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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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they must be dropped off at a ballot box or postmarked by 8:00 in two hours lots of urging to get out and vote and maybe many voters. in spite of it being so easy to cast your ballot by mail, it is expected to be a really low turnout for the primary. we go to a polling place in san jose. a lot of factors as to why people are going out to vote. >> reporter: we are at this polling place. it is been up present supplies on white road and alan rock avenue. at the public library. a steady flow since the clock a.m.. people are getting out of work and coming in and casting their vote here at this polling place. there were over 1 million ballots issued here in the county for this election. so far, i told only 219,000 have been returned.
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a turnout in santa clara county of 24.7% they are expected 35% to 45% voter turnout for the primary. it is low, but expected because it is not a june primary. this is part of the big across the country on march 5th. they think it may be one of the reasons why the turnout may be a little low. they will count your ballot if you mailed it today and is postmarked by today and then receive it by march 12th. there hoping by that time, that voter turn out in this community should be between 35% and 45%. may be the same across the state . lower than what they hoped for. 50% to 60% is what they were hoping for. for the presence still primary school it will be a much higher turnout. for now, a pleasant surprise on the east side of san jose. a lot of measures on the ballot. a council race nearby in evergreen. also, a big race for county
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supervisor. of course, you have the big u.s. senate race as well . they do not have the big congressional race of some of the other candidates. they do not have to worry about that. impressed by the turnout so far here on the east side of town we set it back to you. >> damian trujillo, we expect to see it throughout the night . we have you covered with election results. you see damien and a lot of reporters. download our nbc bay area app. the qr on the left side of the screen will take you to radar. point your phone at the code and you will get the little yellow indicator and you are good to go. this is a live look in downtown san jose. some of us got a little bit of rain today. let's. in with chief meteorologist jeff ranieri . >> a little bit coming down through today and also for tonight a little bit on the way tomorrow. our storm system is just off shore now.
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the of the storm will be moving off toward the south right against the coast. we are not looking at any widespread nonstop rainfall like we had last week. nonetheless, let's get to storm ranger doppler radar a few spotty shower's across the north bay along 101 corridor from petaluma down to fairfax. hit or miss shower if dropping off your vote in the next couple of hours. a few showers in the succeeding quarter moving off toward clinton by 6:37. as you roll through tomorrow morning the rainfall and heavy pockets will be just off shore. i will put a trump on this and show you what is in store for tomorrow. plus, it will be so nice. we will have sunshine coming in from the area of high pressure. eventually, 70s. i will break it down for you another update in seven minutes to. to make it easy for you you can track the weather on the go. download our free nbc bay area app.
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point your phone at the qr code on your screen and it will take you right to our weather page where you can access our radar. the gruesome story and san pablo did a man accused of murdering his wife and his mother-in-law was in court today. luke saville -- phuk vo was in court. the bodies are yet to be found. he reported his wife and mother- in-law missing last september. he told the police the two drove to the california following a family argument. police sensed something suspicious when officers and the sever spotted him driving his wife's car, which they say was later discovered in oakland. police arrested him based on evidence they say officers found inside of the home. she is called the san francisco private home for more than eight decades. helen byrne is 84 years old and bedridden. the building has new numbers -- owners.
