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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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advantage of visitors traveling in and out of town. what the city is doing to step up and crackdown on crime. good news for downtown san jose. a major conference underway, will it bring big tech money to businesses that need it? the news at 5:00 starts right now. thank you for joining us. a 78-year-old woman has been booked for vehicular manslaughter. police say that she was driving when her car hit a family waiting at a san francisco bus stop on saturday. three family members, two adults and one young child were killed. tonight, friends of those victims and pedestrian safety advocates are holding a memorial at the crash site in the west portal neighborhood of the city. that's where we find nbc bay area sergio quintana where the vigil is about to begin. >> reporter: you can see right
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now that there is a pretty large turnout at this memorial. this afternoon we were actually able to talk with a witness of saturday's crash and he said that it looked like the suv was driving pretty quickly and did unfortunately leave a large stash. of the vehicle first hit that wall and then skidded to right here where there used to be a bus bench and shelter. unfortunately it hurled one of the children all the way over across lenox street where there is a second memorial site. today we are learning a little bit more about the victims in this crash. since the deadly crash people have been coming by the corner and adding items to this growing memorial made up of flowers, shoes, and a baby stroller. this is a busy bus stop and we saw quite a few people come by with their children and leave flowers as they pay their respect. according to the brazilian consulate, one of the victims
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is a brazilian citizen named diego but did not release the last name. it confirmed that the victims who died our family members but did not say they were brazilian. the woman is facing felony vehicular manslaughter charges in this crash, 78-year-old mary fong lau of san francisco. according to the san francisco sheriff's department she is in custody at a local hospital. some people who stopped by the memorial were surprised to learn more about the driver of the suv. >> older lady, she shouldn't have been driving alone or shouldn't have been driving period. you know how a lot of people are driving when they shouldn't be driving. >> charges filed by the police department, there was no mention of driving under the influence and during a weekend briefing the chief of the san francisco fire department speculated that the driver may have had some kind of medical emergency before the crash but no further information about that has been released. witnesses described the suv as traveling pretty fast when it crashed. cornelio says it sounded like a bomb going off when it crashed
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into the bus shelter and bench. he showed me a photo of the infant being attended to by a passerby who stayed with him until crews arrived. so far the incident-- infant is the only one who survived. the other child was thrown across lenox street where flowers mark a second memorial. that's were velazquez says he watched crews putting a yellow cover over him. he shared this photo of the crashed suv and a witness attending to the woman pinned between the mercedes and the curb. she survived the initial crash on saturday but died yesterday. velazquez says his heart aches for the family but especially for the children. >> this vigil just started so people are actually speaking here with hushed voices and i'm going to adhere to that as well but i will say the event itself is organized by walk sf who have been voicing concerns about safety in the city since saturday and by their count the
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victims in this crash were the fifth, sixth, and seventh pedestrian deaths in the city since the start of the year. sergio quintana nbc bay area news. >> heartbreaking. thank you for this. >> we want to take you to an east bay neighborhood that is given the all clear after police were called over concerns that there was someone walking around holding a gun near doolittle drive in san leandro. this was the scene around 11:30 with neighbors being told to stay away. police got a call from a person who said they spotted someone with a rifle. officers detained two people and recovered two replica firearms that looked like rifles. police say there was no threat to the public. protecting the gateway of oakland. the hegenberger corridor leads to oakland international airport and more than 2 million people travel in and out per year but as you likely know, it has been plagued with
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crime. how city, county and state leaders are teaming up with community partners to make hegenberger safe. >> it is key that we collaborate. this is how government is supposed to work. >> showing a united front, the city of oakland county sheriff chp community partners and the port of oakland are collaborating to tackle crime together along the troubled hegenberger corridor surrounding the airport . >> is the first and the last impression that visitors have in the region when flying to oakland. >> we feel the weight of the public safety crisis. it has overwhelmed us in every corner of our city and throughout the region and it requires increased city, regional and inter-agency partners to collaborate. >> initiatives include seven day a week increased police patrols and expansion of safety ambassadors providing outreach and services, and partnering with chp for continued patrol
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as needed after nearly 170 arrest last month. for business owners like bill, it is a collaboration of resources that he has been waiting for it. >> one word i would use is trust and confidence. you can say all you want to say but really when people see the actions and you see the actions people will start to believe. >> they say efforts are working and credit safety ambassador programs for making an impact. >> safety ambassadors in my opinion are the most important element of this work. why? they live in the neighborhood. they are going to be here when sheriff's department and other folks are going home for the day. >> according to the city, opd data shows a 60% decrease in burglaries, 49% decrease in theft and a 7% decrease in robberies from october to the end of february. despite the progress, businesses are bailing including in-n-out burger and denny's who said crime is too
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high to keep their doors open. >> i wish there were more investments than previous years -- in previous years so we can see the symptoms of what we are seeing but we are here today with this administration and my goal is to make sure that all of governments at different levels, state local and federal, are coming together. >> a joint effort can last. >> i think it is sustainable so long as leaders in the positions that they are believe this is a priority. >> in oakland, velena jones, nbc bay area news. pamela price making big accusations tonight saying that those leading the recall efforts against price our quote attacking democracy. recall organizers recently turned and what they say are more than 123,000 signatures in favor of the recall. however, recent random samplings found that the number of qualifying signatures actually fell short of achieving that vote. the registrar is counting
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signatures manually. opponents of the recall are refuting signatures, alleging fraud. they are taking their concerns to the state attorney general. >> we have expansive evidence that we have collected from volunteers from folks who believe citizens and people who live in alameda county's who come with us and make these claims, when we have multiple examples with signatures just laying around, that in itself is an attack on our democracy. >> supporters of price claim they have evidence of signatures collected from people who live outside of the county. however, claims have not been verified. we reached out to the leaders of the effort who said they are quote patiently awaiting for registrar voters to verify this signature. was it persuasion or coercion? the supreme court appears poised to side with president biden and his tactic to get social media companies to remove harmful content.
