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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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new at 11:00, stopped in the sierra in the middle of a blizzard. this is new video from donner summit, the situation growing more dire by hour, people trapped in cars for hours on the drop in temperature. chp forced to shut down on i-80. what driver says he was shutting back to california from reno with his dog. >> stuck in the storm on one of these on ramps. i was going 15 miles an hour and lost track since i decided to pull over. >> look at that you could barely see anything. you can see is sort of the road. those warnings went out urging people to stay away from blizzard conditions. let's or didn't he that warning got the brunt of this historically bad weather. >> it is going to go from bad to worse at this hour. that storm is intensifying, with no break in sight. heavy rain and wind are
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stirring up trouble here is well. jeff ranieri is tracking all of this. we will get the latest from him in a little bit. but first let's get you caught up on the nightmare scenario playing out of the mountains right now. long stretch of i-80 is closed. basically from blue canyon to the nevada state line. this is what it would like. downright year he could this is a look at donner summit tremendous amount of snow, near white out conditions. the chp posted this update on social media late tonight. >> i just wanted to say thank you for your patience, we are trying to get this reopened. you can tell a little bit of snowfall. >> this is where the closure begins in plaster county, you can see a lot of cars, trucks, big rigs just waiting there is no eta on when i-80 well reopen and if those cars will be able to get off of that mountain.
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now that closure went into effect earlier this evening, causing big headaches for a lot of people. some people call off guard by all of the snow. in fact, the bus filled with nearly 60 people is heading back to southern california after getting stuck in the sierra. the driver says they were on i- 80 trying to get reno when they were forced to stop. >> well, it is beautiful, but it is pretty crazy and it is pretty dangerous. i went from a blowout to now i am stuck at a gas station waiting for tires. >> the driver tells us she did not know about the storm and was not prepared to brave those elements. highway 50 is actually open right now, but horse, driving on it, discouraged. this is what it looked like around 7:30, near sierra, tahoe. you can see the ice covered road, as snow hits the windshield. controls are of course in effect, and people are being told to stay off of the roadways. you don't need to be out, just stay home. and a uc berkeley sierra snow lab is closely monitoring the situation from their
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surveillance camera, which shows snow whipping past the lens. researchers say they lost power around 7:30 p.m., but the generators are keeping their cameras and heaters running. jeff ranieri has also been watching the store. jeff, this is pretty historic and downright dangerous for people to be out there. >> it really is going to be critical over the next couple of hours, dealing with these brutal conditions at right now this is a life look at the current radar scan, and we have wall-to-wall snow here happening over the sierra on interstate 80, also on highway 50. let's take it right up to where those drivers are stranded right at donner summit. we have a wind chill of 13 degrees right now. that is an elevation of 7239, winter overall in the area, 25- 50, gust currently at the ridge tops looking at 100+ miles per hour. so, i'm sure chp and all of the emergency crews that are in place are, you know, monitoring this and figuring out if they
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need to go in and get people out and how they would do it, because we are still looking at quite a bit of snowfall here over the next 24 hours. this, as the snow totals as we head into tomorrow, 39 tahoe, 45 in kirkwood comments know that could go down as low as plaster ville and right there at colfax, and more gusty winds 60-100 miles per hour. by sunday, not quite as much snow in a 24-hour period, but still looking at what could be six, seven, eight, eight inches of snow for a lot of the locations. king bill, maybe another 12 inches. back here in the bay area, different scenario here. scatterbrained showing up on the doppler radar, some thunderstorms and heavier pockets moving off towards the east, going to pick up in a word by 11:45. the other thing we do want to let you know about is a thunderstorm warning in lake county. i got an a date in about five minutes. >> lots to talk about, thank
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you, jeff. the range of was telling us about is creating trouble in the bay area. this is a look at the pg&e outage map. smaller outages now, but at one point, the storm has knocked out power. in san francisco, talk about this. that is a tree, victory, it came crashing down onto a car. four people were hurt there. the problems are just beginning to pile up. nbc bay area's pete suratos joins us out there tonight. >> it has been a mixture of rain and wind downtown pretty much all evening and really picked up a few minutes ago, but it is starting to taper off in this area. really, it is the beginning of what is expected to be wet area across the bay area over the weekend. the latest storm is already leaving damage across the bay area, such as this large tree that came crashing down in san francisco, in the area of
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northgate avenue and laguna street. this video, southwest this evening from a viewer near lexington hills, shows a landslide taking out a section of this road. your saratoga, cal transit seeing the closure of state route line in said board road, due to an active slide. strong winds and rain picking up this evening in walnut creek, leading to a less crowded downtown, but the weather is it slowing down this family of four from getting some outdoor time with their little ones. >> it is rough to be staying at home, so might as well check out some restaurants and at least get these little ones fed. >> however, it is causing a slow night for businesses which will lose tens of thousands of dollars, due to canceled reservations. >> i think people were preparing for the storm, and stop making the reservations because of that, to want to come out in the rain. >> a spokesperson for pg&e say they are keeping a close eye on the weather conditions, which has already led to outages in the region.
