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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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for a second they thought they were safe, but unfortunately shortly after a group of terrorists arrived.
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>> the emotional message from one man taken hostage by hamas. robbed on route. the frightening moment, and a reward being offered to catch the suspect. returning to court. a few of the protesters that shutdown the bay bridge last november are facing a judge today. a live report on now they are asking the judge to dismiss all charges. this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning to you. thank you for starting your morning with us. i am marcus washington. i am laura garcia. we will get a look at the forecast in a moment, but mike is following breaking news for us. >> minutes ago, we learned this has gone from bad to worst. let's look at the maps. as we move down out of daly city and heading towards san francisco we have the split, 280 at highway 1, and we got word of
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a crash that may have involved a pedestrian on the roadway, and continuing up we have three lanes blocked for northbound 280. that's currently the situation. the coroner has been called to the scene. once that happens it takes typically 90 minutes until the scene can clear after the reporting is done. we are looking at after 6:00 before 280 will be open. 101 towards san francisco is getting cleared towards the city. and i will tell you more, because there are more crashes, and cinthia, chp noted high winds there and it may not be related. as we take a look outside, calm conditions and clear skies in through parts of oakland and dublin. san francisco, 59 degrees. we are starting off a bit warmer today with the help of the offshore wind.
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models are showing me gusts upwards of 30 miles per hour in san francisco, napa and out towards livermore, 23 miles per hour. this will continue as we go through the day today. the day will be the strongest of the wind event. i see by tomorrow afternoon, calmer wind speeds and more sunshine. do be careful as we drive on the roadways through the mountain passes and over in the bridges, and i want to make sure everything is nice and safe. we will get a look at the full microclimate forecast, coming up. protesters that shutdown the bay bridge, they will be in court today. >> let's get more from bob redell. they have a request. what is that? >> reporter: they want the judge to dismiss the case and throw out the charges against them. they were both charged in connection with the shutdown of the bay bridge, and protesters
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there filed motions to dismiss the charges and their hearing is at 1:30 in san francisco superior court. dozens of activist blocked traffic on the bay bridge for hours to protest israel's war with hamas. the activist stopped traffic for hours, as i mentioned, and several organ donations were delayed, and in all 80 people were charged. all the protesters were charged with false imprisonment, refusing to comply with a peace officer and unlawful public assembly. we have been told many will plead not guilty, and some of the protesters could face between 6 months to a year in
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jail. >> thank you for the latest, bob. senate majority leader, chuck schumer, is set to deliver what is being called a major speech focusing on the pathway to peace in the middle east and a two-state solution for israel and palestine. right now there are still no signs of a cease-fire in gaza. israel prime minister, netanyahu, continuing to defend his policies and vowing to move ahead with a military strike in rafah. so far the death toll in gaza surpassed 120,000. michael levy says his brother was at the nova music festival back in october, on october 7th during the hamas attack, and the
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two ran into a bomb shelter, and his wife was killed before he was taken. they have a son, and he says his son desperately needs his father back. >> at the end of the day, this boy has not been hugged by his parents more than five months now. >> he promised he would bring his brother back. he has been meeting with politicians around the world in hopes of making that happen. new developments in the race for the white house, and on one side of the aisle, there's a push for votes. >> former president trump is expected to attend a hearing today in the handling of the classified documents case.
