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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 13, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm ellison barber. kate and zinhle are off today. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, march 13th, 2024.
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breaking news. charges dropped. three counts against former president donald trump are thrown out in georgia, how the judge is explaining his decision. time up for tiktok? the chinese-owned app is now one step closer to being banned in the u.s. what's next for the legislation and what it means for millions of american users. prescription for change, a weight loss drug gets approved for a new use. and game over? doesn't have to be for kids who just love their video games. how you can help them set healthy boundaries. we'll begin this hour with that breaking news involving former president donald trump. a judge scott mccaffrey
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overseeing the georgia election interference case has dropped three charges. saying the prosecution lacked enough detail for those charges. he's pleaded not guilty to the counts. leading us off this hour is blayne alex ander in atlanta, blayne, walk us through this, what charges were dropped. what it means for the case against trump? >> reporter: ellison, three counts total that were dropped and they all have to do with trump's alleged attempts to put pressure on state officials to change the results of the election, basically the slis tigs of violation of oath. what's important here, you'll likely recognize most that now infamous phone call the former president trump made to find enough votes to overturn biden's election victory here in georgia. the charge specifically relating to that phone call has been
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tossed out. that's notable. important to mention that phone call is still in the indictment, still going to be presented in court and still a piece of the evidence. now as for what this means for this georgia case against trump it's important to note, yes, he's still facing ten other charges. legal experts here in georgia said it's largely insignificant when it comes to the entire context of the case. that rico charge still stands and certainly going to be notable he's still facing a number of significant charges here. >> have we heard anything from donald trump or the attorneys representing him in. >> reporter: we've heard from his lead georgia attorney, he's the person who has been, you know, leading his defense here in georgia and he's taking this as a victory. the ruling is a correct application of the law as the prosecution failed to make specific allegations of any allege td wrongdoing on these
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counts and the entire prosecution of president trump is political, constitutes election interference and should be dismissed. i should point out in this nine-page ruling from the judge today, he allows for the d.a. to have a couple of options, she can either appeal this decision or she can file -- she can try and re-indict on these charges. go before a grand jury and re-indict. her office is still working through and evaluating this ruling today. but tells me they haven't ruled anything out, ellison. >> blayne, thank you. a potential tiktok ban is now one step closer to becoing a reality in the united states. the house has overwhelming passed a bill to force tiktok's china-based owner to sell the app within six months. if they don't it would be blocked from app stores in the united states. the final vote was 352-65. the bill now heads to the senate but right now it's not clear
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when it could come up for a vote. president biden said he'll sign the measure if it reaches his desk. savannah sellers is in washington, d.c. and brian cheung is here in studio. savannah, not the first time you've been in d.c. covering a tiktok social media-related hearing on the hill, what are house lawmakers saying about today's vote. >> reporter: look, you said it passes by an overwhelming margin, only needed 278 votes in order for this to advance to the senate, they got 352. the mixed of representative whogs voted yess and nos. republicans and democrats in both of those categories. some of the lawmakers. >> in a decisive and bipartisan fashion. i don't support a ban on tiktok. the legislation did not ban
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tiktok. >> i'm concerned in terms of the data that america data shouldn't be going in those hands. that's why we need a internet privacy rule. >> no word in the constitution does it say that. we should protect national security, but this isn't the way to go about doing that. >> reporter: there's this mix, concerns about free speech and young voters from those who voted no, ellison. >> brian, tiktok has been pretty vocal in speaking out against some of the accusations coming from lawmakers on the hill. >> shortly after the vote happened and the bill was passed at least on the house side of things they responded with a statement saying, quote, this process was secret and the bill was jammed through for one reason, it's a ban. pointed to the millions of americans who use this service
