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tv   Today  NBC  March 12, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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the weekend. we have slower speeds than 65 down here in the south bay. the commute really kicking in over the last 15 minutes, northbound route. pretty typical pattern. we'll watch the slick conditions as well as we look at the drive through oakland, we're looking at pretty nice volume. again, the sheen on the roadways and slick conditions. the "today" show is just moments away. but we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms. descending on d.c., we're talking live with the union city county member attending the national league of cities conference. the key discussions that are happening this week. watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast next. >> thanks for making us a part good tuesday morning. a major development overnight in that growing crisis in haiti. >> yeah, the u.s. set to get involved. it's march the 12th. this is "today." breaking news, stepping down.
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haiti's embattled prime minister agrees to e rew sign, bowing to pressure as gang violence plunges the country into chaos. the u.s. military evacuating americans, and the white house vowing to send humanitarian aid. we'll have the very latest. alarming concerns. new pressure on boeing this morning as the faa uncovers dozens of safety and quality control issues in the production of the 737 jets. in one case, a mechanic reportedly using dish soap as a makeshift tool. we'll take you inside the ongoing investigation. in the spotlight, the special counsel who raised concerns about president biden's age and memory set to testify on capitol hill today. the tough questions he will face from both sides of the aisle. royal mess. princess kate under fire after admitting she edited that family photo. her apology fuelling questions about her health and the royal
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family's credibility. a live report from buckingham palace straight ahead. plus, making the case. convicted murderer scott peterson set to appear in court asking for a new trial. with the support of the famed ino e sense project. so could a retrial actually happen? we'll break it all down. and spring in our step. much of the country set to enjoy a major warmup. temperatures soaring up to 30 degrees above average, a sure sign that winter may be in our rearview mirror, today, tuesday, march 12th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza.
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good morning, guys. welcome to "today." it is a tuesday morning. it is a bright, shiny, tuesday morning, isn't it? >> brought to you by daylight savings? >> spring has sprung. coming up, it will be mid-60s here in new york. dylan has the full forecast just ahead. >> things will be warming up as the days go on this week, but first we want to get right to breaking news that developed overnight. with haiti in turmoil wrapped by out-of-control gang violence, the prime minister announcing plans to step down. nbc's marissa parra joining us from miami. hey, marissa, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. notably, the person who has been leading the country of haiti, the prime minister ariel henry,
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does not make an appearance physically or virtually. it was hours later that we learned of his plans to resign. now the big question that remains will be will the steps that come back long the longevity and relief that leaders hope it will. this morning, haiti descending further into chaos after over a week of intense violence, the worse the country has ever seen, the prime minister announcing overnight his plans for resignation, releasing this video statement urging calm for the team of haiti, saying he and his team will resign after a council is designated. leaders of caribbean nations held an emergency meeting over the crisis in jamaica. u.s. secretary antony blinken said that haitians cannot wait any longer for a path to security and democracy. >> what we have seen in recent days again should remind us that the already challenging and difficult security situation has now deteriorated further. >> reporter: instability has worsened since the 2021 assassination of then president
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jovenel moise. best-selling author mitch album runs an orphanage and spoke to u.s. when 17 members were abducted by a haitian gang. >> the government you can't trust. the police you can't trust. >> reporter: but last week, gangs that usually fight each other banded together, attacking the presidential palace, the airports, even the prisons releasing thousands of prisoners. over the weekend, president biden approved an her rescue to nonessential personnel to the consulate in agency. a traditional consul will select and appoint an interim prime minister. but the united nations has said 15,000 haitians have been
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displaced. we're also following growing issues at boeing, the company under fire over a series of incidents making headlines this morning. "the new york times" now reporting that an audit by the faa found dozens of problems with the production process for the 737 max, including mechanics using hotel key cards and dish soap as makeshift tools. >> this all comes amidny details that a former employee turned whistle-blower against the aerospace giant was found dead just months before his retaliation lawsuit was set to go to trial. there's also been a series of dangerous mishaps involving boeing planes including one just yesterday. a plane abruptly dropped mid-flight, injured at least 50 passengers and crew members. >> nbc's tom costello joins us with all of this. tom, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a lot of details. we are following big headlines, as you did out overnight that the company failed dozens of faa audits and the mechanics used everyday household items to help
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in the complex door-fitting process, and this all comes amid the sudden death of a former, as you mentioned, outspoken whistle-blower. this morning police in charleston, south carolina, are investigating the death of a former boeing employee turned whistle-blower. 62-year-old john barnett was found dead on friday from what the coroner calls an apparent self-inflicted gunshot. >> this is my retirement black. >> barnett retired from boeing in 2017 after working as a quality manager for more than 30 years. >> since his departure, he has taken legal action against the company, saying he was retaliated against for raising safety issues. describing a happen hazard safety culture at boeing. >> from day one, it's all been about schedule, hurry up, get it done, push the planes out, we're blind schedule, you know we
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don't have time to worry about issues y'all bring up. >> reporter: in 2017 there was a review released regarding many of barnett's concerns. with regards to his sudden death, the company said, we are saddened by mr. barnett's passing and our thoughts are for his family and friends. under intense scrutiny involving boeing planes. on monday a 737 apparently dropped abruptly mid-flight, injuring at least 50 passengers and crew members. the airlines is unclear what caused the strong movement on the flight. the justice department has launched a criminal investigation into boeing following the blow-out door plug on a 737 max 9 in january. the ntsb determined the plane left the boeing back without
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critical bolts that hold the plugs in place. a scathing new report found that boeing failed to comply with its own quality control procedures. >> we're working with boeing and demand that they come up with a very detailed plan within the next 90 days to fix the quality issues that are out there. >> tom, we've also learned new details about the faa audit. what do you know? >> that's right. according to a slide presentation that was reviewed by the normx, boeing failed 33 out of 89 faa audits, 33 out of 8 9d failures over a six-week period. nbc news has not seen the slides ourselves. spirit aerosystems which makes the fuselage for the plane also failed multiple audits, and in one case auditors saw mechanics using a hotel key card to check a door seal. other mechanics were seen applying liquid soap to apply fittings to a door process. boeing told nbc news this
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morning, quote, we continue to implement immediate changes and develop a comprehensive action plan to strengthen safety and quality and build the confidence of our customers and their passengers, and they have some work to do. >> absolutely. thank you very much. let's move to today's special closely watched session of congress. roberts hur's investigation of president biden's handling of classified documents. he called the president's memory into discussion. we have two reports. we'll start with nc special white house correspondent peter alexander. hey, peter. good morning. >> reporter: robert hur will step into the spotlight today asked why he did not correct mend criminal charges against president biden. he chose to detail his assessments of the president's memory, what democrats have
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slammed as gratuitous. this morning nbc news obtained a copy of hur's explanation, saying he simply explained to the attorney general his decision and his reasons for it as he was required to do. this morning after a year of public silence, special counsel robert hur will testify before congress. et hur, a former u.s. attorney appointed by then president trump has faced fierce backlash following his report about president biden's handling of classified material, saying he found evidence the president willfully retained documents but not enough evidence to prove his case to a jury, citing among other reasons that president biden would come across as a sympathetic elderly well-meaning moon with a poor memory. the president doing damage control. >> i'm an old man, and i know what they will do. >> reporter: president biden is
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still trying to dispel voter concerns about his ace to nerve a second time. >> i'm not a young guy. that's no secret. i understand how to get things done for the american people. >> reporter: mr. trump seized on the report last month. >> crooked joe got off scot-free. i don't know if you'd call it scot-free. they said he was a mental basket ice. >> reporter: in fact, hur did not say that. still, house republicans are likely to accuse hur of giving president biden a pass and additional observations about joe biden's diminished faculties, and hur's conclusions that no criminal charges were warranted, and they'll look at a distinction between president biden who cooperated with the investigation and mr. trump who prosecutors say repeatedly refused to return classified documents and obstructed the investigation into misconduct. he's now facing 40 criminal charges. overnight, a key witness speaking out on cnn describing moving those classified documents at mar-a-lago.
