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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 4, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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right now at 6:00, a new development in the effort to raul alameda county's embattled district attorney. we are live in that county with the key step expected to be happening in a couple of hours. and it's the sprint to super tuesday, as more than a dozen states, including california, are set to hold their presidential primaries. the final push and the growing battle between nikki haley and former president trump. also, snow nowhere near the sierra, but here in the bay area. our cinthia pimentel is tracking how our forecast is shaping up for the rest of the week, because it's been a doozy. this is "today in the bay." thanks so much for joining us on this monday morning. i'm kris sanchez in for laura garcia. >> don't you love the sound of monday morning. fake it until you make it. we'll get to a lot of your top stories, but we want to begin
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with some breaking news for you, something to tell you about. take a look at this. so in the north bay, a large sheriffs presence is at two separate scenes. the first one is on stony point road south of bellevue in sonoma county. the second is on todd road west of the freeway. here is a live look at the scene. both of those areas are expected to remain shut down for the next several hours. the sheriff's office is asking commuters to avoid that area. so far, no other information is being released and our own ginger conejero saab is there at the scene. she's going to give us an update in the next half hour. our other top story, heavy snow coming down not just in the sierra, but also near the south bay. one peak getting several inches of snow, mount hamilton close to san jose. typically the road is closed when the snow falls, but not yesterday. so dozens of people drove up the winding road to lick observatory in order to play in the snow.
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for some people, it was quite the milestone. >> very cold, but first time seeing it, so happy. happy for that. it feels fantastic. i kind of want to eat it, make an ice cream or something. something special. >> it is really special the first time you see snow. some people did drive more than an hour from san jose to play in the snow. other people ditched the beach to go up the mountain. cinthia is here with -- you were tracking the forecast all weekend long on "today in the bay" weekend. what do we expect this week? >> good thing they avoided the beach because the surf was rough at times. as we take a look at what we have ahead this week, we're starting our workweek with slick roads through oakland, the golden gate bridge. i see a little bit of clearing in the skies through dublin and san jose, and the main story is, aside from the rain, chilly temperatures as we make our way into the north bay, that frost advisory is with us until 9:00. so give yourself enough time to grab the umbrella, turn on the
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car, and get yourself ready for the day. we've been picking up on light rain showers as bits of the last system break apart through parts of san jose, along oakland as you make your way over the bay bridge, and a little bit further east, concord, walnut creek, just some light activity. but there is more as we go through the santa cruz mountains this morning. so just want to make sure you drive safe. we're going to be looking at light rain through the middle of the week, but there is a chance of seeing things break up and sunshine in the forecast. mike has a check on the roadways. >> we're going to the bay bridge and wanted to show you the buildup has happened. it's filled in the lanes. we have a good advantage if you're carpooling. the big deal is that there's damp pavement and that will be the case around the bay. you see the green highlighting as the rain had moved around earlier. one crash shows up as you're traveling out of richmond into hercules. we'll look at the details. that does disrupt i-80 westbound
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south of the carquinez bridge. south of the bay bridge, a smooth flow. northbound 101 traffic does happen. there's a report of a car fire on the shoulder for north 880. back to you. >> thanks, mike. just a few hours, the effort to recall alameda county district attorney is expected to take a huge step forward. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live from outside the d.a.'s office in dublin. recall organizers say they have now enough signatures to get this on the ballot. >> reporter: you are correct. good morning to you, kris and marcus. that group called safe save alameda county for everyone says it has collected over 123,000 signatures for the petition to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price, who critics say is soft on crime and anti law enforcement. they are submitting the signatures to the county's registrar of voters after a news conference later this morning in oakland.