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in this country. saying this would be devastating for them. they use the social media app to sell goods. when it comes to what tiktok is saying with regards to the core of this bill, national security concerns, they deny they're supplying anything to the chinese government in terms of information. they say they operate independently, this is going to be an ongoing battle. tiktok put notifications on its app to urge their congressional representatives to vote no and we heard the tiktok ceo is on the senate side of things where the battle is headed for the next move. >> savannah, brian mentioned the senate, no official date yet on when they might vote, do they plan to ring this up for a vote. >> reporter: look, it doesn't look they're doing it with much
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urgency. that being said we have heard more of a pushback than we did from representatives prior to this vote happening in the house. one of the big things that we keep hearing is this concern about young voters. senator durbin said do we want to mess with a vote that young voters love when we're trying to get re-elected. >> if this does become law, what happens ultimately to tiktok and the company. >> the way this bill is structured is such if it gets passed it has to go through the senate and passed by the president, it will be six months. if bytedance sells it within that time, no disruption. if they fail to do so in six months the app would be banned. >> all right, savannah sellers, brian cheung, thank you both. denver is staring down a
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major snowstorm which could be the city's biggest in three years. how much snow are we talking? upwards of 8 inches are possible in denver and nearby areas, with some people seeing a foot and a half of snow. nbc news meteorologist bill karins is tracking this storm, bill, time it out for us. >> reporter: ellison this is classic large, maybe historic in some cases march snow. snow, high winds. the snow portion, 5 million are under winter alerts either warnings or advisories. areas hit the hardest the foothill regions. the snow along the i-25 corridor. the snowfall totals in some cases will be over 2 feet. the problem is that some areas are very mild. it's getting colder, a heavy wet snow especially in the beginning of this storm. we're worried about power outages. lot of our computer models put
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together, 14 inches in denver, 22 in castle rock, 9 inches in colorado springs. 7 inches is the biggest snowstorm this winter in denver. easily be the biggest storm of the season. likely school cancellations widespread. the possibility of isolated tornadoes, too. it's time now for money minute. mortgage demand is on the rise this week and spotify is hoping video will kill the streaming star. mortgage demand got a boost from a drop in rates this past week. total number of applications increased from the prior week. according to mortgage bankers association.
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the average rate for 30-year loan fell from just over 7% to 6.84%. but, home buyers are up against more than high interest rates to get into a new home. they're also dealing with sky-high prices and pretty low supply of homes for sell. tyson pork plant in iowa will close permanently in june. leaving 1,000 workers without a job. the company had been closing down other facilities since the beginning of the year in an effort to focus on what they call efficiency, in in other words cutting costs. spotify is rolling out music videos looking to compete against youtube. music streaming giant is doing a beta launch for premium subscribers in 11 countries including the u.s. and uk starting today. selection of videos ranging from global artists to more niche
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performers. the thing about youtube is, think about justin bieber, he was discovered on youtube and became a huge star. that's the beauty of it. >> yes, truly. bertha, thank you so much. we appreciate it coming up, have you filed your tacks yet?? if not, don't worry. you have time and you can do it you have time and you can do it for i'm fradding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year,
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today the searches are intensifying for two college students who vanished in separate cases. . in texas caleb harris has been missing for more than a week, his family says he picked up an uber eats order outside his apartment and he hasn't been seen or heard from since. and in riley strain was last leaving a bar while on fraternity trip. morgan, let's start with texas, hundreds of people there offering to help search for caleb harris. where are they looking and any sign of him yet? >> reporter: ellison, unfortunately no sign of caleb harris as of right now. we do know that in addition to searching north padre island where he resided they're looking specifically in and around the area outside his apartment complex according to online records he walked out to get
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that uber eats order which was completed. according to the app. we do know that corpus christi police are now working with the u.s. coast guard, of course, while his apartment was there on the island, you know he has a bay to the left and ocean to the right, there are massive waterways on either side here, waterways on either side here, ellison, but as of right now no sign of harris. his family growing increasingly desperate, we know we're in touch with them and anticipate to hear from his father later today. ellison morgan what the situation in nashville. >> reporter: new evidence is coming out, almost by the hour, ellison, coming in the form of newly released surveillance footage of that university of missouri student who's on that fraternity trip to nashville. we know that riley strain left
