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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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right now at 6:00, people in sierra not getting much time to dig themselves out. we're still tracking that snowstorm that has frozen major roads throughout the mountains, along with plenty of rain. and a huge march through the streets of san francisco, demanding an end to the war in gaza. and why a cease fire in that conflict may finally be in sight. the news at 6:00 starts right now. thanks for joining us. >> i'm terry mcsweeney. we are still following the powerful storm. a massive amount of snow to the sierra. not just snow but powerful winds hitting the resort. the resort says today's winds topped 100 miles an hour. it is one of many resorts forced
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to close because of the storm. >> we're also getting wind and rain here in the bay area. you can see this tree right here toppled at the san francisco national cemetery earlier today. luckily no one was hurt there. around the bay area, we just got through another round of rain. we are keeping track of the storm. what's next? >> we're watching closely at this hour. areas south of san jose are receiving strong weather storms now moving on shore. here is a look at the radar around santa cruz. hail and the potential of damaging wind gusts, over 58 miles an hour, possible with that line of thunderstorms. notice the color coding here. to the east of san jose, the blue you are seeing on radar tonight, those are snow showers as temperatures drop cold enough today, near 3,500 feet. it will drop lower tonight. a little bit of snow there
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around the top of mount diablo. and the same cold air, which is a perfect environment for the thunderstorms and hail producing storms is setting us up for low snow levels, between two to three thousand feet. north bay mountains locally lower at times. diablo range and higher peaks we could be waking up to some snow on the bay area mountains. meantime, the blizzard continues through 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. coming up, we will take a look at how much rain and hail and bay area snow we will see to wrap up the weekend. >> bay era snow. wow, rob. thank you. did you see any sleet or snow here? this is actually what it looks like driving up mount hamilton east of san jose. yeah, there was quite a bit of snow and slush at the top, enough to bring out a snowplow.
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a rare taste of winter for those that made the drive. >> i was expecting this light snow on the ground and the kids can make small little snowmen. there is a lot of slush. then it got to this point where you see the light snow coming down. it was kind of fun to drive through. >> yeah. all right. there they go. taking a look at everything. it is rare for bay area mountains to get any storm. this weekend's storm was one of those days where conditions was just right. that snow and slush isn't expected to stick around now. here is video from chp showing the blinding snow forcing 80 shut down and left drivers stranded for hours overnight. at last check, the highway was still closed. the message from chp and caltrans is clear, stay home this weekend. >> but what about the people who are already in the sierra? christie smith spoke with a bay area couple who are among those
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snowed in. >> we are expecting a winter wonderland for our dog. >> reporter: lisa and terrence trove when skies and roads were clear last sunday. but during their stay, that all changed. >> this weekend ended up being a blizzard. >> we thought we were coming for perfect weather for skiing and laying in the snow. it took a turn for the worse. >> reporter: they showed this picture of the storm piling up outside. they're staying put as the storm moves through with powerful winds. >> it was pretty nuts. the wind was howling. we only left the house maybe a couple times a day to go walk the dog. even then we're wearing our full snow gear. we put on snow shoes. we're standing in blizzard weather. >> we plan to go skiing. we wanted to go cross country skiing. we wanted to go out to dinner. but the snow outside is
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basically five feet tall. >> reporter: inside the house, though. >> as of right now, we're warm and cozy. plenty of food, heat in the house. the power has cut out in and out multiple times, but usually we have it back on in just five or ten minutes. >> reporter: this is what conditions are like today as crews try to clear snow on interstate 80. >> first and foremost, the message still stands. avoid all mountain travel this weekend if at all possible. >> reporter: caltrans and the chp trying to get their message across. >> it is currently closed to the november november state line eastbound and westbound due to there was a number of spin-outs yesterday. >> since then, winter weather conditions have only gotten worse, and the snow keeps piling up. christie smith, nbc bay era news. >> thank you. it was a busy morning for people
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in truckee. a storm chaser said the town was, quote, nuked with snow. some people had to dig out. highway 50, it's open tonight. that's the main road to south lake day hoe. chains required for everyone willing to brave those conditions. video 15 shows a line of cars driving along. they know how to do it, it looks like. they're doing well. an hour ago, we spoke to cody bass, and he says crews are busy trying to keep those roads clear tonight. >> yes, 50 is open. i would say it looks like tomorrow coming up, you know, please -- i don't advice anybody to travel until we actually have the storms cleared. >> and there have been several reported power outages in south lake tahoe. the crews are out fixing down lines, fixing power asap. back in the bay area,
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another reminder to stay safe on the road. another crash at highway 17 at is summit. you can see crews working to get the car upright. there have been a few crashes in the rain over the past couple of days. officers are asking drivers to take it slow on 17. you can track the snow and rain by downloading our app. point your phone camera at that qr code right there on that screen, that red code there. it will take you straight to our radar. protesters around the world continue to show their support for a cease-fire in gaza and an end to aid for israel. this demonstration in san francisco, one of 120 protests worldwide this weekend. the global day of action part of the shut it down for palestine movement. organizers say time is running out with israel's threatened invasion of rafah a week away.
