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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 16, 2024 1:34am-2:04am PDT

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(marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: i wanna thank my guests jamie dornan, andy samberg, fred armisen and the 8g band go to youtube, check out an all new "corrections" we just posted thanks for watching. we love you, everybody
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[ cheers and applause ♪ right now at 11:00, we do have breaking news along the bay area freeway tonight. interstate 780 is shut down in both directions. this is all unfolding in the venetia area. chp confirming eastbound and westbound lanes are closed, between columbus parkway to southhampton. traffic is beginning to backup, because of this closure. we do have calls out to learn more about what exactly is going on. we will, of course, update you as we learn more. our other top story, our list just got longer. united airlines under scrutiny tonight, after a string of mechanical problems involving the boeing planes.
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the latest happening today, when a piece of a plane apparently fell off, somewhere between sfo and its destination and oregon. this is the seventh issue with united jet in the past few weeks. nbc bay area's tom johnson is at sfo raking down what may have gone wrong. >> we have to make it clear that this is an older boeing 737 800, about 25 years old, not one of the newer boeing 737 max is being investigated for multiple issues, but this is yet another united flight the mechanical problems may be linked to mechanical issues. united airlines say that the boeing 737 landed safely this afternoon and hubbard, oregon. pilots noticed it, first during a close flight inspection, as seen during this photo that reportedly shows an aircraft missing a piece after it landed. airport officials say the flight tower immediately lost flight operations, while maintenance crews swept the runways. >> you didn't see any debris or
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any panels or anything? everybody landed and operations continue normally? >> there's been a string of mechanical problems the past two weeks. thursday, a flight from balance dollars before it landed at sfo. earlier this week on monday, a flight headed to sfo from australia had to turn around mid flight after fluid was seen spewing out of the right lending year. a japan bound united airlines lost the wheel after takeoff from sfo. that feel crushing on the cars in the parking lot below. and then today this happened. >> it keeps coming back to san francisco and that is my concern. this is a major maintenance base and a major hub for united as they continue to be san francisco centered. >> reporter: another aviation expert tells nbc bay area, the large metal pieces are removed during the 737's engines. and that they are supposed be tightly screwed back into place, after undergoing a final inspection to make sure they are reattached securely, and
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like mccarron says, they are all braced for immediate concern for investigators. >> what we will do is look back on an issue and see who did it and who is effectively the workout is done. >> but united does much of its maintenance work at sfo in place 3500 technicians, but some u.s. airlines have turned outsourcing work, something else for investigators to look into. >> more and more the routine, you know, monthly or semiannual inspections are being outsourced to third parties and some of these are out of the country. >> reporter: for now, united says this 737 in today's incident remains grounded, while it makes repairs and investigates what went wrong, before returning to service. from sfo, thom jensen, nbc bay area news. your something that could change your weekend plan. the 680 in the pleasanton area is now closed as caltrans crews
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can repair the freeway. all southbound lanes are shutdown. nbc's pete suratos says roadwork is already underway. >> yeah, it is. look we are already along 687 pleasanton we want to show our viewers some of the work that is being done as repairs are underway. it is 9:00 p.m., so they have the network the past hour or so, so if you do plan on heading to the tri-valley area this weekend, it would be a good idea. starting tonight, through monday morning, caltrans 28 nine mile stretch of 680 south. all the way to goodman road. crews will replace a portion of the existing deteriorating roadway and caltrans hopes to get a lot of work done in this initial time spent, with a number of repair products already being postponed this
