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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 7, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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public is no longer using the lanes of broadway for a number of unlawful behavior. >> at 6:00, hitting all the spots. ac transit reverses course on the idea of skipping some bus stops over concerns about safety. the new decisions that should clear up a lot of rider confusion. all eyes on the nation's capitol with president biden set to deliver his state of the union address, and we are live with the key issues at play and his war of words with challenger, donald trump. >> and then another major retailer set to abandon the popular shopping destination. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this thursday. thank you for making us part of your morning. i am marcus washington. i am laura garcia.
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we have a few clouds but it's not raining. we won't see any rain today or tomorrow. our temperatures are about normal for the start of the day with a blanket of clouds overhead that will eventually start to clear out. in concord, we are seeing temperatures going from 50 degrees at 9:00, to 1:00, 60 degrees, and then stopping in the low 60s. temperatures won't rise much more from there. what we see around lunch, we are going to be dry and sunny and our temperatures will start to come up a few degrees for tomorrow. headed for the mid to upper 60s. i think tomorrow is our better day to get outside. it will sure be nice to get that sunshine. mike, it seems like it has been a nice commute to start the day. >> yeah, not a lot of sunshine right now but a lot of headlights moving smoothly on the span into san francisco because they are being metered
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on the bridge. no more bottlenecking at the incline. highway 37, volume building more gradual, and no problems for the walnut creek interchange or through the caldicot tunnel. a smooth and easy drive. vasco is up to 25 minutes now out of contra costa county. >> thank you. and resuming service on the weekends with a popular stretch of downtown oakland. bob redell joins us live. ac transit had been detouring buses along one of the routes there because of safety concerns? >> reporter: correct. it's a popular route in downtown oakland. good morning, marcus. now law enforcement is stepping in so ac transit can safely resume that service. we are talking about a bus
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service that runs along broadway between 15th and 20th streets. in august of 2022, ac transit started to detour around that area on weekend nights only due to activity that prevented buses from using the street. >> the community was experiencing a significant number of people coming out of clubs and bars and spilling over into the street. there were instances like side shows and a number of other instances that effectively shutdown traffic. >> reporter: this is where law enforcement comes in. opd and the alameda sheriff's office will beef up their presence. in a statement, they said ensuring the bus zones remain clear of illegally parked vehicles, issuing citations and investigating criminal activity and providing other services. we did reach out to opd for
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comment and have not heard back. >> i am sure a lot of commuters will be happy service will resume in that area. thank you, bob. the eyes of the nation will be on president joe biden tonight when he delivers his 2024 state of the union address. we have a live look at capitol hill. he is expected to tout his economic achievements and safeguarding women's reproduction rights. brie joins us with what the president will address tonight. >> white house officials say the president will be working on his speech until the very last minute. he knows tonight's address is an important moment to highlight his accomplishments and make his case for four more years in office. from investments and infrastructure projects to lowering prescription drug
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prices, during his state of the union address tonight, president biden is expected to tout how his administration's policies are making a positive difference in americans' lives. >> the president will outline an agenda continuing to build on the progress we made in the last three years. >> the president will lay out his priorities, ranging from a fairer tax system to tackling divisive issues like a woman's right to choose. >> protecting women's reproductive health in the face of relentless attacks. >> the senator from alabama is set to deliver the gop's response. >> if you had to describe in one word what you believe the state of the union is, you have heard the word crisis, catastrophe, and i think maybe a summary is decline. >> the facts are quite clear,
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joe biden has failed on every single issue. >> millions of americans will be watching as the race for the white house comes into clear view. a rematch between president biden and former president trump. tonight the president will attempt to ease voters' concerns and make his case for re-election. a little bit more about the senator delivering the republican response. she's a first-time senator from alabama and the first female elected to the u.s. senate from the state of alabama. she's 42 years old and also the youngest republican woman ever to be elected to the senate. back to you. >> we understand as well, brie, the biden campaign is releasing several memos about trump. what are in the memos? >> the memos are set to include donald trump's vision for america, which includes an abortion ban, further tax cuts
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for the wealthy and cuts to entitlement programs, and highlights the ways in which the campaign says those policies would negatively impact communities including black, latino and afpl aapi americans. >> state of the union coming, but also we see thect the road . brie, thank you for the latest. you can watch actually the entire state of the union address here on nbc bay area. it starts tonight at 6:00. then our primetime edition of nbc bay area news will happen immediately after at 8:00 p.m. new at 6:00 this morning, more to talk about here. another business is apparently ready to vacate union square.
