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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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the news at 6:00 starts right now. thank you for being with us on this monday. i'm raj mathai. >> and i am janelle wang a young dog named marley shot in the head for no apparent reason. this is marley. she did survive but the people who did it got away and san jose police are asking people for help finding them. marianne is in san jose with our top story. >> after she was shot she was taken here to the san jose care center where the medical team stabilized her. >> this votto shows her shortly after she was shot. a bullet went through her muzzle , traveled through her jaw and hit her paul. one of her toes had to be amputated. >> how can somebody shoot a dog that is very defenseless? >> san jose police say the shooting happened near the dog's home and neighbors are stunned.
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>> this is wrong. >> with few leads police are asking for the help of the community tracking down the people responsible. >> an investigation discovered there were two unidentified suspects responsible for this heartless shooting. one of the suspects is described as a hispanic adult male in his 20s. thin build and at the time was wearing a weather jacket and jeans. unfortunately we don't have a clear description of our second suspect. >> marley was less than a year old when she was shot and jaw injuries were so severe she needed specialized surgery at uc davis school of veterinary medicine. animal care services received $20,000 in donations to help pay for the procedure. >> the community really stepped up and overwhelmed us. >> the help paid off. this is what she looks like now after recovering with her foster family. >> just a happy dog. very sweet and by looking at
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her and seeing her happy you would have no idea the trauma she has been through. >> in san jose, nbc bay area news. heavy hearts in san francisco after a family was hit by a car over the weekend as they were waiting for a bus. friends and neighbors held a memorial at the crash site in west portal. people stood silently, laid flowers and lit candles. a witness also waiting for a bus said it was a violent crash. a white suv lost control crashing through the bus shelter at the corner. three members of the family were killed including a child and police say an infant is in the hospital with critical injuries. the brazilian consulate confirms one of the adults was a brazilian national. today police booked 78-year- old, the driver 78-year-old mary fong lau for vehicular manslaughter.
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>> this is a neighborhood that uses transit. the family used transit so what we are asking for in a transit first cities of the fact that this happened is just devastating. >> the driver is in custody at a local hospital. rampant crime near the oakland airport and leaders announced they are trying something different to address it. they are working together. it's called the hegenberger corridor leading to the oakland international airport. more than 10 million people travel in and out and increased crime has led to a couple of restaurants shutting down saying it is just to business but leaders have said they are collaborating on initiatives and are seeing signs that the partnership is working. >> that action has been increasing patrol. we've seen violations for simpler infractions. speeding, i think that has
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given everyone the proof that they need to start to-- that this is going to continue and we will see more improvement. >> we will continue to do more as well. this is just the beginning but if we remain persistent and continue to do this work, i know that not only will we have the david data to represent the success that we have but we will have a stronger, cleaner, and safer oakland. other initiatives, leaders are working on include seven days a week increased police patrol, safety ambassadors providing outreach and services and additional security cameras. law enforcement numbers show us a 63% decrease in burglaries, 49% drop in theft and 7% reduction in robberies since october. supporters of the alameda county district attorney pamela price are making big accusations against the recall effort. organizers recently turned and what they claim are more than 123,000 signatures in favor of
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the recall. a recent random sampling found that the number of qualifying signatures actually fell short of triggering a recall vote. registrar is now counting the signatures manually. opponents of the recall are refuting many of the signatures, alleging fraud. >> we have extensive evidence that we've collected from volunteers, from folks who live in alameda county who come to us and make these claims so when we have multiple examples with signatures just laying around, that in itself is an attack on our democracy. >> the group also claims they have evidence of signatures collected from people who live outside of alameda county and are escalating concerns to the us attorney for northern california. however those claims have not been verified. we reached out to the leaders of the effort who said they are patiently waiting for the registrar voters to verify signatures.
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>> you may have noticed that gas prices have been steadily going up over the last couple of weeks. >> aaa says the average cost per gallon statewide is five dollars and nationally is about 3 1/2. >> in the bay area it's even higher. $5.06 for a gallon of regular unleaded. $4.95 in oakland and $4.91 in san jose. all prices are up even from one day ago. we look into the possible reason for the recent spike and what we can expect in the weeks ahead. aaa says gases up from a quarter of a gallon from where it was one month ago but no one is hitting the panic button as the state keeps an eye on the market. it can be a shock for many, almost $100 to fill his jeep but today he took it in stride. >> prices are going up the prices for everything are going up. >> aaa says the price is only slightly higher than where it was this time last year but in
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many areas like at this chevron it's already above five dollars per gallon. >> i don't know if it's, maybe too high. but still. i'm hoping it's going to go down. >> this interactive map lets you scroll from county to county to compare prices. gas buddy, a market research applications is prices in california may still inch higher because the state is already transitioning into the cleaner summer blend which is more expensive. the hope is that refineries also keep pace with the increase in demand during spring and summer. >> they carry out seasonal maintenance before the start of the summer driving season so that they can meet production and demand levels >> the energy commission has a watchdog division that looks into possible price gouging at the pump but gas buddy does not think there's any gouging taking place right now. just the california market adapting to the increase in demand and the use of cleaner gas.