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year due to weather. >> we are able to pretty much stop and condense 40 nights of work into this weekend. >> reporter: but it could mean slow drive times for choppers headed to the tri-valley to enjoy st. patrick's day activities. city officials are expecting around 80,000 people to attend the weekend event. but they are staying hopeful that the 680 closure will not be an issue. >> there may be some impact because of those closures the freeways could be impacted, however all access roads to dublin will be open on friday at 680. >> drivers who frequently use this portion of 680 tell me that they plan to avoid the area altogether this weekend. but also add that freeway repairs are long overdue. >> that will be good, we do take 680 regularly. >> when you turn and it is dark you can have your interview with the other way. it is very dangerous. i say it and a lot of my
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friends say that night >> we check back live out here at 680 south, where they are making those repairs. of course that will last through the weekend. caltrans will be a place to make sure those repairs are down below. it will be wrapped up by monday morning at 4:00 a.m. pete suratos, nbc bay area news. for some people, their weekend plans might include a lot of cleanup. this video from sonoma county, strong wind blew over a massive redwood tree, and you can see the front of that cabin is pretty much gone. thankfully no one was home at the time and we are told the city of hector flew that home this afternoon. you hear those chainsaws going? they are needed. a large street belt locking a road. it just so happens that the tree fell next to a sign warning people about falling trees and limbs. crew say no one was hurt and no
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property was damaged. >> so strong winds seem to be coming down as we take a live look at san jose. you can see the trees are right there in the distance let's check in with chief meteorologist jeff ranieri keeping an eye on this for us. is the wind finally dying down in those areas? >> we are certainly with the worst behind us thankfully. pretty frightening, especially out throughout the hills 500 feet and above. we had wind gusts up to about 70 miles per hour times, but generally for a lot of the bay area it was anywhere between 30 to 50. here's a look at the current wind speeds. we are call me napa. five miles per hour in san jose. good to see that in just four miles in santa rosa. take a look at that forecast tomorrow morning. we will stay with some relatively calm winds all the way through this weekend. we have a high pressure building off the shore, that will ensure some sunshine and also some warmer temperatures. let me give you a quick preview of this. for the inland valleys we will start off chilly at 48, but
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look at this, sunny skies, low 70s through the afternoon and the coastline, fog free conditions. we will be cool there with an ocean breeze from the 60s. i will have a look at some st. patrick's day event. also that chance of rain will arrive, i will see you in 10 minutes. >> thank you. just into our newsroom, a fiery crash with five people in the hospital tonight. four teens among the victims of this crash in contra costa county. it happened at 5:30 and witnesses say someone tried to make a u-turn when a car slammed into another car. it caused both vehicles to burst into flames. before chp arrived, no word on their conditions. the alameda fire department launched a major search this afternoon after receiving calls about a swimmer struggling in the water. a firefighter trained in water rescue immediately got into the water and tried to pull him to safety. the water rescue team arrived shortly after, but after searching for more than two hours he did find the man's body.
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tonight, a bay area doctor is back home after spending more than a month in gaza treating patients. a lot of what we are seeing on- screen is a palace a minute palestinian american dr. firsthand. jocelyn moran spoke with him tonight. >> reporter: after spending five weeks in gaza tending to patients he landed at sfo this afternoon greeted by his family and friends. >> we just hugged him and then i started crying and i think it is just all of the emotion from the past five weeks. >> reporter: minutes after reuniting with him he spoke about his experience in gaza. patients would come in all at once after a mental strike and you really have to go through the process of color coding a person who is that, someone who is expected to die and you shouldn't really focus your
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energy and resources on them. someone who is critically ill who you could potentially save. >> two weeks ago, here is mohammed's wife and their kids. while on the phone, mohammed was telling her about two boys they got to know. >> he had a walker and crutches, his right leg and they both had injuries to their bodies. it was one of the hardest things for me to say goodbye to them. because i literally spent every day with them. we fly kites right before sunset. >> tonight, mohammed and his family are looking forward to spending time together. >> i like having you know, the early and late meals with him. we like to go get bobo. >> reporter: relieved to be reunited. >> you know, i have my boys and my wife.
