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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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sexual abuse claims that have shaken the catholic church. the new lawsuit that catholic leaders say is aimed at the church. the news at 5:30 starts now. thank you for joining us today i am audrey asistio . >> we begin with a bizarre case and the south a. and discovery during a dui arrest in gilroy triggered a school lockdown >> parents at the school so they are concerned about how it all played out and how little they were told. nbc ian cull joins us from gilroy . >> reporter: those parents have been meeting with the school district, as well as the police department for information since 2:45. one parent and said to me there are about 300 people. if you are leaving now. a lot of parents say they are upset and concerned after a week that they described as unsettling. gilroy police say on monday 46-
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year-old markus beck went on the campus of an elementary school less than a block from his home. he started asking questions and loitering around the campus. they finally called police. two days later, around 4:00 am wednesday, he was arrested for dui a few blocks away. officers say he crashed into cars. when they searched his car they found a loaded handgun inside, along with ar-15 style rifle in the trunk. with those two incidents connected to markus beck police seized any other weapons that he had. when they searched his home they found the strong smell of gas. the stove had been admitting gas for a while. it was at risk of exploding. >> a little scary and very surprising. >> reporter: anthony lived next door and says they were evacuated for an hour and a half. pg and e and the fire department were called. the gas leak also put the
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elevator school on lockdown. >> being a parent and having my daughter living here and knowing him, because i did speak to him a lot. i am disappointed he would bring that type of stuff around this area. >> reporter: i spoke with a number of parents today who were upset that nobody told them about the incident and how they were connected earlier. >> there was no information about somebody lurking around campus. had bound the information for a couple of days and do not share it with us. >> and concerned that the guy lives so close that it is disturbing. >> reporter: the school district met with police and concerned parents about the situation this afternoon. >> people do not have the opportunity to be vigilant and look around. maybe make alternate plans to make sure the kids not walk home alone. >> reporter: the school district says that it is seeking a restraining order against markus beck. he faces seven charges
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including two felonies from the dui, including allegedly carrying loaded guns. and one of them is having materials with making destructive device or exposes. he will face a judge for the first time today. the judge ruled he will be held in custody without bail pending a mental evaluation. live in gilroy, ian cull . the race to fill the seat of diane feinstein is heating up. and new poll showing a tight race our cameras were there as democrat barbara lee casted her vote in oakland. tried to move from forth in the post to the top two in next week's primary. in the meantime, a new uc berkeley poll shows republican steve garvey shooting ahead in the race. he has the likely support of 27% of voters southern california representative adam schiff is second with 25%. eleby katie porter and barbara lee far behind. a recent public policy institute a comfortable showed
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a close race among adam schiff, steve garvey and katie porter. stretching is unclear if former president trump will stand trial for the classified document case this year. today, his supporters gathered outside the florida court were a scheduling hearing was held. the trial was originally set to begin on may 20th. today, the justice department asked for the trial to be pushed back until july 8th. trumps defensiveness asking for a delay, arguing it is unfair to hold the trial before the november presidential election. the court adjourned after four hours without setting a date for the trial. thousand came together in moscow today for the funeral of russian opposition leader. he was the outspoken critic of the two. the mother of alexey navalny was in attendance and his wife was not able to attend. during the service the crowd outside chanted note to her about is more powerful.
