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tv   Today  NBC  March 15, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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that's going to take us through the entire weekend celebrating st. patrick's day. we'll call out the tri-valley, because everything is fine as you would expect on this friday. highway 84, that's the one we're concerned with. today it's fine. starting over the weekend, it's an alternate to the closure on 680. >> literally, highway 84 activate. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast coming up next. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." it is going to be a nice day, so get out and enjoy it. and it's frida good friday morning. a deadly tornado outbreak overnight. >> yeah, and the threat is not over. it is march the 15th. this is "today." path of destruction.
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>> oh, no! oh, no! >> a string of tornadoes whips across the southwest and south. entire neighborhoods destroyed. we are live in one hard-hit town. and al has the full forecast of what you can expect this weekend. a michigan father found guilty for his role in the deadly school shooting carried out by his son weeks after his wife's constriction. what the first-of-their-kind trials could mean for other high-profile cases. on the table. hamas issues a new cease-fire proposal including the release of hostages. how will israel respond? while that ship carrying much needed aid is set to arrive in gaza today. a live report from jerusalem
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just ahead. royal drama. princes william and harry make separate appearances amid growing fall-out and questions over that photo. we will have the latest from london. all that plus carry-on crackdowns. the airline getting stricter on the items you get onboard. passengers voicing their frustration. >> we pay enough for our tickets, for all the other fees. >> just ahead, what you need to me for your next fight. and musgraves love. superstar kacey musgraves dropped her new album overnight. the seven-time grammy winner is celebrating with us and her many fans. a can't miss live concert today, march 15th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning.
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good to see you today, a friday morning. this is not any friday. >> no. >> this is a kacey musgraves kind of friday. the people have spoken. they have here. they are listening to sound break. >> yes. >> it will be a really great morning, y'all. they were lined up 6 all the way around, so we'll have a packed house. but we will start with that breaking news overnight. a tornado outbreak across the west and parts of the south. >> in all, there have been reports of at least 8 tornadoes touching down there in ohio. also in indiana and texas as well. meanwhile, out west the rockies hit with a major snowstorm,
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several feet just days before trees here. if our camera moves down, you can see there is a vehicle over there that has been flipped over. one area hospital says it has received 39 people for treatment in a community of 5,000 people waking up to scenes of devastation. we now levelled to the ground here. a powerful storm system tearing through 9 states, spawning devastating tornadoes in indiana and ohio where at least three people have been reported dead, including two at a mobile home view park in lake view. another twister in winchester, indiana, tossing mobile homes like toys. >> we have two subjects entrapped with injuries. >> reporter: a massive half mile wide tornado also tearing through ohio. at the time the national weather service in cleveland warning
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residents this is a very serious and dangerous tornado on the ground. earlier residents in southern indiana picking up the pieces from a tornado that crossed the ohio river. >> there is a whole house. there is just enough everywhere now. it is crazy. >> reporter: a major winter wallop out west just days before the official start of spring. colorado, montana, wyoming, and new mexico all digging out this morning from a series of massive snowstorms. >> it is just really heavy. >> reporter: experts say this is no ordinary snow. it is dense and weighed down with water, the kind of snow that could take down power lines and trees. >> every shovel full is probably 20, 30 pounds. >> reporter: colorado seeing up to five feet of snow. >> i'm not going any place today. >> reporter: shutting down major highways leaving cars stranded. flights backed up in denver.
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more than 800 canceled and hundreds more delayed as planes were de-iced ahead of take off. >> we will stay here until saturday night because we don't have anywhere to go. >> reporter: another look at the devastation here in indiana, where officials say after daybreak they will be doing a fuller assessment of the damage. thankfully, overnight no one here was reported missing. hoda? >> jesse, thank you. we are joined by randal dodds. sheriff dodds, good morning. good to see you. you are not only a sheriff. you have a lifelong resident raised in that tiny community. right now you are just starting to assess the damage. sheriff, what are you seeing? >> well, good morning and thank you for having me this morning. it is devastating. just devastation beyond belief. and it will probably be even more severe when daylight comes up. a couple more pockets there, just devastated. >> so sheriff, it has been described as a mass casualty
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event with a few fatalities. are you concerned the numbers will go higher? and what are you hearing about injuries? >> i am concerned. i anticipate we're going to find more. there is still pockets of houses that we need to get into that we can't get into. we will need heavy equipment to move -- move that -- move the material so we could find these victims. numerous injuries. i can't begin to tell you how many, but too many to count. unfortunately, but i do anticipate funding additional decreased persons unfortunately today. >> well, that is so difficult. like you were saying, it is going to take a lot of work to search for survivors. you said you need heavy equipment.
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what else do you need to take care of that. >> reporter: yeah. we are bringing a plane in today with fire and ems and law enforcement. we have searched some of these areas twice, but we feel like we need to go back and do another search with the assistance of the cadaver dogs. that will help us in which direction to go. one of the big issues last night was being able to have access, for example, to the orchard island area. there were downed power lines. there were downed trees. then we had natural gas leaks up there. for the safety of our responders, we had to pull out until we had the gas leak stopped and the power turned off. there was a lot of things to traverse, but we are working in the right direction. and i'm hoping to find some positive things today.
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i'm hoping we find some survivors that made it through the night. i'm looking forward to that happening as well. >> sheriff, just for a second, take off your sheriff's hat. i know you are a life-long resident there. everybody knows everybody. will you just tell us how the community is doing? >> i was impressed with the response we got from outside agencies. we were blessed in that capacity. and then the volunteers showed up. in fact, we were actually overrun with volunteers. people have good intentions. they want to help. i get that. but in some aspects it slowed us down a little bit. as you said, hoda, everybody knows everybody. we care about each other here. yeah.