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workers confirmed the store will close ten days from now. it will be march 17th. businesses seemingly by the day leaving san francisco's storied shopping district. macy's set to close next year. our ginger conejero saab will have a live report for us coming up at 6:30. let's look outside on this thursday morning. sun is coming up over the bay area as we take a live look in the south bay, san josé. kari has a look at the forecast. a nice start to the day. >> it is a nice start. we are not seeing rain. in some spots yesterday morning it was pouring down. we have a break from that kind of activity as we will see a mostly sunny afternoon. eventually clearing out and then repeating that for tomorrow. rain chances return on saturday and parts of the bay area may
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see that extending into next week. at 10:00, 52 degrees. we are only headed to the low 60s today, but the sunshine will make it feel nicer in spots like fairfield in the 60s today, and lower 60s for the peninsula and into san francisco. we will talk about the weekend and changes coming up. mike, i know it's harder to find lower gas prices now. >> yeah, and we will start with our best, the top of the list is solano county where we have 3.97 on tennessee street off the freeway here. tri-valley, sunol super stop, $4.29 if you pay cash there, and a little higher, 10 cents, if you don't. milpitas, best price, $4.39 on the chart, that's on north main
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street. double-check me at on the roadways, a smooth flow of traffic but we have a new trash in the tri-valley around highway 84 before you get to the merger, the transition ramp. you will find a crash. chp is getting on scene. there's light traffic on 280. back to you. >> thank you. and then coming up, big changes now in the works for pittsburg and how your input may shape its future. the clock may really be ticking on tiktok as lawmakers come that much closer to legislation. we had a winning day yesterday, and we will get a winning open this morning. plus -- ♪ ♪ >> city by the bay still buzzing
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about the takeover. are you wondering, we will tell you about the restaurant opening its
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as you step out the door it's a fairly cool morning. our temperatures only rise up another 10 or 15 degrees into the afternoon. it will be nice and sunny. santa rosa will hit a high of 66 degrees. we will talk about that, and looking ahead to a weekend with a lot of changes coming up in a few minutes. subtle changes -- maybe not so subtle. i think there could be a crash at the maze causing traffic to be lighter at the bay bridge. we will talk about this and the crash in the tri-valley. happy thursday to you. stock markets posted their first win in three days on wednesday. nasdaq up about half a percent. not a lot of movement as fed chairman jay powell spoke with congress. he spoke to the house yesterday and will speak to the senate today. wall street and lawmakers listen carefully to what he has to say, but honestly he says the same thing every time.