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brie, trump's attorney plan to argue that case, that it should be thrown out? >> good morning, marcus. after receiving good news from a georgia judge, former president trump will be in a florida courtroom hoping to get that criminal classified document case dismissed. lawyers for the former president will argue two things today. one, the presidential records act. that's the law that says presidential records belong to the public and will be turned over to the national archives at the end of the presidency. but trump's lawyers say he has, quote, virtually unreviewable authority to turn presidential records into personal records, so the documents he kept are not unauthorized. his attorneys also claim some of the charges mr. trump faces are unconstitutional vague, and they say since congress has not
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defined classified, there's no law broken. as a former president, mr. trump should understand the importance of protecting the nation's secrets. judge aileen cannon will hear argument from the prosecutor and defense teams. trump is not required to be at today's hearing, which is expected to last all day. >> once we got you here, we want to talk about the other side of the i'll here. president biden is in michigan today, and we know it already held it's primaries, so why is he there? >> it's seen as a critical swing state in 2024. the president is holding a campaign event in saganol
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county. the area turned blue by a margin of 300 votes. today's event is part of president biden's two-day swing through michigan and wisconsin. both states and pennsylvania were pivotal in biden's previous presidential victory. >> thank you for the latest. it's 5:08 for you this morning. happening now, the search continues in the east bay to find the person that robbed a postal worker. u.s. postal workers are sharing this suspect here, pulling out a weapon and demanding to get the keys to mailboxes. that suspect snatched the keys and then ran off, as you see
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there. thankfully that postal worker was not hurt and the postal inspectors are offering award up to $150,000. they are saying the attacks on the postal workers are becoming more common. >> that robbery in oakland, there was also a robbery in tracie. >> i would think that would be a fun job to be outside and meet the neighbors. a live look outside early on this thursday morning overlooking downtown san josé. boy, we got a peek at spring yesterday. most people i talked to, they really liked it, cinthia. >> good, i am glad. i have better news in the sunshine department but slightly less exciting news when it comes
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to the wind this afternoon. san francisco, starting at 59 degrees. we will start to see the temperatures down at sunrise and feel the wind speeds pick up later in the afternoon. more sunshine and more low 70s in parts of santa rosa, and upper 60s through concord and san josé. more sunshine and more of the windy conditions until at least friday morning, and that's when the wind advisory is set to expire. we will get a check of the wind speeds and what is ahead for the weekend, but first mike has a look at cheaper gas prices. >> we talked to the folks from yesterday, and i will post an interview online later. 4.19 at mash gas and food -- i don't think we ever had that low in arenda. cupertino car wash, $4.25 for cash payers, and then $4.29
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here. the second of the two alerts we talked about, this is around the altamont pass, an overturned big rig blocking one lane at grant line road, and that's jamming up traffic back on 205 out of tracie, and that's a huge problem there. towards the peninsula, this is a deadly crash. somebody was on the roadway, a pedestrian reportedly hit and killed on john daly boulevard and 280. crews are on scene. i will guess it will be about 90 minutes until they can clear that. >> tough start to the morning. when talking about california's high speed rail project between san francisco to los angeles, we noted the project ceo told lawmakers he
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has about $28 billion on hand. that number is well short of the cash needed to finish the central valley segment. to clarify, the central valley segment runs about 171 miles to bakersfield. one part of the project is expected to be fully operational at the earliest, in 2030. coming up next, we are going to tell you about the health benefits researchers say can come from interacting with your dog. don lemon making
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good thursday morning. the time is 5:15. we are checking in in santa rosa this morning, starting out breezy and then windy in the afternoon, with sunshine and temperatures nearing 70 degrees. we will talk about the rest of the outlook for the bay area and what is ahead for the weekend, coming up. here on the san mateo bridge, no problems reported. we are looking at a nice and easy drive across the peninsula where traffic is flowing smoothly on the 101. we have the alert for the 280 and out of the altamont pass, coming up. happy thursday to you. electric cars are in focus this morning. shares in tpeus kurz fell hard.
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you can see where we are here. fisker warned it was short of money. analysts at wells fargo downgraded tesla stock, down 32% this year. remember, tesla is down 32% at a time when the broader markets have been on fire. a former cnn anchor complaints elon musk broke a deal to feature his new television show on x, the old twitter, and don lemon said musk made that deal and then broke that deal until he interviewed musk, and it was contentious. >> he willingly agreed to the interview, and throughout our conversation i kept reiterating to him, that although it was
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tense at times i thought it would good for people to hear and see our exchange and they would learn from our conversation. >> lemon says his show may not be available on x but will be available on youtube with musk interview as the first interview, and he's using the kerfuffle to get people to view that. speaking of nights, the musician neil young is come back to spotify after he left the service, and young says spotify, the number one screamer of low res music in the world will now be the home of my music again. moments ago, the european union announced they are
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investigating alibaba. alibaba has not commented. live pictures from texas this morning, where spacex is getting ready for another launch. this looks like it's a still they are feeding out, because that steam is not moving. launch one and launch two ended in explosions. we will be monitoring this feed from spacex to see what happens. spacex says they have learned a lot from explosions, and they call them rapidly unscheduled -- >> yeah. >> sudden rapid -- something, something, something. >> not a loss but a learning experience. >> we learn from our experiences, right? >> we do. we do. hopefully it won't happen again.
