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tv   NBC Bay Area News  NBC  March 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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senseless border policies. just think about laken riley. in my neighbors state of georgia, this beautiful 22-year-old nursing student went out on a jog one morning, but she never got the opportunity to return home. she was brutally murdered by one of the millions of illegal border crossers president biden chose to release into our homeland. as a mom, i can't quit thinking about this. i mean, this could have been my daughter. this could have been yours. and tonight, president biden finally said her name, but he refused to take responsibility for his own actions.
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mr. president, enough is enough. innocent americans are dying, and you only have yourself to blame. fulfill your oath of office. reverse your policies, end this crisis and stop the suffering. sadly, we know that president biden's failures don't stop there. his reckless spending dug our economy into a hole and sent the cost of living through the roof. we have the worst inflation in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in our nation's history. let that sink in. hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet today. and the soaring mortgage rates and sky-high child care costs,
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they're also struggling to have a plan for tomorrow. the american people are scraping by while president biden proudly proclaims that bidenomics is working. goodness, y'all, bless his heart. we know better. i'll never forget stopping at a gas station in shelton county one evening. the gentleman working the counter told me that after retiring, he had to pick up a job in his 70s so that he didn't have to choose between going hungry or going without his medication. he said, i did everything right. i did everything i was told to do. i worked hard. i saved. i was responsible. he's not alone. i hear similar concerns from fellow parents, whether i am walking with my friends or whether i'm at my kids' games.
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but let's be honest, it's been a minute since joe biden pumped gas, ran a carpool or even pushed a grocery cart. meanwhile, the rest of us see our dollar and we know it doesn't go as far. we see it every day. and despite what he tells you, our communities are not safer. for years, the left have coddled criminals and defunded the police all while letting repeat. the result is tragic but foreseeable. from our small towns to america's most iconic city streets, life is getting more and more dangerous. and unfortunately president biden's weakness isn't just hurting families here at home.
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he is making up a punch line on the world stage. look, where i'm from, your word is your bond. but for three years the president has demonstrated that america's word doesn't mean what it used to. from abandoning our allies in his disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan and desperately pushing another dangerous deal with iran, president biden has failed. we've become a nation in retreat. and the enemies of freedom, they see an opportunity. putin's brutal aggression in europe has put our allies on the brink.
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iran's terrorist proxies have slaughtered american citizens. they've targeted commercial shipping, and they've attacked our troops nearly 200 times since october, killing three u.s. soldiers and two navy seals. meanwhile, the chinese communist party is undercutting america's workers. china is buying up our farmland, spying on our military installations and spreading propaganda through the likes of tiktok. you see, the ccp knows that if it conquers the minds of our next generation, it conquers america. and what does president biden do? well, he bans tiktok for government employees, but creates an account for his own
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campaign. y'all, you can't make this stuff up. look, we all recall when presidents faced national security threats with strength and resolve. that seems like ancient history. right now, our commander in chief is not in command. the free world deserves better than a dithering and diminished leader. america deserves leaders who recognize that secure boards, stable prices, safe streets and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a great nation. just ask yourself, are you better off now than you were three years ago?
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there's no doubt we're at a crossroads. and it doesn't have to be this way. we all feel it. but here's the good news. we, the people, are still in the driver's seat. we get to decide whether our future will grow brighter, or whether we'll settle for an america in decline. well, i know which choice our children deserve, and i know the choice the republican party is fighting for. we are the party of hardworking parents and families, and we want to give you and your children the opportunities to thrive, and we want families to grow. it's why we strongly support continued nationwide access to
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in vitro fertilization. we want to help loving moms and dads bring precious life into this world. wesley and i believe there is no greater blessing in life than our children. that's why tonight i want to make a direct appeal to the parents out there and in particular to my fellow moms, many of whom i know will be up tossing and turning at 2 a.m. wondering how you're going to be in three places at once and then somehow still get dinner on the table. first of all, we see you, we hear you, and we stand with you. i know you're frustrated. i know you're probably disgusted by most of what you see going on in washington. i'll be really honest with you. you're not wrong for feeling
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this way. look, i get it. the task in front of us isn't an easy one, but i can promise you one thing. it is worth it. so i am asking you for the sake of your kids and your grandkids, get into the arena. every generation has been called to do hard things. american greatness rests in the fact that we always answer that call. it's who we are. never forget. we are steeped in the blood of patriots, who overthrew the most powerful empire in the world. we walk in the footsteps of pioneers who tamed the wilds. we now carry forward the same flame of freedom as the liberators of an oppressed europe.
