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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm kate snow. >> i'm ellison barber.
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zinhle essamuah is off today. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today is monday, march 18, 2024. violence in paradise, cameras capturing people running for their lives after a deadly shooting in a popular spring break destination. how police departments are scrambling to boost security. a father's grief, the a father of a nursing student killed by a migrant believed to be in the country illegally is speaking out. >> she was so full of life. i hate that she was taken so early. >> his exclusive interview with nbc news and why he's outraged with some leaders. fight for their lives a group of cycists share their encounter with a cougar. get the brackets ready, march madness is set. steve kornacki is here to break
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down the top matches. >> he'll be at the big board. >> yes. welcome to monday i'm back from a sickness. you may hear me cough. >> yes. glad you're back. we begin in florida where police are investigating a string of shootings. >> investigators say one man died and three others hurt after gun fire rang out in three separate incidents in jacksonville beach. can you see people running on the beach as chaos unfolded. so far no arrests have been made. marisa parra is following the latest for us. what do we know about the shootings and the people involved? this is a terrifying thing. >> reporter: you can imagine how scary it was. this is a sunday day at the beach in jacksonville beach and then, of course, st. patrick's day celebrate didn't go the way a lot of people expected it to go.
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starting with the victims, the people shot, so far no identities have been released but my understanding listening to updates from police, jacksonville police this morning saying one of the people who had been shot was believed to be a known gang member another person shot was an innocent bystander from out of town piecing together three separate incidents within 45 minutes from each other. one outside sneakers bar. so piecing this together one of the updates that stuck out to me, was jacksonville police beach said they heard, got intel about a large gathering of juveniles expected yesterday it was supposed happen around 2:00 p.m., what they ended up seeing was 250 to 400 juveniles, talking about young teenagers gathered together fighting, boxing each other. still trying to get a sense of
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the time line we reached out to police they said as they were dispering the crowds that's when the other incidents happen. naturally a lot of concern about safety here. i want you to listen to what police said when they were asked about that. >> we were statistically a safe city. our challenges for 25,000 residents, we have to police population much bigger than any given day of the week, the year. statistically with that huge influx we are very safe. >> reporter: three people injured, one person killed and so far no arrests. ellison, kate? >> thank you. a controversial immigration law could take effect in texas if the supreme court does not
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effect. a state law would let police arrest and deport migrants. it was blocked by the lower court. >> the supreme court is weighing arguments in two high stakes cases involving the government and free speech. david noriega is in los angeles and with us is ken dilanian. he's in washington d.c. david, let's start with you. there's been a lot of back and forth over this texas law. what happens if the supreme court doesn't act? >> reporter: ellison, if the court doesn't act, it will be effectively allowing this law to go into effect, that will be consequential on a number of levels. on the ground in texas it means there will probably be a scramble to figure out how to actually navigate the consequences of this law in effect. up to this point crossing the border illegally is a crime in
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federal law. this law makes it a crime under state law. it empowers state and local levels, prosecutor, judges, et cetera to arrest, prosecute and order the deportation of those expected of entering illegally. there's a lot of confusion about what this would look like. one example they would point to is this law allows judges, compels judges to order the deportation to the people by the state of texas. but there's no infrastructure in place for state level authorities to execute deportations. deportations are carried out by federal authorities for a lot of reasons. how would that physically be carried out? no one knows the answer and there are many other questions like that that currently have no clear answer. >> let me go to you and look at the other cases before the court today. one focuses on the government's role fighting misinformation on social media platforms and the other involves the national
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rifle association. can you walk us through what's at stake in both of these. >> hugely consequential the court is asked where the line is between persuasion and coercion. we have a judge that ruled the government violated the constitution when they went to youtube and social media platforms to flag harmful content and that resolution has stopped as this case works its way through the court. majority seemed skeptical of the idea the government cannot do that at all. many said there had to be a place for the government to come to facebook and youtube and flag disinformation particularly as an election looms. we expect a ruling on that in june, kate. >> thank you, both. vladimir putin is marking ten years since russia annexed crimea today, speaking out off his election victory.