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>> they were the boxes that were in the indictment, the white bankers boxes. that's what i remember loading. >> and did you have any idea at the time that there was potentially u.s. national security secrets in those boxes? >> no clue. i had no clue. >> reporter: a lawyer for mr. trump declined to comment on cnn. now nbc learns more. the president often appeared to be thinking out loud in response to specific questions and other points he recalled in specific deteal during his time as vp. one key thing, despite his intentions that hur brought up his son's beau's death first, the transcript shows it was reported. >> let's turn now to hallry jackson.
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he takes on his critics saying there's too much color about the president's mental state. >> yeah. he's trying to defend himself. that is what you will see today based on this opening statement, savannah. he lays it out clearly saying, i need to explain why i made the decision not to charge president biden. he says, yes, everything he wrote was necessary and accurate and fair, that he was trying to analyze the evidence, trying to think of ways that the defense might try to poke holes in the case, if you will, and that is why he included some of the material about the president's age, his mental lapses, his memory lapses, the things he said over the course of this multi-hour interview. keep in mind, savannah, robert hur is not exactly a household name. he's done a white house briefing at the podium years ago during the trump administration. the doj, an official there, confirms this morning he will be testifying as a private citizen, getting intense scrutiny from both democrats and republicans. one former justice official who
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knows hur tells me he suspects during questioning he'll probably stay within the contours of the report itself, color inside the lines, and not go beyond too much of the scope of the investigation and that this really is a high-profile moment for him and for president biden. >> republicans see an opportunity here. that's why they called him to testify. what is their approach today and how do republicans plan to counter it? >> hammer on the age issue, hammer on the memory lapses, hammer on any other instances where the president forgot any key details or key moments. the backdrop to that, of course, is this election year where, as you know, more than half voters say they do have concerns about the president's age for office. for democrats, they'll hit on a couple of key moments. number one, the whole point of this report in the first place is there will not be charges brought against biden. expect to see them lay out the clear differences in president biden's case and that of former president trump where legal issues are working their way through court. the white house expects aggressive pushback.
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one aid tell mess they see this nothing more than a political exercise. they see this as a case closed. and a biden aid points us to the state of the union last week. they feel like president biden with his energetic speech has made the case he's well prepared to take on the house for another four issues in washington. >> thank you. >> 7:15 a lot more to get to. >> we're following breaking news this morning overnight tied to the israel-hamas war and the effort to get more humanitarian aid into gaza. after a brief delay, a ship carrying 200 tons of food is on its way to the territory richard engel joins us now from the island of cyprus richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, craig. after weeks of preparation and repeated delays and israeli
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inspections, an aid ship left from this port here in cyprus. bound for gaza spanish owned ship named "open arms" finally set out this morning to cross the eastern mediterranean to bring food to the gaza strip where hunger is spreading. the u.s.-based charity running the mission, the world's central kitchen, hopes this will paver the way for a new maritime aid corridor >> we hope it will be the first of many boetss going through we have been there and understand that we need to have as many places to bring aid to the people of gaza >> reporter: we were given exclusive access to the command center coordinating the mission. >> each stop has to be carefully prepared and executed. it is on miles from cyprus to gaza but, because it is towing a barge loaded with rice, beans, cans of meat, fish, it will travel 3
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miles an hour. the journey is expected to take three days. and getting to gaza is only part of the challenge. then there is distribution with no such. with so much desperation, the limited aid trucks have often been over-run. and air drops, which have a limited capacity, have turned deadly. last week medical officials say five people israel is allowing into gaza has been underrun. and air drops, which have a limited capacity, have turned deadly last week medical officials say five people were crushed by falling palates of food. so this time the world's central kitchen is using gazan labor to build a pier to receive the barge. president biden warned israel not to use food as a weapon of hamas and called the planned invasion of the city of rafah, gaza, a red line because more than a million palestinians are sheltering there israel says hamas is hiding among them >> i'm never going to leave israel the defense of israel is still
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critical there is no red line where i'm going to cut off their weapons and the iron dome. >> reporter: netanyahu responded in discussions with president biden. >> we cannot leave a whole hamas terrorist army in place. that's a red line. we can't let hamas survive. >> reporter: caught in the middle are more than 100 hostages still held by hamas in gaza and palestinian civilians now trying to celebrate the holy month of ramadan. >> richard engel there for us. thank you. now to the weather tens of millions all across the country getting ready to get 68. that's nearly 30 degrees above average. chicago in the 70s. st. louis 75. cincinnati 68. more beautiful numbers stretching into pittsburgh
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tomorrow, 68 degrees. lexington, kentucky, 71. nearly 07 degrees right here in new york city. warmer temperatures. more beautiful numbers stretching into pittsburgh tomorrow 68 degrees lexington kentucky, 71 temps 15 to 20 degrees above average. friday still beautiful we'll see the temperatures dip off a bit. even saturday in new york, 58 degrees, about 10 degrees above average. so not too bad morgantown, west virginia, should top out around 72 on thursday and hang in the upper 50s the time we get into saturday it comes with lots of sunshine, so enjoy it. 60% to 70% of the country will enjoy those temperatures out average. but we do have rain along the pacific northwest and also some snow in the rockies. that's a look at the weather across the country we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds u used toe a pepper lady? wasn't it the cinnamon sisters? that's close! jen. hey. ah, oh! oh. um ok. have we met?