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we spoke with the tenants that could potentially face the last few weeks in their home. >> reporter: helen's one wish, stay in the place is called comb -- home certificate. the new owners say letting rick -controlled tenant state is not part of their plan. the building residents are rallying together to fight the new leather in court. -- landlord in court. san francisco's mission district has changed a lot over the years. just not at this four unit apartment building. it has been decades since a new tenant has moved in. helen burns upstairs apartment is practically a time capsule. >> we first moved into here i was 12 years old. i came with my father and my two sisters. i have lived here all of my life. >> she sleeps in her childhood bedroom after suffering a fall last year. it is where she spent most of
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her time now. helen outlived her parents and sisters and lives alone. a lifetime of memories preserved in the photos that filled the apartment. >> i have my whole life practically right there on the wall. this building, this apartment makes her feel she is home. >> reporter: sicilia lives in the building and helps to take care of helen. she has been here 40 years herself the first apartment her family moved into after leaving the philippines. >> she has been very good to me. she is like a daughter to me. >> i told her, no matter what, i will take care of you. even though we are not blood related. catholic we're closer to her sister also lives in the building sodas anthony martin and his son, an iraq war veteran. the apartment are rent- controlled and the rent is lower than today's market rate. and maybe the reason why the
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new owners have been trying to get them out since 2020 when the building was purchased through loc managed by daniel michaels. reviewed emails and letters regarding the eviction case the owner sent the lenders and tenant showing the plan to empty the building from the start. >> which came as a surprise to me. actually a shock to me that i would have to go move from here. where would i go? i am so use to the space to give is 2020 email to the lender, michaels called the building almost impossibly good value, adding the purchase price reflects the property has four long-term occupants paint a total of 38 doctors -- $3800 in rent per month. he plan to get the tenants out and rent the units at a higher price or possibly sell the welding taken at a profit. >> that shows his goal with speculation.
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>> reporter: steve collier is the managing attorney at the clinic, a san francisco nonprofit that fights displacement of low income residents. >> with a look at that in the context of potentially destroying the lives of four families. by kicking them out just so that he can make a profit. i think it is morally wrong. >> reporter: michaels told us over the phone that he feels bad about the situation, but the tenant current rent does not cover the building operating expenses. in an email the landlord's attorney says they are aware of the hardship of eviction. adding, the owner initially attempted to pay the tenants significant money to vacate. however, when all tenants refused, the landlord's only remaining option was to terminate the tendencies under the ellis act. a law allowing landlords to evict tenants if they take the property of the rental for at least five years. the
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landlord's attorney also said the ellis act was created to resolve unintended consequences of local rent control laws. allowi landlords to quit the rent for market when rental gets unseasonable to be a housing provider. that tenants have four months to leave. the law allows a one-year extension because of their age. >> it is often used by speculators to empty holdings and sell them at a greater value. when tenants want to move, they do not want to leave helen. >> i want to stay here for the rest of my life. i have all of my friends and neighbors that live here with me. >> i do not want her to go somewhere or anywhere else. she grew up here. i will take care of her if i had to. that is why i am here. to instead of moving out, the tenants turned to the tenderloin housing clinic for help. the window to leave under ellis act has come and gone and they are now fighting eviction law in court.
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even the neighborhood police, who have known helen for more than a decade is standing by her side. >> it is wrong that this is happening. she should not have to lose the home she lived in all of her life and she paid her rent and did the responsible thing. people are not just numbers to be discarded. to helen and sicilia face and uncertain future, but they are facing it together. >> i love you always. >> i love you also. >> reporter: she said that tenants fate could be decided in court soon, possibly in the next few years tenants facing ellis act evictions have two choices leave your home or fight and eviction lawsuit. either way, you should always contact an attorney. with the investigator -- investigative unit, i am hilda gutierrez >> call 888-966-tips or visits .