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it is important to stay prepared. >> have flashlights with fresh batteries, instead of candles, for safety reasons, this is also a good time to make sure your electronics are charged, things like your phone, tablet. >> reporter: now, that spokesperson said they have activated-- pg&e has activated their emergency center, so all hands on deck 24-7 to respond to any outages. pete suratos, nbc bay area news. rain, snow, and yes, a tornado. the national weather service has confirmed a tornado in the area today, showing this video posting a tornado near a road. it happened near tree limbs at an elementary school, but thankfully no other damage. you can track the weather anytime, anywhere with our free nbc bay area up on the left side of the screen, it will take you right to our radar, just point your phone's camera to that code to the weather page. live look in oakland, where
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we will should be getting a boost from the state to make streets safer. the governor releasing a 10 point action plan that involves caltrans helping with public safety. the mayor of oakland says it will create a safer city, but as nbc area's gia vang reports, it's not enough. >> reporter: businesses, encampments, and trash in oakland, photo after photo showing areas of the city that caltrans will be cleaning up. >> it will be safer for our kids as they are walking to school and clean streets, it will be safer the sense that we will get on housed people off of our streets and into housing, so they can live that dignified life and not be out of the elements, and so all of this is actually, you know, really chipping at the ice block of public safety. >> reporter: here's the 10 point plan for oakland's office today. it highlights intensifying maintenance, increasing litter abatement and landscaping,
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addressing landscaping issues, working on beautification, as well as installing about 300 new security cameras procured, the mayor says, by caltrans. >> does the city have resources for people to look at those security cameras and actually take action? >> right now we do have our officers in our intel unit, we have some cameras that are up, so this will just be adding to that. >> reporter: the mayor says the city will pay for the upkeep the cameras it adds, after paying for $360 million deficit reaching out if necessary, it is just not what the oakland naacp has been hoping for. >> we need more police officers, it doesn't cover the fact that we need to get a handle on the crime that is coming, the business is being more secure, the neighborhoods being more secure, people feeling more safe in their own homes. >> the organization cannot with its own 10 point safety plan in september, which includes hiring a permanent chief of police. >> they need to feel safe in the community that we live in
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that we pay taxes in. >> reporter: in oakland, gia vang, nbc bay area news. regulators are giving more of a green light to actually expected the bay area. right now, driverless taxi areas only in san francisco, with companies planning to go down to sfo, into sunnyvale, mountain view. in january, they will ask for an expansion in the bay area and in los angeles. but regulators put that on hold after pushback from san mateo county leaders. when supervisor said he was kind of shellshocked by today prosecutors of the expansion. >> the issues in san francisco, whether these autonomous vehicles, going through yellow tape, whether there is a fire being stuck on a fire hose, and so i support the knowledge he, but the technology is not ready for prime time. >> supervisor, david canepa, says the county plans to appeal that decision. also tonight, a pricey
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ultimatum in san jose. the city is being told to clear out and kept your waterways, or expect find that could total more than $1000 a day. the problem is pollution. san jose has about 140 miles of waterways commanding men's have popped up along a lot of them, and if things aren't cleared up by june of next year, state water board is warning of major fines. they will have options of those rehousing. the race to fill the latest dianne feinstein's senate seat is filling up and a new poll is showing a very tight race. our cameras were there is democrat, barbara lee, castor vote in oakland today. she is going from fourth in the polls to talk to him next week's primary. meantime, a uc berkeley poll shows steve garvey shooting heading this race. he now has a likely support of 27% of voters. southern california representative, adam schiff, is second with 25%, followed by
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katie porter and we far behind. it is also worth noting that a recent public policy poll showed a close race among shift, garvey and porter. just four days until super tuesday. point your phone's camera on that qr code on the left, that will take you to our website, there, you will learn more about the big races, the candidates and how to castor ballot. we are back in 60 seconds, the bay area dr. on a mission in the middle east. how his work in gaza is helping those who can't get help elsewhere. plus, a pricey problem. thieves are just breaking into the cars, but drilling into gas tanks. is there an uptick? we are looking into it. i am chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri. 1-2 thousand foot snow levels, 123 inches possible this weekend, near lake level.