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i'm a lifelong resident. i'm familiar with that lake area. i have lived around it most of my life. i have seen devastation, you know, other areas, mainly on television. but when it hits home, it really wakes you up and makes you appreciate how preci >> it is precious. our thoughts and prayers are with you. thank you. >> thank you. i just ask you keep us in your prayers. thank you. >> we will. thank you. >> absolutely we will. so much devastation. mr. roker standing by with everything we need to know as we head into this weekend. how are we looking, al? >> right now this severe weather is moving to the south. in fact, we have a thunderstorm watch until 10:00 a.m. central time through parts of mississippi on into alabama. we have tornado warnings. in fact, you can see the risk of moderate weather right now from montgomery to jackson, also down to san antonio, where we have the risk for tennis ball sized hail. rainfall amounts anywhere from 1 to 3 inches. we could see more especially down into texas and into central louisiana with rain fall rates of two inches or more. out west, we still have 500 people under winter weather advisories. snowfall amounts on what's already fallen. we could be looking to the south of denver, anywhere from 12 to 18 more inches of snow and then it finally shuts off today. in the meantime, guys, that severe weather will be a big
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problem. >> all right. we'll check back with you. thank you, al. now to a first of its kind verdict. a father of ethan crumbley who bought the gun that was used has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. adrian has that story for us this morning. >> reporter: hoda. good morning to you. a jury of six men and six men found him guilty. this verdict comes one month after his wife jennifer was convicted of the exact same crime. now they are the first parents in the u.s. to be held criminally responsible for a mass school shooting carried out by their child. >> guilty of involuntary manslaughter. >> reporter: it took a michigan jury nearly 11 hours of
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deliberation to convict james crumbley of involuntary manslaughter, making him the first father to be criminally responsible for a school shooting carried out by his son. crumbley shaking his head when the verdict was read. >> this verdict does not bring back their children. but it does mark a moment of accountability. >> reporter: his son ethan pled guilty to the first degree murders of four classmates and was sentenced last year to life in prison without parole. prosecutors arguing the 2021 shooting at oxford high school was, quote, foreseeable and preventable by james crumbley. >> he is on trial for what he did and what he didn't do. >> reporter: prosecutors say he ignored his son's mental health and failed to take simple precautions to secure the handgun he bought for his son as a gift. >> this is me inserting a glock.
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that takes less than 10 seconds. >> reporter: the defense says james has no knowledge his son was a danger to anyone. >> you heard no testimony, and you saw no evidence that james had any knowledge that his son was a danger to anyone. >> reporter: the shooter's mother, jennifer crumbley, was found guilty on the same charges last month. on the witness stand, she suggested her husband should have secured the murder weapons. >> i just didn't feel comfortable being in charge of that. it was more his thing, so i let him handle that. >> reporter: unlike his wife, james crumbley did not testify in his own defense. >> it is my decision to remain silent. >> reporter: parents thanking prosecutors for holding the crumbleys accountable. >> i felt our children there
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saying, you guys got this. >> reporter: those parents say their push for change continues. meanwhile, james crumbley is set to be sentenced on april 9th, each facing a maximum of 19 years behind bars. james' defense attorney telling us he feels, quote, terrible pp. hoda? >> about what happened. all right >> all right., adrienne broaddu for us i thank you. meanwhile, we are following meanwhile, following several developments in the legal troubles that surround former presiden several developments in the legal troubles that surround former president donald trump, including a highly anticipated including a highly anticipated ruling expected today in the georgia election interference case. laura jarrett has been following it for us. >> so the issue for the judge is whether d.a. willis benefitted financially from having her boyfriend lead the trump case. she says she didn't. the state was paying his salary. that is the heart about why she should be removed from the case. if the judge takes her off the case, it is not just her, the entire office is disqualified and another prosecutors could decide to drop charges or change
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the charges in some way. the former president and his codefendant tried to get the d.a. and her office kicked off the whole case, alleging she benefitted financially from her boyfriend taking lavish vacations together. the judge disagreed there was an actual legal conflict she required be disqualified from leading the case, but she did find an appearance of impropriety. the court's tone tough for d.a. willis, referencing her tremendous lapse in judgment. ultimately, georgia law does not permit the finding of an actual conflict for simply making bad choices. his attorney saying today, we
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will use all legal available options as we continue to fight to end this case which should have never been brought in the first place. we are waiting to hear back frog the district attorney herself. , >> all right. if ever. >> laura our senior legal correspon laura jarrett. thank you. we've got a lot more to get to including the new developments pushing for a ceasefire in hamas here's a live look at gaza where the ship delivering much-needed humanitarian aid is due to arrive at any moment richard engel, nbc's chief correspondent joins us now from jerusalem. hey, richard good morning >> reporter: good morning, hoda. from the heart of the old city in jerusalem, behind me is the dome of the rock which is within the mosque compound. the mood here is tense there is a heavy israeli security presence in this area as israel is now under increasing pressure to allow more aid into gaza
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with children now withering away from hunger in gaza and urgent un warnings about famine, israel is allowing in more food and humanitarian aid with increasin crossing directly from israe international air drops. a maritime door corridor still in development, and trucks now crossing directly from israel to northern gaza where the food crisis is most severe. >> you have placed no limit on the amount of aid that can enter into gaza. >> reporter: but aid groups say what's arriving is not nearly enough our camera crew found families heading south in search of safety, food and fresh water we have been eating animal feed. we kept hoping things would improve, but they did never, this woman says. they told us they have no idea where they are heading and criticized israel and hamas for the suffering of civilians pale civilians. president biden has said israel must not use humanitaria president biden said israel must not use humanitarian aid as a weapons, as the israeli military battles hamas and tries to free more than 100 hostages still
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held in gaza chuck schumer, a long-time supporter of israel, directly called on israelis to get rid of prime minister netanyahu. >> it has become clear to me the netanyahu coalition no longer fits the need of israel. israel cannot hope to succeed as a par rye yeah. >> israeli officials shot back that senator schumer should mind his own business as the israeli military is set to expand its war even further, setting its sights on rafah, where there were more strikes last night netanyahu insists hamas is hiding, sheltering in the city and this morning, there may be some progress in those
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negotiations to reach a cease-fire and free the hostages with hamas issuing a new proposal, which israel says it's studying. >> richard, thank you. now to some surprising new details on what might have caused a boeing plane to suffer a sudden and violent drop in altitude earlier this week dozens of people were hurt on the flight from sydney now according to a report from "the wall street journal" citing u.s. industry officials, a flight attendant hit a switch on the pilot's seat during meal service which pushed the pilot into the seat. it should not be used when a pilot is in their seat nbc news has not verified "the . troubling. >> it is. 7:19. let's check in wit wall street journal" report. so far no response. >> that's not good all right. 7:19 let's check in with al once
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again. hey, mr. roker. >> all right we mentioned severe storms down through the south. sunny and nice through the great lakes. snow and wind continues through the southwest. beautiful day along the west we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. n spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. good friday morning. the time is 7:20. we are in for more sunshine this afternoon after we die down from those very gusty winds at times. in san francisco over the next couple of days, nice and mild. 70s for this afternoon. as we go through the weekend, we're sticking around with sunshine for the st. patrick's day and st. patrick's day on
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sunday. as far as our inland valleys go, mid-70s throughout the weekend as we finally officially begin spring on tuesday, with temperatures in the mid-70s. coming up next half hour, looking at all the st. patrick's day parades. >> that's sunday, right? >> saturday and sunday. >> thanks, al. still ahead, an unexpected move by meghan markle. while the family is dealing with questions about that unedited photo of princess kate. we'll have the very latest live from buckingham palace also, inside what appears to be a crackdown on carry-ons and what really counts as a personal item we're going to break down we're going to break down everything you nd to know ee ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ coming up, i've got harry smith. coming up, i've got harry smith. goes one-on-one with the legendary voice of the boston
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celtics, who is now calling his 43rd and final season. >> wow wait until you hear about the unlikely break that kick started his hall of fame career. it's all coming up after your local news and weather vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. i recommend la roche-posay lipikar body cream. one application a day keeps very dry skin away. ♪♪ 48-hour hydration. helps repair the skin barrier. ♪♪ la roche-posay. (chef vo) fancy feast. chef-inspired. ♪♪ cat-adored. every silky broth, every impeccable paté, every delicious detail...
