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tv   Today  NBC  March 19, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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in san francisco with upper 50s for the weekend. so enjoy this last few hours of winter and the first day of spring starting later this evening. the "today" show is just moments away. we continue "today in the bay" on roku. we're going to continue to track the deadly 580 crash and the backup that's been happening there. mike has been keeping his eye on that for us all morning long. >> a lot to talk about on our streaming show. make sure you join us. that's what's happening here on "today in the bay." have a great day and don't forget to join us for our midday newscast at 11:00. good tuesday morning. spring arrives today. >> it just won't feel like it across much of the good tuesday morning.
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spring arrives today. >> it just won't feel like it across much of the country. it is march 19th. this is "today". the big chill. millions waking up to freezing weather. temperatures plunging across the south. a storm dumping storm on the midwest and it is on the move this morning. al is tracking it all. breaking overnight. crisis averted. a tentative deal reached on capitol hill to avoid a major government shutdown. but with the deadline just days away, can lawmakers pass it on time? a live report from washington just ahead. cash crunch. donald trump's assets in jeopardy of being seized after revealing it's practically impossible to secure the nearly half a billion bond he needs in the wake of that massive civil fraud judgment. so with what does it all mean for his business and his presidential campaign. we're live with the latest. kate spotting. the first video emerges of the
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princess of wales since her surgery. the footage showing a weekend shopping trip with her husband. it's not putting to rest those mounting questions about her health and her future. we're live at buckingham palace. all that, plus oprah's journey. >> when i tell you how many times i have blamed myself. >> the daytime queen opening up in a prime time special about her struggles, her own use of those weight loss drugs and the rapid rise in america. this morning the message she's now sharing with millions. and going up. with no powerball winner overnight, the nation's largest lottery jackpot skyrockets to more than $1.5 billion. the next drawing just hours away. today, tuesday, march 19th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah
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guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and a good tuesday morning to you. welcome to "today." happy to have you with us this morning. also happy to have laura jarett filling in. savannah and hoda enjoy spring vacations with their families. >> happy to be here with your spring suit. >> thank you. i'm trying to bring spring in early. what is it, 11:00 tonight? >> 11:06, baby. >> not too early right here. >> no, no. of course we'll talk about that lottery jackpot in just a few moments. >> yes. first, though, as laura mentioned, it is the first day of spring, but still feels like winter for tens of millions of americans. >> yeah. check out the lows on the map here, guys. right now a blast of cold air is spreading freezing temperatures all across the south. >> if that's not enough, check this out. yes, that is lake-effect snow falling in sioux st. marie in michigan this morning. we will get to mr. roker's first forecast in a moment. first, let's check in with kathy park. kathy is in a chilly nashville
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tennessee for us. hey, kathy. good morning. >> reporter: hey, craig. good morning to you. that's right. you have signs of spring just about everywhere. flowers in full bloom. what's wrong with this picture? i'm completely bundled up. i have my beanie on, my gloves, my thick coat. here in nashville, we're hovering in the 20s right now. keep in mind we were in the 60s and 70s over the weekend. this time of year the low the 41 degrees. we're not the only ones suffering in tennessee. roughly 21 million americans are under freeze warnings right now. and the national weather service is tracking another major winter storm expected to strike the upper midwest, northern plains by this weekend. of course, as cold weather is pretty damaging to crops and plants. that's why a lot of south carolina farmers covered up their crops ahead of this cold blast this morning. meanwhile, over on the east coast, washington, d.c., as you know, those cherry blossoms are in full bloom, but fortunately this weather should not be impacting the flowers.
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speaking of flowers, we're at the estate gardens here in nashville. these tulips behind me are looking a little frosty this morning, but we're told as the sun comes up, things should be perking right up and they will be back in full bloom. temperatures expect to climb into the 60s later on this afternoon. so more spring-like weather, but of course, winter looks like it's still trying to hold on. craig? all right. kathy park for us there in nashville. kathy, thank you. >> just how cold will it get? and how long will this spring chill last? for that we turn to mr. roker for a first check. how low are we going? >> kind of chilly. 23 million people, as kathy mentioned, from texas all the way across to the carolinas. we're talking temperatures that are well below normal. right now huntsville, 30. alabama 35 degrees. roanoke, 33. monroe 37 degrees. this afternoon, temperatures try to get back up, but, again, still below average. for raleigh, mobile, tallahassee 10 degrees below average. jackson 10 degrees below
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average. but then over the next three days, >> all right. come back to you in a few minutes, buddy. >> good news. >> thank you. meanwhile, breaking news overnight from capitol hill where a tentative deal has been reached to reach a government shutdown, but the clock is still ticking towards friday deadline. ryan nobles joins us from washington. what do we know at this point? what's the latest, ryan? >> reporter: hey, craig, good morning. this last-minute breakthrough should give lawmakers enough time to pass a series of funding bills to support some of the most important government departments, including the pentagon, the state department and the department of homeland security. it would come ahead of friday's deadline. while leadership agreed to this
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deal, it must still be voted on and pass both the house and the senate. the text of the bill is expected to be released later today and the legislation may be a tough sell for conservative house republicans who have encouraged members to reject new spending if it doesn't come alongside significant policy changes from the white house over the border and migrant crisis. that puts speaker mike johnson in a bit of a bind because he'll most likely have to rely on democrats to pass a package. something that, of course, led to kevin mccarthy's ouster as speaker. but there's still a lot of work to be done to meet friday's deadline. and if something gets in the way, a shutdown could have a big impact across the country. it could mean paychecks for tens of thousands of active duty members of the military will be held up. it would also put an incredible strain on the tsa which falls under homeland security and could lead to longer security lines at airports. tsa workers not getting paid until the funding bill pass, but they would still be forced to come to work because they are
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considered essential. in the past some tsa workers called in sick. which had a huge impact on air travel. but at this point, the white house and congressional leaders are confident that a shutdown will be avoided. although, they cannot afford any last-minute surprises because of that tight deadline. we're expected the legislation to be released at any point this morning, and then we'll find out whether or not house republicans will buck their leadership and vote against this plan. we should learn more later today. craig? >> all right. ryan nobles for us there in washington. keep us posted. thank you, buddy. another story we are watching closely this morning. the mounting legal and financial concerns for the former president donald trump. in a new court filing, his attorneys say he's been unable to secur to secure a bond to cover the nearly $500 million judgment in his new york civil fraud case. now due in just a matter of days. meanwhile on the campaign, trump is facing new backlash over that bloodbath comment at a rally over the weekend.