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that bar belonging to luke bryan on friday night and he's not been seen by family or friends since then. luke bryan going to instagram today saying this is scary, calling on everyone in that community to please help to try to locate that missing student. >> morgan, thank you a small city in oregon is at the center of supreme court battle on homelessness and depending on the outcome it should shape the way other cities address encampments in their cities. liz kreutz takes us there. >> a growing number of people on to streets. what is it like to be homeless here in. >> an absolute nightmare. >> reporter: homeless here for five years feels strict
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anti-camping ordnances including fines for sleeping in any private space violated her constitutional rights. the 8th amendment, cruel and unusual punishment. >> reporter: but the flip side officials say is a city dotted with tents. >> our city deserves to have the ability to hold people accountable to bad behavior and ultimately our citizenry can't utilize park spaces. >> reporter: a heated legal battle has now dragged on for years. now the final decision is in the hands of the supreme court. what's happening here is a microcosm for an issue that's playing out across the country and ultimately how the u.s. supreme court rules in this case can determine how cities nationwide can navigate their homeless crisis. >> reporter: california governor newsom among the democratic
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lawmakers taking the conservative side of this issue rand hoping the current conservative supreme court will side with them. petitioning to the court on behalf grants pass, it has paralyzed cities like los angeles and san francisco. effectively blocking them from moving people off public streets. >> these court decisions have tied cities' hands. frozen in place the status quo who is truly unacceptable. >> reporter: but ed johnson says lawmakers like newsom are deflecting blame and siding with the city for political reasons. if the supreme court sides with the city of grants pass what does that mean for other cities, san francisco, los angeles, portland? >> those cities aren't trying to do what grants pass is trying to do. grants pass wants to make it
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illegal 24 hours a day. the problem is that if that's allowed many cities will run all of the homeless people out of their community and they have to go somewhere. >> reporter: for helen who now cleans homes and lives at this church the fear of the upcoming supreme court ruling is overwhelm glg i don't want to think about what's going to happen. uncertainty that nobody wants to think about. >> reporter: a no-win solution when there's limited housing and nowhere to go. liz kreutz, nbc news, oregon. coming up, armed gangs in haiti ravaging the capital, what we're learning about the race to we're learning about the race to get americans out. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have
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one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. welcome back to "the forward." security checkpoints are open at sfo. protesters calling for a seize fire disrupted traffic and blocked two checkpoints. is everything back to normal? >> reporter: you can see behind me, this is interest naergsal terminal gates a. you can see there's the usual rush. it has returned here to the gates. of course, for nearly three hours, there was kind of a huge scene out here with all the demonstrators. they were going from terminal -- from gates a to gates g, trying
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to block as much traffic as possible. we do know that the airport pretty quickly reacted and they started sending passengers to the domestic security gates to get them through security there. then they could go to their flights. what we know at this point is that there were no flights delayed. there were also no arrests. let's show you this video here. we noticed this was winding down as vehicles that were used as part of the demonstration were towed. there were cars on the approach to the international terminal. those vehicles were towed an hour ago as we first arrived here at san francisco international. it's a demonstration that went on for three hours. it did affect traffic coming in here. there was confusion for passengers who are used to figure out how to get to their flights in the international terminal. then the people going to the domestic terminals as well. we understand from police that
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while there was a large mobilization of officers to help disburse this demonstration, they basically disbursed on their own after nearly three hours. there have been no arrests that were made. although, we do know there were several vehicles that were towed. one of the commanders that i chatted with briefly here at sfo says those cars that have been towed were towed under the authority of the san francisco police department. for now, things seem to have returned back to normal here at the international terminal. >> thank you so much. inconvenient for a lot of passengers. thank you. let's talk about our weather. the rain is behind us. expect some powerful winds coming our way. >> we will be drying out and warming up over the next couple of days. starting today. another thing that's going to come with this is those wind speeds. we will be under a wind advisory