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we continue to draw courage from those who bent the moral arc of the universe. and when we gaze upon the heavens, never forget that our dna contains the same ingenuity that put man on the moon. america has been tested before, and every single time we've emerged unbowed and unbroken. our history has been written with the grit of men and women who got knocked down. but we know their stories, because they did not stay down. we are here because they stood back up. so now it's our turn, our moment to stand up and prove ourselves worthy of protecting the
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american dream. together, we can reawaken the heroic spirit of a great nation. because america, we don't just have a rendezvous with destiny, we take destiny's hand and we lead it. our future starts around kitchen tables just like this. with moms and dads just like you. and you are why i believe with every fiber of my being that despite the current state of our union, our best days are still ahead. may god bless you and may god continue to bless these united states of america. >> that was alabama senator
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katie britt delivering the republican response to president biden's state of the union address while he was still in the chamber, senator brit criticized him saying that she and many others are worried about the future of america. she especially blasted his handling of the border and painted this moment as a crossroads for america. >> there's a reason she's considered one of the rising stars in the senate and alabama politics, alabama obviously at the center of this ivf controversy after that alabama supreme court ruling that threw into question whether or not people could have ivf and shut down clinics in that state, something the state legislature is trying to rectify. she's 42 years old. >> literally almost half of the president's age. she's sitting in a kitchen saying i'm a mom. >> the push from her trying to match president biden's optimism there.
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she did, of course, turn on immigration and cast it as a dark moment for america, which is something that republicans have been going after the president for for months. you heard the president in his speech pointing to what congress could do to make the border more secure and has not so far. this is going to continue to be a theme in november. she was chosen because she represents the state of alabama and that court ruling that you just mentioned, immediate backlash to that. ivf enjoys broad support from across the political spectrum. it is not a republican or democrat issue. you heard her mention the need to push for continued access to ivf. notable that when president biden mentioned it at the capital tonight in his state of the union speech, it's the first time ivf has ever been said in a state of the union. >> i get a sense tonight we've seen the vision of two americas here, talking about the same thing but with striking different visions of what this
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country looks like. >> yeah. that's the next eight months of our lives. this is the beginning of the general election here with donald trump as the presumptive republican nominee, president biden looking to win back the white house here, and two very different takes on what the next four years could look like. >> hallie jackson, thank you so much. to our entire team watching the state of the union tonight, as mentioned, we'll continue to have coverage on nbc news now. our college kristen welker is picking up the coverage. we'll be up nice and early tomorrow on "today" and ""nightly news"". >> i'm lester holt. for all of us here at nbc news, good night. thank you for watching right on nbc bay area, it came out of the sky, a bizarre and frightening incident when a
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tire fell off of a united airplane and what happened on the ground moments afterwards. and now, 580 shuts down a major freeway and a murder investigation tied to it in a quiet neighborhood. >> and president biden delivers the third state of the union reaction and the fiery moments from the speech and the reaction from republicans. thank you for joining us on this special edition of nbc bay area news. i'm garvin thomas. >> i'm jessica aguirre. and we want to start with the dangerous and scary takeoff for the united airlines flight. the plane loses a wheel while departing from sfo eight seconds off of the runway. a 270-pound wheel comes crashing down below. you can see the moment right here, and the plain spotter who is at sfo sees the wheel come
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off, and then rolls across the parking lot, and incredibly, nobody was hurt. >> the plane was headed to osaka, japan, and 249 passengers and crew on board and the plane was diverted to l.a.x. writ landed safely. united said that the passengers opted to board another plane for osaka and they are on the way now. >> and so whatis at fault for that wheel falling off? >> nbc bay area's gia vang has the latest. >> well, a number of aviation enthusiasts use this spot to watch the planes come and go, but rarely do they catch what happened today and let alone get it on camera. the wheel of a plane coming off as it is getting some air. >> reporter: this is the moment that the wheel comes off of the
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united boeing plane leaving sfo bound for japan. take a closer look, the landing gear was retracting when the wheel fell off. united says that the plane was quickly diverted to l.a.x., and nobody was hurt, but it left a trail of destruction. two employees' vehicles were smash and as airport workers came to pick up their car he said that he parked right next to the vehicles damaged. >> i parked right here. lucky, huh? >> this guy, and hopefully he is insured. >> reporter: and sky ranger found itbounced and landed in a nearby lot. >> oh, something fell off of the airplane and nobody knew until it fell over there. i thought that my co-workers were joking, because no way that a tire came off, sfwuf happens. >> officers were seen keep an