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hopefully they are getting better. >> we hope. >> thanks, scott. new this morning, new data shows interacting with dogs helps people concentrate and relax. that's according to a study done by researchers in south korea. they measured changes in brain activity as people interacted with a poodle named arrow. the participants had several interactions with the dog, and after that they reported having less stress and fatigue -- >> how old was arrow, because i have a puppy -- >> yeah, that's funny. >> house broken. >> perfect. >> he's coming home with me.
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i will trade you for valentino, my puppy. anyway, it's beautiful weather to walk the pup in san josé. san josé is not included in the wind advisory, and overall we will keep things nice and calm and warm into the 60s by lunchtime. all the clear sky activity this morning is thanks to high pressure that continues to build. the winds, that's as we deal with high pressure building and keeping the cloud cover away from us out towards the pacific. to the desert southwest and middle part of the country, that's where the low pressure exists. i think the strongest of the gusty winds will be today before they die down into our friday morning. definitely by the afternoon and into the weekend, and that's better news there. anywhere from 25 to 35 miles an hour coming offshore, and in los angeles, they are dealing with the same phenomenon, and those
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are known as the santa ana winds. if we had dry winter conditions, i would be concerned about it, but we have been inundated with storms so we are doing well in the fire department there. just continue to be vigilant with the wind gusts. we are continuing to warm up as we go through the next couple of days. 71 in santa rosa as well as in hayward. mid to upper 60s as far as we go into san mateo. out towards concord and down into san josé. we will see a dry and warm pattern for the next several days, and that's good news for san francisco as they get ready for the st. patrick's day parade, and 70s in the inland valleys. we have on the peninsula northbound 280, the speed sensors recovered back to speed. we have only two lanes open northbound 280 approaching john
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daly boulevard where there has been a deadly crash this morning. we have word that crews are still arriving on scene. i believe the three right lanes are still blocked. that will remain for another 45 minutes. we will track that. we have another alert out of the altamont pass off of 580 jamming up at grant line road. i wanted to show you the bay bridge is moving smoothly. >> good to know. thanks, mike. >> looks pretty, too. next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> id theft is everywhere. it drains your wallet and energy, but you can defend yourself and we want to help. i
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let's establish something. identity theft is more than just a nuisance. the identity theft resource center says it's triggered anxiety and caused sleeplessness, and then victims have problems passing a background check. first, protect your paperwork, like tax and financial documents. do not just toss those papers in the trash. >> shred them. >> second, audit yourself. >> check your bank statements. read every line and setup alerts. third, freeze your credit file. identity thieves want to open
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credit cards and loans in your name. a frozen credit report should reject your application. to freeze your credit report for free, visit the three credit reporting agencies. and then step five, insurance. >> last thing you might want to consider is identity theft coverage or insurance. >> but before you buy that insurance, check to see if you already have it, and some homeowners insurance already cover it, and some credit cards throw it in as a perk. >> thank you, chris. the backyard break-in shaking up a south bay family. the surveillance showing the alleged thieves in the act. plus, security scanners here at sfo claim t
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right now at 5:30, rallying for fair pay. today's security screeners at sfo will gather demanding raises they say are being withheld. we're live at the airport with more on the impact expected. plus, the ongoing ballot count on key races across the
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state. when can we expect to see a final tally? on your mark. we are inching closer to the weekend and it's a big one for the city of oakland as runners are set to descend on the city for the oakland marathon. notable changes those participating can expect to see. this is "today in the bay." we better train for a 5k -- >> my friend from vegas is running in that, i think. >> hope you are not picking him up from the airport. >> and if you are going out for a run this morning, let's check in on the forecast for you. cinthia in for kari today. >> we are officially under a wind advisory now. i don't know if can you tell behind me with the sutro camera, it's shaky at times, and notice we will see the sunshine and also the wind speeds pick up as we go into lunchtime there in
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san francisco. overall, sunny and windy over the next couple of days, today and tomorrow. the second half of friday into the weekend, we do see less of the wind and more of the sunshine. if you want to get out of town starting today, maybe up into the sierra, there's the high wind warning continuing. we will see the gusts possibly up to 100-mile-per-hour winds on the mountain tops. an overturned big rig, and i am covering it. on the right side -- thanks, you guys. 205 and 580 jammed up. before 2:00, westbound 580 at one lane blocked at grant line road, and then the estimated time of opening may not be until 9:00 this morning. that's a huge problem for folks out of tracy and patterson and
