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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 17, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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good morning. it is sunday, march 17th, st. patrick's day. look at all these fine folks heading out about to run the
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oakland marathon and half marathon. the starting line taking off any minute now. hopefully, you're cozy at home. thank you so much for starting your sunday morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a look at our microclimate forecast. looks a little chilly. >> we are starting off in the 40s this morning. we have a little bit more of that cloud cover, patchy fog. look at san francisco. our camera just blanketing the city. we should be in for another lovely day with the 70s. i did, however, want to go into oakland as people get ready not only to race but to cheer those people on. we'll see a few of the clouds lingering around the mid morning. more sunshine and we continue with those temperatures in the upper 60s there in oakland. we have the dublin festival. i'll have that forecast for you, too. the rest of our microclimate temperatures and what's ahead in the seven-day forecast as we look forward to spring. not only that, but then some changes in the weather pattern
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ahead. we need the umbrellas once again. kira, back to you. >> cinthia, thanks. we begin with a heartbreaking scene in a san francisco neighborhood. two people have died, one a child, when a car plowed into a bus stop. neighbors have since placed a candle and flowers at the scene of the city's west portal neighborhood bus stop. three other people, including the driver of the car, were hurt in the crash. alyssa goard was there. >> reporter: people who live and take transit through this area have been shocked and saddened about what happened here. they have been coming here, expressing their condolences and prayers, leaving a makeshift memorial for the two people who died. for much of the day saturday, a mangled car remained a t the corner while police cleaned up the wreckage. police say just after noon, someone was driving the car east
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and crashed into a bus stop where four people were waiting. two of the people at the bus stop were killed. firefighters say one was an adult, the other was a child. >> it is sad. when children are involved, that's an additional, you know, feeling that we get. for those that have children, i have children myself, and our first responders do. you know, it hits everybody at home. >> reporter: two other people at the bus stop and the driver were injured and taken to the hospital. it's not clear yet what led up to this crash, but one man who says he was there told us the car came along fast and he narrowly missed being hit. [ speaking in a global language ] it all happened next to the west portal muni stop. a library and a school. >> but when you lose a child in a crash, that is absolutely devastating. that should be the strongest call to action for our city's
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leaders. >> reporter: walk sf, which advocates for traffic safety in san francisco, says this is one of the worst pedestrian tragedies to ever happen in the city. it's now been ten years since san francisco committed to becoming a vision zero city, vowing to stop all traffic deaths and injuries. walk sf says the city has made strides, just this week sfmta released a list of nearly three dozen locations that will get speed cameras. but the organization says this loss underscores the need for the city to aggressively use the tools it has. >> zero fatalities, zero serious injuries, that's the absolute baseline of what we need in san francisco. >> reporter: the heartache and up answered questions remain, as police continue to investigate what led to the lives lost on this street. alyssa goard, "today in the bay." >> as she just said, the investigation is in its early stages. we do know that the group walk
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san francisco will hold a vigil for the victims tomorrow at that crash site at 5:00 p.m. we will continue to bring the latest updates as we get them. go to you can also download our free nbc bay area app. we're going to stay in san francisco right now. new overnight, a rollover crash that happened just after 10:00 p.m. on jackson street close to lafayette park. firefighters saying that solo car flipped over, crashing into several other cars. the investigation into what caused this crash is ongoing. we are awaiting word on the status of the people in that car. also new this morning, and also in san francisco, a sideshow overnight. something we have seen in oakland and san jose, but a new sight for san francisco city streets. this happened around 12:15 this morning on 13th and south
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vaness. you can see that car doing donuts surrounded by a large group of people. soon after you see police rolling in. they were able to disburse the crowd, clear the intersection. no word on any arrests. four years ago, our lives were forever changed. today marks four years since the bay area went under a shelter in place order because of covid-19. you likely recall the ghostowns, the empty roads and sidewalks. today, we look back. >> reporter: kira, four years ago, we department know what was ahead. a shelter in place order, people working remotely. today marks four years since much of our response to the pandemic began here in the bay area, when the shelter in place order went into effect. the world health organization ended the covid emergency just last may. since the start of the pandemic, 7 million people died worldwide. 1 million people here in the u.s., and for many, the world as
