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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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right now on "nbc bay area news tonight," more rain in our forecast. a storm moving in as we speak. jeff is here to track the big changes. plus, what's the fbi doing at the women's prison in dublin? today's search comes after years of sexual abuse claims. what our investigative unit has dug up. and another emergency landing for united airlines, this time on an sfo-bound flight
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from australia. what went wrong, and what united is telling us about this recent in-flight mishap. good evening. i'm raj mathai. we start tonight with the rain. you can see from our san francisco live camera, we're going to show you the clouds moving in. but we should add a lot of sunshine is also coming our way as well. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri tracking the storm's timeline. jeff, happy monday to you. >> you too. pretty quick turn after a little bit of sun for parts of the bay area today. that next storm system already dropping down here through northern california. let's show you stormranger, our doppler radar. some of those showers right now through parts of marin, napa, sonoma counties, primarily over santa rosa, also right there through st. helena. all of this activity gets hung up in the north bay through 11:00 p.m. it's really all about the north bay next couple of hours. then we'll see this move over
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the east bay and peninsula by 3:00 in the morning. by tomorrow morning's commute, it doesn't look too bad right now. just a spotty chance of a shower with that cloud cover. we'll actually get in on some sunshine tomorrow afternoon with a slight chance we still could get a pop-up shower through tomorrow afternoon's forecast. rain totals on this one, not very high. only trace amounts to about a quarter inch. now, coming up in about 20 minutes, we'll take a look at this dynamic weather pattern later in the week. not only warmer and dry weather with more sunshine, but unfortunately we will have some wind we are tracking again. that forecast coming up in about 20 minutes. >> it's been an eventful winter. you can track the latest weather conditions anytime. you can download our free nbc bay area app. it's a great resource. just use your phone's camera to scan that qr code on the left side of your screen. it will take you right to our radar on our weather page. our other headlines tonight, the developing story in oakland. a 2-year-old child reunited with the parents after an apparent
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kidnapping in the east bay. it started around 1:30 this afternoon in san pablo. our nbc chopper was overhead. police say someone stole a car on california avenue with the child inside. about 20 minutes later, officers found that car in richmond. the child was inside and thankfully not hurt. the investigation led to oakland, where one person was taken into custody. another headline that we're watching, more tension at uc berkeley over the israel-hamas war. today a new round of protests on campus as jewish students and supporters call for the university to act against anti-semitism. our skyranger was overhead as hundreds of people marched across campus. they want more security for jewish students. last month, pro-palestinian demonstrators disrupted a speaking event that had to be canceled. jewish students say for the past month, they've been blocked and harassed at one of the main entrances to campus.
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pro-palestinian activists say they're not blocking the gate but instead are pressuring the university to divest from genocide. one professor there at cal has been staging a sit-in for days inside of his office, sleeping and working there in support of jewish students. >> the people who are blocking the road through campus are the same violent bigots who executed the attack on students, damaged university property, trespassed, harmed jewish students, and have been legally blocking main gate to campus. >> the university says it's aware of both sides of this issue and continues to look for ways to reduce the tension on campus. well, to the south of us, the demolition is under way on capitola's historic wharf. the wharf was severely damaged, as you might recall, by the strong surf during last year's big storms. we spotted a lot of equipment on
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the wharf today. the city there of capitola decided the buildings on the wharf were unsafe and ordered them demolished. we're talking about the wharf restaurant and the boat shop. both businesses say they'll hopeful they'll either rebuild or find a new home close by. also tonight, more problems for the federal women's prison in the east bay. today the fbi showed up with a search warrant, and we've learned the warden is out. the fbi isn't releasing many details but will confirm to us that it conducted what it calls a court-authorized operation at the prison in dublin this morning. in a statement, the prison confirmed that a visit. after that visit from the fbi, a new interim warden is now in charge. the prison has been dealing with charges of sex abuse and medical neglect for years. theroblems include a different warden convicted of sexually abusing inmates in 2022. also twouas charged with
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in several femalenmates last july. and a class action lawsuit filed by inmates who said they survived sexual abuse. joining us now is one of our investigative reporters here at nbc, jaxon van derbeken. jaxon, what happened today during this fbi search. >> reporter: we know as many as a dozen agents arrived and took away a number of boxes. they were apparently carrying out a subpoena for records, and we also know that the management, the top, the warden and possibly the associate warden and others have been relieved of their roles at the facility. >> that's a big shake-up. was this a planned visit? did they know this was coming, or was this just out of blue? >> reporter: well, i think it's a little strange that just a few weeks ago, the warden and other members of the staff, the command staff at this facility,
