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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 14, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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right now at 6:00, frightening moments in the sky overnight. new details on the issue that forced an emergency landing in southern california. plus, protesters who took
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over the bay bridge are set to face a judge once again. the reason lawyers are now asking the judge to dismiss all charges. the winds picking up again across the bay area. cinthia pimentel tracking the advisory under way as we warm up heading into the weekend. this is "today in the bay." cinthia pimentel, i know your name. we want to say good morning to you. thank you for allowing us to be part of your morning. i am marcus washington. i am laura garcia. we will check in with cinthia in a moment, but first let's check with mike with what is on the roadway. >> this overturned big rig, no major injuries but it's out of the altamont pass, out of tracy and patterson, look at all the jammed up traffic just past grant line road.
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they have an estimate of reopening around 9:00, and that's a major problem come into livermore. through livermore, pleasanton and dublin, that's a benefit because all these folks are held up back there and that's an issuing continuing until late in the morning commute. that means the rest of the east bay looks lighter as you come in off 580, and that typically feeds most of the routes out here. the peninsula is light except for northbound 280 just shy of john daly boulevard. still three lanes are blocked, but they are getting ready to open more lanes in the next half hour. >> thank you. as far as weather this morning, we are definitely feeling the wind speeds pick up, and the camera is shaky at times but temperatures not too bad. starting in the upper 50s around the bay. san josé, 56 degrees and calm winds around 12 miles per hour
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coming out of the north north west. in dublin, 52 degrees and a calm wind to start our thursday. walnut creek, 55 degrees and wind speeds picking up in the teens. we are under a wind advisory now, a gusty thursday. the mountain passes, 25 to 65-mile-per-hour wind gusts, so drive carefully. the breeze will calm the second half of friday, and then warm temperatures ahead. we will talk about that in the full microclimate forecast. back to you. >> thank you. new overnight, nerve-racking moments for some passengers at l.a.x. an american airlines flight had to make an emergency landing there. it happened just after 8:30. the pilot called in to report a mechanical issue on the plane but was able to land without any issue. the faa says the 737 blew a tire at takeoff from dallas fort
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worth. nobody was hurt and no word on the cause of the tire that was flattened. the faa says it will continue to investigate. this in light of several planes having problems recently, and a flight out of sfo lost its tire on takeoff. the faa is continuing to investigate all of these situations. it's 6:03 now. the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, is focussing on a pathway to peace in the middle east and a two-state solution for israel and palestine. we have a look at the u.s. kop capitol this morning. this speech comes as we are in the month of ramadan.
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so far the death toll in gaza has surpassed 31,000. new developments in the race for the white house. on one side of the aisle, president joe biden is looking to shore up votes in one swing state, and former president trump is hoping for another victory in one of the numerous cases he's facing. he is expected, his attorneys think this case should be thrown out. >> good morning, laura. one day after receiving some good news from a georgia judge, former president trump will be in a florida courtroom hoping to get that criminal classified document case dismissed. lawyers from the former president will argue two things today, one, the presidential records act. that's the law that says presidential records belong to the public, and will be turned over to the national archives at
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the end of the presidency. but trump's lawyers say he has, quote, virtually unreviewable authority to turn presidential records into personal records, so the documents he kept are not unauthorized. his attorneys also claim that some of the charges mr. trump faces are unconstitutionally vague. they say since congress has not specifically defined classified, there's no violation. >> that is former president trump's attorney's side of it. what does the prosecution have to say? >> they say the arguments are meritless, and the former president trump should understood the importance of protecting the nation's secrets. judge aileen cannon will hear from the prosecutor and defense teams. it's worth noting, trump is not required to be at today's hearing, which is expected to
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last all day. >> on the other side of the aisle, president biden will be in michigan today. we know that state held the presidential primary, so what is he trying to accomplish there? looks like we lost her microphone. we know the president easily took -- >> 2024 -- >> now we can hear you. >> the president is holding a campaign event in the area that proves to be critical during the last presidential race. trump won the county and michigan in 2016, but the area turned blue by a small margin, and contributed to biden winning the 16 electoral votes. and biden will be swinging through michigan.
