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tv   NBC News Special Decision 2024 Super Tuesday  NBC  March 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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states and one u.s. territory casting their votes today to determine their party's nominee. it is shaping up to be a big night for donald trump already every raisce so far has gone for him over nikki haley >> the president winning 11 states, taking minnesota and texas included he now has more than 600 delegates, which puts him more than halfway to the 1215 needed to nominate, savannah. >> all right, lester, thanks we have correspondents fanned out across the country, getting the pulse of the voters, and the issues that will decide the presidential election this fall. of course the candidates weal w will will be watching closely. garrett, what is the mood there? >> reporter: savannah, there's a
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ton of energy in this room as folks here are ready to celebrate what they hope will be the start of a general election campaign in the last few minutes, they've really started sealing off this room, preparing for the former president. his adult children are here. some of his top supporters both financially and in the united states congress are here to support him. and really, the trump campaign has been incredibly confident all night long they might achieve a sweep tonight, which would put them mathematically on the brink of notching the nomination, and they're waiting to see what nikki haley will do. but in the meantime, donald trump plans to try to prifivot the general election not stylistically or with tone or policies but to focus on joe biden specifically that is the guidance we've gotten from his advisers tonight who feel that this primary has gone on long enough and they want to see him stay focussed on joe biden. if you see over my shoulder, the
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stage is set for donald trump, with no teleprompters. >> it's looking like another tough night for nikki haley. while she has been optimistic in defeat in recent weeks tonight, her staff in large part huddles in the building right behind me.
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her mood jubilant. donald trump could once again sweep nikki haley on this super tuesday primary night, inching him closer to the nomination and begging the question of what does nikki haley do next behind closed doors, her team have been quiet tonight. they are really focussed, i think, on what their path ahead looks like, especially when the metrics that they've laid out here, savannah, have been so vague. haley herself says she wants to stay in the race as an alternative to voters. certainly, i have heard that on the ground as i've been traveling to super tuesday states, but haley has also said she will stay in as long as she is competitive that is a vague metric it tracks with the way her campaign tends to talk about what success looks like on election nights, but the problem with not talking on a night like this one is that other people set what it looks like to be competitive for you. you don't get to put the story of your own campaign out there, and clearly that's something that the haley campaign is
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comfortable with, at least for right now, savannah. >> and the numbers don't lie, ali, we continue to watch those numbers. >> nbc news has been conducting exit polls with voters nationwide today tom llamas is staying on top of what they've been saying >> let's explain what we're talking about. here are all the super tuesday states we had our pollsters in places like virginia, north carolina, and california after people voted, they came out, and they would come and see one of these ballots and fill it out for us and it's pretty simple we'd ask basically, who are you voting for when did you make your decision, a little bit about demographics, ai age or background. let's start in virginia. it's trended blue. but some tpeople consider it a battleground immigration, the top issue at 38%. right under that, the economy. next up, north carolina. this is a true battleground and
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some people believe may be the critical battleground in the 2024 election. what is your top issue they said immigration. just below that is the economy and finally, in california, same question it flipped though. we had the economy as the number one issue and immigration as number two we also wanted to ask people and find out who were the core groups for each group. for trump, this is in north carolina again, a key battleground state you have very conservative, 89, white, non-college grads, white evangelicals and veterans. this is the core of the maga movement if you will we asked the same question about nikki haley. who are her people moderates, independents. college grads, under 45. but here's the problem, and this is the story of the night. republicans did not vote for nikki haley in the republican primary. >> fascinating story lines savannah, we'll send it back to you. >> we have a lot to talk about with our moderator of meet the press, kristin welker as well as hallie jackson happy super tuesday. >> here we are
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>> they call it super tuesday because the sheer number of states sometimes it's been decisive about who will pull away that has not been this night no suspense, it's donald trump's night. how do you see this playing out? >> i what competitive look like the fact that vermont is the only state in play does that make her competitive in a republican primary? that's the question for her. there are vulnerabilities in the general election with former president trump, if you look at virginia and north carolina. >> let's get nerdy for just one moment >> you're speaking my language >> this is about delegate map. you need a certain number of delegates to clench the
