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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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raj mathai joins us now with what is coming up at 5:30. parents anti-semitism is rampant at berkeley unified. they filed a federal claim against the school district and we spoke with parents and the district about what they say is happening. also closer to a peace agreement between israel and hamas, the request by president harris to get humanitarian aid into the region and it is official former president trump cannot be kept off the ballot! the supreme court announced their decision today and we talked about the impact in the election. the news at 5:30 starts right now thank you for joining us on terry mcsweeney. >> and i'm raj mathai. berkeley unified school district is facing a civil rights complaint alleging it ignored severe and persistent harassment of jewish students. this also includes teachers.
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here is nbc's marianne favro. >> since i'm off attacks on israel in october dozens of jewish students at berkeley unified have complained about anti-semitic images in the classroom. this mom says she pulled her son out of his art class because of his teacher's actions. >> his art teacher was showing anti-semitic images in class along with telling the children that israel had just murdered a bunch of civilians and that they all needed to go to a walkout against genocide. >> reporter: she says it is taking a major toll on her son. >> going from being someone who used to go to weekly jewish events with other jewish teens to not showing any interest, that is one of the ways that it has manifested, other ways it has manifested are in censoring his jewishness from his ancestry project.
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>> she said she began tracking complaints and racked up more than 57 from other parents in the last few months. she also claims her complaints to the principal, school board and superintendent fell on deaf ears. in a statement the district superintendent says berkeley unified stance against all forms of hate and the district continuously encourages students and families to report any incidents of bullying or hate motivated behavior and vigorously investigates each and every report. now the brandeis center has filed a several -- civil rights complaint about report space of anti-semitism for more than 100 students and parents. >> certain things that children were saying that were really bad for like killing the and things like this. she says the goal of the complaint is to ensure the district enforces its existing policies. she said the attacks have gotten so bad that some jewish
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students are afraid to go to school. in berkeley, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. vice president kamala harris calls for immediately -- immediate cease-fire. she emphasized the urgency of securing a hostage deal in reducing the humanitarian crisis that has unfolded against the war against hamas. >> the president and i have been aligned and consistent from the very beginning. israel has a right to defend itself. we need to get aid in and hostages out. >> reporter: over the weekend the u.s. said they will continue air drops. today a notable decision by the supreme court as the high court has ruled in mr. trump's favor allowing him to remain on the ballot in the state of
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colorado. the supreme court ruled that states cannot kick him off the ballot for his actions leading up to the january 6 attack on the capital. it reverses a decision from the colorado supreme court which ruled that mr. trump could not serve as president again under the 14th amendment. the supreme court's ruling makes it clear that congress, not states sets the rules on how that provision is enforced. two other states, maine and illinois have moved to keep the former president off of their ballot. critical allen -- political allen is -- >> reporter: how will they send the message that the state cannot keep the president off the ballot and it turns out there was a did -- division. to go into the weeds as we say.
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four justices disagreed. four of them were extraordinarily harsh on the way they think the majority ramrod at it through in their view. all is not as peaceful as it might seem. >> mr. trump also wants immunity for all presidents saying that his decisions should be immune from any legal recourse. will a court agree with that? >> we will get a decision probably june and in case they are arguing that president -- former president -- no matter what they do they are immune. will they go ahead and decide that he doesn't have any immunity now will they send it back to the court of appeals and say this is not clear for us to decide. if that happens no trial at
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all. if the supreme court's decide for itself may be by the end of the year. >> this will be interesting. super tuesday here in california and beyond. it is sad to say but california won't have much impact either in the is not because of our delegation is so large or because we are moved up. is because the nominations are pretty much decided. come on. we know that trump will when -- win the republican even though it's early relatively compared to the past the deal is done. >> what does nikki haley do today? what type of conversation will we be having? >> a lot of people are asking that is this the time for her to gracefully bow out? trump cannot clinch this thing
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tomorrow, can't even clinch it next week. then he can two weeks from now. she can get out now and perhaps save a little bit of self- respect in other people's eyes but we don't know. she has made this something very important to her. it is a passion so she may stay with it until there's nothing else to talk about. >> thank you. terry, back to you. the former cfo of trump's organization has pled guilty to trump -- to perjury charges. this is for lying about the size of the former presidents apartments in testimony during his civil fraud trial. the plea does not include a cooperation agreement with leaders. he is not expected to testify in trump's criminal hush money trial. the district attorney is recommending these are five months in jail.
