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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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on the nation's capitol as president joe biden is set to deliver his state of the union
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address tonight. the key issues he is expected to hit on. a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking your forecast for this thursday morning. this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning to you. i am marcus washington. i am laura garcia. we will check in with mike for the morning commute in a bit, but first let's check the forecast with kari. >> yesterday when we looked at the golden gate bridge camera, there were drops all over it. today we will have a drier day today. the storm system that brought us the active weather yesterday now moved to the south. we will have a chance to move out today and tomorrow. temperatures starting out in the upper 40s and low 50s. a fairly low temperature for our
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morning. we are in the upper 40s in palo alto. it's 52 in oakland and in san francisco it's 48 degrees. we are headed up to the low 60s for today. it will still be on the cool side. it will be nice to get sunshine. we will see that continue into tomorrow as well. we will talk about the weekend and our next chance rains in a few minutes. a nice and easy drive. much calmer conditions there. you can see the lights all across the span, although our camera on the mountain top looking down to the golden gate bridge, there are low clouds there. we will watch for any influence, but so far no problems. there are sensors on highway 4, and don't be alarmed because it's one or two slow vehicles, no issues there. and 680 picked up out of sunol.
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and then today in the bay's bob redell joins us live today. ac transit detoured a couple routes, we understand, because of safety concerns? >> reporter: yeah, and now law enforcement is stepping in and beefing up it's presence so ac transit can resume that service, it's along broadway between 15th and 20th streets. in august of '22, they started detouring the buses on the weekends. >> there was a significant number of people coming out of bars and clubs and spilling into the street, and there were instances that shutdown traffic.
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>> reporter: this is where law enforcement comes in. police presence will be beefed up and ensuring the bus zones are clear and providing various other services. we did reach out to oakland police for comment but have not yet heard back. >> thank you for the latest there, bob. it's 5:03 right now. the eyes of the nation will be on president joe biden tonight when he delivers his 2024 state of the union address. we have a live look at capitol hill. he is expected to tout safeguarding of women's reproductive health and standing up for allies overseas.
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>> brie, what do we know about that tonight? >> the white house says he will be working on his speech until the last minute, and he knows tonight important state of the union address is a chance to highlight his accomplishments and make his case for four more years in the oval office. president biden is expected to tout how his administration's policies are making a positive difference in americans lives. >> the president will outline an agenda continuing to build on the progress we made over the last three years. >> the president will also lay out his priorities, ranging from creating a fairer tax system to tackling divisive issues like a woman's right to choose. >> protecting women's
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reproductive health -- >> the gop argues the biden administration's policies are doing more harm than good. >> if you could describe in one word what the state of the union is, you heard crisis, catastrophe, and i think a summary is decline. >> joe biden has failed on every single issue. >> millions of americans will be watching as the race for the white house comes into clear view, a rematch between president biden and former president trump. tonight he will try and make his case for re-election. while there's a lot at stake here tonight, we wanted to leave you with a fun fact. the first state of the union address was given by george washington in 1790.
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>> do we know what is in the memos concerning donald trump? >> yes, we do, an abortion ban, cuts to entitlement programs, and those policies would negatively impact, black, latino and asian pacific island americans. and it outlines trump's plan to cut social and medicare. the campaign says it includes it's in every one of trump's budget proposal. >> here we go. campaign season. >> brie, thank you. you can watch the state of the
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union address at 6:00 tonight, and then our primetime edition of nbc bay area news happening immediately after at 8:00. and then a man accused of joyriding in a small plane is back in court. one month ago he stole a plane from palo alto airport and landed it on the beach. his case is being slowed down over competency. there could be a possible change of legal reputation today. let's take a look outside downtown san josé. beautiful shot. meteorologist, kari hall, is monitoring what we can expect weather-wise. it's nice. >> yeah, we don't have to worry about rain road, we can leave the umbrella at home. we will see more sunshine as we
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make our way through the afternoon. temperatures starting out at about 50 degrees, and it will be a cool morning and a cool day. even though we will reach 60 today, it will be in the mid-60s tomorrow as we continue with more sunshine in the forecast and 66 degrees. we will talk about more rain when and where a little later. today the top number in salon toe for gas, 3.97 at vallejo's gas on tennessee street. and then sunol, super stop, 4.29 if you pay in cash.
