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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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c1 next on nbc bay area tonight, some wild weather. were you caught off guard? rain, lightning and everyone hail. so what's on tap as we head into the weekend. >> some key races are still too
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close to call. we're tracking the late results. >> and is san francisco still a progress ive city? based on last night's results, there may be a shift. despite making billions of the dollars in profit the utility is asking for a delay in paying back a debt. good evening this is nbc bay area i'm raj mathai, supertuesday is over and the results are in. rain, hail and lightning across the bay area. take a look this lightning here in pleasanton, a viewer sharing with us on twitter. lightning was also spotted in san jose's almenden valley. i'm going to slow down this
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video there so you can see the bolt right on your screen, there it is. and how about hail piling up also in almondon valley. hail coming down in san ramon as well. pretty wild to see all of this this afternoon. and heavy rain on quail creek circle. the water accumulating there in the cul-de-sac. that was eye opening, are we ready for some sunshine? >> it is going to be nice to get that sunshine in there. that radar that brought us this weather, it's already barreling down toward southern california. but from 1:00 to 4:00 if you were out there on the roadways talk about reduced visibility from some of these heavier downpours. i rewound the radar loop to that zone and the east bay and south base had some of the strongest bursts of that weather. 3 hour rainfall totals
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impressive. .01 in mountain view. everything is starting to taper downright now. and here we go on to what i know y'all want, and that is that sunshine with this area of high pressure moving that storm track to the north. and talk about much needed sunshine. i took a look back here at the numbers and only five days of sun, so far this year in san francisco. santa rosa only 13 days of sunshine. a lot of the areas some where between 80 to 92% of this year being cloudy. we'll take more looks at the forecast and some much warmer weather on the way. i've got a 10 day forecast and that's coming up later on the show. >> those are seattle style data for us there, thank you jeff. the big headline tonight the results from the california primary. some big races already decided. but others too close to call. ballots are still being counted as we speak. statewide a little under half the ballots are still being processed. locally there's still a lot of
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counting happening as well. santa clara county for example has about 145,000 unprocessed ballots. let's take a look now what some of the results and the race for senate, democrat adam schiff and steve garby, the vote getters they will advance. and who will replace long time peninsula woman eschew. former san jose mayor sam licardo leading if pack with 22% of the vote. followed by joe semitian and evan low. top numbers here will advance to november. the voters are split on the only proposition statewide. prop 1 would address homelessness and mental health in california. look at this 50%, 50% still counting votes. still too close to call. the big postelection development in san francisco is being celebrated by the mayor. and a lot of people around
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town. it's also getting national attention. san francisco voters moving away from progressive policies when it comes to crimes and homelessness. >> we want results, we don't want to hear excuses. we don't want to wait another year until another election to see progress. we want it now and that's what those ballot measuring signify. >> that is mayor breed, her propositions passed. prop e this is giving more power to sfpd. access to surveillance cameras and drones. it is expected to pass, you see 60% yes on prop e. the mayor also supporting prop f which requires people to get drug tested if they're getting state welfare payments. it's also expected to pass. prop c is too close to call
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right now. this would provide tax breaks for developers converting downtown commercial space into homes. so we are seeing a shift in san francisco. it's still a liberal city but it's moving in a conservative direction. joining us tonight, the founder of together sf action. it's a nonprofit civic group funded by donations. nice to have you back on the program. what was the message from voters last night from san francisco in your opinion? >> thanks so much for having me. i think the message from voters last night is they've had enough and they're really ready for results. they're ready for outcomes and they're ready to try new things. the last five years we've seen a shift to the extreme left and we've tried a bunch of policies. i think people are seeing that's not working. they're trying to recalibrate and moving a little bit over. >> is together sf happy with the results and are you more importantly endorsing a specific mayoral candidate?
