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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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celebrated its 86 elevation they had lectures and games, it was all about the number pie. they also celebrated by singing happy birthday to albert einstein and and since it was also steph curry's birthday today, they sang happy birthday to him. visitors also got a free slice of pie. whatever you want to call it. >> he didn't know if you did the calculations. it ends up and blah, blah, blah. >> don't forget, we have our broadcast on roku. what do we have coming? fighting to keep their school open, school leaders are considering moving a middle school in san jose. the reason they feel like it is the only option. and parents and students are fighting back.
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>> also the search for a hit- and-run driver who hit a cyclist on the peninsula. the police and friends of the woman who were hurt. thousands of women are suing and saying a driver actually abuse them. why this may take a while to be resolved. news at 5:30 starts right now. thanks for joining us. tonight families are fighting to keep a middle school open in their neighborhood. the school board is meeting at this hour to talk about relocating more than 100 students at a special k-8 middle school. embassy bay area explains why. the future is fated to be decided by the school board tonight but not without public comment first. you can expect them to be very emotional. families of aptitude communities to the complaints to the street outside the middle school before facing
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school board tonight. aptitude was redesigned as a district dependent charter about 12 years ago when it was decided to close the elementary for many of the reasons being applied now. mainly declining enrollment and lack of state and federal funds. in an attempt to save aptitude for his older students, the district is considering relocating the 120 students and putting them on another campus. the protesting families say that relocation is the same as closing because aptitude is right in their neighborhood. >> as a parent i don't want to move my schools because we have a great, great teachers and our community is very close and i think this is the best way to have good education for our kids. >> for students, party will be painful. >> it is comforting because i have a lot of frontier.
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i've known them since i was younger, really young. >> if i would go to school, i would, to be honest, i would have the school along time. >> this is not a good recommendation to bring to the board for me. >> reporter: the school recommendations that she is sympathetic to the families the point that the district was only able to rescue aptitude and some of the schools with a one-time comic emergency dollars. she says the partial closer as a last ditch attempt to salvage aptitude as the district gives crunched the numbers. >> you need about 500 students to be able to finance an elementary school. in terms of numbers. for a middle school or a k-8 school you need about 700. aptitude has currently 410. >> reporter: if they follow the recommendation to re-locate it, there will be more family meetings in august. for students and parents to find out what their options are
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and what school to attend next. in san jose, robert handa. dramatic tense moments that ascend jose high school, they were forced to shelter in place as a look for suspect. it happened this afternoon at piedmont hills high. a man ran away and jumped several fences and ran onto the school's campus. the shelter in place was immediately activated and they eventually get the all clear for that canvas about one hour later. no word yet on any arrest. united airlines is reporting another mechanical issue. just before landing at 7:30, it experienced a hydraulic leak. it was able to land safely. on today's issue is just another in a string of recent mechanical problems on united airplanes for the last thursday
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flight to japan was diverted to los angeles after a will fell off during takeoff and the next day in houston, pastors had to be evacuated from united airlines after pulled off an airline and got stuck in the grass. that very same day a united flight to mexico city from sfo was diverted because of a hydraulic issue and earlier this week on monday a fight headed to sfo from australia had to turn around midflight after fluid was seen from the rear landing gear. all of these incidences are now under investigation and have some extras questioning their connection to the san francisco airport. tonight they're asking for your help tracking down a hit- and-run driver. the victim, a cyclist, was seriously injured. her friends are making sure the word gets out. >> reporter: a 62-year-old mother was hit by a car while riding her bike last thursday. it happened on san mateo
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county. it broke her back and left other major injuries according to her friends gathering at the intersection today. >> a motorist came down the hill here rolling through the stop sign striking her about there. >> reporter: the driver even stopped and try to pick her up but ultimately refused to call 911 and sped off. friends say at the moment they are not naming the victim that they want justice for the crime. >> with some work, we can find this driver. this is a felony. she is badly injured. she may be injured permanently. >> reporter: they point out it is just the latest serious injury involving a cyclist. just last month a woman in her 20s was hit and killed on her bike in palo alto. in that case the driver stopped and cooperated with police. >> over the last few years there have been so many
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egregious cases. >> reporter: in a letter to the county, this slope into the main artery is a dangerous design. >> we are asking that the county immediately change this intersection in order to make it safer. >> reporter: the chp is investigating and asking for the public's help saying they do not have a good description of the public. they are hoping that someone salt something that leads to the person who did this. nbc bay area news. thousands of women are suing for claiming the writer company did not do enough to prevent sexual assault by you strivers. many of them are being forced to wait years for any sort of resolution.