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many are in rafah with nowhere else to go. there are fears the u.s. will get intangled in another war. >> palestine and israel and the u.s. are free. we're free to stop war by not participating and engaging. unfortunately, how i feel about all of this is the fact that us americans, the united states of america and our military, is going to get sucked in to world war 3. >> a similar demonstration set to start outside san jose shortly. senior u.s. officials say israel has agreed to a proposed cease-fire deal with conditions. those close to the matter say israel will accept the frame work of a gaza cease-fire if they agree to release sick and elderly hostages. it is for a six-week cease-fire in gaza with the potential from there. the u.s. will meet with a member of israel's war cabinet at the white house on monday to talk
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about that deal. well, today in gaza, it came out of the sky. u.s. air force completed its first air drop of aid into gaza through a team effort between the air force and central command. three planes dropped 66 palates of ready to eat meals along the gaza coastline that amounts to 38,000 meals for palestinians desperate for food and water. many of them displaced from their home. president biden announced a drop yesterday, calling the amount of humanitarian aid in the region insufficient. traffic is flowing again after a shutdown north of 16th avenue. the truck you see right there got into a crash with another car. the big rig flipped over, spilled fuel on to the freeway. they shut all lanes while crews worked to clean up that spill. no lanes were hurt. all three lanes opened up around
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3:30 this morning. big decision next week. changing the rules for police and how the city handled the drug crisis. we have the breakdown. plus more snow ahead. how one resort had to dig out this morning after getting buried with snow. it is not just the snow. we have strong thunderstorms from monterrey bay up through morgan hills. special marine warnings and the potential of snow. at this hour, a closer look at the impacts for your sunday when we come right back. and tonight, we invite you to watch our half hour documentary "reckoning." hundreds of sex abuse lawsuits against the catholic church. it is a tough topic our investigative unit spent four years unraveling. executive producer michael bot put together their findings showing the scandal is bigger than many knew. see their work tonight right heren nbc bay area. o
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your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. what do i see in peter dixon?
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i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. tonight, we are remembering the legendary photographer david johnson who died on friday. he was known for his images known as the harlem of the west. his photos from the 1940s captured the lives from the 1940s. he was a civil rights pioneer. while working in the post office, he helped create the first postal workers union. johnson learned photography
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while studying in san francisco with another photographic legend, an sell adams. johnson was 97. san francisco's problems with crime, drugs and homelessness are well documented. this election day, several ballot members aimed to tackle these issues if they can get voters onboard. jonathan bloom takes a closer look at what voters will be dividing. >> i'm jonathan bloom and here's what to know. there are four local ballot measures getting a lot of money and attention. two of those have to do with the san francisco police department. proposition b would set minimum staffing for police officers, slowly increasing from the 1,500 they have now to a little over 2,000 within five years. it comes from the board of supervisors who say it is badly needed. opponents say the city can't afford the 1 to $300 million this would add to the budget. if it passes, the board of supervisors would have to come back to voters asking them to
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approve a tax hike. proposition e comes from the mayor and changes rules for police. reporters say it would remove red tape and paperwork that's bogging down the department, letting officers spend more time catching bad guys and less time writing reports. opponents say it gives the department too much power. it would allow car chases, drones and facial recognition in more situations, potentially with less oversight. perhaps b and e are not technically competing with each other, but their supporters are. prop b has support from most of the board of supervisors and level labor unions. it is opposed by the mayor, the police department. opponents to prop e include the aclu, the electronic frontier foundation and the local democratic party. now, the mayor is also backing another measure, prop f that would require county welfare recipients to take a drug test in order to get their money.