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nbc's kbart headache is in washington with more on all of this. garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, laura, good morning. a lot to break down here. the former president and his allies say that blood bath comment was taken out of context and it was really all about the economy. that's not stopping the biden campaign from turning it into a potent new attack line. it all comes as mr. trump faces pressure on the financial front, too. unable to secure a bond to pay that civil fraud judgment against him, his lawyers say. now the very foundations of his wealth are at risk. a cash crunch for a self-proclaimed multibillionaire. former president trump's lawyers saying monday he doesn't have enough money on hand to pay the $464 million civil fraud judgment against him and can't secure a bond. mr. trump has until next monday to post that bond or the new york attorney general can seize his assets to satisfy the judgment, which he is appealing. in a statement overnight, trump calling a bond of this size, quote, unprecedented and practically impossible for any company, including one as successful as mine. it comes as the former president
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is facing a growing backlash for his comments in ohio, warning o if he's not elected. >> w a bloodbath for the country if he's not re-elected during a riff about chinese car makers. >> we'll put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and we're not going to be able to sell those cars. if i get elected. now, if i don't get elected, there will be a blood bath for the whole -- that's the least of it. >> reporter: mr. says he was talking about an economic blood bath. >> i used it about trade, essentially auto trade because we're getting ripped off with biden's really dumb auto policy. >> reporter: the biden campaign out with a new ad. >> and it will be a bloodbath to the country. >> reporter: linking mr. trump's words to his past remarks about political violence, including the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in charlottesville, virginia. >> very fine people, on both sides. >> reporter: the former president has recently ramped up
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talk of political violence. in january warning what might happen if the criminal charges against him cause him to lose the 2024 election. >> it will be bedlam in the country. it is a very bad thing. >> so garrett, trump is also facing backlash over comments he made about jewish people who vote for democrats. what is the campaign saying about that one? >> yeah, laura, that's right. in an interview last night the former president said, that, quote, any je wirksish president that votes for democrats hates their religion and democrats hate everything about israel. those comments echo anti-semitic dual loyalty tropes about american jews and widely condemned by jewish lawmakers including chuck schumer, the highest ranking jewish member in american government who called that a hateful rant. laura? >> garrett haake, thank you so much. this morning we're learning more about a critical phone call between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. amid rising tensions other the war in gaza. the president warning against a planned military operation in
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the city of rafah, while also talking about the prospects of a cease-fire there. nbc's raf sanchez is in tel aviv for us once again. raf, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. the hunger crisis in gaza is growing by the hour. so is the sense of alarm at the white house over a potential israeli ground assault in the city of rafah in the south of the strip. now we are seeing the president intervening personally to try to convince israel to change course. this morning, president biden trying to head off a major new israeli operation in gaza. in their first call in more than a month, the president urges israeli president benjamin netanyahu to abandon plans to hit the city of rafah. >> they have nowhere else to go. gaza's other major cities have largely been destroyed. >> reporter: the white house says israel should pursue with hamas leaders in rafah with targeted raids but a major ground attack would be a mistake.
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>> it would lead to more innocent civilian deaths, worsen the already dire humanitarian crisis. deepen the anarchy in gaza. >> reporter: the white house also saying american and israeli teams will meet soon in washington to discuss other approaches. the president's warning came hours after israeli forces stormed into a hospital saying hamas fighters were operating inside. the palestinian officials say attacking a hospital is a potential war crime and that thousands of civilians are sheltering there hoping for safety and for food. a new u.n.-backed report says half of gaza's population is now facing catastrophic hunger. and that in northern gaza, famine is now imminent. more aid arriving by air and by sea now. but it is a fraction of what's needed and the european union accusing israel of deliberating provoking famine. >> starvation is used as a weapon of war --
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>> reporter: israel denies that, saying it places no limits on food entering gaza. not far from el she fa, families fleeing the latest air strike, salvaging what little they can from their homes. this little boy carrying a car seat. i swear to god, i'm afraid, he says. now, while israel's ground assaults on rafah hasn't yet started, we are seeing intensified bombing across the south. netanyahu says if israel does not destroy those remaining hamas units hiding in southern gaza, it will lose this war. but he is also saying he's prepared to at least delay an attack on rafah if there's a breakthrough at those hostage negotiations under way right now in qatar. craig? >> raf sanchez for us once again there in tel aviv. raf, thank you. back here at home, united airlines is looking to reassure passengers following a series of troubling incidents involving its boeing manufactured jets. in a letter to customers, the
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company's ceo is writing safety is our highest priority. nbc senior correspondent, tom costello covers aviation for us and joins us from reagan international airport. tom, good morning. walk us through exactly what happened. there's been a lot in the last couple weeks. >> reporter: yeah. quite a few incidents and, of course, right in the middle of spring break and the get-away. so this is top of mind for a lot of people. we've had these incidents over the last month. united trying to reassure its customers. let's remind you of some of them. we begin with this incident out of houston. a 737 united flight started seeing fire coming out of the back of an engine. it appears to be a engine stall or compressor stall. not unusual. the plane landed safely. then we have the flight from san francisco taking off and lost a tire during takeoff. it was headed to japan, you may recall. it made an emergency landing in los angeles. the tire fell on the cars below damaging several cars. we had that 737 that slid off the runway in houston, you may recall.
