> reporter: people we found pumping gas in oakland have not heard of it yet. at the montclair auto shop, he says he has already had two people come in recently with a hole poked in the gas tank.
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>> it is a hole on the side of the gas tank. with a drill. the gas tank is empty. >> reporter: a way to siphon gas by draining the tank. he says if it happens to you, it is not just a matter of refilling your tank. you need to replace it. >> reporter: what is the cost? >> expensive. some cars go for $500 and some for $1000-$2000. sometimes $3000. >> reporter: and can take two to three weeks to find a replacement take. alvin who sells parts says gassing so hard to find. >> i sold one for 2016 nissan rogue. you can imagine if you poke some guys old gas tank he cannot get one. >> reporter: making this crime a real drain. in oakland, scott budman nbc bay area news started a legal battle between elon musk and
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company he helped found. openai. elon musk originally set it up as a nonprofit. the idea was to create a transparent company that does good for humanity. elon musk says it is far from the case. especially after openai made multi-billion dollar with microsoft. last night, he filed a lawsuit against openai and its see you sam altman. the goal of the lesson is to compel openai to return to its original mission. neither openai nor microsoft has commented on the case. and make abortion drug will soon be available in california pharmacies mifepristone is one of the drugs doctors prescribe to induce medical abortion. normally, you to fill the perception in person at a clinic or in a dr. office. the fda recently changed the rules to expand access to that medication. today at walgreens and cvs will begin dispensing to patients with a prescription. that is only in states where abortion is legal.
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the pharmacist will not sell them if abortion has been beyond. and they will not ship the drug in the mail. jeff ranieri joins us again talking about the blizzard in the sierra . it is coming down hard. it is just the beginning. >> the heaviest snow through tomorrow and on and off snow into early next week. tough going up to . here in bay area we have started to see the next round of rain beginning to pick up and not microclimate forecast i want to start out with the other morning. we have been talking about the sera and the blizzard conditions through the mountains. i do not want this to get overlooked. we have a winter storm warning off to the north in lake county. including clear lake, kelsey ville and lake ford late. 1000 to 2000 feet and we could pick up on a couple of inches of snow right around the passes. 5 inches of higher. i see travel and power outages
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possible. the live scan right now on storm ranger. a few areas we want to track as the rain is picking up. moderate movement of heavy rainfall continuing into berkeley 5:46. to the south, rain over santa cruz mountains staying with you into fremont through 5:59. for the south bay rain filling in throughout san jose, campbell and back into alan rock. as we roll through tonight we will continue with on-again/off- again periods of rain. heavy at times. isolated thunderstorms and small hail possible. as we head through tomorrow's forecast, we will start off with scattered rain for the morning right through midday. as we roll through the afternoon, we will see another zone of consistent rainfall started to develop by 3:00 in the afternoon. it will continue through the evening. once we get to sunday's forecast we will have the chance of rain. overall, pretty spotty on sunday. rainfall totals tonight are
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about quarter to half inch across the bay area. as we head to tomorrow, we are in for another quarter to half inch. toward the south bay by sunday's forecast, pretty easy- going. trace amounts to a quarter inch coming in the mix for us. not only the rainfall, but the wind. anywhere from 20 to 50 miles per hour coming out of the southwest right through tomorrow afternoon. by sunday, the wind will start to calm down. it will be breezy, but not as gusty. 10 to 25. we have showed you the snow totals. tonight into tomorrow, up to 39 in kingsville 39, tahoe. 35, kirkwood. everyone is listening to the warnings to stay away and for good reason still looking at wind gusts up to 100. next snow free day may not come until the sixth and seventh of next week. hang on if you want to get up
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there and enjoy the snow. we have drier weather eventually getting here. the other thing is look at these colder temperatures tomorrow morning. upper 30s to low and mid 40s to start. by the afternoon, this is it. only 47 in santa rosa. 49, napa and plenty of low 50s through the south bay. a chilly day coming our way as we head through saturday. in the seven day forecast, we do get into some as we head to monday. 40% chance of showers. thursday and friday, i don't know about you but looking pretty good to me. full on sunshine the way we see it right now. >> if you have the flu next week. >> we had a dinner with 70 a beautiful last week. subject last weekend 70s and four it will be hard this weekend, but we will get through it. oakland newest professional baseball team is getting ready for its first game that will give you a first look at the je
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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a change tonight at boeing. the company wants to purchase the supplier responsible for the malfunction on alaska airlines flight. talk about the door plug that blew out of the 737 jet two months ago. boeing is looking to require fuselage maker for the second time. spirits but often boeing two decades ago. the possible merger comes after regulators gave boeing 90 days to improve quality control. both companies are scrambling to stamp out manufacturing flaws in the top-selling airplane boeing says the fuselage that spirit makes has been delivered within quickly drilled holes and run spacing on some of the components. stretching our rally on wall
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street came in the wake of up report from dell technology. three major stock indexes all advanced. nasdaq search to all-time high eating the previous record set more than two years ago. s&p notched the 13th record high at the close of the year. closing above 5100 for the first time. the biggest winner, the area- based nvidia finishing with market cap about $2 trillion for the first time in its history. they are calling it a new way to rep oakland. the oakland dollars unveiled these new jerseys. even as the oakland a's plan on leaving they plan to wear green and gold. including logos of aaa. they are playing inaugural season with the pioneer baseball league. the independent league include seems in colorado, idaho and utah. the first game is set for may 21st in montana. a big star in hollywood right now. she is hot, as a
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safe. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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getting credit for reviving the rom com movie genre. >> hot young women. in all the good things. taking on snl. sydney sweeney is making
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hosting debut on saturday night live. appeared alongside casey musgrave. who just announced a new album. sydney sweeney has had a busy career. she starred in the rom com, anyone but you. she was in white lotus and euphoria, which was off the chain. despite her success, she says she has stage fright and she is really nervous to host the episode, which will air tomorrow. she is so cute and talented. water newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming forms -- platforms. a busy way to end the work week in the south bay to pick up a story of a man arrested after missing loitering at an elementary school. parents are demanding answers. we are days away from the california primary. the race to be california's next senator is heating up. the new poll showing a surprising front runner in the race to take over diane feinstein seat
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. we continue to investigate sexual abuse claims that have shaken the catholic church. the new lawsuit that catholic leaders say is aimed at the church. the news at 5:30 starts now. thank you for joining us today i am audrey asistio . >> we begin with a bizarre case and the south a. and discovery during a dui arrest in gilroy triggered a school lockdown >> parents at the school so they are concerned about how it all played out and how little they were told. nbc ian cull joins us from gilroy . >> reporter: those parents have been meeting with the school district, as well as the police department for information since 2:45. one parent and said to me there are about 300 people. if you are leaving now. a lot of parents say they are upset and concerned after a week that they described as unsettling. gi


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