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>> thanks for the latest. it's 6:07 for you this morning. in just a few hours, two of the protesters charged in shutting down the bay bridge last year will be back in court. today in the bay's, bob redell, live for us this morning. those two going into court with a pretty big request for the judge. >> reporter: they want the judge to throw out their cases, marcus. both protesters have been charged in connection with the shutdown of the bay bridge that took place last november. both protesters filed motions to dismiss charges that are expected to be considered during a hearing at 1:30 this afternoon in san francisco superior court. you may recall dozens of activist blocked the bay bridge for hours to protest israel's war with hamas. several human organ donations headed to san francisco were
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delayed as a result, and in total 80 people were being charged for the shutdown. there was a demonstration outside the courtroom where dozens of protesters were being arraigned and they were charged with five misdemeanors, including false imprisonment, refusing to comply with a peace officer. there's a possibility that some of the protesters could face anywhere between 6 months and a year in jail. reporting live, bob redell, today in the bay. >> bob for us this morning. we will continue to follow that. happening now for you, that search continues in the east bay. this is to find the person who robbed a postal worker. the u.s. postal inspectors are sharing this surveillance video from march 2nd. the incident along euclid avenue in oakland shows a suspect pulling out a weapon and demanding the postal worker turn over the mail box keys.
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thankfully nobody was hurt, but postal inspectors are offering a reward of up to $150,000 to find that suspect. a clarification now on a story we first brought yesterday morning here on "today in the bay." the high speed rail project between san francisco and los angeles, the project's ceo told us he has $28 billion on hand, and that's well short of the cash needed to finish that segment. it runs between merced and bakersfield. the ceo says he's hoping to fill the expected gap with federal funds. that part of the project, anyway, is expected to be fully operational at the earliest in 2030. inching closer to the weekend, and taking a live look outside, and cinthia pimentel is
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in for kari this morning. >> the clear skies this morning giving way to the light over san josé and other parts of the bay area. the winds are picking up. the wind gusts right now, models are showing me around 27 miles per hour in livermore, and gustier as we make our way in towards san francisco and up towards napa. this is around the lower elevations. the higher elevations were gusting to over 64 miles per hour in mount saint halyna. as we go throughout thursday, the wind will continue to pick up and the advisory is until friday morning. temperatures along with that will be comfortable. 71 in santa rosa, and upper 60s throughout the rest of the bay. for now, let's go over to mike and check on cheaper gas prices. where are they? >> the lowest in contra costa county is in orinda. it's 4.19 at mash gas and food
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on bryant way today. in cupertino, their best is the middle price, the cupertino car wash at 4.25 for cash payers. and then san anselmo, 4.29, and that's on a lighter volume of traffic here, and in the peninsula we are seeing slowing, and it's shy of the highway 101 split. we have a crew there addressing the rest of the damage and debris in the area. meanwhile, out of the altamont pass there's an overturned big rig causing a problem. that's adding to vasco, and 580 is held up shy of grant line road and that benefits livermore. back to you. >> thank you. put on hold. ahead on "today in the bay," the legal trouble getting in the way
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of the anticipated project. breaking business news this morning, an american plan to buy tiktok. let's take you out to the futures this morning and see how that open is going to go. looks like it's going to go pretty well. plus, would you hike to lake tahoe for cash? stick around, because we will tell you about the bonus prize being offered from adventurous hikers. hikers. keept right ihe
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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good thursday morning. the time is 6:15. we're checking in in menlo park, in the mid-50s with clear skies. we will see sunshine this afternoon, and parts of the bay area are under the wind advisory. we will talk about the top wind gusts i'm seeing now. overnight, this overturned big rig blocks one lane westbound on grant line road. still hours until they think they can clear that and it's causing a ripple effect and slowing down traffic in other parts of the commute. more on that, coming up. breaking business news for you out of new york. former secretary of the treasury, steven mnuchin said he will put together a team to buy tiktok. he has not said who the
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investors would be. we have to talk about the scale, the size of tiktok. if bytedance were willing to sell, and that's a big if, the price would be well north of $60 billion, $80 billion. elon musk, the world's richest man had to borrow money to buy twitter for $44 billion. and then there was a ban being talked about in the u.s., and tiktok has nothing to fear at least right now. other news right now, a former cnn news anchor said elon musk broke a deal.
