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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 2, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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good morning. it is saturday, march 2nd, 2024. this is a live look outside. interstate 80 in the sierra this morning. the chp forced to shut it down yesterday evening into this morning. almost looks like a, the slopes there. thank you so much for starting
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your weekend with us. i'm kira klapper. developing right now, we have new video from donner summit overnight. people stuck in the sierra in the middle of a blizzard. the situation growing more dire as people were trapped in their cars for hours last night into this morning. with temperatures dropping gun is the 20s. one driver tells us he was driving with his dog from reno and forced to pull over. >> stuck in the storm until one of these off ramps open. losing traction and decided to pull over. >> video from highway 80 near highway 89, close truckee shows low visibility over night. you can barely see the roads from our camera lens. from highway 80 to highway 50, despite the snow, 50 is actually open now, but driving on it is discouraged. this is what it looked like last night near sierra at tahoe.
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you see ice covering the road. snow hitting the windshield. chain controls in effect on highway 50. the uc-berkeley sierra snow lab is closely monitoring the situation. video from their surveillance cameras shows the snow whipping past the lenses. researchers tell us they actually lost power around 7:30 last night. generators are keeping cameras and heaters running. perfect time now to check in with cinthia pimentel. you have been closely monitoring the storm. snow there, rain here. oh, my gosh! this morning, i was -- getting pummeled on the freeway, windy. all sorts of action. >> march roaring in like a lion. we know the saying. a lot of activity on satellite and radar behind us. rain and sierra snow continuing to come down. zoom it in closer to our return now at this time. up through the sierra.
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we see just a lot of snow through donder, south lake, and lower elevations, placerville and those areas, colfax seeing low-level snow as we go on into the couple of next hours. we are also going to continue to see the blizzard warning for the sierra until tomorrow morning. gusts almost in places picking up nearly 200 mile-an-hour winds. especially in the higher parkes, and i've heard luckily some people don't live there. that's good news in all of the mix. stormranger, local doppler radar picking up on rain throughout the morning through the heart of the bay and as we go further south we are also looking at the tips of mount hamilton. that range seeing light snow. take it on through this weekend seeing spotty showers, windy conditions and a chance of thunderstorms and all of this will continue on into middle of the week. guide you through the full forecast in a little bit. >> a lot to get to. cinthia, see you soon. thanks. that rain cinthia talked about stirring up lots of trouble here in the bay area.
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this is a live look now at the pg&e outage map. overnight a large outage caused by the weather hit more than 5,000 customers in fairfield. there's the red triangle there. orange squares show between 500 and 4,999 customers without power. walnut creek and across some other bay area communities, all the green and yellow shows smaller outages across the bay area. in san francisco, it was a scary situation when a massive tree crashed down on to a car. four people inside were hurt and problems are piling up. "today in the bay's" pete suratos tells us a about the wet weather causing corrs this weekend. >> reporter: the latest storm leaving damage across the bay area. this large tree came crashing down in san francisco in the area of golden gate avenue and
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laguna street injury four people. the video sent from a viewer in lexington hills showing a landslide taking out a section of this road. near saratoga, caltrans announcing closure of state route 9 between redwood gulch and sanborn road due to an active slide. the strong winds and rain picking up leading to a less crowded downtown, but the weather isn't slowing down this family of four from getting outdoor time for their little ones. >> rough to stay at home. might as well check out restaurants and at least get the little ones fed. >> reporter: however, causing a slow night for businesses like this restaurant, losing tens of thousands of dollars due to canceled reservations. >> preparing for the storm and stopped making reservation because of that. >> reporter: a spokesperson for pg&e say they are keeping a close eye on the weather conditions. with possibility of more outages it's important to stay prepared. >> have flashlights, refresh
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batteries. instead of candles for safety reasons. also a good time to make sure your electronics are charged, your phone, tablet. electric vehicles. >> that was pete suratos reporting. and the city of sonoma opened a warming center for those who have nowhere to go overnight in the storm. the warming center welcomed people last night located in the parking lot of the haven support home on first street west. not far from the sonoma police department. it is open again tonight and tomorrow night. 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. depending on the progression of conditions, four other sonoma county warming centers may open as well. you can be sure to track the weather anytime, anywhere with our free nbc bay area app. that qr code on left side of your screen takes you right to our radar. point your phone's camera that code. it will take you right to the weather page.