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>> he faced virtually no opposition in his landslide victory but the election was met with various acts of protest for some people lighting fires to others pouring dye in ballot boxes. >> keir simmons joins us now. you asked president putin about his opposition or lack thereof, what did he say? >> reporter: that's right. actually tonight, kate, president putin is at a rally in red square celebrating his victory with russian flags waving. you're right. i did ask about that because while there were three so-called opponents on the ballot what wasn't on the ballot was a chance to vote for anyone against president putin's war in ukraine or against the jailing of journalists or opposition figures. take a listen. >> mr. president, journal evan gerk koe vits spent this
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election in prison. boris who opposes your war in ukraine wasn't allowed to stand against you. and alexei navalny died in one of your prisons during your campaign. mr. president, is this what you call democracy? >> translator: that's life. he has perished that's a sad event. we had other instances that people died in prison. has nothing like that happened in the united states? it has happened and not just once. >> reporter: so president putin responding in that way but also making some news because alexei navalny, he told us that he had asked for alexei navalny to be released from prison. he agreed to that just days before alexei navalny died. that leads to the question why he would have died. saying that president putin asked for something like that
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and western leaders one of the many ways in which western leaders, including his election tonight but then other countries are congratulating him. countries you might expect like china, iran and north korea, guys. >> keir, thank you so much. it is time now for today's cnbc money minute. meta is under federal investigation. and a popular franchise topping the box office. >> federal prosecutors are looking into meta for its role into illegal drug sales. part of a probe looking into whether facebook and instagram allowed and profited from drug sales. meta said it's against their policy and removes that from its content. several years after fedex
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ended their relationship with amazon, they're saying fedex is looking at doing amazon returns. and the fourth installment of kung fu panda opened for more than $30 million. while another franchise film, "dune: part 2" came in sending, $29 million. i have not had the opportunity to see either of those. >> same. i go weekly i want to see "dune: part 2" i have not seen "kung fu panda 1, 2, 3 or 4" missed that. coming up, former president
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trump said he cannot post the bond in a civil fraud case in new york. what happens if he does not pay up. the father of a nursing the father of a nursing student allegedly killed by a hepatitis c? don't just treat it. crush it with mavyret. conquer it with mavyret. cure it. with mavyret. mavyret cures all types of hep c. in only 8 weeks. the virus multiplies daily and can damage the liver over time. mavyret stops hep c and cures it. if you've had hepatitis b, it may flare up... ...and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hep b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems..., other medical conditions... ...and all your medicines. do not take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin. report right away yellow skin, stomach pain or swelling... ...confusion, and bleeding or bruising. hep c? crush it with mavyret. conquer it. cure it. in only 8 weeks. see hep c gone with mavyret. ask your doctor about mavyret. abbvie could help you save. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me.
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breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements
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which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at an nbc news exclusive this hour. the father of 22-year-old laken riley is speaking out for the first time. riley was the georgia nursing student killed last month while
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she was jogging, alleged by a venezuelan man who entered the united states illegally. priscilla thompson has this report. who was laken to you? >> she was like an angel. >> reporter: jason riley speaking out for the first time, describing his 22-year-old daughter, laken as an avid marathon running. marathon runner with dreams of one day becoming a nurse and working with children. >> we were looking forward to seeing her graduate next year. she was so full of life, and i just hate that she was taken so early. >> reporter: the police say that laken was murdered while jogging on the university of georgia campus last month. >> i wake up every day thinking you know, that i can call her, and i can't. >> reporter: police have charged 26-year-old jose antonio ibarra with her murder. he is a venezuelan citizen who entered the u.s. illegally in
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2022, and despite a citation for -- citation in new york and a shoplifting arrest in georgia, he was not deported. do you think that an immigration policy would have made a difference for laken? >> we both have no idea if that would have changed anything, but he's here illegally he might not have been here if we had secure borders. >> reporter: laken's murder is a flash point in the bipartisan debate over immigration. former president trump meeting with laken's mom and step dad earlier this month days after this tense exchange at the state of the union. marjorie taylor greene encouraging president biden to say her name. at the state of the union. >> lincoln riley, an innocent young woman killed by an illegal. >> i feel like she's being used somewhat politically. >> reporter: how do you feel feel about that? >> it makes me angry.