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>> something they don't take for granted. mohammed is also thinking about the people in gaza. >> remembering that right now, as we speak and this time a child has been killed. i am not there to help resuscitate that child. >> reporter: he says a permanent cease-fire as needed, and mohammed and and his family are hoping to raise awareness about what he witnessed. >> every child that is killed, that is an experienced human was -- that lost their life. unjustly. >> i just hope i can learn from what he experienced. and i can tell other people about it. and spread the message. >> reporter: jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news. shock and confusion, after two big decisions from the ellen roth school board in san jose last night. the board voted to terminate his contract. the board also voted to reject one of her proposals to relocate hundreds of students
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at a middle school in the district. she led the district for 10 years, including through the pandemic, when her district made some of the highest covered rates in the state. she was surprised by the move. >> when it is sudden like this is when it is, for me, personally hard. >> you are surprised by the motion? >> absolutely. >> reporter: the new superintendent will see immediate challenges, including a dramatic decline in student enrollment and a $20 million budget deficit next year. tonight, a fellow san francisco legend, happy birthday, willie brown. >> the former san francisco celebrate his 90th birthday tonight. it was quite the bash at the irish bar in northeast. his actual birthday is on wednesday, but event organizers wanted to get a jump on the party. all right, we are back in 60 seconds. just ahead, a new twist in the
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bizarre story of james durgin, the man at the center of saving san francisco. we investigate why he is about to be released from jail again plus, steph curry comes back. what the nba star had to say about possibly returning to the court, after an injury. and how warm it will get this weekend.
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a complicated man at the center of our streaming series, saving san francisco, will be allowed to walk out of jail tomorrow. that has one woman terrified. senior investigative reporter, has why that man is being set free and tells us about the new site that will lend him back behind bars. >> there hasn't been any justice, period. >> megan is frustrated, angry and scared. a man caught on surveillance video, repeatedly outside of her home. at one point even naked. >> you think you will be back at your front door. >> 100%, of course. >> are you worried he may try to hurt you? >> yes. and so are people who care about me. >> that man is james, the central figure of our streaming series, saving san francisco, which chronicles the dark side of the city and solutions for how to fix it. once a beloved private school teacher and fitness coach, be he became addicted to drugs and a struggle with struggle with
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homelessness and mental health issues for years. he tells us he's been arrested more than 100 times in san francisco and court records we obtained show that he has been convicted of a range of crimes, ankle involving drug use and violence. she says she never met durgin until she caught entering to break into his apartment. in a jailhouse interview he told us he is often misunderstood and denied ever wanting to hurt anyone. >> i am convinced that if we had a chance to talk go for a walk on the beach, have some tea, that we would not be in the situation at all. i'm sure we would be best friends. i'm sure we would. >> you think you could be best friends with an. >> i could be best friends with anyone. yeah. >> reporter: his current sentence inside the jail is for violating his probation stemming from an unrelated crime. over the years durgan has
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racked up repeated violations, including removing an ankle monitor and abandoning rehab, sometimes walking out just hours after checking in. >> i am always appalled and i am never surprised. >> reporter: anne blames the criminal justice system that has given him too many chances. >> it is arrogance to keep insisting that oh, he just needs help. he doesn't want your help. why don't you help me and my community stay safe? but the resources there, because he doesn't want it. >> reporter: the district attorney's office says they can't keep durgan in any longer. she says she has been asking prosecutors to file stalking charges against her for years, spanning four different district attorneys. the current da's office tells us, because presido is on
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federal land, it is up to the u.s. district attorney post office. the defense won't comment on whether they have or will consider a stalking charge. >> it is frustrating, it is scary. it is sad. we are actually being injured by the justice system. >> reporter: while durgan is scheduled to be a free man, he will have to talk to a judge next rick. it all dates back to last november, when durgan was caught on camera, writing a cryptic message on the front door of one of anne's neighbors . she's my love, he wrote. he is accused of posting similar notes nearby. she is mine on another door. >> you think these messages were meant for you? >> yes. i do. obviously they are a warning. he is not backing down. >> reporter: when we first spoke with anne a couple of years ago, she told us when durgan is out of jail, she feels so terrified that she sleeps with a knife and taser by her bedside.