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turning now to this live look in oakland this morning. governor gavin newsom setting his sights making streets there safer. the governor released a 10-point action plan to improve public safety, and the oakland mayor, sheng thao, says it will create a safer oakland. "today in the bay's" gia vang reports, critics say it doesn't go far enough. >> reporter: photo after photo showing what caltrans will clean up. >> walking to school on clean streets. we're willing to get unhoused off our streets and into housing to lave dignified life and not be out in the elements. so all of this is actually you know, really chipping at the ice box of public safety. >> reporter: the ten-point plan from governor gavin newsom office, supporting the city including intensifying
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maintenance increasing landscaping addressing encampment working on beautification and installing 300 new security cameras secured by caltrans. >> does the city have resources to look at security cameras and actually take action? >> right now we do have our officers in our intel unit. already have some cameras up and so this will just add to that. >> reporter: the player says the city will pay for the upkeep of cameras and adds after inheriting $s 3 0 million deficit reaching out was necessary. not just what the local chapter of the naacp was demanding. >> this plan doesn't cover the fact we need you know, to get a handle on the crime that's come in to the businesses being more secure, neighborhoods being more secure. people feeling more safe in their own homes. >> reporter: the organization came out with its own ten-point safety plan for the city in september including hiring a permanent chief of police. >> they immediate to fill space
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in the community we live in, that we pay taxes in. >> reporter: in oakland, gia vang, bay area news. to the concern over safety of driverless cars. a plan to expand service in the bay area on pause. now state regulators are giving waymo the green light to move forward. right now waymo driverless taxis appropriate only in san francisco. but the company is proposing to go south to sfo, down the peninsula into sunnyvale and mountain view. in january, you may remember, waymo sought expansion here in the bay area as well as in los angeles. but state regulators put that request on hold after a pushback from leaders in san mateo county. telling us, he is shocked by the seemingly sudden about-face. >> issues of san francisco, whether autonomous vehicles going through yellow tape, whether there is a fire being stuck on a fire hose, and so --
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i support the technology, but the technology's not ready for primetime. >> supervisor saying that san mateo county plans to appeal that decision. super tuesday just days away now. the race to fill the late senator dianne feinstein's seat heats up. an unlikely candidate for california pulling ahead in the latest polls. plus, a rivalry like no other. it's the san jose earthquakes versus the galaxy. why tonight's game is so special. picking up on some rain in parts of san ramon, tri-valley and snow on top of mount diablo. the rest of the bay picking up on light to scattered rain. continue to see it throughout
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i
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approved this message.
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welcome back. 7:12 on your saturday morning. actually looks calm in sant clarp ra welcoming a new weekend, but if you were away a little bit ago it was raining. sun is shining, though, over downtown san jose. looks promising for today. we'll see, though. cinthia pimentel will be just along in just a bit with our microclimate weather alert. turning now to decision 2024. we are now just three days away from super tuesday and the contest to fill the late senator dianne feinstein's seat is getting close.