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and milpitas, 4.39 on main street. on the roadways, we have early slowing in the altamont pass. your commute is fine. the exclamation point marks highway 84. the drive down vasco, the middle number, it's 17 minutes. you can spare a minute right now because you can make it up. >> thanks, mike. using social media to reach your financial goals. stick around because we are going to tell you about a new trend helping people save more money. meantime, you may have one fewer social media app on your phone. and then the first american
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to race solo around the world. the way she feels about her
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right now at 5:13, we take a look at our day planner for castro valley. it will be a cloudy start and turning sunny as we go into the afternoon. here are the temperatures going from the low 50s to low 60s, so
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we are still on the cool side today. we will talk about a warm-up and more changes ahead, coming up in a few minutes. the direction westbound on the san mateo bridge. everybody arrived at the same time this morning. we will see how things are playing out for the east bay and the build, coming up. good morning to you. stock markets posted their first win in three days on wednesday. not a lot of movement here as chairman powell, chairman of the fed, spoke to congress. he spoke to the house yesterday and will speak to the senate today. wall street and lawmakers listened carefully to what he has to say, but honestly he says the same thing every time. they will keep interest rates up until the inflation rate hits the 2% target. we will get the big monthly jobs
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report tomorrow, and that means payroll gains as well. shares in apple down for the sixth straight day. it had a number of hurdles lately concerning it's falling behind in ai and court hearings. and ai and court hearings.
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andnd there's widespread concern the company is close with chinese. >> it's not a ban, think of it as a surgery designed to remove the tumor and thereby save the patient. >> everything else that goes along with tiktok -- >> that guy clearly tiktoks. they are getting closer on it. it's one committee set up to fight the communist chinese party, and it's bipartisan and they are getting closer. >> a lot of people on social media. a lot of people are looking at new tips to reach their financial goals. a social media trend is becoming
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a popular method. it's a money saving technique which includes creating a budget, cut back on spending and set up an emergency fund. a financial expert said talking about our financial budget with friends and family would help to achieve your goals. >> if you embrace this mentality, you can be a little freer to share. it does make having those conversations easier and helps people to find success because they don't feel as much pressure to do things they can't afford or shouldn't be doing because of their financial goals. >> back in the olden days, we used to do that, too. my grandparents did that. he also says if you are cutting back on social events to support your financial goals, don't be afraid to have difficult
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conversations with loved ones, because this is a long-term gain for your future. it's the best thing to do. >> i love how it's all new trends. spend less, save more. what a concept. >> i think i can do that. this is trending for you this morning as well. a new york woman, the first american lady to sail around the world solo. >> she's 29-year-old woman, a race between 16 captains to see who can go around the globe first. she set sail from spain and was at sea for more than 130 days. the journey was grueling and she suffered a rib injury along the way, and she has to find ways to survive in order to make it. >> sailors have to do everything, take care of yourself and be able to get up even when you are so exhausted,
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and you have be able to fix on the side of the boat. >> i heard she hates needles and she had to give herself her own iv infusion. she said it was a dream come true to make history. >> watching her do that, you know, you see a lot of the sailing competitions and there's 15 people running to do this and that, and she's doing it all herself. >> i know what her family said when they first hugged her. >> what? whew! >> jump in the ocean. we need dry land after all that rain. let's check in on our water year as we are seeing a bit of a break for the next couple of days. look at santa rosa, right now
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over five inches above what we typically see for this date for the water year. this goes all the way back to october 1st and all the way up to today. we have a small deficit in oakland and concord. the east bay has been seeing less rainfall, and in snowfall we are more than 3.5 inches above our usual amount of rainfall. san josé coming in over 13 inches is now at about 3 1/2 inches above what is normal. let's look at what is expected in san josé. starting out this morning with temperature in the low 40s and will only reach in the low 60s for today. it's going to be a cool day as we go around the bay area checking out our high temperatures for today. gilroy at 62. we will see 60s in the east bay, oakland up to 64. we will see a high of 60 in san mateo today. san francisco in the low 60s there. we will see mid-60s for much of
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the north bay. looking ahead to see when that rain is coming back, it's going to return on saturday just briefly, a quick round of showers coming in, and then on sunday into monday we have a couple more storm systems that will be arriving. we will see that rain ramping up late monday into tuesday, and then giving us a break on wednesday. we will see more changes ahead. if you are like me and wondering when it's going to warm up, eventually. looks like by next weekend we will see mid-70s in the forecast, so finally it will feel like spring after this weekend. that's going to be very chilly there. we will see a lot more clouds, and this is the weekend that we spring forward setting our clocks forward one hour as we begin daylight saving time. late monday night into tuesday, we will see showers coming back. mike, we have a nice drive?