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late they are afternoon, continuing to thursday and friday. the windiest day will be tomorrow. the mountains could gust 25 to 60 miles an hour. this hour by hour wind speed as we track this in the north bay for the commute hours. be careful with driving on the roadways, especially through the mountain passes and bridges, we look at the wind speeds nearly 55 mile an hour. this is for the entire bay area. do take the time to prepare for this. we are talking about a nice and warm weekend. >> thank you so much. here are other stories you need to know about. a high speed rail -- we are having some budget issues with high speed rail. let me tell you about that. let me find the script. basically, it is short by a few -- where is that? let's talk about high speed
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rail. it's going to run from san francisco to l.a. the project's ceo testified in front of the state senate transportation committee and leaders say they need an additional $100 billion to complete this segment. they say the project is short several billion dollars on the central valley segment. tiktok could be banned. the house passed a bipartisan bill. tiktok is owned by bitedance, a chinese company. u.s. lawmakers and intelligence officials worry the chinese government could use the video sharing app to access personal data from users. many influencers and content creators are saying the ban would hurt their businesses. tiktok has launched a lobbying campaign to kill the bill. it heads to the senate where it's unclear if it will pass. president biden will sign the bill into law if it ends up on his desk. next month, the california supreme court will hear an appeal on whether uc berkeley can build housing at people's park. they ruled the environmental
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impact report was inadequate. the court said they did not have potential alternatives and didn't show impact on noise and displacement. the university had the option to the university had the option to fix when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease,
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serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." new details are emerging about the alaska airlines plane
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whose door panel blew off mid-flight. the pane was scheduled to undergo maintenance that very night. no one was seriously hurt when the incident happened back in january. a new gallup survey has found that more women in the u.s. are identifying as part of the lgbtq, nearly 30% of gen-z women identify as lgbtq-plus. former cnn anchor don lemon said his media deal with elon musk's platform x has been cancelled. lem nonclaims the deal was scrubbed after a contentious interview with elon musk. musk said the don lemon show, quote, lacked authenticity and a lemon mouthpiece for former cnn
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leader jeff zucker. a team of u.s. marines has arrived in haiti to secure the american embassy as violence spreads across the country. armed gangs have taken control of large parts of haiti's capital. the prime minister and acting president announced yesterday he'll resign once a transnational council picks his can replacement. nbc news correspondent guad venega is in miami's little haiti neighborhood. talk to us about little haiti. what is it like there and what are people in that community saying about the growing unrest in haiti? >> reporter: ellison, little haiti is the heart of the haitian community in the united states. there's hundreds of thousands of haitians that live in southern florida a large community in new york and other cities, but this is the center of the community
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in the country and there's a lot of reaction from some of people here, having conversations since yesterday and they specifically all mentioned the weapons, when we see the images of the gangs of what's happening in haiti we see the gang members with weapons that have been used to gain control of more than 80% of port-au-prince and they believe members of the community that spoke to me they believe more attention needs to be placed on the issue of weapons that keep arriving in haiti that the gangs are using many of these weapons they believe come from the united states. earlier today i had a conversation with a photojournalist who was born if in haiti, move to the u.s., a pillar part of this community and he also brought up the issue of the weapons and the lack of food. part of the conversation that we had. >> a shame where haitians can afford ak-47s but can't afford a bowl of rice. something is wrong. >> if those who are ruling the
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streets have the real concern of the country and for the people, then they'll find a way to make it happen. >> reporter: so, like many others he kept saying that whatever happens in haiti he wants to feel like the decisions are going to be made by the people of haiti and not the sper fashional community, we'll have to wait to see what happens if the next 24, 48 hours, ellison. >> guad, there was a journalist and author airlifted from haiti. he was visiting an orphanage that he runs in the country. what do we know about that situation? >> reporter: mitch, a very well-known writer in the united states, he has a foundation that operates an orphanage in haiti, he was visiting that orphanage, he had to get airlifted because there was no way to leave the country. the airports were closed. he was airlifted.