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brings you and your cat... closer together. fancy feast. love is in the details. (geri) i smoked, and i have copd. my children are really worried. my tip is, send your kids a text. it may be the last time that you do. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. two brothers cut from the same loaf. one is everybody's favorite part of the sandwich. oh, hey! the other... freezer burned. again. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. [music playing] y'all ready? ready. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum.
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hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. ♪♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. good morning. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. >> we're moving you forward with a look at our top stories. some breaking news just moments ago, a 3.0 earthquake reported
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south of san juan bautista. if you're familiar with the area, it is just south of the gilroy/holster area. if you felt it at all, you would be in the south bay region of gilroy, morgan hills, perhaps. no reports of damage or injuries, but just shaking, just within the last ten minutes or so. well, some big news for commuters this weekend. caltrans closing southbound 680 in pleasanton, the stretch of 680 between the 580/608 connecter and highway 84 will be closed from 9:00 tonight until early on monday morning. caltrans says the closure will replace a portion of the deteriorated roadway with new pavement. the agency says it will accomplish the amount of work that 40 nighttime closures would. let's get a look at the forecast. cinthia pimentel is tracking everything we need to know. >> we have been dealing with the wind yesterday and a little bit this morning. that will continue. but then the wind advisory is set to expire as we go into the
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lunchtime hour, and that will give break to a lot of sunshine that will continue around the bay area for the weekend. we're going to be in the mid-70s for today and stay pretty comfortable in those mid-70s as we go through the weekend, starting off our next workweek with temperatures also continuing to be nice and mild, and officially beginning spring on tuesday, with comfortable temperatures there. as far as san francisco goes, we are going to stay windy for today, but then continue to see nice, mild temperatures through the weekend.
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concert. this isn't just any concert. kacey musgraves. she's taking the stage and celebrating the release of her new album. the fans cannot wait, and she's got a special surprise. >> she does. >> to button up the concert that people will go crazy over, yes. >> can't wait to get outside meanwhile, with savannah off today, look who's here, sheinelle jones. >> good morning. it is going to be a good day first up, new royal intrigue amid the ongoing controversy amid the kate photo incident. >> molly hunter joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning from a rainy buckingham palace. after almost a week of silence, kensington palace isn't feeling the pressure to change course. at the end of a tumultuous week, prince william presenting the legacy awards last night to 20 young social activists sponsored
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by the diana award. >> she told me that everyone has the potential to give something back, that everyone in need deserves support her legacy is something that both catherine and i sought to focus on in our work. >> reporter: that was the only mention of kate, the princess of wales, all night in stark contrast, prince harry joined later on after the actual awards. >> so much of the future depends on you guys, right and you know that. some of you may feel what you are doing is small some may feel as though as it is big. my mom would be incredibly proud of all the work you have done. >> reporter: meanwhile back in california, meghan markle launched a new brand, back on social media for the first time
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since 2020 it is called american riviera orchard. all of this perhaps welcome distraction for the wales family. >> newspaper editors have always been uneasy, queasy about the increasing trend of handouts and i think that this incident is now going to probably put a bit of legend to the pencil of those journalists and make them much more willing and capable of saying, no, we're not going to take this situation. we're not going to take this handout. >> all the agencies validated the photo. >> reporter: one of the major organizations that killed that altered mother's day photo earlier this week was asked about this on the bbc. >> you said that kensington palace was a trusted source for you at the afp is it still a trusted source >> no, absolutely not. like with anything, when you're let down by a source, the bar is
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raised. >> okay. so now the press has made its statement there in england so how does the palace go about navigating how it is going to r update the public? >> reporter: hoda, and that's the big picture. that is why this matters it is hard to imagine that kensington palace maintains the same control over the images of the wales family, over catherine going forward. there is a sense she will have to appear in public in person with an independent press to start repairing this trust. >> molly, thank you so much there at buckingham palace appreciate it. a head's up before your next flight sam brock is following that story. hey, sam >> reporter: guy, good morning look, it's been the policy for years, right one carry-on bag, one personal items. they are discovers blankets and carry-ones count why the airlines is enforcing this strictly. we'll look at it coming up next, guys. >> also, cue the music "all night long" one of lionel richie's iconic songs. carson has it for us in
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(♪♪) like overpriced concessions. (♪♪) (♪♪) at metro, there's no exploding bills and nada yada yada. only at metro. we are back now at 7:38. this morning on "in depth today," something you may have noticed if you have flown recently. >> okay. airlines have limited passengers to one carry-on bag and one personal item. but now it seems like they will start some kind of enforcement on what a personal item actually is. is. >> sam brock joins us from miami international airport to >> sam brock joins us from miami international airport to explain. >> reporter: guys, good morning. we know there are a record
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number of travelers right now. we know the price of checked bags has gone up in recent weeks and months so people are doing what people do they're taking more stuff with them or trying to on to the plane. but many passengers are discovers that fanny packs are considered personal items. as one airline explains it, this is not a crackdown, but a clarification of existing rules. for many travelers trying to jet their way through the airport, the carry-on convenience is becoming more of a conundrum. >> sometimes you have extra stuff. >> reporter: passengers tired of ever-rising checked bag fees. >> we pay enough. >> reporter: are getting to the gate with roller boards and bags and pillows and packs and hitting roadblocks like this southwest flier. >> i could hear the gate agent saying if you have a pillow or a blanket that you need to condense it and put it inside of something because it is counted