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had testified at a hearing involving inmates' claim that basically they needed a special master to take over the ovsight of this facility. and they had pledged that the place had been cleaned up under the, quote, unquote, new management. and so obviously i don't think the bureau of prisons had any idea this was coming. after all, they offered the warden and other officials a chance to talk directly to a judge, who has to decide the issue. >> so those wardens previously like you were saying, saying the conditions are getting better inside the prison, do we know if they are getting better, or are they the same because it's been problematic for years. >> reporter: inmates say there has been some improvement, but women came forward and offered either in-person testimony, interviews, or statements at this recent hearing in january to say that they were subjected to a highly sexualized
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atmosphere and inappropriate things had gone on and that basically not enough change has happened here, and that those continued allegations and possible retaliation for their statements at that hearing, that's what may be at issue here. >> final question. we have an interim warden there at dublin at the federal women's prison. do we know what comes next? are we going to have another change in the months to come? >> reporter: well, in three years, they've had five different wardens there. so i think the only predicted thing is there will possibly be more change. we have an interim obviously, and we've had an interim or two over the years since this scandal broke, since the warden went to prison in the first place back after the accusations came forward in 2021. so presumptively there's going to be an interim followed by yet another permanent warden, and hopefully they will last longer than this one, who had only been
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in place there just a few months. >> five wardens in the last several years. jaxon van derbeken, appreciate your time tonight. thank you. let's move on now. either it's some real bad luck for united airlines, or there's some real problems with its fleet and staff. today another emergency, this time on a united flight from australia here to sfo. this is at least the fifth emergency landing involving united airlines in about a week. here's what we know about today. this is the takeoff from the sydney airport there in australia. just ten seconds into the flight, you can see some fluid spewing from the plane. it appears to be coming from the right rear landing gear. the boeing 77-300 jet continued over the ocean for a while before turning around. video from a passenger shows the crew dumping fuel before landing. the plane did land safely back in sydney. then there was last thursday. a wheel fell off the united
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777-200 jet from sfo to japan. there it is. the wheel just falling off. it smashed down into the parking lot into two cars at an employee parking lot there at sfo. and then last friday, a united airbus 320 heading from sfo to mexico city had to reroute to l.a. because of a hydraulic issue. so really what's happening with united airlines? let's bring in our aviation expert and retired pilot doug rice. doug, nice to have you back on the program. you tell me. bad luck or something systemic at united here? >> well, it's too soon to tell if it's systemic, but it's certainly bad luck that united is experiencing. >> what happened today in australia? >> apparently a hydraulic line on the right landing gear broke. in doing so, they had to go out and dump fuel as you could see in that video. it came back in and landed, brought the aircraft to a stop on the runway, and then for some
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inexplicable reason, decided to taxi the aircraft all the way to the gate. >> doug, you're a former pilot here. does the pilots union at some point or may they have already got involved here and demand some answers from united management? >> oh, the pilots union has been involved the entire time, absolutely. they're talking to management. first and foremost is they're talking to the flight crews, and they're also talking to the maintenance union to see what those folks are saying because they're intimately involved with a number of these incidents. >> do they all communicate -- management, pilots, maintenance, or is it all kind of separate lines of communication, separate lanes? >> there are separate lanes, but when we have issues like this, they all come together and talk. and that's very important. the faa is also involved, and in the case of the san francisco incident, certainly the ntsb is involved. >> it's alarming because all these incidents are related somehow or another to sfo. united tells us -- let's talk about the crisis management
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here. united tells us the issues -- and this is a quote -- appear to be unrelated and distinct. is that an honest response right now? >> for right now, that would be an honest response. however, the investigation is clearly ongoing, and we still have to see, as you said, originally there is a tie to san francisco. now, part of that is because it's a hub. part of it is because it's a large maintenance base. but the los angeles and both the 777 issues were related to maintenance issues and hydraulics, and that's a curious coincidence. >> okay. doug rice, our aviation expert here, thanks for your insight and your time tonight. have a good evening. >> you too. up next, hundreds of northern californians now being warned about exposure to measles. it comes as more cases are popping up nationwide. we're tapping into one of our medical experts from ucsf. also, another major fast food restaurant changing the way it does business in oakland. it's all about safety conc
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welcome back to "nbc bay area news tonight." measles is once again showing up in america. outbreaks of the virus once believed to be eradicated here in the u.s. have now been reported in several states, including here in northern california. uc davis medical center is warning hundreds of people that they may have been exposed to the hyper contagious virus at its sacramento hospital.