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the county will take ten days to validate those signatures. if certified, the board of supervisors will then schedule a special election. only 73,000 signatures are required, but the group collected more in case some of their signatures are invalidated. d.a. price has defended her approach to criminal justice reform. back in december she said her goal is to, quote, hold people accountable without destroying the community, without decimating black and brown families because of the racism that has infected the criminal justice system. the "chronicle" reports that last week supporters of price asked the state attorney general to investigate, quote, reports of widespread fraud by signature gatherers, which the recall campaign denies. reporting live here in dublin, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thank you, bob. well, the final sprint is on heading into super tuesday. for republicans, voters in more than a dozen states head to the polls in about 24 hours. and while former president
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donald trump is edging closer to a rematch with president biden, former u.n. ambassador nikki haley is not giving in. >> she is celebrating her very first primary win in the nation's capital, making her the first woman to ever win a republican primary. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson joins us live from washington this morning, and, brie, good news for nikki haley, but she still has a really long way to go. >> reporter: yeah, she does have a long way to go. she picked up a win here in washington, d.c. last night, but really all eyes are on super tuesday tomorrow. that's even a day that nikki haley has marked on her calendar, she said she's going to stay in this race no matter what, until at least super tuesday. so we continue to see a contentious battle between the two remaining gop presidential candidates as super tuesday could be nikki haley's final push to stop former president trump from securing the republican nomination.
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>> reporter: the countdown to super tuesday is on. >> if you want to save america, then go vote. remember, the primary is tuesday. >> as long as we are competitive, as long as we are showing that there is a place for us, i'm going to continue to fight. >> reporter: former president trump has dominated the republican contest so far. despite that, nikki haley vows to push ahead, saying she no longer feels bound by the rnc pledge to endorse trump if he does become the nominee. >> i think i'll make what decision i want to make, but that's not something i'm thinking about. >> reporter: on tuesday, voters across more than a dozen states will weigh in, with more than 800 delegates up for grabs. the former u.n. ambassador is looking to build momentum, after picking up her first primary win sunday in the nation's capital. i spoke with republicans about what's at stake for the party. >> i think under trump we had a stellar economy and our military was strong and useful and our
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border was secure, or at least in the process of becoming more secure. >> i think nikki haley might have a better chance of getting a coalition together to beat trump and get the nomination, which would be very important. >> i think we all definitely are going to be a stronger party if they both stay in and we have this process play out. >> reporter: tuesday could be make or break for haley's campaign, as she looks to stop former president trump's march to the gop nomination. and former president trump picked up more victories over the weekend with caucus wins in michigan, idaho and missouri. back to you. >> tomorrow will be a busy day. brie jackson in washington, thank you. >> we have an entire section on our website dedicated to the upcoming election. you can use the qr code on your screen to go to that page directly, or you can go to and click on super tuesday right at the top
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of the page. we have everything you need to know about all of the big races, local and otherwise, candidates, and how to cast your ballots. happening today, the three family members accused in the death of a 3-year-old little girl during an exorcism ritual are expected back in court. the victim's grandfather, the uncle, and the child's mother, all face charges. authorities say the girl suffocated during an exorcism type ceremony at a church in san jose. investigators say the family told police they were trying to drive an evil spirit from her body. all three are due in court for a preliminary examination later this morning. san jose mayor matt mahan is joining lawmaker josh becker to announce new legislation tackling the unhoused crisis. the interim housing act would streamline construction, making it easier to transition individuals and families to a
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path of permanent housing. the event takes place at a site recently finished, an interim housing site, on san jose property on evans lane, using converted shipping containers for homes on city-owned land. the event starts at 9:30 this morning. we'll have a live interview with one of those leaders of the project during our 7:00 a.m. streaming newscast. 6:10 now. and looking live at san francisco this morning, as the sun is starting to come up. not scrubbing away the clouds just yet. cinthia pimentel is here for kari. pretty stormy off and on for some of us and then just outright stormy for other folks. >> that is a little more of the break we're starting to see over san francisco as the system tries to wind down tonight. and as we go and take a look at satellite and radar, just a few spotty showers that are left and our stormranger is picking it up close to oakland, berkeley, san leandro and toward orinda and
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walnut creek. if you had to head out over highway 17 in the next couple of minutes, this cell has pushed through. it's approaching san leandro park, and the lexington hills. as we take a look through other parts of the bay area, we're going to continue to see those overcast skies, so grab a jacket and maybe a install umbrella will be helpful. mike has a new crash in the east bay. >> we're looking toward -- well, the damp roadways that cinthia has been talking about continue to be an issue. we're looking over here toward westbound 80, the slowing and the crash we saw pop up now shows a lot of slowing because this crash is in the middle lane of your commute westbound 80, approaching san pablo avenue. watch for activity. they'll need to clear that to the shoulder. we are looking at a smooth drive, but there are scattered crashes. i believe all the ones on the map right here, aside from the one i just told you, is at off-ramps. so watch speeds as you're coming off of freeway speeds.