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people there inconvenienced, but everybody safe on that flight that landed in houston. then that flight out of sydney australia, back to the states, they had to turn around mid-flight because of what appears to be a hydrolic leak, fluid coming out of the bottom of the plane. the plane landed safely in sydney, that was a triple 7. just last week, we have a 737, another one, landing in medford, oregon, with a panel missing on the underside of the plane. no idea what happened there, but the plane landed safely in medford, oregon. in all of these incidents everybody was safe. nobody was injured at all, but it really caused united airlines to want to reassure customers it takes all of this very seriously and it is doubling down on safety. here is what united ceo scott kirby is telling passengers in an email he sent out. number one, he is reiterating that they are -- all of these incidents are unrelated. there's no connective thread through them necessarily, and yet he says they have sharpened
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their focus. united adding an extra day to pilot training, also updated training for new mechanics, dedicating more resources to supplier network management and also really trying to double down on the entire maintenance scheme. these incidents are not necessarily a manufacturing problem with boeing. they all would seem to be the connective tissue, if there is any, seems to be maintenance at united airlines. they're trying to double down on that. back to you. >> tom, put this in perspective. you cover this everyday. you walked through so many incidents. how are so many people at home supposed to feel about flying right now? >> reporter: yeah. you know, these are -- i know it is hard to hear this, but these are all apparently one offs. in other words, an isolated case here, an isolated case there. there is nothing to connect them other than maintenance issues. so that's why united is doubling down. listen, in 2023, we had not a single jet aircraft, commercial jet airliner crash anywhere in the world. that's amazing. that was the safest year ever
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for aviation. the last time we had a u.s. jet liner crash in this country was in 2009.o reinforce and reiterate for the airlines the need to constantly be on your game every single aviation was incredibly safe. and, yet, these incidents really do reinforce and reiterate for the airlines the need to constantly be on your game every single day. united says it's doubling down on exactly that. >> important context there, tom costello in washington. thank you so much. and a programming note for you here, lester holt will have an exclusive interview with the head of the faa addressing the on going airline safety concerns. you can see their conversation tonight on ""nbc nightly news,"" of course. folks, more than $1.5 billion. that's the number now up for grabs as the nation's two biggest jackpots continue to skyrocket. no one won the top prize in last night's power ball drawing, sending that jackpot to $687 million. take a look at that mega millions prize. it is worth a staggering $875 million. that is the sixth largest
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jackpot in that game's history. no one won since december. the mega millions. the prize money has been rolling over ever since. the next drawing happening tonight. so if you are so inclined, get your tickets. >> should we go in on something? >> gerard usually comes around and collects. >> i'm in. i want in, right? >> so when folks tune in tomorrow, they may not see anyone here. >> i'd come back. >> no, you wouldn't. you'd come back? >> id come back but i'd have one heck of an attitude. >> worse than the attitude you have now? >> anyway, for today, we are looking at snow showers around the great lakes. southeast chill is still hanging in there, but short lived. beautiful sunshine from texas all the way up into the plains. western warmth is setting in, and plenty of sunshine along the west coast. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. get his little puppy diploma?
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how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with some clouds over the bay area and mild temperatures. it's going to clear out and be a very nice day. we're headed back to 70 degrees for santa rosa, well above average temperatures for much of the bay area. we're headed for 72 in san jose. on this last day of winter, last few hours of winter, spring officially begins this evening, and we'll see high temperatures today in the mid-70s. and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right, buddy. still ahead, new video of
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princess kate, the first since her surgery not quieting the mounting questions about her health, though. molly hunter continues to follow-up from buckingham palace. hey, molly. >> craig, good morning. that's right. what we have been waiting for sort of. kate, the princess of wales out walking in public, in brand new video. we will show you in a few minutes. plus, oprah winfrey getting emotional in a new special opening up about her weight loss journey, her use of popular weight loss drugs and the stigmas that surround them. inside her message to anyone who struggled to slim down. but first, thiis "today" on nbs c.
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coming up for you, an eye-opening look inside this multi billion dollar business of college admissions. >> yeah. do you really need to hire one of those pricey consultants to get your kid into one of those top schools?
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if you don't, how can you help your teenager stand out from the crowd. a story you need to see after your local news. will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world.
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hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful.
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because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. a very good morning to you. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> starting with breaking news we've been following out of the
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east bay. a deadly wrong-way head-on crash has been tying up traffic all morning long at the macarthur maze. the chp now says it started as a chase on interstate 80. during the chase, the suspect vehicle hit the westbound 580 flyover, only to pull a u-turn. three cars ended up crashing. we know one person is confirmed to have died. the crash is still causing long backups into san francisco, especially on 580 and highway 24 westbound. mike has been tracking this backup all morning long. >> folks, let's take a look at this. here we have the scene, just a couple of seconds ago we had a couple of vehicles. here is the white van, one of the ones you saw in the video from overnight. there was another black vehicle that was indeed facing the opposite direction, still getting details on the investigation. but that was one vehicle facing opposite traffic flow. you see all traffic flow has been stopped for about 15 minutes, now almost 20 minutes heading over toward the bay bridge. that's jamming up traffic,
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another van here, and there's one more pickup right here that has to be cleared. as we look at your map system, we see that traffic is flowing on the berkeley curve. a distraction from the activity. the big jam is west 580, stopped, rippling into oakland. some folks are likely taking 24, others hitting surface streets. the feed off of 880 is actually moving, 580 is stopped right now. 880 north past the coliseum, we have another crash. look at the build out of walnut creek. that means a lot more traffic heading toward the maze that will present more delay we'lls.
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♪♪ red solo cup ♪♪ i fill you up ♪♪ let's have a party!
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♪♪ let's have a party! >> oh, we're back at 7:30. that, of course, the legendary country star toby keith, who died last month after a battle with stomach cancer. he will be honored in a very special. we'll have that coming up in "popstart." meanwhile, peter alexander joined the party. always good to have you up. >> appreciate you having me here. hopefully spring will feel like it soon. >> i see you didn't bring the beige suit. >> i'm still living in winter. the first footage of the royal in months. you can see there following her abdominal surgery. but it leaves some questions unanswered about her recovery here. >> molly hunter is at
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the video obtained by tmz published yesterday reportedly shows kate and princess william walking out of a farm shop over the weekend. dressed casualty, sporting a baseball cap, the 42-year-old princess in workout clothes and running shoes. >> it may be they realize this is a helpful answer to a lot of questions swirling around. she is clearly on the road to recovery. >> the last time the public saw video of kate was almost three months ago at christmas. and concerns over her health have only grown as she stayed out of the public eye. hospitalized for planned abdominal surgery followed by a long recovery. according to the palace. now well wishers and royal fans the world over relieved to see her walking briskly and smiling. and carrying shopping bags. the sun splashing on their front
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page this morning, "great to see you again, kate." but as the video went viral, public scrutiny on the palace remains high. and officials at the palace continue to insist her first official public appearance won't come until next month. >> i think we're living in a very unique time where there is a command for information and people share information more than they ever have done in the past. this is uncharted territory for the royal family in terms of the explosion of interest from social media. it is giving us reason to question things in a way we haven't done before. >> reporter: it comes a week after that photograph on mother's day and kate's apology the morning after, blaming her editing. despite questions, kensington palace offered no further explanation next week even as the prince of wales participated in public events. but video showing kate out and about looking energetic and happy alongside her husband should put to rest at least some but not all questions
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surrounding her health. not all questions, guys. this is perhaps the most recognizable woman in the world. so kensington palace has to assume if she goes out in public, someone will photograph or video her. but that means the speculation will fill the information void from all corners of the internet and from all corners of the globe. i'll send it back to you. >> molly, thank you very much. we appreciate it. let's talk more about this video. we have a lot to chew over. for that, let's bring in daisy mcandrews, who is also at buckingham palace for us. daisy, good morning to you. with so many conspiracy theories out there about this entire issue, you can see her walking. she's walking quite well after having just had surgery. is this likely to put to rest any of the wild speculation out there? or is this only going to raise more questions? >> reporter: personally, i hope it will put to rest some of those completely crazy speculations and conspiracy theories we have all been subjected to for the last few
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weeks. so far i haven't seen any proper question marks over this video. it does appear to be completely genuine. it's definitely them as far as we can tell. so i think, yes, it will put to bed some of those queries. >> daisy, was this -- was this -- this photo, this video that we're seeing here, was this stage managed? was this something likely done by design there with the backing of the palace? >> i guess it depends on your definition of stage managed. it is not like those paparazzi shots that the celebrity said i'll be at this beach at this time make sure you're there to take pictures of me looking amazing in a bikini. it wasn't like that. this was a genuine member of the public who happens to see kate and william at this farm shop. but was it set up in that they knew perfectly well that somebody would take a photograph of them? yes, i think that we can probably assume that was the case.