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republican nomination. in many, many states tonight, even if you get 40% of the vote, if you're less than 50%, you don't get any delegates, it's winner takes all can you just explain why the delegate map is so difficult for nikki haley if she doesn't get over a 50% threshold >> the rules favor the frontrunner. that is exactly why. in some of these states we've seen donald trump do well, real talk, we are rounding the corner to the general election tonight. by any metric, specifically as it relates to delegate math. donald trump is picking up 400 delegates. nikki haley has 3. now the reason for this, and i don't want to get too nerdy here but it is to favor the person who is in the lead, so that the party can get voters to coalesce behind a candidate, right? the idea being that you don't have those fractures inside the gop that you saw back in 2016 for example or the democrats saw in 2020. get to it, get to a head to head, democrat versus republican
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so voters can start to make a choice >> they want the general election to start tonight. which, for all intents and purposes it appears it's going to but this, it's a rematch of 2020 it's not a replay of 2020. what has changed biden's now the incumbent. he has advantages of that and the baggage of that. >> he has the baggage of that. and if you look saying, we don' to see this rematch. so he's dealing with a very frustrated electorate. you have issues like immigration, the economy, still at the forefront but i think the electorate, the frustration that they are expressing is one of the components that makes this a very unique moment >> nikki haley wanted this one on one matchup with donald trump. she got it
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and in her best state, she got 43% of the vote in new hampshire, 40% in south carolina she's not flirting with those numbers other than maybe vermont so far but couldn't biden see an opening there and say, well, 40% of the republican primary electorate went someone named not donald trump >> picking the primary frontrunner. that's exactly right >> when you look at where the biden campaign's head is at, they're also looking ahead to the general election in talking with campaign advisers, that is what you're hearing. you ask savannah, what is different this year, this rematch, not a replay. the issues are different, too. because voters calways care abou the economy. right now the numbers seem to favor the incumbent, president biden. inflation is ticking down. markets are hitting record highs in the last couple weeks, but people don't feel good by the economy. and look at what we saw when tom went through the boards with lester immigration front and center in the minds of a lot of voters here and that is an issue where
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president biden currently is on defense. the campaign hopes to flip that and basically point to what's happened in congress >> i want to pause and let everyone know we've got our cameras fixed on mar-a-lago. we are expecting the former president, donald trump, to address the cameras at any moment now we will take the top of those remarks live when they happen. we see some of the dignitaries of trump world as they walk in kristin, you wanted to say >> there are a couple x factors there. one of the big ones, the 40% you talk about with nikki haley. how many of those voters are going to vote for trump? not all of them. we think maybe half of them might consider it. which way do they go >> also she benefitted by the fact that in some of those states people other than republicans could vote >> exactly >> you could have end independe and democrat
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>> we asaw that was energizing. how will that play in this general election we do not know we do know, though, that the president, the vice president are always, already trying to put that issue front and center. >> democrats are hanging their hats on that very issue and enhanced by the fact that the alabama supreme court had the hearing on the legal status of frozen embryos, which threw into question ivf, this is where the democrats want to fight the race not clear that voters put that as their top issue >> we talked about where president biden might be on defense. this is an area where former president trump, if he is the nominee, may be on defense as well it not one of the top two issues, at least not right now but there is precedent, when you look at what happened a couple years ago. we were all sitting together after the overturning of roe v. wade, about how it did motivate democrats to the polls in a big way. you've got democrats looking at that going, will we in fact see that again
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>> that's what made the difference in 2022 and the midterms being more favorable for democrats than they thought. much to discuss, stay right there. kristin and hallie, as we wait for the former president to speak. we'll send it over to lester >> i'm in the corner where we're watching a lot of moving parts on the monitors ana where votes are being counted. >> reporter: since 2020, they have been doing permanent vote by mail ballots. everybody in california gets a mail-in ballot one of the things you may be surprised to hear, not only do you have voting in person, but we've got drive-through voting
