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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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good evening and thank you for being with us on tuesday. i am raj mathai. >> and i am jessica aguirre. he says he is not guilty of murdering his wife and unborn son connor. scott peterson is again fighting to get a new trial. new lawyers from the la innocence project are hoping to convince the judge that peterson is innocent. ian cull was in the courtroom where he says it came down to untested dna evidence. >> nearly 20 years after being convicted, scott peterson appeared in court from newell creek state prison. now at 51 he only spoke to the judge a few times, mostly to confirm he could hear the proceeding. peterson was convicted of killing his wife laci and their unborn son , and dumping them into the san francisco bay.
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their bodies washed ashore months later, but now a group called the los angeles innocence project has taken up peterson's case saying that they believe there is evidence that points to another killer. in fact, they suggest laci may have been killed by the same people who broke into a house across the street around the time she was first reported missing. now they want to review evidence that did not make it into court during the first trial. >> mister peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of these police reports and audio recordings and video recordings that should've been provided. >> the second key vocal focal point, he burned van with a stained mattress found in modesto the morning after laci disappeared. peterson's lawyers want the mattress tested to see if it shows any trace of laci 's dna. the former investigator who responded to that call recently questioned on dateline why the van was never brought up during the original trial. >> i figured when the court started, when the trial started up that somebody would reach
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out. >> prosecutors argue today against certain requests in the three motions made by the new attorney. >> we also believe that a lot of these items have been litigated as part of the initial appeal and also litigated as part of the first- -. >> be the prosecutors nor defense made any comments, but a bay area attorney who has closely followed the case says the latest twist is certainly intriguing. >> if laci peterson's dna is on that mattress in that van that was torched, that is huge. >> she says even if her dna was found it would not mean that peterson would automatically see his conviction overturned. >> it means lawyers are going to work for probably several more years to get a new trial. >> the next hearing is scheduled for a two-- april 16. peterson decided to not attend
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in person but rather, attend via zoom and he will continue to do that in the coming months. at the san mateo county courthouse, ian cull, cbs bay area news. using a 3-d printer to create illegal guns inside of his home is what a man in san jose has been accused of. bonita hernandez. police got a tip and searched his home and inside they found guns, a silencer and more. >> detectives located three firearms as well as two 3-d printers used to manufacture illegal firearms. >> according to records, he is prohibited from possessing any firearms because of his prior mental health history. records also show he has been accused of using a special link to convert firearms into fully automatic machine guns. police are still trying to determine if he was selling any of the guns that he was allegedly making. new numbers tonight from the chp crackdown on crime in the east bay. the governor deployed 120
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officers to the street and many were sent to oakland. it followed a spike in violent crime robberies and car thefts over the last two years. the governor's office is sharing the result of the deployment saying that officers made 168 arrests in those week, tied to gangs, organized crime, and carjacking rings. law enforcement recovered 360 stolen vehicles and 16 guns as well. the governor's office says-- continues to be a presence in oakland. we have election coverage tonight. president biden has officially clinched the democratic presidential nomination. tonight he won the georgia primary and has the necessary delegates for the nomination. here at home, voting may be over but the election is far from decided. one week after voters went to the polls in the super tuesday election last week, the race to replace southbay congresswoman anna eshoo, the results are still too close to call. this was southbay and the peninsula. the latest numbers show the former san jose mayor sam
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liccardo will move on to a november runoff but it is not clear who will join if the top two advance. one is mayor liccardo. at last count, santa clara county supervisor is nearly tied with assemblyman evan low. smitty leads by 162 votes. it is a cross county race with him leading in san mateo county and evan low up slightly in santa clara county. with such a close race political observers say that a recount is likely with the cost paid by the candidate. >> any consultant worth their salt will let them know that a race this close requires immediate attention of lawyers to begin the process, because it case this close could be won at recount. >> less than 200 votes separate those candidates and today is the deadline for ballots to actually arrive at the santa
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clara county registrar and they must be postmarked by march 5 which was last super tuesday. the county will certify election results on april 2. a big endorsement for a san francisco supervisor. dean preston has the support of bernie sanders, the vermont senator. he is in the midst of a reelection campaign and senator sanders posted his endorsement on twitter or x saying dean preston is among the leaders who quote not only stand up to special interests, but also have the courage to address striking levels of inequality at their core. dean preston served on the board of supervisors in san francisco since 2019 and is running against entrepreneur and activist alan jones, and are you registered to vote? there is still time to get help if you need. our sister station telemundo 48 is teaming up with a nonprofit for a phone bank to answer all questions about registering to vote for the presidential election coming up in november. phone lines are open right now.