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coming up, we're going to look at a huge fine for apple. good news from space. let's go out to the futures. the nasdaq is going to start at a new record today. it looks like we have a sinking in the future. it is national snack day. aren't you all excited about that? >> it's supposed to be monday. >> that, too. so just ahead, we're going to break down some of the most mouth-watering favorites out the for
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good monday morning. the time is 6:14. we're checking in on san ramon. you're starting temperatures with some chilly 40s. you need to grab a jacket and you also need to grab a small umbrella as we're tracking rain in the 9:00 and 10:00 hours. we continue to see unsettled weather through the middle of the week. we're looking at fremont. the headlights heading south past the tesla plant, taillights heading north. we heard about a truck fire, but i think it was overheated brakes, perhaps. anyway, both directions move smoothly. we'll show you a crash on the eastshore freeway coming up. good morning. happy monday to you. the nasdaq will start the week near an all-time high. congress has revealed six bills
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it needs to keep the government open. and private group has increased its offer to buy out macy's for $6.6 billion. european union has slapped apple music with a fine for abusing its dominant position in the distribution of music. eu regulators say apple prevented users from learning about alternative music players like spotify that might offer lower cost music. it's one of the largest fines for a technology company ever. apple has not commented so far. a new wall street journal poll says more americans are feeling better about the economy but more than two-thirds think inflation is headed in the wrong direction, when it's not. inflation is down and continues to shrink. fed chairman jay powell will testify before the house and senate starting wednesday. this is a regularly-scheduled appointment, where he'll talk more about inflation and the fed's plan on interest rates.
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then we'll get the monthly jobs report on friday. these reports have been much better than expected. in fact, most of the economic reports we've gotten in the last six months or so have generally been much better than expected. four nasa astronauts are headed to the international space station over the weekend, hitching a ride on a spacex rocket. two americans, two russians. we're still cooperating with russia when it comes to space. they should arrive to the station around midnight tonight. >> it was awesome to listen to the crew and the excitement. you heard matt dominic make several calls to the ground relative to the abort boundaries going up the hill. it was great to hear matt's voice. you could tell they were really excited on their way to the international space station. >> meantime, the crew of the next artemis mission are training in san diego. art miss is the next moon
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mission scheduled for 18 months from now. they'll go around the moon but not land. the spacecraft has been delayed and delayed, so we're saying 19 months. it's probably not going to hold up. but better to get it right. >> i thought it was great to hear that enthusiasm. i was panicked. abort, abort! wait a second, what's happening? >> thanks, scott. well, hollywood is celebrating this weekend because it was a big weekend, the biggest of the year. >> i want you to know i'll love you as long as i breathe. >> you will never lose me as long as you stay who you are. >> a lot of folks love it, and it shows, because it raked in more than $81 in domestic this weekend. it stars timothee chalamet.
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internationally it brought about $100 million. the opening of this movie was among many pushed back due to the actors' strike. executives say the audience numbers could have been bigger, because a lot of those shows were just sold out. >> wow. i didn't think about it that way. so trending this morning, just if you thought you were going to get off the weekend and start a good, positive day, it's national snack day. >> what is your favorite? okay, so there is some new data showing what many people favor. check this out. a new study released showing every state's favorite snack. here in california -- >> i love fritos. >> cheetos is the number one. i had cheetos friday. >> crunchy or puffy? >> crunchy. cheetos, you see fritos, cheerios, starbursts, goldfish.
