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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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i'm raj mathai. next on nbc bay area news tonight. headaches for travelers at sfo. protesters calling for a ceasefire in gaza causing some chaos here. also, congress pushing for a bipartisan ban on tiktok. but will it actually happen? we're joined by a media law expert. plus, a mold issue at a housing project for the homeless. after days of questions, we now have some answers. and 10,000 runners headed to
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oakland this weekend for the annual marathon. but this year, there is a hint of curry. also -- ♪ little boy black ♪ >> the woman who made headlines for becoming the oldest park ranger made headlines with part of a new documentary. >> good evening, this is nbc bay area news tonight. i'm raj mathai. that mold issue in san jose and the big event this weekend in oakland, we'll get to those stories in just a few minutes. we begin, though, with the headaches at sfo. hundreds of protesters calling for a ceasefire descended on the airport this morning. they disrupted the international terminal. no flights were delayed or canceled, but the demonstration did cause chaos for a lot of people just trying to get through security and on to their flights. >> free, free palestine. >> free, free palestine. >> you can hear them. you can see them. hundreds of protesters spreading
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out, trying to disrupt travelers and flight crews. they blocked both the roadway outside the terminal and two security gates inside. that forced the airport to reroute people to checkpoints in other parts of the airport. some protesters actually blocked one of the escalators you can see there. >> i arrived, and then they block off the entrance. so i find a shortcut to get off and now i'm going to the gate. >> here today to remind the world of what is happening in gaza, to remind the world that over 35,000 palestinians have been massacred in five months with funding from the u.s. >> sfo did call in additional police officers, but no one was actually arrested. our sky ranger, though, was overhead. you can see a lot of the cars there belonging to the protesters. those cars were towed away. well, eight days after super tuesday, there are still thousands of ballots to be counted. we're keeping an eye on a couple of close races unfolding still.
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first, district 16 on the peninsula and south bay. who is going to replace long time congresswoman anna eshoo. look at the numbers here. former san jose mayor sam liccardo leads with 21% of the vote. so this is really a race for second place to see who else advances to the november ballot. remember, the top two advance. santa clara supervisor joe simitian is ahead by 168 votes over assembly man evan low. and in the east bay, district 7 covers parts of san francisco, alameda and contra costa counties. berkeley mayor jesse arreguin is the front-runner. transit leader jovanka beckels is leading over dan kalb. here is a sign of the times, fighting back against driverless cars on the peninsula. san jose leaders are asking state regulators to reconsider their approval of waymo's planned extension. earlier state regulators gave
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waymo the go ahead, where waymo plans to expand, down the peninsula into the south bay, into santa clara county. today san mateo county sent an official appeal to state regulators saying they didn't give them enough time to discuss concerns with waymo. despite the appeal, waymo is still cleared to operate in san mateo county. waymo says they have no immediate plans to expand ride service. however, it does plan to start limited service in los angeles as early as tomorrow. well, also tonight, the big story for beijing to the bay area to washington, d.c. lawmakers in the house of representatives passed a bill that would either force tiktok, the owner of tiktok to sell, or face a total ban here in the united states. this comes after concerns from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle over our national security. tiktok's owner is china-based bytedance. lawmakers believe that the chinese government can access
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extensive data on tiktok's 170 million users here in the u.s. while the bill has support from both republicans and democrats, bay area representatives are actually split. >> if they control the data, the privacy data of our people, we are at their mercy. >> if you want to protect people's data, pass an internet bill of rights to do that. don't ban the political speech of 170 million americans. >> yeah, very interesting debate here. tiktok isn't going to go down without a fight. and tiktok creators and users rallying today outside of the capitol, they say saying the app is critical to their business. tiktok also using the site to urge people to contact their senators and ask them to vote no. this bill is far from a sure thing. the senate also has to vote on it, and senate leaders have not said when they plan to bring the issue to the floor. joining us now is eric goldman, dean and professor of law at
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santa clara university. professor goldman, thanks for being with us. we did something similar under president trump. it did not work. and now another attempt. is this just political posturing here? >> it really is. this is just a performative stunt to tell voters that congress knows about china and doesn't like them. but it's not actually a substantive attempt given the fact that the previous efforts have all failed in court. this one is probably going to fail as well. >> we just heard congresswoman ro khanna saying this isn't the way to do it. there is a deeper way to do it. can you expand on that? >> well, first of all, ro khanna made a really important point, that the ban would shut down political speech and lots of other kinds of speech. and that's not the way to solve any problem. that's just censorship. the better approach is if we're truly concerned about foreign governments accessing u.s. consumer data, the approach is to pass a comprehensive federal privacy bill that protects that information against all users, not just the chinese government