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nbc bay area news. elon musk says he is leaning away from president biden but has no plans to endorse president trump. he's making those comments during an interview with former cnn anchor don lemon. he also spoke about his meeting with mister trump earlier this month in florida calling it an unplanned breakfast that happened at a mutual friend's house. he denied that the former president asked him for money for his support. >> in the north bay petaluma police are investigating dozens of smash and grab burglaries that happened in the course of one night. they say robberies started around 6:00 on saturday evening and continued through the night . they targeted cars across the city including at a high school, shopping mall, and a hotel. police say more than 30 cars were hit. >> i came down about 7:15 sunday morning to let the dogs out to go potty and i noticed my neighbors car had the window broken and i said that's a bummer. and then i looked up and down
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the street and saw there was glass underneath every other car on the block. like holy cow, they hit everybody. >> police say various personal items were stolen and the department is calling on people to share any surveillance footage they may have captured. so far no arrests have been made. the san mateo county sheriff's office is on alert after someone groped a woman walking alone on a trail in half moon bay the past weekend. sheriff's deputies were called to a trail just south of the park at about 7:00 saturday night saying a man road past a woman, got off of his bike and grabbed her. he wrote off after she screamed and now they are investigating and warning people in the area to stay alert. san quentin's death row may be cleared out as the prison is transferring the last men to other state prisons by this summer. the state is accelerating the plan to empty out death row. there are 457 prisoners remaining. this comes five years after governor newsom signed an executive order that closes the
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execution chamber. the plan is to transform san quentin into a scandinavian style prison focusing on rehabilitation, education and job training. up next, some call it the dream force of the south bay. the big business conference kicking off today. gossiping at the office at the water cooler can actually be good for you and your coworkers. we will tell you about a new stanford study released today. i am chief meteorologist and we have fog coming in tomorrow morning plus rain is back in the mix. i will have the timing and totals. you will want to see the timeline in about 10 minutes. >> his daughter's name has been used as a political rallying cry. the father of
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the party is in full swing in san jose. this week the southbay getting a huge boost thanks to the world's hottest ai company. we are talking about nvidia, based in santa clara and the darling of the stock market. nvidia has gained $1 trillion in market value for investors so far this year. they are hosting the annual conference at the shark tank, the sep center. there's a high-profile ceo meaning a lot of business coming to san jose hotels and restaurants. >> i know i have about 20,000 people here in total for the conference. we are seeing restaurants and coffee shops are full, parks look full. >> scott was among those in downtown san jose that joins us now. let's talk about the ceo. we've seen some rockstar ceos. steve jobs, are we now in this
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category? >> jensen huang is one of the longest tenured ceos but because of the incredible run for investors he is front and center as the keying in terms of tech value creation and yet i've known him for a long time and he's more humble than the other guys. he really took a while to get there and chip companies are not as sexy as social media or electric car companies but are really the back bone of all of this. >> when did they become the cool kids on the block? >> they became cool first because of gaming because their chips are sort of the undercurrent of gaming and consoles and then they really took off. you've got lamborghinis rolling around today and once ai took off it is interesting because we've talked about how many ai startups there are. but if you want to invest in one and be part of the growth had you get there? there are not many publicly
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traded companies because all of them are buying their chips and platforms and really powering the chat gpt's of the world because of nvidia and that is huge. >> so the way to ai you have to go through nvidia to get to your supply. in terms of san francisco, the city has all the companies but all of a sudden now you have the big dog in santa clara. >> there are also a lot of startups in san jose and in the southbay. funding coming from sand hill road is going south as well as north and this is where so many of them are funding ai and the reason they are doing it is because of proximity to companies like nvidia meta-and google that are already entrenched in this artificial intelligence world and the other guys are saying, let's get a little bit of that and try to take it in a slightly different direction. that is sort of how the start of economy works. >> i saw some clips of the
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video with the ceo addressing everybody and it was looking like there were thousands of people. >> we've been to concerts there and it was a full house right there. as full as any sharks game or any concert that you've seen. the line was just as long as if you were waiting for the backstreet boys or ariana grundy but it was incredible. that much action and buzz for a chip company was incredible and we don't see it that often. the potential future that ai-- >> is this one or two days? >> this will run through thursday. the next few days get geekier and that's where a lot of the networking is going to be done. >> nice job today. appreciate it. you have to follow scott on twitter or x always posting the latest business and tech news. a bill has decided to give certain workers a bigger stake in their jobs. worker cooperatives, co-ops are owned and self managed by workers. southbay representative made
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the announcement today at the worker own pizza shop a slice of new york in san jose. he has been working with the owners to help eliminate redtape and make it easier to convert small businesses into co-ops and get financing. the congressman hopes the bill will help close the wage gap. >> the owners get the stock options and the profits and workers are often on an hourly wage and don't really get that appreciation. what you've done is a flip the model and say when we do well we are selling a lot of pizzas and the folks putting pizzas in the box and who are making the pizzas are creating all the value. they should get a part of the actual profit. >> a slice of the pipe. it would establish us council on us operatives as well as a pilot program specifically for co-op businesses. here's something to share with your coworkers. a new study says gossip could have some positive effects. yapping.