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we knew it then will never be the same. some businesses shuttered, some bounced back. and others are still using the lessons learned, like pickled clothing in redwood city was in an fortunate city when things went virtual. the owners said they had just transitioned to a new system allowing for online sales. >> things didn't go back to how they were before covid. it was, again, pivoting, learning the connection with our customers, definitely is what got us through it. it's still a challenge, you know. i see a lot of small businesses struggling. i'm thankful that we have come out of it. things aren't where they were before covid. i don't know that they ever will be again. >> reporter: at that time, the bay area shelter in place measures were among the
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strictest in the continental united states, responding to the pandemic. >> thank you, ginger. the day after tomorrow will be two weeks since super tuesday, and we have an update in one of the closest elections in california. the race to replace congresswoman anna eschew on the peninsula. here are the latest results. at this point, it's a race for second place to see which two will face off in the november general election. this past week, silicon valley assemblyman evan low surpassed joe simitan. but simitan took back the lead by 20 votes. sam liccardo has been the front runner since election day. there are fewer than 19,000 ballots left to count. if it's a tight finish, one of
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the candidates may call for a recount. happening now, that work along portions of 680 is progressing on schedule. northbound traffic is still flowing, but southbound lanes are closed. this is all happening on southbound 680 from the 580/680 interchange to the red cart you see on the map. the other highlighted sections show detours you can take. if you are trying to go south, you can take highway 24 to 580 to 880 or 580 to 84. lots of options. fortunately, that closure did not stop thousands of people from flocking to dublin for its 40th saturday patrick's day celebration. organizers say they planned the annual event around that 680 closure. revelers we spoke with said the possibility of traffic wasn't
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going to stop them from coming out to celebrate. >> we were pretty sure it wasn't going to impact us too much. we know the back ways, because we live here. >> the celebration continues today, beginning with the shamrock 5-k fun run and walk at 8:30 this morning, if that's not your thing, shopping, food, and drinks from 10:00 to 5:00. 7:09 right now. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, we go live to washington, d.c. for our weekly interview with kristen welker who has a
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welcome back. it has been more than five months since the israel-hamas war began, and victims are one step from famine. the youngest victims, children, have already died from malnutrition and dehydration. but on friday, a private aid ship docked off the coast of
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gaza, carrying the first delivery of food and supplies by sea. this as tons of food is stuck idle on trucks in egypt waiting for permission to enter gaza. please join me in welcoming kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press." great to see you this morning, as always. i understand you were able to sit down with celebrity chef jose andres, the founder of the charity world central kitchen that we have heard so much about in the last few years. his charity is the one that collected those 200 tons of food arriving by sea. what a monumental accomplishment and goal. what was he able to share with you about moving forward? >> kira, it's great to be with you. you're right, this was a monumental affect he was able to pull off, getting the first maritime shipment of food and humanitarian aid into gaza. he said, look, this first shipment is a drop in the bucket of what is needed. but what's significant is the
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fact that they got it there, kira. he said this will open up the ability not only for world central kitchen to bring more food, but for others to potentially bring food and to basically chart the path to do this. now, of course, the biden administration is currently planning to build a port. that's going to take anywhere from 30 to 60 days. but those types of relief efforts are moving in the right direction. he also, though, kira, did call on israel to do more. to open up more passageways, to make it easier to get food and humanitarian relief into those people who are suffering in gaza, as you laid out so clearly, the humanitarian crisis is growing. the death toll is mounting there. so it's a fascinating conversation with jose andres. >> he's just an angel on this earth. he's come in to help so many nations as they have been fighting the last few years. we look forward to your interview with him this morning.
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thanks for that insight. we hope you join kristen for this morning's "meet the press." she will have exclusive interviews with senators ben cardin and senator bill cassidy. just stick with us for "today in the bay," "meet the press" is on at 8:00 a.m. right after this news cast. coming up in about 30 minutes from now, we'll talk to nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston for our weekly segment. we'll take a look at the forecast of a very close november election. we're going to stick with politics now and take you to our nation's capitol this morning. the white house, where joe biden is back there this morning after attending the gridiron dinner last evening. he attended the event to create jokes and barbs on u.s. politics. this tradition goes back to the 1880st. the grid iron club hosts politicians and journalists for the white tie affair.