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this morning a new poll is showing a very tight race. our cameras were there yesterday as democratic candidate barbara lee cast her vote in oakland. lee is working to move from fourth in the polls to the top two in tuesday's primary. the top two vote-getters regardless of party advance to the general election in november. and a new uc-berkeley poll shows republican steve garvey soaring ahead in the race. garvey shows to have support of 27% of voters. meanwhile, southern california representative democratic adam schiff is currently in second with 25% of poll voters. followedal by katie porter and lee far behind. the spotlight continues to be on the presidential election. "meet the press" moderator kristen welker sat down with an interview with republican candidate and former governor and u.n. babied nikki haley to discuss a variety of topics including whether she believes
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former president donald trump would follow the constitution if he were to be elected in november. >> do you think donald trump would follow the constitution if he were elected to a second term? >> i don't know. i don't -- i don't know. i mean, you always want to think someone will, but i don't know. you know, when you go and you talk about revenge, when you go and you talk about, you know, vindication. talk about what does that mean? like, i don't know what that means. and only he can answer for that. what i can answer for is i don't think there should ever be a president that's above the law. i don't think that there should ever be a president that has total immunity toy do whatever they want to do. i think that we need to have someone that our kids can look up to that they can be proud of, and i think we need to have a country of law and order. a country of freedom, and a country that goes back to respecting the value of a taxpayer dollar and we don't
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have any of that right now. >> as i do every week, talk to kristen about that interview tomorrow morning at 8:00 after "today in the bay." watch kristen's full interview on "meet the press" as well as an interview with michigan representative debbie dingell. we have you covered ahead of tuesday's primary. point your phone's camera at that qr code on the lefte of your screen. thatill take you directly to our website, there you can learn more about the big races, the candidates, how and where to cast your ballot. turning now to the cdc with a big announcement. it is time to treat covid more like the flu. people who test positive for the virus no longer have to isolate for five days. yesterday the agency revised its longstanding guidelines. the government agency now aligns with public health advice for flu and other respiratory illnesses. stay home when sick and return to school or work once you're
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feeling better and have been fever-free 24 hours. this shift reflects sustained decreases in covid deaths, and the recognition many people are no longer testing for covid. turning now to sports. things are looking up for the warriors coming into last night's game against toronto. won 12 of the last 15 games. starting slow. trailing by 3 at halftime but midway through the third, won't on 16-2 run taking the lead. from there never looked back as the beat raptors 120-105. my cousins are silent on our text thread. their next stop boston and sunday. facing the league's best team. happening today, san jose earthquakes first ever clasico as a home opener. and age-old rivalry between the quakeses and l.a. galaxy. this will be the 99th california
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classic and hoping it it significant, because it's the first time the rivals faced off in home opener at paypal park. the game at 7:30. the start. time to check in with cinthia pimentel with a microclimate alert. >> some soccer players love playing in the rain. there you go. you're welcome for a huge home opener but very active as we continue to track that rain and snow. let's get a check of that microclimate forecast. since thursday when the rain started over two and a half inches of rain in santa cruz mountains and of course mount tam as well. we go east and south just under an inch and a half in santa rosa and san jose. barely rained here. on and off. just under half an inch of rain. take it to stormranger and continue to track that. looking at returns right now. heavy over parts of the tri-valley and you see those areas shaded in that blue and light pink? that's snow on top of mount diablo. mountains have gotten really
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cold to freezing allowing snow to form. mount saint helena, beautiful when the rain clears out to see that. we continue to see pockets of heavier rain through sunnyvale, parts of milpitas and approaching san jose. not only with rain, hearing and feeling that strong wind as we have that wind advisory with us until 10:00 this morning. good idea to charge everything up. clear all of that debris around your house you don't want blowing in the wind. for saturday plans, hour-by-hour, middle parts of the morning continuing with a chance of isolated heavy downpours as we go on into about lunchtime. before we see this final push of stronger activity into the afternoon and that will be kind of wrapping things up as we go on into tonight and into the midnight hours of sunday. notice that things take a little more of a spotty fashion for our sunday plans.
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which could put us at another half inch of rain here. higher returns, of course, for coastal mountains where we will feel those strong winds. as far as those snow estimates for the bay area, exciting, but not like last year, people skiing down mount tam. nothing like that. only looking at parts of mount hamilton through the north mountains getting one to three inches of that light dusting. where we do see heavy, heavy amounts of snow, this is a live camera from our camera up there at palisades. we don't see anything. visibility downright nasty going into tomorrow morning. a blizzard warning. we see two to three more feet locally definitely higher in the mountains. you have been warned about conditions there. i don't see a break in the rain or the snow until we get on into about middle of the week, because we're going to have weak systems rolling around here bringing rain and light snow showers. monday, tuesday and wednesday. a better clearing, however, well-deserved break and more sunshine to kind of make things feel like spring around here
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going into late week. of course, i do have that earthquake and galaxy forecast. some like to go there in the rain. enjoy that, if that's you. if not watch at home or the internet. right? san francisco's seven-day forecast coming in hot. make sure you're paying attention. chance of thunderstorms, unsettled weather today into tomorrow. slight chance of rain into monday. going to be really spotty there through the middle parts of the week, and inland seven-day forecast, not only rain, chance of thunderstorms, some snow, but really cool temperatures. really need the thick jackets and blankets. morning lows down into the 30s. start with a frost advisory sunday up there in the north bay and then continue with this chilly weather until we get on into the second half of the week. sun icons finally returning with no chance of rain. thursday, friday or even on into saturday. temperatures back into the 60s. >> like literal light end of the tunnel tmplts is, kira. >> cinthia, thanks.
