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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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are already going to the process like virginia nishida whose husband was shot and killed while protecting a newsgroup have been vocal in their calls for new leadership. >> they want a district attorney, they don't want a public defender. >> we are not seeing people held accountable. >> reporter: 10 boxes worth of petitions are now on their way to get verified. the county has 10 days to approve the signatures but price supporters can -- complain many of the signatures were not gathered properly. >> is a handful of rich men who put a couple million dollars behind this. >> the group is asking the office review and verify e- signature price supporters say the recall is been driven by hand for opponents with the goal is to oust legitimate
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winner of a fair election. >> who have they put in place? we have heard no name. we have heard nothing. all we have seen is a weaponization of people's real pain. >> in oakland, velena jones, nbc bay area news. >> another headline one day on from super tuesday californians are heading to the polls in a primary election. we have a preview plus we are checking in on campaigning efforts coming up in it. >> the blizzard is behind us and now many communities are trying to dig out of all that snow. >> people in this era trying to carve a path through feet of snow that fell over the past couple of days. >> now a live look at i-80. the interstate has reopened after being shut down multiple times due to whiteout conditions during the storm. caltrans works for the weekend tirelessly really just urging
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everyone to stay home and avoid situations like this. this one on highway 50 at echo summit the road shut down as caltrans told that stranded suv thankfully no injuries there. back left a snow day. this is a live look cameras across the bay. a calm dry night wind and rain 3 . let's check in with her teeth meteorologist jeff ranieri. i wanted to show you another way how the snow stacked up. this is the height of the snow pile this time last week but of course as we all know once we hit last thursday and last friday that snow started to
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stack up and in a big way. we saw 2 to 4 feet of snowfall and this depiction is true life height, i am six feet so we did have that snow last thursday and friday up to about four feet in the got hit again this weekend and look at how those totals just went up and up. we had an additional three to five feet of snow so that left some areas seeing snow stacking up as high as nine feet. with all of that snow stacking of it now brings our sierra snowpack to 104% of normal just what we want to see. let me show you more details on that snow that we had throughout the resorts, they are still counting up the numbers. sugar bowl, 10.5 feet. palisades with eight feet. central sierra snow lab, six feet. kirkwood and heavenly, five feet for those locations.
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we will see another 2 to 5 inches of snowfall soon to look at this, snow free weather coming wednesday and thursday with dry conditions and even some sunshine. back here in the bay area spotty showers as we track a new system offshore. i have more looks at that new system in totals coming up in about 10 minutes. a man is dead and 4f it is injured after a man led them on a rolling shootout that ended in a crash outside santa rosa. at crash at stoney point road, we spotted one car with several bullet holes. please have the deputies were first called just after midnight . reports of a man with a rifle near todd rowe. moments after those deputies arrived they say someone in a white car started shooting at them. it triggered a chase that lasted for roughly 10 minutes until the suspect crashed into a fence and again traded shots with deputies. neighbors say all that gunfire just left them rattled. >> the helicopter was up.
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i didn't want to leave my house because i was afraid if they were looking for someone there was a possibility the person could be there. >> tonight we are told that the unidentified suspect is dead but it is unclear whether he was shot to death. as far as the four deputies go one was shot in the leg, to suffered hand injuries and one suffered serious injuries and is in critical but stable condition. today imagers decision by the supreme court ruling in donald trump's favor allowing him to remain on the ballot in the state of colorado. the high court ruled that states cannot kick him off the ballot for his actions leading up to the january 6th attack. it reverses the decision from the colorado supreme court which ruled that the former president did not serve as president again as his actions
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violated the constitution's 14th amendment. the supreme court's ruling found only congress has the power to invoke the constitution so-called insurrection clause. two other states, maine and illinois, have also moved to keep the former president off their ballots. ruling is expected to apply to those states as well. on this eve of election, super tuesday, 16 states including california will hold their primary elections. in the bay area election workers and volunteers spending final hours racing to make sure everything is ready to go. at the registrar are voters in san jose -- cars delivered early ballots. also a steady stream of voters driving into that lot to drop off their absentee ballots. the registrar's office says as of today voter turnout is just about 15%. election officials are hoping that number jumped considerably tomorrow. >> we want to make sure they
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know all the voting centers are open at 7:00 a.m. our office is open and we have over 104 vote centers that are open and over 100 boxes where you can drop your ballot off. >> the registrar's office says it's important to remember that your ballot needs to be done by 8 p.m. tomorrow. if you mail in the ballots must be postmarked by 8:00 tomorrow. check california's editorial candidates are campaigning across the state on the selection eve. democrat adam schiff making stops in the bay area today. he is from southern california but he's here in town to talk to small business owners. barbara lee also campaigning in southern california. she is the oakland congresswoman who made stops at her alma mater, san fernando high school before stopping by a nearby vote center. southern california congresswoman katie are also in camp cisco campaigning last night and says she expects this to be a close race.