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eye on the wheel and a united employee took photos of the damage. they are grateful to the pilots and attendants and professionalism of the crew who assisted on the ground. and we are told that the passengers on that plane are on their way to osaka, japan, but out of l.a.x. of course. they left around 7:30 tonight. live in san francisco, gia vang, back to you. now, the question that many people have, how could this happen? we heard from two pilots with decades of experience flying for the airlines and both could not stress how rare something like this is. >> it is like you bought a chevy two or three years ago and the wheel fell off, and who is maintaining wheel during that time, so that is where they will be focusing on united maintenance procedures and where things happen, and if they are pointing to a structural problem, then they get boeing involved as far as the builder of the aircraft. >> reporter: that is one of the
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aviation experts mike mccarron a pilot and former ntsb spokesperson. and they are gathering more information on the incident. i-580 at san leandro is now reopened after a killing inside of a pleasanton home triggered a chase, and that is what turned this east bayh freeway into a parking lot. and connecting all of that for us is christie smith who is joining us from inside of san leandro, and how do we know that the two incidents were connected? >> well, what we do know is that what police are saying is that this started in pleasanton, and it did end here in san leandro, and at this hour, the two remaining lanes of the westbound 580 reopened. that happened at 6:00 tonight after slow going earlier in the day, and including a temporary closure in both directions.
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investigation is under way both here and pleasanton. >> reporter: all lanes of traffic are flowing again on 580 and san leandro after a police chase ended on the freeway triggering a full closure and snarling traffic. the situation began hours earlier in pleasanton. >> it is a safe place, and safe neighborhood in a safe city. >> but that sense of safety unravelled this morning. >> this morning at around 11:00 a.m., we received a 911 call that there were gunshots in the area of saginaw circle, and when officers arrived, they found a female victim with several gunshot wounds. >> and reports of a black lexus leaving the scene. police spotted the car and began to follow it headed westbound on interstate west 580. >> that vehicle is disable and we are not sure how in the area of 580 and san leandro.
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>> reporter: officers responded and they said they saw officers in armored vehicles on the scene, and there was no movement after trying to communicate. they discovered the suspect dead inside of the car on 580 from the self-inflicted gunshot wound, and the police have not identified the suspect or the victim. >> i was heading to hayward but we stopped on the side. >> reporter: the investigator shut down all lanes to gather incident, and traffic backing up for miles. >> and around noon, we are headed toward hayward and we are going to be looking at benedict, and it has been like this ever since. >> reporter: eastbound lanes reopened after 1:00, and two westbound lanes reopened and the other two remained closed for several hours. >> this afternoon, pleasanton police said that they were in the early stages of the investigation, and expect to be
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releasing more information soon. reporting live in san leandro, christie smith, nbc bay area news. it is hang again, the pg & e customers are about to see another rate hike. cpu agreed to it today, and adding $5 a month to the bill to compensate for the vegetation management efforts. it comes on the heels of the 13% increase that we saw in january which raised the average bill about $34 a month. >> right now, angry families have crowded into the school board meeting in gilroy saying they are worried that the district did not do enough about a man po segsz firearms and possibly rigging the home to explode. the home right next to an elementary school. nbc bay area's robert handa is with us for more on the parents' complaints. robert? >> yes, we are outside of the
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district offices of the gilroy unified school district. inside, many of the parents were complaining that the man now in custody, he had committed some truly bizarre and dangerous incidents in their neighborhood. now this group calls themselves advocaing for gilroy student, and to understand why they are so upset, we have to go back several days before the man was actually put in handcuffs. >> reporter: on august 28th, marcus beck was arrested for the suspected dui after a crash. in beck's car they found a loaded handgun and ar-15 rifle which led the officers to search his home, and he had booby trapped his home to strategically be used as remote ignition devices. the neighborhood was evacuated and the elementary school nearby