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sexual abuse scandal continues to rock the catholic church. california dioceses are facing a new reckoning around claims of clergy sexual abuse. catholic leaders say a wave of new lawsuit is bankrupting them . while alleged victim say it is the price of justice. investigative reporter campus when continues our extended cough -- coverage. >> we have gone through hundreds of newly filed lawsuits and the claim stem from a new california law means survivors a three-year window to hsu alleged abusers. no matter how far back the accusations go. we spent hours reviewing church directories at the library. we spoke to more than a dozen new accusers. we also spoke to newly accused priests to hear their side of the story. tomorrow night, we're to get every thing we have learned throughout our invitations and combining it into a half-hour documentary to help you understand the entire story. one of the most important moments involves questioning
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notorious pedophile priest, the oakland diocese that was accused of mishandling it. since 2020 the ex-reese has been named in 60 lawsuits. >> my problem is i was too attached to these kids. i was letting my affection for them take a wrong turn. >> you mean sexually? >> yes >> good morning. candice nguyen here with winds. can you comment on the lawsuit menu ? families and alleged victims feel you escaped carnal liability because the statute of limitations ran out. for years we have been requesting interviews with local bishops and they have turned us down. in earlier statement bishop barber said he continues to work with leadership at oakland diocese to strengthen our formation and education programs so that all of us have a greater understanding of the
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science of predatory behavior. san francisco arch bishop cora lonnie released a video on youtube saying most of the new allegations are decades old. abuse in the church today is where. victim advocates tell us there are potential threats in our communities here in the bay area right now. including accused priests who are still allowed to work. do not miss our half-hour documentary, reckoning, tomorrow at 6 130 tomorrow on winds. with the investigator of unit, i am trying to. -- candice nguyen . san francisco unified has agreed to pay out $4.5 million to settle alleged case of two students. it happened between 2012 and 2015. under the lawsuit, one of the former students and the athletic director assaulted her several times. the other alleged that he fondled her and forced her to perform oral sex. the settlement means the case avoids trial and sparing the
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students for me telling their stories in court. their attorney says they can move forward and start to rebuild their lives. the court documents and lawyers for the district denied the allegations saying they responded privately once they learned of the accusations. the athletic director also denied the allegations and no longer works at the school. a new study shows a promising way to treat ovarian cancer without making the patient sicker. scientists at cornell university and sloan-kettering institute used nuclear medicine to target metastatic ovarian cancer in mice. this means scientist attached radiation to specific molecules to target the cancer, rather than using radiation that affects more of the body. at the end of the trial, 83% of the mice treated this way were still alive compared to 80% of mice that did not get the nuclear treatment. in nuclear medicine expert says nuclear tumors are already in use for prostate and thyroid cancer, which are effective with fewer side effects. >> it is a significant
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difference in the ability to survive the cancer when you do a targeted, specific treatment with nuclear medicine, like in this case. >> one out of 87 women in the u.s. will develop ovarian cancer in their lifetime. more than half of the diagnosis are in women older than 63. the rate of death has decreased by 40% since 1970s because of better treatments and fewer women developing over in cancer in the first place. a paint brush up. the cars topcoat is peeling fast the company's customer service is fading even faster i am consumer investigator chris kamara. i am chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. tracking gusty winds. 26, oakland. 29, san mateo. 10 to 15 and the self they.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat 10 to 15 and the self they. will lk more about ta in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections.
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every day our consumer team rescues viewers swimming in sloppy customer service. >> we throw out safe the in english and spanish. chris kamara shares recent results. >> we deliver good news for two san jose viewers matt called our embassy bay area response team after he traded in his old cell phone with the promise of $600 credit. he said two month later, no credit. his carrier stopped responding to him. he enlisted our help and we responded. we contacted the cell phone company. matt is getting $600 credit over the next two years. next, all smiles from murray called our telemundo 48 respond colleagues. late in 2023 she shared pictures of her cars paint
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peeling while under warranty. take a look now. her ride is repainted for free. only thanks to consumer investigator arlo fernandez and his team. they stepped in when the manufacturer initially declined to cover $1000 paint job. if you have a case for our team , scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online you can attach video just like mary did. have a great weekend. back to the microclimate whether coverage. the sierra is a dangerous spot to be this weekend heavy snow at donner summit. blizzard warnings are in effect until sunday. whiteout conditions with near zero visibility. caltrans workers have been deployed to help stranded drivers. the best advice is to stay away. >> this is how we make our living. there is no fun up here today for anybody. you cannot sleigh ride or ski. you are wasting your time. the roads are pretty bad. caltrans, the priority is