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a reminder, there are actually two u.s. senate races on the primary ballot which you may have already seen and the first will decide who will take over the remainder of the late senator dianne feinstein's term from november until january 2025. the second race will decide the full six-year term which begins in january. the two top vote getters from tomorrow's primary regardless of the primary will face off in the road of the november general election governor ducey him on the campaign trail making a last- minute voter -- a new attempt to use bond money to adjust to the six biggest issues. homelessness and mental health. they say the state does not have the money to do this at this particular moment. here his nbc bay area's ian cole. >> reporter: governor newsom spent the morning talking with leaders campaigning for prop one an issue he's been working on for five years but also one that's been decades in the
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making. >> the governor joined other political heavyweights including san francisco's male to lobby voters onto the city's biggest issues. dental health and homelessness. >> we need to stabilize people and deal with the underlying reasons they are out on the streets. the reason they are's mouth -- self-medicating. >> we have people who need that care and support. >> newsom said it's a problem democrats have has been trying to fix state senate malik
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leader brian jones is among those urging them to reject the plan. >> this state has a dismal track record for spending the bonds on the things they are supposed to be spending them on. water and infrastructure and high-speed rail are a few examples. >> senator jones that he agrees with most of the items the governor wants to fund but says the proposal is too expensive especially now with the state facing a daunting deficit.
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>> if they made this investment years ago we would not have this debate here today and we would have one year or two years worth of services already happening. >> in san francisco, ian cole, nbc bay area news. tomorrow we bring live coverage on poles plus tracking results on our special newscast beginning 8:00 tomorrow night. >> and when we are not on the air you can go to our website we have an entire section dedicated to the selection you can use the qr code on your screen and it takes you directly to that page or go to nbc bay and click on super tuesday at the top of the page. up next a deadly shooting leaves four people dead in monterey county and now the manhunt is underway. also a new legal battle for former president trump linked to the length
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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practically searching for treatment for people and others. f my inkings. police are calling a gang related. witnesses tell them three people got out of the vehicle shooting at a tent in the front yard of a home birthday party was taking place. lycie all four of the people were adults. please tell us they are looking for a silver kia in connection to that shooting say if you spot the suspect approached. -- do not approach them. berkeley claiming civil rights complaints ignored. the center claims its complaint is based on accusations from more than 100 duties and parents. one mother said she pulled her
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son out of the art class because of the anti-somatic actions of his teacher. >> his art teacher were showing anti-somatic images in class along with telling the children that israel had just murdered a bunch of civilians and that they need to go to a walkout against genocide. >> alana perlman since she has documented at least 57 reports of anti-semitism in the district from other families and she also complains her complaints to the principal and school board fell on deaf ears. berkeley unifi says it stands up against all forms of hate and vigorously investigates each and every report. among president trump's legal challenges he is now in a battle with the late singer sinead o'connor. the estate of the singer is asking the president to immediately stop playing her music at his rallies. in a joint statement o'connors
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estate and her record label demanded mr. trump stop using her music immediately. her state said o'connor who died last year would be outraged. trump has repeatedly played her biggest hit nothing compares to you at campaign events. she joins a growing list of artists who objected to the former president using their songs including rihanna, lincoln park and aerosmith steven tyler. >> we are getting a more detailed look at california's high-speed rail system could one day look like. these are the latest renderings of a central valley high-speed train station. the plan calls for massive buildings, large plazas and shade structures. writers would board bullet trains on an elevated platform. stations currently plan on merced, fresno, bakersfield and or hanford. later on san francisco and san jose would also have stations run into the mainline in central valley. station construction will start in 2027 barring any other setbacks. we want to take your outside and give you a live look outside san jose. chili in about one area --
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hour. there is also snow. this was the scene on mount hamilton, several inches of snow near the lick observatory at an elevation of about 4000 feet. a lot of people getting out to enjoy that white stuff. nothing like the blizzard that pounded the sierra over the weekend. this was all over from lake tahoe down to southern california is from mammoth mountain which walked out four feet of snow from friday through sunday and teams have been working around the clock to dig out four feet, not so bad. >> some spots picked up eight to over 10 feet. i mean, yeah, it's arctic. arctic last poultice. there is a little bit more rain in the forecast but this looks nothing like what we went through over the past couple of