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supporters say it is much needed. instead of being picked up by police and declining treatment, it would compel people to get help for their substance abuse. but it could mean more people wind up living on the streets, which could, in turn, lead to them losing more drugs. it has support from the mayor, of course, but also the local democratic and republican parties and the police officers union. the chronicle wants you to vote no. >> you can watch jonathan's full explainer online. he digs into a housing bond meure that supporters say could put a dt on the housing crisis. we have an entire secon dedicated to the upcoming elections. point your qr code on the left. it will take you to where you can learn about the races, the candidates and how to cast your ballot. returning to the top story,
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the weather. this is what it looked like at the golden gate bridge earlier this afternoon. a gorgeous bridge rain or shine. >> now for the sierra. catch this out. digging out of more snowfalls. >> i love that shot. >> yeah, i know. completely blocking it. every winter someone always has these videos, and they're pretty amazing to see. but, yeah. >> that's a storm. >> legit. >> a hefty one. >> we are in day three of the blizzard warning. take a look at how much snow they're expecting there. but it's been outside there. you have probably noticed how cold it was. we have seen a little by the day, too. look at today's highs compared to where we should be. we should be in the mid-60s this time of year. everybody is excited for spring. high today low to mid-50s. about 10 to 15 degrees below average around the bay area today. it is cold and blustery outside
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today. walnut creek, a little gusty there. heavy showers south of san jose. 52 degrees and partial clearing now 49 degrees in san francisco. tonight 30s and low 40s for night temperatures. cold enough for snow levels between two to three thousand feet. the showers will be less in coverage for the morning. add daytime heating to that cold air, showers become more widespread for the afternoon. repeat the highs tomorrow in the low to mid-50s. so let's look at the radar. south of san jose, morgan hill into holister. special marine warning there and more severe thunderstorm warnings to the south of morgan hill at this hour. head over towards areas east of san francisco, you got showers there around danville and up into the north bay. you can see we do have less in terms of showers right now. but the cold weather pattern driving these instability showers, a chance of
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thunderstorms and intense thunderstorms will continue overnight tonight and there is that potential we could see some snow at times certainly for elevations above 3,000 feet for the entire bay area. but probably local in the lower bay mountains. and you can see around the rest of the bay area, morning isolated showers then becoming more widespread as we head towards the afternoon as that chilly air continues to move on down. here is a look at the locations with the best chance of seeing snow. the higher pick to the santa cruz mountains and into the north bay, we could see a chance of snow. for the sierra, we have seen four feet of snow. looks like we could see another three feet plus coming down by the end of the weekend. wind speeds, which have been very strong, should subside. we will get out of the blizzard warning conditions into the beginning of the week. monday a few warning showers. we catch a break. tuesday is the next chance for rain. not as strong as what we're
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seeing right now. by the way, the second half of the week is trending closer to average in terms of temperatures and drier weather. so wintery mix tonight. the chance of thunderstorms. some will be strong at times. snow level between two to three thousand feet. we will watch that closely as we head into sunday. things settle down into the beginning of next week. >> rob, thanks very much. all right. we will talk about the grand prix in the east bay right now. the goal wasn't to have the fastest car on the track. how these kids are racing for a cleaner future. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done.
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next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. one of the most talked about actresses in hollywood right now
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sydney sweeney will be hosting "saturday night live." she is known for "white lotus." casey musgraves will be the musical guest. >> it's been so fun. it feels like camp. everyone is so welcoming and everyone laughs. they're all having a great time. >> you can watch snl at 8:30 tonight and catch an encore after our 11:00 newscast. while students race towards a more sustainable future today. this was held in san lorenzo. toyota hosted this race. students designed, engineered and constructed hydrogen powered race cars. they put them to the test in a series of races. the idea is to design, yes, the fastest, most efficient car all while using a sustainable fuel source. >> this is a great event because it gives our students a chance to delve into mathematics on a
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practical level. but also the benefits of working together as a team to think creatively and work collaboratively. >> yeah. the team that qualifies will go to the state final competition on april 13th. winners of that competition head to the world final in anaheim this september. >> wow. congratulations to them. >> yeah, absolutely. all right. anthony flores now. what news do we have about the 49ers? >> yeah. it is not even football season yet. football season pretty much goes all year-round. kyle shanahan didn't have to go far. the coach being promoted who now leads the 49ers defense. stick around.
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welcome back. the 49ers are staying in house to replace steve willings. the niners are promoting nick sorensen. last year he was the defensive
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passing game specialist. he was a defensive assistant for the 49ers in 2022. he spent 8 of his first 11 years coaching in the nfl with the seahawks. he was a special teams coordinator for jacksonville in 2021. now, the niners also hired chargers former head coach brandon staley as an assistant head coach. he's a defensive coordinator that could help sorensen learn the ropes. i spoke with steve young to get his thoughts on what the 49ers need to do to bounce back after that devastating super bowl loss. >> this one ripped harder than anything that i have seen in a long time. i could feel viscerally how it affected them. they talk about super bowl hangovers. so much of it is success. it also could be from the scar tissues from what has happened. we need everybody to heal emotionally and come back ready to do something they know is
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really hard because we have the people. >> oh, it is going to take a while to get over that super bowl loss. spring training baseball. check out wilmer flores in mid-season form going head over heels to make the grab. what a play. check it out. look at that. the concentration, gets the glove up and makes the grab. the padres going to meet the giants 3-2. the a's beat the mariners 12-8. best thing i saw at the nfl combine. sam hartman running the 40-yard dash. i have no clue what his time is, but check out the hair. it is flowing! that is the best hair in football. the combine runs through sunday in indianapolis. that's a look is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data.
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-♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. we are back with something you don't hear about much in the bay area, a tornado warning. it is the area you see right there on the radar through 6:45. the marine warning for potential waterspouts. that area of activity crossed on shore. radar detected rotation expected to head towards hhollister at 6:59. that tornado warning for northwestern san bernardino county until 6:45 tonight. and the opportunity for more thunderstorms will be ongoing in the sunday forecast as well. >> are there chasers around
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here? storm chasers around here. >> there is a lot of folks down there in the monterrey bay. and that region will be watching closely to see if there is anything visual other than what the radar is seeing, the radar rotation there. >> all right. rob, thank you. okay. up next, a special report from our investigative unit digging into the child sex abuse scandal. stay with us to watch "the reckoning" next. >> thanks for staying with us. we're back at 11:00. dan mcnevin: the priest is god on earth. i was a devout kid. >> the priest is god on earth. i was a devout kid. i was an altar boy, and it was being an altar boy thatxp


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