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did someone doodle on my face? i'm so glad i remembered uber eats has office supplies, but i feel like i forgot something. yeah. i'm meteorologist vianey arana. we've got light rain moving through this morning, parts of the north bay scattered activity, through parts of the east bay as well. san jose catching a break. now, this quick-moving system is expected to make its exit right around the early afternoon. right now temperatures are in the 50s for san jose. if you look at the temperature trend, we are going to bump up into the 60s, and eventually we'll get sunshine peeking through. this is a live look in san jose. cloudy conditions. it will take a lot longer and that's your and that's your latest forecast. all right, dylan, thank you. princess kate's apology not quieting the firestorm inside
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that photo controversy an inside look at the mounting questions about her health and the royal family's credibility we'll have a live report from the buckingham palace. and could scott peterson be granted a new trial? 25 years after the murder of his wife and unborn son. lawyers with the prominent los angeles innocenc
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with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. but, first, this is "today" on ask your doctor about breztri. good morning. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> in just a few hours convicted killer scott peterson is due back in court for a status hearing. this comes as the los angeles
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innocence project wants to make his civil rights -- make sure that they were not violated. peterson was convicted of killing his pregnant wife laci. his lawyers are asking the nonprofit to look at the case with fresh eyes. they believe there's a possibility that there was evidence or witnesses that weren't presented in the first trial. on top of that, there may be dna evidence that could be a factor now. tesla and most of its rivals are receiving poor grades for their automated driving systems in a new report released by the insurance institute of highway safety. just one of the 14 carmakers performed well enough to get an overall acceptable rating. that would be the lexus system on its ls line of cars. gm and nissan were rated marginal. 11 others, including tesla's autopilot, rated poor. researchers looked at things including driver monitoring, attention reminders and emergency procedures. tesla has yet to comment on that
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new rating. let's get a look at the forecast this tuesday morning. vianey is in for kari. >> cloudy conditions in some spots, other spots are starting to get some sunshine. look at dublin and san francisco, now we had light rain move through, but now it looks like a lot of that focus is more to the south. but we've got scattered activity areas, and the santa cruz mountains catching rain, parts of livermore, through the central valley as well. we'll keep the rain through midafternoon and then we get clearing for wednesday and thursday. thiss going to i
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♪♪ ♪ these hungry eyes one look at you and i can't
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disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes i feel the magic between you and i ♪ >> oh, we all remember that classic song, "hungry eyes." it well real pop already in the 1987 hit "dirty dancing. yts singer eric carmen died over the weekend. he was the front man for raspberries. he's also known for his 1975 hit, "all by myself. one of my absolute favorites. >> i love that song. >> he was 74 years old. we have a busy morning that royal photo that's got the world talking. >> yes, it does. billed as the first video of princess kate since her surgery in january, it was called out for being manipulated. kate herself admitted that she had edited that picture, but this morning a lot of questions
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still remain >> molly hunter is at the buckingham palace. molly, good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning. a lot of questions still remaining. we are still talking about this photo two days after it was posted we have gone back to kensington palace to ask them about it. they said they have no plans to release the original photo all they will tell us is the adjustments were, quote, minor >> seemingly trying to dampen down speculation. >> reporter: this morning the headlines here in the uk a picture of chaos, all focused on the pr crisis spiraling into day two as kensington palace stands firm on not releasing the original photograph. but there is another new photo of the princess of wales snapped by a uk photo agency her face barely visible in the car with husband prince william leaving windsor yesterday hours after kate issued an apology over that now famous
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photophot photo explaining her experimental editing and forcing news agencies to kill the photo because it had been altered. >> you can count on your hand. there was so much adverse reaction in the media. but she also wants to try to take the heat off of some of her advice. >> reporter: prince william is keeping on and carrying on at least publicly on monday and not discussing the pr situation back at home. in the last 36 hours, photo editors the world over have been dissecting every pixel of this photograph, finding a dozen inconsistencies, including a portion of charlotte's red sleeve appears to be missing the edge of charlotte's hair appears to blur unnaturally. the corner of her skirt appears disrupted. and look here, the edges of the tiles appear repeated. the last official outing for the
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42-year-old princess christmas oddly straight here kate's zipper and hair appear miss aligned. louis's sweater pattern appears disrupted. and look here. the edges of the tile appear repeated the last official outing for the 42-year-old princess christmas day, just a few weeks before her planned abdominal surgery. a few weeks later, kate returned home to recuperate, but the palace never explained why she needed surgery, only claiming she would return to public duties after easter. and, yet, the absence of details has fueled more questions than the palace ever expected. >> so many questions, you guys i know we, as in the royal we, want more information from kensington palace. take a look at this new poll taken in the uk that finds 20% say kensington palace offered too little information and 49% say it is about right. guys, i think it's safe to say we are in the 49%. i'll send it back to you >> maybe the public isn't as interested as the media is >> thank you. >> but, molly, let's keep talking about it >> we have a lot to unpack
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joining us from buckingham palace, daisy mccanter so we saw kate in the car with her husband, which tells us that she's well enough to be riding around what else did that image tell you? >> reporter: i think that was yet another attempt by kensington palace, by buckingham palace, to try to reassure the public kate is fine, kate is up and out of bed we can't believe what they are telling us but it hasn't stopped the darker edges from continuing to ask question after question. if we can't trust this photograph, if they have been photoshoping this, what else can we trust i'm afraid there are still a lot of questions that haven't been answered. >> it's so weird, daisy. i don't know if it's a paparazzi shot or palace shot. either way, you barely see her she's looking away if this is their idea of damage control, it is not doing it.