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as a carry-on. >> reporter: southwest airlines, which does allow passengers two free checked bags states it can include purses, briefcases, blankets, pillows, food containers or laptops. southwest telling nbc news, the crackdown referenced in recent reporting is in actuality a clarification of existing policy limiting customers to two items. american airlines says it focuses on the number of carry-ons that have not made any changes to their policies. why the apparent crunch on carry-ons. >> this can actually affect, bo >> reporter: mere minutes can affect how many flights sort of, the boarding process. >> reporter: mere minutes can affect how many flights airlines
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can make, occasionally causing confrontation like in "meet in parents". >> i'm sorry, sir. you have to check that that bag won't fit. >> reporter: and less dramatically in real life, too some budget airlines like spirit and frontier do charge for a carry-on, while basic economy tickets on united or jetblue are cheaper and allow for a personal item but at a fee. the web of rules adding up with carry-ones now coming under the microscope if you are booking with a low-cost carrier and you know you are going to bring a carry-on, pay for it when you check it all of the airlines have their policies listed online so you are not surprised when you somehow up at the gate and volunteer to gate check your bag ahead of time. that way we're not doing this delicate bag where, are they going to take this from me, are they not going to? at least they will be prepared
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coming in and there is no slight of hand involved. >> the blanket thing is a bridge too far. i get people that come on with a bunch of bags that they call carry-ons. but you bought something at hudson news and you got a bag and you have your purse. >> they don't give you blankets anymore. >> people also feel like we're being nickel and dimed to death by the airlines. >> al, what say you? >> i say you are just watching your local nbc station it's free. it's in color. it has sound that's it. >> bring it home bring it home, al. >> this is your best value right here you don't need to travel. >> give us one of your free forecasts. >> and you get a free forecast right here all right. let's show you temperatures awfully warm. look at this new york city today flirting with 70 degrees. nashville 70
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raleigh will be 80 same in richmond for tomorrow, philadelphia is about 60 degrees 70 in st. louis. all right. let's play that music for you. okay as we look at these temperatures dropping over the weekend, here is your st. patrick's day forecast your forecast for the parade in boston, sunday showers new york city sunday mostly sunny, 53 to 59. chicago gusty winds, 52 to 55 on saturday we go down south big parade in savannah, georgia. good friday morning. the time is 7:44. and we are dealing with just a little more wind that's left over. the wind advisory should expire by the time we get to lunchtime.
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that should give way to a lot of sunshine and calm conditions throughout the weekend to celebrate st. patrick's day in our inland valleys. our temperatures will be sticking with the mid to upper 70s, even as we go into the start of our next workweek. spring officially begins on tuesday and we're staying mild and dry, at least through the ma >> wow! going on tour with river dance starting in may. s with going to be terrific. >> al, you are a national treasure. >> where does that come from? >> i just channel me lucky charms. i'm magically delicious. >> all right, al. coming up, guys, have you guys, by the way, seen this up imagine on social media? this texas couple working to save their cattle from a wild fire. there is a sweet decades' long
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love story behind it. we will have the heart warming story and your local boost coming up after this. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ wipe ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) (vo) if you have graves' disease... and a new fiber b...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪
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♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? hellmann's?? you can talk? and then she says... "may-ow" ...and boom—hellmann's saves the leftovers. she can't spell. "may-ow" it's mine! and now our keynote speaker... "may-ow" pete...
7:48 am
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trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. we're back at 7:49. carson joining the table. a really touching story that emerged from the wild fairs in texas. >> one couple's remarkable love story in the face of danger is touching hearts around the world. morgan chesky sat down with us. guys, good morning.
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>> reporter: this is a love story more than seven decades in the making, believe it or not. they found their little piece of paradise deep in the heart of the texas panhandle. when those wild fires were moving chose to their property, the couple did just what they have always done, took on the challenge head-on together. in the texas panhandle, heart-breaking fiery scenes. one image captured something else entirely. >> he's slumped over holding and she's right behind him. >> reporter: rene snapped this picture of her parents struggling to open a gate to keep cattle safe. >> you needed a little backup? >> yeah. i'm not as strong as i used to be. >> and i just wanted to be there to help him if i could. >> reporter: and it was that dedication that led rene to sharing their story online where seven decades of their love went viral. what does it take to make it 73 years. >> just say, yes, ma'am and go on. >> reporter: i believe that.
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>> it took a lot of perseverance. >> reporter: at 91 and 92, now only part ways when delmer hops in the farm truck for chores. the couple has been looking out for each other ever since milmer hopped into his 1942 chevy, tieing the knot right before delmer left to fight in korea. >> we didn't have any money, just some love.
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and that's all we lived on for a while. >> reporter: love they relied on. first losing their eldest son. then years later their home to a tornado. and just days ago, the worst wild fire in state history. >> you see two people who are there for each other, there for their family in the face of danger of the unknown. >> reporter: since posting their love story, messages are now pouring into little shamrock, texas from as far as south africa. newfound fame this couple, like everything else, takes right on stride. >> i still love her. >> reporter: i believe that. yeah. still lots of love there. in an almost 73-year marriage, guys, mark your calendars. march 22nd going to be that 73rd anniversary. when asked what their plans are, they said they leave that to the kids. they said it will probably be a nice restaurant. when they ring in their 75th anniversary, i don't know what i'm doing, but i will find my way back to shamrock, texas and help them celebrate. >> i wrote it down. yes, ma'am and go home. >> that's it. for 73 years. coming up on "popstart," the
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crowd outside is enormous. we have a live concert from kacey musgraves. it is finally here to celebrate with all of our fans and all of you. could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause hyperkalemia,
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mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) (♪♪) (♪♪) (vo) what does it mean to be rich? (♪♪) maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close.