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>> i thought the first person to interview, a no-brainer, elon musk, the man that calls himself a free speech absolutist. i asked him to do it and he willingly agreed to the interview, and i kept reiterating to him, i thought it was good for people to hear and see our exchange and they would learn from our conversation. >> lemon says his show will be available on youtube and using this kerfuffle to promote it. speaking of fights, the musician neil young says he's coming back to spotify two years after he left the service
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because of its partnership with joe rogan. neil young says spotify will now be home to my music again. and moments ago the european union said it was investigating alibaba for medicines not good for health or -- >> you can hear the commentator in the background. this will be launch number three. launches one and two ended in explosions. i think we are very close to a launch there, and they may start another day, and i am not sure
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but i will find out. >> can you imagine being in that and ready to launch. >> there's nobody in it but some day there will be. >> let's get the mistakes out of the way. >> yeah, get all the explosions. new at 6:00, plans for a makeover at st. james park in san josé, it's all on hold, at least for now. this comes after the state court of appeals ruled in favor of a historic foundation representing the interest of the st. claire club located next to the park. according to "mercury news," the city failed to follow environmental assessments related to that project, and officials are not responding so far to the paper's request for comment. golden gate park in san francisco is running for best park in the u.s. it's all part of the best city park award from usa today.
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finalists will look if the park connects with the community and has a variety of activities. the winner will be announced on april 18th. i just voted. >> did you? >> yeah, right there. i saw the link. >> that's what he does in the commercial break. also trending for you this morning, for those of you that love to be in nature, how about getting paid to explore a new hiking trail. >> $5,000 being offered for two hikers through the mountains to link up to a new trail in lake tahoe, and then walk north to the canadian border. it's part of the city's plan to promote a new 10-mile trail. you have to take the quest in the summer of 2025 and document the journey on video. the deadline to submit your
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application is -- visitcarsoncity. >> track your steps. >> a lot of people might head to tahoe, but like here, they are expecting high winds. >> they are under a high wind warning which is more severe than the wind advisory we are under. i got a chance to look at the current wind speeds around the bay area. the top ones i'm finding right now, mount st. halyna, 64 miles per hour. as we go between milpitas and freeman, that's gusting at more than 45 miles per hour. mount tam picking up the wind speeds around 40 miles per hour.
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the windiest of the event is going to be today. we are going to be gusting anywhere from 50 to 60 up on the mountain tops. as we go into tomorrow, we will start off with a breezy morning and then calm things down. you want to be safe driving around the mountain passes and bridges and charge up your devices to make sure you see downed trees or power issues. aside from all of this wind, we are starting to warm up and feel nice spring-like temperatures. 71 in santa rosa as well as in hayward. upper 60s in san francisco. 69 in concord as well as in san josé. as we go into tomorrow's forecast, this is going to be the motivation that we need to start off our weekend with as we see more to mid-70s. 75 in concord and fairfield. we will do a lot of low 70s through the peninsula and own into the south county for friday. over the next couple of days, especially in napa, it will be a
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beautiful weekend. lots of sunshine and temperatures in the 70s there. we will continue this trend even as we go into monday and tuesday, and tuesday officially welcoming spring there. as we take a look into the second half of next week, that's when the temperatures will start to come down a little bit. i have to talk about what we are looking at going ahead long range. the return of the rainfall, as we go into spring here looks to come back as we go into late friday and saturday of next week. the system, though, right now, still putting itself together. we will continue to track those details as we get closer. san francisco, a couple days, nice and comfortable there. inland valleys in the 70s. mike, you are looking at a ripple effect. >> when something happens it affects other things over here, and that's what is going on over here. one lane is blocked just past grant line road.
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look at byron highway, and there's another accident. there's not a great route, and some are going to go to diablo, and that's jammed up now, and that's adding to traffic on vasco. it makes 580 through livermore better. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 6:24 this morning. slight relief for our climate in crisis. the new
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries!
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where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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now to our climate in crisis. marin county receiving a big boost to keep its forest healthy and resilient. there was a $4 million grant, and the agencies manage more than 60,000 acres of wooded habitat in marin county. the money will help conservation efforts, removing wildfire fuel and prescribed burns. for more stories like this, visit us online on visit us online on nb ( ♪♪ )
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breaking news right now at 6:30, a deadly crash shuts down several lanes of 280 on the peninsula. and then tsa workers at sfo fighting for pay, saying they are owed millions. when can we expect to see a final tally?