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like a scene out of the purge. how a violent scene was described after man was attacked by a crowd. we are hearing from his lawyer and the tougher teahouse for city leaders. i am chief meteorologist jeff ranieri a chance of a few spotty showers. tomorrow morning, with a cold in the 40s with a few more showers. even some thunderstorm chances as we head through tomorrow afternoon. while you may be sick of the rainfall, his hope in the forecast. we have sunshine ahead and the 10 day forecast of tracking 70s . i have all the details coming up in seven minutes. why president biden is looking to cap credit card late fees and how much you can save consumers and why some are lasting the plan as unfair. plus, frank talk from plus, frank talk from elections ficial saying of
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he was brutally attacked by a mob in a sideshow last week. the truck never was on his way home when he inadvertently drove into an intersection where the sideshow was taking place. >> it got ugly and dangerous we spoke with the victim's attorney who is placing blame on the city of vallejo . jodi hernandez has exclusive story >> they are going to come in and i am going to die. this is my last moment on earth. to attorney daniel russo describes how he says his 34- year-old client felt as he was viciously attacked by a sideshow mob last week. russo says it started with a long time vallejo resident on his way home from sediment afternoon at the park. he ran across the sideshow. >> he is trying to make the turn to get away from this, right? this mustang throws a spin and hits his truck. >> reporter: what happens next
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is hard to watch.>> teder started attacking him. >> i swear, watching it was like a scene out of the purge. everyone going insane. it is a pack mentality. all rules are gone. there is a young woman who is jumping on the truck trying to destroy it. smashing the windows and ripped the car seat out. >> reporter: the young father ran into a nearby 7-eleven for help, only to be chased and beaten again. the crowd began routine and russo says the dispatcher told him to get outside. video shows people taunting him as he runs for his life. >> there is a ton of material out there. if we have a competent police department and it district attorney's office that was involved, they could find all of these people.
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>> reporter: more than a week later and still no arrest. he says vallejo has let the criminals to go for. >> we can thank the city of vallejo, the mayor and city council . everyone is morally responsible for what happened. what you have is a completely dysfunctional police department. >> reporter: russo is calling on the state to step in and put an end to the lawlessness. he says his client is recovering, what he has endured have a lasting impact. >> he is traumatized. he is thinking, had to sell the house and get out of vallejo . in vallejo , jodi hernandez , nbc bay area news. >> you want to show you another sideshow that led to a police chase that began in north bay and ended all the way in east bay chp caught it on camera with a helicopter. officers responded to reports of a sideshow late sunday night in vallejo . this car was
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spending donuts. the driver took off leading police on a chase over a bridge to richmond. the driver ditched the car in her neighborhood and believe it or not, got into a different car waiting down the street. the police chased the car and simpleton over and arrested everyone in the getaway. let's talk about the weather. the road to tahoe is clear. the last restrictions were dropped this morning. chp lifted 10 controls through donner summit a day after interstate 80 reopened after the weekend blizzard. nice and clear. >> passable, finally. >> caltrans crews worked nonstop to clear the roads. you knew this was happening. epic conditions for skiers and snowboarders. this is heavenly today. people enjoying the slopes and the fresh powder i would imagine jeff, friday, saturday and sunday will be busy. >> it is heavenly.
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>> i imagine it will be record raking ticket sales. >> thursday and friday will be the best days to get on a private jet and fly up there. >>, use yours? >> only dreaming on that one. thursday and friday, not only across the sierra and across the bay area, incredible weather . at more looks at what is coming our way in just a little bit. right now, we have a system offshore. is moving down the coast line. looking at a widespread, nonstop rainfall here as you move through tomorrow's forecast just on-again and off- again periods of scattered rain. maybe even isolated thunderstorms. eventually, it has into southern california by tomorrow night. getting a glancing blow from the storm system. as we head through this evening, the heaviest rainfall offshore. a slight chance you could get a spotty shower through tomorrow morning. it stays in the pacific . a little bit up toward the
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northern coastline. is 2 tomorrow afternoon, this is where a little bit of the activity doubled up from the south that could fire off thunderstorms may be isolated gusty winds and small hail started around 1:00 . we continue to track that through 4:00 pm. is through tomorrow night, and moved off toward san francisco for. rental totals right now are boosted up a little bit here. a quarter to half inch to the south bay. trace amounts for the rest of the bay area. keep the umbrella handy as we head to tomorrow. and the jacket of course. as you head out the door, 47 through the peninsula. cell a, 49. continuing with 40s over the east bay, san francisco and north bay digitized, with a chance of spotty rain in the 60s across bay area . 63, san jose east bay, 62 in martinez 61, pleasanton.