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safety first. the safest thing is to stay home where it is warm. >> many of the resorts are simply closed. wait until next week to head to tahoe. we can have dry weather by next wednesday afternoon. thursday and friday, even some sunshine. hang on and some of the dry weather is on the way when it comes to the rainfall, we have the latest round moving back into the bay area. we have seen have your pockets over san francisco the past couple of hours . i wanted to show you, now that we are officially in march, how february looked aching to rainfall. we got hit hard look at these numbers up to the santa cruz mountains. 10 to 14 inches. berkeley hills just over 7.25. over 5 inches in san jose. redwood city, 4.62. there will not be anything nearly as dumb as the storms in february when it comes to rainfall. we are getting the bulk of the
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activity as we have been talking about over the sierra. the reason why the sierra is getting more of that snowfall and really more of the punch of the storm is the rainfall hit the mountains. it is squeezing out a lot more moisture. when you get the mountaintops involved in this it is called or a graphic lifting. the way it is sitting up with the cold air, that is why the mountains of this era are getting quite a bit more. take it down to storm ranger doppler radar. heavier rainfall has been developing through san francisco . we are watching it real closely. we have seen the quarter to 3/10 of an inch in the past hour. this rainfall will continue off into orinda through 6:33 tonight. moving to the south and reign over the peninsula. keeping it wet in fremont through 5:59 in san jose started to fill in with rainfall. i do think we will continue with the next round of rain through 11:30 tonight with heavy downpours at times.
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from right now through later on this evening that is when we will see the rainfall getting to add up. maybe half-inch and possibly higher than that. as we head through tomorrow morning, it will pick up a little bit. a chance of scattered rain. sun missing in and low snow for mount hamilton. as we head through tomorrow afternoon, another round of rain pushing back in around 3:00 . it will keep some of the heavy rain through 7:00 on saturday. by sunday, overall, things should start to taper off to more of a scattered rain situation. rainfall totals tonight, a quarter to half inch. as we head tomorrow we will see another quarter to half-inch. it looks like half inch best bet toward south bay and santa cruz mountains by saturday, lower amounts. trace amounts to a quarter of an inch coming in. when it comes to the wind, 20 to 50 mile-per-hour guests out of the south and west through tomorrow. the wind tapers off as we head
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into sunday. it will be breezy. look at these numbers 41 in the tri- valley. upper 30s for north bay. east bay at 43. daytime highs. your heaviest jacket. only 47 up to santa rosa. 49, napa. 40, morgan hill. on the seven day forecast, 40% chance of showers as we head into monday. a few spotty chances tuesday and wednesday. we get sunshine thursday and friday. it will feel good. coming up tonight at 5:00, we will zero in on the sierra snow and we will take a look at a winter storm warning in lake county. >> it is happening. up next, we head to spring training. let's get some sunshine. we will hear from duane kuiper who gives us
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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as spring training continues for the a's and the giants there is a growing sense of things being more old-school at gines camp. >> new manager bob melvin is different than gabe kapler here is duane kuiper with observations. >> we did a few days and scottsdale already and how is everything at camp? did you meet the new players? did you like the energy? >> everybody is really friendly . it is spring training.
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the younger guys you do not know they will not come rushing up to you and say who they are. you make an effort to try to shake as many hands as you can when you introduce yourself. the best way to do that for me is to stand behind the batting cage. that is the one thing i like to do. they are talking to the haters. hitters are talking back to them. hitters have to wait her turn. there is your chance to say hello. it is the best part of spring training for me. not the games, but what goes on before the games. i was there four days i thought giants take infield practice, which was something they did not do much of over the last couple of years. it is a way of showing off what
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you can do. we used to say let's win infield practice we will not win the game, let's at least win infield practice. >> as a second baseman, that is huge for you. >> you could peer wet and show off. i talked to someone the other day. i think it was bob melvin. he said when he was with the orioles they took infield practice before every game. and that included cal ripken jr. . because his dad was the one who insisted on it. it kind of went away for a while you see it again and that is great. >> duane kuiper along with his son cole from our giants talk podcast at our friends at nbc sports bay area. this year's oakland marathon is a great way to help kids and get out and run. stefan ayesha curry eat, run love will use proceeds from
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this year's marathon to help elementary kids in oakland to create safe places to play and be active. including the kids fun run march 16th. and the 5k, 10k, half marathon and full marathon which is march 17th . i going to do any of those? >> no. >> you are honest. the sign up is that oakland incredibly tense moments as a big rig singles over a bridge with the driver and said. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming
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a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing!