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was cleared. then the parents found out that the school had called police two days earlier when beck was caught loitering around the campus after trying to talk to a school employee. tonight, the parents held a rally before attending board meeting en masse. >> i would say shocked, disturbed, horrified and nauseate and all of that. just very, very surprised that we have not been informed for several, several days beforehand. >> my reaction was completely appalled, and it is always scary to find out that something like this could happen in your own neighborhood, but the district needs to be honest, and they need to tell us the truth. they need to give us that information as much as they can the day of. >> what surprised me the most is that they had somebody who was unauthorized and didn't have children or any reason to be at the school into the school, into the safe zone of the school, and this is what really surprised me. >> reporter: now back here
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outside of the school board meeting where you can many of the parents have come out after making their complaints and demanding things like more transparency and some demanded that the school principal be fired. now, the attorney for the school board though told me that the school board really can't do much from what they heard tonight, because the issue was not on the formal agenda, and so that means it is going to continue in the community for quite some time. as for beck, he is being held without bail and will be undergoing psychiatric evaluation, and he is scheduled to be back in court on april 10th. live in gilroy, robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, robert. something of a victory lap for mayor london breed as she gave the state of the state address at the embarcadero, and she turned to key measures poised to pass. and loosened police pursuits and welfare screen, and build more transitional housing for homeless, and to revitalize
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downtown with the 30 for 30 initiative to attract students downtown. >> if we do that, more people in more neighborhoods will be able to afford here, and more housing means more opportunity. and san francisco will remain the city of, yes, for our children and their children. >> mayor breed also outlined more priorities for 2024, expanding the recovery of muni, and early childhood education and reducing greenhouse emissions in the city. coming up, an arrest after a string of break-ins targeting places of worship. video capturing moment that the suspect rams through a temple. we will have the details next. also, do you care about covid? if you answered no, you are not alone. a survey of how many americans actually think that the virus is not a major threat. and we are seeing the dry conditions outside now, and we will see more for the friday, but for the weekend, the rain
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chances are returning, and we chances are returning, and we will have a look mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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welcome back. if you are just joining us now, we are on because of the state of the union address. we will have more on the state of the union and president biden and the republican response. but first a suspected thief is jamie flores is accused of breaking into eight churches and stealing collection boxes. the leader of the hindu church says that a burglar took off with five collection boxes stuffed with cash. >> it is big loss fiscal and mentally. >> a really bad person does something like this, and a person who targets religious institutions and money that people are donating to the churches and temples is a really bad person. >> so flores is being held on $1
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million bail. they believe he is a serial thief, and if he convicted he will face ten years in jail. the freemont city manager is going to jail after pleading guilty to fraud. he had worked for the city from 2018 to 2021, and he used the city credit card to pay for $18,000 of personal purchases, and that includes clothes and vacations to mexico. he owed the city thousands of dollars when he took 315,000 in severance pay. >> when a public official abuses the public trust and uses a position of authority to steal taxpayer funds for his own gain, that erodes trust in the government and the framework upon which our government is based. >> he is going to be required to serve 90 days in jail, and pay the city of freemont nearly $370,000 in fines. and covid can stay in your
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body for nearly a year. they looked at the tissue samples of patients and says it lingers in the body for 14 month, and that is explaining some patients' long lasting symptoms of brain fog and digestive issues. they are trying to find a cure to remove the virus from the body permanently. meanwhile, a concern about covid has reached a record low according to pew. they say that it is only a minor threat to health and drastically a few years ago, 40% of americans said they were worried about covid. we go outside on this thursday evening and taking a look at san francisco right now. the clear sky is looking like clear skies today and plenty of sunshine. rob is here with the forecast. >> yes, we have some 70s down
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the road, but we will have to deal with some rain. clear skies right now, and setting the stage for the chilly start to friday morning but pleasant afternoon, and highs tomorrow in mid-60s and right now, 54 and you saw the view in san francisco, and fog-free, and clear skies around walnut creek, and you will see low 40s by tomorrow morning and down to 51 in dublin and san jose, the temperatures in the mid-50s, and the radar is quieter now than 24 hours ago, and we had the hail, and the flood advisories, and the strong thunderstorms and that same upper level system is moving through this hour from southern california into arizona where the severe weather has been today, and the areas of southern california and tomorrow as the system is scooting out and we can see the drier air from north to south. noticing the cloud cover will hold up, and ensure a chilly