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he shared a statement in which he shared his emotions, he and his wife are destroyed by what's happening. some volunteers that were at that orphanage had to leave with them. the feeling of them having to leave the children behind as they came to the united states, which is the case with many others that have been operating orphanages or in the country trying to offer aid who have had to escape because of that violence, ellison. >> guad, thank you. in today's daily health, the blockbuster drug wegovy isn't just for weight loss anymore fda say it can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. joining me now is christine romans and next news medical contributor dr. natalie azar. dr. azar, let's start with you on this, the change comes after a study looked at its effect on heart health what did those results find and how does it
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work for patients with heart disease. >> the results were pretty dramatic, we reported on them a come of months ago. what they found was that individuals who have a history of pre-existing heart disease or either obese or overweight who took wegovy 20% reduce risk in cardiovascular. the study's authors say, if you lose weight that will lower cardiovascular -- they started to see this benefit even before people started losing weight. the medicine is not just resulting in weight loss but it's doing something really good to your blood vessels stabilizing them, reducing the risk. >> wegovy out of pocket, quite expensive with the fda approval
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it could cover more people under insurance. >> an important development. $1300 out of pocket is what this costs. if you go to the wegovy website, you can see very clearly they have a tool if your own health insurance company will help pay for this. remember, ozempic and earlier versions of these drugs were used off-label. this is specifically designed for weight loss, the new approval for wegoy to reduce heart attack and stroke risk, you have might have to have a pre-authorization from the company and prove frankly you've had other weight loss attempts that have been unsuccessful. so there could be some hoops to run through here but it's clearing the way for more people to have this covered. a reminder, part of the problem here medicare doesn't cover weight loss drugs because of the debacle 20 years ago when taxpayers dollars paying for weight loss treatments weren't
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working or actually were harmful, congress said, taxpayer dollars can't be used to pay for these sort of drugs. >> when it comes to production, i assume this would add to the desire for people to use it and already we hear stories of people wanting it and not being able to get it. >> they're running around the clock here and they had really pushed out just first doses for a while so that everybody could get on the first doses. they have said they have -- that situation. they'll try to get more of the product through the pipelines. be patient. they've been working frantically since january to try and make sure this drug is available. >> dr. azar when someone is thinking maybe this is the right move for me, when they should say, let's talk to the doctor and are there any side effects they should know about. >> with the new indication to reduce the heart disease, there's going to be a lot more people, more candidates for this medication. not just for the treatment of obesity anymore.
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this is truly a cardiovascular risk reduction. nausea, diarrhea, constipation. the potential increase of thyroid cancer, pancreas, vision problems. experts say start low, go slow, most people can end up tolerating quite well, ellison. >> thank you both. we appreciate it. the deadline to file your taxes is just one month away. for many taxpaying filing season can be costly. there are a lot of ways to file your taxes for free. "nbc news daily" anchor zinhle essamuah shows us in her latest installment of her series "simply explained."