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accessing it through tiktok. >> so professor, yes, what you say, do the comprehensive bill. but we move too slowly usually. so if we can't do that, wouldn't this just work, a one-off? >> it is a one-off, but it's a problematic one-off because of the fact that it has such consequences. by shutting downtick together, we're shutting down the speech of tiktok, its users and the app stores. so this is not the way to solve a privacy problem, and it's not the way to respect the constitution. >> so what happens if this bill does pass in the senate? it passed in the house of representatives. what happens if it does pass in the senate and the president signed it? what's the next step? >> if it is passed by the senate, the next step would likely be that there would be legal challenges by both tiktok and its users, and possibly the app stores, although i think that's less likely. and that would go into court, and it would go through almost certainly three layers of review, the district court and the appellate court and the supreme court.
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so this would take years to resolve in court as the parties battle each other. >> it's fascinating. final question for. you have other countries made moves against companies like this before, that you can recall? >> there is a variety of ways in which companies restrict -- countries are restricted ownership of companies. and i'll just mention just today, uk proposed a ban on foreign ownership of newspapers that would restrict an american from buying a newspaper. literally the same playbook. but more importantly, both china and russia have restricted ownership in ways that have impacted american interests, for example, russia blocked the operation of u.s. companies and forced the sale of companies to russian insiders at a huge discount. we're borrowing a playbook from russia. >> professor gold weather map from santa clara university, appreciate your time and your insight. have a good evening. >> thank you. another notable headline tonight, accusations of mold for
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a project to help the homeless. this is a $70 million project. this is a big deal in san jose. city leaders say the problems are now being addressed. here is the back story. this site is a three-story modular housing development on branham lane and monterey road, which is still under construction. last weekend, a labor union investigator went public, first telling the san jose spotlight, then telling nbc bay area that he found mold in one of the buildings at this site. he also said that the prebuild homes were arriving unfinished. joining us now is brandon foe, the reporter who broke the story for the san jose spotlight. brandon, nice to have you here with us. to be clear here, this is housing for the homeless. that's the plan. mold is one problem. is there another problem? >> another big problem is there are multiple issues that the labor unions say they found inside these units. one of them including an s-trap drain configuration which a
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simple google search could siphon gas into a dwelling. >> brandon, how did you come on the the story? did someone reach out to? >> i came on to the story by accident. as it turns out, i was working on a totally different story about labor violation data at the city of san jose going several years back, and i was talking to mauricio velarde of a union which represents steam fitters and plumbers and refrigeration fitters. and at the same time he was telling me about these labor violation, this data that he obtained at the city, he happened to be visiting the site of this project at one branham lane. and you could almost feel the phone drop from his ear as he started to realize what was going on. and that was just the beginning. >> okay. so mold is one problem. the other issue you're talk about, what's the city's response? were they responsive initially? and are they responsive now? >> initially, the city did not want to respond to key details like when these dwellings arrived on the project site.
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these were supposed to be factory-made in tracy, california by a subcontractor on the project, but as the labor investigation found, these buildings arrived unfinished. >> brandon, so we're talking about a $70 million project here by i presume taxpayers' money. what's next in this? is this going to be a big delay? >> well, the city says that they have remediated the mold, but they refuse to say the extent of the mold issue. we have photos of multiple buildings tarped off undergoing mold remediation. the contractor is saying that it's just one laundry unit that has the mold. the next step is -- these buildings were supposed to be moved into by the unhoused community next month. but now we're looking at a summer opening date. >> all right. very interesting. keep us posted on this story, brandon pho with the san jose spotlight. thanks for your time. up next, they're getting back their land. this parking lot in berkeley
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once housed a sacred -- the aloni. the oakland marathon. the oakland marathon. we'll tell wendy's breakfast 2 for $3 is so good, the crew is giving every combination codenames. bis-squared. egg and cheese biscuit and sausage biscuit. 2 biscuits! i'm impressed tyler knew what squaring was... mathletes! no matter what you call it, choose wisely. choose wendy's breakfast 2 for $3.