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7:21. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, a bay area doctor on a mission in the middle east. we introduce you to this man and his family here as he works in gaza to treat those who can't get help anywhere else.
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welcome back. this morning we are learning that the u.s. has completed its first airdrop of food and aid into the gaza strip.
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onboard, 66 pallets and 38,000 meals. president biden says it's a start but that the humanitarian aid flowing in to the region for palestinians is insufficient. we found one bay area doctor who decided to travel to gaza to help treat patients there. "today in the bay"s jocelyn moran spoke with his family supporting from afar in the south bay. >> day 17 in gaza. today was taxing. friday. >> reporter: mohammad subeh sending daily updates and they post to his social media account for others to see. a bay area e.r. doctor who left on a five-week mission. >> we're hoping for a cease-fire. today plumes of smoke all around the hospital early in the day saw many trauma patients. really hoping things will settle down. >> reporter: at home in the bay
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area his wife takes care of their children. ahmed and madgeed supporting his decision to go to gaza. >> end of the day seeing people suffering you want to go help. mohammad being an e.r. doctor, hats thousand he could do it. >> reporter: she wakes up every day thinking about him. >> can you hear me? >> reporter: he tries to call each morning. the connection wasn't bad today. tells her about two little boys he met. >> just blew me a kiss. like what? when are we getting new legs or pros prosthetics? can you just take us with you back home. >> i'm ready, honestly, to take all of them. >> i know. i know. >> i feel heartbroken they're in a situation that's what they have to ask. >> reporter: at home, mohammad's son worries about him. >> pretty stressful and i always thinking about him before i go to sleep and when i wake up. >> reporter: the family tells us
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its part of their values to help others and by sharing mohammad's videos they're hoping they help inform people. >> this way to also show what's happening over there, and it's something that i want, and we want, people to be aware of and to know. >> i love you. i love you so much. >> reporter: jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news. 27 part the hour. much more ahead for you on "today in the bay." coming up, stranded overnight in the sierra. roads shut down because of whiteout conditions and some drivers forced to pull over and stay put overnight. plus, governor gavin newsom stepping in to make the streets safer in one east bay city, hoping to reduce crime. hoping to reduce crime. we break down his ten-ep plan st
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts
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good morning! it is saturday, march 2nd, 2024. 7:30 on the nose taking a live look outside. this is interstate 80 in the sierra. almost likes like the ski slopes. chp forced to shut it down yesterday into this morning. thank you so much for starting your weekend with us. i'm kira klapper. hopefully you're safe and warm wherever this finds you. developing right now, we have new video from donner summit overnight. people stuck in the sierra in the middle of a blizzard.
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the situation, more dire, as people were trapped in their cars for hours last night into this morning with temperatures dropping down into the 20s. we found one driver driving back with his dog to california from reno when he was forced to pull over instead of iding in traffic. >> stuck in the storm till yun of these on ramp opens. second gear, 15 miles an hour losing traction and decided to pull over. >> video from highway 80 near highway 89. just west of truckee. you can barely see anything. low visibility overnight. there is a roadway somewhere in that camera lens. and from highway 80 to highway 50, despite the snow, 50 is actually open right now, but driving is discouraged. this is what it looked like last night near sierra tahoe. snow and ice covering the road, snow hitting the windshield. chain controls in effect on
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highway 50. uc-berkeley sierra sne lab is closely monitoring the situation. video from their surveillance cameras shows the snow whipping past the lenses. researchers telling us they lost power around 7:30 last night but their generators are keeping their cameras and heaters running. cinthia pimentel is closely monitoring the storm. she joins me now. so much snow there. rain here. although we've encountered a lot of rain driving in this morning. right now seems to be a little pause. >> it will be a little bit of a lull. i wanted to go back to what you talked about. temperatures dropping into the 20s. that windchill in the teens. could put your life at risk and those around you. the situation active on satellite and radar. rain in the bay area and all that piling up into the sier. stormranger is scanning heavy snow, once you get past grass valley, past lasserville, met wi snow on the first 45678 and
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hfl and downright blizzard conditions into sunday morning. the timeline a foot or two going on into today, but tomorrow and on into monday, that could still be coming down really bring up the totals to that "feet" level we've talked about. could push you through the 100% of that average as we look at the sierra snowpack doing very well as we go on into march. roaring in. we're going to see that, all of that snow eventually melt and definitely help with our water levels as we go on into the spring and summer months. going to keep an eye on all of this active weather and i'll be back with a check of the forecast and when we'll finally see a break. kira? >> cinthia, thanks. that rain, cinthia was just talked about, stirring up trouble here in the bay area. a like love now pg&e outage map. overnight a large outage caused by weather hit more than 5,000 customers in fairfield, but