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i want to give a special shoutout to our election workers, this is sandra. she's also a social worker, volunteering to be out here? >> yes >> reporter: on behalf of everyone watching, thanks to you and the election workers across the country. how's the turnout been so far? >> really great. >> reporter: i want to get out of the way i'm sure there will be other cars that will want to come through while you're out here. lester, california, here in orange county is where the republicans used to have their stronghold in california right here is where we're going to see the presidential election potentially, the senate election in california, which is hotly contested and some house races decided on that republican side because of the volume of republican votes here in california it's a top-two system where it could be two democrats, but it also could be a republican. adam schiff, the frontrunner on the democratic side, you know him from the first impeachment of president trump in the house has spent a lot of money to elevate the republican steve garvey, a former los angeles
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dodger and padre to get to that general election one thing i want to say about the election here in california, lester, buckle your seat belts it could take 30 days -- >> jacob, we're going to interrupt you. because viewers can see donald trump has entered the rum at mar-a- room at mar-a-lago it will not give him the nomination tonight but brings him far closer based on what we've we've seen so far. ♪ the usa ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ from the lakes of minnesota ♪ >> mr. trump anxious to put this night behind him and begin to focus on president biden ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪
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♪ from detroit down to houston ♪ ♪ and new york to l.a. ♪ ♪ where there's pride in every american heart ♪ ♪ and it's time we stand and say ♪ ♪ >> this moment -- wanted this primary race to be over for some time, and functionally, lester, it is tonight with diseasecisiv victories. the delegate map makes it prohibitively difficult for nikki haley to come back we'll continue to watch her headquarters in south carolina we don't expect to hear from her today. but donald trump enjoying the spotlight as he is want to do on a night that many will say looking back is the night that he clenched the republican nomination, and we, if not officially, as a practical matter, we are headed for a rematch of 2020, joe biden versus donald trump. a rematch, but not a replay, as a lot has changed in these last three years. >> and i think we're going to see a lot more pressure on nikki
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haley at this point, to get in line, as many republicans have put it get republicans on the same page and march forward. ♪ there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god it super tuesday for reason [cheers and applause >> this is a big one and they tell me, the pundits and otherwise, that there's never been one like this there's never been anything so conclusive this was an amazing, an amazing night, an amazing day. it's been an incredible period of time. in our country's history
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it's been sad in so many ways, but i think it's going to be inspiring, because we're going to do something that frankly nobody's been able to do for a long time. [cheers and applause >> we've watched our country take a great beating over the last three years and nobody thought a thing like this would be possible we wouldn't have russia attack ukraine. we wouldn't have israel being attacked iran, as you know, is broke when i was running things they were broke. they didn't have money for hamas. they didn't have money for hezbollah. we had no inflation. inflation is destroying the middle class it's destroying everything inflation, if you look back over the history, hundreds of years back, it's called inflation, it's called a country buster and that's what it's doing to our country. what's happened with inflation has been unbelievable. a lot of people say, a lot of experts have said the stock
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market's the only thing that's doing well, and that's doing well because our poll numbers are so much higher than joe biden's. [ applause ] he's the worst president in the history of our country [cheers and applause there's never been anything like what's happening to our country. today it was announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown migrants were flown in airplane, not going through borders. not going through that great texas barrier that i was with the governor of texas, greg abbott, the other day. and we were looking at the job they're doing. but in the meantime, they're pouring into california. and they're pouring into arizona. because those governors aren't doing anything they're doing nothing. but today was just announced before i came out, it was unbelievable
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i said that must be a mistake. they flew in 325,000 into our country. so that really tells you where they're coming from. they want open borders, and open borders are going to destroy our country. we need borders, and we need free and fair elections, or we don't have a country this is an incredible group of people so many celebrities that i'm not going to introduce any, because i'm just going to get myself in trouble if i do that, because i'll leave out most of you because we have a room full of, chock-full of incredible people, like some of the guys standing right in front of me big, big futures, big, fat, beautiful futures, oh. i'd love to be your age. i'd pay you a lot of money to be your age [ applause ] but we have, we have some tremendously talented people in this room, including tremendously-talented political people that have helped me right from the beginning we had the safest border in the