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it wasn't as if they were going to go, oh, my goodness, members of the public carry around phones to take photographs. as molly quite rightly says, the most recognizable photographed woman in the world. they will have known this was going to happen. >> well, given the fact we're now we're seeing her running errands alongside her husband, you would think that would put more pressure on the royals. when is the sense that that might happen, the initial expectation was right after easter. now it could be later into next month. is there any better understanding when we will see kate for real, so to speak? >> reporter: you're absolutely spot-on. originally when they told us she was in hospital, would be there a couple weeks and then she would be taking some months off, we were told easter. not before easter. we all assumed easter monday, the week after easter. that was then pushed back. the timetable was pushed back to actually when the children go back to school after their easter holidays, which is about the 17th of april. i think that there is a very
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good chance we will see her on easter sunday taking part in the traditional going to church, being photographed, going in and out of church. but, of course, she wouldn't say anything. that would literally just be photographs. but then we will certainly not see her do any official duties until mid-april, which i think has slipped by a couple of weeks from what we were originally led to believe. >> daisy, appreciate you dissecting the video and all of the fall-out over it. >> pleasure. >> most importantly, we hope that kate is well, right? at the end of the day, that's the priority here. coming up next, if you don't know him, you certainly know that your kids do. on "popstart" big news on mr. beast has plans for what's being called the biggest reality competition ever. first, though, oprah winfrey getting candid in a primetime special about her use of those wildly popular weight loss drugs and their place in the battle against obesity. emilie ikeda has been following this one for us. good morning, emilie. >> this was a deeply personal
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conversation for oprah winfrey you can see that in how she fought back tears at times, discussing the shame and blame she faced in the public eye for decades. coming up, what oprah winfrey is saying, patients and top doctors from around the country about the increase lig popular weight loss drugs. stay with us. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪ harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪ so when minds grow, opportunities follow. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) the right age for neutrogena® retinol?
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i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window. all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free. my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪♪) when you put in the effort, but it starts to frizz... you skipped a step. tresemmé silk serum. use before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair that frizz can't beat. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. every march, jersey mike's turns money from subs into charitable donations. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron.
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i'm honored. lookin' good, danny. we've got subs to make though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us wednesday, march 27th for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. why is special k so special? the multigrain flakes? oh wait i see, it's the real fruit. oh wait wait, can you go back to the berries? mmhmm. special k. special for a reason. the idea... is to um... where am i going? whoa! did usher forget how to skate? alright. okay. (♪♪) [thud] (♪♪) i meant to do this. (♪♪) back now at 7:42. this this morning, oprah winfrey in the spotlight. >> during a highly anticipated
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special last night, she led a candid conversation on the rise and impact of popular weight loss drugs and opened up about her own experience with them. >> nbc's emilie ikeda is here with more on what oprah had to say. emilie, good morning. >> good morning. the queen of daytime tv making her return in prime time discussing the new weight loss revolutions spurred by popular weight loss drugs. oprah sharing she has been using the drugs to control her weight, while also trying to remove the stigma surrounding them. overnight, oprah winfrey tackling a deeply personal topic for her and millions of americans that struggle with weight loss. >> because when i tell you how many times i have blamed myself. >> reporter: in a one-hour special called "shame blame and the weight loss revolution" oprah sharing how new weight loss medications have helped change her life. >> i still want the bagel. >> totally, total. >> i just want less of the bagel. >> reporter: the 70-year-old talk show icon once suggested
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the drugs were not for her. >> i felt, i've got to do this on my own. i've got to do this on my own because if i take the drug, that's the easy way out. >> reporter: but now speaking out and seeming to credit her recent stunning weight loss to glp-1 drugs that include wildly popular medications like ozempic, mounjaro and zepbound, wegovy, which stimulate the body to produce more insulin and help curb hunger. a cleveland clinic doctor who also works with the drug companies explaining why they're so effective for those who haven't seen sustainable results from diet and exercise alone. >> people who are dieting are basically trying to restrict their caloric intake, because that's what we've been told. almost trying to hold their breath under water. >> oprah has been personal for years -- >> for 25 years, making fun of my weight was national sport. >> reporter: from talking candidly about her gains and losses. >> 67 pounds. >> reporter: to becoming a weight watchers ambassador and investor.