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days. on the microclimate forecasts i wanted to give you a view of that next storm system lighting up offshore and it looks impressive by all accounts on this view but the thing that's different about the storm system is the path. that is what is unusual. the path it will take tonight and tomorrow. this will ride right down the coastline but really most of the rainfall will stay out here in the pacific so we get a chance of rainfall but i don't see any way we get in on heavy widespread rainfall with the storm system. spotty showers up towards the north bay. tomorrow morning we get spotty chances for the north bay, around the bay in san francisco overall tomorrow i really think you will probably need the umbrella of the most up towards north bay but totals only trace
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amounts to about a quarter inch the way things are playing out. as we move through tomorrow morning's forecast we will begin down here into the 40s for much of the bay area. tri-valley, 44 so keep that heaviest jacket out. san francisco, 50 and for the day, 46. eight wind out of the southwest at nine through the east bay and 61 at oakland, 62 in pleasanton. the peninsula, 58, half moon bay, san francisco, a mix of 50s to low 60s. and for the north bay 59 in napa, 57 in -- valley. we have clouds and chances of spotty showers but i told you to hold on for that sunshine and right now we are confident we will get this area of high pressure building in by thursday and friday so that will bring the sunshine so look
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at the result on that seven-day forecast, san francisco low 50s thursday and friday you will want to enjoy because we have spotty showers returning to spotty showers returning to look at these inland valleys
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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the california supreme court is upholding life without parole sentences for adults 25 and under. today in a 5-2 ruling, the court rejected arguments that young convicted murderers between the ages of 18 to 25 should be required to be considered for parole. the case was brought by an l.a. man convicted of a 1989 murder when he was 25. his lawyers argued a recent policy change required floral healings for people convicted of an offense before the age of 26. however, that 2017 law made exceptions to those already convicted for life without parole. the first ever over-the-
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counter birth-control pill will be rolling out a pharmacy soon. drugmaker perrigo says the fda approved the opill will be available later this month. this is a daily pill which means it does not have estrogen. it is sometimes referred to as the mini pill and was referred to -- approved by the fda last year. the pay will be $20 for five. >> you will soon be able to play football with some of your favorite calla stanford athletes virtually. more than 10,000 athletes have accepted an offer from ea sports to appear in a new video game. today the redlands video game developer will now be able to use the likeness of college athletes in the new game called college football 25. players who opted in will receive a minimum of $600 and a copy of the game. players can also earn money by promoting the game. those who opt out will be left off the game entirely. >> up next we are breaking up with you that's the message from miami officials to some to is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me?
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it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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okay, you may be interested in this recall if you have any extra sauce packets from chick- fil-a. the fast food chain is asking companies -- customers to throw out the polynesian sauce. in a notice they say polynesian dipping cup sold between february 14th through the 27th may contain a different sauce that includes wheat and soy allergens.
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the recall does not apply to bottles of chick-fil-a polynesian sauce that are sold in stores. all right, breakups are hard in the city of miami is going public with its recent split with spring break tourists. >> this isn't working. >> and it is not us, it's you. >> our idea of a good time is relaxing on the beach. >> checking out a new restaurant. >> you just want to get drunk in public and ignore laws. >> the city of miami released a new ad campaign ahead of the spring break travel season showing people who are breaking up with spring breakers and calls of visitors who want to get drunk in public and ignore laws rather than enjoy the city's culture. they show clips of the chaos from last spring break and calls the incidents a breaking point. social media campaign comes one year after miami beach declared
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a state of emergency after two fatal shootings during spring break. it is the third year in a row that miami beach had to employ emergency measures because of rowdy crowds. miami beach officials said they will be increasing police patrols implementing curfews, bad checks, restricting beach access and dui check points. measures will be in effect every thursday through sunday this monday. tonight at 7:00 what does it take to dig out of a ski resort after that blizzard over the weekend up in tahoe? we are live in sierra at tahoe for anup close look and that's torey and more coming up on our 7:00 news. a quick reminder you cannot access our newscast whenever you want because we are on 24 seven on roku and other streaming platforms. you can watch her light breaking news, news conferences and live repeats of newscast. up next almost 10 years after the malaysian airline flight disappeared the new effort to solve the mystery. lester holt joins us from new york right now.
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tonight, the major ruling from the supreme court, barring states from removing donald trump from the ballot. the justices in a unanimous decision restoring the former president to colorado's ballot, after the state kicked him off, citing the 14th amendment for his actions surrounding the january 6th attack that ruling coming just hours before voters in colorado and more than a dozen states head to the polls for the super tuesday primaries. nikki haley coming off her first primary victory, why she's also welcoming the supreme court's decision the new storm slamming the west coast after that monster blizzard brought more than 7 feet of snow the international guardsman pleading guilty to leaking the pentagon secrets on a chat forum. how long he could spend in prison princess kate spotted for the first time in public since her mystery hospitalization in january. nearly five months after the october 7 terror attack, the new


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