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history of our country we built 571 miles of wall we had mexico supply us with 28,000 soldiers, because we wanted them. that's why and they said we won't do that i said yes, you will you will and in the end, they did it was an easy negotiation but we category of crime, and it's violent, where they'll stand in the middle of the streit and have fistfights with police officers and if they did that in their countries from where they came, they'd be killed instantly, instantly. they wouldn't do that. so the world is laughing at us the world is taking advantage of us three years ago, we were at a
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level, we were energy independent. we were going to be very shortly energy dominant. and today we're getting oil from venezuela. can you believe it and we're doing numbers on that oil, you know what we're doing we're refining the oil we have a refinery for that oil, it's really, i call it tar it's not oil it's terrible. we have real stuff but we're refining it in houston. so, for all of the environmentalists, you ought to look at that because all of that tar is going right up into the atmosphere you just ought to take a look. it's the only plant that can do it we have the only plants that can take tar and make it into oil. and that's what it is. it's a shame but we were energy independent we were going to be energy dominant we were going to be supplying oil to europe, all over the world, and then a tragic thing happened during the election it was a tragedy because you wouldn't have think of it, all of the problems that you have today, i don't think you would have had any of them you'd only have success.
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and that's what's ultimately going to unify this country and unify this party we have a great republican party. very quickly, and i have been w people with diplomas from the best schools in the world, and people who didn't graduate from high school. every single group was doing better than ever before, and it was a beautiful thing. our country was coming together. >> former president trump making his first comments on another good night of big super tuesday for the former president notably, he's been speaking for several minutes here
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he has not mentioned nikki haley. this is the turn that he had talked about and others in his campaign, this movement to focus strictly on joe biden, his policies, a one on one match, which i think most people had seen coming. >> in many ways, you can look at this as the first general election speech for former president trump who in all but name is clenching the nomination of the republican party. we want to turn to our political pros hogan gidley who servedserv in trump administration you're a big supporter this is moment > he's got ten minutes a lot of this country is tuning into the election right now and realizing, oh, it's going to be donald trump versus joe biden again. did he make the most of that moment >> well, look, i think it's important for donald trump to lay out the differences in the two records. this is so unique, because what
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we have leerhere is a sitting president with a body of work affecting americans right now. and we have donald trump who was the president who can point to a body of work that affected americans in a different way he started going through the list of inflation, war in ukraine, war in israel immigration is a problem, crime is a problem he's outlining the bad policies that joe biden has implemented that really have hurt americans in a lot of ways, and i imagine sooner or later if we go back to the speech, he's going to talk about the things he was able to accomplish for the american people that for all intents and purposes made people's lives better, regardless of race, religion, creed, these policies are the ones that a lot of people in this country want to go back to now they see them back to back we used to have to point to reagan and go look how it was in the '80s this was a few short years ago when you could afford gas and groceries. >> the big question the last several days, will nikki haley drop out does it matter at this point is she a factor either hurting donald trump, helping him,
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helping biden? >> yeah, i mean, look, as long as nikki haley stays in, it's not good for donald trump. he hasn't really done much to reach out to her and her voters. if you look at the kinds of things we've heard from donald trump in recent days, he's gone a after mitt romney again. laura lara trump saying if you're not maga, get out of the republican party. again and again and again, you hear this from that wing of the republican party it's not a, politics is about addition, it's not a smart thing to do to alienate voters nikki haley's 33% in colorado. 35 in massachusetts. she's getting a chunk of the republican party that he's going to need. >> her high-watermark, 40% in south carolina that's not a small number for an almost pseudo incumbent running again, which is donald trump, and he's going to need some of those voters to stick with him, because they could potentially go to biden. what's the outreach?