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they will be ruling on the legality of an injunction that limits contact between government officials and social media companies which stems from a case brought against the biden administration for its efforts to stop the online spread of false information about covid and the presidential election. today justices questioned the lack of evidence that biden official used threats to force social media companies to moderate contents. now that former president trump has secured enough delegates to seal the republican presidential nomination, president biden is hoping to gain some momentum of his own and setting his sights on women's health with a new executive order to advance research. this as former president trump is facing backlash over comments that he made at a weekend rally. trump says his words were taken out of context and the biden campaign is accusing him of doubling down on threats of political violence. we are tracking it all from washington dc.
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>> sharp contrast in the race for the white house as president biden signs an executive order to expand research on women's healthcare and defends reproductive rights. >> i promise you we will restore row versus wade as the law of the land. >> while former president trump defends himself over several inflammatory comments at a weekend rally most notably using the word lead bath while talking about chinese car manufacturers. >> we are going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the lot and you will not be able to sell those. if i get elected. if i don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath but that's going to be the least of it. >> the former president insisting he was simply referring to imports that are killing the auto industry. but the biden campaign rejects that releasing an advertisement highlighting what they call a pattern of mister trump calling for political violence. they are accusing him of
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wanting another january 6. the former president referred to those in prison for january 6 crimes as hostages even though the overwhelming majority have been convicted of crimes. mister trump said he would free them if elected. some fellow republicans eli-- eject. >> we are a nation of laws and those folks were convicted and many times pled guilty. >> facing his own legal challenges, former president trump's attorneys say they have been unable to secure a bond for the $464 million civil fraud judgment against him over his companies business practices. if former president trump does not come up with that bond by next monday the new york attorney general could move to seize some of his assets. the trump legal team is appealing as the former president tries to focus on the campaign trail and he is expected to vote tomorrow in florida is presidential primary. alice barr nbc news. our political analyst larry
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gersten joins us to talk about former president trump's controversial comments and how voters say they feel about what he said and how he views the events of january 6. we have pulling numbers providing some insights coming up in about 30 minutes. we are following breaking news out of pinnacle, a magnitude 3.4 earthquake has hit that area moments ago and that's about 70 my-- 75 miles south of san jose and 75 miles east of salinas. we will provide updates on tonight's newscast as well as when we are not on the air. downtown san jose is the place to be this week as a major conference is in town. just how much it's going to help businesses over the next few days. apple and google are ready to work together. how we could impact your phone in the future. lots of sunshine today but
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rain is going to make a come
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welcome back. we've talked about how bay area tech conferences are making a big come back that we haven't seen anything like this one in quite some time. tens of thousands of people packing downtown san jose to talk about artificial intelligence. our tech reporter was among them. your real intelligence, not artificial. how big is this one? >> we've seen a lot packed together. if you've ever been a to a concert, it was huge and investors have really gotten wealthy thanks to artificial intelligence and this week southbay businesses also get a taste of the action. >> with huge crowds downtown, lamborghinis hired as mobile advertisers, and a rock concert sized line outside of sap center , the convention is bringing ai
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momentum to san jose. with a huge number of techies ready to get together and spend money. >> i have about 20,000 people here in total for the conference. we are seeing restaurants and coffee shops. the parks look full. >> the ceo whose company has generated a staggering $1 trillion in stock market value so far this year spoke in front of fans and some ai protesters about the future of artificial intelligence. >> there is something going on. the industry is being transformed. not just ours. is the computer industry, the computer is the single most important instrument of society today. fundamental transportations in computing affects every industry.