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she should be raised up for the person she is. an angel on earth, now gone too soon. what gives you strength? knowing that she's looking down on me has made me stronger. we're following breaking news this hour, former president donald trump has been unable to secure a bond for the $464 million fraud judge against him according to his lawyers in a court filing today. trump and his company need to post a bond for the full amount by next week to stop the state from being able to collect the money while he appeals. his legal team calls posting a bond in time a, quote, practical impossibility now. the new developments come as the former president is taking heat for a prediction he made at a rally this weekend. he warned of a, quote, blood bath in the auto industry if he loses to president biden in november. vaughn hillyard is following all of this for us.
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joining us from scottsdale, arizona. let's start with the breaking news about the bond needed for mr. trump's fraud judgment in new york. what does it mean that he doesn't have the bond. >> reporter: this is the difficult, for his political operation they love to focus on key states like ohio and here in arizona but a reality for donald trump and his family business and that is the fact that they've got to somehow come up with more than $450 million by this monday. and in a letter from his attorney just this morning to the judge of the appellate court making the case they've gone to 30 different surety bond companies. and have been unable to get more than $450 million bond. meanwhile if we get to monday and the appellate court has not ruled on the stay, the new york attorney general has made it
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clear she intends to go forward and begin seizing assets, which could include key properties in manhattan. turning to the comments that mr. trump made over the weekend. put it in context for us. he was talking about a blood bath. what was he talking about and what has the response been? >> reporter: i would like folks to listen to the full comment that included blood bath at its entirety this weekend. take a listen. >> we'll put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. you're not going to be able to sell those. if i get elected. if i don't get elected. it's going to be a blood bath for the whole -- that's going to be the leastov it. it's going to be a blood bath for the country. that's going to be the least of it. >> reporter: donald trump makes the case he was talking about the auto industry and america would be going through a blood bath as a result of a decline in the auto industry.
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the biden campaign said you have to look at his speech in totality saying donald trump made the case if he's not elected in november democracy would come to an end. donald trump is talking about november in grave, dark terms even. suggested that this november is the, quote, final battle for the democracy. so for donald trump we should expect that sort of rhetoric here to continue as he not only is focused on his political but also on the fact that his trump organization, the family business is doing what they can to be able to post that appeal to be able to post that appeal bond kate. ♪ upbeat music ♪ asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks.
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liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. a 78-year-old woman is facing charges in the deadly bus stop crash in san francisco. court documents show she was arrested on three counts of felony manslaughter and is charged with reckless driving. the crash happened around noon on saturday. police say that's when she drove her suv into the bus stop hear where four people were waiting. three people died. a baby is fighting for his or her life. people have starting leaving bouquets at the site of the
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question. >> i was trying to visualize it because i thought it happened on the other side of west portal. they go, no, it's by the library. i'm like, by the library? i can't imagine what happened. how did it happen? >> we're following this story and will have more on our afternoon newscasts. state leaders are working on growing crime concerns in the oakland area. >> reporter: the press conference just wrapped up and the mayor say the partnership between the oakland police and the highway patrol shouldn't be read as a sign of weakness or that oakland can't take care of itself, but the power of collaborative relationship. the corridor has been hard hit by crime affecting not just the customers who come here, not
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just the travellers who come into and out of oakland international, but also the people that work here. taco bell just closed its dining room. in and out and denny's pulled out of the city. there have been increased patrols over the last three months. here's the oakland city council member on what's been going on. >> we've approved 300 safety cameras. we've expanded metro. we added staff to fill positions. we partnered with the port of oakland. we've worked to secure, before this launch, dedicated public safety cameras in district 6 and 7. we approved an opd staff study and grant writer. we made significant investments to hire, upgrade and restore community trust with our 911 system. we're demonstrating when you invest in our community you'll
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see real change. >>. >> reporter: according to the highway patrol these improvements have seen a 63% decrease in auto burglaries, a 49% decrease in theft, 7% decrease in robberies and for the chp a 168% in arrests in the month of february. in oakland, kris sanchez, nbc bay area. beautiful spring-like weather across the bay today. enjoy it while it lasts. meteorologist kerry hall has the latest. >> sunshine and well above normal temperatures in the bay area. we're headed to the mid to upper 70s in parts of the south bay. 75 in martinez. we'll be in the mid 70s for much
