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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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in the movie. do you remember the name? >> ardendale. >> arendale. >> let it go. i haven't had a small child in 10 years. i'm lucky i even remember the movie. you can watch us on roku and other streaming platforms. let's look at what's coming up at 5:30. >> i remember when i had my daughter, she's like you have to see frozen and we fell in love with it. here's what we are lurk working on. a busy street shut down for hours. a hazmat situation had officials scratching their head. the unknown substance found in an abandoned tanker. >> how much would you spend on a burrito? a restaurant in san francisco is charging $22 without the upgrade. could be up to $24. why the owner said he had no choice and why customers don't
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mind paying it. and an easier way to pay your taxes. the pilot program now underway and how you can apply. the news at 5:30 starts right now. thank you for joining us. i'm janelle wang >> an abandoned tanker, a lack of labels and a lot of concerns prompting the shutdown of a busy road for hours. >> a lot of frustrated drivers and local business owners. the latest on this mystery substance. >> after hours of being shut down the main thoroughfare is reopened to traffic with fire crews clearing the scene of this hazmat investigation and focused on that sinker. around 9:dirty, hazardous material teams took over several brox blocks of the
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boulevard and the goal was to figure out what was inside of a tanker abandoned on the side of the road, and whether it was dangerous. employees working nearby say this is not the first time a suspicious item has been left behind on the busy street. >> occasionally you get people dropping off containers on the street, on the shoulder. it's an ongoing problem and has been going on for years. >> a tow truck driver first called police after noticing that there was still liquid inside of it without any identifying markers, investigators say they had no choice but to close down the street and call hazmat in the name of safety. >> it's been here for approximately a week and no one can give us a definite time as to when they saw it first arrived. since we know that it's here and we've got it under our control we will take the appropriate action identifying the product. >> hours of delays slow down traffic in business for shops and restaurants in the area. >> today taco tuesday and usually it's one of the busiest days of the week. today has been at least 30% or
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25% of our business has been a little bit missing. >> after hours of investigation and testing officials determined the liquid was some kind of vegetable oil and presented no risk at all, frustrating business owners. >> that makes it even worse now because for something like that, it's been more than three or four hours now and just for it to be completely shut down for that long over some cooking oil, that is a little more disappointing. >> the road finally reopened more than three hours later. officials say the tanker was one of three that were tagged as abandoned last week . investigators don't know if the same person dumped all three containers but say they are now looking to identify the owner. velena jones, nbc bay area
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news. overdoses are down slightly but remain high according to the latest numbers released in the medical examiner's office. 64 people died from overdoses last month which is down from january when 67 people died, but up from a year ago when 52 people died. san francisco health officials say fentanyl driven overdose deaths are still at crisis levels >> each life lost reaffirms our mission, to reduce overdose deaths and reduce the regional disparities-- racial disparities among people losing their lives. >> the city is expanding a temp of addiction intervention called contingency management that focuses on helping those addicted to stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine. while fentanyl is the most common cause of overdose deaths, many use multiple substances at the same time including those stimulants. a frightening experience at a local mosque on the first day of ramadan last night at the islamic center in novato. they
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spotted a gun inside of a handbag and a struggle broke out over the handbag and a man pepper sprayed a member of the mosque to escape. police were able to identify the suspect who was arrested over night. no gun has been found and the police chief says for now, this does not appear to be a hate crime. >> we don't see things like this that often and you know, at the end of the day were never going to really know what his intent was unless he tells us. so some of the things we are doing is working with the islamic center, setting up meetings to see if there's anything we can do to help them be secure and feel safer. >> the man will face charges for pepper spray and for disrupting a religious ceremony. starting today you may be able to skip the middleman when it comes to filing taxes. a pilot program is being rolled out including california called direct file which allows some people to file taxes online for free directly with the irs.
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the program is meant to save taxpayers time and hundreds of dollars they might spend with tax preparers. >> i think the truth is, for most americans who earn a w-2 and an income, your taxes are simple because you're not like wealthy americans who file thousands of papers of tax returns and are hard to calculate. >> to qualify, you need to be filing a simple federal tax return and take a standard deduction. >> we are talking about burritos but this is a bigger conversation. races are going up on nearly everything. gas, electricity, groceries, and burritos. a restaurant in san francisco is catching attention after doubling the price of its signature burrito. it is now $22. the owner says don't lame him. here's sergio quintana. >> the first thing you notice is not the crowd of people or the colorful items on the wall.