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he will keep interest rates up until inflation hits the 2% target. powell says they like the data they are seeing. they have no complaints, they just want to see more of it before cutting rates. we will get the monthly jobs report tomorrow, and the average american paycheck up 5% last year, well above the current level of inflation. shares of apple were down for the sixth straight day. it had a number of hurdles laidly. there's a sense it has run out of ideas for the cool new thing. attorney general merrick garland are accusing a former google employee of stealing secrets from the mountain view company and then sending them to china using google's only drive to do it. linwei ding was arrested
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yesterday, and he started working on software development for ai programs. and then lawmakers in washington are calling for bytedance to sell tiktok before having to ban it in the united states. >> again, it's not a ban. think of this has a surgery designed to remove the tumor and thereby save the patient in the process. >> we implore bytedance to sell tiktok, so its american users can enjoy dance videos and bad lip sync, everything else that goes along with tiktok. >> they are saying we have designed a law that says unless
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you remove the connection to china, then we will ban it. >> we have been hearing about this for a while. >> yeah, we have. >> thank you. the city of pittsburg looking to revamp it's waterfront. the city planners want to revitalize the downtown waterfront along the sacramento san joaquin river and connect with the old town business district. the work began last year with economic development funding. people in pittsburg can help develop a vision in the community workshop next saturday from 11:00 to 2:00 p.m. in the marina community center. attention all moviegoers, one of the biggest film festivals begins tonight, back in downtown san josé. this is from last year. this year the event features 217
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films. tonight it opens up the california theater with the movie "the island between the tides." the festival runs through march 17th. trending this morning, the bay area went wild for bad bunny after he played back-to-back shows, and what stumped social media is where he enjoyed an upscale meal. >> yeah, a lot of people talked about his performance, but now we have answers as to where he ate. he ate sushi at a restaurant, and a lot of the employees said the owner of the restaurant opened early so the star could enjoy his meal. the chef's menu has small plates there. the employee said the bad bunny
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was very kind and enjoyed the meal. i had to look it up online, and one girl talked about how she loved it and it's a popular spot. >> yeah, it's where you leave it all in the chef's hands. bad bunny, but you don't want bad fish. >> that's true. >> yeah -- no. >> great sushi. >> we have good restaurants here in the bay area. we are so lucky. maybe lunch outside today? >> yes, i think so. we will still be bundled up because it's going to be a chilly day even though we will have sunshine. we are happy to see the rain moving away from the bay area. we need a break. we are seeing the storm system moving across the southwest and parts of southern california. let's checking in on the water year and see where we stand now. with the rainfall to date, over
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32 inches of rain and that's five inches above what is normal for this date. we are still running deficits in parts of the east bay, from oakland to concord. everywhere else we are at a surplus for rainfall for the water year with san francisco and san josé now over three inches above what is normal. the outlook go into the next couple of weeks shows well below average rainfall, so that's good news that we get a break for a bit, at least for a week. then we will see our temperatures warming up as well. we will in the near term have rain coming in, and that starts on saturday morning with a quick-moving wave of showers passing through, and then we are going to see the next round of rain coming in, first for the northbound on monday and then a couple more rain chances in the forecast on tuesday. then we once again go to that drier period, a chance to see warmer temperatures and much more sunshine. if you are going to the sierra this weekend, heads up that
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there will be light snow, about one to four inches. that's just enough to make the roads slick, and that's coming down mostly on saturday into sunday. then there will be two additional systems coming in, so we could see 9 to 30 inches of snow through the middle of next week. looking at the 7-day forecast, it's still going to be cool. we have a brief warm-up tomorrow with sunshine, and then we are back down. on saturday as the rain chances increase for the north bay and coastline, we spring forward, meaning we lose an hour of sleep this weekend. it will be nice and cloudy throughout the day on sunday so maybe you can catch up on some of the rest. we will have more rain coming in late monday into tuesday. mike, you were saying the crash may be easing up the backup at the bay bridge. >> dare i say benefiting the bay bridge? folks are coming towards the toll plaza where normally it's
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jammed with no visible movement. you can see more slowing on west 580 coming off of 24. no injuries reported in the crash, and it's just before the maze, and you can head towards the bay bridge without enter -- interruption. i believe there's a crash in the city but not affecting folks on the bay bridge span. a crash near the walnut creek interchange not disrupting flow for 680 or highway 24 or 4. it's 680 south towards sunol with the crash in the second lane. cutting the corner will not help you. the rest of the bay, pretty standard as far as the build. back to you. >> thank you, mike. for the first time in more than a decade, california is welcoming a new city. ahead on "today in the bay," th
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moment for mountain house. 30 years ago mountain house did not yet exist, and that's when it first formed as a planned community, just on the other side of the alameda county line
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. mountain house is incorporating, and voters overwhelmingly approving that measure, and that means starting july 1st it will be a fully functional city, and california's first new city in 13 years. a new york woman is the first american lady to sail around the world solo. >> she's back on land to talk about that journey. 29-year-old brower is the youngest and only woman in the inaugural solo challenge. it's a race between 16 captains to see who can go around the globe first. she was at sea for more than 130 days. the journey was grueling. she suffered a rib injury along the way. she said she had to find ways to survive in order to make it. >> most sailors, you have to be able to do everything. you need to be able to take care of yourself. you need to be able to get up even when you are so exhausted. you have to be able to fix everything on the boat.