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of the north bay. tomorrow it comes down a few degrees. it still will be pretty nice with a high of 69 in hayward and 70s in the tri-valley. wednesday we're in the upper 60s and we'll look at when rain comes back into the forecast. the california department of fish and wildlife deemed it safe to continue fishing in the marina. crab season can continue right now. one nonprofit says this decision puts whales at risk. a victory for the newest professional soccer team. bay fc winners in their first match. they took on angel city fc
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yesterday. the team beat the angel city 1-0. they face washington spirit on they face washington spirit on the road in d.c. next before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating,
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vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion,
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stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at bottom of the hour now here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." this morning north korea fired multiple short range
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ballistic missiles in the first test in about a month. it comes as antony blinken visits south korea for a democracy summit. days after south korea and the united states a wrapped up large military drills. the missiles flew about 200 miles before crashing in the waters between the korean peninsula and japan. the largest texas wildfire in history is contained. it started about three weeks ago in the texas panhandle. the fire grew to over a million acres. fire officials believed the fire was sparked by power lines, utility company xl energy admitted that some of their equipment may have played a role. iceland has declared a state of emergency after a volcano erupted for a fourth time in three months. it starred on saturday and is going today. it opened a fissure in the earth nearly two miles long and forced the evacuation of a tourist
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attraction, the blue lagoon hot springs. no deaths have been reported but one worker is reportedly missing after falling into a fissure. now to a remarkable story of survival out of washington state. some of the pictures are hard to watch. >> a woman was able to survive being attacked by a cougar riding her bike. she's only alive today because of her friends that jumped in and pried her free from the cougar's jaw. i don't ride bikes but this is a nightmare to hear about. what are we hearing from the women? >> reporter: it is. to say this woman is lucky to be alive is an understatement here. an incredible story of survival and bravery from the three women speaking out and sharing their story with our affiliate in seattle. we know this happened a month ago these three women are competitive cyclists. the women a long time friends,
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they've been cycling today. they were 1 miles into a ride when they say two cougars came out of the brush, went went back in the woods, the other lungeed at the woman, grabbed her by the face. she's aware of it happening while her friends jump into action, hand to hand to try to get the cougar off of her. 15 minutes of this before the cougar had a moment of release and they were able to get free. the women were able to hold the cougar down with their bike as they waited for fish and wild life to arrive. >> i remember getting attacked and on the other side of the road. >> i tried to choke the cougar. >> kerri is laying there by herself we kept saying are you doing okay? she would give us a bloody
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thumbs up. >> the epitome of love is action. i know i would be dead if they didn't come back. >> we did what we had to do. part of it was instinct get in there and fight, fight for a life. the cougar wasn't taking us cougars down. >> reporter: the woman has severe damage to her face, nerve damage and she's still in recovery but she said it's not enough to stop her from getting back on her bike and going out cycling again. she said she's going to do it just bring more protection with her next time. >> thank you. there's growing fallout from a massive settlement announced on friday. the national association of realtors agreeing to pay $418 million to home sellers who claim the group's rules forced them to pay excessive fees. the agreement comes with major changes to the commissions that realtors are going to be paid for more on what it all means
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for buyers and sellers we're joined by nbc's vicky nguyen. great to see you. >> great to see you. >> what does it mean? walk us through the what happened. >> big developing news, everybody in the market right now for a home is wanting to know how it affects me. the national association of realtors which represents 1.5 million real estate agents nationwide agreed to the settlement. a judge has to approve it but if they do, this takes effect in july. it eliminates the commission structure we've all come to know over the past decades and decades of how deals are done. 5 to 6%. if you are looking to sell your home you hire an agent, they charge you 5 to 6%, can you negotiate? sure. in some markets you can. but that's sort of become the default and they split that fee with the buyer's agent. now that will be to determine
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between everybody in the market and it's going to increase competition. competition helps consumers. and nar denies any wrong doing. >> if you are in the market right now. first of all you're a homeowner looking to sell. >> in the interim because we have a few more months until we find out what happens in july, it will likely be business as usual. stacy ester said this is an important time for realtors to make their case to clients about the value they bring to a seller. they're going to bring eyeballs to your house, get you the most qualified buyers and make sure you get top dollar for your home. you as a seller should talk to multiple real estate agents to know what you're getting. >> what the commission will be. it probably won't be 6% anymore. say it's 3%. selling a house around $317,000, that's $25,000 that could go to a $12,500 market.