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and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab in pleasanton. starting at 9:00 p.m. tonight, a stretch of 680 between the 580/680 connecter and highway 84 will be closed until monday morning. caltrans says the repair work will replace a portion of a deteriorated roadway with new pavement, closing it for the
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weekend will accomplish the amount of work that 40 nighttime closures would. caltrans has put up maps with detours on its website, depending on the direction you're waming from. let's get a look at your forecast. cinthia pimentel is letting us know what's going on. >> we are off to a windy start but the wind advisory should expire as we go into lunchtime, and then after that getting ready for our weekend and inland valleys, we're going to stay nice and sunny and warm. temperatures in the 70s for the middle of march as we celebrate st. patrick's day throughout the weekend. then going into next week, kicking off the workweek still with those temperatures in the mid to upper 70s, and continuing with this dry trend, at least through the majority of the next workweek. in san francisco, we have the windy start, but then afternoon sunshine and calmer wind speeds. then we'll go into the st. patrick's day parade tomorrow, saturday, with temperatures in the mid-60s. then welcoming spring officially on tuesday, with temperatures still nice and comfortable in
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san francisco. back to you. >> thank you, cinthia. we'll havenother local a n
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it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, deadly outbreak. >> there is a whole house over there. it's crazy. >> a string of powerful tornadoes slams the northwest, while a massive late winter storm causes heavy delays and
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major damage we are live with your full forecast heading into the weekend. plus, last call. harry smith heads to boston to catch up with a celtics legend. >> it's the horford corner yeah >> the iconic voice of the historic franchise hanging it up after more than 40 years in the booth. >> fans have been wonderful. that's been the best experience. >> their conversation coming up. and kacey coast-to-coast folks lining up around the corner to see the one, the only, kacey musgraves. she's treating us to a special performance today, march 15th, 2024. >> front row for kasey! 2024 >> front row for kacey >> from cambridge, massachusetts. >> alexandria, virginia.
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>> miami, florida. >> california. >> and arizona on the plaza. >> today i'm turning 21 with kacey musgraves. >> celebrating amelia's birthday. >> from new orleans! >> made a trip from georgia. >> just to see kacey musgraves. >> because it is our 25th anniversary. >> everybody is celebrating. you guys, please look at the crowd. it is massive. we don't usually have a concert in march, but we are today kasey will start us out on a friday morning savannah got a head start to the weekend. these folks are, too how about a prolific song writer how about a brand-new album? how about all of it? >> kacey musgraves today and, folks, the stars don't stop
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there. we have a huge week coming your way. kristen wiig and josh meghan trainor, sydney sweeney, ricky martin, "snl" legend kristen wiig and josh lucas joining us live and it kicks off monday. >> let's get to our news at 8:00 several people killed, many homes destroyed overnight when a string of tornadoes tore through the northwest and south. jesse kirsch joins us from a city that took a direct hit. >> reporter: this is a community of under 5,000 people. but one area hospital says 39 people have been taken there for care, have been received there for care i want to show you some of the scenes we're seeing here you can see the trees behind us with limbs sheered off and tufts of insulation caught in branches. it speaks to the amount of debris blowing around here. if the camera moves down, you can see branches it speaks to the amount of debris blowing around here
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if the camera moves down, you can see what's left of a restaurant drive-through and a vehicle that is flipped over we will pull out now and show you to the side here dangling water. it shows off risks in the area as we're getting a look at daylight and the devastation here this outbreak of tornadoes has been deadly. at least three people reportedly killed in ohio and authorities on the ground there as they told our team this morning expect that death toll could climb. hoda >> jesse, thank you. also breaking overnight, voters have started heading to the polls across russia for a three-day presidential election that holds very little suspension vladimir putin all but certain to win a historic fifth term and, of course, the results are being closely watched by washington keir simmons is in moscow for us where the voting is underway keir, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning to you we're inside a polling station from what is effectively a ref rep dumb on president putin's leadership
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take a look at the motif for the election there a russian v in russian colors. it is, you'll recognize, a symbol of the war in ukraine and in parts of the far east of russia, and this is impossible to verify, the electoral commission is already reporting turn-out of almost 40% this morning, president putin asking russia for six more years. he's already been its leader for 24, changing the constitution so he could run again nbc news was at this central moscow polling station when it opened this 90-year-old lived through stalin today she voted for putin. i trust him. i trust only him >> we live well.r: internationa election monitors will come from 106 countries, russia says, including china.
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that's why i voted for putin >> reporter: international election monitors will come from 106 countries, russia says, including china. but independent western observers are not welcome. for the first time in a russian presidential election, did you vote electronically? >> no, no. >> reporter: do you trust that yes, of course, she says president putin still popular here but young russians are less enthusiastic this woman told us she won't vote laughing, it's clear who is going to win this is the first national election since russia's illegal invasion of ukraine. people in the ukrainian territories occupied by russia are voting under martial law a russian bear is the star of a putin election video on state media. throw putin in chains, he says the kremlin ensuring putin is effectively unopposed. all the other candidates support russia's so-called special military operation, even the
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wives of russian service members, laying flowers for their loved ones to come home, have been threatened with arrest many recent weeks, while putin's strongest opponent alexei navalny died in prison and was buried this month. his wife yulia called on the west not to recognize the election while one of navalny's top aids says he was beaten with a hammer this week. in a video with a broken arm, he vowed, we will not surrender and back here live, craig, there is that transparent ballot box filling up you can see that somebody wrote in in another polling booth we're just getting video of a woman dropping blue dye into that ballot box clearly there is still opposition here. craig? >> our chief international correspondent keir simmons on the ground for us there in russia thank you. >> that's the news now, hoda how about a boost? we know there are certain people that get a little bummed out on their birthday. it does sometimes start in middle age, but not teddy.