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welcome back to nbc bay area news tonight. a nearly ten-year legal battle is over. the city of berkeley is returning sacred ancestral land
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back to the ohlone people. the move marks the largest urban giveback to indigenous people in california history. ♪♪ pretty special, and very emotional. this is the celebration on the site this morning. it's a two-acre parking lot on fourth street. before the parking lot, this land was the sacred shellmound where indigenous remains and artifacts are buried. last night the city council made the deal official through a land trust. the city will pay the developer who owns the land $27 million. >> it's frankly absurd that we have to take this step to buy land that was stolen in the first place to give it back to the people that owned it and that lived on it. but it's important that we do that. we hope that other cities will do that as well. >> we want to restore the native plants and animals. we want to bring the creek up. we want to have an educational center for people to come together and learn about the true history of this land. >> the ohlone tribe says it
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plans to restore one of the shellmounds buried underneath all of that concrete. also tonight, here come the runners, and a lot of walkers as well. the oakland marathon is happening this weekend. about 10,000 people will be participating in the various events this weekend. this year the marathon also has some bay area star power, steph and ayesha curry. that's because their foundation, eat, learn, play, is now an official partner of the marathon. the proceeds will go to the curry's foundation, eat, learn play. and the funds will be used to help elementary and middle school kids in oakland to thrive by creating safe spaces to play and be active. you also don't have to be a distance runner to be part of the oakland marathon. a bunch of events for all age groups and still levels. that includes a 5k and 10k run and a kids fun run this saturday. joining us now is the ceo of eat, learn, play foundation.
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chris, nice to have you on the program. let me get this straight. let's start with the big question. are you actually running in the marathon this weekend? >> i am running the oakland marathon this weekend. i'm excited about it. i'm also quite nervous. was our eat, run, play foundation is involved, and that's the more important things. >> a ceo i guess putting their foot where their mouth. oakland marathon has been happening for decades, as you know. why partner in? this is fairly knew for your foundation. why get involved with this event? >> our foundation, eat, learn, play, we see this as a great opportunity to really do two things. one, we're the charitable beneficiary of the oakland marathon. so the dollars that are raised as a part of this event directly go to benefit oakland students. so it's a no-brynner for us from that perspective. the other reason we're doing this, raj, we see this as an opportunity to grow the oakland marathon into a world class event, and to make this event and this whole weekend a major
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source of civic pride. that's something we're really excited about growing in the years to come. >> it should be spectacular. the weather is going to work out in your favor as well. tell us, who decided to run, or is that kind of the way it's been for a long time, the route, going through the bay bridge, making a u-turn around lake merritt? >> the marathon is under new ownership. one of our great partners, run local is putting the marathon on. they've been a generous supporter of ours for years. they got a new route for the marathon this year. this is the first time the marathon has run over the bay bridge to yerba buena and back. it actually happens very late in the race. so that will be -- it will be an interesting new wrinkle for sure. >> that's going to be croyle. okay. the big bosses of the foundation are the curry family, steph and ayesha. are they involved or is it kind of they show up for a quick news conference once a year? >> no, that is the furthest thing from how it is. the curries are incredibly involved from starting this thing, to providing strategic
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direction, they fully fund all of the administrative and fundraising overhead expenses that the foundation incurs to do the work they do. and they're the chair and vice chair of our board of directors. to say that they are present would be a real understatement. they are involved at a high level in everything that eat, learn, play does. >> that's nice to hear. you say the proceeds will benefit your foundation. where does that money go? to what type of programs? >> eat, learn, play, we've been around since 2019, centered on the three pillars, nutrition, early literacy, and making sure kids have access to safe places and opportunities to play. this past year, we made a pretty historic announcement around focusing on trying to transform the school experience for a generation of oakland public school students. so we are really invested into improving that school experience for this generation of oakland students. everything that comes in, raj, from the marathon goes directly to the work we're doing in the