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rice krispies. >> cheese-its are so much better than goldfish. >> i'm a cracker pescatarian. >> that's hilarious. >> one fish at a time. >> got to keep swimming. we were starting to feel like fish. we're growing gills around here. >> things are starting to calm down, so we can just take a light walk as we go through the day. satellite and radar is showing showers tapering off. there are just a few areas that are seeing light rain as we walk you through. into the north bay, along highway 1, really the cell is pushing through, oakland, san leandro and parts of lafayette. as we take it into the santa cruz mountains, if you have to head out, be careful. highway 17 could be slick, parts of saratoga as you make your way
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through los gatos, boulder creek and santa cruz. we have measured some substantial rain the last couple of days to wrap up this stretch of wet weather. over 4 inches, nearing 4 3/4 up around mount umunhum, mount tam nearly 3 inches of rain. we're going to continue to see some spotty showers and those cold temperatures remaining with us today. temperatures in the north bay, 55 for santa rosa and napa. upper 50s from san mateo down into san jose at 59 degrees today. we're going to start to see changes with those overcast skies, and mainly keeping the activity farther up into the north, with some light showers. as we go into tomorrow to start our commute, similar to what we're having today, spotty showers as we try to get into this next system. that will approach the bay area as we go into late tuesday. but notice this it's taking a
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little more of that southern turn, so it will be mainly the best chances south of the golden gate bridge. there are some better news for some clearing thursday into friday, but the sierra continues to see some snow those days, and over the next seven we'll be in for some better weather thursday, friday, but there is another chance of light rain into the weekend. mike, you're looking at traffic heading through richmond. >> more volume heading through richmond because it was stopped up in richmond. the bridge shows a lot more traffic heading across 580 from off the eastshore freeway. it's because the crash has been cleared to the shoulder now, westbound 80 around san pablo avenue, the crash has quickly gotten over to the right shoulder. so traffic is now released. it's not so bad as far as the volume of traffic. there are slicker conditions. watch the green showing you the road index, showing wet roadways. slowing for highway 4 as well coming through concord. no surprises for this map. back to you. >> good to know. all month long we are
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celebrating women's history. next on "today in the bay," we speak with one author whose new book is helping to
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. for college basketball history. >> right there. oh, yes, iowa's caitlin clark with that landmark moment with that free throw yesterday. she passed pistol pete to become
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the all-time -- maravich, to become the all-time leading scorer in college basketball. no man, no woman, has scored more points than clark, who has 3,685 and counting. clark finished with 35 points in the game and the hawk eyes beat ohio state. >> she walks away, ice water through her veins. this morning we are celebrating more women's history month. we begin with a spotlight on a book which is helping to empower young black women. "i am, i can, i will" is a guided journal helping to spark self-discovery. it's filled with quotes, mantras and stories from historical and present black women, including oprah winfrey, harriet tubman and more. the book is split into three sections and it's meant to guide the reader and show them what they're capable of. we talked with dr. cynthia jacobs carter, one of the
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co-writers of that book. >> it's good to see some positive stories, especially about women and girls, who aspired to do something different in their lives, to go from point a to point z. so that's why i thought it was important in this day and time to give some positive aspects that young people could read about, and hopefully this will spark some inspiration in them. >> dr. carter says that young men should read the book as well as the message of women's empowerment is universal. we've got a lot more ahead, including an update on the massive sierra snowfall. the major artery, interstate 80, has been closed for days now. we're going to have the latest on efforts to reopen it. i'm ginger conejero saab in santa rosa, where an investigation is under way into an officer-involved shooting. ahead, we'll give you the details and the latest from t
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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breaking right now at 6:30, four deputies injured in an overnight shooting. we'll take you live to the scene for more on the brand new details coming in just moments ago. buried. the road closures under way in the sierra after fresh snow fell over the weekend. also, our cinthia pimentel breaks down the snow totals. this is "today in the bay."