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and other markets talking about tens of thousands of dollars in savings. we could save $30 billion in the course of a year. >> we're headed into spring which is a busy time for people who want to buy a house. what does this mean? >> we spoke to sophie of echo fine properties saying in the spring not much changes but looking into next year, you may as a buyer have to hire your own agent and pay them. if you're on your own, know the market well and you're able to go to open houses and you might want to have the agent to represent you when it comes to make the offer or deal with the paperwork, you may be able to negotiate a flat fee but that's something that could change, there could be cooperation between buyers and sellers agents. this is something you want to be aware of. now an update to a story we brought you last week.
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former cnn anchor don lemon published his hour long interview with elon musk. it's the first episode of what was supposed to be a new show with x. musk canceled that partnership last week shortly after the interview was conducted. chloe joins us now. she spoke with don lemon earlier
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today. >> the don lemon show was supposed to launch on x, but musk promptly pulled the show after that interview, and the company said after careful consideration it decided not to partner with the show, but lemon could post the content on the site. and lemon then said that musk's support of free speech did not apply when it came to him. and we have entertainment correspondent chloe milos, and you spoke with don lemon this morning and what did he tell you went on behind the scenes of that interview and landed him without a platform of the show. >> it is such a headline-making interview, and even though we knew it was a hot button issue, and i used to work with don lemon at cnn for many years, and i called him up, and he said that after a long conversation this morning that when he walked
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there is more dancing than usual at college campuses across the country. why? it's march madness time. >> people love this time of year. the men and women's tournaments tip off in 24 hours with everyone's brackets due by thursday morning. who better to break it down than steve kornacki?
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women's basketball has seen a surge in popularity. are the hawkeyes the favorite? >> reporter: they are not. the overall favorite on the women's side is south carolina. they are the modern day power house in women's basketball, undefeated, replacing five starters from last season, didn't miss a beat. they are the top seed in the tournament. iowa is one of the other top seeds. the issue for iowa is to get to the final four and potentially the national championship, their path, at least on paper, rockier than south carolina's. why? look who else is up in this part of the bracket. lsu, the team that iowa lost to last year. ucla, the number four seed, kansas state. these are teams potentially iowa has to face before getting to the final four. so it's a tall task if they get there, they certainly will have
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earned it. on the men's side, the number one overall seed, the university of connecticut, the defending champion. they looked good winning the tournament over the weekend. and this be purdue, remember with purdue last year became the second one seed in the history of the tournament to lose to a 16 seed. the last one seed before them to do that was virginia. virginia the year after they lost turned around the next year and won the national championship. can purdue from go from the most humiliating. last year, ultimate redemption and win the title this year? we'll find out. >> you didn't mention vermont. i see it. i see vermont taking on duke. >> i think vermont is getting in this tournament almost every year. about 20 years ago they pulled up an upset, knocked out syracuse.
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nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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olympic gold medalist body miller has a new film out called the paradise paradox. it's a documentary putting a spotlight on the mental health crisis facing towns built around ski resorts.