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>> yeah, we can see the golden gate bridge. the clouds cleared that was impeding the view. they are doing a break -- yes, there's often times a crew heading down spencer and 101 clearing about now, and they are on schedule to finish their day -- or their night. and then highway 4 sees a distraction, probably flashing lights. we are following that in the news room. a little slowing for highway 84 cutting from livermore and pleasanton and in towards sunol. we are picking up headlights heading south past tesla into silicon valley. back to you. >> thank you, mike. coming up next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> it might seem impossible when you are dragging first thing in the morning, but medical experts say you can get better sleep
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each night. each night. i am consumer investigator, ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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here we go. in a few days we will need to change our clocks and springs forward an hour. >> so to prepare, consumer investigator, chris chmura,
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spoke to experts. >> we asked a barrage of questions. the first one is how much sleep should we be getting? >> most of us need seven to nine hours. >> it's like a nutrient. >> set a nighttime routine for zs, empty the trash, do the dishes, check the locks, just do the same thing every night. >> this will prepare our bodies and minds for sleep to follow. >> when you are doing your routine -- >> keep things calm and quiet. >> terry and emerson both said light something key. move away from the bright blue daylight tones and towards orange and dusky hues. >> if your mind raises about tasks in the day ahead just as you are trying to get into bed,
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terry says don't worry, write out a tomorrow to-do list. >> put it on paper, the old-fashioned way. you would be surprised, chris, how things look manageable. 5:26 for you this morning. next, the top stories we are following for you today, including another possible rate hike may be coming for pg&e customers. we will talk about the key vote expected to take place today. we are tracking your upcoming weekend forecast. meteorologist, kari hall, timing out what to expect as you make those weekend plans. i am ginger conejero saab in san francisco where later today mayor london breed is set to give her state of the city address. up ahead we will talk about why this is the most important one she'siven g
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right now at 5:30, the state of san francisco. today mayor london breed will deliver her address. we're live on more with the issues she's expected to focus on as she gears up for a re-election showdown in november. and then two south bay artists were shot at a popular bar and a suspect remains on the run. ahead the picture police want you to see. plus, south bay transit leaders set to vote on a
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long-term light-rail extension. this is "today in the bay." thank you for starting your day with us. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. let's get you started with a look at the forecast this morning. meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking what we can expect. certainly a lot clearer than what we saw yesterday. >> yes, yesterday we had pockets of heavy rain moving through. now all that since pushed to the south and we are going to start out this morning with clouds that will gradually roll on out of here. we are headed for sunshine today. we are starting out in the low 50s and around the bay area, and it's about 50 degrees right now. we will see a high of 64 in concord and martinez. santa rosa today headed for 66 degrees, and 60 in san francisco. we will talk about a slight warm-up and more rain in the forecast in a few minutes. mike, you have been watching the roads and it looks as of now a smooth commute. >> yeah, it's sparkly not
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because of the water but because of the lights. there's no more slowing where the arrow is. there was an earlier crash a few minutes ago got moved to the shoulder and the build will be out of vallejo on the right. we have slowing westbound highway 4. no visible slowing anywhere along the peninsula or the south bay or most of the east bay. back to you. >> thanks, mike. later this morning san francisco mayor london breed will deliver her state of the city address, and as anybody living there will tell you, the city now facing more than its fair share of challenges. >> ginger conejero saab is live. ginger, some may call this the most important state of the city she's given and what she will
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talk about. do we know? >> reporter: you are right about that. san francisco has become the poster child for drug use and encampment woes. today the mayor is supposed to make a pitch for the increased public housing, and proposition e to increase police powers, and proposition f is to tighten public assistance rules. all of those, voters seem to be supporting. the mayor sat down extensively to talk to our raj mathai, and she talked about health, public safety and economic recovery and
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vitalization, homelessness and housing, and she addressed how a city has been a political punching bag because of the challenges brought to light nationally and internationally, and she believes that's all changing. >> people are coming to san francisco. they are, like, hmm, it's not what everybody is saying. they are, like, wait, this exists where i come from and it's actually worse. what are people talking about? i think the perception are catching up -- or the headlines are catching up to the perception. >> reporter: now if that is true, the big question still remains, is it too late for the mayor to benefit from that shift before she runs for re-election? >> yeah, so that leads us to the re-election bid. recent polls showed her polling slightly behind the two