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schools. >> we need some good stuff coming out of oakland. chris helfrich from eat, learn, play, thank you very much. hopefully you finish all 26 miles. >> i hope so. thank you very much. >> last year was rainy. this year is supposed to be beautiful sunshine. you can sign up for any of the marathon events through tomorrow. head to here is something catching our attention, the hidden history of a living legend. betty reid soskin made national headlines when she became the oldest active national park ranger workering at the rosie the riveter museum in richmond. it turns out decades earlier, her life was filled with music, and it's all revealed in a new documentary. ♪ little boy black, little boy black ♪ >> the new doc is called "sign my name to freedom." it's still in production. it focuses on soskin's life as a singer/songwriter in the 1950s and '60s. she wrote music about her personal experience, including the racism that her family experienced when they became the
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first black family to move to walnut creek. soskin's daughter says songwriting served as her mother's escape in dark times. >> it was really therapeutic for her after her nervous breakdown. >> we want to complete this film while betty's still around to see it. it's one of her dreams. >> she feels like she has accomplished what she needed to accomplish while she was here with us, but there is one last thing that she wants done. . >> wow. more than 100 years old here. the filmmaker is now trying to raise $150,000 to finish the editing of the film and to release it. you can watch our full story, which includes more of her music on our app nbc bay area, or at we'll take you outside right now on this wednesday. a nice sunset looking in to
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welcome back. as we speak, it is a beautiful sunset here own this wednesday. so nice to see that sunshine tonight. >> it was beautiful today. with that sun, we had some slightly warmer temperatures. but now we have the wind that we're going to need to get over here. wind advisory through a lot of the bay area. also down here into southern california. let me get you closer details and what we can expect here as we roll through tomorrow's forecast and that wind advisory covers most of the north bay, east bay, and also for a lot of the higher elevations of the south bay. what we're looking at here is wind gusts 20 to 50. that wind coming out of the north and the east. sustained or steady wind 10 to
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20 through tomorrow. humidity down to about 30%, and the top risk in the mountains 500 feet and above. so through tonight, right here at 11:30, 15 to about 30 miles per hour in the lower elevations, some of the mountains at the coast, also the east bay getting up to about 30, close to 40. we'll get those strongest gusts here as we head through thursday. 15 to about 40 lower elevations. and some of the mountains, especially in the north bay and the coast getting up to about 50. we'll stay with that strong wind all the way through tomorrow night. and then as we head through friday, that wind will start to come on down. so as we started off tomorrow morning, we'll begin in the 40s. a little blustery with the wind pick up. and by the afternoon, warmer temperatures, 70 in santa rosa. also in concord, san jose, and morgan hill. on the seven-day forecast, wind taper downs on friday, and a beautiful weekend. calm conditions, sunshine, 70s coming our way. really, that weekend, once we get here, big goals. get here friday. >> thank you, jeff.
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as we wrap up, mario lopez just getting started with "access hollywood." >> there is a whole lot going on in tonight's access, beginning with keith morrison's emotional first interview with about the loss of his step-son matthew perry, getting very candid about the impact of his death. plus, just after appearing at the oscars with her partner john mulaney, their stunning news shared today by olivia munn, opening up about her secret battle with cancer. add that a feud over 30 years in the making. and wait until you hear what sharon stone is saying about her sliver co-star billy baldwin, and now what he is saying back. plus, we've got ryan gosling's thous on his "i'm just ken" oscar performance. and we're exclusively on the set of the kelly clarkson show as kelly breaks big news about the olympics. it's all just moments away on "access hollywood." back to you. >> mario, thank you. and right after mario and access, op pritime, it's about chicago. chicag med at eight, chicago
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fire at 9:00, and chicago pd at 10:00. our 11:00 news live and local. for everyone here at nbc bay area, including our production assistant aline pena, thanks for joining us. we hope you have a great evening. we hope to see you back at 11:00.
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tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> it was the news you never want to get, but you think some day you might. >> keith morrison opens up for the very first time about the loss of his step-son matthew perry. plus, breaking news from olivia munn, sharing her secret cancer battle. >> with your by


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