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>> when she got back on land, she popped a bottle of champagne and hugged her family. she said it was a dream come true to make that history. a lot of stamina and endurance. >> good for her. a lot more ahead at 6:30, including a special report on the climate in crisis. the way one city is hoping to address flooding with a new insurance program. plus, i am ginger conejero saab in san francisco where mayor london breed is set to give her state of the city address later this morning. up ahead, we will talk about why up ahead, we will talk about why this may be herost important m
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spending the majority of my time doing everything i can to do this job, and to hopefully do it well enough that people start to see and feel a difference and start to feel better about san francisco. >> right now at 6:30, the state of san francisco. mayor london breed delivering her address in a matter of hours. we are live in the city with the issues she's expected to confront as she gears up for a re-election battle this fall. your pg&e bill may be heading even higher. the crucial decision being made today as customers try to absorb the big hit in january.
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the light-rail extension, the hefty price tag and how supporters are calling it essential for one community. this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning. 6:30 right now. thanks for joining us. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. let's get a look at the forecast today. meteorologist, kari hall, has been monitoring what we can expect. >> what we can expect over the next few days. it will dry out. it will be nice to have sunshine, and even though it's cloudy now we are working our way towards a much nicer afternoon. tomorrow our temperatures warm up slightly, and we will have rain returning on saturday and more scattered showers in the forecast into early next week. if you are headed to the sierra this weekend, it's calm for now. we will see light snow ahead on saturday. half moon bay starting out with temperatures in the 50s and only making it in the upper 50s today. it will be sunny and we are going to have nice but cool
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weather in the forecast for today. our inland areas will reach into the low 60s. we will talk about a brief warm-up and what is ahead for the week and events going on. that's coming up in a few minutes, laura and marcus. >> thank you, kari. later this morning san francisco mayor, london breed, will deliver her state of the city address, and anybody living there will tell you san francisco is facing more than its share of challenges. >> ginger conejero saab is live. what will she be talking about? >> reporter: well, you are right, marcus and laura, today is crucial. not only will people in san francisco be watching, but san francisco has become the poster child for public drug use and encampments, and san franciscans casts their votes for several
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measures the mayor backed, including proposition c that creates more housing, and prop f that tightens public assistance rules, all of which voters seem to be supporting. mayor london breed sat down to talk to our raj mathai last week, and they talked about revitalization, homelessness and housing. she addressed how the city has been a political punching bag because of the challenges brought to light nationally and internationally, but she says it's all changing. >> people are coming to san francisco and are, like, hm hm, it's not like what people are saying. what are people talking about? those conversations are starting to happen. i think the perception is finally catching up -- or the
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headlines are catching up to the perception. >> reporter: we can expect her to say maybe similar things today. if that is true, the big question that still remains, is this shift in time for her to benefit before the re-election. >> right, because, you know, there's a few contenders going up against her. her polling showed her behind mark farrell. is she talking about where she is in the polls at all? >> reporter: well, laura, she says she's taking these polls seriously because they are a reflection of voters' opinions, what her constituents are feeling and thinking at this time. she says she's remaining positive where she is in the polls, and she said there's enough time to change voters' minds. she said her challengers can say
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whatever she wants, but at the end of the day she said she was leading the city through a tough pandemic. something her challenger, mark farrell said -- >> i'll fire the police chief. trust me, the police chief is tired and ready to go, but at the same time he's -- he's -- highway's focused on the work and cares about the city. he supports san francisco. you know what will happen if he leaves? this commission will be responsible for sending three names to the mayor. this is not a commission that i want three names from. we will be just like oakland. we will be just like oakland sitting on an acting police chief because of the kinds of people they will send my way. it's easy to say you are going to do something, but it's harder to do it. >> reporter: we can expect more