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several manufacturing and quality control failures caused a door plug to blow out of a plane mid air that is the word from the new faa audit. you remember that door plug blew out of a boeing 737 max plane in january. the faa published the findings from its investigation today. they found issues in parts handling, storage and products control. the faa gave boeing and its suppliers to correct the quality control issues. the agency says it will continue to oversee operations at boeing facilities. next, extreme weather is an indicator of extreme climate. -- indicator of changing climate. climate.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? with democrat katie porter. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. despite a wild weekend
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february continued the streak of record hot months, nine in a row according to climate data from the eu. >> we have seen weather extremes. nbc's climate reporter shows us how winter is getting shorter and hotter. >> blizzard conditions brought more than seven feet of snow to california. at the same time one of the biggest wildfires burned across texas and oklahoma. more than 100 cities hit record highs. >> reporter: all of this weather is set against the backdrop of record heat around the world and we know that the hotter earth gets because of climate change it can make weather events more -- extreme. >> we would have had drought in the past we may have severe
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storms or bigger storms or slower storms so it is that multiplier of effects enforces and in numbers. >> as we continue burning fossil fuels the multiplier is getting stronger. the consequences may not always be extreme, but they are impactful. >> i biked up here in shorts and a sheet -- t-shirt and went ice-skating in shorts and a t- shirt. >> minnesota canceled its ice festival because of a lack of ice and now golf courses are opening early. >> looking ahead it is not like this global heat is going anywhere and that can impact
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severe storms to atlantic hurricane season. spring is already arriving ahead of schedule in san francisco i am national climate reporter chase kane. >> we are getting out of some extreme weather we had the past few days. we have more rain chances coming our way but this does not look extremely heavy. we have a storm system out here. the bulk of this storm system stays out here to the pacific so we will see a chance of rain
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but i don't see any way we get into super heavy rainfall from the storm system. satellite radar picture let's show you as we go into storm ranger, light drizzle here possible near the coastline into san francisco, but otherwise as we had through tonight a better chance of maybe getting a few spotty showers would be right up there toward santa rosa and as we had through tomorrow morning commute we will see a few areas of showers near the bay and then through the afternoon we get cloud cover that will be hanging on. totals right now only trace amounts to about a quarter inch as we roll through tomorrow and we really see everything pushed up towards the north bay for those anticipated totals. we do have sunshine on the way for you. we have a preview of that coming up right now on the scrolling seven-day forecast is that loads right now and of course we will have a full look at that seven day. let's roll it into --. temperatures here down to 48.
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and for the north bay, 47. daytime highs, cloud cover stays put going up to 62 in martinez. here in the upper 50s in san francisco right here at 60. if you are tired of the cloud cover and rain chances while it is nice to stay out of the drought we all need a little sun and it looks pretty good to be locked in for sunshine here as we had through thursday and friday's forecast from this area high-pressure that will move that storm tracker well off to the north so not only dry, but that sunshine rolling back in. let me show you how that will shape up for us on our san francisco seven-day forecast thursday coming in partly cloudy , 60 degrees, by friday sunny skies and 62. if you were spotty showers return on saturday and clouds on sunday and maybe a few more
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showers there on monday. so thursday and friday will be the days to certainly enjoy it. 65 thursday, friday up to 67. coming up tonight at 6:00 we take another look at the sierra snow and those blizzard conditions and how things stack up to the high country. >> did you have snow on the set last night? >> snow from mount hamilton. >> do we still have it. >> i heard the plastic bag is in the sink in the break room. >> the giants newest star is officially on the field. here is the man. we take you to arizona for a first look at matt chapman in a giants uniform. ♪
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision?