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this is "today in the bay." a very good morning to you, and thank you for joining us. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. a lot to get to this morning. >> first, we start with the breaking news we are following. a deadly crash on the peninsula is under investigation. it happened around 4:20 this morning near the john daly boulevard off-ramp in daly city. a truck struck a pedestrian on the freeway. mike has been tracking the backup. how are we looking now? >> because the volume is starting to build and this is a time when we see more commuters hit the bay, we are looking at more slowing. we predicted that would happen if they did not clear by this time. the last half hour, showing more slowing approaching john daly boulevard. two left lanes are open, three lanes blocked. 101 is cleared. you have a choice north of 380 to the airport and take 101 into
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the city. there's a build for the rest of the bay, relatively mild because of the second crash -- actually the first one. this alert was issued before 2:00 in the morning. west 580 has one lane blocked past grant line road, and out of the altamont there's big backups towards vasco, and one of the options to relieve some of the pressure off of 205,and that makes the traffic through 580 much clearer, and we are looking at possibly 9:00. have not had an update. today in the bay's, ginger conejero saab, joining us live from the airport. what are they demanding here? >> reporter: well, marcus, laura, today's valley follows the implementation of a pay equity policy that brought up the salaries of the security
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screeners back in july of last year. here's the release from tsa when that happened. it says, since the inception of the tsa the workforce has been paid at a lower rate than the rest of the federal government. the new transportation security compensation plan changed last year. but security screeners here at sfo say they have not seen that pay raise rejected on their checks. those security screeners recently filed a complaint with the department of labor, and if the d.o.l. rules in their favor, that could mean millions in back pay, over $4 million worth, and that's what the union for the screeners here at sfo claim their employer, covenant aviation. >> they have denied us our pay raise and owes us that money. i am a father of two girls and work almost every day, 10-hour
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shifts, or more depending on the day. and i have seen other screeners -- i have seen us go to san josé or oakland just to get by. >> the good news is it's an easy problem to fix. all we would have to do is get in the room with covenant, with the tsa and get this thing done. >> reporter: now, we have reached out to tsa and covenant aviation, but we have not heard back. the rally starts at 1:00 p.m. at terminal 3 today. we just heard from the spokesperson here at sfo, he does not expect travel or operations to be impacted by that rally. at sfo, ginger conejero saab. >> you work the hours and expect to get paid the time. we will see how it all turns out. thanks, ginger.
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and then a rideshare company, waymo, rolling out 50 cars. waymo is still allowed to run its vehicles in san mateo, and the company has not said when they will start offering rides. many city leaders expressed concerns over the expansion. a number of high-profile races and state propositions still too close to call. they would impact who represents silicon valley in washington, and sacramento. >> mail-in ballots were accepted up until two days ago, and california counts every vote, maybe the ones we foregut to sign when we mailed them in, and those are processed by happened and it takes a long time.
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and then state assemblymen, low or simitian, they are tied at 16.7%. we asked about a recount. >> it's not automatic in california, so one of the candidates would have to request it and pay for it, but if it does end up being, you know, with less than half a percentage point or something, it's very likely one of them might call for the recount. the other thing that is kind of interesting, because we have so much mail-in voting, we don't know where the outstanding ballots are coming from. >> we don't know if they are conservative or liberal, and that could apply to the state senate seat that covers alameda and contra costa counties.
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prop 1, which was championed by gavin newsom is still very close. opponents of the $6.4 billion bond earlier this week conceded it's likely to pass. it needs just a simple majority, so that's 50% of the vote plus one. maybe that one is your vote. we don't know. political science professor says we are still likely days away from the unofficial results, and the election will be certified for real on april 12th. laura. >> thank you, kris. let's take a live look outside. who wants to go to tahoe. this is a live look at heavenly ski resort. a high wind warning right now is in effect. >> coming off of what we have been dealing with, and the weather has been nice but now we are dealing with the wind.