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>> you still do that? >> oh yes, and i bar the doors. the behavior just gets increasingly aggressive and menacing, and there is nothing to stop it. >> reporter: u.s. park police recently sent a photo to each of its officers in the area in light of durgan's release from jail this weekend. security checks will be set up in case durgan returns to her home violating a restraining order. he will have to appear before a federal judge on thursday in answer for that vandalism charge. if he fails to show up it is likely a warning will be issued for his arrest. with the investigative unit. >> you can catch up on all six episodes of saving san francisco right now on our website, or you can stream it on people peacock or samsung tv. jaff ranieri right now,
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jeff, we have been talking about the winds and i can see behind you, the sun. >> yes, and warm. i know everyone is agreeing with what will be coming our way as you had through saturday and sunday and that did bring the wind. this will be way off towards the east tomorrow, and the snow chance for that wind and how about that sunshine? we need it on our weekend. check out this. santa rosa, only the second weekend in 2024 with sunshine. last time here with 2024 and 25th. i will show you more details in that microclimate forecast right now, and tomorrow morning we will started off mostly clear. it will be chilly this starts too. down to 48 for the south bay, san francisco, once but here with some low 50s, and we will be free through sf. through tomorrow's forecast it will be warm. look at these numbers out of south bay. 73 in morgan hill, and oakland to the east they, vallejo at 73, maybe you are headed in dublin
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for a st. patrick's day celebration. luck of the iris is with us here. 75, 3:00 p.m. come out towards the peninsula, in half moon bay, redwood at 72. maybe in san francisco, and their annual st. patrick's day parade, we are starting this off at 11:30 in the morning, sunny skies, even 70, by 3:00 p.m. have an awesome time. if you are going up to one country right now, napa here at 73. you will want to enjoy every single second of this weekend. let's check out this 10-day forecast. by next weekend we are in the low 60s and what looks to be our next chance of rain arriving by next friday, the 22nd, and a few more chances on saturday and the following sunday. so, not this weekend, the following weekend, rain is on the way. right now, a quarter to an half an inch. otherwise you keep an eye on your weekend and make those plans now. look at that, san francisco, saturday, we will start the day
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at 70, and for the inland valleys we are looking at mid- 70s. i have lots of gardening on my list this weekend. but i will sit in a chair and soak up some rain. how about that? >> it is too good of a weekend for that. >> i know. still to come, attention target shoppers, major changes are coming to the self checkout rules and when they will take effect. and we have jamie. hello, everyone, bill murray undercuts in are here tonight.
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all right, counter items, before self checkout at target. it's rules are changing this weekend. the retail giant says sunday, customers will be limited to 10
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items or less. target also says the self checkout lanes may close entirely of certain hours, depending on foot traffic. the move comes, as target and other retailers say they have been battling theft. well, we now know one of the incredibly lucky winners of the the second highest jackpots ever, just over $1.7 million. the powerball ticket was sold in a small town in kern county of the central valley. and the california lottery revealed that truck is a representative of the group of winners. if you remember, the historic drop was last october, the store, midway market, but a cool $1 million for selling that ticket. all right, the warriors have the night f, but
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ready? we can all breathe a sigh of relief tonight. steph curry that connection, the warriors star said today he is planning to return to the court tomorrow in los angeles as golden state takes on the lakers. >> that is the plan and everything goes well we will practice today and, yeah, we have tonight on it. working hard all week, try to get back as soon as possible. so, it is nice to be back with the team, good energy going on. >> he is back. he has been out since last week. after he sprained his ankle
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late in the fourth quarter against the bulls. no serious damage to the street. okay. >> yeah, right, good for him. to baseball now, with the a's and their move to las vegas. >> so, the a's new announcer made her debut and made history today. >> reporter: we are so excited to be along with you i am jenny cavnar, you know dallas braden. >> we got a's baseball, and jenny, we have you, i cannot wait. we have waited for this day, that is finally here. >> it is here. >> so, jenny cavnar, as you know, is the first primary female play-by-play announcer in the big leagues. as for again, the rain kind of ruined that. as you can see, the a's and


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