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and then you just wonder, why wouldn't they release the original photo then. why not just tamp down the speculation and end this nonsense >> reporter: i personally completely agree with you. i think to you and to me that seems really obvious, but i think to them behind me, they feel like they want to be in charge of the narrative, and if people like us in the media keep demanding and demanding and they say, oh, yes, rolling over and giving us what we want, they feel that might be a slippery slope and they might not get back into control. that doesn't stop people from saying, maybe this wasn't taken last week. maybe this was taken last november maybe this was a pre-operation paragraph and maybe kate is more poorly than they're letting on now, of course, that's not necessarily what most people believe, but you can understand why some believe it. >> i mean, daisy, you know, people edit photos all the time. what if she is just a bad photo editor i don't understand how this even happened is there no sort of system in
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place before photos go out that someone says, you know what, this is a bad photoshop job, maybe we should send it back help us explain the process. >> reporter: i think there are a number of things that have happened here. kate is a very, very keen amateur photographer she has taken hundreds of photographs of her own family and she's put them out there and there haven't been many complaints in the past there have been a few people saying that's a bit amateur and so on, but there haven't been, you know, this hedge deluge of criticism, but, of course, that's all changed since the suspicion about where has kate been for the last couple of months everything she does and every photo she puts out is under much more intense scrutiny than before. >> all right, daisy. i guess we're going to do this story again tomorrow. >> i guess so. it just seems like they're making a bad situation worse, and i know they want to control the narrative, but that ship has
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sailed >> might as well just go ahead. >> put the picture out. >> unless there is something fishy. that's why it's whacky all right. well -- >> well, keep talking about it. coming up, an eye opening new report on screen time. what it is revealing about the impact on our kids, ourselves, and why it should be time for the entire family to unplug. first, though, scott peterson set to ap this morning. inside the convicted killer's new push for a new trial and the help he's now getting from the famed innocence project. we're there live. but first these messages. all of the things that
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back at 7:42. new developments in a high-profile case that's been in the media for decades. >> scott peterson convicted for killing his wife and unborn son is trying to get flood trial. he's going to do it with the los angeles innocence project. >> liz, good morning. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning. yes, scots peterson is expected to appear virtually via zoom, but his attorneys with the innocence project will be here in court for the very first time. despite what investigators say is overwhelming evidence that he is guilty, including a jury that convicted him, scott peterson's new attorneys say there is evidence that supports his long-standing claim of innocence. this morning, convicted killer scott peterson set to appear virtually in court as he makes yet another attempt to get his
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case retried. the status hearing comes just weeks after the los angeles innocence project announced they were now representing the now 51-year-old. peterson is serving a life sentence without parole for the 2002 murders of his wife and child. at the time modesto police said he dumped them into the san francisco bay where months later their bodies washed up. but now there is a different theory arguing laci may have been killed by burglars who broke into the home across the street from the peterson. he has spent years looking into questions he also has about the case. speaking out to "dateline." >> when did you think they made a mistake in the case? >> you know, it wasn't really scott. it was looking into, you know, all the tips. it all ultimately came down to the burglary across the street. >> reporter: another part of the
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theory, a burned out orange van containing a bloody mattress found in modesto the morning after laci disappeared. the attorneys want to do a sampling to determine if there's any of laci's dna. to this day, former modesto fire investigator who responded to that van fire questions why that didn't happen during the trial. >> i figured when the court started and the trial all started up that someone would reach out to me. >> reporter: a former lead gtser in the original case, john buehler, tells us he never even knew about it. >> you're saying when the innocence project came out that was the first you had ever learned about this orange van? >> yeah. i had never learned about it beforehand. i'm confused it never came to light. >> reporter: still he stands by the conviction. >> i'm completely confident we got the right guy. testing, let's see where it leads. >> reporter: remember, just some of the circumstantial evidence against scott peterson includes
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lying about a mistress, going fishing alone on christmas eve the day laci disappeared, and what investigators say was his odd baev after she disappeared including dyeing his hair and carrying thousands of dollars in cash. scott peterson's family is expected to be in court to support him. as for laci's family, they have said nothing since the l.a. innocence project took on this case. >> thanks. we're joined by danny cevallos. this is a very difficult road, but the l.a. innocence project has a lot of proficiency in these kinds of cases. what is today about? >> today is not a hearing where scott peterson could walk free or even get a new trial. the only thing his motion seeks is testing of old dna evidence, dna evidence, that, in fact, was tested already back in 2019. that makes it an even higher
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burden for scott peterson. he has to show, there was this dna evidence and it was tested, but the way it was tested was not good enough. we have means of doing it now that is better and it might lead to the identity of another bad guy who did this instead of me.e that's quite a number of obstacles peterson has today is just a status hearing to see how this goes forward procedurally. >> there was a burglary nearby at the same time they said happened on one date and later found out it happened on another date so how are these circumstances playing in scott peterson's favor? >> the defense's theory has bee burglary across the street around the same time. for a long time there was a burglary recoalmost across the street around the same time, and even that is contested because as the state would say, if that burglary happened two days after laci peterson disappeared and everyone was looking for them, it is impossible that it had anything to do with their disappearance. timing is key here but there are at least two burglars that were involved with
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that and you have a violent crime, which is a home invasion happening across the street. it is certainly a viable theory that they might have -- maybe laci came upon the burglary and they took her to quiet her and bad things happened to her, but in terms of newly discovered evidence, that's not newly discovered this has been known, as you mentioned, for decades, so it wouldn't necessarily meet that standard of evidence because it really isn't new. >> really quickly getting to the distinction between the l.a. innocence prong and the innocence project that we have all come to know in this country. >> these are all innocence groups in the country. they all work together the l.a. innocence project is affiliated with an academic institution. as somebody that does this work myself, i can guarantee they're getting letters by the crate load a day from prisoners. so they can pick and choose their favorite cases that have a real chance. so the mere fact they have taken this up certainly makes it interesting. >> thank you, danny.
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>> thank you. 7:48 let's head over to dylan and get a check of the weather. >> hey, guys, we have a couple of stormy days in the future i just want to point out where these are. you can see through kansas city tomorrow, we can see hail over 2 inches or more in diameter and damaging wind gusts. that area spreads north and dallas including dallas and little rock in peoria and des moines one inch or more in diameter then that rain moves east ward by friday. and we woke up to some light rain, still seeing some on radar. san jose right now 53 degrees, a live look in oakland, check out dublin, and of course san francisco. now stormranger is showing scattered activity through parts of san francisco, stretching through the cruz mountains, livermore, modesto. the storm is expected to clear out midafternoon, leaving behind
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some crowd and that's your latest forecast. >> thank yo >> and that's your latest forecast. >> thank you, dylan. >> thank you. still ahead, our friend jimmy fallon is stopping by. his revival of the game show "password" is on the way this morning we are going to put our skills to the test. >> can't wait. also can't wait for our morning boost coming up right after this up next was stressful doing a number on my insides. but then i found out about velsipity a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic, for adults with moderate to severe uc. velsipity can help calm the chaos of uc — it quickly treats flares providing a chance for lasting steroid-free remission. don't take velsipity if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or ministroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat. velsipity may cause serious side effects
7:51 am
including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, certain types of skin cancer, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels or shortness of breath. tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to be. if conventional therapy like 5-asas or steroids aren't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about velsipity. velsipity. help calm the chaos of uc. [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america.
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(woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include
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pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. all right. we're back carson is here. >> good morning, everybody getting ready for a fun "popstart," including a moment you might have missed. but it is blowing up online. we'll tell you why maybe john mulaney could be the next host on the oscars. we'll tell you about that after our local news everyone's got their own thing. my thing, darling? shine.
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[ growling ] rawr. here, you'll find dramatic decor and even a little drama. how didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] at our place it's a western vibe. mom. whoa. guess that wayfair log rack came in handy. hi, misses wilson. hey, doug. you hungry big fella? i'll find my vibe once i deal with these toys. this. wow! the ottoman truck. the ottoman truck's here. do you have anything without legs. oh sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪
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♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! everyone loves an extra $100 dollars in their pocket... he sure does... ...they do too have a turbotax expert file your taxes for you by march 31st... get $100 dollars back... ...instantly. only from intuit turbotax i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year.