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>> the "today" show sat down with him to talk about his effort to raise awareness starting with chris matthews. >> body miller spent much of his life on and in the mountains from childhood to his record setting alpine skiing career even now with his children and wife morgan. >> look at you guys. >> the millers have made beautiful memories in beautiful places, but now bode's latest project is looking at the pain hiding within these picturesque landscapes. >> you can be in the most beautiful place in the world and not be sure if you want to wake up the next morning. >> reporter: miller is the executive producer of the documentary which uncovers a startling mental health crisis taking over mountain downs, the factors like addiction,
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isolation, trauma. something the millers talked to us. they lost their 19 month old daughter in a drowning accident, since then they've been on a journey of hope and healing. >> we have our choice to live our days with purpose to make sure that no other parent has to feel what we're feeling. >> reporter: in 2021, morgan gave birth to their eighth child, baby scarlet. an addition the millers say made their family complete. >> give daddy kisses. >> reporter: now with this new documentary, bode is helping to shed light on another issue. welcome back. >> thank you. >> we'll talk about this project in a moment. i know it's near and dear to your heart but let's talk about the baby there. last time we chatted, she didn't have a name yet and now she's two and you're trying to get her
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on the slopes? a chance she might follow in dad's footsteps? >> we did get her skis this year, she was enthuse i can't say -- enthusiastic seeing her brothers get their gear on and she wasn't allowed to go. she did great. she's really strong and yeah we're still bobbing around, morgan refuses to call her scarlet. she calls her kiki. >> whatever works to keep them in line. >> but the twins are on the slope at 3 they're masters? >> 4 now, but last year they skied 103 days. >> what's the trick to getting them into it or maybe they don't need help? >> for them it was cheating because they're identical twins so one or the other didn't want to go but if you got one dressed they wanted to go. >> plus it's in their blood.
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let's talk about the new project. how did it come to be? what was the impetus? >> brett and i have known each other since '05. he was doing work for outdoor life network before the world cup coverage. we talked about this, it's my nature, his nature, long car rides. with only european radio to listen to. we talked about the direction our culture was going in. he was shocked to see the way europe does things differently in the u.s. we did weight of gold. that was a good way to highlight it buzz it was olympians. this was a weird thing that happens with olympians or whatever, this is the next logical step highlighting the crisis in mountains towns because of their small groups, small places and it stands out
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more in those spots what became cool in the film making process is the story line became story line a. it was something they were doing as a community to take care of the people in their area, they were doing it without us involved at all. we just got to highlight the story. that was a nice turn seeing people taking accountability. we wanted the film to be solution based. it's a sad topic, painful to watch and listen to some of the stories but the fact is we have to address it. it can't be in the shadows. anymore. >> really true. his new documentary, the paradise paradox is available to paradise paradox is available to stream on amazon prime video. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective.
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and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. welcome back to the fast forward. the al me da county district attorney is investing claims of fraud. the result of a recent random sampling of ballots fell short of triggering a recall. now they're manually counting signatures. opponents of the recall met today to refute some signatures. >> we cannot ignore this.
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we cannot ignore there are many that do not want criminal justice reform. >> they claim many of the signatures are false and showed videos of unmanned signature tables and signatures collected from people who live outside almeda county. a nice, sunny start to the week, but rain is on the way. kari hall has your forecast. >> in the mid 70s for today and sunny and nice tomorrow. it's going to be cooling down and we're going back to more seasonable weather by the end of the week. friday rain chances are going up and we'll only see a high of about 60 degrees saturday. it's going to return to feeling like winter. we're still enjoying some
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spring-like weather now. san francisco expected to be partly cloudy and 64. low 60s throughout the week. only in the upper 50s as we get rain off and on from saturday
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attention spring break, look out for airline imposters. that's the warning from our response team. chris moore is here to help you steer clear of fraud. >> reporter: more than a year ago we warned you about thieves posting as airline employees. alice in mountain view who did a web search for an airline phone number said they called a scammer who posed as an agent and charged them unnecessary fees. some thieves are still at it. this woman alerted our nbc station in dallas, she called what she thought was american
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airline's number, but she was off by one digit. an alleged digit told her to fork over 900 bucks to fix a ticket glitch. >> i want you to understand if you don't pay, when you get to the airport your husband is on stand-by. i said to him, are you a scammer? he said, no, i have your flight information here. >> reporter: he was a scammer. there was no ticket error. no need to spend 900 bucks. luckily sam smelled a rat. if you're flying and need to contact your airline, dial carefully. start with the number on your receipt. triple check the number you punched in matches the real number. we recommend contacting airlines on social media. that's a way to get quick service. carriers caution there are airline imposters online too. to find an airline's official account, start on its website. click their social media icons.
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if you spot an airline imposter, let us know. scan the qr code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> thanks, chris. that does it for us. that does it for us. i'll be back at sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at (psst! psst!)
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vision changes, or eye pain occur. trevor velinor: our 911 dispatch got a call, someone's missing. there's a woman who allegedly fell overboard. and that's all we know. we sent divers out. we did aerial searches. and nothing?


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