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thanks for joining us on this monday morning. i'm kris sanchez in for laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. first we want to start with the breaking news in santa rosa, where moments ago we learned more deputies were injured in an overnight shooting. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is joining us live there from the scene. all right, so, ginger, talk to us about what you've been able to find out. >> reporter: well, marcus, kris, we do know that deputies were involved in this officer-involved shooting this morning, four deputies were injured. one is in critical, but stable condition. and the investigation continues. we are at the intersection of todd road and moreland. if you take a look down todd road, it's closed. this is the start of the road closure. if you look half a mile down, you can see flashing lights. a number of law enforcement vehicles have been on scene all
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morning. they continue to be, as this investigation continues. i have been told that law enforcement is investigating several locations, and we received an update, as you mentioned, from the sonoma county sheriff's office within the last half hour confirming that deputies were involved in the shooting after being fired at by a suspect. now, this happened just past midnight. those deputies were responding to a person brandishing a rifle. deputies arrived and found the suspect, who then led them on a pursuit. during that pursuit, the suspect stopped and shot at the deputies and continued on with the pursuit. deputies returned fire, ultimately the suspect crashed the vehicle he was driving. now, as i mentioned, four deputies were injured, one with a gunshot wound to the leg, two with injuries to their hands, and one deputy has a head injury. sonoma county sheriffs vehicles have been seen at santa rosa
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memorial hospital this morning. we are told the deputy with the head injury is in critical, but stable condition. the suspect was pronounced deceased at the scene. the road closure that starts here on todd road and moreland includes other locations as well. stony point road south of bellevue avenue to todd road is indefinitely closed as well. as we mentioned, todd road between stony point and moreland is also indefinitely closed. santa rosa police advising the public to find alternate routes this morning. santa rosa police will take over this investigation, and we will bring you more updates as they come in this morning. but there has been a number of disruptions, i will say, to the business, some of the businesses in the area. you can expect the road closure to continue on through the morning and into the day as we await more updates from santa
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rosa police. we're live in santa rosa, ginger conejero saab, "today in the bay." >> thank you for tracking that, ginger. another top story for us this morning, blizzard conditions at the sierra nevada impacting major roadways. yesterday cal trains briefly closed highway 50, leaving drivers in the snow. it's now reopened after crews cleared out that snow. we'll take you out to the sierra in just a few moments. right now, cinthia pimentel is tracking the amazing snow totals. >> impressive. i'll take you to this live camera. over palisades, the resort, we've seen it deteriorating through the weekend. this morning some improvements as we go out there, 21 degrees. we can start to see that sunrise in the distance. i do have numbers i want to show you, some fresh snow totals. donner peak, 87 inches. all of these ranging from 5 feet and up.
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kingvale, 73 inches. in twin bridges, just over 5 feet we've measured over the weekend. small improvements. we do continue to be under a winter storm warning through wednesday as we see those on and off snow showers. so there are going to be really slick roadways. expect delays if you're trying to head up or down the mountain. back here at home, we have an alert in the north bay. we're looking at highway 101. we have the south bay commute direction just past highway 37, so just as you're leaving novato. we have two crashes, one is blocking two lanes. chp has issued an alert. they know that's a critical time for that portion of the commute heading out of novato and toward the north bay, like san rafael, that direction. better news on the other side of the bay, westbound 80 continues to recover as you pass by san pablo avenue. more traffic toward the richmond bridge and bay bridge. 880 heading south does show a nice, easy drive as far as the
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volume. there are slick roadways. keep that in mind. the crashes are mostly off-ramps that we've seen over the course of the morning. >> thanks, mike. a man in the east palo alto has died after a stabbing last month. that search still continues for his killer. it happened back on february 8th when police say frank finney and another man were attacked near university avenue and bell street just before 8:30 p.m. police say whoever was in the white suv at the top of your screen there may have seen the stabbing. investigators are now searching for those witnesses. the other man is expected to be okay. 6:36, and the clock is ticking down to tomorrow's primary election and u.s. senate candidate for california, adam schiff, is expected to be here in the bay area today. he and and another representative, katie porter, campaigned in san francisco yesterday. porter says this will be a close