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>> i love bread. >> reporter: on the special, oprah also exploring the stigma surrounding obesity, including with one woman that lost nearly 160 pounds with the help of medications. >> i am treated like a completely different human being. >> reporter: but the life-changing medications are not for everyone. >> i was just throwing up. when i went to the or, that was it. >> reporter: one study found 17% of wegovy users stopped taking the drug because of potential side effects. oprah outlining a new perspective on her journey that she's hoping to share for others. >> for the people that think this could be the relief and support and freedom, as you said earlier, that you have been looking for your whole life, bless you because there is space for all points of view. >> so any sense of why she's doing this special now. obviously she recently broke ties with weight watchers. >> yeah, something she addressed in the special. she said this is a really important conversation to her. she left weight watchers, said
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so there's no perceived conflict of interest. she also did have a discussion g next to each other during the special. they acknowledged the unprecedented demand, the shortages of the drugs and the cost of the drugs. one thing the with some of the top drug maker leaders novo nordisk and eli lilly. those heads sitting next to each other during the special. they acknowledged the unprecedented demand, the shortages of the drugs and the cost of the drugs. one thing the special did not do was dive into how to solve those challenges. >> ah. >> on going conversation. >> thank you, emilie. >> yeah, thanks, guys. mr. roker, how about another check of the weather, good sir? >> everybody is struggling with it, and we're still trying to figure it out. no shame. no game. just stay within your lane and don't give anybody a hard time. for today, we're looking at lake-effect snow showers ramping up as the low comes across. the heaviest snows will be lake ontario and lake erie as well. as that system pushes through, we're going to be looking at breezy conditions. the snow will get lighter as we get into the evening hours. snowfall total will be heaviest between watertown, utica, the
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area we call the tug hill plateau. lighter snowfall amounts in new england. then the weekend, we got this low pressure system developing down in the gulf. there will be a minor flood risk from florida into north carolina. saturday, there is an uncertain track. we are looking for heavy rain along the mid-atlantic coast. as this front pushes through, rain will linger along the coast, but we will get strong winds coming out of the north and possible coastal flooding stretching from boston all the way down to charleston, , south good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as we take a look at the clouds over dublin right now and a few breaks in the clouds, it will eventually clear out, and well above normal temperatures expected for today, with santa rosa reaching a high of 70 degrees. our normal high temperature is about 65. you can see we are going to have another warm afternoon, with a mostly sunny sky. we begin bring this evening at 8:06. tomorrow the first f >> and that's your latest weather.
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guys? >> all right, mr. roker. still ahead, folks, a special edition of steals and deals on this first day of spring. all the accessories you need for this new season up to 84% off. >> 84%? >> 84%. >> it's almost free. >> almost. >> that's why we call it steals and deals. >> you get a car! >> jill martin will be here. plus, your must-see morning "boost" right after this. ♪ tropicana may not have invented orange juice. but in 1954, we found a way to bring fresh-tasting oj to everyone. and to this day, we squeeze hand-picked oranges,
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never add sugar, and bring oj to fridges everywhere. and we're not done yet. tropicana pure premium. ♪♪ hey what's going on? i switched to h&r block this year and had one of their experts do my taxes for me. kind of a big win. oh yeah? yeah they're so on top of it, they guaranteed my taxes were 100% accurate. and my maximum refund or i get my money back. wow! nice. i don't know if my guy's got any guarantees. you should definitely switch it up. —we're gonna go do a victory lap now. get a 100% accurate return and your max refund or your money back. it's better with block. [shaking] (♪♪) (♪♪) oh no. [scratching] with chewy, get flea meds delivered before the itching begins. (♪♪) or after, but before is definitely better.
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good job. save 20% on your first pharmacy order and get it delivered right on time. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.
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i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. barista: lavender latte for sam! daughter: mmm! mom: ooh, i like that! everyone say, “space pod.” cheese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like.
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♪ we are back with your morning boost. and you got it today. >> all right. i will try to do hoda proud you can all relate to this one. if you have children, you know they will do almost anything to make sure they get dessert, even if it means pretending to eat dinner. what she really wants is ice here. so -- you can all relate to this one. if you have children, you know they will do almost anything to make sure they get dessert, even if it means pretending to eat dinner. so the girl you see here is callie. what she really wants is ice cream. not only is she pretending to take big bites out of her meal, she's also acting like she really is enjoying it. mom, though, mom is not buying it. >> eat it, callie. actually it eat, callie. put it in your mouth, callie. eat it. >> oh, even mom's encouragement not enough for her to take a big bite. mom posting this on social media with the caption, someone give this girl an oscar. >> it's the head shake. >> yeah. you have to pass the head. >> oh, wow. she needs a puppy. >> we've all been there. >> yes.
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>> all been there. we know that ariana grande is a pop superstar. wait until you hear about the music history her 98-year-old grandmother just made. relax! id shopped by my monthly budget so i know it's a good decision. unlike jenny's new piercing... [gasps] get pre-qualified. shop within your budget. carmax. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good.
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♪♪ sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right. philips. ohhh crap. now we gotta get france something. wait! we can use etsy's new gift mode! alright. done. ♪♪ plateau de fromage! oh la la! don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy. after cooking a delicious knorr farm stand chicken cheddar broccoli recipe. you will want to close all your delivery apps and open your camera, so you can take photos of your home made masterpiece. unfortunately, no photo can capture the savory goodness of this perfect combo of juicy, sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini. tasty! - you nailed it! -i know! make your own knorr taste combo.
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it's not fast food, but it's so good. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ precise♪ meow, meow. ♪ed it. [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪ why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals.
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and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. happening now, an update to our breaking news in the deadly wrong-way head-on crash that's been tying up traffic through the macarthur maze all morning long. it started as a chase involving
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two burglary suspects on interstate 80. during that chase, the suspect vehicle tried to pull a u-turn on westbound 580, ended up crashing onto two other cars on the flyover. we just learned one person died. the suspects both suffered major injuries, along with a driver in a third car, a van. the traffic impact is mostly being felt on 580 and highway 24 westbound. mike has been following it all morning long. are the backups getting better? >> definitely now. the last few minutes the video you showed had traffic stacked up here with just one lane open. it's now got all lanes open. the last of the caltrans vehicles, seconds ago, we had the sweeper clear up the absorbent from any fluids. it does look like one lane is restricted approaching the area. shortly we should have all lanes of westbound 580 cleared at the scene. you see the backup that continues to ripple back on 24 and also off of 580. we had a couple of vehicles run out of gas on highway 24.
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there's no more reason for the backup other than the fact that we have a lot of traffic that has to recover. 580, 880, business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, spring chill.