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serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. good morning to you. it is 7:56. i'm laura garcia. breaking right now, the governor's office is out with new numbers in the ongoing chp crackdown on crime in the east bay, primarily in oakland. added officers and recent sting operations are being credited for 168 arrests in recent weeks, and the recovery of 360 stolen
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vehicles. the arrests are said to be tied to gangs, organized crime and carjacking rings. 16 firearms were also recovered. here is what else is happening now. i'm kris sanchez in redwood city, where today a san mateo county superior court judge will consider a timeline for the l.a. innocence project to take a look at the case against scott peterson, who was convicted of killing his pregnant wife, laci peterson, 20 years ago. the innocence project wants to make sure all evidence that could have been presented was presented in the original trial. also, because of the evolution of dna technology, they want to make sure that any evidence that was not available then was introduced. we'll be in the courtroom this morning. scott peterson will not. he is appearing via zoom. and we had some light showers to start the day. here is a closer look at san jose. you can see we've got some cloud cover out there. your temperature trend for this afternoon will be in the 50s,
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and once that rain clears out by midevening, we're going to see
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it's 8:00 on "today." cometing up, new concerns after the faa discovers good tuesday morning after the quality control issues
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wf the production of the 737 max jet, in one case a mechanic using dish soap as a make shift tool we'll have the very latest plus unplugged today, a new study taking a look at teens, screens, and the benefits of disconnecting. >> i'm not scrolling and wasting time i get more active with people. >> the new research every parent should know about. then, caught napping our sleep series continues this morning with the health benefits of napping. >> that was the best nap i ever had. >> what experts are now saying about catching a few extra zs. and the password is jimmy. our friend jimmy fallon is here to talk about the return of the hit game show. plus -- >> that's the password >> we'll give that game a go as
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we play it live, today, tuesday, march 12th, 2024 >> here for our sweet 16 from st. louis, missouri. >> on the mother/daughter trip from texas >> lakewood, colorado. >> alabama. >> know lanceville, tennessee. >> and jacksonville, florida. >> from chattanooga, tennessee. happy birthday, nana welcome back, everybody. happy that you are with us a nice tuesday morning a warmup is on the way. >> we're so happy because it is going to be 63 degrees in the city today. >> spring is here. >> let's get rid of those hats let's get to our news at 8:00. boeing is under intense scrutiny this morning after faa
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audits reportedly uncovered numerous problems with the way its 737 max jets are built the audits coming amid recent plain mishaps. and now the sudden death of a boeing whistleblower tom costello has the latest on this good morning. >> reporter: 62-year-old john barnett was found dead on friday in charleston, south carolina. police there say they are investigating. the coroner, though, calls it an apparent self-inflicted gunshot. barnett left boeing back in 2017 after working for more than 30 years as a quality control manager at boeing. over the years, he had taken legal action against the company, claiming he was retaliated against for raising safety concerns. in 2019, we interviewed barnett. he accused boeing of having a hu hurry-up culture, pushing planes out the door before they were thoroughly checked his death comes as "the new york times" reports boeing failed 33 out of 89 faa audits since the door plug incident on the 737 max 9 that grounded the fleet
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back in january. 33 of 89 audit failures. nbc news has not reviewed the slide presentation that was reviewed by the" times. spirit aero systems also failed several audits in one case auditors saw mechanics using a hotel key card to check a door seal boeing is in talks to buy spirit boeing says we continue to implement immediate changes and develop a comprehensive action plan to strengthen safety and quality and build the confidence of our customers and their passengers, all of this as the spotlight very much remains on boeing hoda >> tom costello for us there tom, thank you airbnb is addressing customers' privacy concerns by banning all indoor security cameras in its rentals cameras have never been allowed
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in guest bathrooms and bedrooms, but soon they will be prohibited in common areas and they will not be permitted by outdoor showers and saunas they can prevent unauthorized parties. those new airbnb rules take effect at the end of april. this morning we are taking a closer look at teenagers and smartphones. it is a serious subject we have been covering extensively on "today." the pew research center did a deep dive into how teens and parents approach screen time and some of the findings might surprise you savannah sellers is here to tell us all about it. >> that's right. so today's teens spend more time online than ever before. so the researchers at pew set out to explore what emotions teams explore with their devices, the impact smartphones have on them, and the very real challenges parents face raising kids in an increasingly digital age. this morning a new reason for to unplug.
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a new report finding three-quarters of american teenagers saying they feel happy or peaceful when they don't have their phones with them 17-year-old malik harris says he sees the benefits of disconnecting. >> i'm not just sitting here scrolling and scrolling and doing whatever, wasting time i get more active with the people around me i can kind of just relax and be in the moment. >> reporter: despite those positive feelings when they put the phone down, most teens are not limiting their screen time, with 38% admitting they spend too much time on their phones. >> i can be sitting on my phone for what feels like 20 minutes and four hours pass by >> reporter: the brand-new report from the pew research center also shedding light on family dynamics surrounding smartphones. >> the agreement was when i hand you this phone, i'm going to be looking at it each month >> reporter: she keeps tabs on what her 15-year-old son is looking at on social media she is not alone half of the parents surveyed saying they look over their
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teen's phone and saying they restrict teens' screen time. when you first heard mom would be taking a peek in there, what did you think? >> i wasn't the happiest about it, but i also was like, i just got a phone and i can kind of get where she's coming from. >> reporter: according to a study by monica anderson, cellphone usage is a frequent source of tension for families part of the reasons, teens aren't the only ones addicted their devices. >> parents painted a little bit of a rosier picture compared to what teens had to say. >> reporter: do you think your mom realizes when she's on your phone or if she's distracted in a conversation >> i don't think she thinks -- i think she thinks it is less than it definitely is because i think it is a good bit. >> reporter: what do you say, mom? >> okay. it's probably true. >> reporter: she admitted it, right? so, look, we, of course, have some tips for you. there are easy way to limit
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screen time. families should lock for ways to help teens limit screen time easy ways at the dinner table or before bed tess recommended that parents make a contract that allows teens to have input into making the rules. there's a bit of ownership here. they did that. and casey said it totally helped him. parents, try to set a good example. and then also keep in mind that kids said they were happy and peaceful away from their devices. encourage them to talk about and explore their feelings when they do unplug. they can recognize it might feel good >> thank you. all right, hoda. let's get a boost. >> we got one. an air force graduate was brought to tears when her husband, an airman, flew in from his base in the uk to surprise her at her graduation. he told his wife he didn't think he would be able to make it. but watch her reaction when she sees his face. awe. she bursts into tears. they get a good hug. they say being apart is really
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hard, but it's been worth it danielle graduated with honors in her class. >> that's sweet. >> of all the boosts, the military reunion, hands down the best. >> the best. coming up in "popstart," fans are absolutely loving beyoncé's stroll into country music. >> i heard a rumor. >> what's next wait until you hear what the queen of country music dolly parton is saying about that. okay first we're diving into the power of sleep and a sleep expert from harvard right here so how you can use an afternoon rest to boost your health, happiness and even your brain size right after this. come fro? and how did it get all the way to you? curious? ancestry can help you find out. because that thing has a story, and it's still being written. what are you waiting for, a sale? well, lucky you.