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teddy is one, and he's already taking it hard ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ happy birthday dear teddy ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> oh! his mom says the reaction was not because he was tired he already had a nap he's shy maybe a little overwhelmed. >> a lot of people singing at him, exactly. >> she said teddy did manage to perk up a little bit when she gave him from frosting. >> it's probably a lot you know what i mean happy birthday, buddy. just ahead, harry smith st going to boston ahead of st. patrick's day to catch up with a celtic legend. the team's voice for 43 years. and this year's irishman of the year as well really looking forward to this one. >> we are. plus, carson, he's got something special on "popstart" to get you ready for our concert with kacey musgraves
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but, first, these messages jo ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. (chef vo) fancy feast. chef-inspired. dewy skin that's full of life. cat-adored. every silky broth, every impeccable paté, every delicious detail... brings you and your cat... closer together. fancy feast. love is in the details. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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8:12 am
(ethan) i remember seeing the menthol cigarette ads talking about how they were fresh and soothing. here's my tip. smoking any type of cigarette can cause a stroke. and there's nothing soothing about that. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. -sigh. -come on crust, it's your inner beauty that really counts. wow, rude. i just mean all that matters is what's in here. -you're so self centered. -look! look you're inner beauty is right here. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. uncrustables are the best part of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels.
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thank you. i didn't know you could get all this stuff on uber eats. i gotta remember that. yeah well you know what they say, in order to remember something you've got to forget something else. remember when you used to be a pepper lady? wasn't it the cinnamon sisters? that's close! jen. hey. ah, oh! oh. um ok. have we met? did someone doodle on my face? i'm so glad i remembered uber eats has office supplies, but i feel like i forgot something. yeah. shop etsy until april 15th and get up to 30% off thoughtful pieces made by real people to brighten your home. get extraordinary items that complement your style and help bring your vision to life. order until april 15th for up to 30% off lighting, furniture, gifts and more. when you need 'just the thing' to make your space feel like new... etsy has it.
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we are back with "mr. smith goes." a lot of people will be celebrating st. patrick's day this weekend, especially in the city of boston. >> the long time voice of the boston celtics himself happens to be in his farewell season. >> harry headed to the garden to see him. >> duty in the garden, right imagine this, how to get more irish than a kid from dorchester calling boston celtic games for four decades and now being named irishman of the year for the par rid up there but i sat down with my good friend mike to look back at his career, his legacy and the luck of the irish that made it all possible >> the celtics really pushing the ball in the paint. oh, nice pass. brown with time, yes
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>> reporter: there is a guy i know, a friend of mine, been doing the same job for 43 years. >> off the bounce, pull-up three. got it >> reporter: it's rarely dull and sometimes downright exciting. >> this is so cool >> reporter: mike grew up in dorchester, a couple of bus stops from the garden. >> i probably came to half a dozen games a year when i was like 12, 13, 14 years old. >> reporter: sneaking up the fire escape. >> i never paid for a ticket in my life. >> reporter: still. >> that's right. >> reporter: larry, a runner got it ball game's over boston wins! >> reporter: his last season style inspired by former celtic seasons. thei player and coach they worked together for 39 seasons. their first game, gorman brought
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a pile of notes. hudson put them in the trash >> he goes, we're going to talk about what we see, not what's on a piece of paper less is better has always been my philosophy. >> reporter: after college, gorman served as a naval aviator. he dreamt of a career in sports broadcasting but with no experience, he had no shot. >> it would be a tough story to tell it was a huge turning point in my life. >> reporter: every radio and tv station said no way. his last ship gill santos could give him some advice in the way, though, a chain linked fence and an unimpressed security guard >> he said, what's that? >> reporter: the security guard had been in the navy, too. he called santos. >> i got this guy here, ex-military guy, good guy. now he's trying to get in the
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business can you help him out you can? sure. >> reporter: soon he was selling ads and doing sportscast in new england. gorman's people, if you haven't guessed, some from the old sod march 17th mike will be the honoree at the st. patrick's day parade and dinner. >> john kennedy, mike gorman on the same thing. >> reporter: yeah, yeah. on st. patrick's day, mike's mind will be on his great grandmother, whose home was the first stop for many an irish immigrant right off the boat. >> i asked my mom, who are these people she said that's just your nana she likes taking care of you that's what she likes to do. >> reporter: compare raid time, nana will be there, too. >> that's what i will be thinking of as i walk the parade road i walk the parade road. she will be she will be beside me. she deserves it. >> reporter: gorman is a legend in boston and respected across
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the country. he was inducted into the basketball hall of fame a couple summers ago. this is his final season and everybody knows. >> i feel like when i'm at the game, people come up and say, good luck to you difficult shot got it at the buzzer >> reporter: decades of games, highlights galore. but what will he miss most >> i'm not going to miss the games and i'm not going to miss the players. i'm going to miss jimmy and jackie, the two guys, the brothers who run it with me. every usher i know in the building fans have been wonderful that's been the nicest experience, harry. it's always the people it is the people that are important. >> unbelievable. and that whole thing, right, he's got his squadron baseball cap in the back of the car
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the guy says, yeah, i was in squadron blah, blah, blah. he said, i was this close to being a substitute teacher >> isn't it funny how your life can be forever altered by one tiny moment. >> and what a great guy. >> how did you come to know him? what's the -- >> his wife was a producer at cbs sports who worked with my wife together 35 years ago. >> of course. >> doing big east games, yeah. >> wow. >> small world. >> harry, that was awesome. >> happy st. patrick's day. >> yeah, you too. all right. mr. roker, a check of the weather. >> let's take a look on st. patrick's day eve eve. sunny and nice weather severe storms down through the gulf we are watching that closely today. along thehe west good friday morning.
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we're preparing for a nice and mild weekend in san francisco. aside from the morning wind, the afternoon will be much calmer. that'll give way to our temperatures this weekend staying nice and mild and sunny skies as we officially welcome spring on tuesday. our inland valleys are going to be just a touch warmer in the mid 70s today and all weekend long and our >> that's your latest weather. best time of the morning. >> thank you very much let's get right to it on a friday willy nelson headlined the texas love reunion festival and surprised the audience with a special guest. willie brought out kermit the frog of course fans quickly sharing their v their videos online.
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♪ i've heard it too many times to ignore it ♪ ♪ it's something that i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ some day we'll find it, the rainbow connection ♪ ♪ for lovers, dreamers and me ♪ >> that goes back to, what, 1979 kacey musgraves did that version out there. full circle moment there, covering "rainbow connection" off the 2001 album, which was actually named after the song. next up, zayn, the former one direction member releasing new music overnight, dropping country genre. take a listen ♪♪ take me as i am ♪♪ the first album off his single it sounds like zayn may be following beyoncé into the country genre.