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how long will that last? >> they are under a high wind warning until this afternoon. i am seeing the models continue to drive up the wind speeds until we go into the first half of friday, so taking a look at the hour by hour wind gusts, if you are somebody trying to escape up to the sierra this weekend, be careful especially over the bridges, and that could gust from 70 to 100 miles per hour. as we take a look at lake level 25 to 30 miles per hour around lake tahoe, it's also going to be choppy waters at lake level. this is a live look, beautiful, makes you want to get up there. temperatures won't be too bad under sunny skies over the weekend. as we go into los angeles, they are also dealing with winds there known as the santa anas through friday, the first half of it and then the weekend looking nice and comfortable as it should down there in los angeles. coming back up here home,
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there's a parade in san francisco. and then there's a lot to do saturday and sunday, so check the website for whatever it is you want to do. temperatures are nice and comfortable in the 70s under sunny skies. mike, you are watching for secondary problems? >> yeah, we are looking for the ripple effect that happens after earlier crashes. we had this going on since 4:20 this morning. we still have slowing on northbound 280. and folks can take 280, and there's two lanes open, and a deadly crashed happen this morning and we will talk about it more coming up. this is causing minor slowing through daly city. meanwhile, major slowing out of the altamont pass. many are going up byron highway, and jamming traffic out of brentwood and on vasco. it's getting closer to an hour getting out of the area. contra costa in towards 580, but
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580 is easier towards dublin and the dublin interchange. there's a closure starting on friday night, and i will post it online as well. up next, we will look at contributions women in the bay area are making to small business. vice president harris making history today. we'll tell you about it coming up. it's pi day, and we have a look at some of the delicious deals to celrate. eb
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good thursday morning. the time is 6:43. we are checking in in hercules this morning, starting out with mostly clear skies and temperatures at 51 by 8:00 a.m. we have sunny skies in the forecast for the entire weekend. we'll talk about what is ahead in the full climate forecast. we learned all lanes of 280 have been cleared. no more residual slowing, and no problems getting into san francisco. a smooth drive from the airport into the city. we will talk about the delays continuing over in the east bay, coming up. president joe biden was the
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first president to join a union picket line. now vice president harris making history of her own. >> scott mcgrew joins us now. harris will be the first vice president to visit an abortion clinic. >> yeah. something presidents and vice presidents up until now have avoided, but then again abortion had been legal in all states since lyndon johnson was president and hubert humphrey was the vice president. and then in 2013, barack obama became the first sitting president to address planned parent hood but he did that at a conference in washington, d.c. at a hotel, and not one of their clinics. biden was in milwaukee, wisconsin, yesterday, and trump
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won michigan and wisconsin in 2020, and biden flipped them back. these are critical states. trump will be in court for the classified documents trial, although he doesn't have to be. while presidential laws do say presidential documents belong to the people and not the man, presidents get to decide which papers count and don't count. it's not uncommon for defense attorneys to try and get their client's case thrown out, sometimes within unusual legal theories. meantime in georgia a judge there may decide if prosecutor, fani willis, can continue to act in the trump racketeering case. as you will recall, a defendant in that case accused her of a conflict of interest by hiring a man she was in a relationship
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with. there's talk in washington, the committees may drop the effort to impeach biden. >> to be frank and honest and transparent, because i have been so busy with all my other responsibilities, i have not been able to take the time to do the deep dive in the evidence. what has been uncovered is alarming. >> yesterday we showed you how republican senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, was pressuring johnson to get moving on a bill to help ukraine instead of working on banning tiktok. this morning johnson told republican senators the house would send them a plan to fund weapons for ukraine, though it would be substantially different than the plan the senate had sent them that included really strong restrictions on the u.s./mexico border. johnson and house republicans rejected that plan at donald
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trump's urging. >> independent candidate for president, kennedy, will announce his running mate at the end of the month. aaron johnson and jesse ventura has been talked about as names. no comment from either of them. >> interesting. redwood city is celebrating women's history month by showcasing long-running women-owned businesses. angelica's restaurant and bar has been a mainstay on main street for 11 years. their takeout business didn't take off during the pandemic so they used the time to rethink and refocus, and now their latin cuisine is a hit with redwood
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city's diverse community. >> in life, something i learned sense i was really small, you have to adapt. if you do not adapt, you will die. you have to keep changing and adapting everything that matters to you. >> there are more than 12 million firms run by women, and they have more than 10 million employees working for them, and pay out more than $418 billion in payroll. the ncaa tournament is next week, but we are already having drama. stanford and cal facing off last night in las vegas. cal golden bears leading the way most of the game there until the final 30 seconds, and see right there, that three tying up the shot. shot so nice, let's play it for
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you twice. swish. right there. now heading into overtime, and that's when stanford pulled away, and they will now face washington state tomorrow. today is pi day, and many celebrate the ongoing numb that represents the ratio of a circle circumference to its diameter. >> and now it's much more. 7-eleven, you can get a large people for $3.14. and bj's offering a mini one-topping pizza. california pizza kitchen members can get pizza for 3.14. pizza celebrating a buy one get one pizza deal. and today would have been the late albert einstein's birthday.