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>> it's also affecting mess cal restaurant. it is completely bought out for the next two days things to the nvidia convention. >> i can tell you 90% of the venues downtown have already been booked for at least five months. >> everything was shut down because of covid including those conventions, so talk about a rebound. >> remember kira how people traveled so much and they called it revenge travel and spent money and went to a lot of places? i think you are seeing that, people really want to go see their colleagues, see the latest technology and they are willing to buy out hotels and entire restaurants to do it and say once again the industry is back in style. >> thank you so much for that. we are going to turn now from apple who may be borrowing from google to open up some features on their iphone. the companies are reportedly in talks to build the gemini ai engine into iphone.
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it's an artificial intelligence tool like chat but coming as apple ceo tim cook told investors at the company is heavily investing in ai. new features could roll out in the next big up date already this fall. it would build on the relationship between the two tech giants and google has paid apple billions to make its search engine the default on iphones. time to turn to the forecast with our chief meteorologist. i feel overdressed. it is so warm outside and tomorrow it's officially spring. >> it's kind of that early spring preview. just gorgeous outside not only today but really over this past weekend. we will show you the blue skies in case you were stuck in the office all day long here's a look in livermore. just incredible. look at this. 73 degrees right now and we will drop into some 60s later on tonight.
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looks like a bird out there on the camera. let's take it into a little bit of a look at this weekend and why the sunshine was so nice to soak up. in santa rosa this was only the second weekend that we've had in 2024 with sunshine on both saturday and sunday. last time was february 24 and also the 25th. we are going to keep with the sunny skies as we head into tomorrow because that storm track is being pushed to the north and only a little speedbump with the chance for some fog as we head into tomorrow morning. as you see, eventually we get into the chance of rain later on which we will have those details on. through tomorrow morning the possibility of drizzle near the coastline and as we head into the afternoon that clears back and we will get that sunshine returning. 46 in the tri-valley. there's the bird again. south bay at 47, to the east
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bay upper 40s. daytime highs is going to stay above average meaning lots of 70s to the southbay. 65 in oakland and up in pleasanton, some incredible weather and low 70s. we will even get in on temperatures close to 70 down towards palo alto at 69 but overall cooler in san francisco with this on shore flow. 58 in the marina and 52 in the mission. for the north bay 70 in sonoma, 71 in napa. how about those rain chances? we don't see rain returning until we hit friday of this week but then it's going to be on- again and off-again chances lasting into saturday's forecast and sunday as well. let me break apart the rain totals for you. on friday it's about a quarter to a half inch. some of the
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hills of the east bay we might see. on saturday's forecast we would see an additional 4 3/4 of an inch and by sunday the rain chances start to taper down with only trace amounts to about a quarter of an inch. with rain spread out we are not seeing a threat of any kind of flooding on friday saturday and sunday. just a return of some springtime rainfall for us. spring officially arrives at 8:06 tomorrow night so we get three days of partly cloudy skies before that rain chance returns. the bird out there on the tower cam is enjoying the beautiful weather as well. i wasn't sure what was going to happen next. >> he's getting his son before the rain comes back. >> soaking it up. target has target has
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole.
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ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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welcome back. the environmental protection agency is announcing a complete ban on asbestos, a well known carcinogen. the rule would ban asbestos which is the last use of it in the us found in products like break linings and gaskets and is used to make chlorine bleach. it is already banned in 50 countries. the final rule has been in the works since 2016 when epa regulations were overhauled, that governed thousands of toxic chemicals in everyday products. the next time you are in the checkout line at target it may be faster than usual because target is limiting self checkout lanes to customers with 10 items or fewer. the retailer says the limit made self checkout twice as fast.
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the change is already taking effect in most target stores as of yesterday but some customers are not so happy about it. >> the line goes quicker but also i feel like it's not very convenient for some people that are purchasing a lot of stuff. >> i don't really like touching the screens to be honest with you. >> analysts have found self checkout machines increase the risk of theft costing companies so much that machines are not worth the investment. these changes at target, as walmart, costco and dollar general are also rethinking self checkout. no place like home for a no place like home for a
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease.
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his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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there's no place like home for the ruby slippers from the wizard of oz. their whereabouts are no longer a mystery. we are talking about the ruby slippers actress judy garland war in the iconic 1939 film. they vanished from the judy garland museum in her hometown of grand rapids, minnesota 20 years ago. six years ago the fbi recovered them in a sting operation. two men have been charged with theft and one pleaded guilty, the second only was just charged on friday. the fbi handed over the
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slippers to their owner, a hollywood memorabilia collector today. the owner immediately gave them to an auction house and it will go on a tour around the country before they go up for sale in december. don't forget you can watch our newscast whenever you want 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. raj mathai with what we've got going on next. a mother, uncle and grandfather accused of killing a three-year-old and an exorcism like ritual. we will tell you what investigators said today. former president trump walking back controversial remarks that he made over the weekend at a rally. our political analyst joins us to look at polls that show whether they will hurt him in the election. the ceo of united airlines trying to calm the fears of passengers who may be thinking twice about boarding one of his planes following numerous scared


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