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8:11 am
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8:12 am
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and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. we're back at 8:15 with our
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series "sleep better today." if you feel like you're dragging during the day or yawning at work, how about this maybe a nap is in store. >> maybe you neaed a little nap. >> we're going to talk about that in just a moment, but first a look at the state of sleep in america. >> napping is having a moment as more and more americans report they're finding it hard to get a good night's sleep 37% of u.s. adults say they slept worse in 2023 than in previous years, with nearly 20% saying they struggle with not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep. it is no wonder, then, that google searches for the word "sleep" hit an all-time high last year, with many americans asking, why am i tired all the time >> we do know that as a society we don't get enough sleep. we also have a poor quality sleep problem. only four in ten adults report their sleep is sleep restorative. >> a possible solution
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catching shuteye during the day can help habitual nappers had a larger total brain size known as brain volume than those who did not nap, a sign of good overall brain health linked to lower stress levels and a lower risk of dementia. researchers at mit and harvard medical school found people have more productivity and are even more creative after a short nap. leading many to consider replace powering through with a powerful nap. rejoice, nap nation, rejoice a leading sleep researcher and assistant professor at harvard medical school so we've got the credentials here this is great. i like to nap. we've got crazy hours. you do not so if you are a napper, there are great benefits, and now we are. >> there are napping can be a good lifeline if you've not had a good night of sleep but research shows a little nap can help boost our productivity
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and creativity anyone that is struggling with sleep at night should not nap. >> well, i think everyone wants to know about the timing for a nap because i feel like whenever i do try, and i don't do it often, i feel horrible when i wake up. i feel like i'm lost and i don't feel sharp. >> that might just be a mistimed nap. the recommendations are quite specific it is 20 minutes or less or a little longer, about a 90-minute nap. say in the afternoon if you have a saturday afternoon and some extra time and you had a long week cut short on your sleep, you might indulge in the 90-minute nap. but the 20 minutes or less is a great way to go if you are sleepy. >> does napping make up for lost sleep? we have crazy hours. we get up too early and we probably don't get enough sleep. can a nap -- is there a sleep deficit you can put money in the bank for >> in a perfect world, we would be hitting our personal sleep need night in and night out, but life happens so napping can be a great resource when you are really
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struggling or not getting quite enough sleep. >> a lot of people work normal jobs 9:00 to 5:00. they have kids they're exhausted. they want to nap, but there is not the opportunity. you mentioned a couple minutes. what does that mean and how do you mean that? >> what's amazing is moments, even seconds in a stage 1 sleep that we enter when we enter a nap is actually extremely beneficial for productivity and creativity after napping one of the reasons people struggle is they say, oh, no, i don't have enough time for a good nap but what the research shows is even a few seconds, closing your eyes, hopefully in a safe place. ideally horizontal or at least leaning back so you can be safe in case you lose muscle tone. >> hoda meditates. that also does a lot for your brain, doesn't it? brain health, our heart health. >> it does there's so much amazing research on meditation. not only for our mental health,
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our brain health, our heart health but good meditators are doing something close to sleep i wouldn't be surprised if you are benefitting. >> i come out with clarity and energy, which is why i like the meditation. >> and some people do that for napping. i think thinking about it is meditation or napping. what we're doing is giving our brain rest from our days we just talked about screens and all the information we're taking in i think all are beneficial. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. dylan, over to you. >> well, we are going to see a good amount of sunshine, which the rain usually helps me nap a little more, so the sun might do the opposite of that get outside. it's going to be warm too. record-high temperatures across the northern plains. 50s and 60s across new england near 80 down through texas we do have mountain snow that is possible, especially as we go we are seeing some rain coming down right now.
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we're going to keep the cloud cover lingering for your tuesday with peeks of sunshine at times. highs will max out in the 60s. we begin a dry stretch on wednesday leading into the weekend for san francisco and inland areas with temperatures bumped up by as much as 10 degrees by this weekend. and if you are rushing out the door, be sure to take us with you find us on sirius xm channel 108. >> all right let's do it. >> are you ready >> i can't wait. yeah, a little bit. >> are you ready you and many. >> we're looking forward to that >> we're go ing to start with "popstart. >> good morning, everybody we will start with martin scorsese he was feeling all the kenergy on sunday night. take a look. it was a show-stopping
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performance of "i'm just ken." take a look. ♪ >> of course, tiktok, partner in crime, daughter francesca is online here's what people are saying. one user on x wrote is martin scorsese's pure joy during "i'm just ken" performance. >> that's good. >> another adding be the light bulb, as happy as he >> yeah, that is good. speaking of the oscars, john mulaney is next on "popstart." this introduction breaking down his own personal favorite achievement. >> or what about that moment in ""field of dreams,"" when you hear, if you build it, he will come
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and then costner does it he builds a baseball field he doesn't build it. he knows down corn and there is a field and he's like, i want to watch ghosts play baseball then he finds james early jones who wrote "the boat rocker," which i thought was a real book way into my 20s. he's the only one with a financial plan what's weird is timothy busfield pushes little gabby off the bleachers and she falls down and is unconscious then burt lancaster pats her on the back a couple of times and he's like, hot dog stuck in the throat. >> his commitment to that. >> fans saying mulaney would be a perfect choice for kimmel to pass the baton to for future shows. some of the reactions saying john's "field of dreams" play was great. as a host, another writing, this was john mulaney's audition, and he passed with flying colors next up, indigo girls. it's been a heck of a year their 89th song in the "barbie" movie.
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now amy and emily are opening up in a documentary called "it is ohm life after all." they get cap did about battling masisogyny and other things they get candid. here's a peek of that. >> we were so fortunate to find each other and grab opt a passion at such a young age. we were immediately drawn to each other when we started singing together, an explosion went off, and i was like, this is it but something about what you had to be as a girl didn't fit in with what we wanted to be as the indigo girls. >> wow we listened to that album so much what was the rem song on that record >> "secure yourself to heaven. i know all their stuff >> that's right. "it's only life after all. that's the name of the documentary. it premiered at sundance last
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year it hits theaters at the end of the month. indigo girls sit down with hoda and jenna. >> this is your -- yes. >> bring your guitar >> are they going to perform >> yes >> what? >> today >> today. >> you should come. >> oh, i will. >> get ready, girl. >> would you like to say something now? >> i would like to say the michael snipe song dolly parton, the queen of country, might have spilled the bean on beyonce's next album dolly asked if beyonce has recorded any of her songs. dolly responded, i think she has. i think she's recorded "jolene," and i think it will be on her country album, which i am very excited about that dolly continued, i love her. she's a beautiful girl and a great singer it looks like it's on. sounds like "jolene" will be the beyoncé version on the way to her album act 2. that's coming out on march 20th. >> no better way to announce it
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than dolly parton. perfect. >> i know. what an awesome "popstart" that was. >> we'll get to it tomorrow. coming up, we know carson's ready. we're playing password ahead of jimmy fallon's premiere tonight. but first your local news and weather. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. tesla and most of its rivals are receiving poor grades for their automated driving systems. a new report released by the
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insurance institute on highway safety found just 1 of the 14 car makers tested performed well enough to get an overall acceptance rating. gm and nissan programs rated marginal. tesla was rated poor. researchers looked at driver monitoring and emergency procedures. tesla has yet to comment on that rating. vianey arana is looking at our weather. >> we have light showers moving through right now. here's at cloud cover out there. and scattered activity through parts of san francisco right now, san jose catching some light showers. a lot of this rain will be moved out by early afternoon. once that system clears out, we have some winds picking up tonight into wednesday. >> we'll have another local news
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update in 30 minutes.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening.