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garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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for a while there was a lackluster off-season, but now there is hope at giants spring training headquarters there new third baseman took the field. giants can be making more moves before opening day which is about three weeks away. gold glove third baseman matt chapman working out today in
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the orange and black for the first time. yesterday he signed a one-year deal worth about $18 million. the contract also includes option in the up coming years which could keep him in san francisco for four years. we know chapman well. he started his career with the a's in place for than a's manager bob melvin. the two are reunited in the giants continue to be linked as a possible landing spot for other high profile guys like blake snell and all-star pitcher jordan montgomery were both still free agents. could matt bow be returning. he hasn't pitch since last april. he is considering a potential return. bumgarner turns 35 this august. signed a five-year deal 2020. he debuted as a 19-year-old helping the client win three
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world series titles during his 11 seasons here in the bay area. >> i don't think he's coming back here. baseball season may be ramping up at football season never really seems to sleep. the nfl draft is next month. free agents will sign the teams and a lot of people are talking about 49ers wide receiver brandon -- is entering the fifth and final year of his rookie contract so that leads the question who will sign him ? nfl network reports that will other teams would be interested in a trade the niners are plan on working out a new deal. the team also has a wrong -- long track record of work out extensions with their stars. and kelsey not just travis kelce's older brother wanted the best to play in the nfl is officially retiring. he's a big guy but he got emotional today in a tear filled speech that lasted 45
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minutes. the 36-year-old was named first- team all-pro six times and help lead the eagles to a super bowl title following the 20 17th season. kelsey's brother travis were on hand as well as his wife and children and you can expect to see him enter the hall of fame when he is eligible five years from now. >> imagine having two sons both going to the hall of fame. pretty incredible. next up surf is up for the paris olympics surfing competition won't be in paris or in france. we will explain. stay with us. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network.
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and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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is the first country in the world to make abortion a constitutional right. abortion is widely supported and has the legal the 19th 70 five. joint session of parliament been at first i and in sweeping majority the lawmakers voted to amend the constitution. nearly the entire halls probation and this is welcome by women's right act of his harshly criticized by antiabortion groups which comes after the u.s. supreme court ruled in 2022 of the u.s. constitution does not guarantee the right to abortion. french policymakers say they will present decision sets an example for countries around the world. this summer sorry paris horde of the village in tahiti will be home to the surfing,
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fishing part of french polynesia. local villagers welcome the villagers and economic and if it's but are concerned about disruptions to its wildland and coral reef. original plans for the yellow pics i call for new roads, housing units and aluminum judging tower that requires drilling into the reef. now the size of that tower, the judging tower has been scaled back and so have other construction plans. many local say that is a positive move. >> we are happy to receive those people over here because we have to share this wave. it is so special. but be careful of not doing bad thing over here. >> other changes include housing and some olympians within the homes of some of the local villagers there and some of the athletes will also live on a
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cruise ship anchored nearby. the proceeds go to eat, learn play. that is the foundation founded by steph curry and his wife. track two cleveland police force and instead of trotting at against traffic see them weaving through the cars causing a traffic jam. mounted officers rounded them up safely not far from the downtown cleveland area. >> jessica is our horse whisperer in the newsroom. >> coming up at 6:00 the aftermath of this weekend's west coast blizzard we are tracking snow levels road closures and more after that biggs snow left people in this
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area just digging out through feet and feet and feet of snow today. >> and while the worst is behind us there is still more snowfall expected and jeff is with us tracking that and our forecast here at home. >> after months of organizing the group leading the recall effort of d.a. pamela price has reached a major milestone. the new phase of that recall process and what it could soon unlock. the news at 6:00 starts now. good evening. i'm raj mathai. >> and i'm jessica agguire. i milestone moment for retail organizers trying to oust district attorney pamela price. this morning they turned and what they say are tens of thousands are signed positions needed to send the issue to voters. so what happens now and how will supporters for price respond? >> recall price!
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>> reporter: after months of gathering signatures a group calling itself save alameda for everyone submitted more than 123,000 signatures collected from voters in an effort to trickle a recall election. >> we shouldn't have to do this but beef -- because of the safety of our children and businesses this has to be done. >> reporter: the group needs just over -- signatures to qualify for a recall. supporters say d.a. pamela price has failed to hold criminals a poll accountable. >> for the four -- short few months she already destroyed the integrity of the legal system and we lost so many of these experience and good prosecutors. >> several prosecutors have left the d.a.'s. family of crime victims like crystal creech his brother was killed in 2019 say they are field full of how prices policies could impact their case all those who
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are already going to the process like virginia nishida whose husband was shot and killed while protecting a newsgroup have been vocal in their calls for new leadership. >> they want a district attorney, they don't want a public defender. >> we are not seeing people held accountable. >> reporter: 10 boxes worth of petitions are now on their way to get verified. the county has 10 days to approve the signatures but price supporters can -- complain many of the signatures were not gathered properly. >> is a handful of rich men who put a couple million dollars behind this. >> the group is asking the office review and verify e- signature price supporters say the recall is been driven by hand for opponents with the
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