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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  March 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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we are breaking loose. and the airplane loses a tire after taking off from san francisco. the damage the tire caused on
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the ground. the emergency landing at lax and the questions that now remain. good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news. i am janelle wang. we have been covering this breaking news story on air and online for the past four hours to do a united airlines flight headed from san francisco to japan loses a tire right after takeoff. the good news is no one was hurt. it is amazing to believe we show you these videos. this is the airplane, united flight 35 taking off from san francisco around 11:30 this morning that it just moments later, you see one of the tires fall off the aircraft did what happened to the large tire? it fell on a car and bounced around and make employee parking lot near san francisco. amazingly, no one was hurt. the tire did come to a rest a few dozen feet away. you see it lying there with caution tape around it.
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now, let's show you where the parking lot is in relation to the runway. you can see it is just north of the runway, just at the end of the rain right -- runway. the airplane had to be diverted to lax. this is video of it landing safely around 1:15 this afternoon. no problems a very smooth. 249 people on board the plane, including four lines and 10 flight attendants. crews inspected the airplane and told it to the terminal. as for the people on board, they are expected to be put on a new airplane with a new crew and fly to japan to their final destination later tonight. we have team coverage and reporters covering the breaking news for us. once again with sergio quintana . one of the first reporters to get to san francisco. what is the scene like now at the parking lot with a tire dropped to the ground?
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>> reporter: the united jet headed to japan took off from san francisco runway 28 right. about a football field away from where we are standing right now. as you saw in the videos, the tire came off about seven seconds after the airplane lifted off. it landed in an employee parking lot and bounced and landed in this lot, a rental car lot. i spoke with an employee who happened to be outside when this happened. he said he heard the loud roar of the jets as the airplane was taken off. and then a loud crunch. this is the moment the tire from the united 777 came off the rear landing gear seconds after the airplane took off. you can see it came off just before the rest of the landing gear was retracted into the jet. here is where the tire first landed. it smashed onto two parked cars in the airport employee, at the end of the runway.
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and then bounced into a nearby lot. from sky ranger you can see the massive tire on the lot as police officers keep an eye on it as part of an megan betts vision into why it came off. we spoke with amick airport worker as he came up to pick up his car at the end of his shift. it is parked right next to the two that were smashed. your part here. lucky. so that hopefully, this guy is insured. >> reporter: no one was injured on the ground when the tire came crashing down. while on site we saw in the united employee taking pictures of the damage. a large tire else into a rental car agency lot and police were able to get to it pretty easily it is since been removed from the scene. we counted two crunched cars and another employee told us there was another crunch car -smashed car or damage, if you will, inside the slot.
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at least three vehicles damaged when the tire came off and bounced and ultimately came to a rest. thankfully, the flight took off around 11:00 in the morning, which is about the time when most employees are at work at san francisco. is a good thing there were no injuries. reporting live at san francisco i am sergio quintana, nbc bay area news . >> 250 pound tire. let's bring in ian cull. how could this happen? we spoke with aviation experts this afternoon and they say it is extremely rare. >> reporter: the fact of thinking of a tire or wheel falling off amick international flight is mind-boggling to the pilots i spoke with today. i spoke with two poets who have decades of experience working with airlines and for the airlines to both could not stress enough how rare something like this is. both believe investigators will be taking a look at the united
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maintenance records as well as the tire itself. there are more extensive checks every quarter and year. he believes this is more of a united issue than an overall issue with boeing struggles of an aircraft. >> is like you purchased a chevy two or three years old -- years ago and the wheel came off. who maintains her car? if they are focused on the maintenance procedures of united and look at the paperwork to see whe things happen. if they point to a structural problem you get boeing involved as far as the builder of aircraft. >> as far as mainline, large jet aircraft, it is a very rare occurrence. >> reporter: you also heard from doug rice who flew commercial airlines for 42 years . he says likely the airplane
