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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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some of the nations were complaining seen it deprived them of the tourism that taylor swift brings. thailand said animated they would have struck a similar deal themselves. it is the swift effect in singapore. watch our newscast 24 seven on brooke ruth and all our other string performs. plenty of time to vote if you have not already. voting centers close at 8:00. plenty of ballots are coming in as we speak. we are alive throughout this evening as owners are released. among our life locations, santa clara county registrar office were ballots are being counted. also, the decisions on the table tonight both nationally and locally are political analysts join us with the races to watch competitions on the ballot can be confusing for voters. our chris kamara is here to break down your ballot for you. the news at 5:30 starts now. thank you for joining us today. i am janelle wang.
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>> i am raj mathai. the polls close at 8:00 and mail in ballots must be postmarked or dropped off at your local ballot box also by 8:00. as of this morning, santa clara county counted within 170,000 mail in an early voting ballots. all counties are expecting hundreds of thousands of votes as the evening unfolds. we have team coverage tracking the presidential, local and state races that are political analysts is with us. we are also tracking local and state ballot measures attracting national attention. we begin with candice nguyen at the santa clara registrar office with a look at the ballot counting process. >> reporter: we are right outside were last-minute voters come in and get questions answered. behind the scenes is where ballots get counted. i just got new numbers a moment ago. the registrar tells us
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220,000 ballots have arrived at the office so far. we want to show you video we got a moment ago for behind-the- scenes where the ballots get repaired. they get scanned and the boats get counted. will not know with the voter turnout looks like until tomorrow at the earliest. it was 52% during the last primary presidential election. hard to say exactly what contributed to that at that point, but encouraging people to get out there vote this time around and workers want to get information out about how secure the process is. from valid boxes to ballots getting to this building. careers and election workers often work in teams of two. >> always two people, no matter what you talking from the holy to the side, two people with the ballot at all times no matter what. we always have a temper seal on every drop box. most of them are at county
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locations with 24-hour surveillance on them. those that do not, they have security on them. they are locked and everyone has to double. the ballot counting room i have full people can get into the room. >> reporter: the polls close at 8:00 p.m.. what they want everyone to remember is if you're going to drop off your mail in ballot with one of the blue u.s. drop boxes, remember to look at when the mail is picked up. at the time is past and is 5: 30 p.m. right now, and it may be better to bring in your mail in ballot to a voter center. if you drop off your mail in ballot at the mailbox and it doesn't get picked up, it will stay there for the rest of the night and sadly, not get counted. bring your ballot to one of these locations. reporting live, candice nguyen , nbc bay area news. will bring in our political analysts now. let's talk at the national picture first. trump and nikki haley filing
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for the republican nomination. >> a couple of things to look toward. a big race in north carolina for the governorship. republican membership and trump endorsed mark robinson. his lashed out at the lgbtq community, is lama celbic's and anti-semites. he is covered the whole thing. still, he is the trump endorsement. will it carry? that is my first question. we want to look at you,. utah is trump versus nikki haley . the government is quiet, but the lieutenant governor has endorsed nikki haley. his wife is endorsed nikki haley. the question is, can nikki haley sneak away with the you tire -- utah primary caucus. and may tell us about the strength of former president trump overall. >> let's look at help with the u.s. senate and the seat for the late senator diane feinstein . >> what i want to watch is adam schiff who is carefully maneuvered so that steve --
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steve garvey, the republican, is getting a big because of adam schiff's commercials. will it be enough or too much. will steve garvey gain so much that adam schiff looks for a place. how will katie porter feel about that? >> over-the-top two advance. we also have representative barbara lee, a longtime, someone from oakland in the top four. let's talk about bay area, local races. we have a local ballot measure and a congressional seat that a lot of local candidates are vying for. >> a controversial position in san francisco about whether people are addicts in getting help will be connected with housing. that will be in but to watch. alameda county, barbara lee and her seed is interesting that congressional seat, number 12. san mateo, jackie spear, can she come back? longtime member of congress and now running for county supervisor. in santa clara county, want to
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look out for. the great race going on between madison and-very interesting did a big asian-american vote and bigger latino vote. as you mentioned earlier, another congressional race. 16 very competitive areas and we will see how it works out. >> she is retiring after 30+ years and notable candidates including former san jose mayor. a lot of big races to watch. you will be with us all night making it down for us our legal analyst, thank you so much. we are often frustrated about crime and housing and homelessness across the bay area. tonight is your chance to do something about it. bay area issues the country is watching to see what will local voters allowed to happen. let's bring in chris chmura . >> our area is often the of
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jokes tonight, one of the country are watching to see how california votes to combat the crime, housing and homelessness . restart stay wet with prop one focused on helping homeless people the tagline is treatment, not tense prop one would change or expand the way the state deals with this. homeless, housing and mental health infrastructure. the governor is behind it and spending 6.4 billion public dollars. opponents say the real price tag is too high. they say 12 million+ with interest. let's turn to san francisco. three closely watched ballot measures there. measure little 86 $300 million for affordable housing to put people in homes and help the city perhaps meet a state mandate to build 46,000 new homes by 2032. next, measure b aimed at crime. do voters want more cops? measure b would increase the minimum police force from 1500
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to 2000 officers in five years. the supervisors are behind us, but hiring all the cops will not be cheap. if it passes, it will cost taxpayers $129-$300 million. measure e in san francisco will give us the pulse of the attitude toward police. mayor london breed let's look at redtape to catch bad guys. opponents fear more use of prejudicial tactics like car chases or drones. if you had to wait in your more than two hours to vote in person. tonight, rt will begin the results in real time. thank you chris up next, making it in the bay is not easy. especially comes to rental prices. we get new numbers and speak to renters who have got to extreme lengths to secure a place. i am chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. tracking a few areas of spotty shower's on storm ranger how
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much more we are in storm the store for tomorrow.