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how do you see him kind of rolling out the welcome mat for those voters >> well, there will absolutely be a time for this it's still super tuesday, for heaven's sake, and it's not like nikki haley was trying to embrace donald trump we were talking about on the panel earlier how much she's ratcheted up her rhetoric against donald trump, how much meaner she's gotten in the campaign of late there will be a time for that. it's just going to take, you know, more time. >> but, has she created a landing field for never trumpers a place of comfort, a place of like-minded individuals? >> has she created that? i mean, look, it's obvious that there are a lot of people who support her that are democrats, there are some independent out there. you're going to need more than just your base >> but there are a lot of republicans who are not supporting her right now part of the problem is, in past elec elections you've seen fiercely-fought battles for a nomination and the party comes together and republicans come home
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i don't know that that's the case this time >> let me ask you about this a 2022 in the midterms, it was a disappointment for republicans, donald trump seemed politically vulnerable you had 14 candidates, including trump, get into this race, and he has vanquished them all >> yeah. >> so for those who say, oh, people are tired of trump or they don't want him anymore. the republican party wants trump. >> for sure. >> he came back from, not political death, but a political, critical condition to come back and be, have a decisive moment on super tuesday. >> no question this is donald trump's republican party there's no question about that, there's no debate about that he has an energetic and enthusiastic base of the party and we can quibble about how big it is, 30%, 40%, 50%, that will do anything for donald trump, they hwill walk over glass for donald trump, but there are these other voters who may, in years past when you've seen candidates come together after a fiercely-fought primary, they
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say let's let bygones be bygones, it's different this time donald trump tried to steal an election he instigated violent attack on the u.s. capitol he lied about it for months and months, and he's lying about itt donald trump does it better than most at a time when he was left for dead, he's orchestrated the biggest political comeback in gop history and has crushed the rest of the field. so regardless of what you think about his personality, his policies were wildly successful in this country, and that's what this race ultimately is going to be about >> we shall see.
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it's all over but the voting, right? we've got a lot more voting to do, hogan, thank you so much president biden is out with a new statement tonight. and we're going to talk to jen psaki right after this within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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welcome back to nbc news coverage of today's crucial super tuesday primary contests nationwide it's been a big night for both donald trump and joe biden, headed for another rematch this fall. >> yeah, president biden releasing a statement just tonight saying his administration has made great progress during his term and that quote, if donald trump returns to the white house, all of this progress is at risk. he is driven by grievance and grift, focussed on his own revenge and retribution, not the american people, the biden
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st statement tonight. >> let's bring in president biden's first white house press secretary, jen psaki president biden talks about protecting democracy is there something to be learned here tonight >> well, they're all issues that are front and center for voters. and i think what you saw in this statement that the president put out tonight is that he's ready to get on to the general election and one of the things for them is making that clear for their voters, and for people out there who haven't quite come back to joe biden. but i think in the state of the union later this week which is kind of the two-step of this week, lester, you're going to hear a lot about all of those issues, the economy, immigration, democracy, but there's no question that democracy for democrats, for the base of voters he needs to get excited. >> democrats are doing a lot of hand wringing over joe bidenu joe biden. >> more than hand wringing >> freaking out some might say worried about his age.