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well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ oh, we're back we are back. we are back at 8:30. >> i love it >> on a tuesday morning.
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a little extra camera time to a spring break crowd in a little corner of rockefeller plaza. i see you, iowa. i see you. i see you, ohio. >> oh, wait! >> >> oh, wait! >> save na, you didn't tell me about this savannah is on the cover of "woman's world." you know what? there is another -- how many magazines are we going to be oni the cover of you look gorgeous, by the way. >> thank you i'm always willing to share something. did you hear we were playing "kid fears" by the indigo girls. don't get distracted the indigo girls are coming on at 10:00. >> and you are going to sing with them. >> i'm going to lip-synch. guys, look who is inside right now. i bet he loves the indigo girls,
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too. jimmy fallon. >> looking cool with his sunglasses. >> is he playing wordle? >> password. >> funny guy. >> he has the ultimate game of words. "password" is coming up. tonight is the premier, and we're going to play it it's hoda and savannah >> you guys have been practicing. >> no, we have not we have a good strategy like we always do. ahead, you guys, our good friend do you know who is here? maria shriver is here. she's going to shine a light on a new understanding of menopaust that will help countless women >> and we've got a beautiful dinner shortcut to feed the family a delicious meal faster than ever and that's coming up. >> carson, do you know what she calls that salad >> i just heard the name. >> daddy salad >> that's weird. >> why did the daddy like it? >> we're going to talk about that.
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before we do anything else, though, how about a check of the weather? >> are you ready for some spring weather? >> we're going to have to go around the horn too. it's a big crowd. >> we'll do that after this. but, first, we do have sunshine from the central part of the country to the east coast today. temperatures are starting to warm up. record highs across the pacific northwest. tomorrow we're going to see some snow kind of take hold in denver heavy snow possible, 6 to 12 inches wednesday into thursday severe storms possible right through the middle of the country. we could see large hail and damaging winds and it reaches the east c we will get springlike weather around here. first, we have to see this system make its exit. we're having showers over san francisco stretching down through the santa cruz mountains. once the front passes through,
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we're going to see wind gusts of 30-plus into wednesday. heading into thursday and the weekend, high pres >> all right, guys hoda, this one is for you. we will go around and around the horn because it's a spring break crowd out here once again, where am i hello! and we're still going. yes! we did it. savannah, back to you. >> okay. great job, dylan. coming up next, jimmy fallon is in the house ready to put those passwords skills to the
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guys, welcome back the iconic game "password" is back on tv and starring our next guest, jimmy fallon, who is also very good, carson. >> jimmy rocks we will play in just a second, jimmy. but, first, here is your show. >> the password is bagpipes. >> oh, good grief. >> i'm going to be nice to joe, and i'm going to pass. >> how sweet of you. >> scottish. >> bagpipes. >> yes >> that is so good. >> are you excited for it? >> i'm so excited that "password" is back, season 2
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keke palmer won an emmy last year for hosting it's super fun we have great guests jimmy kimmel comes on just to prove that there are two jimmys but we're different people, not cgi in one person. it's super fun the whole family can play. it's a simple game, an easy game to play. you try to guess the password. one person gives a clue. the other person tries to guess the password. >> before we play, congratulations on ten years as host of the tonight show >> what are you going to do for a special? >> we have a best of the best with all the clips it's getting crazy because we're like, oh, my gosh, i forgot i did that or driving a subway bus with greenday all the stuff we're putting together, it is a lot of fun, but it makes you go, oh, yeah. >> do you remember the time savannah and i were on there >> it opens the whole show and closes the show. >> yeah. it's on the floor of an edit room upstairs. >> let's go.
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>> it wasn't even considered. >> let's play some password. >> nbc, set your dvrs. it's really fun. >> here we go. i will hand one person on each team an envelope with the password you can take turns giving a one-word clue to get your partner to guess the password. we'll alternate between teams until somebody guesses correctly. hoda and carson, here are your cards. >> can i take out my ivb >> the password is syrup. >> we're not supposed to see them >> wait. we're supposed to turn off these monitors okay, whatever ready? >> who is first? >> they said it. hoda, you start us off >> prickly. >> cactus. >> you guys are such cheaters. >> sorry. >> sorry we're so good. >> the password is syrup.