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she says she was attacked in los angeles back in 2019 and it left her with chronic pain. she filed a police report but the district attorney said there was not enough evidence to prosecute the driver. she said she sought justice or civil court. her attorney told her it could be close to a decade until the court sees her case. >> they need to find a way to do it now. i don't have 10 years to wait. my body is degenerating. day by day, it has just been getting worse. >> uber declined an interview. in a statement they said sexual assault is unacceptable and it takes every report seriously. coming up tonight at 11:00, our
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investigative reporter looks into what is causing the long delays in the lawsuits and the safety changes that uber is already making. an early-morning fire near gore lori city hall have been around 6:30. please tell us the fire involved a structure and a trailer firefighters put it out quickly but the police are now invested in. the distal unclear what caused this fire. oakland is getting ready to show off its diverse facing and what better time to show this during restaurant week? it does take up-to-date. more than one and 50 eateries will be offering special menus and we're talking everything from fruit tracks to michelin starred restaurants. that includes acre kitchen and bar which will be serving up a special three-course priced menu. >> this is a great opportunity to get new guests. it is a good reason to go out and eat, support those places that you haven't been to. for us that is the benefit, we get a chance to show off what
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we do. >> restaurant week runs for 10 days so you have two weekends to support local restaurants. an important meeting about the future of the oakland a's. the leaders and county leaders met to discuss a possible lease extension of the coliseum. their lease expires after this coming season. the team is looking for a short-term dell come about three years, while they build that new ballpark out and loss vegas. the team is also considering aaa ballparks in sacramento and salt lake city if they cannot come to an agreement on a lease extension of the oakland coliseum. some say the city and county should hold out for a long-term lease extension. >> if they want an extension, there needs to be an expansion wrench eyes guaranteed, otherwise it is kind of just leaving them for a few more years and just making it more people for the fans.
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it is also helping john fisher and the long run. i hope the city really does hear what the fans are saying and hear what everyone in the city of oakland is saying and i hope they listen to their fans. >> the meeting today went well and we reach out. they are looking for to productive conversations. i.d. theft is everywhere. it drains your wallet and your energy. you can defend yourself and we want to help. i am the consumer investigator and we will show you how next. i am in chief meteorologist
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our identities may be under attack, a recent report from many i.d. theft actives have their identities stolen more than once and some took more than
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100 grand. you need a stronger password i need to change the password off then. he compiled five other ways to protect yourself. >> reporter: let's establish something, identity theft is more than just a nuisance. identity theft center says it triggers i society and causes sleeplessness and people have trouble passing a background check for new job. >> this doesn't just going for a day or month or year, this could be lifelong. >> less. tact your paperwork. like your tax and financial documents. each is a puzzle piece for a fee. steve at the better business bureau says do not just toss his papers in the trash. shred them. second, audit your cell. >> checker bank statements, >> read every line and set up alerts. look for a tiny, unknown transactions.
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they are a clue that a scammer is testing your account to see if they have connected enough dots to impersonate you. third, freeze your credit file. identity thieves want to open credit cards and loans in your name. a frozen credit report should reject their applications. to freeze your credit report for free, visit the three big credit bureaus, experian coming credit facts and. she expresses rage posting about a bad carrier feels good but it also exposes a negative that might help an imposter impersonate you. don't do it. finally, step five, insurance. >> the lesson you might want to consider is insurance. check to see if you already have it. some homeowner homeowners and renters policies include insurance. some renters cars so it in as a park. >> be careful.