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we have other headlines on this election night. san francisco is no longer the priciest place to rent in the bay area to. the title now belongs to mountain view. >> new numbers show mountain view rental prices are skyrocketing. up nearly 15% compared to this time last year. is it returned to the office and google in silicon valley? here is marianne favro with answers to property managers i spoke with today said the demand for rentals is so high here in meadowview that sometimes they will get more than 50 people to show up and look at one rental. >> reporter: mountain view rental market is hot with median rent for a one-bedroom unit hovering above 300 -- $3500. nearly 50% higher than last year according to a new report by real estate rental companies. the question now is what is
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behind the price hike? one theory is that more tech giants on the peninsula, including google, are requiring workers to head back into the office. >> as tech workers, we are returning to the office and puts pressure on the prices. >> reporter: with demand high and inventory low, renters are finding new ways to compete for housing. >> a couple of units offering $200 or $300 over the rent to get it. >> reporter: rosemary with a property management group says competition for rental houses is fierce. >> i just showed a house and 50 people were interested. we got five or six applications within the first hour of showing it. >> reporter: as rent jumps on the peninsula, in san francisco, they are dropping. the median price for one- bedroom in the city is $2900. down more than 3% compared to
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last year. in san jose, the median price for a one-bedroom rental dropped more than 3%. in oakland, rental prices are down more than 11% compared to last year. which bay area city so the biggest drop in rental prices? >> metal park had the largest year-over-year decline for rent prices with one bedroom down 24%. >> reporter: one theory is that after thousands of them plays were laid off from matta, some may have opted to move to more affordable areas. now, they may be priced out of mountain view also. property managers say if you are looking for a rental in mountain view stay on top of new listings and try to be one of the very first people to apply. in mountain view, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> mountain view more expensive than the bay area. that is incredible .
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>> they want to live close to the office. >> location in the silicon valley. we have great weather and in a good location with the hit thursday and friday. sunshine is on the way. i know so many of you out there when the sun and we can deliver it in the microclimate forecast let's start it off now. if you head to the polls in the next couple of hours to drop off your balance, i want to show you what it is like outside. 55, san francisco. we have cloud cover and a slight chance of on and off showers as we move through tonight. right near the bay, 58. dipping down to 55 at 7:00 p.m. across inland valley, 57 degrees and 55 through 7:00 and 8:00. you need the jacket and may need the umbrella. i do not see anything heavy showing up on storm ranger doppler radar shower activity through the east bay over san ramon moving off toward the north. as we head through tomorrow, we'll continue to see the storm
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system near the coastline. not expected to move in over california. a little bit of a chance here as we roll through taurus forecast throughout the bay area . it looks impressive offshore at 11:00. as we head into tomorrow morning, most of it stays out there we see a slight chance of a spotty shower. by the afternoon tomorrow, this moves to the south and we could get thunderstorms spiraling up from the south. through tomorrow afternoon, it is our best bet to get in a thunderstorm to potentially rain accumulation. by 8:00 tonight, it should move toward the south. rain totals, quarter to half inch for the cell bay. trace amounts for the rest of the bay area. as we move through tomorrow morning on wednesday, close to midweek forecast. 47 throughout the peninsula to begin. over to east bay at 45 north bay, down to 44. daytime highs move through tomorrow coming in like this. lots of upper 50s and low 60s.
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63, san jose. 62, martinez. 60, santa rosa. you wanted warmer and sunshine and we definitely think we can deliver on this by thursday and friday. an area of high pressure will move the storm track off to the north not only went up thursday and friday, but look at the 10 day forecast. we will eventually get in on 70s . we have to wait for it. this weekend will be cool with upper 50s and low 60s. by the following weekend, we could get up to 76 here in napa. a nice and decent string of 70s coming our way as we head into next week, starting thursday through the following weekend. that will be incredible. the seven day forecast, after we get over the window sunshine on thursday and friday, is a chance of a few spotty shower's by saturday, sunday and monday. right now, it does not look huge and i would not cancel any plans over it.
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it is par for the course the time of year. i am really waiting on thursday and friday forecast. it is going to be so nice. we will look at the weather more at 6:00. over here, maybe you're thinking about what you would be doing. >> soak in the sunshine. up next, the waiting continues for one of baseball's best pictures. will the giants signed blake snell? the new reason it could be more likely.