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breaking the guinness world record for the largest group of people dressed as albert einstein. it looks like they had fun, too. >> also another birthday of a legend around here, nba legend and superstar, steven curry. he is 36 years old today. now he's clear to return to practice, and he will be re-evaluated on friday for saturday's game against the lakers. hopefully he's blowing out the candles and making the wish to return. >> we have an update on his current condition, and it's saying somebody's age, and then they are limping around. >> yeah, at 35 everything goes downhill. poor guy. >> can't relate. sorry.
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>> show off! >> go do the weather! we have lots of sunshine for marcus to get out there and play basketball today. our temperatures also starting off pretty comfortable in the 50s around the bay, and 54 in dublin. 55 in sonoma. no more chilly 30s and 40s. we are looking at more clear skies as we go throughout the day today on satellite and radar. with those clear conditions and the sunny skies, there's more cautious news. we are under the wind advisory until 11:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. the winds are going to be coming offshore north north east 25 to 30 miles per hour locally, and along the coastline and around the hills, the north bay and east bay and mount hamilton, we could be looking at 50 to 60 miles per hour. the possibility of seeing downed trees and possibly losing your power are all in the picture, so be aware of that.
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in the northbound, upper 60s in novato. i see another low 70 in hayward. tomorrow and saturday, those temperatures will warm up into the 70s. bay area wide, and even mid-70s for parts of fremont and into santa rosa and fairfield. this will continue into our saturday's plan. we will put the umbrellas away officially for now, and seeing sunglasses out there as we go into a beautiful weekend. we are staying dry for the next seven days as we build more high pressure around the bay area. i don't see any rain returning. possibly hinting in these models until next weekend, and you have good clear days in san francisco, and once we get rid of the winds today and tomorrow, the second half of the weekend looks great, especially for the st. patrick's day parade on
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saturday morning, and the official day is on sunday. officially starting spring on tuesday, and also with the spring-like temperatures. now, mike, you have a traffic alert that has been cleared. one has been cleared, the one on the peninsula, just as the backup was starting to form and the commute was building, the crash on 280 cleared. 101 get into san francisco, no problems get into the peninsula here. six cars might have been involved at the caldicot tunnel, and it took 15 minutes for them to address that and only took 15 for the backup to form. a backup is continuing out of the altamont pass. and that is making things through livermore a little better. happening now, work is getting under way this week on what is being called the prau
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presidio forward project. it will restore buildings and native habitats. a lot to talk about this morning, but we want to let you know that stanford game against washington state is tonight. up next, we will have more on the top stories, and returning to court a couple bay bridge protesters facing a judge today, and why
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breaking news we have been following throughout the morning. all lanes of 280 in daly city are back open after a deadly crash that happened around 4:20 this morning near the john daly boulevard off-ramp. a red pickup truck struck a pedestrian on the freeway. all lanes are open. they opened about ten minutes ago. this afternoon two protesters charged with shutting down the bay bridge will have a judge in san francisco to throw out their cases. they both face charges in connection to the shutdown of the bay bridge. dozens shutdown the bay bridge to protest against israel's war with hamas. several organ donations headed to san francisco were actually delayed as a result. in total, 80 people face charges for that bridge shutdown. last look at that forecast. a windy start to the day? >> a windy start, and that will
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continue through the afternoon and the first half of friday. after that we will see the temperatures warming up for our inland valleys. nice and comfortable through the next seven days, actually. it's windy in the altamont pass or was overnight, and the problem is the overturned big rig that happened before 2:00 a.m., and they can't clear that until 9:00 this morning. the "today" show moments away, but we continue on roku and other streaming platforms. and scott mcgrew will tell us about the plan to purchase tiktok. watch us wherever you s hi, there, happy thursday. we are tracking some wild weather coast-to-coast. >> yeah, what you get depends on where you live. it's march the 14th.


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