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>> in addition to all these bills. >> when it comes to filing your taxes, most americans are on the same page. >> definitely not looking forward to filing my taxes this year. >> it's expensive. >> well, it's definitely more expensive. >> reporter: but did you know you can file your taxes by the april 15th deadline for free? simply doing your taxes does not have to cost you. have you ever filed your taxes for free? >> no. >> did you know you can do that? >> no. >> reporter: quick history lesson. taxes weren't always so complicated or expensive. in the early 1900s, the 16th amendment established a federal income tax but at that time most people were exempt, in fact, less than 1% of the population paid income taxes. that changed at the beginning of world war ii when taxes became a way to help pay for the war. >> i have called for personal sacrifice. >> reporter: in 1939 only 5% of the population paid income tax, growing to 60% by the war's end. and with more people paying taxes, came the creation of tax preparation companies. it's a business that would later become so profitable, tax preparation companies would spend millions lobbying against free filing services. >> the tax preparation industry, both in person and online, has spent a great deal of money to
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get members of congress to see things their way. the public goal should be to have a system that doesn't force you to spend a chunk of your pay to have someone fill out your tax return. >> reporter: the issue has been brought up in multiple congressional hearings. >> tax prep companies have sabotaged the free file program. >> reporter: companies that have found themselves in the hot seat, like intuit, the maker of turbotax, say in part as our business grows so does our engagement and education of policymakers on various issues, from a.i. and innovation, to stronger consumer protections and tax simplification, while h&r block says in part the irs should focus additional funding on improving existing services, it offers approximately 43 different forms. so, let's talk about the multiple ways you can file for free. that is, if you have a simple return. >> a lot of people don't realize that they don't have to pay a tax preparer. >> reporter: i sat down with cnbc's sharyn epperson to discuss four main ways to file
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for free. starting with direct file, a brand-new pilot program this year that's available in 12 states. >> if you have w2 wages, if you have unemployment compensation, or if you have social security benefits, that's something that you want to look at for direct file. you can also do free file on the website. you have to have an income less than $79,000 to qualify. free file allows you to get tax prep for free online through a tax partner with the irs. if you want another free option but you make over $79,000 a year, you can check out irs free file fillable forms, you're not going to get any guidance or tax preparation advice, but you will be able to file your taxes for free. there are also other organizations that offer free help. there's a volunteer income tax assistance program, aarp foundation has a tax aid program for those 60 and older, low and moderate income, and then if you're a veteran in the military, there's no tax. >> reporter: according to the irs, on average, individual
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taxpayers spend about $140 to get their taxes prepared with an 8% rise in tax preparation costs this year. >> look at these different options that allow you to do your taxes for free, if you qualify, use them instead of going to a tax preparer. >> and that's free tax filing simply explained. >> our thanks to zinhle essamuah. we want to hear from you, what do you want simply explained. let zinhle know by connecting on your favorite social media platforms. coming up, do you have a child who's seemingly obsessed with video games. the warning signs they might actually be addicted and how to actually be addicted and how to set healthy - my childhood was kind of rough.
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my parents loved us but, they had a hard time showing it, you know. i wanna break out of that pattern so my daughter feels safe in a way that i didn't. - have you ever heard of something called toxic stress? it can develop in people who experience trauma as kids and don't get the support they need. when they have their own kids, it can be hard for them to be the type of parent they wanna be. - well, i want toxic stress to end with me. - learn more at
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in today's modern parenting we're talking about how to raise a healthy gamer. our next guest literally wrote the book on it. he says it's important for parents to practice restraint and not restriction especially since research finds children between the ages of 8 to 17 spend an average ofth
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it's out now. also known as dr. k. this concept of healthy gaming. games are big in my world. i'm biased to some certain games. it's like a movie. i'm not great at playing a lot of the games that exist today but i appreciate so much the scripting and all the skill that goes into it, it's not a bad thing to be into games, what does it mean to be a healthy gamer. >> exactly what you said, they can be a form of high art, a form of recreation, a form of fun. the challenge is if we look at what's happening with video games they start to meet our psychological needs. as they start scratching those itches we retreat from the real world and start becoming dependent on the game to fill our psychological needs.