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be aware. >> you always have to be careful when you are on the computer. >> look at this. the window, are we ready to see get out of here? i cannot wait to see that when starting to prepare throughout the bay and the weekend just around the corner, think it is going to shape up into what you want. let's start off with a look at this wind gusts. i take a look across the bay area wanting to update this for you. 70 miles per hour, once you get above 3000 feet, the wind really was taking off here. but still very ferocious here for a lot of the hills here. a lot of the locations on and off wind gusts. pretty ferocious this morning and afternoon. sonoma 37 and redwood city 32. if you still haven't taken care of the patio furniture and other things outside, make sure to make sure all of that stuff
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is kind of tied down so it won't be blown around because we have more wind that we have to get through as we head through tonight and even and to tomorrow. the weather wasn't in the same spot through tomorrow morning forecast. low pressure to the south, that is great in this when across the bay area. i do see this starting to move on out of here by tomorrow night and also for saturday. what will happen is high pressure will lift to the north and that low pressure will move well off towards the east helping to break off this wind. as we head through this weekend, most importantly on saturday and sunday we will get some more weather in your and also lots of sunshine. hang on, it is coming, we just have to get through this. wins 20 to 50 miles per hour throughout the mountains. it is pretty much the same here for tomorrow morning. it still could be up to 50 mile- per-hour in napa. 38 in santa rover the. a very
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blustery start for us. as we head to the afternoon we have the wind beginning to calm down and that will make it a lot better for us. many temperatures will be back here in the 40s and 50s with 50 over the peninsula and south bay at 49. the north bay at 47 and east bay at 48. tomorrow as the wind calms down we will actually be pretty comfortable. as we head 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00, we are in the sweet spot of the day which will be the best spot of the day. 72 in pleasanton. it continues through the peninsula. 72 san mateo. san francisco even getting in on some 70s. and for the north bay, 69 in clearlake. napa 73. we will stay with that trend right through this upcoming weekend, check out my 10-day forecast you have to make those plans for the weekend. 72 on
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sunday. as we hit next week around thursday and friday and the following weekend it will be much cooler with those 60s returning. get the lawn chairs back out and get ready to relax. we all deserve it after this wind we are getting through right now. and for the inland valleys we will hold on to those 70s the next few days. we have a look at that wind advisories next. the trees are really just swaying back and forth. we need to get it gone. we need to get it gone. the warr
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among the big story lines for the next several years, will they really moved to las vegas and what about the players? >> we don't know about vegas but we do know about the players. the fans are mad at the owner and the players though, they just want to play. today, spring training down in arizona , sunshine in mesa. he is challenging his team to finish with a 500 record this season. that would be something of the first inning, the rbi double comes to the 1-0 lead, they beat the athletics 3-1. the
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giants had the day off and opening day for the ace and giants. the team is still hopeful that steph curry will be able to play in it. he has missed three games because of ankle. he recently practiced with the g-league and had no setbacks. the warriors are still holding on to the final playoff spot. one game behind the lakers. >> happy birthday to steph curry. that is no different this year in paris. we will show you the team behind the scenes making sure the skies are safe for the games. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball...
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preparing against popular nuclear threats, the u.s. military in south korea just finished off his annual joint training exercises today was the last day of what they call freedom shield. expands 11 days. nor south korea southeast coast. near 300 soldiers took part of the drills. nearly 20 tanks fired at targets. because of a rise in tension, military leaders said soldiers did twice as many filled drills
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as last year. north korea has condemned these drills as a reversal for invasion. keeping the olympics safe is a major task. officials are focused on making sure the skies are safe from drones. check this out, french military base just outside of paris is the home of an anti-drone coordination center. they have a center for that. they will work to identify and contain drone threats during the games. they are concerned the drones could be used as weapons. france has never had a drone led attack but it is taking no risk. anti-drone units include radar, cameras, anti-drone rifles which can scramble radio signals or just take the drones down by lasers. what is the best park in the united states? how about central park in new york or golden gate park? each year they give out the best city park award. expert panel nominates is best parked whether it has a variety
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of activities and then the public gets to vote. right now golden gate park in san francisco is in the lead ahead of the park in honolulu. the winner will be announced april 17. >> the santa cruz sunday fair doesn't kick up until september but we do know this year's theme is called pioneer days to modern ways. a worker at the fair won the theme contest. aside from recognizing agricultural history, it will celebrate the future by so casein new technology. for the first time the fair will feature an aerial show with 200 drones over the fairgrounds every night. don't worry, annual favorites like the tractor parade, livestock auction, monster trucks and concerts will still be around. >> monster trucks? >> yeah, kids will love that. it is a win.
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right now is 6:00, a close call ends with a sears crash. what happened after the crash that had the bus driver jumping into action. >> protesters that shut down the bay bridge several months ago, they were back in court today. why they could walk away with no jail time. southbay this family getting sued over their special needs child. tonight they're speaking supposedly with us. the news at 6:00 starts right now, good evening, i am raj mathai. >> did evening. first we want to give a quick check. and pleasant hill the guesswork strong enough to bring down this tree right here across power lines. people dealing with outages and delayed bart services . here's
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a look at the breeze on san jose. it is expected to pick up through the night. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri here. >> it is both hands on the wheel if you're doing any traveling, especially over passes or the bridges. look at these wins, just updated this again. mt. diablo is 72 miles per hour. for most areas, it was a pretty persistent wind gust between 30 to 45 hundred san jose at 33. wind advisories stays in effect for the north bay hills, east bay and south hills. right through 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. here's a better look at the wind as we head through later on tonight and early tomorrow morning, 30 to 50 mile-per-hour coming out of the northeast. for our morning commute


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