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researchers at the university of maryland published their study on the evolution of gossip and researchers use computer simulations to determine that gossip can help people cooperate within social circles and keep them from acting selfishly. it found that gossip could have an evolutionary advantage for the person presenting the gossip and the person receiving it and researchers also add that often times people gossip about positive things which can be helpful. it's not always negative. >> positive gossip? i've got the tea. the sunshine is going to be with us for a couple more days. >> gossiping about how great and amazing my forecast is. did you hear what jeff said? most accurate. >> thank you so much. eventually there will also be some rainfall coming our way. let's move into the forecast tonight. look at how awesome this was this past week. i know you were
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outside and enjoying it. in santa rosa this is only the second weekend that we've had in 2024 with full on sunshine on saturday and also sunday. last thing that happened was on 24th and also the 25th. we have high pressure that's going to continue off to the north and also some warmer temperatures. only speedbump so to speak is the chance for some fog as we head into tomorrow morning and it looks like the chance will be widespread with the possibility of some near the coastline but it all starts to clear back and that means for tomorrow morning we will be getting down into the 40s for much of the bay area. the peninsula at 49, for the east bay you are in the upper 40s. san francisco one spot with low 50s and for the north bay 45. tomorrow afternoon with that sunshine and high pressure
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moving, at least for now it's going to bring us back into the 70s so it's going to be an awesome day if you have to go to work still a great day and not going to be too bad. san jose to morgan hill up to san francisco 61 and half moon bay 59. incredible tomorrow but the rain chances are going to be around the corner for us. next possibility gets here on friday. we would then see a second chance on saturday and a third possibility on sunday. let me break apart the days for you. on friday it's a quarter to half an inch and half an inch up to the half bay and some of the higher elevations. saturday looks like a day were we can get the most. one 2:45 quarters of an inch, and by sunday we should see those totals taper off with only trace amounts to a quarter of an inch. not only that but look at this. we will add to our reservoirs.
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right now every reservoir with that green color is now showing 100% or more of a historical average. capacities to date, 82.7 so we are doing good on the capacity to date but comparing it to where we should be once again everybody rating 100% or better so that right now is ensuring that we should not go into drought conditions the next couple of months. really nice to hear that. dry all the way through thursday and rain chances are coming our way, friday saturday and sunday. look at those temperatures. 75 tomorrow is a big drop. nice to see the rain in the forecast. >> i don't want any gossip. i've been up front, i've told everybody that it's happening so don't blame me. >> we are in a non-gossip zone. >> we talk about good stuff. up next, a recall.
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did you hear? at trader joe's. and apple facing a lawsuit over air tax. over air tax. why
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death.
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tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. apple is facing a lawsuit over the safety of air track tacking tracking devices. three dozen people filed a lawsuit alleging that apple was warned of the risks of air tags
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and argue that the company should be held responsible when tracking devices are used for misconduct such as stocking. last week a federal judge in san francisco ruled that three of those plaintiffs made sufficient claims while dismissing the remainder of those plaintiffs. apple argues that air tags have industry first safety measures and should not be blamed when the product is misused. heads up for trader joe's shoppers. the store is recalling roasted and salted whole cashews. the fda says some of the bag cashews tested positive for salmonella during a routine check. so far no illnesses reported. this comes as researchers report food recalls are at a five year record high but say that better detection methods could be responsible for the uptick. a piece of nba history is up for auction. kobe bryant's first championship ring from 24 years ago is the first of a threepeat
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winning streak. it's not the actual ring that he wore, it is an exact copy that he made for his father who played in the nba but never won a title. it's 14 karat old with 40 diamonds. the current bid stands at $94,000. up next, he is back. the latest mural spotted by the mysterious artist and where his latest piece popped up. take a look inside. this is the control room. lester holt preparing for nightly news. a rare look at us underwater drones at work against militants in the middle east. he joins us in about 3 1/2 minutes. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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spring starts tomorrow and famous street artist banksy is celebrating the season with a new piece. >> the british artist popped up in london with new artwork posting these photos on his instagram. green paint spread across the side of the building looking of foliage of a prune tree. his signature, a stencil of a person holding a spring device tripping green paint. tonight, the response after the giants parted ways with their very popular public address announcer, renel brooks- moon. that story and more coming up on our 7:00 o'clock news. up next, a march madness come back. the coach who was fired after a losing streak allowed to stay before guiding his team right into the march madness
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tournament. it's all coming up on nbc nightly news next with lester holt. tonight donald trump's money troubles as he defends his warning about a, quote, bloodbath in november. the former president's attorney saying he cannot get a bond to cover his $464 million civil fraud judgment. could it lead to his properties like trump tower being seized? and his controversial comments at a rally over the weekend, mr. trump talking about the auto industry will be a bloodbath if he's not elected. now he said he's being taken out of context. spring break violence. three shootings in 40 minutes in jacksonville beach, and the body cam, a teen with a gun sparking chaos on the beach. vladimir putin claiming victory in russia's elections, and after a question from nbc news, what he said about alexei navalny. israeli troops raiding gaza's largest hospital and t


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