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this morning freezing weather for millions bringing below-average temperatures across the south and snow in the midwest. so is warmer weather on the horizon? al has got your full forecast. then school days college admission season is underway, and the competition is heating up. >> how crazy is the college admissions process right now >> it's incredibly crazy. >> the price some are willing to pay to help get into the school of their choice. >> parents are paying you $120,000 a year to work with their child? >> yes. >> that full story straight ahead. plus, shake it off. >> welcome to the eras tour. >> taylor swift's record-breaking concert is bringing actual seismic activity to cities across the country what caused the so-called swift quakes and which songs created the biggest shock waves? and spring into action ready to refresh your living space? we've got all the best tips and tricks to leave your home
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spotless plus, a brand-new steals and deals to kick off the first day of spring in style today, tuesday, march 19th, 2024 from orlando. >> celebrating my 11th birthday. >> on a senior trip in missouri! >> in >> on a senior trip in missouri! >> from idaho, on a mother-daughter trip >> visiting from mckinney, texas. >> richmond, virginia! >> aurora, colorado! >> wisconsin. >> all the way from london ♪ >> littleton, colorado >> on a band trip from winter springs high school -- >> in florida! >> hi to my mom who watches "today" every morning. >> in louisiana. >> love you, mom ♪ welcome back to "today" on this tuesday morning look at all those smiling faces. >> look at the crowd out there on the plaza. can't wait to get outside and
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say hello in a few minutes happy to have our saturday today team of laura and peter with us as savannah and hoda enjoy some well-deserved time off for spring break with their families >> happy to have the band back together >> first day of spring, right? >> yes, yes. >> a quick note, tomorrow on "today," we're catching up with one of hollywood's brightest stars, sydney sweeney. she's starring in a new film unlike anything she's done before we can't wait to hear all about it when she joins us here live in studio 1a something to look forward to >> we'll do that tomorrow. meanwhile, let's turn to your news at 8 millions of americans looking forward to spring as laura just mentioned. a lot of those folks are waking up to quite the surprise, though temperatures well below normal in many parts of the country, especially across the south. there is fresh snow in the midwest. mr. roker is tracking the spring freeze for us. again, in a good swath of the country. not everywhere. >> not everywhere, especially down south 23 million people from texas all
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the way to the carolinas looking at freeze warnings again, you can see right now, nashville is 27. same in asheville. 34 in mobile, alabama. today's highs anywhere from 10 to 15 albany, georgia 36 34 in mobile, alabama. alexandria looking at 36 degrees. today's highs anywhere from 10 to 15 degrees below average from nashville, jackson, tallahassee, jacksonville and raleigh, north carolina we will see a little bit of a bump up and then back down a bit from memphis, atlanta, brunswick on into charlotte and pensacola. it will be this wavy temperature action over the next several days as we head on into early next week from sunday to monday, look at this, anywhere from 3 to 12 inches of snow across the plains into the upper mid-west. so winter not quite done yet, guys. >> not quite done yet. all right, mr. roker thank you for that now to washington with a tentative deal was reached overnight to prevent a government shutdown. there are still plenty of
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details to take care of before that friday deadline nbc capitol hill correspondent ryan nobles joins us with more on the work ahead and the impact if it doesn't get done in time ryan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, laura, good morning. you're right this is a big breakthrough, but there is still a lot of work to be done. congressional leaders and the white house have agreed to a funding package that includes the pentagon, the state department and the department of homeland security ahead of friday's deadline. but it still must be voted on and pass both the house and senate the text of the bill is expected to be released later today it is that homeland security portion of the legislation that could be a tough sell for conservative house republicans, who have encouraged members to reject new spending if it doesn't come alongside significant policy changes from the white house over the border and migrant crisis now, this means that the house speaker mike johnson will need help from democrats to get it passed now, if they do miss the deadline, that could mean paychecks for members of the military and tsa agents could be held up. that could impact air travel and
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of course national security. but at this point, the white house and congressional leaders are confident that a shutdown will be avoided. although, they cannot afford any last-minute surprises because of that tight deadline. laura? >> always seems to come right down to the deadline ryan nobles, thank you in haiti armed violence rampaging through upscale neighborhoods of the capitol yesterday. gunmans looted homes witnesses reported seeing at least dozen bodies lying in the streets there. haiti's power company says four substations were also attacked and vandalized that left many homes in the dark meantime, the state department says haiti is close to naming a transitional governing council to confront this crisis to the embattled prime minister can step down. the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors yesterday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases both here and abroad.
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health officials say there have already been 58 confirmed cases of measles in the united states this year. that's the same number as all of last year. most of those cases were linked to international travel and involved children, at least one-year-old, who had not been vaccinated the cdc is urging patients with young children to have them vaccinated if they plan to travel to countries with outbreaks including austria, the philippines and the united kingdom. there were some frightening moments ago at the miami open when a tennis player collapsed the middle of his match. the 21-year-old was preparing to return his serve when he suddenly keeled over you can see there he was on the ground for a few minutes before the umpire and a medic came over to check on him. the temperature there, guys, 90 degrees at the time with high humidity he had complained earlier about cramps and was eventually taken off the court in a wheelchair. did not return to the match due to illness he is recovering and expected to be okay. >> okay, good. >> 90 degrees on the court. it can be a lot of temperature
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heat coming off that pavement. >> good point. a touching tribute to toby keith. the late country music legend. carson is going to tell us about the special way that he is going to now be honored. but, first, we're taking you inside the highly competitive world and big business of college admissions wait until you hear how much some parents are spending to give their kids a leg up and what critics are saying all about it morgan radford has the story all families need to see right after this ♪ and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. did you know tropicana basically invented brunch? because we created the oj made with oranges picked at their peak that's so delicious... ...we needed another meal to enjoy it more. so yeah! we basically invented brunch. tropicana pure premium. the juice that starts it all. (imitating chicken clucks) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying... (clucking) nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat.
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it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® do you think it's true that you've got to forget something else to remember that uber eats has groceries? no that's absurd. hey remember when you used to be a... what was it? uh. pepper lady? wasn't it cinnamon sisters? —mmm. basil babes! —saffron squad? —nutmeg maidens? ask sherwin-williams and save big during the march spring sale get 35% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $28.92 hurry, it's only march 15th through the 25th. shop online or at your neighborhood sherwin williams store. ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see... ♪ ♪ troubles are all the same. ♪ ♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat! it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food.
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everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪ ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ your cat wants what she wants. ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh. honey ♪ and you want to protect her. ♪ you are the one that i want. ooh, ooh, ooh. honey. ♪ so, ask your vet about nexgard combo®. the only one-and-done monthly protection in an easy-to-apply topical solution that protects against fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard combo, the one you want for one-and-done monthly protection. fine lines? make an appointment with this. hyaluronic plumping water cream by l'oreal. with micro hyaluronic acid.