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it's the smell of the food. >> when you walk in here, does it always smell this amazing? >> yes. either like birria or charcoal. >> for two years ricardo lopez has operated this spot built out of a former record store and his mission is to make the kind of food that his aunts, uncles and mother used to make but picked up a notch. the only problem is that the price of nearly everything he uses to make his food has gone up, like onions for example. >> they were like a nine dollars a pack at restaurant depot. during covid and after it's $40. right now it's $80. >> this is the signature burrito here, nearly every ingredient that goes into it has doubled in cost and that is the reason why the owner says for the price. >> the latest consumer price index shows prices for food, gas and housing rose nationwide last month. to be fair, lopez has also made a conscious decision to purchase premium beef to make
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his birria which is marinated beef, and chooses not to purchase any prepared foods from suppliers. everything is made from scratch with the exception of tortillas which he gets from a local shop . all of that effort is reflected in the prices. >> the food you make is very labor-intensive in mexico and the only way you get that here is at these fine dining restaurants doing everything from scratch. judging from the lunch rush, we saw his decision not to skimp out on ingredients or cut staff seems to be paying off. the customers we spoke with say they have noticed higher prices but are okay with that for now. >> it just takes us as consumers to pay a little bit more, to support people's dreams and get, you know, really get food back. >> lopez says he knows people can choose to go to the burrito shop a few doors down for a nine dollar option which he says is good as well. and for regulars who have decided to cut back-- >> people say i can't come all
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the time are you okay with that? >> i have to be. it's either that or keep the price the same, don't make any money and we close our doors. >> in san francisco, sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. >> makes me hungry. they may be called high- tech cars but they are not getting a passing grade. the us insurance institute for highway safety tested 14 cars that have assisted driving systems. nearly all of them scored poorly for driver safety. no modern cars are meant to be driven hands-free even with the system but the institute says there are not enough safeguards to prevent misuse or keep drivers from being distracted. the president of another group says the results are not surprising because there's not enough oversight or reporting on this technology. >> we need some answers and we know that some of these technologies can save lives. we just need them to perform as needed and as expected. >> the institute found only one
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lexus model received unacceptable rating and the majority of cars were all given poor ratings. how can you get an insurance company to pay you every penny that you are owed after a disaster? a really boring home video. i will relieve the boredom and show you how to record that video next. i am chief meteorologist and we have a wind advisory for the north bay, east bay and parts of the south bay. parts of the south bay. we willtalk more ab
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whenever a fire, flood or other issue damages your home you have. to do, lots of work paperwork a big heart of recovering is documenting what you lost in your insurance policy payout. >> there's a step that you can take today whether you rent or
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own to make the paperwork easier for tomorrow. here's our consumer investigator chris chmura. >> a home inventory is a list of everything that you own and ensure. if you ever have to file an insurance claim you have to prove what you had before you get paid. >> can you remember every single thing you had in your house in every room and closet in your garage? everything your kids have? no way. >> having a home inventory can help. this is your not so secret weapon, a smart phone. use it to record a video. nothing fancy. just walk through every room and go slowly. make sure the clip records everything in each room. talk about what you see. show the brand names and model numbers. speak about where you purchased your things, when, and how much you paid. your narration may help jog your memory later on. go all over. open every drawer and cupboard, every closet. >> make sure you are not sticking with the house. hit each of those rooms.
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>> when you are done upload the video and every photos or documentation to the cloud in case your phone is destroyed or goes missing during a disaster. a full inventory can save you time, money, and heart ache. >> so make a home video because it will make recovery so much easier. >> there's a number of tools now available. many available through your insurance company probably for free. >> ask your agents about these tools and applications. that's what you pay them a commission. hundreds of people in lafayette have their power back on tonight after going out for about 700 pg&e customers after a tree fell on to power lines on spring hill road near pleasant hill road. pg&e tells us it restored power by 6:00 this morning with a headache is not over. crews have cleared most of the tree but spring hill is still blocked. no eta for when it will be open. the tree also damaged a few cars. fortunately no one was hurt.
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>> we are talking about some changing weather that's going to happen including a lot of wind. >> we could see trees coming down with these wind gusts that we are tracking across the bay area. not only the wind but warmer weather will also be rolling into the next couple of days. we are going to start off with tomorrow morning were temperatures will be dipping into the 40s. i want you to watch out for the chance here of maybe some patchy fog for the morning and 46 through the peninsula overthrew the east bay at 45. san francisco 47 and some of the chili is whether through the north bay with an average of low 40s. temperatures with increased sunshine going to warm up 3 to 6 degrees so by all accounts tomorrow through the day looks beautiful. we are up to 66 in downtown san jose, 65 in los gatos. we will continue with 60s the east bay, 67 in walnut creek and over to the peninsula 59 in half moon bay right on down to
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palo alto, 65. to san francisco 61 in the marina but towards the mission a little bit warmer at 66 and for the north bay 68 in napa. so through the day tomorrow wind out of the northwest 10 - 15 miles for our but by tomorrow night that is when we will start to see the wind beginning to ramp up because of the way two weather systems are setting up. we have high pressure to the north, low pressure to the south, this is a classic scenario to get wind across northern california because when those weather systems generally start to create and develop so close together it's going to help pull the wind from high pressure to low pressure which will result in gusty winds. overall tomorrow morning it does not look too bad. 5 to 10 mph but by late tomorrow night we will start to see wind gusts of 22, about 45 mph and up to 40 in some of the mountains on the coast, the