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with opening day three weeks away the injury bug continues to by the giants pitching staff. a sprained right elbow. >> raining cy young award winner blake snell is still a free agent. will join spend big money to send them here is our giants insider. >> in terms of like snell, i said this on friday, there was smoke there last week. i know sometimes people who say something is coming down the line. they thought it was likely to be blake snell. when we see chapman no. when we see where they are at with their budget, right up against the line. they could go over,
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but i do not think they like to go over. i do think there is validity to what he said. he really likes the young pitchers. he digs it is a good group and some of the guys are ready. it is time to start folding them in. if they are not fully ready, alex cobb should be back quickly. robbery rate will be back at some point. he feels okay about it. i think people from the outside that it and say this is not. i really like mason black. they think carson can be a star. i think it is time for some of those guys, in their mind. if they do not get like snell or montgomery, i really do they are too bothered by it. >> it sounds like the team will be great for adding another big arm. we are okay with where we are heading into opening day. >> i am not going to go watch doing because i want to be at
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the movie theater with something like that happens. it is not a knock on you. >> i may go see it again. >> until he signed somewhere. i think there is a chance he is up here. lesser chance than three days ago. i think the tax thing matters. >> it would make sense for him to take a one-year deal anyways will do it at oracle park. i understand the giants. >> he probably needs more of a wood. >> we'll see what happens. watch the full episode of's talk from our friends at nbc sports bay area i downloaded it wherever you get your podcast. let's talk about the oakland marathon around the corner. this year, the proceeds go to eat, learn play. the foundation founded by steph curry and aisha curry.
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the kids fun run as of march 15th, the day before the marathon. you can set up at oakland up next, is it really happening? the a's have released new renderings of their proposed indoor ballpark in las vegas. here is a clue. it looks a lot like the sydney opera hoe. uswi you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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another step in the drawn out divorce between the a's and
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the city of oakland. today, the team released new renderings for its proposed ballpark in las vegas. a notable design firm that did the oakland raiders allegiant stadium. they discovered as a spherical armadillo. looks like the sydney opera house. 33,000 people making it the smallest stadium in major league baseball. the renderings do not show a proposed hotel that is also expected on the site. the tropicana hotel. the view from home plate looks out to new york new york resort. the a's say they are on track to open the ballpark by the 20 20th season. the paris olympics is a few months away. while many spectators have purchased tickets, fringe authorities are giving out or than 200,000 free passes to the opening ceremony. the traditionally colorful and spectacular event will be held july 26th overlooking the
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river. the french interior minister says the free tickets will be given out to various cities and organizations. the opening sermon will kickoff with 50 boats sailing along 4 mile stretch of the river. is the first time in the history of the summer games that the ceremony will be held outside the stadium. how much is too much for a burger and fries? five guys is the subject of a heated debate after customer posted a pricey receipt from the burger chain. the post on x shows the purchase of a bacon cheeseburger, fries and a soda it totaled $24 after tax and tip. thousands of people reacting with shock and awe. one person put out the tab would be cheap for california standards. worth noting, the restaurant uses fresh ingredients and offers toppings at no additional cost and the fries are fried in peanut oil, which is more costly than other oils. five guys did not immediately respond to nbc's request for comment. it seems about right nowadays. >> a small fry, five dollars? >> is actually a lot of fries
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at five guys. what some say is most famous wet shirt in tv history hit the auction block we are talking about the white linen garment worn by colin firth as mister darcy and the bbc 1995 tv adaptation of pride and prejudice. the custom sold for $38,000 during a sale at carrie taylor auction. other items included 1950s christian do your taffeta ball gown worn by madonna in the movie evita did it sold for $15,000. johnny depp's sleepy hollow costume and 60 items went up for sale today. let's turn our attention to the 6:00 news. >> do not cry for my wallet with that if you cost. seniors in san francisco could be forced out of her home. families are facing eviction as the landlord to sell the building. our investigative unit, hearing from them and the response from the landlord. appearing in court for the first time, the man accused in
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the disappearance of his wife and mother-in-law after he reported them missing. it is election night and you time to vote. are super tuesday coverage continues right now. the news at 6:00 starts now. thanks for being with us. i am raj mathai . >> i'm jessica guay. it is the biggest delegate grandma the primary season. super tuesday is starting to wind down across country. here in california, you have two hours to get out and vote. in san francisco, mayor london breed dropped her lit at city hall and encouraged everyone to vote. >> we have not gotten back as much or as many dollars as we would like at this time. coming down here and seeing how many people are here voting gives me a lot of hope.'s but again, you have it until 8:00.
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they must be dropped off at a ballot box or postmarked by 8:00 in two hours lots of urging to get out and vote and maybe many voters. in spite of it being so easy to cast your ballot by mail, it is expected to be a really low turnout for the primary. we go to a polling place in san jose. a lot of factors as to why people are going out to vote. >> reporter: we are at this polling place. it is been up present supplies on white road and alan rock avenue. at the public library. a steady flow since the clock a.m.. people are getting out of work and coming in and casting their vote here at this polling place. there were over 1 million ballots issued here in the county for this election. so far, i told only 219,000 have been returned.


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