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hydrates better than the #1 hyaluronic gel moisturizer. in 2 weeks, lines are visibly reduced. plumping water cream by l'oreal. we're worth it. sorry, party is cancelled. waiting on the cable internet guy. ♪ first, i had cable. ♪ ♪ but those cords weren't me. ♪ ♪ so he switched to t-mobile. ♪ ♪ home internet, with 5g. ♪ ♪ what a feeling! ♪ ♪ i have wi-fi now! ♪ ♪ i need home internet from t-mobile to fulfil my ♪ ♪ li-i-i-i-iiiiiiiiiiife! ♪ get home internet from t-mobile now. just $50 bucks a month. okay. we are back at 8:12 here with carson with the beige suit, and we will take a closer look at college admissions season. >> i'm trying to get in my first choice here. many students getting those
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acceptance or possibility rejection letters. it is fuelling a growing industry. >> nbc's morgan radford is here with that story. >> guys, good morning. this is really, really interesting. this is a $3 billion business that essentially revolves around educational consultants. their entire job is to help high schoolers get into the school of their choice. but it is leading to more drama and more demand than ever before with some of the wealthiest of america going to some pretty extreme lengths. the race is on. >> daunting, daunting. >> reporter: a mad dash of applicants across america hoping to get into the college of their choice. >> you're going up against a lot of competitive candidates. >> reporter: applications up 10% over the previous year with elite colleges like harvard and stanford touting the lowest acceptance rate in their histories. >> so there is a lower chance of
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admissions process right now >> it's inkreds bli crazy. >> reporter: he runs an independent educational consultants, experts that help students through every step of the application process, from subject tutoring to interview prep hoping to get them in to the college of their choice. but the price tag? while most consultants charge between $100 and $200 an hour, this service costs a whopping $120,000 per year, something few americans can afford. >> parents are paying you $120,000 a year to work with their child? >> yes. >> reporter: to be clear, when you charge this fee, you are not guaranteeing that the student gets into harvard. >> correct what we are doing is we're optimizing the student's chances for success. >> reporter: who does your typical client look like who are they >> some of our clients, they're paying half a million dollars to maintain their boat in the amptons for two months that's half a million dollars.
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paying our fee is a no brainer >> reporter: do you have a lot of celebrity clients, people we would know >> probably. >> reporter: probably. unlike scandals of the past like varsity blues which saw holiday hollywood a-listers bribing college officials for spots in the most elite schools - >> i had to give my daughter a chance for the future. >> reporter: professionals in this industry say they do everything by the book some even offering around the clock service. you even said 24 hours a day what does that mean? you pick up the phone at midnight. >> we had a student a few weeks ago that called us at 11:30 p.m. on a sunday and said i totally forgot i have a chemistry exam the next morning at 8:10 i need a tutor because i have no idea what i'm doing. we had a tutor to work with the student 20 minutes later. >> reporter: at midnight >> at midnight. >> reporter: what are the craziest things parents have done. or asked you for in this process? >> they want to work with us exclusively, but they don't want their classmates to also be
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working with us. >> reporter: so parents actually offer you money not to work with other students so their kid doesn't have so much competition? >> correct and we rejected it. >> reporter: and business is booming. independent educational consultants growing from a $400 million industry a decade ago to nearly $3 billion today. a rise in demand one former admissions officer says is driven by fear. >> i think parents feel out of control and they want a guide who will basically offload some of the stress off of them and their children >> reporter: command education claims 94% of its clients have been accepted to one of their top three schools, with other iec companies claiming similar admissions rates claims that are impossible to verify using publicly available data. what do you say to people who criticize this system, who say, look, you are just giving an advantage to people who already have every advantage in life. >> our students are not taking
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spots of low-income or middle class students or even underrepresented minorities. we're helping our students compete against similar students from very similar backgrounds. >> reporter: a new kind of professional for the new world of higher education. do you think it's worth it >> yes >> just watching the kids fill in the bubbles just makes me anxious. going back to that s.a.t. stage, right? so after they get the acceptance letters, is that it for the consultants or do the students get help then? >> they could help with a letter of continued interest if you get wait listed. or they said they could help you select from your different options or help you reapply after a rejection. but what's interesting is that we spoke to one former admissions officer, and he said, look, if your kid is like a straight b student and suddenly they whip out a pulitzer prize winning essay and it changes the student's profile so much, we know something is up and that could hurt their chances but the iec say this is like getting your kid a tennis coach.
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>> the reality is, the overwhelming majority of folks who are watching and listening can't afford that. pro bono wor? >> yes. he says i'm here to help people that need it. does he do pro bono work >> yes that's a great question. look, i'm here to help people who need it. that's the bottom line, the end of the day what i want to do where there's a will, there is a way. >> who knew those options were available. i had no idea you could write a letter. >> i didn't even know these types of things existed when i was in college i didn't know there was an entire industry to pay to get in. i thought you applied and showed up >> it's a big business. >> yeah, some parents going to great lengths. >> morgan, appreciate it. >> any time. all right. it is time for another check of the weather, al. >> and what percentage does this help people? i mean, does he say? >> they claim 94% of their students get into the top three schools of their choice. >> wow that's pretty good i can't match those. on the other hand, we're not paying for this, so that works out pretty well. so you get what you pay for. anyway, we're looking at lake effect snow coming across the great lakes.