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of that from the mayor making a pitch of why she should keep her job today. that state of the city address is happening at 11:00, and we will bring you more throughout the morning and throughout the day. a lot of people will be watching. >> that's true. ginger conejero saab in san francisco this morning. thank you. it's 6:35. police are hoping a new photo leads to an arrest of a second suspect in the deadly shooting of the well-known tattoo artis. he was shot and killed in a car outside of park lane lounge. one man is under arrest, identified as denzel brown. police are releasing a surveillance image of another man they consider a second suspect. authorities say the exact motive
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for the shooting is still under investigation. today is the day pg&e customers will learn if their rates will go even higher. state regulators meeting to talk about raising rates $5 a month or more on top of the $35 hike in january. the utility says more money is needed to fund wildfire safety work, costing more than $5 million. the new rate hike could take effect as soon as may. now to a pivotal moment for mass transit. today a vote could extend light-rail service and give riders in the east san josé area a way to get to bart without taking a bus. >> today in the bay's kris sanchez joining us from the news room this morning. kris, this is something that could happen but will come with quite a price tag. >> you have to imagine how high, right? the cost is more than $650
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million, and the project is already over budget based on vta's initial estimate. the vote today is to choose a contract to start the work. let me show you the area we are talking about. this is almost a 2 1/2-mile link of service to link folks in san josé to the alum rock station to the light-rail, and it will connect to milpitas. they are wanting to move things forward with a contractor, and the project has been in the works for decades now and some improvements you can see along the way. the vote today is to get the project rolling in earnest. the stretch of light-rail would be an elevated track along east capitol expressway with an elevation station at story road.
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they are going to press for that service today, which they say the east san josé area needs for economic development. this would be good for east san josé and also santa clara county, they say. we will listen to what those community leaders have to say at the press conference this morning. we will also track that vote for you as well coming out of vta. we will post that and bring it to you here when we can. >> thank you. let's take a look at the forecast for us today. talk about a beautiful sunrise out there. meteorologist, kari hall, of course, always loves a beautiful sunrise. you are talking about what is going on in san francisco. >> yeah, if you are able to kick off your weekend tonight at the chase center and the warriors game. at 7:00 as you are heading in, it will be in the mid-50s. a cool and breezy evening, but at least we don't have to worry about rain.
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we will have quiet weather for now as we enter into the weekend. if you are in san josé and going to the sharks game tonight, it will be in the low 50s as well. if you are going to dinner before the game, bundle up. for the giants fan fest at oracle, there will be a chance of showers. we are going from the low 50s to upper 50s into the afternoon. if you want to see all that fresh snow we have in the sierra, if you are going to south lake tahoe, expect it to be dry today and tomorrow and then rain and snow showers moving in saturday into sunday. we are looking at light accumulation, but it will be slick for some of those curvy roadways. mike, you have a little tough commute through the tri-valley now? >> yeah, sounds like everything is off to the right shoulder. the sensors changed from red to orange. the crash on 680 is still on the shoulder past highway 4.
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folks couldn't get past the crash on either route, and now you can because 680 is open. there will be recovery through this area. we have seen more traffic, and we typically see the slowing on 880 as well, and they are joined up at the bottom of the fremont funnel. in the east bay, we are looking ahead to traffic and crowds are coming, as kari said, for the warriors game tonight, and maybe mass transit is what you want. that's fine today. but this weekend no cal train in that area was of the electrification project. the climate in crisis. >> everybody pays a little in and everybody gets a little bit. >> next on "today in the bay," the new pilot program one delta community is launching to try and protect residents from catastrophic flooding. president biden's state of the union address is tonight.
