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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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news on the east coast, a gunman accused of killing three family members and then barricaded himself in a home. >> now the standoff is over in trenton, new jersey. andre gordon was taken into custody after a crime spree spanning two states, he carjacked a driver in new jersey at gunpoint this morning and then shot and killed three family members in two locations in pennsylvania, the first kilt is 52-year-old stepmother and 13-year-old sister. three other people in the home were hiding, he then went to a second home where he shot and killed a 25-year-old woman with whom he shares two children. >> at the time there were four individuals present in the home. one of which was injured after being legend with the assault rifle. she was transported to jefferson for her injuries. >> after the shootings gordon barricaded himself in a trenton home. gordon slipped out of the home but was arrested nearby. tensions mounted in
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washington over israel's planned invasion as the president is considering options for how to respond if israel defies repeated warnings about rafah. president biden insist israel build a plan for how it would protect allison in civilians before it launches a military invasion. israel has its sights set on the southernmost city in the gaza strip because it believes it to be the last stronghold of hamas which carried out the october some of the tax. in the west bank, a palestinian government opened fire toward a jewish settlement. israel's military says their soldiers then shot and killed the gunman who was shooting from a palestinian cemetery next to the jewish settlement. palestinian leaders have not commented. violence in the west bank has increased since the war began in gaza six months ago. tomorrow on meet the press, a discussion on the first maritime shipment of humanitarian aid to gaza which is carrying 200 tons of food.
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it left cypress on tuesday, kristin welker sat down with chef oj -- josi andres who has been providing aid to people in gaza for months. >> what we cannot do is fail the people of gaza. that would be the true failure, not trying. so we are trying and i hope in a few days we can say we have had success. >> welker will hold exclusive interviews with the former fulton county prosecutor nathan wade and senator bill cassidy of louisiana. you can watch meet the press every sunday at 8:00 a.m. on nbc bay area. meta is being investigated for involvement in the illegal sale of drugs. the wall street journal reports prosecutors in virginia are probing whether social media platforms facilitated and profited from illegal drug sales, they are asking
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questions as part of a grand jury probe and gathering document, the food and drug administration is also involved. meta has said the sale of illicit drugs is against its policies and it is working to find and remove such content. the app many people use to get home safely late at night, but some say their rides have turned into a nightmare. >> thousands of women are suing uber claiming that a driver sexually abused them and it could take a decade for some of the accusers to see any resolution. >> november 2019, downtown los angeles. alyssa broomfield just started fashion school. suck the first time i was on my own. moving out. moving to los angeles. >> this day was about celebrating a new chapter.
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by the time broomfield got to the club, she had been drinking all day and night. she says she was heavily intoxicated and when she got separated from her friends she wanted to go home. >> that's when i called the uber. i opened the back door and he said just come in the front. from then it is a blur. the one thing i remember the most was being in some random parking lot. >> room field's uber trip details show she was picked up at 1:00 a.m. according to the police report, she was in the uber five and half hours until 6:30 a.m. at some point in and out of consciousness. in addition to a kit, they asked the driver to send tax
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asking him what happened, when she texted him i don't really remember that night the driver responded oh, i believe you. broomfield wanted to press charges, but ultimately the district attorney's office said that there was insufficient evidence. >> in their eyes it was he said she said. i felt very hopeless when i heard that. >> medical documents show that a doctor reviewed the reports and wrote she was violently sexually assaulted and pain started within one week later, broomfield had several herniated discs resulting in multiple surgeries and a debilitating pain that persists today. a journey she has documented on social media. according to point if attorneys broomfield is one of 2000 people suing uber in civil court in california and across the country alleging the company did not do enough to protect riders from sexual
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abuse by its drivers. as news outlets have covered some cases, people do not know that there has been significant case delays, she recently learned from her attorney it could take close to a decade since her incident or for her to see any kind of result. >> i need to find a way now. i don't have 10 years to wait. my body is degenerating. minute by minute. day by day getting worse. >> it is heartbreaking. it is our job to bring resolution and justice. >> rachel abrams is not broomfield attorney, but she represents other uber victims, she says in 2022 uber first to remove all non-california plaintiffs from court which caused a major delay, some attorneys appealed, but instead of waiting for the appellate ruling they refiled the non- california cases in federal
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court. abrams says the cases are moving along faster now, but there are still delays. >> how has uber been with moving cases forward? >> every turn we would get another delay. >> along with a number of cases they have to get through, abrams says uber is not meeting some deadlines. >> clearly this will be an issue. >> uber declined requests for interview but says plaintiff attorneys and the judge agreed to the extension that caused the delays, uber says it could not comment further but said in a statement that sexual assault is a horrific crime. we take every report very seriously and we are deeply committed to safety of all users on the uber platform. >> what do you want to say to those who may think this is all about money? >> the only reason i am doing this and sharing my story and putting this out here for people to know what actually
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happened, when you think you're going to get home safe. >> broomfield and abrams say that swift resolution is not just important to the people involved in the lawsuit, they say it is important to anyone using the app. >> sexual assault is way more prevalent than people realize. >> every single time, especially a woman, i hear that my uber is here, i pray to god that woman is safe. >> assault on its platform are extremely rare according to uber with public safety reports involving in its app. you can see links to those in our online story. the draw for the first california cases will be starting may of 2025. from the investigative unit, nbc bay area news. >> if you have a story for our investigative unit, call 888-
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996-pip s or visit coming up, coastal cities are preparing as the sea level continues to rise. now they're getting extra help from the feds to try to predict flooding. spring is almost here which means it's time for the cherry blossoms. the famous trees won't look the same next year and we will tell you why. a few low 70s on the map as a few low 70s on the map as we get the turn of re i onsuffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx.