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opponents. is the mayor saying anything about what she's doing or where she is? >> reporter: laura, she did say she takes the polls seriously because they are a reflection of voters' opinions, and this is what her constituents are saying. she says she's staying positive and has enough time to change voters' minds. she spoke about how her challengers can say whatever they want, but at the end of the day she's working hard to lead the city through the pandemic and she asks where have her challenges been. the state of the city address is scheduled for 11:00, and our team of reporters will be there and will bring it to you on the air and online. we will watching to see what comes of it.
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>> not just people here, but people across the country talk about san francisco. we will see. thank you. and friends and family gathering last night to remember luis rodriguez. on february 29th he was shot and killed in a car on park avenue, and one man is under arrest identified as denzel brown. police are releasing a surveillance image of another man they consider a secondary suspect. authorities say the exact motive for the shooting is still under investigation. santa rosa police are investigating the cause of death for a young mother and her child. police were called saying two people were dead.
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officers found a mother and her 10-year-old son dead when they arrived. autopsies will be next week. state regulators are expected to vote on a plan to raise rates on average another $5 or so per month. that's on top of the $35 a month rate hike that took place in january. a third hike is also in the pipeline. the utility telling the cpuc more money is needed to fund wildfire safety work, costing more than $500 million. the new rate hike could take effect as soon as may. now to a pivotal moment for mass transit. >> today in the bay's kris sanchez joining us from the news room this morning. kris, this comes with quite a
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price tag. >> that costs is more than $650 million, and it's over budget based on vta's initial estimate. i want to show you where we are talking about. it's almost 2 1/2 miles of service connecting the alum rock station in the south to the east ridge center, and that extension would get more people moving. the vta's board today will vote to choose a contractor to start moving the project forward. some improvements have already been made along the way, but the vote today is to get that project rolling in earnest with the choice of the contractor. the plan is for an elevated track and station at story road. east san josé leaders will hold a press conference this morning to push for the service they say is needed for economic development for this part of the city of san josé and this part
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of the county of santa clara. we will be listening in to what community leaders have to say at that press conference today. we will track that vta vote as well, and we will bring it to you online and on air. marcus? >> kris, thank you. taking a live look out in san francisco. meteorologist, kari hall, tracking what we can expect out there and how things are looking for the game tonight. >> we have a game tonight at chase center, and it will be in the mid-50s and clear. we will have no worries about rain, but just wear a couple layers as you head into chase center. we also have a sharks game. we will head out at 50 degrees. this saturday we have giants fan fest happening at oracle park.
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there could be spotty showers, and free admission for the weekend and that could be a cool event to check out. make sure you have the rain gear, and maybe the umbrella as well. if you are going to south lake tahoe to check out the fresh powder we have on the ground, we will see nice conditions at least for the first part of the weekend. there will be a system passing by that will bring us a mix of rain and snow showers for saturday and sunday, so just a heads up that those roads may turn slick once again. mike, so far the commute seems like it's going well? >> yeah, northbound 101, right on schedule, and it clears by oakland road. kari gave you the good warning here, and hopefully a happy result warning, the s&p center, sharks play tonight and the last time there was overtime and it was not what we wanted. i have to give you this notification. cal train will not be running
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trains between the san francisco and mountain view stations all weekend because of the electrification project. there will be a bus bridge in place. note if you were planning on using cal train, you won't be. we are showing the typical slowing for the commute. across the bay, a little build for the bay bridge. one little spot past the construction crews near spencer. fighting our climate in crisis, the new pilot program one community is looking to launch that will help to provide flood insurance. and president biden'state and president biden'state of t she
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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marshalls buyers have a very particular set of skills. ♪♪ they can hunt down the latest trends. double denim is back. so chic. ♪♪ and take quality very, very seriously. ♪♪ ceramic. they're highly trained, deal making professionals.