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off of the altamont pass. we have a better travel time than we often do for this stretch of 580. calm roadways for the most part around the rest of the bay. i circled northbound 280, and that's where the second traffic alert is. there's minor slowing, and two lanes open. and for more on that we head over to marcus. >> yeah, this is a deadly crash and it's under investigation this morning. they say around 4:20 this morning on the northbound 280 near daly city, a red pickup truck struck a pedestrian on the freeway. we will continue to follow the story. we will bring updates as we get them this morning. today at sfo, security
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screeners plan to rally and demand millions worth of back pay. >> today in the bay's ginger conejero saab is live at the airport with more on the claims. >> reporter: good morning, marcus and laura. today's rally follows the implementation of a pay equity policy that was implemented to bring up salaries for security scanners last july. here's the release from tsa when that happened. it says, since the inception of the tsa, the workforce has been paid at a lower rate than the rest of the federal government. the new transportation security compensation plan changed last year, but security scanners here at sfo say they have not seen that pay raise reflected on their checks. security scanners recently filed a complaint with the department of labor, and if the dol rules in their favor, that could mean millions in back pay, possibly
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$4 million worth, and that's what the scanners here claim their employer owes them. >> they denied us our pay raise and owes us that money. i am a father of two girls and work almost every day, 10-hour shifts, or more depending on the day. i have seen other screeners since 9/11 at sfo, and i have seen us go from san josé to oakland just to get by. >> it's an easy problem to fix. all we would have to do is get in the room with covenant, with the tsa and get this thing done. >> reporter: we have reached out
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to tsa and covenant, but we have not heard back. the scanners plan to rally here at sfo at 1:00 this afternoon. back to you. >> ginger, reporting live for us this morning. thank you. a former rideshare driver is facing federal hate crime passengers after he attacked a passenger at sfo last year. he hit the passenger in the face because he thought the person was of jewish or israeli descent. the justice department will aggressively prosecute those that perpetrate hate-fueled violence motivated by anti-semitism or a bias of any kind. the victim of a home burglary in the south bay speaking out after being shaken up by the incident. this happened on friday
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afternoon. we have surveillance video showing those two men casually walking away from that home on boise drive, in san josé, and buckets in hand. inside those buckets, thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and sentimental items. the mom left to pick up the kids from school, and broke into the home seven minutes later, and the door frame was broken and her room trashed and the cameras captured what those men were saying to each other. >> he said, yeah, we are going to come back, right? that hit me like a bucket of cold water. my issue is they went into my house and we don't know who they are. i am not really feeling safe even being behind closed doors. >> san josé police department telling us it has not yet identified the suspects but believes the two men in the
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surveillance video are the culprits in the case. turning to decision 2024, this morning there are a number of high profile races and a state proposition too close to call, and they impact who represents in silicon valley and sacramento. >> kris sanchez joins us now. it's unusual not to know those results nine days -- >> no, you know it's not that unusual. california counts every single ballot, even the ones that are damaged or it's unclear what the voter was looking for. all that counting happens by hand, and that takes a lot of time. a congressional seat from mountain view still in the balance. the top two candidates move on to november, and that will be sam liccardo, who is at the top.
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low and simitian are tied at 16.7% each. >> one of the candidates would have to request and pay for a recount, but if it ends up being within half a percentage point or something, it's likely one of them might call for the recount. because we have so much mail-in voting, we don't know where the outstanding ballots are coming from. >> that might apply to this senate race as well, the seat for district seven that covers parts of san josé and contra costa counties. jesse arreguin is in the lead, and beckles is second and over
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dan kalb by just over a thousand votes. and then prop 1 is still very close, and opponents of the $6.4 billion bond earlier said they conceded it's likely to pass and it needs joss simple majority, and that means 50% of the vote plus one. the political science professor tells us we are likely days away from unofficial results. the election will not be certificated until april 12th. laura? and then the oakland marathon is happening this weekend. about 10,000 people expected to participate this year, and that includes seth curry.