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start to the day, and a mild finish with the morning temperatures to upper 30s, and the north bay valleys and mid- to low 40s from san francisco to san jose, and down to 12:00, and you could be at midafternoon, the mid to upper 60s. and san francisco is 61, and 64 in oakland, but as we head into the weekend now, saturday morning, and early on is dry until 10:00, and you can see the frontal boundary passing through, and you can see it is a bit breezy, but unlike the last potential of rain, this is a fast-moving weather system, and probably all of the way to sunday morning, things will be dry, and the weekend is not a complete washout, but it has two weather systems to deal with, and we will get into sunday evening, and you will see how it is approaching north bay. and that line from 5:00 sunday evening to about 11:00 sunday night, we will have the biggest rain totals to the week ahead,
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and the rain estimate with it comes down into sunday night, and sonoma county could pick up an inch of rain on the hilltops, but less than 0.10 around san jose. a third weather system and once we get past this monday evening into tuesday, that should be it for rain chances, and this is going to turn the page for high pressure building in and not only making it dryer as the storms move off to the north, but providing the conditions and the place in the 70s and turning inland for the second half of next week. so pretty good day tomorrow for outdoor plans and mostly 60s in the bay area, and then as we head through the weekend, one more chance through tuesday morning, and this time next week, we will finally feel more like spring. we are getting closer officially, and the temperatures will look more like spring, too, as we reach the 70s. >> just about the time we recover from the time change.
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and president biden delivering the pitch to america, and the reaction after the state of the union address as the president is taking on is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month.
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welcome back. if you are just joining us, we are on right now because of the state of the union address. >> it is the third state of the union address that president biden has delivered before congress, and the stakes this time could not be higher. >> with the general election officially under way and the job approval numbers low, the president had to deliver a strong message. the fight for freedom is the overarching theme tonight as the president is trying to reignite the re-election bid. he used the speech to out the his accomplishments and called out the gop for failure the pass a border law and reproductive rights. >> if you, the american people, if you send me a vote for right to choose, i will restore roe v.
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wade as the law of the land again. >> alabama senator katie britt delivered gop response to the state of the union and she slammed the president saying he is out of touch and he does not understand the issues that american families are facing. >> we have the worst inflation in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in our nation's history. let that sink in. hard working families are struggling to make ends meet today, and with soaring mortgage rates and sky-high child care costs. they are also struggling to have a plan for tomorrow. >> we want the bring in dr. melinda jackson the professor at the department of political science at san jose state. thank you for joining us. i want to start with the overall feeling of tonight, and a lot at stake for the president and not just state of the union address, but the opening salvo which is now truly the march towards the election, and especially now
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that we know that donald trump will be presumptive nominee for republican party. people said that they really wanted to see him come out of the box strong. did he? >> i say yes. i watched the whole speech from beginning to end. that was really the challenge tonight. there have been so many questions raised about his age. he is 81 years old. he is already the oldest president, and you know, that has really been something that voters have been raising questions about. we see it in the polls. so tonight, he really needed to meet those concerns head on to appear energetic, thinking on his feet, and i think that he did that. he definitely was, you know, forceful in the delivery, and he used the first person a lot. i will fight for you, and i will do this. he engaged quite a bit of back and forth with the republicans which he seems to enjoy. he was ad-libing in places and
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having some banter. you know, i think that it was effective for, you know, for folks who are willing to watch it at this point, because let's face it, it is the rematch that nobody really wanted. we now know it is biden versus trump again, and we will have it for the next eight months. this was a really important moment for biden to again reintroduce himself to the american people, and really trying to address those concerns about is he up for another four years at his age. i think that he did as good of a job as he could have tonight. >> the president did actually take on the issue of age head-on saying that he probably, if you haven't noticed how old i am, but he said that is an asset for him, because he has been around so long, that at my age, america, i am different than my