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power is mostly restored there. the orange squares you see including one in walnut creek shows between 500 and 5,000 customers without power. smaller outages are the ones you see in yellow and green. those are smaller outages across the bay area. in san francisco, could have been so much worse for the people inside of a car that was crushed by a massive tree. the four people inside were hurt, and problems just keep piling up. "today in the bay's" pete pete suratos who more on the weather worries. >> reporter: leaving damage across the bay area but this large tree came crashing down in san francisco in the area of golden gate avenue and laguna street injury four people. this sent from a viewer near lexington hills showing a landslide taking out a seconds
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of this road. and saratoga, a closure between redwood gulch and sanborn road due an active slide. strong winds and rain picking up leading to a less crowded downtown, but weather isn't slowing down this family of four from getting outdoor time for their little ones. >> it's ru6 to stay at home. might as well check out restaurants and at least get these little ones fed. >> reporter: however, causing a slow night for businesses like this restaurant which will lose tense of thousands of dollars due to canceled reservations. >> i think people were preparing for the storm and stop making reservations because of that, didn't want to come out in the rain. >> reporter: a spokesperson for pg&e say they're keeping a close eye on weather conditions already led to outages in the region. with possibility of more outages it's important to stay prepared. >> have flashlights with fresh batteries instead of candles for safety reasons. also a good time to make sure you're electronics are charged, things like your phone, target.
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>> pete suratos reporting for us. the city of sonoma, opening a warming center for those who have nowhere else to go overnight in these storms. the emergency warming center welcomed people last night. located in the parking lot of the haven support home on first street west. that's not far from the sonoma police department. it is open again tonight and tomorrow night. 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. depending on progression of conditions for others, sonoma county warming centers may open as well. you can be sure to track the weather anytime, anywhere with our free nbc bay area app. that qr code on the left side of your screen will take you trite our exclusive radar. just point your phone's camera at that code. it will take you right to our weather page. now to a live look in oakland this morning. not talking about the weather, but governor gavin newsom
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setting his sights making streets there safer. the governor released a ten-point action plan to improve public safety. oakland mayor sheng thao on board saying it will create a safer oakland. as "today in the bay" gia vang reports critics say the plan doesn't go far enough. >> reporter: shutter businesses, encampments, trash in oakland, photo after photo showing what caltrans will clean up. >> kids walking to school on clean streets, the sense we'll get unhoused people off our streets into housing so that they can live a dignified life and not be out in the elements, and so all of this is actually, you know, really chipping at the iceberg of public safety. >> reporter: the ten-point plan from governor gavin newsom's office. increasing litter, addressing encampment issues working on beautification and installing
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about 300 new security camerases secured by caltrans. >> does the city have resource resources to look at cameras and take action? >> officers in intel unit. already have some cameras up and this will add to that. >> reporter: the mayor says the city will pay for the upkeep of cameras and atds after inheriting a $360 million deficit reaching out was necessary. not just from the local chapter of naacp has been demanding. >> we need more police office. this plan doesn't cover, we need to get a handle on crime that's coming to businesses being more secure, neighborhoods more secure. people feeling safe in their own homes. >> reporter: its own safety plan in september including hiring a permanent chief of police. >> they need to feel safe in the community that we live in. that we pay taxes in. >> reporter: in oakland, gia
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vang, nbc bay area news. concern over safety of driverless cars put a plan to expand service in the bay area on pause. now state regulators are giving waymo the green light to move forward. right now waymo driverless taxis operate only in the city of san francisco, but the company is proposing to go south to sfo, down the peninsula into sunnyvale and mountain view. waymo thought expansion here in the bay area as well as in los angeles. state regulators put the request on hold. shocked by this seemingly sudden about-face. >> issues of san francisco whether these autonomous vehicles going through yellow tape, whether, when there's a fire being stuck on a fire hose, and so i support the technology, but the technology's not ready for primetime. >> supervisor telling us san
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mateo county plans to appeal that decision. 39 past the hour. still to come on "today in the bay," bay area, get ready for bad bunny. ♪ ♪♪ everything you need to know about his weekend shows and how much he'll be dropping for a last-minute ticket. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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democrats agree. next generation veteran fund conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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at 42 past the hour it's the chilly and soggy start to our first weekend of march. notice right behind me temperatures in the 40s throughout the bay and some gloomy skies. parts of san jose, oakland into dublin. storm clouds pushing through. take it to stormranger, mobile doppler radar and see where the rain is right now. a lot of activity has been starting to pick up san jose into mount hamilton. seeing snow-capped mountains drying out later next week. parts of the east bay getting rain and snow on top of mount diablo. concord into san ramon and interstate with dublin seeing rain picking up into parts of fairfield, vacaville and those snow-capped mountains on top of mount saint helena with more rain returning into the coastline at marin.