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east bay and the north bay. we will get into some of the strongest wind gust thursday morning. 20 - 50 mph through the north bay mountains and right here through the santa cruz mountains. we stay with that wind as we head into thursday evening and then we should start to see the wind dropping off as we head into friday's forecast. along with the wind, the high pressure that i showed you will also bring in some warmer weather. look at the forecast here. 70s starting once we hit thursday's forecast, all the way through next tuesday and then check out this change which is why you will want to enjoy this. as we hit next wednesday thursday friday and saturday the 60s are returning. not only cooler weather but it looks like the chance of rain would be returning. it looks as if it's going to be one of those systems that develops to the north by next wednesday, march 20 and lingers
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and brings in some scattered rain and maybe isolated thunderstorms into march 22. so there will be more rainfall ahead for right now we are into this window of sunshine. once we get over thursday's forecast we are smooth sailing right into this weekend. at least we are going to get this out of the way in the next couple of days and then we can sit back and hopefully relax and enjoy saturday and sunday. >> i like that guidance. >> approved. up next, the giants are countingon a bay
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the giants are banking on pitching and defense to help get them back to the playoffs and one pitcher is their top prospect kyle harrison. >> he was born in san jose and became a star at de la salle high. we sat down with them to talk about his first full season in the big leagues. >> when you went back in the off-season and looked at what you did at the big-league level what was your evaluation? >> definitely hard on myself. that is something that my parents will tell you and everyone that knows me will tell you but just looking back at last year, had a lot of ups and downs especially in aaa. i had to deal with an injury so really excited to feel stronger going into this year and
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adjusting to that five day rotation because it is different than the minors. you could be pitching six days a week but you just never know yet. that's definitely what i wanted to hone in on. wanted to focus on training, a five day routine and figuring out how i can be the best version of myself every five days. >> the plan for you is to follow logan at some point. he has talked a lot about how he sees a little bit of himself and you, just competitive on the field. >> i definitely want to follow him up. i feel we would be good with back to back days in different looks. but we are always going to be fighting each other, you know? we're going to compete against each other and that is ultimately what all the other guys want. we want competition. >> two pictures share tips when you are working on a collective
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arena like that? >> no for sure, tips on anything. the way we pick, holds, the whole nine. i'm trying to get a changeup like that but just spinning stuff off the top of our heads we are always asking each other and picking each other's brains because we are all we've got. we are only going to get better. >> did anybody specific give you anything? >> not much. i've been working on the cutter a little more, the pitching coach is pretty good there. got that dialed in. but not much that i really taken from that but i like to listen and take some stuff here and there and then leave what i don't need. >> going to be fun to watch him. i think his little brother is also a baseball star coming up in the ranks. you can see more with my
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interview by or downloading the giants talk podcast. good news for ikea you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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another high profile company is cutting jobs. ibm is shrinking the marketing and communications division. unclear how many people will be laid off.'s comes a few months after the ceo of ibm's of the company is focusing on ai.
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the latest comes, the latest cuts, alongside another round of downsizing in the tech industry overall, google and amazon among the many companies also announcing job cuts in recent months. >> if you like ikea you are going to love what i'm about to say. ikea is cutting prices. as you probably know that is the swedish home improvement company and two years ago it introduced some price hikes but now ikea says it is dropping prices in all of its markets. it says it can do this because the cost of transportation and raw materials have gone down. the biggest owner of ikea says the cuts have already increased sales. some astronauts are back on earth after a busy six months in space. they landed in the gulf of mexico this morning. here it is. they were on the dragon capsule . the mission first landed in the international space station last august and the goal was to gain information that could help prepare nasa to send
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humans further into space. they conducted 200 experiments including collecting blood samples to learn how spaceflight impacts humans. the astronauts also experimented with growing food in space. spacex the company founded by elon musk helped launch the mission for nasa. paris is getting excited about the olympic games this summer and is showing off some olympic themed art and we want to show you one example. this tapestry was unveiled today and celebrates olympic athletes competing around the eiffel tower. it was designed by a french iranian artist and it was no small feat. the tapestry took three years to weave and it weighs 130 pounds. she thought she was being print when asked to design the piece. it will be on display at the hotel de la marine starting in june.
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>> what are we, four months away? >> i am not packed yet. maybe in a month. she knows i like to pack early. what's coming up next? >> at 6:00, serving life in prison for-- his pregnant wife but new development that means got peterson to be a free man again. >> if laci peterson's dna is on the matches of the van that was torched, that is huge. >> we are going to hear from a former investigator about the new claims and the questions about evidence that was not allowed in court during the first trial. also some spotty showers today along with some sunshine. this is a live look and we are tracking the changes coming up in your microclimate weather forecast. targeting public transit for one particular type of material that keeps the trains running.
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the investigation underway. good evening and thank you for being with us on tuesday. i am raj mathai. >> and i am jessica aguirre. he says he is not guilty of murdering his wife and unborn son connor. scott peterson is again fighting to get a new trial. new lawyers from the la innocence project are hoping to convince the judge that peterson is innocent. ian cull was in the courtroom where he says it came down to untested dna evidence. >> nearly 20 years after being convicted, scott peterson appeared in court from newell creek state prison. now at 51 he only spoke to the judge a few times, mostly to confirm he could hear the proceeding. peterson was convicted of killing his wife laci and their unborn son , and dumping them into the san


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