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predecessor, and not mentioning donald trump by name, but his predecessor, and mentioned a list of things wrong with the predecessor and sees an america of resentment and revenge and retribution, and how effective for him to call out donald trump that way, and differentiate how they see america. >> i think it was effective and it was throughout the speech, he was drawing the contrasts, so it had a campaign flavor to it. but, again, this is the start of the general election campaign, and he is going to take advantage of that audience with the state of the union speech. he did present a very positive message, and you are right at the end, it was, you know, with good humor and poked some fun at himself, and i may not look that old, and i have been around a while and i know a few things. hen talked about being in politics that he was so young, that people would tell him that
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he was too young to do the job. he handled it with grace. >> on the subject of young, talk about the republican rebuttal, and 42-year-old katy bell from alabama and because she is so young sitting at her kitchen table doing republican response, and online, there is a lot of criticism of the way she came off, and your reaction. was she effective and is she, which one of them are going to win over those other undecided voters at this point? those nikki haley voters? do you see either the president or katy bell tonight winning those undecided voters? >> they were both clearly targeting the message toward the swing voters who are going to be making difference in november. the choice of this young female millennial senator from the south, you know, who was really
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presenting a very trumpian message and very strong aggressive republican message and rebuttal, but talking a lot about moms and dads, parents, children, and really trying to appeal to women who are going to be a key part of the electorate that trump needs to work very hard to try to win, and particularly the suburban women, and those more moderate or conservative women who don't like trump, and they may consider either not voting or even voting for biden. biden also stressing reproductive freedom and reproductive rights which is a strong issue for the democrats. and also, of great importance to women. so those nikki haley voters, i think they are interesting. some of them will go for biden and some of them back the trump, and some of them will sit it out, and this is where the real competition is between now and november. >> i think that a lot of bell
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appealing to the base for sure, and so, the question is how can they get those other voteer to come online. dr. jackson, we appreciate your insight, and thank you for being with us this evening. >> you're welcome. >> a bill that could lead to tiktok being banned in the united states is going forward and the house lawmakers have voiced concern that the chinese government could use tiktok to spy on americans. today, the house passed a bill to that would force the chinese company that owns tiktok to sell it. it is headed to the floor vote expected next week. tiktok has pushed notifications to the users today to encourage them to ask the representatives to vote against the bill. up next, a follow-up on the story we told you about earlier today, the update of the 94-year-old inan francisco who s s
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mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! with an update to the story
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we told you we interviewed 94-year-old helen bird of san francisco that is fighting eviction. >> she has been in the same apartment since she was 12, and her care giver has also lived in the building for 44 years herself, but the rent controlled apartment building was purchased by an llc daniel mattels and soon after, they were offered buyouts to vacate the building and when they refused cash for keys offer, the landlord served them with an ellis act eviction notice. >> which came as a surprise to me and actually a shock to me that i would have to move from here. and where would i go? i am so used to this place. >> reporter: the tenants began packing their belongings, but after the story aired, we received phone calls from viewers and a statement from mr. martells, and said that while the initial decision to purchase
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the rental property was made with intention of investment, the goals of the property has since changed with the goal of people over profits. we have decided to allow the residents of cesar chavez to stay, and they can stay in their homes long term. >> they have reiterated that the operating cost is surpassing the rental units burk after learning of helen's long history in the building and her health condition, and the attorney said that they are pleased to learn that the landlord has decided to do the right thing, and that the tenants are happy and grateful to nbc bay area's investigative unit. if you have a story for hilda or anyone in the investigative unit, call 888-996-tips or go to and going from gas to
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electric. and the cpuc introduced the california clean miles program to help transportation companies pay for the new vehicles. it includes a driver assistance program to help ride assistance users help the program to be used like lyft or uber to be shifted to some drivers, but they are concerned that the drivers will not distribute it fairly. >> a lot of people, they just bought the car, and they have the car for two year, and the car already has more than 100,000 miles and six-year loan, and how do they do that transition from gas to electric. >> the ucpc says the goal is to help california cutdown on greenhouse emissions. still ahead, a trip to tahoe almost became a nightmare for one skier, and new video of the rescue in the sierra when we come back. right now, around lake
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tahoe, the temperatures in the 20s with more snow in the sierra and f bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills.