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>> mm-hm >> and the white house strategy so far has been to pretty severely limit his appearances, most faylemously not saying yeso a super bowl interview but having him in controlled settings you used to be the white house press secretary, in on this strategy, do you think that needs to change going forward, now that we're really in this general election matchup >> i think for them, we all know that the way people consume information has changed quite a bit. and a lot of what they're betting on, and we'll see if it works in november, what they're doing on social media, how they're using him to connect directly with voters that's what they're betting on i know the super bowl interview, hard call for them some people were for it, some people were against it it was going to be narrowed down to a very short three-minute interview at the end of the day, and they made the bet that it wasn't worth all the prep time should he do more? absolutely should he be out there in the country, yes what's a challenge for them, is
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it's very hard for them to break through for them right now everybody's covering a historic moment where the former president is under indictment and is facing a range of criminal trials. so that's hard, so should he be out there more sure but he's got to do it on terms that make sense and work for him. >> the former president says the indictments have made him stronger that's an issue that seems to be off the table for the president, that he can't touch it >> hmm >> how difficult is that is that an x factor in this race >> for president biden you mean, >> right >> it's hard president biden is a traditionalist, an institutionalist, and he's quite quare careful of not speaking about the legal threats to his opponent, to former president trump. i do think for them, when he talks about democracy and protecting democracy and standing up for the fundamentals of our country, that's what he's referring to, in terms of the choice and contrast. now, will the american voters hear it that way we'll see in november. but they did hear it that way in 2022
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in the midterm elections and they have heard it in a number of special elections that way. so i think what they're betting on is by making the choice about democracy and standing up for the fundamental values of this country, they are telling voters that that's a choice, even as they're not talking about the indictments and the specifics of it >> how do you see this race? sometimes, the classic paradigm was, if it's in the general election, both candidates move to the center. in more recent years, it's like, no turn out your base, that's where the enthusiasm, drive up the margins there. do you think president biden should be trying to get his base out, get the young voters back, get the activists in the party or should he be reaching out and trying to moderate and trying to meet that middle of the road, maybe these nikki haley voters who don't want to vote for trump and might be open to a biden vote >> there might be in this election an overlap there. because there are issues like abortion rights which were historically thought of as a divisive issue, and there
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certainly are many people in this country who feel different ways about it, but the majority of the public thinks that abortion should be safe and legal in the country, and that is an issue that certainly will be front and center for the biden campaign and if you look for them at the voters that they're betting on, a lot of them are the people who turned out in 2022, who were motivated, energized, angered by the dobbs ruling, and they are hoping and betting that they will turn out in 2024. but i think for joe biden, what he's, what's most natural to him is to talk about trying to be un uniter for the country and stand up for free mandom, stand up fo your fundamental rights. i don't think that is a lurch to the right. >> we want to bring in tom llamas what are you seeing? >> this for me is one of the biggest findings in our exit polls.
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i want to start in the state of virginia it's leaned democratic the last two general elections, but former president trump hopes he can win there. this is a question we asked voters who was your vote for, for president, was it mainly for your candidate people who supported donald trump, 84% were voting for donald trump, but look down at nikki haley. against her opponent 59% of people voting for nikki haley were actually just voting against former president trump i want to talk about the mind set of some of these voters in california, north carolina and virginia we asked them. biden did not win legitimately in 2020. that was the question. did he win the election in 2020? in california 57% of republican said he did not win. north carolina, 62%, and virginia, 50%. you guys were just talking about the indictments with jen psaki there. we have to remember, when those indictments started, all that legal trouble started for former president trump, his poll numbers started to take off, but what happens if he's actually convicted? we asked that question as well