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the peninsula with my winds and 58 in daly city . hello alto, 60. san francisco, 59 downtown and 57 for the marina. for north a, 60 in sonoma. we have had the rainfall and our reins system is 100% normal throughout the bay area we've had so much cloud cover and i know you're ready for sunshine. we are locked in for the area of high pressure to move storm track to the north thursday and friday. it is not your imagination. most of this year has been cloudy for a lot of the bay area. i went back through the data. san francisco, since the start of the year, has only had five sunny days. 92% of this year has been cloudy in san francisco. you deserve that sun. thursday and friday is looking awesome. looking beyond this, i know you want to see this. this weekend is on the cool side with 60s in san jose. by the following thursday, friday and saturday, we are into the 70s. not this weekend, but next weekend, upper 70s could be on track for us.
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that will be so nice. here it is. as we head through the upcoming weekend, a few more spotty shower chances saturday, sunday and monday. it does not look anything. only a quarter inch of rainfall. five days of sun this year in san francisco. such value-added two more just there. >> you will doubled it there. up next, one thing bridging the political divide on super tuesday. and new bill that could pay on tik toc. the plan released by republicans and democrats.
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on election night, i live look at the polls in san francisco. that is the pallet dropbox at city hall plenty of measures on the alex dealing with crime, homelessness and housing. people are frustrated those issues. this is your opportunity to make a change your time to vote until 8:00. if still in line after the polls close, you are allowed to vote under california law. we have you covered with tonight's election results. scan the qr code on her screen. you can also head to results to join us at 9:00 for an election special with the analysis and our news crews from 9:00 until 1130 tonight. a former walgreens
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pharmacist is facing murder changes -- charges after women died by drugs allegedly sold to her. prosecutor saint javonte williams sold hope would cocaine laced with fentanyl. she was found that from an overdose. investigators found up plastic with walgreens logo, white powder at her cell phone. detectives learned through his private instant messages that she purchased the drugs from williams. williams has a credit goal -- criminal record for stealing narcotics was former. an attempt from feds to on tik toc. the introduced a bill requiring bytedance, the parent company of tik toc, to sell off the popular app. they gave bytedance six months to reduce or face a man. for years, u.s. leaders have shared concerns that data from tik toc could be used for the chinese government. in a statement to to set the will violate first amendment rights of millions of americans and deprived small doses of a platform to grow and create jobs
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. up next, a birthdate with a lot of candles to count. triple digits. a special celebration in the east bay for one of the bay area's oldest veterans. let's take a look and said 30 rock. lester holt preparing for nightly news. one of the top stories on super tuesday, struggling to secure the boat. the problem of election security and why some officials say security upgrades planned for this november may be out of reach. lester join us in 3 1/2 minutes is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card
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we love this. of veteran in the east day celebrating a very special birthday today. forget 100. >> arthur larson turned 104 today. >> always have something you're headed for. >> that is his advice for living a good, long life. his wife of 73 years was by his side, joanne. he served in the u.s. army as lieutenant and got his doctorate from berkeley. happy birthday arthur a busy election not across america and here in the bay area. here's a look at our coverage on air and online. lester holt will incur super tuesday coverage at 10:00. the digital show at 9:00 and we ar
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tonight, the super tuesday showdown the results now rolling in as voters in 16 states cast their ballots. the biggest night on the primary calendar former president trump looking for a super tuesday sweep. is this nikki haley's last stand and president biden up against no major opponents, but amid concerns over his age, could another democrat jump into the race, like michelle obama? our exclusive reporting on what the former first lady is saying plus, the major announcement shaking up the battle for the senate and taylor swift getting political. her super tuesday message to her 282 million instagram fans also tonight, the plane crashing in a ball of flames along a highway in nashville five people were killed you'll hear the pilot's desperate call for help the fiery explosion at a vaping supplier turning canisters into flying projectiles. a 19-year-old bystander hit and killed a q


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