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oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. 30x30, and the san jose police department is making a pledge to add more women to police force. it is called the 30x30 initiative to have 30% more women by the year 2030. right now they are only 30% of the overall police force. and san jose vice mayor says it is not only diversity, but more effective law enforcement. >> research has demonstrated the positive impact of female officers. they are less likely to use force or fire their gun while on duty. >> sjpd says they want to hire more women through targeted recruitment, and strategies and data analysis, and changes to the hiring culture.
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>> a dramatic rescue at a popular lake tahoe resort was captured on video. deputies rescued a lost skier at palisades tahoe. the sheriff's office says that the lost skier used limited cell phone, and they could see her waving ski poles to flag them down, and she was not hurt. it is unclear how that skier got lost, and they have not commented on the incident. >> the california town is trying a new way to protect property, and the town of near rio vis tashgs and this is the last time it was flooded and it is super prone to be flooded with the recent atmospheric rivers that have flooded. and so there is a pilot program
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that will be open to anyone who buys into it. >> it is designed to fill the gap of the fema individual housing assistance program, and designed to recognize that many people can never aftered for or will never buy flood insurance. >> researchers says that less than 2% of californians have flood insurance and the challenge is more difficult as the insurance companies stop covering state policies in the state. so it is becoming more challenging. that, we saw that just this last winter right in january, i think it was, that we saw how flooded they got and the entire town was almost under water. >> yes, multiple times over the last two winters and something with the stronger atmospheric storms and atmospheric temperatures moving forward and similar to the forecast last week, and now this weekend, we have rain in the forecast, but it shouldn't be as much as we take a look at the sierra forecast to start it off, and it
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is cold. what a week it has been for the sierra thanks to last week end with 6 to 9 feet coming down, and you have the cold conditions lock the snow in place, and so easy travel to the sierra unlike last weekend where it was a few snow showers, and by sunday evening and sunday night, most of the snow comes down this weekend and saturday, just enough to coat the ground, and by sunday around interstate 80 northward, you could see half a foot come down at 5,000 feet. and now, coming down, we have clear skies in san francisco, and heading over to the east bay at walnut creek, and then eastbound valleys in low 40s by tomorrow morning and 56 in san jose, and so unlike most of the week which had a lot of cloud cover from start to finish tomorrow, it is looking pretty good. the clear skies and sunny afternoon, but the clear skies like a blanket overnight and
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starting out chilly with 30s in santa rosa, and interior valleys low 40s in san francisco and heading into the afternoon, sunny skies and for a day, it will feel a lot like spring around the bay area, and mid- to upper 60s southward, and low the mid-60s to oakland and then the clouds will roll in from the start of the weekend, and then it is dry from there to 10:00, and then a fairly narrow frontal boundary passing through the bay area, and we won't stick around long, but blasting from late saturday afternoon to most of sunday morning. but the second weather system is dropping down the coast, and sunday afternoon and sunday evening to carry the punch of the rain totals for the weekend. so most places less than 0.8 of a inch of rain. and one more storm to get through as we get into monday night and tuesday. it is right there.
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and more snow for the see jere -- sierra, but what is different is the high pressure coming in behind it. so once the warm drying conditions lining up by concord, and next thursday, vaulting and staying into the 70s. and looking at the temperatures into the 70s once we get there late next week, it might stay there for a while. before we get there, the rain chances to saturday and probably more in terms of substantial rainfall will be sunday evening and sunday night, but turning the corner there in the middle part of next week and 70s in reach, and see the mid-and upper 70s as we head into next weekend. so something to look forward to in the 7 to 10-day forecast. >> thank you, ralph. a new community center is celebrating the grand opening with the mua which means women
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united held a ribbon cutting, and the social services organization offers services to the women who have recently immigrated to the area. >> we had a office and then we had to close it because of the pandemic, and then we could reopen a space for all of the members who have been unfortunately displaced from san francisco or oakland and we have a lot of members in this area. >> the community center is going to offer programs including peer counseling, and vocational training and classes to help teach women what their rights are. all right. she made history, sailor cole brower has become the first american sailor to race solo unassist around the world. >> she finished global solo challenge after 130 days at sea. she set off from northern spain in october, and circumnavigated
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the world to end up back there, and she is the youngest skipper and the only female sailor in the fleet of 16 boats. mp i mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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