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who travel far and wide to hustle the best of the best for you. we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls. right now at 5:43, we take a look at menlo park. you are stepping out to about 50 degrees. we will see a mix of sun and clouds throughout the morning and afternoon. it will be only headed to the upper 50s and low 60s. we will have a brief warm up before another cooldown. we will talk about that in a few
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minutes. the metering lights were activated just before 5:30 this morning, so the volume of traffic must be good down the east shore freeway. we will check back in a couple and i will show you the extended build throughout the east bay. happening today in yao sraul de, texas. a recently released federal report cited numerous critical failures. 19 children and two adults died in may of 2022 after an active shooter event dragged on for over an hour. today's independent report follows a request from the city council and it will initially expect to be finished within 90 days. president biden will deliver
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his state of the union tonight before congress. >> scott mcgrew is here with a preview of what the president may focus on. >> good morning to you. state of the union speeches generally last more than an hour, and presidents touch on all kinds of things, starting with the shutouts to the guest, which tonight will include the sweden prime minister sitting in the audience. the president will say the state of the union is strong. presidents always say that, but when it comes to the economy, he would be right. the american economy continues to set new records, and that's one of the key points that we expect to hear, a strong economy. wages are up, inflation is down, job growth records and stock market. a new "wall street journal" poll shows a vast majority of americans supported the powerful new border bill that republicans and democrats pushed through the senate to have it fail in the
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house. abortion, new restrictions on abortion and its affect on ivf put republicans in a tough spot with its own voters. and taxes on corporations, and that would contrast him with his opponent for the white house, donald trump, who promises sweeping new tax cuts on corporations and the wealthy. video of trump as president celebrating that tax cut. a brand-new economic study from princeton and the university of city just released says the cuts did not pay for themselves, they added to the deficit. senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, is endorsing trump for president in a written statement, saying it should be no surprise. the two have not spoken to each other in three years, and you may recall what mcconnell said shortly after the january 6th attacks.
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>> there's no question, none, that president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. no question about it. >> the house passed a new spending bill that will keep a large portion of the government open through the fall. they still need to pass the other half, but it's strong progress after repeatedly passing last-minute emergency stop gap measures. house speaker johnson able to get the spending unpopular with his right flank by relying on democrats. state of the union begins tonight at 6:00, and we will have live coverage here on nbc bay area, and our nbc bay area app. >> thank you. dealing with issues like flooding and insurance claims can be overwhelming, and some people don't have insurance. >> one california town is hoping to fill the gap by launching a community-based flood insurance
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program. today in the bay's cinthia pimentel joining us for that. >> we are talking about a pilot program near rio vista, and the idea is to provide immediate relief to households in a modest form. it will help anybody that buys into it to help relieve the stress of claims. one family had to rush out of their home after part of the town broke up to a broken levee. >> how we were notified, folks went door to door saying, hey, get out of town. then we staged at the highest point on the levee and waited to come back and get the rest of our stuff. >> since then, she has become the mayor. most recently, the rain bringing
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flooding. they are pioneering a new strategy to trying to tackle the flood risk with the help of uc davis. >> everybody pays in and everybody gets a little bit, and it's designed to fill the gap with the fema individual housing assistance program, and it's designed for people that can never afford or will never buy flood insurance. >> climate and flooding issues are overflowing, and uc davis researchers say less than 2% of californians have flood insurance, a challenge getting cloudier as insurance programs want out of the state. making insurance a community investment is an elevated