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a child that visited the e.r. last tuesday later tested positive for measles. joining us now is dr. peter chin-hong, infectious disease expert from ucsf. doctor, nice to have you back on the program. we rarely talk about measles. why is this so concerning in sacramento and really nationwide? >> it's concerning for a few reasons, raj. the first is that [ inaudible ] and because of undervaccination. again, the covid pandemic -- vaccinated as usual because of access or other reasons and really around the world, when you look at europe, for example, with tens of thousands of cases, it's not hard to get it, if you're undervaccinated, you go visit, and you go back home. >> your shot took a little hit there. can you repeat the first part of your answer about travel. >> yes. foreign travel is another risk factor for bringing measles into
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the united states like that case in davis. >> okay. we have a vaccine, right, for measles here? isn't that enough to prevent the spread of this possibly? >> we do have a vaccine, but not everybody is getting it. so remember that concept of herd immunity where you need to have enough people vaccinated around to protect the vulnerable. that number has been dipping south of 95% is the number we need. in 2014, there was an outbreak in disneyland. people might have remembered that. but in communities in northern california too, when people came back home, and because there wasn't a force field of immunity, there were people in the community getting it. >> and why are we dipping in terms of the number of people getting the vaccine? is it a cultural thing? is it political? why are we dipping? >> i think we're dipping for a few reasons, raj. the first is that people are more hesitant about vaccines in general, and one can say we're talking about measles today, but
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it's really the canary in the coal mine when you think about all the other childhood vaccinations. and the second is that the pandemic really was a delay for a lot of people to access primary care. so i think both of those things are working hand in hand. >> very interesting. what happens now? what's the plan of attack from the medical professionals like yourself? >> i think whenever you see one case, you have to look around that case to investigate everyone who has been exposed. verify the vaccination status. and as in florida, people -- kids with measles have to stay away three weeks if they're undervaccinated and exposed. >> dr. peter chin-hong from ucsf, thanks for your time tonight. >> thanks, raj. another story catching our attention, taco bell making changes in oakland. the dining room is closed. two oakland taco bells have closed the dining rooms in the name of public safety.
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the 35th avenue and hagan berger locations are now drive-through only. the chain says the move was made by the franchise owner. the closures causing long drive-through lines and in some cases some confusion because some customers without cars are walking through the drive-through. >> it's hard. i don't have a car right now, so i was pretty much at the mercy, you know what i'm saying. >> i think it's kind of sad. i mean people who actually want to sit down and dine can't because they're in risk of maybe getting their car broken into. >> yeah, it's part of a bigger problem here that we've been documenting for months now. taco bell joining a growing list of restaurants right near the oakland airport making the same move, last year raising cane's on hegenberger closed its dining room. the nearby denny's closed in january altogether. and in-n-out burger announced they are closing their only oakland location at the end of this month.