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good thursday morning. it's now 6:44. we take a live look outside in dublin where we are starting out with a lot of clouds, and after yesterday's rainfall in spots it will be nice to have a dry day today. we are going from the low 50s
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here to upper 50s. it will be a sunny afternoon, but still on the cool side. we will warm up tomorrow and talk about when rain comes back, in just a few minutes. traffic should be restoring some of the speeds better than you have seen for the last 20 to 30 minutes. thumbs up now. the crash 680 is cleared to the shoulder. 680 and 4 slow approaching pleasanton. we have something that could be affecting 580 across the richmond bridge, coming up. president biden will deliver his state of the union address tonight before congress. >> scott mcgrew joins us with a preview of what the president may focus on. >> the state of the union speeches generally last more than an hour, and presidents can touch on all kinds of things starting with the shout-out to their guests, which tonight will include the swedish prime minister sitting in the audience. sweden joins nato today. the president will say the state of the union is strong. they always say that.
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when it comes to the economy, he would be right. the american economy continues to set new records and that's one of the key points we expect to hear, strong economy, wages up, inflation down, job growth, record stock market, and border security will be another issue. a new "wall street journal" poll shows a vast majority of americans supported the powerful new border bill that republicans and democrats pushed through the senate only to have it fail in the house. maybe abortion. new restrictions on abortion and its affect on ivf put republicans in a tough spot with their own voters. new taxes on big corporations. not the first time he proposed this idea, but it would very much contrast him with his opponent for the white house, donald trump. this is video of trump as president after he -- or after congress passed that big tax cut that added to the deficit. biden unlikely to bring up
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trump's name, and to do so would be tacky to do so in a state of the union speech. mitch mcconnell endorsing trump for president. in a written statement he said it should be no surprise. it surprised some. "the new york times" says the two have not spoken in three years, and you may recall what mcconnell said shortly after the january 6th attacks. >> there's no question, none, that president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. no question about it. >> the house passed a new spending bill that will keep a large portion of the government open through the fall. they still need to pass the other half. it's strong progress after repeatedly passing last-minute
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emergency stop measures. biden's state of the union speech starts tonight at 6:00. we will have live coverage here on next bay area, and and, laura, our app. >> we're always here. thank you very much. storms inundated the bay area. >> one california town is looking to fill the gap with a flood insurance program. cinthia pimentel joins us for more on that. >> the idea is to provide immediate relief to households in a modest form. it will be open to anybody that buys into it to help alleviate the stress of settling claims. the town experienced flooding through the years. most recently the parade of atmospheric rivers bringing
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catastrophic rain, and they are now pioneering a new strategy to tackle the rising flood risks with the help of uc davis researchers who say fewer than 2% of californians have flood insurance, a challenge getting cloudier as insurance agencies want out of california. >> everybody pays a little bit in, and everybody gets a little bit, so it's designed to fill the gap that currently exists with the fema individual housing assistance program. it's designed to recognize that many people can never afford or will never buy flood insurance. >> new york city already tried a similar idea with tens of thousands of more residents, and now other parts of california are starting to show interest like up in colusa county.
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>> always so interesting. thank you, cinthia. girls in the bay area are taking to the field. this is to train with the san francisco 49ers. >> the team is hosting a flag football camp exclusively for girls. it's a one-day session, and girls in 8th through 12th grade can register. they will do football drills with the former 49er employers. registration cost $75. the form can be found on the team's community page. it's so great to see that inclusiveness. a lot of girls had to fight to be able to play. >> anything at one point -- play anything. >> that's right. >> today would be a good day to get out and practice. >> yes, absolutely. the fields will still be wet. we had so much rain in parts of the bay area yesterday, and it's going to be nice to have a chance to dry out, even though we are still seeing clouds overhead now, as we take a live look outside in san josé.