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priority. >> california is really in a sweet spot to explore alternatives to the national flood insurance program. >> we have less than 190,000 flood nif policies statewide, so we are underinsured. we have enough properties that have a need for flood insurance that it sort of warrants the extra effort to try and find alternatives. >> new york city already tried a similar idea with tens of thousands of more residents and now other parts of california are starting to show interests like monterey county and up in kau hraousa county as well. for more stories like these, visit and click on the climate in crisis tab. back to you. >> thank you. let's take you outside before the sun's arrival. this is near dublin. kari has a look at our forecast. how are we looking towards the
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weekend, my friend? >> it's going to be a dry rest of the week. as you are stepping out the door, it will be nice to not have to grab the umbrella, but we will still have to layer up because it will still be a cooler day. rain will return on saturday and more rounds for early next week. in the sierra, it's calm for now. we are going to have a good travel day today and tomorrow, and then light snow ahead. we will talk about that. as you are heading out, temperatures in martinez and concord, about 45 degrees. it's 52 in oakland and 49 in san mateo. the coolest in santa rosa at 40 degrees to start, but it will get up to 66 degrees. a big range in temperatures, going up to 60 in mountain view and in san martin, a high of 62. it will be slightly warmer tomorrow with mid to upper 60s. then on saturday, those temperatures come down a few degrees as we get more clouds, and we will be back in the low
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60s. big change ahead as this system drops in on saturday in the morning continue into the early afternoon. it will be in and out of here quickly. then we will see another wave of rain coming in on monday, and then another on tuesday. we are still in an active storm pattern, but looks like it calms down after that. if you are going to the sierra, we talked about light snow this weekend, one to four inches, and it's enough to see the roads get slick. next week with the two additional storm systems coming in, in total we could see 9 to possibly 30 inches of snow on top of what we already had. take a look at walnut creek. we are going from a high of about 60 this weekend to upper 60s on wednesday, and then mid-70s for next weekend. we will have a much different weekend next weekend compared to what we are about to see as we spring forward. daylight saving time begins early on sunday morning.
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we are springing forward, and that means we lose an hour of sleep. we will have more clouds and another chance of rain in the forecast on tuesday. mike, you were checking back at the bay bridge toll plaza? >> yeah, took a few minutes to fill in all the lanes, and middle lanes, there we go. you have all these folks meeting and converging upon the span and that's why you see slowing on the incline and through the treasure island tunnel for westbound 880. highway 4 showing slowing. a nice build for southbound 880 managing nicely. south bay has the north bay 101 that should ease up in a few minutes. the 49ers offering a unique flag football camp for girls. it's being offered for girls
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eighth grade through 12th grade, and follows this year's official rollout of girls flag football at all bay area high schools. the form can be found on the team's community page. >> that sounds like fun. and then bringing back
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well, in a few days we will need to change our clocks and spring forward in an hour. >> to prepare for this, consumer investigator, chris chmura, spoke to experts about how to get more sleep. >> we enlisted two pros who specialize in sleep and asked a barrage of questions. the first one, how much sleep should we be getting? >> most of us need seven to nine hours. >> it's a nutrient. >> set a nighttime routine for zs, empty the trash, do the
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dishes, check the door locks, whatever, just do the same thing every night. >> this will begin to prepare our bodies and minds for sleep to follow. >> when you are doing your routine -- >> keep things calm. keep things quiet. >> terry and emerson both said proper lighting is key. if you have light bulbs that can change color, change them. move away from the bright blue daylight tones and toward dusky orange and yellow hues. also go minimal in the bedroom. if your mind races about tasks in the days ahead as you are trying to get into bed, terry says don't worry, write out a tomorrow to-do list. >> you would be surprised how things look manageable. >> good luck with that. you can watch us whenever you would like on roku or other streaming platforms.
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we need to ensure that the public is no longer using the lanes of broadway for a number of unlawful behavior. >> at 6:00, hitting all the spots. ac transit reverses course on the idea of skipping some bus stops over concerns about safety. the new decisions that should clear up a lot of rider confusion. all eyes on the nation's capitol with president biden set to deliver his state of the union address, and we are live with the key issues at play and his war of words with challenger, donald trump. >> and then another major retailer set to abandon the popular shopping destination. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this thursday. thank you for making us part of your morning. i am marcus washington. i


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