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ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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now to the climate in crisis, in 15 years flooding along the coast is projected to happen up to three times as often as today. sea level rise driven by climate change is accelerating and the problem is costing $1 billion in damage every year. national climate reporter from
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santa cruz showing for the first time how flood predictions are being improved to help communities repair. >> a lot of people had to move out across the street. >> americans on every coast are living the reality of sealevel rise. in charleston the ocean can spill into the street 10 or 15 days every year and in 15 years noaa projects that will triple 45 days every year. >> we don't know how you survived that. we have to prepare and plan for infrastructure to manage that. it is expensive and takes long planning and long division. if we don't do it are we giving up? >> charleston has a billion- dollar project underway to raise sea walls and reroute floodwaters and in the short- term many cities like charleston rely on sandbags and mobile pumps when they expect flooding, but what about when it is unexpected?
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greg is one of the scientists from noaa working to better protect high flied -- tight fighting because most of the time flooding is only correctly predicted 35% of the time. the weather is one factor and sometimes hundreds of miles of the coast do not have a tied gauge. >> we go from covering multiple states in the region, down to specific communities and eventually down to every quarter-mile along the shore having a specific flood protection. >> the coastal ocean reanalysis will fill in the gaps with hyper local data better predicting all the ways sealevel rise impacts the coast. in california storms, high tide and rising sea can wash the land out from underneath roads, train tracks and people's homes. happening up and down the california coast during winter storms which has been a boost by sea level is creeping higher
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and higher and increasing the importance of noaa and its work. >> we will provide more information to underserved communities that don't have a tied station and they don't have resources to do all of this research themselves. so they rely on noaa . >> they have begun testing the flood forecast on the atlantic and gulf coast. if all goes well they hope to roll it out in the next three or four years and that will be good timing because every year that goes by sea level rise is accelerating. from santa cruz, i'm national climate reporter. in washington d.c. a time- honored sign of spring and cherry trees along the tidal basin near blooming, the site brings thousands of visitors each year but they will need to enjoy as they cancel the park service is letting people know in a few months a three-year construction project will be getting underway. access will be cut off and 300 cherry trees will have to be cut down.
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the national park service says it is necessary to repair the sea walls built 100 years ago. to keep the potomac river at bay, now the walls are crumbling and sinking. >> we are losing cherry trees every year due to the flooding. they cannot be replaced because the flooding is still taking place. we will rebuild and reconfigure. we are going to anchor them in the bedrock which is not done originally. we will raise them to a level so the rising sea level will not come over the walls. >> the park service says want construction wraps up, the new cherry trees will be planted. let's get over to chicago where a treasured tradition returns this up as st. patrick's day weekend. the chicago river was dyed green, the green dye was let out using boats. in no time the river is a bright shade of green.