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>> we are extremely happy with the results, and we are ballot props all passed. everything we wanted to pass passed. everything that we opposed is failing. we were very invested in the tpaoufrp of the race. this is taking over the democratic central committee. we supported 21 candidates. 24 of them are looking in very good shape. as for the mayor's race, that's to be seen, we are planning to host some sort of public forum to have the community here from all the candidates then we will make some sort of recommendation probably toward the end of this summer. >> you're well aware of this. the push back from progressives is that san francisco is being taken over by tech workers. there is some truth to that. is it bad for the city? >> i don't think that san francisco is being taken over by tech workers. i don't think that's changed in the last 5 to 10 years. our community is incredibly
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diverse. i would say tech is just a small slice of it. san franciscos across the entire city in every walk of life. they are diverse in age, gender, race, income, everything. and they all just want things to work better for san francisco. i think they are beyond seeing those labels and kind of pointing fingers at people. >> i asked mayor breed sat down with her if the city is moving away from its liberal roots, take a listen. >> i am just not the biggest fan because people talk about san francisco politics and they say, liberals, progressives, moderates, conservatives. it depends on the situation. it has to be about the policy. there's a perception of you have to be one way completely and you have to stand by whatever it is you believe or complete different way. and i think that's unfair. >> your thoughts, does she speak the truth there in your opinion? >> i think the expectation that people are 100% ideologically aligned is happening in san
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francisco politics in sort of the insider circles and i think that is very unfair. but i think for the average resident that doesn't matter. the way they voted last night is very clear that they're picking and choosing the things that make sense for them. for example, you know overwhelming supporting the fund. those are very progressive policies we supported those. then a little more moderate we wanted to have a little more flexibility for sfpd. we wanted to put some rules around who gets cash benefits if they're struggling with addiction. i think there's a balance. i think the ideological alignment is only happening in the political circles. >> reporter: are the results
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bringing you seattle vibes? >> i think what happened last night. i think these liberal cities are starting to frankly see the impacts of fentanyl which is just a different drug and deteriorating our community so rapidly that they're forced to make different policy decisions. that's just the reality of where we are, i think. >> together sf action, appreciate your time and action. have a good evening. >> thank you, you too. opponents of the measure slammed the outcome. >> they really sold them a bill of goods. that's not going to pan out. i've been doing this work now for 20 years. and i can tell you for sure, that increased police surveillance, increased car chases, less police transparency and accountability when it comes to prop f racially profiling and screening people for drug use and requiring treatment when treatment is not available. that none of those are
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solutions to our city's problems. >> she was talking about there props e and f which are championed there by mayor breed. both will pass. chen also says the measures waste city resources and cause harm to san francisco. some of our other headlines tonight, more frustration with pg & e. the utility says it's in a behind and it's asking for more time to pay back rate payers. all of us for bailing it out of bankruptcy. keep in mind pg & e made $2.5 billion in profits just last year. >> we're serving the planet and leading with love at pg & e. and i couldn't be more proud of standing next to the people of pg & e. >> reporter: weeks after our investigative unit learned pg & e filed this petition with
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state regulators. it sites challenges while asking for permission to delay payments owed for a wildfire payment fund. that payment is due at the end of this month. let's bring in jackson who coffers -- covers pg & e. pg & e makes hundreds of thousands and they want to delay payments. >> right now the looming bill of $1 billion is still on track to be paid by the end of this month. the question is what regulators may do between now and then. >> what do rate payers, me and you and everybody watching how do rate payers get involved here and how are we impacted directly, or are we? >> it's a long story but it began when several fires hit
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back in 2017 and 2018. there was $7.5 billion set aside to pay victims and rate payers financed that money on behalf of pg & e. they're supposed to be made whole for that financing. they created a fund to do just that. pg & e needs to contribute to make sure its shareholders pay their part of the offsetting costs and that's where this $1 billion payment is coming due now. >> it seems simple. obviously it's not, it seems simple. why does pg & e say it doesn't have the money despite making billions of dollars in profit? >> they say they are facing what they call a financial challenge. namely they are short on capital. they don't have a lot of cash. and so the idea is to get this financing mechanism so they can turn around and use that money to pay this $1 billion installment and of course it's
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a big chunk of money for pg & e which had profits of over 2.5 billion last year depending on how you account for it. >> it is frustrating for a lot of people. on a separate topic, how much have bills gone this last year and when is the next proposed rate hike. >> if you start before, it started with an 8% hike beginning this year was about a 13% or a it makes up for a total of $50 a month with all the hikes they're contemplating. >> that is expensive for a lot of people. jackson thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. up knicks, a los gatos mom accused of alcohol fueled parties for minors has a new attorney and he's speaking on her behalf. we have the exclusive tv
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interview. using ai to help with our climate in crisis. the san fran
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welcome back to nbc bay area. the latest on the mom accused of throwing alcohol fueled parties for her son and his
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friends. her story through her new attorney. o'conner is facing several counts including the parties that allegedly happened in 2020 and 2021. prosecutors say that during some of those parties she encouraged the teenagers to have sex. at times nonconsensually. o'conner has pled not guilty for three years now she has been in jail awaiting trial. her court case filled with delays. today she officially has a new lawyer. >> she's been held without bail since the moment she was arrested. that is typically reserved for our most serious offenders. capital murder bail. she's clearly not a murderer. she is in fact, i think very, very unlikely to be a repeat offender. so as far as the public safety concern, i guess what i'm saying is i'm a little surprised that was the ultimate decision. >> we still believe that if she were released she would be a danger to society to members of our community and that's why it's appropriate for her to be in custody on no bail.