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race. schiff, introduced by nancy pelosi, who also endorsed him and told reporters his team is feeling good about the polling numbers heading into the primary tomorrow. the other major democrat in the race, barbara lee, said she spent the weekend campaigning in southern california. and republican steve garvey did not respond to our request for comment, so we're not sure what he did this weekend. most voters tell us they are still undecided. >> i want to see a vision for what california can do better, and i want to be excited as a young person. we've had some older senators in the past and i'm looking for a younger person with some vision to kind of show us the way. >> with many of california's ballots yet to be turned in, each of the candidates knows that there's still time for them to campaign, and perhaps change voters' minds. you can drop those off at your polling station near you. we have an entire section on our website dedicated to the
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election. you can use the qr code on your screen to go to that page directly, or you can go to and click on the super tuesday tab right at the top of the page. we have everything you need to know about the big races, the candidates, and of course how to cast your ballot. happening now, drivers trying to make their way into the sierra are dealing with blizzard conditions. highway 50 is now back open after being shut down. caltrans says that i-80 between colfax and the california/nevada border is closed but could reopen later today. our sister station shows us the current conditions on 80. >> good morning from the sierra. we are on interstate 80 this morning, tracking the conditions out the front of the windshield of our vehicle. the roadway is covered in snow this morning, and there are snowbanks several feet high off to the side of the road. caltrans crews working around the clock, trying to clear the
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snow from this interstate that has been shut down for a couple of days now, after all of that snow came in over the weekend at the end of last week. it's been a really big job for caltrans, and not only are they trying to work to clear the roadway, they're dealing with some of the breakdown of equipment in the severe weather conditions. caltrans telling us that in kingvale they're down to just two out of ten blowers at the central hub, and that's from auburn to the nevada state line that they are trying to get things cleared away. they're also working just six out of 20 blowers, so it's slowing down the process of them trying to clear the roadway. lots of folks stuck at colfax from the west side of the sierra as they try to head east. they're being blocked at colfax where interstate 80 is shut down. as we approach one of the pieces of machinery out here on the
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highway, you can see the work that's being done. this particular piece of caltrans equipment has cleared a little bit of snow off to the side of the road, the left side of our camera here. but as you can see, there's still much more work to be done. this is one of their blowers at work as we speak. this has been the story around the clock for the past well over 48 hours now. the roadway is shut down, and at this point caltrans does not have an estimated time as to when the road will be open. caltrans and the california highway patrol keeping tabs on all of this, trying to get the road reopened for drivers who have been desperately trying to get over the sierra over donner pass for the past several days. but they have been unable to do that because of the road closure. now back to you. >> we know a lot of folks did heed that advice to stay away, so we need the forecast for here at home. things are starting to calm down a little bit.
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the snow has definitely piled up marcus height, 6, 7 feet up there, and just if you go into the higher peaks it's even more, up to 12 feet this weekend. but calming down in the bay area with the rain we've gotten over the last four days. just a few light showers over fairfax, approaching marin wood. the east bay, we see light rain through san leandro, 580, castro valley. another range we're looking at for light rain is along highway 17 in the santa cruz mountains, scotts valley approaching lexington hill. just be careful with all of that water that other cars are picking up in the roadways in front of you. as we take a look at what to expect, we're starting off with a frost advisory for the north bay as they dip into the 30s. we have cloudy skies and chances of rain through the middle of the week. better clearing in the seven-day forecast. mike is showing you an alert on highway 101. >> the issue is if you're photographing out of novato and heading sought toward san francisco or even toward san
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rafael, you do have this crash. there is actually a second crash in the area, one just before, one after ignacio boulevard. highway 37 is moving smoothly, but that is the main connecter for folks on that side of the north bay crossing over and heading south. we're looking south of there across the richmond bridge. that's fine, so if you're choosing between 37 and the richmond bridge, i would take the richmond bridge. there is a new crash that might be in lanes near carlson. that just popped up. the bay bridge, typical backup. no big surprises as you cross from the maze toward san francisco. it's a smooth flow of traffic. you'll notice the damp roads. just use caution. back to you. while living behind bars, still ahead, the way one nonprofit is using social media to share stories from inside the walls of california's most notorious prison. we are now minutes away from
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what we expect is a very big decision from the supreme court. decision from the supreme court. we expect it's
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good monday morning. the time is 6:45. i want to help plan your day in the south bay. san jose, we're starting off with overcast skies. temperatures in the mid-40s. we're only going to warm up to about 59 degrees later today, keeping those gloomy skies. it might dampen the monday mood.