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the union has been doing this 69 years. they will not say what is in the dye, but they assure everyone this magical mixture is environmentally friendly. getting festive to the south, kicking off celebrations by dying the hillsboro river green, part of the river of green festival kicking off today. the city says that the dye is non-toxic, biodegradable and safe for the environment. >> wow. every year. all right. now, behind us, we can see beautiful scenery. the weather is gorgeous. >> the weather is stunning. you are welcome everybody. we will continue this going into sunday as well. continue to celebrate st. patrick's day, run the oakland marathon. a lot going on and at this hour we are in the low 70s in san jose with a wind from the
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northwest at 13 miles per hour. after a gusty couple of days this was nice. goodbye to the wind, hello to the weekend, walnut creek 71 degrees. the richmond san rafael bridge, 66 degrees now and oakland is going down to 63 as well. with wind from the west at 15 miles per hour. getting started for the marathon tomorrow in oakland. starting out in the 50s with a few cloudy areas. as you are getting there, be careful with visibility. 30s in the north bay, 33 santa rosa and 48 in fremont. through the morning we will see more clearing, especially inland . by noon 65 in clearlake, 64 in livermore and san jose and into the afternoon, more sunshine with warm temperatures for anything you decide to do. it will be nice in the wine country, san francisco st.
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patrick's day and 70 in los gatos. celebrating spring with the aztec festival called the new year festival in san jose. east san jose at the park at 9:00 in the morning continuing through 6:00 with the temperature feeling like spring. aztec dancers, food and vendors, check it out in the south bay. looking forward, we will do a little bit of outlook toward next week. on monday temperatures are warm, mostly 70s with a few upper 60s at the coastline. then we fast forward to wednesday as we will see changes coming. a little bit more cloud coverage with easy conditions picking up and we cool down to the 60s. by friday of next week, the rain returns in the models where we are breezy and much cooler than yesterday. stepping out of the way so you can see those temperatures.
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64 santa rosa and fremont as we go to next friday and saturday. i know it is nice this weekend and you want to jump ahead and get ready with everybody for next weekend, but it is the return of rain with sierra snow into next weekend. this weekend was spectacular and we will continue in san francisco for tomorrow. with mid-60s and really starting off spring with mild temperatures before we start to see the cloud coverage returning. at the inland valley, 70 and mild before we cool back down into the upper 60s. you can feel the breeze and we are prepared to bring out the umbrella again. did you put it away? >> i threw it in the trash. i said i will never need this again. in a couple days i will go pull it out. coming up, rosie the riveter with an amazing story. how she passes her story along. plus, a special recognition
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that she is about to receive. >> a quick reminder, access nbc bay area news ne whenever you want, 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. yocan watch breaking news, news conferences and repes of news conferences and repes of the newscast.
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the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ this month we are celebrating women's history, tonight is a new honor for rosie, the women who kept america factories and shipyards running strong during world war ii. they are about to get one of the nation's highest honors. >> rosie the riveter's. we caught up with one of the bay area rosie's who is among those headed to washington d.c. to accept the congressional gold medal. >> it was the thing to do. it needed doing.
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they needed people to do it. >> 98-year-old jean gibson describes what drove her to leave her home in minnesota at age 18 to take a welding job in seattle during world war ii. >> everybody was chipping in. doing what they could. >> gibson is one of 20 million women known as rosie the riveter's, women who entered the workforce during world war ii when the men went off to war. >> they took on jobs that were normally not available. they worked long and hard and tiring days. some were welders, some were building ships. >> now eight decades later these rosie's will be getting the highest honor. gibson will be among 30 others who will travel to washington d.c. next month to collectively accept a congressional gold medal, the honor that is long
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overdue. >> it is the fact that we honor what they did and we appreciate what they did. >> gibson was recognized at the warriors game. a little warm-up for what's to come. >> that was fabulous. you know i am really honored. it was in the early part of my life. so my life went on. >> gibson went on to get her phd, teach school, become a writer and licensed pilot. she credits much of it to her days as a rosie. >> it was an experience that gelled everything. i have been independent, but this made me what i am today i guess. >> at 98 she is sharing her story with younger generations at the rosie the riveter museum in richmond. hoping to inspire.
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>> we can do it. >> in richmond, jody hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> she can do it, she did do it and now getting well-deserved recognition. >> we love it. back in
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battlegrounds begin monday night on the voice. >> not only will it be new for the contestants and for the rookie coaches after singers fought to win a chair turn in the blind audition now they go head-to-head with other singers on the team. coaches must work with artists they just met and choose between them. >> the battles are scary, but i feel better. we are here, now we have to focus. >> we did not think about it at all before we came on the show. sending people home is one of the most heartbreaking things
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we have had to do. >> the best advice for team members and coaches, we have been told, savor the experience. however long it lasts. don't forget, they can steal in these battle auditions. you can steal. >> thank you for watching. more news coming up in two minutes. stay with us. on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system... you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit
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the weekend culture from the east bay did not mess up the st. patrick's day festivities, in dublin. we will take you there. >>


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