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this is the first time a president has attended since president trump in 2018. a volcano has erupted in iceland for the fourth time since december, forcing evacuations. this video shows bright orange lava spewing into the air along this narrow opening in the earth's -- in the earth along iceland's southwest coast. the lava flowing towards a nearby fishing town where some 4,000 people live. people there and in a nearby town were evacuated. so far, no injuries. back here locally, one more day to enjoy military yets roaring over the east bay. travis air force holding "wings over solano county." it's a free event, including displays of several different types of military aircraft. family fun zone with face painting, obstacle courses, and this year, the blue angels are
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headlining the showy starts this morning at 9:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ across the bay, san francisco holding its 173rd annual st. patrick's day parade. the route went down market street yesterday, ending at civic center plaza. the theme of this year's festivities is unite sf. organizers said they wanted to share st. patrick's day with everyone to honor all unique cultural groups across the city. festivities continue today with a block party at the united irish culture center. did you know the day of the devs 2024 is happening today in san francisco? if you don't know what that is, mikey has more details on how to enjoy the event. >> reporter: day of the devs is a showcase of some block custer
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hopefuls. we talked to some of the organizers of this event why it's important to feature independent game developers. >> there are these huge studios that make these high-budget games, and people love them. but then a small team of one or two people can make a game that takes over the whole industry and everyone is surprised. what you learn over and over again is that people like games of all sizes and types, and there's nothing limiting what a video game can be. >> we've become a very global show. one of the things we want to make sure we're doing is spotlighting new voices and people from underrepresented groups, as well. i'm excited about a game called surf club from australia from a developer. >> of course, greg has that surfer feel. these are all independent games of a whole bunch of different aspects. kira, i don't know if your boys are into this type of thing, but the show is free to attend to watch and to play from 3:00 to 8:00 at the midway in san francisco.
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so if you're interested, more info at >> time to check in with cinthia pimentel for a look at our forecast. not a weekend you want to spend indoors. >> for the morning right now, sit a bit chilly. for the afternoon, get out there and enjoy it, because this weekend, we've talked about lots of sunshine and we're starting off with a look over the sutro camera. as we go into san jose, it is closer to the foothills there in east san jose. it should mix out as we go into this morning. the areas of low clouds sticking around for the start of the oakland marathon and temperatures in the 50s there. chilly 40s towards santa rosa, livermore and the mountains. as we go through the morning hours, we're starting the mix, seeing more clearing inland, and temperatures warming up. a nice lunchtime hour this
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sunday afternoon. and back into the 70s we go, as we go into 3:00, 73 in santa rosa. 72 out in wine country, napa. upper 60s from oakland to san mateo. low 70s in morgan hill. you still have a chance to go today to the st. patrick's day celebration. enjoy the temperatures in the seth there is in dublin this afternoon. coming down here to san jose, east san jose, if you are in the area, i definitely recommend this mashika new year's festival that starts at 9:00 a.m. and continues to 6:00. it celebrates the aztec culture, arts and crafts, and a great time with all the music and dancing. as we go forward into the workweek, it's going to be really lovely. 70s remain with us. you'll definitely feel it as you
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go into your lunchtime hour and monday afternoon. 73 in hayward. upper 60s through the city. we'll do nearly 80 degrees in parts of san jose and san martin. so that's a nice way to kick off the workweek with clear skies, beautiful temperatures. that should stay with us as we take a look at our long-range outlook, where we stay nice and clear. wednesday, thursday, you'll notice some of the changes. you'll feel the breeze a little more. we'll be in spring, but the winter pattern doesn't want to let us go. friday, we get more green on the map. that's the return of the rainfall into the afternoon hours. look at the color contours here, a bit more of that sierra snow and through the chasta region, as well. so chilly next weekend, but first half of the week looks good. nice and comfortable for san francisco for st. patrick's day. the inland valleys continuing