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has six tires on each side and is capable of landing without one of those. he knows there are still concerns something else could be damaged. meanwhile united put out a statement that says in part, it is grateful for the professionalism of its pilots and flight attendants and grateful for the crews who assisted on the ground will have more on this story to 5:00. >> live from san francisco. >> as both aviation experts said, it is most likely a maintenance issue with united airlines. it is easy in the investigation and we do not know if it could be a structural issue. this was a boeing 777 that lost its side tire. boeing is facing intense scrutiny after a door plug lou out in mid january. last week, federal safety experts released a report that found your issues with boeing safety culture. investigators found that many employees do not understand the safety management systems discovered a disconnect between senior management and other
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employees. as well as fear of retaliation when reporting safety concerns. that report has been given to the faa to review. once the news broke we sent out an alert immediately if you want to know breaking news immediately happens, download and sign up on our free nbc bay area news app. and developing story unfolding in the east bay. police with guns drawn and a car in the center divide and a bay area freeway shut down. that was a wild scene that played out this afternoon on i- 580. it started miles away in pleasanton. let's bring in jodi hernandez . she has been tracking the investigation all day. how did this >> reporter: story start? to. janel. >> reporter: this is a community not used to crime. at 11:00 this morning they heard gunshots in the normally quiet townhome community they called 911. when police arrived, they found a woman inside her townhome dead
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of a gunshot wound. in neighbor also reported seeing a black lexus. when police arrived, one of the officers spotted the same car leaving. he got behind and started following him. other pleasanton police officers joined in on two i-580. when i got to san leandro, somehow the car became disabled and stopped on the freeway. that is when hours long standoff began. both sections of the freeway were closed off for a time. eventually, chp, san leandro police and alameda sheriff's department were all out there and eventually they approached the car and found the suspect inside dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. police investigators tell me it does appear to be a domestic case and the relationship between the suspect and victim is not known at this time. two lanes of i-580 remain closed
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as police investigate. >> two west main -- westbound lanes remain closed. as for this neighborhood, it has been cordoned off for most of the day are residents able to go back to the scene or their apartments? >> reporter: as you can see, it is a very active crime scene. i will step away and you can see there are tents here and crime scene investigators. they are on-scene trying to figure out what led to this. a police officer also told me that it appears children did live in the home with the woman. fortunately, they were not home at the time. that is also something they are trying to do right now. track down where the children are. a very, very sad situation. neighbors have been kept back from the immediate area, but they have reopened some of the parking lot. folks here are heartbroken. they say when something like this happens in this community,
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the community does come forward to help the family and that is what they intend to do. >> jodi hernandez live in pleasanton. and other rate hike coming to pg&e customers. it will at five dollars a month to the average bill and is expected to compensate for pg&e vegetation management efforts. going back to 2020. the newly approved hike comes on the heels of a 13% increase in january. it raised the average bill by about $34 a month. president biden delivers his third state of the union address tonight and the stakes cannot be higher. take alive luck. we'll show you our nations capital. the u.s. capitol, we are live in about 90 minutes for the state of the union. the country will be watching as president i delivers a critical speech heading into the november general election. the president has a rare chance to speak to millions of americans as commander in chief and as candidate.
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he is running for reelection. will address the crisis in the middle east and is excited to announce tonight that the u.s. military will lead emergency efforts to hold a port on the gaza coast to get more monitoring aid to palestinian civilians. he will address negotiations to release hamas-held hostages. even talk about supporting the ukraine war with russia. on the domestic front, he will focus heavily on the economy and reproductive rights. >> it is really important to talk about reproductive freedom. after roe v. wade was overturned, a lot of people were left with no production. >> you can watch the state of the union right here on nbc bay area . coverage begins at 6:00. tune into our primetime addition of nbc bay area news immediately after at 8:00 p.m. facing extinction. researchers in bay area sounding the alarm for deepwater sharks. we are talking to them about what is threatening the species.
