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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  March 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PST

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four of our deputies were injured. two had injuries to their hands. one was shot in the leg. the other has a head injury. >> police come under fire in the north bay. a live report on the overnight shoot-out, injuries, and developing investigation at this hour. and a break from the rain in
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the bay area, but the sierra is dealing with blizzard-like conditions. the road shutdown this hour, and cinthia pimentel's forecast and snow totals. good morning. thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm kris sanchez in for laura garcia. we start with that violent overnight pursuit in santa rosa in which one person was shot and killed and four sheriff's deputies were injured. >> nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab is live at the scene with the road closure still in effect because it is an ongoing investigation. so, talk to us about where things stand at this point. >> reporter: well, marcus, authorities have opened up the road a bit more this midday. we're in santa rosa and a bit closer to one of the crime scenes that you can see behind us. this is up with of several locations investigators are
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looking into to try to piece together what happened during that deadly pursuit overnight. if you take a look, you can see a white sheriff's car in the middle of the road there. if you take a look specifically above the "i" in sheriff, you can see what appears to be a bullet hole on the drivers side door. that door remains open. that has not been confirmed by authorities, but it would be consistent with what we have heard from sonoma county's spokesperson this morning. he tells us just past midnight depuies responded to a person brandishing a rifle. when they arrived, the suspect fled and that started a purr suit. now, the suspect stopped at least once and fired shots at the deputies. the deputies fired back. the suspect eventually crashed the vehicle he was driving. four deputies have been injured, one with a gunshot wound to the leg, two with significant injuries to their hands, and one with a held injury who is in critical but stable condition. the suspect was pronounced deceased at the scene.
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>> with this much going on and multiple crime scenes, it's difficult to pull together information really quickly when you're just trying to understand exactly what unfolded. >> reporter: a lot of work still left for investigators, which is why a number of roads remain indefinitely closed this morning. you're seeing some of those roads and a map on your screen right now including stony point road to todd road and todd road between stony point road and moreland avenue. they all remain closed. police advise the public to find alternate routes as their investigation continues. we'll post more updates on our website at as this story continues to unfold. back to you. >> thank you, ginger. turning to our other top story, the supreme court announcing that former president donald trump can remain on state ballots. this will have ramifications that extend beyond the two states that went before the highest court, colorado and
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maine. trump himself reacting to that ruling just about an hour ago. >> and it has nothing to do with the fact that it's the leading candidate, whether it was the leading candidate or a candidate that was well down on the totem pole. you cannot take somebody out of a race. the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly, but a court shouldn't be doing that, and the supreme court saw that very well. >> this is the issue here -- whether the states of colorado and maine could keep trump off the ballot using a constitutional amendment prohibiting those who engaged in insurrection from holding office. joining us now to discuss that ruling, our political analyst larry gerston. good morning to you, larry. this was a unanimous decision, so it seems like the supreme court was trying to send a message. >> good morning, kris and marcus. yes, the supreme court was sending a message. the idea is somewhat like the way the president himself said.