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president biden says the u.s. plans to drop food and aid into the gaza strip, saying the humanitarian aid flowing into the region for palestinians is an efficient. to that end, one nbc bay area doctor decided to do what he could to help the situation. he is currently treating patients in gaza and hoping for a cease-fire. nbc bay area's jocelyn moran spoke with his family tonight. >> it is day 17 in gaza, today was packed it is friday. >> reporter: mohammed has been sending daily updates to his family, here in the bay area. they that then post them to the social media account for his friends to see. he is a bay area doctor who left left last month on a mission. >> we are hoping for a cease- fire today, plumes of smoke all around the hospital and saw many trauma patients, really
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hoping things settle down. >> in the bay area, his wife takes care of their children. she supported mohammed's decision to go to gaza. >> at the end of the day, when you are seeing people suffering you want to go and help and mohammed, being an er doctor said that is how you can do it. >> reporter: but she tells us that she wakes up every day thinking about him. mohammed tries to call her each morning, the connection wasn't too bad today. she tells he tells her about two little boys he met. >> i'm like when are we going to get our new legs and our prosthetics, can you take us with you? back home? >> i mean, i'm ready. i'm ready honestly to take all of them. >> i know. i know. >> i feel heartbroken that i'm they are in a situation that that is what they have to ask. >> reporter: at home, mohammed's son worries about him. >> it has been pretty stressful
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and i'm thinking about him before i go to sleep and when i wake up. >> reporter: but the family says it is part of their values to help others. and by sharing the videos, they are hoping to inform people. >> it is also a way to show what is happening over there, and it is something that i want and we want people to be aware of and to know. >> honey, we love you, i love you so much. >> reporter: jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news. it is the most shocking scandal to rock the torch. now, california diocese are facing a new wave of lawsuits is bankrupting them. victims say it is their first sense of justice. candace win is here to talk about the years long project on the issue that airs tomorrow. >> what we have done these past four years is carefully gone through hundreds of these newly filed lawsuits.
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the claim stems from a new california law, giving survivors a three-year window to sue their alleged abusers, no matter how far back their accusations go. we spent hours, reviewing church directories and spoke to more than a dozen new accusers. we also spoke to newly accused priests to hear their side of the story. tomorrow night, we are taking everything we learned throughout our and estimations and combining it into a half- hour documentary to help you understand the entire story. one of the most important moments involves questioning a notorious pedophile priest. the oakland diocese is accused of mishandling. since 2020, that x priest has been named in more than 60 separate lawsuits. >> my problem was that i was too attached to these kids, and i was letting my affection for them take the wrong turn. >> you mean sexually? >> yes. >> mr. keisley , nbc bay area
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news. >> i have nothing to say. >> reporter: can you comment on any of the new lawsuits. is there anything you would like to say to them? for years we have been requesting interviews for with local bishops, but they have altered us down. in an earlier statement, oakland bishop, michael barber said he quote, continues to work with leadership in the oakland diocese to strengthen our formation and education programs so that all of us have a greater understanding of the signs of predatory behavior. and san francisco archbishop, salvatore court leone released a new video, saying most of the allegations are decades-old and abuse in the church today is rare. but victim advocates say there are potential threats in our communities right now. including accused priests who are still allowed to work. don't miss our half hour documentary, reckoning, tomorrow at 6:30 p.m., here on nbc bay area news, with the investigative unit, i am
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candace nguyen. >> an important thing to watch and be aware of, thank you. turning to our weather, jeff, my goodness, we are talking about snow, rain, even a tornado. >> yes, there has just been so much throughout california. that storm system producing all of this wild weather through the state, it is going to linger through this weekend and that is why will keep we will keep those rain chances, cold blast of air and also some on and off wind. let's get you to storm radar at doppler radar right now. i do want to track a thunderstorm here that has just now popped up in the south bay. this is heavier rainfall here just off toward the west of morgan hill. is moving off towards the east, so i do think this will hold heavy rain at least through 11:45. let me show you details of that weekend so we can get you through it. as we had through tomorrow morning not too bad. we will start off with some clouds, maybe even a little bit of sun around 8:00 in the morning up toward napa and also some scattered rain chances down to the south bay, even