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you can call until 6:dirty so another 25 minutes to help plan your vote. your day was probably a little gray today. this is a live look from cameras across the bay area. some spotty showers and sunshine peaking today. we are bringing in all the changes, and we do mean changes. >> sunshine is on the way for us. the storm system we had earlier today got a little bit of rainfall and is moving off to the south so our doppler radar we are starting to see the dry conditions moving back in. the next thing we will look ahead toward is a wind advisory for the north bay, east bay and higher elevations here on the eastern side of the southbay. some on and off gusting of 20 - 50. the wind advisory starts tomorrow through 11:00 a.m. on friday. we are also looking at the top risk in the mountains 500' and above. let me give you more information to get you ready for this. i think thursday is going to
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have the strongest wind for us. we could get some downed trees and maybe even some power outages but here is the good thing underlying all of this. the recent rain will help out the fire danger so we don't expect to go up into extreme fire danger but it will still be a little elevated. i have more details on the wind plus the weekend and the sunlight coming our way. see you back here in about 10 minutes. >> thank you very much. and east bay school board that banned pride flags is picking up the search for a new superintendent. this is serving one campus and three board members. the board is blocked by a rule banning any flags except government flags on campus. the rule was passed after students and teachers flew the pride flag during pride month. a meeting got underway at 6:00 for the superintendent search as first on the agenda and has led to heated meetings at the school board. the former superintendent barnes opposed the ban but resigned last month citing
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stressed of the controversy. two school board members past the band and said they were not targeting lgbtq students. when they voted. facing a recall attempt by parents and community members and tomorrow by the way is the deadline for the alameda county registrar to set a date for the special election. ramadan celebrations were off to a frightening start after a gun scare at a north bay mosque last night at the islamic center in novato. they saw a gun in a handbag and -- pepper sprayed another man to escape. were able to identify the person , no gun has been found and the police chief says for now it does not appear to be a hate crime. >> there was no threats or everything. he did not brandish the firearm.
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there was not any evidence that this was premeditated or a targeted attack of any kind. >> the man will face charges for the pepper spray and for disrupting a religious ceremony. copper wire theft is creating problems that light rail stations across the southbay and the sheriff's department says there has been an up tick of theft. it cost about $5000 worth of damage. yesterday, two people were arrested for stealing at a light rail station in sunnyvale. copper wiring is crucial for powering the rail system. >> we are noticing the last couple of cases it is actually occurring during daylight hours so the suspects, these bad actors are getting a little more brave and actually stealing in broad daylight. >> officials are urging people to speak up if you see anything suspicious. a hazmat scene shut down a major street for hours. and aging tanker with bad labeling led to this incident. around 9:dirty, the county
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sheriff's office were called out to an abandoned tanker. someone left it on the side of pacheco boulevard . the call came after a tow truck driver hired to move the tanker saw that there was some sort of liquid inside of it. no identification on the tanker identifying what was in it. investigators say hazmat was called out to figure out what was inside. they closed the street and started the process. after hours of investigation and testing officials determined the unknown substance was a type of vegetable oil. >> it's been here for approximately a week and no one can give us a definite time as to when they saw it first arrived. since we know that it's here and we've got it under our control we will take the appropriate action identifying the product. >> occasionally we get people dropping off containers on the shoulder. it's an ongoing problem that
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has been going on for years. >> the road was finally reopened after more than three hours. the tanker is one of three tagged as abandoned in that area. they don't know if they dumped all three containers but are trying to figure out who owns them. a sign of the times. could this be the end of land lines? i still have one. >> i still have one as well. at&t's plans to get rid of all land lines in the east bay. some fog back for tomorrow morning but how much sunlight is on the way? and as a look at the forecast in about seven minutes. we would take it to the small town that could determine how cities nationwide deal with the homelessness crisis. for months they waited for their american
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south san francisco is getting some help from the state to improve its connection to the rest of the city. a new pilot program is designed
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to transform and reconnect communities that have been historically divided by highways. the project includes converting underused highways that divide the neighborhood into multiple corridor's. the city is looking at barriers created by 101, el camino, coleman creek and railroad track . the goal is to increase access to south san francisco by improving transportation, housing, jobs and parks and want to build better connections for biking and walking. it is a resolution urging state regulators to stop at&t from cutting the cord on all landline services. do you have a landline and want to keep it? leaders are expected to vote on that tonight. the company requesting to discontinue or ditch the obligation as the state default landlord-- landline provider. it says there is little demand for services but state law requires at&t to provide voice communication to anyone who wants or needs it in their area. cell phone service is spotty at best in some places and house lawmakers recently asked the
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organization to put their foot down arguing that it could threaten public safety. starting today you may be able to skip the middleman when it comes to filing your taxes. the irs is rolling out a pilot program including here in california called direct file and allows people to file their own taxes online for free directly with the irs. is meant to save taxpayers time and hundreds of dollars that they might spend with a tax preparer. to qualify you need to be following a simple federal tax return and take the standard deduction. this is a big deal and the list is out. california is home to 10 new restaurants on the michelin guide and one is right here in the bay area. the restaurant is called 7 adams and it is now michelin recommended. it's in the fillmore district. it features a nightly five course tasting menu with dishes like handmade pasta and. collar. this is one of your fancy restaurants. the other nine restaurants new on the guide are down in los