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also, using social media to reach your financial goals. will tell you about a new trend helping people save more money. before we had to break, i have a poll up on we want to know what trending story would you like to see my instagram. vote for one of later in this newscast.the stories you see here. applebee's and i helped him up. max cracking down on password sharing. and, mike tyson to fight j and, mike tyson to fight j call. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save.
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turning now to our climate in crisis. deep water shark species are in danger. that is the word from a san jose state professor. for more insight we have meteorologist vianey arana . you spoke with officer david ebert and what did he find about the deepwater species? >> insightful, considering how tough it is to explore the deepest ocean and track them
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down. he was one of two american researchers on the team and is a well-known shark expert. he has written several books around sharps -- sharks and marine life. the study will be the cover story of science magazine tomorrow. the magazine is well known in the video you are about to see was provided to us by their team. let's. it out. his research has taken him around the world. he collaborated with a team of 37 researchers from 16 countries to dive into deep water sharps and raise. he looks for what he calls, " last sharks. " there are over 1000 shark species and he himself has named over 40 new shark species in his books. in this particular study it was confirmed the population of the water sharps is rapidly depleting because of the international liver oil and meat trade. that ends up in things like dietary supplements and haircare products. the species is already identified as critically endangered. without conservation protections, it could mean
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extension for species he says have not even had a chance to be named. he talked about the critical role sharks and rays play in our ecosystems. >> a lot of the fishery takes place in a lot of developing countries and areas where people do not tend to think of. unless you go out and look for them, you would never know this is occurring. for the liver oil stuff, it takes place out of the way. there is nothing illegal, but nobody is paying any attention to these things. these literally are the proof he -- proverbial shark; my. they will tell you about the health of the marine environment better than something like a white shark along the coast. >> he added if the publishing continues to decline, reversing it would not come easy. the reason is because deepwater sharks are slow to grow and mature later in life. typically, they have the lifespan of more than 100 years. they also only reproduce every one to two years. he says conservation and awareness is critical.
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you heard him say it is not illegal, but is not spotlighted and a lot of people do not know what is going on in international waters. >> it is crazy to see the video because it is so rare and interesting. 70 species out there. deepwater species we do not know about and he may be going extinct. how do we find out more information about how to protect the species and more information in general? >> over 1000 species. i do not know were over 1000 species of sharks. encourage you -- encourages you to visit conservation centers, museums and things like that there are a few restrictions on fishing practices in international waters. gaining insight to the potential extension of certain animals or how they played to the ecosystem. will link a study on the climate story. will be the cover story of science magazine. as the risk of flooding increases with climate change,
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california town is right in a way to protect property. the town of isle 10 is in the delta rio vista 8 feet above sea level. is prone to flooding, especially with the atmospheric rivers. the town is launching a community-based flood insurance program. the idea is to immediately provide moderate relief to flooded households. it will be open to anyone who buys into it. >> is designed to fill the gap that currently exists with fema , individual housing assistance program. it is designed to mechanize that many people can never afford or will never purchase flood insurance. >> researchers say fewer than two percent of californians have flood insurance. and companies are starting to stop covering policies in california. saving money is on the top of most people's minds. it could affect your social life. marcus washington has tips to help us communicate our financial priorities. >> many people are looking for
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new tips to reach their financial goals. new this morning, a social media trend called loud budgeting is quickly becoming a popular method. a money-saving technique which involves climbing social opportunities if you put your financial goals in jeopardy here are some tips for you. create a budget. cut back on spending and set up an emergency fund. a financial expert at an advisory says talking about the budget with friends and family really could help you achieve your goals. >> if you embrace this mentality , you can be a little freer to share and it makes having the conversations easier. to help people find success because they do not feel as much pressure to do things that maybe they really cannot afford, or should not be doing because of their financial goals. >> this is nothing new. saving and cutting back on and curricular activities. if you do want to cut back on social events to support your financial goals, do not be
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afraid to have a difficult conversation with your loved ones ultimately, it is a long- term goal to gain your future plans and build up for your future. get stories like this early by joining us on today in the bay starting at 5:00 a.m. . you can always watch nbc bay area news anytime 24/7 on roku and other streaming preference. i marcus washington. still to come, the top trending story as wanted by you. what do steph curry and lindsay lohan have in common? they are really close friends. in fact, the honor steph curry was given by lindsay lohan. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment
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and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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here it is, the top trending storiesvoted by you on my instagram poll. more than 50% of the vote mike tyson returned to the ring with no other than jake paul.