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>> interesting legal back and forth there. let's bring in candace wynn who's been tracking this for years. why the new attorney? is this a surprise or just a part of the process. >> it's a surprise to some but in the legal community it's not unheard of. her former attorney did say in court, o'conner was unable to pay attorney fees toward him. it's important to give some background here. some perspective. it's uncommon to reevaluate. because often times attorney fees, the fee structure changes so changes like this do happen from time to time. >> candace what's the latest in this case? it seems, not seems we have been here talking on camera and even in the newsroom for years about this. is this progress here? >> yes, this is progress. so hearing to set the date for trial is june 5th. that's not trial that's a date to set a date for trial. there's been so many delays and
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now more delays because she had a brand new attorney that has to catch up on so much evidence. he has 90 days to catch up on what he has missed. this new attorney comes back. they sit down. they hopefully set a trial date to move this trial forward. >> are the legal setting a calendar year or is that up in the air. >> i did ask the prosecutor 2024 it doesn't look like it'll be in 2024, we're looking at next year. >> why take this case this new lawyer? is this high profile. something that helps his career, advance it or is it winnable. >> so i asked him that exact question. i'm sure he's keeping some things close to the vest but he tells me he feels he's the right attorney for this case at this point in time. already making a difference here in terms of his approach. i mean i've been covering this for years. i've been requesting attorney interviews with her, with her other attorney. haven't spoken to them on camera. here day one, raj, day one he's
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talking to me. he also told me this evening that he's flattered that those who contributed to this decision feel he's up to the task. especially as he's coming in in the middle of the game. >> so far you're the only tv reporter he's agreeing to speak with. thank you candace. san francisco based company is making a push to decarbonize and help with our climate in crisis. it could change your amazon packages. glacier is it's ai driven robotic arms help sort through items quickly. amazon is now taking notice and is pledging to invest more than 7.5 million bucks to test a waste sorting project an working on developing more sustainable packaging materials. >> glacier is really the next evolution in that stuff to allow us to better pick out certain commodities as they're going across the recycling waste stream and learn about
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what plastics or cardboard are actually being successfully recycled. >> glacier says one of its robots can prevent 12 million items a year from ending up in landfills. let's take a look outside at the beautiful bay bridge on this wednesday night. we're going to bring jeff back in with our weekend foreca. yeah, west'r
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. welcome back, exciting
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times at the campus of mit ty high school. she was among 48 seniors chosen in the country as a mcdonalds all american. she's a star in the making. shelly had offers from plenty of colleges. she turned down stanford and decided to go to uconn in the fall. >> that's awesome. >> when she goes big time in the wnba she needs to not forget about us little people. >> yeah, right. i bet she got the hook up from mcdonald. maybe lifetime burgers. >> she has to be in too good of shape to be eating that. >> it's all about high pressure, dry weather and yes some sunshine. let me get you more details in
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that microclimate forecast. the only speed bump is the chance for patchy fog tomorrow morning over the north bay, east bay and south bay. but after that, we have that sun coming right in right around 1:00. could get a little bit of cloud cover trying to linger in gilroy. nevertheless sunshine is returning. we'll be starting with temperatures in the 40s. that will have us up to 65 in napa, 65 in concord. 62 in palo alto. check out the numbers beyond this. not this weekend but the weekend after we're looking at 76 here in napa. lots of 70s throughout the bay area. so dry next two days on and off showers saturday through next tuesday. and then, beyond this it's looking excellent. so the pay off after all this rainfall, is we get to enjoy when we get the sun. >> bring on that sunshine. >> mario lopez just getting started with access hollywood. >> all right, well tonight there's even more tears shed
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over jason kelce's retirement after his emotional headline making conference this week. we have jason's wife sharing what its meant for her and also what's been the hardest part for brother travis to process. then don't miss a great surprise for our access exclusive with charlese theron. thought she was playing with our evan but was shocked when we brought the number one player in the world novak djokovic. we have the whole story behind the tragic loss of garrison brown of the sister wives family and it's all just moments away on access hollywood, back to you. >> that's going to do it for us here at 7:00. for everyone here at nbc
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♪ tonight on "access hollywood." >> not a good start. >> of course made me emotional. >> emotions run high again as


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