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this is not the kind of thing for a state to do. mind you, if this was a state office, okay. but when you're talking about a state trying to prevent a federal office, running for a federal office from the ballot, that's another story. pretty simple definition in summary of the 14th amendment section 3. i think just about everybody who knows something about this expected a decision. the last thing the court wants to do is give the impression that there's some disagreement on something as basic as this. >> larry, since we're talking about the supreme court, they're also set to decide just next month where trump can actually be prosecuted on those charges when he interfered with the 2020 election. do you think the election denied his immunity claim? and what does the timetable look like ahead of the november elections anyway? >> nobody wants to guess what the u.s. supreme court's going to do on just about anything. but in this case, it's hard to
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imagine that the supreme court is going to allow, you know, just carte blanche to a former president or president of a time to do anything he wanted, illegal or legal. that's what the immunity clause is all about. so, most people who know about this believe that one of two things is going to happen. either the court will dismiss the idea of the immunity claim or perhaps the court might send it down to the court of appeals in d.c. for further elaboration. assuming the court dismisses the immunity claim outright, then the question is -- it's a race to november. the federal government does not like to have cases too close to the election time. so, now you're talking about if the decision comes down the end of june, you've got to get a trial in by august, september, and there's an awful lot to do before that trial, including
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setting up a jury, various briefs, you name it. so, whether you could get a trial in by the 4th, it's hard to imagine. will it probably be unanimous? i think so for same reason that we saw with the colorado case. the court on such a serious issuants to find ways to draw everybody into the same decision. >> all right. thank you very much, larry. we know you'll be busy over the next couple of days as we ask you so many questions about our election. thanks for joining us today. now that trump has been cleared on the ballot, he has just one more obstacle between him and the republican presidential nomination. nikki haley. >> scott mcgrew joins us now to continue our coverage. nikki haley won her first presidential primary over the weekend in washington, d.c., which is a very small win. she gets 19 delegates. california, for instance, has 169. but it's a win. tomorrow is super tuesday, when
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16 states go to the polls. haley said she will stay in the race at least until then. >> let's talk about super tuesday. if you wake up on wednesday and you haven't won anywhere, and that's an "if," would you then need to make the decision it's time to drop out of the race? >> i've always said this needs to be competitive. as long as we are competitive, as long as we are showing that there is a place for us, i'm going to continue to fight. that's always been the case. >> that was haley on "meet the press" yesterday. kristen welker also asked her about the pledge she and many other republican candidates for president at the time made to support the nominee if they lost, which would mean haley supporting trump, something she now says she's not willing to do. >> you did sign a pledge, an rnc pledge, to support the eventual nominee. do you still feel bound by that pledge? >> i have always said that i have serious concerns about donald trump. i have even more concerns about
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joe biden. >> is that a no? are you bound by the rnc pledge? >> the rnc pledge, i mean, at the time of the debate, we had to take it to where would you support the nominee and in order to get on that debate stage, you said yes. the rnc is now not the same rnc. now it's -- >> you're no longer bound by that pledge? >> no. i think i'll make what decision i want to make, but that's not something i'm thinking about. i think while y'all think about that, i'm looking a tt fact we have thousands of people in virginia, we're headed to north carolina, we're going to continue to go to vermont and maine and all these states to go and show people there is a path forward. so, i don't look at what-ifs, i look at how do we continue the conversation. >> on the democratic side, a new "new york times" poll says a growing number of americans are concerned about president biden's age, the poll showing 61% of those asked think bide season too old to be effective. 42% said the same thing of trump, who is four years
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younger, too old to be effective. if the race shapes up the way we expect, it will be a presidential race between the two oldest men to run for president in american history. back to you. >> thank you, scott. now to a live look at highway 50 right at the base of heavenly there. you see cars moving along. i-80 has just reopened in the past couple of hours. chp actually tweeting traffic is moving, as you can see there. a warning to those drivers out there, take caution. nbc reports from highway 50, which is actually looking more like a weekend rather than a weekday. >> reporter: hello from the low sierra. we're along highway 50, ice house road, right between that 3,000 and 4,000-foot elevation level. a snowy scene here, but what i want you to notice are the cars going by on that relatively
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clear pavement. a little bit of water, maybe a little bit of slush on there. but take a look at this video. this is what you need to know if you're thinking about sneaking up highway 50 today. there are a lot of cars up here. this is the line stretching back from chain controls. these are all people trying to head up towards the ski resorts, but it's more like a weekend today than it is a monday. come back out here, where we are, and again, highway 50 is open, but keep in mind there's a lot of pent-up demand after this weekend's storm to get up into the sierra, so there are a lot of people who have the same idea, and that's leading to long lines of cars as you get higher up towards echo summit. back to you. >> looks cold. in the first live picture, we
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saw the flags whipping as well. >> we had really gusty wind at palisades, but things are calming down slowly. this is live at palisades, and it's actually one of the best spot shots we've got from over the weekend. it was down right just whiteout over the last couple of days. some other good news aside from the improvements in the visibility and the roads there, we have fresh numbers for our sierra snow pack, and we are doing very well. we have exceeded that 100% of normal for this time of year from the north to the central and the southern parts of the sierra. remember this provides about a third of our water supply as we go into the spring, and we're taking a look around the state, 104% of average. so, really good news there. we will see some improvements, but there is another warning that i want to let you know about as we go on into the middle portion of the week. back at home in the bay area, if you look outside getting ready for lunch, you could be noticing some gloomy sky where is you live, and there is a chance of
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seeing some light rain chances as we go into the afternoon. that will be mixed in here with a system that's trying to come into the bay area as we go on through the middle portion of the week. i'll talk about the timing for that one and talk about when we can finally start to dry out for a couple days and get the return of that sunshine. back to you. >> looking forward to it. the final sprint is under way heading into super tuesday. ahead on nbc bay area news at midday, the contentious battle between the candidates in a key race on california's ballot. plus, we are celebrating women's history month. ahead, we introduce you to an author whose new book is inspiring women and helping them pave their way through self-discovery. i will become the world's greatest villain by destroying the world's greatest hero. [ inhale ] [ choking ] there's this shape shifting chameleon. hah, you can't defeat me. ah, come on.