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with the 70s. i wish they could stay, but we have to change the pattern up a little bit the second half of the week and into next weekend. we will be talking about more of that breeze picking up, and the return of some rain. it won't be too crazy, but those amounts and just where the rain will hit, those details are still putting themselves together. >> my closet, i have shorts, i have rain boots, i have this and that. >> you're prepared. >> cinthia, thanks. 7:21. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, he's back. steph curry put on quite the show last night in l.a. highlights from the nail-biting win over lebron james and the lakers, coming up next in sports.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. welcome back. it was a good night last night for dub nation. steph curry came back after missing three games. he returned to the court versus the lakers in los angeles last
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night. before tipoff, we saw him getting his legs loose, running from the floor to the opposite end basket. the warriors got a strong first half performance from klay thompson. he scored 21 points. the warriors led by one at half. in the second half, steph curry scored 18 points in the second half and led the warriors in scoring, finishing with 31 overall. warriors beat the lakers 128-121. for anyone worried about steph curry's ankle, he said he has no issues. >> it was as expected. like, the body felt good, loosened up as we went, and it was nice to just get my reps back and compete again. i did miss it for sure. >> he's back in oakland today for the oakland marathon, which,
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as we told you, benefits his eat, learn, play foundation. the warriors host the knicks tomorrow at chase center. and check this out. after the game, curry hanging out with legend novak djokovic, getting an art graphed racket in turn for his autographed jersey. on the ice, the sharks in columbus, ohio, taking on the blue jackets. sharks lose 4-2. it's the team's 12th loss in the last 13 games. they now own the worst record in the nhl. ♪ ♪ did you hear today is the season opener for bay fc. the bay area's brand new winning soccer team. you'll be able to catch the game live on nbc sports bay area. coverage begins at 4:30. you'll be able to watch some of their other games this season on
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nbc sports bay area, as well. and nbc sports california. 7:26 right now. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, cut off by a landslide. hear from people in the santa cruz neighborhood who spent days stranded after their main road was washed out. a heartbreaking day in san francisco. two people killed after a car plowed through a bus stop. y'll tell
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good morning. it is sunday, march 17th. happy st. patrick's day, as we take this live look at the golden sun rise over dublin, california. we hope you are waking up to a beautiful morning, as well. thank you for starting it with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a look at
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the forecast. that looks promipromising. >> it does. out towards the coastline, we are dealing with some areas of patchy fog, and temperatures a bit cooler. we'll do 48 in concord. 41 for napa and 49 in san jose. you can see the microclimate starting off on this sunday. the fog will give way to a really pleasant afternoon, similar to what we had yesterday with better clearing. as we go through the day and auk about the headline, 70s in the picture. 60s at the coast, and we should stay nice and dry as we go into the first day of spring on tuesday. but that will be short-lived, as we get ready to talk about another wet and chilly weekend ahead. soy'll have the full forecast coming up. >> so we'll enjoy this while we have it. 30 minutes ago, we showed you hundreds of people at the starting line for the oakland
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marathon, which benefits the eat, learn and play foundation started by steph curry. tom, a brand new route this year taking runners to the bay bridge for the first time. how is it looking out there? >> reporter: oh, looks great. no rain this year like last year. got a little bit of a late start. almost a half hour. so this is still the start of the main race with the marathoners and the half marathoners making those 26-mile and 13-mile runs. it will the first time it's taken runners to the bay bridge. near the end of the race, they'll make a loop back towards oakland, through jack london square, along lake merritt here, and finishing here where they started. 10,000 participants expected in all events today, and the numbers are growing every year. organizers have a goal of making it into one of the nation's
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largest marathons in the conversations with boston and new york. and now have big-time partner and beneficiary in the eat, learn, play foundation. in fact, it all began with a fun run yesterday that fits into the foundation's mission. all proceeds go to the nonprofit started by steph curry and his wife five years ago that benefits children in the oakland and bay area through nutrition, learning and providing physical activities in a safe environment. >> there are so many people out there. our foundation, we're newly involved here, thanks to our partners with run local. we're working together to make this a world class event this the years to come. so come back. hopefully you have a lot of fun today. oakland students are the ones benefits from all the miles you are putting in today. so thank you very much. after the race, we have some special surprises too. so don't run away too fast.