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petaluma down into san rafael. continuing with the soggy saturday taking it hour-by-hour for you. a lull in the system through the mid-morning i'll call it. it's the push into the afternoon you have to be careful about that could bring heavier downpours through 4:00. north bay, san francisco and over the santa cruz mountains. even going on trying to make the plans for later own tonight. you want to bring the umbrella and bring the jacket. go on into sunday with some scattered activity. kind of calmer tomorrow, but still more rain ahead as we take it on into the early parts of next week. going on and talking about the wind. also going to be really gusty especially on ridges where we see the wind. about 30 to 50 mile about hour winds. locally 20 to 25. overall gusty day. should calm down going into tomorrow. with all of that wind and water pushing up, we do have a high surf advisory going into this
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afternoon. staying away from the coastline, if you can. waves already up to 20 feet in parts of northern marin and sonoma county and could bringing a localized flooding with this system. up into the mountains, i continue say and warn you of a blizzard warning in the sierra until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. conditions could guess better but winds gusting over 100 mile-an-hours. whiteout conditions continue all the travel delayed. into next week, i know we're finally starting to wonld whir that break from the break will be. taking a while going into middle parts of the week. continuing to see long-range until wednesday. knopp not every sees rain. continuing to be really slick on those roadways as we try to get your life going next week. we will get a break, though, late week. thursday, friday, saturday. finally start to dry out. talk about this event also. lunar knew your celebration down
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in the south bay. i know most of those outside, but seeing indoor activities too. bring a jacket and umbrella and a good time there in san jose. inland seven-day forecast, windy over the next couple hours with those low snow levels. about 1,000 to 2,000 feet. continuing to see unsettled pattern until we go into the middle parts of the week. chilly temperatures next couple of days. won't be a break until we get into thursday, friday, where temperatures finally climb back up into the 60s and sunshine returns. big yellow thing in the sky we miss. >> so unusual to see. cinthia, thanks so much. 46 past the hour. coming up on "today in the bay" one of hollywood's biggest stars right now said to host "saturday night live" tonight. we'll tell y who, next. ou
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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welcome back. a live look. blue skies over the park in san jose. earthquakes hosting first-ever california clasico. home opener. it's an age-old soccer rivalry between the sj quakes and l.a. galaxy. this is the 99th california clasico. game starts at 7:30 tonight. puerto rican mega star bad bunny waking up in the bay area this morning. >> yeah. wonder where he is? find him, performing again tonight at the chase center. ♪♪ ♪♪
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[ singing in a global language ]. >> the most wanted tour. tickets for tonight's show available. looked this morning, cheapest around $159. >> actually not as bad as i thought they would be, because he's so famous. huge, huge! >> yeah. and one of the most talked about actresses in hollywood. >> and now hosting "saturday night live" tonight. >> i have never, ever been happier! >> that is sydney sweeney. best known for role in the hbo series "euphoria." and recently taken talent to big screen with appearance in the "marvel versus madam web" and starred in last year's comedy "anyone but you" and the musical guest kacey musgraves. >> something new. live, something that puts me outside my comfort zone, which
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is a good thing. >> swaney also playing the role of a nun in her upcoming horror film "immaculate." catch tonight's episode live coast to coast right here on nbc bay area at 8:30 and then again at 11:30 tonight. up next, we'll have a quick look at the top stories we're following on this saturday morning including stranded overnight. roads shut down due to whiteout conditions in the sierra. some drivers forced to pull over and stay put through the night. we have an update on conditions there. but first, tonight at 6:30, "the" most shocking scandal to rock the catholic church. facing a reckoning around clergy sexual abuse claims. potential threats in our communities right now. don't miss our half-hour documentary "reckoning: an nbc
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documentary "reckoning: an nbc bay area diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like... what is your glucose, and can you have more carbs? before you decide... with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed.