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the former heavyweight champ will face the former youtube star, turned professional boxer on july 20th. it will be streamed live on netflix mike tyson's last boxing match came in 2020 at and make up and were jake paul was the undercard. i will post links to the other stories you voted on, on my answering. many of you know warriors player steph curry and his wife aisha curry. you also know lindsay lohan, the actress from mean girls and the parent trap. did you know the couple and actors are really good friends like you could save estes. this is video from earlier this month when steph curry gifted her of basketball and jersey that he said at a warriors game. and that, they are godparents to the son of lindsay lohan. aisha curry thought her chef friend thought they would get along and now, their stars in film airing on netflix right now. they say they are like estes. >> i love both of them have similar energy.
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have a good time and hang out. i am excited to see this. >> the movie is out right now. let's talk about the weather. a lot of cloudy skies and the sun is out. >> look at these live cameras. aside from a couple of clouds, at least there is no rain on the radar. right now, rain in some parts. let's get to satellite and radar to show you some of the impacts we are seeing just how the rest temperature wise, 50s and 60s. i want to show you this beautiful shot of lake tahoe for the folks that did not make it last week and. you were going on the side of safe. that is good news. this weekend, today and tomorrow, you should be fine. sunday things could change i want to show you live what it looks like now satellite and radar, you can see for the most part these are quite over the knee area -- bay area. showers into central and southern, for. you can see far south and still seeing activity down through portions of san luis, bakersfield and san diego.
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for us, we have a brief period of high-pressure. worries on the map and for the most part it will be beautiful on your friday. daytime highs in the 60s. just as quickly as we cleared out for your friday, we are monitoring the weaker system that could bring the return chance of rain heading into saturday. yes, the blue and pink ucsc arrests now. the instability will make its return and it could impact potential travel plans. it will give you a sneak peek into next week. we are lining up for what looks to be another active week ahead as far as the work week goes make sure to join us once again at 5:00. here's a look at the extended outlook. a closer look at how much rain we can see this weaken with meteorologist rob mayeda. we have updates on our top two stories. the tire that came off a united airlines airplane and also, the latest on the
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standoff on i-580 in the east bay. jessica
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right now at 5:00, a scary moment at san francisco after a tire fell off a united airlines jet as it was taken out. will show you what happened in the parking lot where the tire landed and what happened with the jet tire fell. plus, a chase and standoff with police shut down i-580. the man involved was a suspected murderer. what we are learning about his crime and a live look at i-580. a suspected defendant olcott after targeting more than half a dozen churches and temples. what we are learning about the suspect and wipe more charges could be looming. the news at 5:00 starts now. thank you for joining us. >> i am jessica guay. >> i am garvin thomas. after a united airlines flight
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going to japan was diverted to lax after a tire fell off. michael blidh, and was caught on video. the shows united airlines flight 85 taken off for losing the tire around 11:30 this morning. the tire falls right off the airplane seconds after the flight gain some air. >> on the ground, the tire fell onto a car parked in an employee parking lot just outside of san francisco. after it hit some cars, the tire ended up several feet away in the center of the lot. so they could have gotten hurt, but luckily no one did. the tire did come to rest dozens of feet away. let's show you the amount. the distance between the lot where fell and where the airport is subject tonight, we have team coverage from san francisco. ian cull has reaction from airline experts. first, sergio quintana has the details of the bizarre incident. >> reporter: that united airlines flight headed to japan took off from san


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