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>> to make this event and this whole weekend a major source of civic pride and that's something we are excited about growing in the years to come. >> you don't have to be a distance runner to participate in the oakland marathon, and there's also a 5k and 10k the same day as the marathon, and a kids fun run on saturday. you can sign up through of the events, just head over to >> i am too old for that fun run. >> people will be, like, why is that dad running -- he's not a dad. >> yeah, get him away from my kids! >> cinthia, will the weather be good for that run? >> whatever you decide to do, marcus, if running is not your
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thing, we will start to build the high pressure. saturday and sunday, temperatures at 71 degrees on saturday, and sunday in the mid to upper 40s for the start of the marathon and then building up the sunshine throughout the day. we have the st. patrick's day parade and festival in san francisco this saturday, and it's one day ahead of the official st. patrick's day, but the temperatures will be nice and comfortable in the upper 60s and staying dry for the festivities there. and at the beach, upper 60s tomorrow to mid-60s through the weekend. overall, a very nice weekend wherever you decide to go in the bay area with lots of that sunshine and the winds calming down. mike, i want to check in with you. what is going on with the slow drive this morning? >> we expected the slowing to happen. this is a deadly crash and
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marcus showed you video from the scene as they did a traffic break. and out of daly city towards san francisco, we expect to see more slowing where we had minimal slowing before. 280 is slowing, and they should clear it in the next 20 minutes, perhaps half an hour. 101, very clear. there's a crash on 101 near the transition on to the skyway, and that will be clearing soon. south bay predicted slowing here, on schedule for 101. 680 not a problem right now. the note here is the weekend closure, completely closed from 580 south towards sunol. alternates, livermore, highway 84 to get back past the closure or take the dublin grade, and that adds a lot of mileage, but right now adding a lot of minutes just past grant line
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road, and that opening expected after 8:00 a.m. >> thank you. ahead on "today in the bay," the new slew of guests set to host "snl." plus, we continue to celebrate women's history month, and the contributions women make and the contributions women make to small busin ( ♪♪ )
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good thursday morning. the time is 5:46. checking in in concord this morning, starting off in the 50s with breezy winds already picking up and definitely going to feel windy as we go into the afternoon. along with the sunshine and temperatures in the upper 60s. we have warmer temperatures and less of the wind going into the weekend. we will talk about that, coming up. go into the city, we have more backup. this is at the bay bridge at the toll plaza. there's a deadly crash that has the coroner on the scene now. at the peninsula, we should see changes but they need to address other issues from that crash. we will talk about that and the alert at the altamont coming up. vice president harris is making history of her own. >> yeah, scott mcgrew is here with us this morning. scott, harris will be the first
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vice president to visit an abortion clinic. >> yeah, something presidents and vice presidents avoided up until now, and then again abortion had been legal in all the states way back since lyndon johnson was president and humphrey was the vice president. harris will tour a clinic that provides abortions, and in 2013 former president barack obama became the first sitting president to address planned parenthood but did that at a conference at a hotel in washington, d.c. and not at one of their clinics. president biden will campaign in michigan today. yesterday he was in milwaukee, wisconsin. trump won michigan and wisconsin in his race against clinton. biden flipped them back barely in 2020 to win the presidency, so they are critical states. trump will be in court in florida as part of his classified documents trial.
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he doesn't have to be there. his lawyers want the court to throw out or at least the trial claiming that while presidential records laws say the documents belong to the people and not the man, presidents get to decide what papers count and don't count. in the meantime, a good in georgia may rule if prosecutor fani willis can continue to act in the trump racketeering case. as you will recall, the defendant in the case accused her of a conflict of interest for a man she hired with whom she had a relationship. and republicans, they have not been able to provide evidence of biden's wrong doing, and the talk in washington is they may drop the effort. speaker johnson said he didn't
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know much about it. >> to be very frank and honest and transparent, because i have been so busy with all my other responsibilities i have not been able to take the deep dive in the evidence, and what has been uncovered is alarming. >> mitch mcconnell was pressuring johnson to get moving on a bill to help ukraine instead of trying to ban tiktok. johnson told republican senators the house would send them a plan to fund weapons for ukraine, though it will be substantially different the plan the senate sent him, the one that included strong restrictions on the border. johnson and house republicans rejected that at donald trump's urging. and robert kennedy jr. said he will announce his running mate at the end of the month. quarterback aaron rodgers and jesse ventura have been talked
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about, and no comment from either one of them. and chuck schumer said he will have what he calls a major speech today at the capitol. we think it has something to do with israel, possibly the peace plan and the two-state solution, an idea that has been around since the '30s, longer than israel. in redwood city, they are showcasing long-running women-owned local businesses. angelica's restaurant and bar has been a restaurant on main street for 11 years and is one of the women-owned businesses highlighted this month. their takeout business did not take off during the pandemic, so they used that time to refocus, and now their cuisine is a hit in the community. >> something i learned since i was small, you have to adapt, and if you don't adapt, you will die.