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now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor... sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence, and lower your a1c. the number one cgm prescribed in the us. try it for free at ♪♪ i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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welcome back. before we get to our top stories this morning, here what you can expect tomorrow morning on "sunday today" with willie geist. willie? >> good morning, kira. great to see you. tomorrow morning on "sunday today" my conversation with sydney sweeney. the morning after her debut with hosting "saturday night live" on purchase her ride to stardom thanks to the pop culture
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sensation "euphoria". >> struck how resonant that show has been. >> amazing. it's become a part of the culture. i mean, i remember my brother when he was like a freshman and sophomore in college and throwing euphoria college-themed parties. like, i can't escape it. >> a sunday sitdown with sydney sweeney plus the morning's latest headline and another "life well lived." not up at 6:00 a.m., set the dvr, see you whenever you're ready for us. kira? >> see you, willie. hopefully you are awake to catch wali at six tomorrow morning and stick right here for your local news with us on "today in the bay" at 7:00. here's a quick look at the top stories we're following this morning. developing right now -- stuck in the sierra in the middle of the blizzard. this video from overnight on donner summit. the situation growing more dire. people trapped in cars last night into this morning with
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temperatures dropping down into the 20s. we found one driver left with no choice but to pull over and stay put. and that rain, we are seeing, snow in the sierra, rain here stirring up trouble in the bay area. this is a live look at the pg&e outage map. most of the green and yellow outages are smaller outages. anything orange you are seeing is between 500 and 5,000 customers without power right now. we will continue to keep you posted on any outages on as the day progresses. near saratoga, caltrans has closed down state route 9 between redwood gulch and sanborn road due to this active slide. no estimate on time of reopening. in san francisco, a scary situation when a massive tree crashed down on to a car. this is in the area of golden
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gate avenue and laguna street. we are told four people were hurt. the city of sonoma opened a warming center overnight for those who have nowhere else to go in this storm. the emergency warming center welcomes people, last night, first time, locused in parking lot of haven support home on first street west. not far from the sonoma police department. it will be open against tonight and tomorrow night. 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. depending on progression of conditions, four other sonoma county warming centers may open as well. and speaking of those conditions, cinthia with one last look at the forecast before we go. >> look um at the sky and see some clearing. a couple miles away really nasty storm clouds that push on through. especially through oakland. what we're seeing. san jose and dublin have peaks of sunshine, san francisco continues to gloomy. temperatures in the 40s, going to struggle to warm up. it's a lot of factors this
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weekend. cold temperatures, rain, and that wind advisory that stays with us until we go on into 10:00. we can see return on stormranger picking up on heavy rain through parts of the north bay along san francisco, ocean beach, and as we go on into the east bay, a little more scattered, mount saint helena and through mount hamilton. nice to see that clearing out tomorrow and later on next week. that seven-day forecast for you continues to be unsettled with a chance of even thunderstorms today. because of that mix of the wind and those stormy clouds. we're going to see those low snow levels as well. windy conditions, and really chilly mornings ahead. temperatures overall in the entire bay area are going to continue to be cold over the next couple days. better clearing late-week. track that weather anytime, anywhere with our free nbc bay area app, qr code left side of your screen takes you right to
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our radar. point your camera as that code and go right to the weather page storm planner, plan your day when we're not on tv. >> like having cinthia right in your pocket. thanks for making us a part of your saturday morning. more local news for you tonight at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00 an all day on have a great saturday. we hope to see you right back here tomorrow morning.
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narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. peter: today on "mutual of omaha's wild kingdom: protecting the wild", wild animals are running free through our cities. dr. rae: showing up in our backyards... peter: wow, look at that. [owl hooting] dr. rae: ...and hanging out in manmade spaces.
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