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>> that was foundation ceo chris, who is actually running in the full marathon this morning. the curries play his salary and all costs. so every penny benefits children. thousands of kids have benefitted from the meals they provide. we'll have an interview with the curries later this morning. you saw the marathoners and half marathoners taking off in about an hour. we'll have the 10-k and then the 5-k runners start. and then in just about 9:30, it will probably be now this morning that the marathon runners will come back after making that historic first-time loop around the bay bridge and then back into oakland here. a lot of fun and events. we'll have more information, more sound from the curries later on today after we get that interview about the foundation, about this great event and others that are benefiting the foundation.
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a lot to talk about later on. for now, thom jensen, "today in the bay." >> thom, thanks so much. stranded in their own homes with no relief in sight. a landslide in the santa cruz mountains destroyed a section of mountain charlie road and left people who live nearby with few options to get in or out. nbc bay area's marianne favro looks at the impacts and why neighbors are concerned about the timeline for getting that road repard. >> reporter: for more than two weeks, dozens of samries have had to make this dangerous trek just to get to their homes. this hike is not a weekend outing, this is how these neighbors are now forced to get to and from their homes every day. following a storm late last month, their shared driveway collapsed ten feet, and is no longer an option. >> everything's been ten times harder to do in a day.
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>> reporter: the landslide also destroyed this section of mountain charlie road, impacting more than 100 neighbors. today, this man carried his groceries down a rashean and then back up the other side, just to get to his home. for two weeks, neighbors have had to backpack food in and carry their own crash out. but it's not their only challenge. >> propane is our next concern, because there's no way for propane truck to get through right now. >> reporter: and most of the people who live here rely on propane for heat, cooking, and backup generators. but neighbors are most concerned if there is a fire or a medical emergency, they're trapped. >> some of us have some physical concerns, medical conditions. and so that is a big concern. >> reporter: and there appears to be no end to this extreme mountain living. amanda watson says santa cruz county leaders have given no timeline on when things might improve. >> we've been told basically
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until it stops moving they can't make any assessments. >> reporter: we reached out to the county but have not heard back. for now, these neighbors will have to continue to hike to their homes. >> right now we're on foot. it will be as fast as we can walk or run out of here, so that's my biggest concern. >> reporter: marianne favro, "today in the bay." a heartbreaking story out of san francisco where yesterday a car plowed into a bus stop killing two people, one of them a child. it happened just after noon after lennox rightout side the west portal muni stop. police say a car going east crashed into the four people who were waiting at the bus stop. two of those people were killed. firefighters tell us that one was an adult and one was a child. the two other people there, and the driver of the car, were injured and taken to the hospital. the group walk sf, which advocates for traffic safety in the city, is calling this one of
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the worst pedestrian tragedies ever to happen in the city. >> when you lose a child in a crash, that is absolutely devastating. that should be the strongest call to action for our city's leaders. >> neighbors, as you see here, have left handles and a make shift memorial at that intersection in west portal where the crash happened. it's not clear yet what led to that crash. police are investigating. walk san francisco will hold a vigil for those victims tomorrow at the crash site at 5:00 p.m. this weekend marked three years since a gunman killed eight people, six of whom were asian women, at atlanta area spas. across the country, various asian american organizations and allies gathered together to honor those victims and other victims of anti-asian hate. they also sought to build unity and demand action.