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take a listen. ♪ take me as i am, i'm tired of dancing around the point ♪ ♪ sharpening its jacket steals my voice ♪ >> good, right >> wow i like it. >> for zayn maybe not so twangy country. but he worked with the music producer david cog who is known for collaborating with others. that album is called "room under the stairs" scheduled to drop on may 17th. next up richard marx he stopped by the kelly clarkson show and revealed his surprising connection to lionel richie. >> my first job was singing background vocals for him. this is a true story the next time you hear -- ♪ all night long ♪ ♪ all night ♪ >> -- that's me. >> wow
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>> richard marx's face and rob lowe's face are having a race to see who can age better that's incredible there. ♪ all night long ♪ all night ♪ all night long ♪ >> that's good, though. >> that's richard marx right there. >> who knew? next up is kate winslet. the oscar winner is the latest to sit down and chatting with willie she hopes up about one of the biggest moments from earlier in her career that, of course, is life after "titanic". >> actually, in its most acute phase of titanicness, it was really not much fun because i didn't have an infrastructure that went hand in hand with being a famous person. when you are given opportunities like that when you are young and a girl, you just shut up and be grateful. i felt like i had to stand up for myself. >> you can catch more of that
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conv when you are given opportunities like that when you are young and a girl, you just shut up and be grateful i felt like i had to stand up for myself. >> you can catch more of that conversation coming up this week end on sunday. >> i love her. >> finally, kacey musgraves. today is the day her new album "deeper well" is officially out. delivering with a new music video attached "too good to be true." here's a look at that. ♪ i have been scared to give again ♪ ♪ because good to me and i'll b good to you ♪ ♪ please don't be today to be true ♪ >> and, of course, better than watching the video is we are moments away from kasey's concert. we will head outside to see the crowd, hoda. >> look who i found, guys. >> i got our kacey we are ready are you ready to rock this plaza, girl? >> yes >> she's ready we're ready.
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we'll have this and more after your local news. >> hi!
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good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. in just a few hours a suspect accused in the deadly stabbing of a tech executive in san francisco is due back in court,
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accused of killing bob lee back in april of last year. lee is a founder of cashapp. according to the documents, this happened in a dispute over momeni's sister. there is a motion to change the venue ahead of the possible trial. we'll have an update at midday. let's get a look at the forecast. friday is turning out nice. >> yeah. we are just dealing with a little bit of that wind, but the wind advisory is set to expire before lunchtime. if we're showing you 70s in san francisco, you know it's going to be nice through the best of the bay area. temperatures comfortable and mild in the low 60s. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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♪ it's 8:30 now on a fri-yeah morning. and it is an extra special one on the plaza because all of these folks, they're all here for a concert from the superstar, who is standing with
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us, ms. kacey musgraves! >> nice enough to join us here got out of nashville, decided to make the record "deeper well" right here in new york city. >> yes. >> great to have you here to share some of the songs off the record i love your central park vibe right here. >> i know. my moss. >> that's what we're talking about. >> we so look forward to it. we will talk to kacey in a little bit we have a concert. are you guys ready, by the way just double checking >> all right first, mr. roker, a check of the weather. >> all right it is st. patrick's weekend. let's see what you got saturday. the luck of the irish looking good in bismark.n saturday. we get down to the south, saturday l gusty winds saturday chicago new york beautiful on saturday we get down to the south, saturday looking great for
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atlanta and savannah, showers and thunderstorms, and out west, we got the luck of the good friday morning. aside from dealing with the wind this morning, we're going to calm down those wind speeds into the afternoon, giving way to a nice and mild weekend ahead in san francisco as we celebrate st. patrick's day. our inland valleys will do mid 70s for the afternoon and the next couple of days. >> she's a great singer, great writer >> lots of moss puns for sure. i got my dad jokes. >> all right by the way, you want to give some love to the folks on the other side of the stage. there they are. >> got up early.
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nice to have you here. >> up next, it is concert time kacey musgraves ready to show us why she is a seven-time grammy winner but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> all right the wait is over we got a lot of friends in our neck of the woods this morning, all here to see kacey musgraves. >> her fifth album is out today ♪♪ giddy up. >> one of music's brightest stars with hits l before she rocks the stage, here is a look at kasey's journey to
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the top of the charts. ♪ why don't you giddy up, giddy up ♪ >> one of music's brightest stars with hits like "butterflies," "slow burn" anda" "follow your arrow." highlighting her singer/song writer super power raised in texas, she began writing music at an early age and performing at state fairs and festivals. she moved to nashville at age 19, and her career took flight >> in 2013, her debut album scored kacey her first grammy. since then she's released three platinum albums, and her music has been streamed more than 4 billion times. her music has been streamed more than 4 billion times last month, kacey took home her seventh grammy on zach bryant's hit, "i remember everything.