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you have to change and adapt with everything that comes to you. >> according to the newest u.s. census data available, there are more than 12 million women-owned businesses jen traiting more than 2 trillion in total sales. a big welcome home for the st. mary's champs. the gaels returned fresh off their championship win over gonzaga. st. mary's is heading to the ncaa tournament and will find out their seeding this sunday. this is the first time since 2012 that st. mary's has won, both the regular season title and the conference tournament. we are really cheering on our gaels. >> i know you are. >> yes. ryan gosling is set to host
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"saturday night live." >> chris stapleton will join me. wiig will return to "snl" for the fifth time on april 6th, and singer raye will join her as well. >> nice lineup. looking towards the spring-like weather. >> we are starting to get rid of winter little by little. we will feel the spring-like temperatures over the next couple of days. we have been mainly in the 50s around the bay area, and then the higher elevations, the winds are picking up to 30 and 40 miles per hour. today will be the strongest of the winds this afternoon, and
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then tomorrow will start off breezy and get into more calmer conditions as we go into the friday night plans. be careful driving through the mountains and bridges. we could see the possibility of downed trees and power outages, so make sure all your devices are charged as we look at the hour by hour wind speeds, in the next couple of hours around fairfield around 40 miles per hour, and it's not just that area, but the east bay could gust up to 50 miles per hour. half moon bay, also really gusty. this will continue as we go into tonight. possibly hearing that wind rattle your windows as you try and get ready for bed, and again, the winds will calm down in the second half of friday. if you are trying to escape to the sierra, pay attention to the conditions up there as we deal with the high wind warning looking from king dale into
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kirkwood, and over donner pass, it could get gusting up to 100 miles per hour. this will calm down during the second half of friday and the weekend. good news there. 69 in san josé, and 67 in cupertino. as we go into the east bay, we have 68 in walnut creek. 71 in hayward. in the peninsula, 66 will do it for us. 67 in redwood 60. as far as san francisco, upper 60s in the city. as we go into the north bay, the warmest spots look to be ukiah and santa rosa, and those are in the 70s. as we deal with the wind over the next couple of days we will see the sunshine as well and go into a lovely weekend in san francisco for the st. patrick's day parade. inland valleys, tomorrow looks to be the warmest day along with
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monday, and 70s continue in the forecast as we get ready for spring on tuesday. we still have the alert here for 280, and the slowing looks minor, but there are two lanes opened as you approach highway 101. there was a deadly crash involving a pedestrian on the freeway earlier this morning, and it does look like they may clear it soon. the coroner conducted their report, but they still need to do cleanup, and there's fluid on the ground and they have the absorbant out there, and so fortunately the traffic volume is manageable. into the city, a smooth drive and a typical backup for highway 4, and the bay bridge toll plaza where it's slowly building back up here, and filling up the middle lanes to the back of the parking lot now. 880, and the maze, they are all moving slowly. coming in on 580, the overturned
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big rig may stay there until 9:00 a.m. before they clear it from the roadway, and that's going to be a benefit for livermore. back to you. thanks, mike. one park is getting a makeover, and it's being called the presidio forward project, and it's a plan to modernize the infrastructure. it is looking to restore. a postal worker was targeted by a thief, and the reward to help catch the suspect. a reminder, nbc bay area news streams 24/7. you can watch us on roku or on all these other streaming progms.ra
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right now at 6:00, frightening moments in the sky overnight. new details on the issue that forced an emergency landing in southern california.


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