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the chameleon is unlike anyone you've ever faced. oh! i'm gonna kick my butt. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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well, in less than 24 authorities, californians who haven't already voted by mail will head to the voting booths for tuesday's primary election to decide on who will become the next u.s. senator.
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>> nbc bay area's bob redell caught up with a congressman vying for the seat once occupied by senator dianne feinstein. >> reporter: here in california, our primary is open and nonpartisan, which means that the top two vote gerts, regardless of the party affiliation, will move on to the final runoff in november. so, right now, this is a race between former los angeles dodger steve garvey, who is running as a republican, and democratic congressional representative barbara lee of oakland, katie porter, and adam schiff. now, representative schiff and porter campaigned in san francisco, where i'm at right now. they've campaigned here yesterday. porter believes that this will be a close race even though new polling from uc, berkeley shows garvey now in first followed closely by schiff in second. schiff was introduced by nancy pelosi, who has endorsed him, and told reporters his team is feeling good about the polling numbers headed into the primary, which is tomorrow. now, we just spoke with congressman schiff, who's still
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here in sf before heading south later today, back to southern california. he says if elected senator, his top priority would be to make it easier for developers to build more homes in california and ultimately make housing more cheaper. >> the incentives just aren't there, and the federal government can create the incentives to build a lot more affordable housing. it's a really powerful tool called the low-income housing tax credit, where you incentivize builders. we have to reduce the time to get approvals at the local level, but the federal government role ought to be to provide the incentives, some of the funding. we've been divesting from housing for decades. that has to change if we want to get people into good housing off the street. >> reporter: the other major democrat in the race, representative barbara lee, said she spent the weekend campaigning in southern california, and republican steve garvey did not respond to our request for comment. here in san francisco, bob
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redell, nbc bay area news. we have an entire section on our website dedicated to the upcoming election. you can use the qr code on your screen to go directly to that page or you can head to and click on super tuesday right at the top of the page. we have everything you need to know about those big races, the candidates, and how to cast your ballot, which we did yesterday in between the rain. run out in a minute. >> we mad it. >> the nbc bay area app lets you, you know, have access to stormranger so you can plan your day. i'm here right now, so you can put the phone away and we can take a peek outside at that microclimate forecast. we are looking at a few breaks of clouds through dublin and san jose. oakland and san francisco still a bit gloo mmy, but temperatures are warming up into the mid-50s. on satellite and radar over the last couple hours, we've had a
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few spotty showers, probably what you ran into on your way to work or school this morning. and this is really starting to die down. since thursday, we've measured over 2 inches of rain in mill valley, calistoga, over 3.5 in ben lomond and the reservoir there. those places completely got soaked over the weekend. other places like oakland and fremont almost an inch, and san jose got rain shadowed, not even three-quarters of an inch. it's a brand-new workweek and month. there are a chance of some spotty showers for this afternoon as the activity is remaining to northern california. that will be similar to how we start on tuesday with some light, spotty rain, before we start to tap into possibly more activity as we go into late tuesday on into wednesday. this system, if you saw it there, is trying to hug the coastline, but the models continue to push it south of san francisco and into parts of the tri-valley and san jose
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before completely getting out of here for our thursday. how much rain is the system going to talk about? very weak again. it will stay mainly to northern california, southern oregon, where places like ukiah and santa rosa could get a little more than the rest of the bay area. as this midweek storm continues, we have to go up into the sierra and talk about the winter storm through wednesday morning. this is for western slip you see in pink on your screen. snow may be heavy at times, and the gusty wind over the ridges. expect more travel delays, even though it looks like the all-clear for now. that could be what you're met with going through the middle portion of the week. for the weekend, not too early to start making those plans. we get more clearing thursday, friday. finally, those temperatures will start to feel a little bit more springlike. so, spotty rain in the next couple days as we push the systems out of here with some better clearing and a bit warmer for our inland valleys on