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some low snow in mt. hamilton. overall, we will look for the next round of some rainfall to move in by about 3:00 in the afternoon. that would continue some heavier rainfall at 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 at night and some low snow. then, as we had through sunday, we should overall see some of the more widespread pockets beginning to break up and we will just see some scattered rainfall in the forecast on sunday. so, overall totals tomorrow s quarter to a half an inch, and then here we go, a little bit better as we head into sunday's forecast, trace amounts to 2/10 of an inch. much less as we roll through sunday. the other thing we've been tracking tonight? it has been ferocious out there, those gusty winds, especially in the hills around 2000 feet. it's been 50+ miles per hour. i still see some of those strong winds tomorrow, 20, to about 50, but by sunday we should start to see the wind try to taper down. just 15 to about 25 miles per hour. and in case you missed it, the
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snow in the sierra, it is still going all the way through tomorrow we are looking at another 42 inches in kingvale, 39, south tahoe, 45 in kirkwood, and we may not a snow free day with sunshine until next wednesday and next thursday. so, hang on. the time to go up there is not now, just wait it out and we will get some better weather in here. tomorrow morning, take that heavy jacket, down to 41 in the tri-valley. san francisco at 45 and for my friends in the east bay we are starting off at 43. daytime highs as we roll through tomorrow, chilly, 40s in the north bay, 50s elsewhere. i will show you that seven-day forecast, a chance of showers on monday. a few spotty rain chances on tuesday and wednesday and look at that sun, next thursday and friday it is going to be excellent. we will continue to track this storm as we had through this weekend and of course those blizzard conditions in the sierra. i really hope the folks that ere stuck up th
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. the cdc says it is trying to treat covid like the blue. people who test positive for the virus no longer have to isolate for 5 days.
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today, the agency revised its long-standing guidelines, they revised the public health, flu and respiratory illnesses. stay home if you are sick and go to work when you feel better and have been fever free for 24 hours. a rare condition that a lot of people really are and testing for covid anyway. have you noticed? gas prices are slowly starting to rise again. the current average of regular is $4.76 in california, that is up more than $.20 from a month ago. aaa says the upward trend is expected to continue as more people travel for spring break. a warning for drivers tonight. after a series of gas thefts in the east bay the owner of the montclair auto shop told us that he has had two different people coming recently with holes poked into their gas tanks , and he says this is an expensive crime, because you can't just patch that whole, you have to replace the entire tank.
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>> any idea the cost? >> expensive. >> like what? >> well, some cars they go for 500 bucks, some go for 1000 bucks, some go for 2000 bucks, $3000? >> yikes. >> auto shop say it can take 2- 3 weeks to get the car parts replacing a
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things are looking up for the warriors, coming into tonight's game for toronto, they have won 12 of their last 15 games. another reason to celebrate? they announced on instagram that their personal team is expanding. staff and aisha are expecting their fourth child. >> congratulations to them. as for the game, the warriors started pretty low, trailing by three at halftime, but way through the third quarter, the depth went on a 16- 2 run to take the lead. from there they never looked back as they beat the raptors, 120-105, curry led the warriors in scoring, with 25 points and jonathan was right behind him, with 24. warriors, they won eight straight on the road. their next stop is boston to face the celtics.
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the san francisco giants have finally landed a big free agent. the giants have agreed to sign matt chatham into a three year, $54 million contract. last year, the 30-year-old player was with the toronto blue jays. he is coming off a down year, he did hit 27 homeruns in each of his two previous seasons. chapman is a four-time golden glove winner and back when he played for him the rob mayeda five he was an all-star homer. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you.
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only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box! let's give you another look outside, it is wet, it is slick, this is the bay bridge toll plaza. let's check in with jeff again. it is slippery over here, in the sierras we are having tough conditions. >> that is a look at the life storm ranger scan, and on that seven-day forecast it will be cold too good we will wake up with the 40s, only 50s for highs. tapers as we had through monday, and that sun is looking really good. >> i know, that thursday and friday looking awesome.


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