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the good news is that we stay mostly away from the rain for today. we'll talk about the rest of the outlook coming up. oakland, the nimitz for a few minutes looked really bare. the roadway back to what we expect this time of day. we'll show you what's going on. there are some smoother spots, but still that alert in the north bay. happening later this morning, jewish students at cal are organizing what they're calling a symbolic march today in response to pro-palestinian activists disrupting a speaking engagement one week ago. organizers calling this part of their fight to reclaim free speech. this also follows a protest yesterday in san francisco to support the jewish community. a unity march started at em brk -- embarcadero. 6:46, and president biden, former president trump and the american people all waiting to hear from the supreme court this
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morning. >> scott mcgrew, a big decision about 7:00 our time. >> about 14 minutes from now. the court won't say what the decision is about, but we're almost certain it's about donald trump and whether or not states can kick him off the ballot. the high court made the announcement that it would release a decision last night. at issue, whether the states of colorado and maine can keep trump off the ballot, using a constitutional amendment prohibiting those who engaged in insurrection from holding office. that part of the constitution is not really very clearly written. it definitely says no insurrectionists can hold office, and it lists a whole bunch of offices, but then weirdly skips the mention of the president. and then, while, again, it says no insurrectionists can hold office, it doesn't say who makes the decision about who is or who is not an insurrectionist. now, most court watchers think the decision today will reject the states' arguments and keep trump on the ballots.
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the colorado primary is tomorrow, part of super tuesday. trump won michigan, idaho and missouri's republican primaries over the weekend. if the experts are right, and this does go trump's way, the thing to watch will be how the court arrives at that decision. it's going to have to do some legal gymnastics to somehow uphold the constitution while at the same time saying what the constitution says doesn't count, at least in this case. again, that court decision comes at 7:00 a.m. our time. nbc will provide a special report. also today, the chief financial officer for the trump company will be in court. our reporters speculate he will plead guilty to lying on the stand. he's already served 100 days in jail for 15 counts of tax fraud related to the trump organization. the white house says vice president harris will meet with israeli war cabinet member benny gantz in washington today, harris joining the president in calling for a cease-fire in gaza
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as she spoke over the weekend in alabama. and congress has introduced six bills to keep the government open, passed friday. the house and senate still have to pass the bills, but leaders say they are going to get it done. >> so, again, good news. of course the clock is now ticking, we have to pass this bill by friday. but the fact that the four leaders, house, senate, democrat and republican, have reached an agreement, bodes well that the government will not run out of funds and shut down. >> there is another set of bills that have to be passed mid-month, but all in all, positive moves forward. up until now they've just been repeatedly kicking the can down the road. this is progress. >> it is. good to see forward momentum. thank you. big changes are coming to san quentin prison starting this spring. that is when, according to the department of corrections and rehabilitation, demolition work will start, according to the
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governor's plan to transform the oldest and most notorious prison in california into a rehabilitation and education center. you might remember that governor gavin newsom made that initial announcement last year. $240 million has been set aside for the transformation of the prison, which is expected to be complete in 2026. rehabilitation work continues for the people incarcerated inside san quentin's walls as well. one local nonprofit, humans of san quentin, is turning to social media to collect stories from previous and current inmates. their team hopes connections on social media will offer some healing. >> they don't have the opportunity to ever be heard by someone and they've already been labeled with every negative thing you can imagine and they're the biggest critic of themselves already. so for me it's very joyous to be able to know that there is hope, we can give hope. >> the executive director of the
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project says that she supports the governor's decision to transform san quentin into a rehabilitation and education center, seeing it as a way to initiate change nationwide. let's talk about that forecast. we've been seeing a lot of rain off and on. is it pretty much off for today? >> yeah, it was a soggy weekend. for today i think you'll look up and see some better clearing in the skies. i want to show you the golden gate bridge, more of those blue hues. there are some parts that are still a bit gloomy over oakland, and busy slick roadways over 580, 880, and brakes through part of walnut creek and into dublin as well. as we look at stormranger, there are just a few spotty showers, light. nothing compared to what we dealt with over the weekend. fairfax, san rafael, you're seeing rain. parts of san leandro along 580, hayward. and it's going to approach san ramon into the next couple of