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that included at a hotel in japantown in san francisco where people listened to speakers, watched performances, and fought on behalf of asian justice movement. people filled the stages to announce demands related to the deadly attack of chinese immigrants. we first told you about this attack last july. police said she was pushed on a sidewalk in san francisco's bay view neighborhood, and later died. police ruled that incident an accident, so no arrests were made. but the asian justice movement claims the perp accused of pushing wu was later connected to another violent assault on a 71-year-old chinese woman just last week. activists say they're still seeking justice for wu and others. >> we know you are trying to drag these cases out as long as possible hoping we will forget. and the public pressure will die
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down. like in the case from 2019 and a case from 2021. but i am here to tell you, it won't. >> among the demands activists want police to release video from wu's attack, and investigate her death as a homicide and possible hate crime. we reached out to san francisco police. the mayor's office, and the district attorney's office. we have not yet heard back. overseas stalled peace talks between israel and hamas are set to resume in qatar as soon as today. egyptian leaders facilitating talks say hamas has a new three-stage plan that would end the fighting. the first stage would include a six-week cease-fire and the release of 35 israeli hostages, as well as a handful of female soldiers in ex-change for 350
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palestinian prisoners. the second phase calls for a permanent cease-fire, and release of israeli soldiers for more palestinian prisoners. in the third phase, hamas would return bodies in exchange for israel lifting the blockade of gaza to allow for reconstruction. israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, is calling the plan "unrealistic." but is sending negotiators any way. back here in the bay area, if you classify yourself as an expert on the slopes, you may want to consider heading to lake tahoe. we have a live look at palisades tahoe. blue bird sky day, a rare ski run will be opening again, according to lake tahoe. thanks to all the recent snowfall, crews will open it soon. it would be open to the most advanced skiers and snowboarders. they are working to create an
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access road. workers say if all goes well, it would open tomorrow. call out sick. 7:40 right now. still to come on "today in the bay," we continue to celebrate women's history month and the contribution women in
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it's time to make our sunday plans. as you drive around this morning, be careful with changes in visibility. there is some patchy fog hanging around. you can see it through parts of san francisco this morning. and out towards walnut creek, it's a bit more clear. temperatures chilly to start at 48 degrees. seeing the run size over the san rafael richmond bridge at 41 degrees. in san jose, also some areas of patchy fog out there towards the foothills. now, as we go throughout the rest of the morning, we should mix out of that cloud cover and see more of the sunshine. similar temperatures to yesterday, with 60s out towards the coast. just a touch cooler. we'll do 69 in oakland. we'll do 70s as we go into
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martinez, down into mountain view, and mid 70s for parts of solano county, out there in fairfield. and 73 in san martine. tomorrow, we'll keep all the sunshine and warmth going. mostly sunny skies, mid 70s in santa rosa, out towards dublin and san jose. look at that, 77 degrees. as we start spring officially on tuesday, temperatures will start to come down just a little bit. it won't be as warm towards the middle of the week with the temperatures in the upper 60s. fast forwarding into friday, you'll feel the breeze return and more cloud cover, with temperatures cooling back down. low 60s in the far north bay. we'll do some upper 60s as we go into parts of the tri valley and into san mateo, down into san jose. looks to be one of the warmest spots. that will follow with some rain and some sierra snow. the snow pack is well at this
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point. this will just be maybe one to two more feet as we go into next weekend. so after a spectacular weekend now, it might be a little more tricky to get there next weekend where we see the snow levels coming back down to 5,000 feet. the first half of the week in our inland valleys, nice and mild through about wednesday. and then the breeze picks up and we're tracking our next chance of rain arriing friday night into saturday. san francisco, gorgeous day once again. a mild start to the workweek. spring begins on saturday and then we start to cool things down and talk about rain into next weekend. >> spring begins and then rain comes. cinthia, mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda.
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congress has a lot to do in 2024. it seems that the divide between the two parties is making it hard to get things done. in the current congress, democrats have a two-seat margen in the u.s. senate.
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republicans have a two-seat margin in the house of representatives. what's the chance those numbers change as a result of this 2024 election? nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston joins us. good to see you this morning. how are things looking? >> good morning, kira. you use the magic numbers, two and two. things are tight in congress. democrats have a two-seat edge in the senate, republicans a two-seat margin in the house. put it together, and it is unbelievable. we do have some things happening. first of all, as we start into the senate, there are four states, four states where democrats are going to have an incredibly hard, uphill battle to win those back. they've got to win all of them, or at least three if they want to keep that lead, that edge in the senate. those are the states, arizona, montana, ohio, west virginia. those are critical states.
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west virginia is all but gone already. so they have got themselves a battle. remember, it's a two-seat advantage and they're on the verge of losing at least both, maybe more, unless something happens to the democrats in the senate. >> okay. so as you just said, that was a look at the senate. what about the house of representatives? i know the magic number is two there, as well. >> two there, as well. you've got it. that's the magic number. this is where the republicans are hurting. there are 17 districts across the country, where the -- where the -- joe biden, the democrat won, but republicans won the house. they're in jeopardy, and five of those, the most dramatic of those five, are -- of those 17, are in california. two in the central valley, three in southern california. all those cases, republicans are teetering, because they won in a district where biden, a democrat, won. so they've got to hold on. right now, it looks very good that the democrats will pick up a couple, three perhaps, maybe even four.