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today kacey is marking another milestone with the release of her fifth album, "deeper well. ♪ i've found a deeper well ♪ >> an album she says was inspired by new york city. so what better way to celebrate than right here at the heart of the city, rockefeller plaza, on our citi concert stage >> oh, yeah! kicking things off with a fan favorite "slow burn," let's make some noise for kacey musgraves [ cheers and applause ♪♪ born in a hurry ♪♪ always late ♪♪ haven't been early since ♪ ♪ born in a hurry, always late ♪ ♪ haven't been early since '88
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♪♪ i can ♪ texas is hot, i can be cold ♪ ♪ grandma cried when i pierced my nose ♪ ♪♪ ♪ good in a glass, good on green ♪ ♪ good when you're putting your hand all over me ♪ all over me ♪♪ i'm all right with ♪ i'm all right with a slow burn ♪ ♪ taking my time, let the world turn ♪ld turn ♪♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ i'm gonna do it my way, it'll be all right ♪ ♪ if we burn it down, and it takes all night, it's a slow burn, yeah ♪
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♪♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ in tennessee, the sun's going down, but in beijing they're heading out to work ♪ work ♪♪ ♪♪ the ♪ you know the bar down the street don't close for an hour ♪ ♪ we should take a walk and loo at all the flowers ♪ ♪' cause i'm all right with a slow burn ♪ ♪ taking my time, let the world turn ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way, it'll be all right ♪ takes all night ♪♪ it's a slow burn ♪ if we burn it down and it takes all night, it's a slow burn ♪ feels good
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♪ whatever feels good ♪ ♪ ahh ♪ ♪ ahh ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ahh ♪ ♪♪ ♪ mm ♪ ♪ old soul, waiting my turn ♪ ♪ i know a few things, but i still got to a lot to learn ♪
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♪ so i'm all right with a slow burn ♪ ♪ slow burn ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> we are just getting started a lot more music from kacesy is
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dropped ♪ we are back on our plaza with seven-time grammy winner kacey musgraves. her new album "deeper well" dropped today. >> she is going to sing the title track from that in just a moment but first let's say hi welcome to our citi concert stage. it is only fitting that you are here i mean, new york really inspired
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this album this is the place where you should be performs why was new york such an integral part of this? >> new york is unlike any city in the world there is all this humanity of millions of people all the emotions are magnified there is lots of great people watching it is an incredible place. >> you have lots of inspiration writing here. >> so much in your life has changed since then how do you describe where you are kind of currently right now? >> i feel very grounded, thriving thriving and grounded. yeah >> yes "deeper well". >> awesome >> there we go see? >> what is the story behind the title track? >> "deeper well" is sort of an ode to the removal of resistance to growth in your life that can mean a lot of different things, but yeah. >> i like that before we get to the song, you were here a long, long time on "the today show" back in the day. you did something so cute. do you mind if i show it >> i don't know. >> it's just a real quick 20 seconds. just something fun this is when kacey was on the
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plaza here. >> i'm leaving i'm leaving. i'm done now. >> all right so just to show -- okay. so y'all. >> awkward phase. >> you were the coolest kid and you are the coolest grown-up what are you going to sing for us right now >> i think we're going to do "deeper well" for you guys right now, the title track. >> we love you ♪ ♪ ♪ my saturn has returned ♪urned started to change ♪♪ took a long ♪ when i turned 27, everything started to change ♪ ♪ took a long time, but i
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learned there's two kinds of people ♪ ♪ one is a giver and the one also trying to take all they can take ♪ ♪ so i'm saying good-bye to the people that i feel are real good at wasting my time ♪ ♪ no regrets, baby ♪ ♪ i just think that maybe, you go your way and i'll go mine ♪ ♪ it's been a real good time, but you got dark energy, something i can't unsee ♪ ♪ and i've got to take care of myself ♪ ♪ i found a deeper well ♪ ♪ i used to wake and bake ♪ out
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♪ roll out of bed, hit the gravity bong that i made ♪ ♪ and start the day ♪ >> it's true ♪ fst a while, it got me by ♪ ♪ everything i did seemed bette when i was high ♪ ♪ i don't know why ♪ ♪ so i'm getting rid of the habits that i feel are real good at wasting my time ♪ ♪ no regrets, baby, i just thin that maybe ♪ ♪ it's natural when things lose their shine ♪ ♪ so other things can glow ♪e g ♪♪ now i ♪ i've gotten older now, i know ♪
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♪ how to take care of myself ♪ d ♪ i found a deeper well ♪ ♪ mm ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ when i was growing up, we had what we needed, shoes on our feet ♪ ♪ but the world was as flat as plate ♪ ♪ and that's okay ♪ ♪ the things i was taught only took me so far ♪ ♪ had to figure the rest out myself ♪ ♪ and then i found ♪ ♪ i found a deeper well ♪
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♪ mm ♪ ♪ m ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> kacey musgraves performing "deeper well," but wait, there's more we're back after this with a special surise for these kaceyrp
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back on this friday morning as our concert with kacey musgraves rolls on. >> yeah. kacey will perform the bob ma marley classic "three little birds" with skip marley. and kacey and skip, take it away
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♪♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise up this morning, smile with the rising sun ♪ my ♪ three little birds by my doorstep ♪ ♪ singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true ♪, this s ♪ saying this is my message you ♪ thing ♪ singing don't worry about a thing because everything little thing is gonna be all right ♪ tg ♪ baby, don't worry about a thing ♪ ♪ because every little thing is
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gonna be all right ♪ ♪ rise up this morning, smile with the rising sun ♪ ♪ three little birds pitched by my doorstep ♪ ♪ singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true ♪ ♪ saying, this is my message too you ♪ ♪ singing don't worry about a ♪ thing ♪ ♪' cause every little thing is gonna be all right ♪ ♪ singing don't worry ♪ ♪ don't worry ♪ cuz ♪♪ cuz every little thing is ♪ about a thing ♪ ♪ don't worry' cause ♪ ♪ every little thing is gonna b all right ♪
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♪ ahh, yeah ♪ all right, yeah ♪ it's gonna be all right ♪ ♪ ♪ it's gonna be all right, yeah ♪ ♪ singing don't worry about a thing ♪ ♪'cause every little thing is gonna be all right ♪ ♪ baby, don't worry ♪ ♪ don't worry ♪ ♪ about a thing ♪ ♪ don't worry'cause ♪ ♪ every little thing is gonna b all right ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ it's gonna be all right,
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yeah ♪ ♪ mm, yeah ♪ ♪ it's gonna be all right ♪ >> that is kacey musgraves and skip marley. ladies and gentlemen, give it up for them and the band. thank you. >> hey, kacey, guess what? i got your number one fan here stay right there so where's 6-year-old june june, hi you want to come out right here? come right here. come here, june. june is your biggest -- she's f. hi, june. here's june. june dressed up as crazy about you. biggest littlest fan hi, june here's june. june dressed up as kacey for
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halloween. >> wow i love this outfit hi nice to met you. >> she was you for halloween, kacey. >> how are you feeling >> excited. >> good! >> what is your favorite thing about your cute outfit. >> i like how it shines. >> she likes how it shines. >> i love that and she's got the cutest boots, too. kacey -- >> can i have a high five? >> we love you to the moon and back, as i say to my kids. thank you for making this plaza so amazing on this friday. everybody give it up for kacey musgraves. >> skip marley. >> we're coming back after your local news with more music from kacey, but, first, your local news
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. this weekend marks four years since the bay area's covid shelter-in-place order. world health organization didn't end the covid emergency until last year in may. since the start of the pandemic, 7 milon people have died world wide, 1 million right here in the u.s. only 22% of americans have gotten the latest covid vaccine. the suspect accused in the deadly stabbing of a tech executive in san francisco is back in court. court documents say the stabbing happened in a
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this morning, honoring diana. prince william and harry. what william had to say days after his family's photo


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