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minutes. as we look at highway 17, there is some rain that's causing just a few issues over highway 17, so, please, please drive carefully. slick roadways continue today. temperatures are going to be slightly warmer. this weekend it was really chilly. things are going to start to improve. 57 in san mateo, concord, fremont and through morgan hill. san jose and downtown could reach 59 degrees. we keep cool temperatures in santa rosa, 55 for your monday plans. now, speaking of plans, at lunchtime it still looks to be gloomy with overcast skies. as we go into this evening, as we start to see a few spotty showers coming about with another system that wants to drop into the bay area as we go into tuesday and wednesday. i see this track kind of taking a spin down toward the south bay and along the central coast, so the good news is that behind that we're going to get better clearing for thursday and friday, and possibly some light rain returning on saturday. as we go into the sierra, we continue to see the winter storm
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warning through wednesday, and avalanche warnings as you start to approach the mammoth lakes for a few more minutes. the conditions improving just a little bit for the sierra. no more blizzard warning. in the bay area, we have unsettled weather through at least the middle part of the week. more sunshine thursday and friday. mike, you have crashes in the north bay, the south bay. what's going on? >> cinthia, what you talked about, not your fault, but we're looking toward a big map of the bay. this is pretty calm with damp, wet roadways. but highway 17, as cinthia was talking about, the rain coming through highway 17 mountains, we're looking at traffic flowing in the northbound direction and it's jammed up because of the latest crash just north of the summit. so that is one factor. watch the weather, the slippery conditions. you're not out of the woods yet. i guess that is in the woods traveling through highway 17. as we travel southbound 101, we are looking at two crashes with the alert continuing at ignacio
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boulevard. a spike in fentanyl deaths is a big concern in marin county. health officials are sounding the alarm. in the last two weeks, five people died from fentanyl overdoses, four times the usual rate. health officials say there have been increases in fentanyl found in wastewater as well. marin county sent out a public health advisory telling people to keep narcan onhand to help anyone dealing with an overdose. a final look at our top stories, including breaking news in the north bay. an overnight shooting leaving four sonoma county sheriff's deputies injured. a live report on what's when peter dickson led my platoon into combat a live report on what's unfolding in that
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ what do i see in peter dixon? mugs. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay," including that breaking news out of the north bay. >> we now can confirm four deputies were injured in an overnight shooting in santa rosa. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us with the latest from the scene. ginger, how are those four deputies doing? >> reporter: well, we just heard from the pio of sonoma county sheriff's office, so we are told the four deputies were injured, one sustained an injury to his head, in critical, but stable condition. the other one, another officer had an officer to his leg, and two others were injured with their hands. i want to step aside and give you a look at what the road closure looks like as authorities continue their investigation into this officer-involved shooting. they responded to a person brandishing a rifle and they were led onto a pursuit. during the pursuit is when the
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suspect fired shots at the deputies. we're told the suspect is deceased. there is no estimated time as to when the closures continue, but we will give you the latest on our website, >> thanks so much, ginger. today san jose mayor matt mahan is joining peninsula lawmaker josh becker to announce a new legislation tackling the homeless crisis. the act would streamline construction making it easier to transition individuals and families to a path of permanent housing. the event takes place on a site recently furnished in san jose. we'll have a live interview with one of those leaders ahead of our streaming newscast coming up at 7:00, and that's just moments away. you can stream it on roku and other platforms. it looks like we are starting to see some blue instead of all the green on the radar. >> there is going to be some overcast skies, so it could be a gloomy monday.
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still, not soggy like this weekend. we've had some weak cells that are moving through today, tomorrow and wednesday, but better clearing, the light at the end of the tunnel, thursday, friday. another weak system on saturday. southbound 101, only one lane blocked now, southbound 101, but that is starting to jam up folks coming off of highway 37 through the north bay. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." the "today" show starts now. you can we are tracking extreme weather. >> and it is causing major problems coast to coast. good morning. it's march 4th. this is "today." buried. parts of california hit by the biggest winter storm of the season. a massive blizzard dropping nearly 10 feet of snow, covering homes and stranding drivers with


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