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in california, 23% would say trump was not fit to be president. in north carolina, which is a key battleground state 31% of republican voters, likely some independents said he would not be fit to be president, and finally in virginia, 37% those are numbers that could really affect the president in a tight election we also want to say one more thing. we're talking about tonight being all about donald trump but we know it's going to be all about donald trump he's won already 11 states, but there is some hope for nikki haley. it is a small hope, the state of vermont. it's too early to call 87% of the vote in she's on top right now some people might say this is completely ridiculous. the question is how long is nikki haley going to stay in if she wins one state, she still has a lot of money she sent some leadership teams to different states. possibly she stays in, but it would be really, really tough, guys whether when we look at all the states voting tonight
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donald trump winning 11 of them, nikki haley possibly wink vermont. >> we mentioned it, but could those legal challenges for donald trump derail his campaign this fall? we will get into that. licalel learndhe potil one, right after this. '6 and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪
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beginning at welcome back to nbc's brea convention, the republican convention is in july. we're watching all these trials. the supreme court just weighed in on the immunity question or is about to weigh in on the immunity question. does that put all these cases on hold right now or just some >> not all of them almost remember, the only one that currently has a trial date right now, lester is the one that's going to happen here in new york
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city in three weeks. that's a state case about fals falsifying business records. the allegation is that the former president was trying to cover up an alleged affair that he says never happened but he didn't want it to get out in front of the voters. so he falsified his business records. that's the only case as you can see, that is currently scheduled. that's the only one. the one you're talking about is the one in washington, d.c the allegation there is that he actually tried to overturn the last election. but everything on that one is paused because the supreme court is going to take up an issue that could make or break the prosecutor's entire case >> it could make or break it for a number of these cases. because what the supreme court has agreed to consider is whether president trump has total immunity, absolute immunity from being criminally prosecuted for anything he did in office. that is the legal position he is taking he lost it in the lower courts the supreme court has agreed to hear this issue of presidential
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immunity >> and i think part of the reason they agreed to take it up, up savannah, is because it's a sweeping issue in the florida case, another federal case where he similarly tried to say i should be completely immune, because the idea of thas the supreme court has expedited this and are going to hear it the night of april 22nd. they could come back fast. they could come back in may or in june. >> a lot of the pundits have looked at the hush money case and say it's the weakest are they talking about the seriousness of the alleged crime? or the fact that it's not a strong case?
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>> i think what they're referring to is, one, the facts are well-known this is not sort of anything that, nobody that, everybody's heard about the hush money payments and stormy daniels. it's a low-level felony. carries up to four years in prison, which of course would be substantial for the former president but is not nearly the type of case when we talk about the federal election interference case or 20 years in prison >> it's also stretching some of the law to see if it can reach this conduct in the case of the manhattan prosecution. so, when you talk about the supreme court, they have fast tracked the case, which is not to say that it's fast in terms of whether or not any of these federal cases go to trial before the election, because even, what is it, april 19th that the supreme court hears the argument let's say they decide to issue the decision the very next day he doesn't go to court the very next day the whole trial's on hold right now, isn't it? >> that's what people might not appreciate back in december when the judge
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in d.c. said you're not immune, this case is going to trial. he then appealed it. once he appealed it, everything stopped. the clock stopped way back in december he would get the benefit of all of this lost time. >> i'm going to have to interrupt you. we have a call nikki haley the declared, projected winner in vermont. >> she met that 50% threshold. it's a winner take allstate. she gets all of the 17 delegates. vermont obviously known to be a democratic state, but with a strong independent streak. so this was fertile ground for nikki haley, and she has done it and i think we have the projected winner in minnesota as
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well, there, donald trump. >> laura, thank you very much. sorry to interrupt, we'll be more after this break with more of our super tuesday election cora wn rur vegeheweetn. astepro and go! dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard — one simple member card that opens doors for what matters. how 'bout using it at the pharmacy? yes — your ucard is all you need. (impressed) huh — that's easy! the all-in-one ucard, only from unitedhealthcare.