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>> pancakes. >> syrup. >> yes. >> cheater >> that was a practice round that was a practice round. here we go okay this is the real game. it is a lot of money here you go. savannah >> where's kiki? >> i know. i don't know what i'm doing here >> take your time. tame your time >> craig, you are going to go first. >> okay. >> one-word clue. >> australia >> kangaroo. >> oh, my god! are you kidding me >> let's go! >> brother from another mother >> number four number four from producers is what we're doing here. the password is "barbie. >> we're out of time. >> no we're not out of time. we have plenty of time all right. hoda, start us off come on. you got this. >> don't you cheat >> come on. >> don't you use your special
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powers >> sh! >> pink. >> she can't gesture. >> yes, she can. >> that's how she normally talks. >> pink. >> barbie. >> yes >> no way. >> we have one more. >> why is it when we win, we're cheaters, when you win -- >> -- we're pros. >> -- you're awesome you go craig, savannah, start us off. >> the password is "paparazzi. >> i haven't given a clue yet. >> maybe you start off yeah. >> savannah starts. >> ladies first. >> no, go ahead, craig >> all right here we go gosh defense. >> oh, oh, oh. is this is hard >> no, you can't gesture. >> that's only gesturing. >> you are allowed one word. >> and "hello dolly" is one word i don't know what you are
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gesturing. >> cameras. >> lights. >> savannah, it is your turn you heard the first clue cameras. >> celebs. >> post. >> you keep going. now you are showing off. >> cameras, pose craig melvin >> lots. >> huh red carpet >> okay. savannah >> cameras, pose. >> she's remembering them. >> i'm just repeating the thoughts candids. >> candids >> cameras, posing, lots, candids. >> paparazzi >> yeah! >> what in the world is going on that is how you play the game of password
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oh, that is fun. what is that >> what was lots >> lots of cameras. >> jimmy, we love you. you're coming back in the fourth hour i love this game >> it is so easy and so fun. >> password tonight at 10:00/9:00 central we'd like to thank our families. stick around "the tonight show" as well. you can catch both shows streaming on peacock >> congrats. >> congrats. coming up next, guys, a ve imporyrt
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all right. welcome back, guys this morning on your health, we are putting menopause in the spotlight. >> it is something all women face yet, the topic is understudied. now a leading researcher found a connection between menopause and the brain. >> good morning,
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yet, the topic is understudied certainly compared to other women's health issues, but now a leading researcher found a connection between menopause and the brain. >> maria shriver joins us. >> good morning, maria. >> good morning to you, visions in purple. well, dr. lisa has been studying women's brains for most of her career but it wasn't until recent years until she discovered the starring role it plays in menopause. now she's prepared to arm women. she wrote a book to better navigate this transformative time in their lives and come out the other side stronger than ever menopause is a rite of passage for all women of a certain age and with it comes physical and emotional changes. many people are familiar with the changes, but some of the changes will catch them off guard. >> hot flashes and night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, depressive symptoms, brain fog. >> reporter: but according to
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dr. lisa and her innovative research, it turns out that these uncomfortable and disruptive symptoms don't come from changes in the ovaries. they come from changes in the brain. >> this is revolutionary, right? the idea that this is generated by the brain it's not that it's new in terms of science, but it is new in terms of explaining to women, this is what's going on. >> women will go through menopause, and that is the end of the women's reproductive life and that's really only half of what menopause is about. it does impact your brain and your brain health. this component to menopause has been completely overlooked. >> the 2017 study was the first ever published about the effects of menopause on the brain. with her sights set on the subject, she says her discoveries couldgame-changing for women. >> you look at the brain and the brain changes to take place as a woman goes from having a menstrual cycle to not having a menstrual cycle
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the reduction in brain energy levels, reductions in gray matter volume in brain regions the blood flow to the brain is impacted. >> you can actually tell a women your brain is changes and we can prove it to you. >> yes and that was wonderful for us because it is about validating what women have been saying for hundreds of years. >> reporter: until now, women have been given little information on this transitional period, what she calls going from reproductive to productive. she believes for some women, their brains could actually be better before menopause than before. >> what we find during puberty and pregnancy is that the brain actually shrinks, and the shrinkage means that some neurons are lost perhaps that's also part of what
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we're seeing in menopause. all these neurons that are important for reproduction, you don't need them anymore. >> so you have a theory that menopause actually might be good for the brain and that it's a chance to get leaner and meaner or more efficient. >> this is something we're testing right now. the menopause brain is the brain in transition. and that comes with some vulnerabilities, but also with resilience and the resilience aspect has really been overlooked in western medicine. >> what do you want people to take away from the menopause brain? >> women have been taught to really fear their hormones and doubt their brains, and that is unacceptable the more women talk about menopause openly, the sooner we will be able to come up with information we really need to make sure all of us can embrace this life event without fear, but armed with knowledge and confidence >> i think that's the main thing, armed with knowledge and confidence
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this book is called "the menopause brain," but these symptoms start impairing menopause. women will experience depression, irritability, lack of sleep all these things they often go to the doctor and are given an ssri because they're told they're depressed. this is a normal part of the transition. >> the part about it being brain-centered changes treatment? >> yes, because it can change when you start, if you choose to start hrt. and there is a window that most doctors believe is a good time to start and then it is a neuro protector of the brain this is a whole evolving area of science right now that is getting a lot of attention and much needed. >> a big spotlight also is on women's health. >> yes. >> you were at the state of the union where president biden announced $12 billion so that women can be tested for things that happen to women this was a huge step. >> this is a transformative kind
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of guam-changing moment in women's health because women have not been studied. medication women take has not been studied on women. the estrogen studies have all been done on men this is a health equity issue. this will bring women's research up to speed. he's going to sign some executive orders, some things he can get done but this will also need congressional approval but women deserve more tests, more research so that they can make decisions in their health journey based on facts >> and studying women's issues but also using women in studies of drugs that are for men and women. >> and studying women particularly at mid-life and beyond, which is when women get sick, when many of the chronic diseases begin >> it is hard to believe that many of these drugs are only tested on men. >> estrogen? >> this is a health equity issue that will be righted. >> thank you, maria. >> all right
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we're back you can scan the qr code and shop the recipe. you get ten bucks off from our sponsor walmart on your first pickup or delivery orders, 50 bucks or more with the code. elizabeth, good to see you i think people are intimidated to cook it it is so delicate. the minute you go over on fish, you have ruined it. >> you are absolutely right. it is all about technique. two ingredients here we're using a seasoning blend, which is super fast. it is a little greek seasoning that i love. we will take this and go skin side down. >> no extra oil on the salmon. >> all there, yeah. >> so we've got hot pan. we're letting it get hot
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do you see the -- how it's like dancing? the oil's really moving? >> imagine playing password with elizabeth. she said oil texas! >> we're going to let this go. while we're letting it go, get it super nice, crisp and then we will flip it. >> i finish it in the oven always undercook it and i do check the temp. >> 5 degrees below to let it rise. >> absolutely, like a protein. >> now, this we need to focus. this is the best salad dressing. my daddy makes this salad every single night >> that's why it's called daddy's salad. >> it's daddy's salad. this is one of the keys. the key is to take your garlic >> why is that better than just chopping it? >> and you really want to macerate it in the bowl, use the back of the fork >> why is that better than just chopping it? >> because all that flavor will get through. it gets to the bottom of the bowl.
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>> it releases the oil. >> it really permeates we have dry mustard, garlic, salt, lemon, and olive oil you have to make sure every single one of those ingredients is shining look at that lemon juice that's a lot of lemon. yeah, he calls it a lemonagrette, not a vinaigrette. we have oil and water. and your whisk will act like the marriage counselor it's going to keep these two separates together it is. it's the marriage koups lore of the vinaigrette. it's slo keep it going. are you dying? it is super easy. >> how do you keep this from separating you've got to shake it constantly >> correct well, no you will mix, mix, mix we've got it nice. always listen, i used to be embarrassed that i love iceberg lettuce because everybody is all fancy you need some kale
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. later today convicted killer scott peterson will appear in court for a status hearing. this is a new bid by the innocence project to have his case reheard. attorneys argue his civil rights may have been violated when he was convicted 20 years ago of killing his pregnant wife laci peterson. they want to look at the case with fresh eyes. they believe there is a possibility some of the evidence or witnesses may have been ignored. our kris sanchez will have the latest for us in a live report during our midy newscast. da
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his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," royal photo fallout. the pr headache over this manipulated photo of princess kate and her kids is growing as


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