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if everything goes the same nationally, the democrats in california could be responsible for tilting congress, the house that is, back into democratic shape. but here's the thing, kira. these things are tight. two, three seats one way or the other, in each chamber. you can imagine how difficult it must be campaigning across the country. >> yeah. so your clairvoyance is telling us the house and senate races look and will remain tight. does it make much of a difference which chamber gets a majority, given how tight things are, assuming they both need a majority? >> yeah, you know that word we've heard, it's haunting us, gridlock, gridlock. and it is so much the case right now over the last year and a half, since the house went republican, the senate stayed democrat. and we have a democratic president. so for something to really work well, you've got to have everything in sync. you have to have a democratic president with two chambers that
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are democrat, or republican. one way or the other, kira, if one house stays one way and the other chamber stays the other way, and we have a president of whatever party, you're likely to see the same kind of gridlock again. the polarization in the congress is reflective of the polarization in the country. unfortunately, this is just not a good time that we're looking to see in terms of straightening that out and coming up with a much smoother sailing for either party. expect gridlock, kira. i don't like telling it to you, but i think that's the way things look eight months out. >> and you're typically right. hate to say it. larry, thanks so much. great to see you. >> good to see you, kira. >> we were able to talk yesterday morning. now this morning, and all month long, we celebrate women's history month and highlight female owned and led businesses. marcus washington takes us to the peninsula. >> good morning, kira. so redwood city celebrating
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women's history month by showcasing some of the long running women's businesses. for the past year, anjelica's bar has been serving on main street and one of the businesses highlighted this month. their takeout business didn't do quite well during the pandemic, so they used that time to refocus. and now their cuisine is a hit with the diverse community. >> in life, something that i learned since i was very small, you have to adapt. if you don't adapt, you will die. so you have to keep changing and adapting to everything that comes to you. >> according to the most recent u.s. census data available, there are more than 12 million women-owned businesses right here in the nation, generating more than $2 trillion in sales. women-owned businesses pay out more than $418 billion in payroll.
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get stories like this when you join us for "today in the bay" monday through friday. we start at 5:00 a.m. on air, and watch nbc bay area news on roku and other streaming platforms. i'm marcus washington, kira, back to you. 7:52. up next, a quick look at the top stories, including running for a great cause in oakland right now. we'll take you to the
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welcome back. before we go this morning, we want to take you back to the oakland marathon now underway. thom jensen is there with more how steph curry and aisha are taking care of the oakland community through this race. >> reporter: good morning. it's a great program. the foundation that steph and aisha curry started, the marathon did get underway about a half hour late today. so the first runners aren't expected back until about 9:30 this morning. organizers are just getting the startline ready for the 10-k runners who will take off in about a half hour. followed by the 5-k runners at about 9:00 a.m. this morning. and then a half hour later, the heed runners from the marathon, making that loop around the bay
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ridge, coming back through jack london square to the kaiser permanente finish line at 9:30. an hour after that, we have an interview with the curries about the foundation, and we'll have more on that, talking about all the great work they're doing at 5:00 tonight. for now, live in oakland, thom jensen, "today in the bay." >> we're going to check in with cinthia one last time. >> it's a bit chilly. we saw thom wearing his jacket. temperatures are in the 40s. also having to deal with patchy fog on this sunday morning, but it should mix out. we have a nice first half of the seven-day forecast for the inland valleys. 70s today, as well as tomorrow. we'll be a bit warm. i don't know how many sick calls we'll get, but it will be really nice. spring begins on tuesday, and then on into the second half of the week, that's when you notice that we'll get more of that breeze coming in, more of that cloud cover, because even though we're in spring, winter doesn't
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want to get rid of us just yet. talking about the chance of seeing rain return late friday into saturday. and the possibility of it lingering around into sunday, the models are hinting at that, too. but i'll worry about those details. everyone else just worry about enjoying your day and continuing to see that beautiful sunshine for the next four or five days. >> and remember, bay fc, the bay area's professional women's soccer team kicks off their first game today, 4:30. watch it on nbc sports bay area. they're playing down in los angeles. thanks so much for making us part of your st. patrick's day morning. more local news at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00, and all dayn o
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this sunday, trump's promise. donald trump vowses to free those charged and convicted of


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