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and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. welcome back you're watching nbc's special coverage of super tuesday. it's been a big night for former president trump as he heads toward that rematch with president biden this fall. the former president taking the stage earlier tonight saying he cannot wait to take back the white house. garrett haake was there at mar-a-lago pretty jubilant mood there what did the former president
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have to say? >> reporter: yes, savannah, supporters in the room have been waiting some four and a half or five hours to hear that speech, and the former president was certainly welcomed warmly. what they heard was something of an unfocussed and at least compared to his rallies, and i've covered so many of them, a lower-energy set of attacks on president biden and the biden agenda the attacks focussed most le on tmostly on the immigration and the withdrawal from afghanistan. we heard the press painting a nostalgic picture of his own administration, the pre-covid economy, the idea that there were not two hot wars running during time that he was president of the united states, and even hearkening back to the, what he called the china virus, the start of covid-19, which seemed to be the jumping off point for all manner of malady in the country that he believes then led to the election of joe biden. he did stay focussed on president biden in these
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remarks. no mention of nikki haley who is of course still very much in this race at this hour i had a pretty good perch here as trump left the room i tried to ask him if he had any message for nikki haley, anything he wanted to say attal to her at all to her he did look at me and smile. you see the effort to put the primary behind him and figure out what attacks they will deploy against joe biden and the eight-month general election to come >> we want to turn to our pan t wun panel one more time. if donald trump gave his opening salvo, what do you take from that >> he didn't mention nikki haley's name, which is notable we've reported on the fact that that's exactly what his advisors
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have been encouraging him to do. he spoke in some instances talking about the economy. voters saying that is one of their top issues as well as immigration. how will it all play on thursday night when president biden delivers his state of the union address. that's when we will hear those two competing arguments. that's when i expect you will hear joe biden lay out the case himself as opposed to why i should just vote for him >> we were talking about the energy level of the former president. but in terms of his speech, it felt very similar to his rallies. >> yeah, but it depends on which night you're looking at. he came out in one of the early primaries with the magnanimous tone next primary he came out and slammed nikki haley in deeply-personal terms. now he's not even saying her name he hasn't even said nikki or haley.
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he has his eyes on november. but you know what? while he didn't mention nikki haley, here's who donald jooe b mentioned, donald trump. we know folks pay attention once we hit conventions, once we get closer to the fall there is a lot that could move and change >> are they going to want to debate >> are they going to want to debate >> yeah. >> oh, big question. >> we haven't seen donald trump do it. >> donald trump hasn't debated in the primary, that did not hurt him his poll numbers just kept going up with each primary debate. the biden team has effectively said we'll look at it. so there's a lot of tension there. my money's on the likely debate. but we'll have to wait and see how it plays out >> the other interesting piece donald trump had, listen,
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there's not many humongous audiences on live tv super bowl is one. state of the union is one. but he has this opportunity carried live by broadcast networks to make his case. >> we have to say nighty-night to kristin, but we're just tucking they may have to peel off voters. what struck you? >> here's what we know helps former president trump his voters are motivated they want to vote for him. they showed up to the polls. they know he's the clear favorite but they showed up to vote anyway he did better in 2016 with independent voters than hillary clinton. but in 2020 he had a real problem with independent voters. what happens in 2024
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hallie was saying there's still a lot of time before the conventions. but the clock is ticking state of the union is going to be the first real test does he have time to turn the tide whether it comes to the economy, how voters look at the economy. immigration. the nudmbers are high now but they come in waves there are people lined up at the darien gap and those numbers could go higher and higher >> as much as we talk about the swing voters i mean, so much of the american electorate is totally calcified. you are either biden or trump or you're not biden or not trump, but whatever you are, you know how you're going to vote today, and it's not going to change no matter what. so who, what is this sliver of undecided? who are they >> we talk about it all the time suburban women, folks in georgia. some of these critical swing states, moderate independent
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voters who are mayblike a biden trump voter who have flipped polls are showing -- >> donald trump doing better >> and this is why a couple of reasons here it's not just the independents the other big challenge for both of these candidates is voter app th apat apathy who comes out and votes? >> i spoke to a voter who was hoping for a super tuesday miracle. i said what do you mean? she said i hope nikki haley can stay in the race because i don't want to vote for donald trump or joe biden. >> she is still there. and she is still carrying on that conversation. but we've got to end this conversation right now >> kristin's going to pick up our coverage on our streaming platform, nbc news now we've got full analysis on nbc your late local news, and i will be back 20 minutes from now tomorrow morning on "today".
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. -given these cans are full of steroids, i have a hard time buying your physique is simply a result of "clean living and spinach." -uh, your honor, i wish i had more of a defense, but his statement simply reads, "i'm strong to the finich 'cause i eats me spinach. ah-guh-guh, guh-guh-guh-guh-guh." -why do you talk like that? -[ hoarsely ] it's the 'roids. guh-guh-guh, guh-guh-guh, guh-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh.


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