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a healthy gamer is someone who has a full life that's worth living and then plays game for fun and no other reason. >> what are some tips you have for parents to be able to decipher who their kids are playing games and going into online chat rooms or different spaces where they're gaming with others in a healthy waiver us is this is crossing a line into addiction. >> yes, absolutely the most important thing to look at in addiction psych try we look for impairment dysfunction. are they interfering with your child's academic work, professional work, socialization, physical health, mental health, are they withdrawn, moody, kind of all they're thinking about all the time. >> what can parents do to hp them break the addiction if you're noticing those signs? >> the challenge is that standard parenting techniques don't work because games will
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transform your child's brain and their mind. that's what we do in the book is lay out a step by step process that involves first of all talking to your child, what is it about the game they really enjoy doing, often times parents will try to force their children into something without understanding their perspective. that creates an antagonistic relationship. what we do in the book lay out a step by step approach by winning over your children, connecting with them and getting on the same team. >> avid gamers are some of the smartest people i know. what are the benefits of knit. >> absolutely, there's study done by the department of defense by the united states back in 2015 that found people who found video games have 20% higher fluid iq, if we think about what a game does, a brand-new set of rules and you learn how to problem solve. that bears out on studies like
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iqs. all kinds of benefit and what are some of the other psychological benefits help your kid play games, develop different skills, but not get carried away. >> games can be a great way to form community but the whole point they should not be your primary or only source of community. the goal for parents is how can we extract the positives from video games, so during the pandemic gamers were resilient to pressure of depression and anxiety because we had online community. we don't want that community to be the only community your child participates in. >> thank you so much for being here. >> thank you so much. stay with us. there's more news ahead. you're watching "nbc news daily". anthony: this making you uncomfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times
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the road, you they were diverte other security zones and no related flight delays. international passengers were rattled. >> my wife asked, is that really -- do you think it's doing any good? i think those are helping them feel better that they are trying to make a difference. again, in life, in the world, there's two sides. understanding, talking and working together with love and compassion and charity is always the best way to do it. that was a little disruptive.
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it went a little bit far. >> reporter: the protesters say their goal was to disrupt the airport for 158 minutes to call for a cease-fire in gaza and to mark the 158th day since they say the genocide started. i just ran inside the terminal and checked the arrival and departure board. no delays. it does appear that everything is running smoothly here at sfo. >> that's good news for travellers and people dropping them off. the rain, it's behind us for now. it's a little windy before we get sunshine. we have a look at the forecast. >> for the next couple of days, more sunshine around the bay area. including san francisco and along all of our bay area coastline. we have to worry about the wind speeds. we will be under a wind advisory tonight through friday morning. the gusts could be from 20 to 50
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mile an hour, especially on our bay area hilltops. be careful with that. friday, the wind speeds will die down and give way to a nice weekend in san francisco. we prepare for the parade on sunday. temperatures very nice and comfortable. it's a mild couple of days in our inland valleys. we warm up temperatures from the upper 60s to mid 70s by friday. continuing this trend as we welcome spring on tuesday. little bit of a stout to that. >> oh, wow. >> big and round, but lots of fruit. >> craig melvin, he's a bourbon man. >> it's fully matured in bourbon for about 15 years. all those vanilla notes. brown sugary notes. >> that's perfect for a southern gentlemen. carson daly, rock and roll. >> what's more rock and roll with beer and a whiskey chaser. 70% stout and then 30% bourbon >> carson, here's your total request line.
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so i need a whiskey for my friend who is refined but a lot of fun. a little bit cheeky, al roker. berkeley took a big step to right past wrongs. the city returned ancestral land back to the ohlone tribe. it's now a parking lot in west berkeley. the mayor was joined by some of the indigenous people holding signs. the mayor said this represents the biggest urban land giveback to indigenous people in california history. >> berkeley made history. we did it by honoring the first people who live on this land. this historic step is critical to righting past wrongs and embracing a future that honors the diverse history of the region.
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>> 5,700 years ago, it was a ceremonial and burial site. it's in the hands of the land trust operated by indigenous women. we will have more in our afternoon newscast. get all the news on our website. i hourly updates and our i hourly updates and our in with his environ (♪♪ ) why did i keep missing out on thi with q? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control,
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and she said sandra's been killed. i was like, oh, my god. as soon as she was killed, we all knew who did it. as the months went on, we just realized that this guy's going to get off. how is this happening? just keep praying.


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