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then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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firefighters in texas are struggling to get the upper hand on the largest wildfire in that state's history the fire began earlier this week and it is 15% contained. more than 1 million acres of burned so far at least two people have died. one of the hardest-hit areas is the city of canadian were two dozen homes of burned. a dramatic rescue after semitruck crashed and dangled over the side of a bridge with the driver still inside. it happened in louisville, kentucky on a bridge over the ohio river. plus 8 the truck ended up in a crash with two cars. the collision pushed the semitruck with the driver inside over the side of the bridge. firefighters part the letter trump on the bridge. a firefighter was lowered down to the driver side and hooked the driver to his line and they
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were both pulled back onto the bridge. driver is being treated at a local hospital. scare for the popular singer carol g. her private jet landed for emergency on board. left burbank airport carrying 60 people. the airplane was headed east. shortly after the pilot reported smoke in the cockpit. the airplane making amick emergency landing at van nuys airport, 12 miles away from burbank. emergency vehicles greeted the aircraft when touched down. reason for the mount section -- malfunction is unknown. carol g won her first grammy this year. she was named billboard magazine's 2024 woman of the year. hurdled the organizers of the paris olympics are trying to clear. how to make it easy for all the people that live in paris to get around the games. the government says they will ease traffic restrictions for the olympics. originally, police plan to set up red zones around the site.
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local drivers would be banned from entering the zones. authorities met today and decided to get rid of some of the red zones the hope is the move will allow parisians to move around town more easily. police say people can also apply for an exemption to drive in the red zone. >> the red zone permit. >> i am going to get one. coming up now at 6:00. after a lot of stops and starts, waymo could head to the peninsula after all . the robo taxes get the green light to rollout in san mateo county less than two weeks after the expansion was delayed. y county officials say they were caught off guard. san francisco says it is making progress on homeless encampment. fewer tents on the street and a long way to go. how they say they are getting it done despite a court order locking them from removing any of the tents. we continue to track the blizzard in this era with officials warning everyone to stay home and off the road.
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the news at 6:00 starts now. thanks for being with us on friday. i am raj mathai . >> im jessica aguirre. do not go. now is not the time for trip to tahoe. the video you are seeing right here is from our crew from our sister station in sacramento. this is driving along 80 during a stop in the snow. it is why out conditions for anyone try to make the drive this weekend. traffic on 80 and 50 has been frozen at times throughout the day.. that out. stand no. a live look at 80 in soda springs. chp is now turning drivers around just before they reach immigrant gap. too many spin outs. no eta for when the road will open. the storm is forcing closure at the popular resorts. when does the resort tell you not to go? this camera from palisades
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tahoe. look how deep. not just snow. the storm is bringing wind. not even close to being over. resort are saying do not come. it is not the weekend. but the people in the sierra digging out of the snow and dealing with rain here in the bay area . are chief meteorologist and our own jodi hernandez . we will get to her in a second. will get to jeff in a second. jodi hernandez joins us now and you look frozen . what is the status for the people? >> reporter: it is cold. the situation has gotten so treacherous that caltrans is stopping folks at 4000 foot level where we are here. you can see interstate 80 down below. you can see folks getting off the freeway and turning around. it is too dangerous to drive over the summit. >> we are canadian and that we can handle it. >> reporter: the


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