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eventually it will clear up. by 11:00, it's mostly sunny and we will see mostly sunny skies in the afternoon with the highs in the low 60s. the storm system that we had yesterday has now moved to the south, and we are going to have a couple days to enjoy some sunshine, but it still will be cool today. we are only going to reach a high of 60 in cupertino and los gatos. in morgan hill, 62 degrees. mid-60s. redwood city looking at a high of 61. also 61 in the mission district today, and for the north bay, 66 in santa rosa and novato reaching 64 degrees. we are going to have high pressure briefly, but then a quick-moving system expected on saturday. just a heads up that we are going to see some rain, and this may impact some of your saturday plans, but it's in and out of here quickly. there will be more storm systems that will bring us rain for
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monday into tuesday, and then it starts to taper off by the middle of the week, we will dry out and warm up. if you are looking forward to warmer weather, it's not this weekend. santa rosa will only reach the upper 50s. but look at next weekend, it will be in the mid-70s. big change coming our way eventually by the end of the forecast, but we are going to see a couple more waves of rain coming in. as we spring forward on sunday morning, it will be mostly cloudy. the rain returning most likely in the north bay on sunday and continuing into tuesday. our temperatures will remain cool at least through the next seven days. mike, you are tracking a crash on the richmond san rafael bridge? >> i heard about the crash and saw this backup at the toll plaza. turns out the crash is not the commune direction. this is your typical build. it's moving smoothly now as folks are traveling across the westbound direction. it was east bay 580, the lower
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deck and that did clear from the roadway. that's good news for san rafael into the east bay. that's counter commute. your east bay commute shows the typical pattern. the earlier crash doesn't appear to be causing a problem now, heading towards the maze and westbound 580. a gradual bridge for the east shore freeway. sunol, much better. the south bay shows the typical build right here. back to you. >> sounds good. thank you, mike. it's 6:52 right now. happening now, uc student applications are surging. more than 250,000 students applied system wide, and that's following last year's 2% dip. it includes can more transfers and students from underrepresented communities. and mayor london breed will
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deliver her address this morning. and then the crucial decision being made in a couple of
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6:57 am
welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay," including san francisco waiting for answers about its future. >> we have a live look in san francisco where later this morning mayor london breed will deliver her state of the city address. this week residents showed support for ballot measures by
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the mayor, for housing and increasing policing powers, and the state of the city address starts at 11:00 a.m. ac transit is ending its weekend practice of detouring around some of the busy bus stops in downtown oakland. the stops are along broadway between 15th and 20th street. detours took effect in august of 2022, due to concerns about side shows and the high volume of patrons in nearby bars and clubs. south bay transit leaders will vote on a long-plan light-rail extension in east san josé. it would link riders to the milpitas bart station. advocates have been calling for the extensions. it will cost $650 million.
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vta leaders today are expected to vote on finalizing a contractor. today is the day pg&e customers will learn if their rates will go even higher. state regulators set to vote on a plan to raise plans another $5 a month a top of the $35 hike that took place in january. the utility telling the cpuc that more money is needed to fund wildfire safety work costing more than $5 million. the new rate hike could take effect in may. for a couple days we will have dry weather. clear skies and warming up for tomorrow afternoon. on saturday, there will be rain chances, spotty showers. on sunday it's cloudy and then watching out for rain early next
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week. the two bottom numbers, they were a lot longer as the crash was at the connection on the two freeways. there's recovery slower through pleasanton right now. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. just ahead, scott mcgrew is breaking down the key issues president biden is set to focus on in his state of the union address tonight. also, final preps under way for the oscars. watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast. >> a lot going on. thank you for allowing us to be part of your morning here on "today in the bay." the "today" show coming up next. a beautif good thursday morning. a major move in the battle over fertility treatment. >> and it's giving renewed hope to thousands of families. it's march 7th. this


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