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let's take you outside now on this monday. a little more daylight. daylight savings time. a live look at the golden gate bridge. wendy's breakfast 2 for $3 is so good, the crew is giving every combination codenames. bis-squared. egg and cheese biscuit and sausage biscuit. 2 biscuits! i'm impressed tyler knew what squaring was... mathletes! no matter what you call it, choose wisely. choose wendy's breakfast 2 for $3.
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well, today ayesha curry sat down with kelly clarkson to talk about her new hollywood ventures and her expanding family. she and steph curry are expecting baby number four. >> i'm such a fan. i'm so glad you're both here. thank you for coming.
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and congrats, baby number four. >> thank you. number four. [ applause ] >> did you want four? it's a large number. >> not originally. we always said three, and then we were like, someone's missing. and so we pulled the trigger, and here we are. >> baby number four. she was joined on-set by her new co-star, lindsay lohan. the pair starring in the new netflix movie called "irish wish." it's set to be released on netflix this friday. here's something special. the oakland marathon is just around the corner. this year the proceeds go to eat learn play. that's the foundation founded by steph and ayesha curry. there's also a kids fun run on march 16th, which is the day before the marathon. you can sign up at well, the rock man weezer is going on tour. the tour, which they're calling blue planet, includes a stop at chase center october 9th. weezer is an alternative rock band that's been around since
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the 90s. the tour will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its debut blue album. it's promised to perform the blue album in full. tickets go on sale this friday. jeff ranieri back with us. good to see ayesha curry. one, two, three, let's just throw in a fourth kid. >> why not? that's awesome. adding one more to the team there. our forecast back here across the bay area after some of that sunshine today for parts of the bay area, some rainfall is returning. let's take it into that microclimate forecast. we will show you a closer view of the timeline. by 11:00 tonight, this rainfall is still hung up across marin, napa, sonoma counties. that's our best chance of rain at least through tonight. then we'll get that rain over the east bay, peninsula, and south bay by 3:00 in the morning. but this one is moving pretty quickly out of here. by 7:00, just some spotty rain chances tomorrow morning. we should manage some sunshine through the afternoon with just a slight chance here of a pop-up shower. morning temperatures will begin
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in the 40s across the bay area. then through the afternoon with some of that sun, we'll get back up into the 60s. 62 in santa rosa. 60 in san francisco. 64 in concord. those low to mid-60s san jose down to morgan hill. so drying through tomorrow afternoon, and we'll get into some dry weather through midweek and the end of the week with the pattern that's setting up with this area of high pressure. but the problem we're seeing with it is low pressure develops to the south. this is a classic setup here to get some wind moving across northern california. so i see that wind picking up wednesday night. 20 to about 40. gustiest day will be thursday, 20 to 50-mile-per-hour winds coming out of the north and the east. we stay with wind through thursday night. then as we head through friday, that wind will start to calm down. now, thankfully we've had some storms recently so the fire danger will be elevated but not the highest that we've seen. and look at this incoming weekend. sunny skies. temps back in the 70s. so we get over this part here, and the payoff is the weekend. >> we love that.
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thank you, jeff. as we wrap up, mario lopez just getting started with "access hollywood." >> well, tonight we've got "access," no pun intended, to so many secrets from hollywood's biggest night, the oscars. you're going to love hearing what billie eilish told us just before making history as the youngest two-time winner ever. of course everybody is talking about ryan gosling's show stealing "i'm just ken" performance. another wild moment, how about john cena, the naked presenter? we're behind the scenes to show you, without showing too much, how they pulled that off. and no oscar show would be complete without the down to the wire race to be our number one style star. all just moments away on "access hollywood." back to you. >> i was wondering about that john cena loin cloth. here's what's coming up in prime time on nbc bay area. all new episode of ""the voice" starting at 8:00 followed by "deal or no deal" at 10:00.
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then our 11:00 news live and local. that's going to do it for us at 7:00. for everyone here at nbc bay area, including our director will adams, thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening, and we hope to see you back at 11:00.
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