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friday. there is a chance of seeing a blip in this almost perfect forecast for the weekend on saturday with some rain. and don't forget, you have to forward your clock an hour as we see daylight-saving time entering this weekend. >> oh, more sunrise during the day. >> more sunshine. things will get better. >> this weekend. thank you. this morning, we are celebrating women's history month. we begin with a spotlight on a book empowering young black women. "i am, i can, i will" is a guided journal hoping to spark self-discovery. it's filled with quotes and mantras from historic black women and present-day black women with harriet tubman, venus williams, and more. we talked with dr. cynthia jacobs carter, one of the writers of the book. >> it's good to see some positive stories, especially about women and girls who aspired to do something
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different in their lives, to go from point a to point z. so, that's why i thought it was important in this day and time to give some positive aspects that young people could read about and hopefully spark some inspiration in them. >> dr. carter says this is not just for young women. young men should read the book, as well, as women empowerment is for everybody. >> yes, it is. a massive airline merger is off. today, jetblue airways and spirit airlines announcing that they're terminating their merger agreement. a few weeks ago, the companies lost a federal antitrust lawsuit that challenged the deal. last year, the justice department sued to bar the deal, alleging that the acquisition would stifle competition in the airline industry. two bay area teenagers are taking center stage.
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♪♪ >> next on nbc bay area, we sit down with the duo that is competing on this season of "the voice." voice." they are from the bay area.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. what do i see in peter dixon? with democrat katie porter. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence
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against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. a few bay area teenagers are living out their dreams in front of millions of people, and they
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are taking us along for ride. >> the duo currently on the nbc show "the voice" are sharing a bit of their journey leading them to this next point. ♪ the story of my life ♪ >> reporter: a musical blend taking 17-year-old bay area twin s a chair-turn closer to their dreams. >> i got on stage and just all i did was just sing, and it was -- it was a really surreal moment because it felt like i was just looking at myself singing. it was like a dream. >> reporter: a dream no more as reality sinks in. three judges turned for jeremy and justin garcia, who say it's not always easy agreeing on what to sing or how to arrange the vocals. >> we definitely have time where we have one idea and another idea for a specific part, and it does clash at some point, but we do manage to find a compromise. >> and as you could imagine, it
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is not easy singing for some of the top artists in the music industry and millions of people watching from home. but these twins know a little something about having millions of people watch them perform. ♪♪ these videos from 12-plus years ago have millions of views on youtube, and it shows these two were destined for stardom. it's no surprise that this duo chose the duo newbie judges from the voice, dan and shay. >> learning how to be a duo and working together, they've been doing that for years, so we really think they were a really good choice for us. >> yeah. >> moving forward into the show. >> reporter: a journey they say they hope makes their family, friends, and community proud. >> we're still improving, but we really just wanted to give it a shot for "the voice." thank god it worked out. >> "the voice" is on tonight at 8:00 followed by "deal or no
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deal," then our local news and weather at 11:00. last check of the forecast? >> we have unsettled weather through at least the middle of the week, but more sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures as we go into thursday and friday. just some light rain as we go on into saturday for now. we're working on the details. you have to spring forward as you go to bed saturday night. >> that time of the year. perhaps you know me as, the kung fu panda. ♪ ♪ ah, you're adorable. huh. oh, whah!
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪♪ right now on "california live." >> she's making money moves, i'll introduce you to the dj and fitness instructor encouraging all women to get active. and then access hollywood's scott evans is here dishing about the new reality show he's hosting, couple to thruple. >> i just got


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