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angeles and meant to help foodies discover new spots before the michelin stars are given out each year. they are such tiny little dishes as well. >> i like tiny portions. >> portions, that's what i was looking for. >> michelin restaurant. let's take you outside, a live look in san jose. can we get a reservation at this place? >> we could try. it's going to be some nice weather to eat outside as we head into the upcoming weekend. as far as it goes tonight, we still have some cloud cover lingering across the bay area and any kind of rainfall has now last as you will see on the scan right now, we are drying out. there has even been a little brief window of sunshine across parts of the east bay. mixing in with some of the clouds and 60 degrees, we are
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down to 40s by 11:00 p.m. and noticed some cloud cover starting to return as we head into the early morning hours. that will be patchy areas of fog to start and by the morning commute we will see some high clouds to the mid-day, and then as we head into tomorrow afternoon's forecast, here comes the sunshine and it will be nice to get that back in here across the bay. we will dip tomorrow to 46 to the peninsula, south bay at 45 and it's going to be good with that dry weather to start you off on the commute tomorrow. midweek forecast in san francisco at the north bay at 42. temperatures for tomorrow warming up so we are still in the comfortable range. 66 in san jose and double sixes for gilroy through the east bay and right near the bay on 66 in fremont, 67 in hayward, 65 in livermore. temperatures really
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not that windy here through the day 54 through the outer sunset. and across the north bay 64 down toward sonoma, 67. one thing we will start to notice is dryer air beginning to move in. that's because of the way these weather systems are developing but areas to the south is what is really digging into the southwest and that's going to help to create the wind. starting to kick up the wind and around 11:00 o'clock we will get into gusts of 20 - 25 mph but the most gusty will be on thursday with strong northeast wind especially in
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the north bay mountains at the coast. we will stay with strong wind from thursday morning through thursday evening and then as we head into friday the wind will start to calm down. we may get into some power outages but the other thing to look out for is your allergies. we have pine, ash, cedar and oak so the wind will kick it all around. look out for that. watching out for your weekend, sunny skies, san francisco in the mid-upper 50s. >> patterns you a michelin star he was known for being a perfectionist on the court but some imperfections on the statue of the late kobe bryant has fans demanding a redo. we will show
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the first of its kind bill introduced today would ban additives from food served in california public schools. on the list, six artificial food dyes that are linked to hyperactivity and behavioral issues and some kids. cereals, condiments, some baked goods, and the bill was introduced by jesse gabrielle and would make california the first in the nation to ban additives in schools.
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? argue that if the bill passes, only a handful of items and cafeterias would actually be impacted. diet weed. and teenagers are using it. a study published in the journal of the american medical association finds that one in 10 high school seniors say they have used delta 8 thc. it is known as diet weed because it is a cannabis product believed to have weaker psychoactive effects than delta 9 which is typically found in marijuana. part of the reason for growing popularity? a loophole in the 2018 farm bill that legalized hemp. vendors are able to sell delta eight back as long as it comes from hemp plants rather than marijuana. some doctors say delta 8 may carry some of the same risks as regular marijuana on developing adolescent brains. fans in los angeles have been calling out some imperfections on the new statue of the late kobe bryant. it has been a month since the unveiling of the statues and fans are noticing spelling errors.
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can you believe that? a 19 foot bronze statue inspired by his pose after he scored 81 points in a game back in 2006, it's in line with the official scores report on the statue, they misspelled at least two names of players and the word decision was misspelled. >> if it's a mistake, that's got to go because we know that kobe bryant and his reputation as a perfectionist, as someone who wants to do it right, why would you have that? it's got to go, it's got to get redone. >> yes, and it's going to go. the lakers say they have been aware of this for a few weeks and are already working to get it corrected asap. heading to hollywood where lenny kravitz is going to get a star on the walk of fame today. what his famous daughter had to say about the big honor. here's the control room and lester holt getting ready for nightly news. one of the top
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stories, a new cnbc investigation looks into the shadowy world of organized retail crime. where all of that stolen stuff is ending up. lester joins us in about four minutes. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer
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a rock icon got a star on the hollywood walk of fame. you know who we are talking about? >> lenny kravitz. today, the grammy-winning artist received a star for
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recording category. his daughter who is an actor along with denzel washington joined him for the unveiling. he took a moment out of the speak to poke-- she took a timeout of her speech. >> i see incredible dedication to your art but mostly, but mostly i see you through your shirt. you really do pull it off. your relationship with the netted shirt is probably her longest one and it works. >> ouch. >> zoe is his daughter with actress lisa bonnet. he's wearing a shirt which is unusual for him. coming up, this may help ease the pain of skyrocketing pg&e bills. customers are about to get a sizable credit on the april bill. why it's happening and how much
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it's going to be coming up on our 7:00 o'clock news. up next, the prime minister of haiti resigns as the country descends into chaos. can peace be brought to the country before violence gets worse? lester holt joins us from new tonight, the heated moments on capitol hill the special counsel who investigated president biden's handling of classified documents grilled by lawmakers. special counsel robert hur defending his year-long investigation, and saying he did not exonerate the president. democrats blasting hur for disparaging mr. biden's memory in his report republicans demanding to know why he ultimately chose not to charge the president. our team at the capitol. also this evening, the massive explosion destroying a home in pennsylvania two people killed. what caused it the whistle-blower who raised safety concerns about boeing found dead what authorities are saying it comes as we learn new details about that boeing plane flying from australia that suddenly plunged in midair


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