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a beautiful day today out west temperatures in the 70s. 60s up in the pacific northwest. 70s in the central part of the country, but it is going to be a little chillier today as you make your way through the southeast where the chill still hangs in there snow showers around the great lakes. sunshine for the plains down into texas and that western warmth looking and feeling awfully good that's what's going on around good tuesday morning. we're waking up to a clearing sky. it's going to be a beautiful day. we're headed for the mid 70s. spring begins this evening at 8:06. tomorrow is the first full day of spring. nice weather continues into thursday. but then on friday, more clouds, scattered showers. we are going to get some more rain for the weekend off and on, but definitely a big cooldown with highs in the upper 50s and >> if you are heading out the door, check out sirius xm channel 108. live off the rails today at
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1:00 right now a tan "popstart". >> thank you very much, uncle al we'll get right to "popstart" this morning first up, toby keith just weeks after the legendary chart topper's passing, he's receiving one of country music's greatest honors yesterday the country music association announcing that toby keith is among country music's hall of fame class of 2024 known for dozens of billboard hits like "made in america" and "i love this bar." keith will be posthumously inducted into th category and joins james beardon and john anderson. good for him next up, spiderman theater goers will be seeing triple once again. >> what the hell is going on out there? i keep yelling at you. >> i know. i thought you were peter, too. >> what? i'm not peter. >> stop arguing, both of you listen to peter one. look, we're clearly not very good at this. >> i know. i know we suck. i don't know how to work as a team. >> me either
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>> well, i do. i have been in a team, okay? i don't want to brag, but i will i was in the avengers. >> the avengers? that's great. >> thank you. >> what is that? >> multiverse, getting ready to relive the spider-men to celebrate columbia pictures 100th anniversary. all iegt live action spiderman movies are heading back to the big screen spanning two decades of cinematic history. starting on april 15th, theaters will hold spider mondays showing one of the franchise's eight films. tickets are on sale for that now. >> that's a great idea. >> yeah. that is cool it is cool that all those worlds come together, too. next up, ariana grande billboard music magazine announcing that her eternal sunshine hit number one on the charts and that, of course, is a big milestone for her thanks to thic track called "ordinary things". number 13. >> as i told her, never go to bed without kissing good night that's the worst thing to do,
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don't ever, ever do that and if you can't and if you ge out. >> all right. >> good advice. >> let me break it down. that song currently sits at don't feel comfortable doing it, you're in the wrong place, get out. >> all right >> good advice. >> let me break it down. that song currently sits at number 55 on the billboard top 100 chart. that makes ariana grande's 98 years young grandmother the oldest artist to ever appear on the billboard list it dates back to 1958. big shout out to nona and ari for making music history >> that's cool. >> they will be walking some red carpets. >> picking up some hardware, maybe. plus, in the latest video on instagram, pink, who does it better than anybody, reveals a hilarious look inside what it's like to have her 12-year-old and 7-year-old out on the road with her. ♪ [ laughter ]. >> i've seen a lot of trends,
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first born, second born in these videos that's a good one right there. >> that's funny. >> classic eldest versus youngest behavior. willow on stage ripping it up. flexing her vocals jamison, flexing a different type of talent. >> there you go. >> you take your kids sometimes out to "the voice". >> all the time. >> i never do that. >> not yet not yet. i wouldn't put it past them, though next up the taylor shift's eras tour moment redefining whao it means to shake it off ♪ ♪ well, don't shake it off too hard here's what's going, a research team california institute of technology measured taylor's concert tremors, aka swift quakes around her show recently at sofi stadium. multiple shows there they found that swift's tens of thousands of fans caused actual seismic activity.
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>> oh, my god. >> wow. with a tremor equivalent of a magnitude 2 quake. here are the top five shockwave sending songs. "shake it off" at number one. >> of course, that makes sen sense. >> followed by "you belong with me," "love story," "cruel summer" and "2022". >> is it safe? is it safe >> i think it's safe because they're very short-lived. >> renamed 2022.2 on the richter scale. something like that. >> very good >> to put it in perspective, when there's a touchdown at sofi, is there a quake >> i don't think people jump up and down in unison as opposed to jumping up and down to the beat of music. i know it's a musical earthquake >> i know i could catch flak for this because i should know the answer are they all fast songs where you jump >> you don't know those songs? >> if savannah were here, she would know. >> are they all fast songs
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>> i have no idea. >> they are. they are. >> resident swifty our producer says yes >> he's a big swifty. next up is "sesame street" we have a special "popstart" announcement from our friendly neighbors. they are headed to american dream mall in new jersey the new says mee street learn and play center is bringing a state of the art facility featuring the iconic street, its land marx and characters, of course that spot is set to debut later next year in new jersey. pretty cool. finally mr. beast with 245 million subscribers, famous for sharing all these crazy competitions online like this. >> when you press the red button, you will either get a challenge or win $100,000. i'm also going to have these eight soldiers shoot 10,000 bullets at your lamborghini. >> that's the scariest thing i've ever seen. >> yeah. it will be fun. >> you have 24 hours to build whatever you want to protect your lamborghini from the bullets.
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>> he does this thing online, like over the top competitions for contests the whole thing, his act heading to streaming feature 1,000 contestants vying for a $5 million games, a new series set to feature 1,000 contestants vying for a $5 million prize it's a big one mr. beast will host and executive produce the series based obviously on his youtube show it promises to raise the stakes of his fast-paced high-production format to make beast games the biggest reality series ever. we have "squid games" on netflix. this was a big one this one the biggest. >> wow >> all right pull "popstart" there. >> there you go. >> something for everybody carson, still ahead, folks are in for a treat when chef jose andrés is in the house. good morning. i'm marcus washington. we are following breaking news. a deadly wrong-way head-on crash
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that has been tying up traffic through the macarthur maze all morning long. chp saying it started as a chase involving two burglary suspects on interstate 80. during that chase, the suspect vehicle tried to pull a u-turn on westbound 580 and ended up crashing into two cars on the fly over. one person as died and the suspects are injured. what have we got this morning? >> since that cleared, all traffic was released on 580. the toll plaza had not had a significant backup until about 8:20 this morning.
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we still have a lot of east bay traffic heading over in toward the maze. all lanes are open now. traffic is recovered. >> good to know. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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♪♪ back now at 8:30 on a tuesday morning, the first day of spring. and while it doesn't exactly feel like spring, here out on the plaza, these folks are very toasty. they're very kind. >> staying warm. >> hey! happy anniversary. a birthday. by the way, what is your name, sir? >> khanning. >> where are you from? >> colorado. >> colorado, and you are trying to earn your journalism merit badge. would meeting al roker help you get the badge? >> i don't think so, no. >> kind of looking for journalism. >> how do you get the badge? >> i have to ask a question to people and like go visit like a news station. >> well, this is a news station. >> we will help you get that
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badge. >> there you go. >> we'll help you get the badge. that k boom >> we'll help you get the badge. that kid is like, nope. >> sorry, uncle al. >> i'm fine. >> well, thank you. by the way, first day of spring, but it doesn't have to be warm for a yearly tradition tied to the new season we're talking about spring cleaning but if you're dreading it, have no fear. courtney is in from the spruce to give us hacks to make it easier using unexpected items that you probably already have. also, jill martin brooks is in the building to continue with our spring theme with special steals and deals. she is loaded with a lot of big savings on some much-needed accessories. then we will head into the kitchen with jose andres he is out with a new cook book full of recipes from that popular restaurant of his. the best part, you can make these recipes right at home. we cannot wait to taste this. >> always a treat to have jose here and ahead on the 3rd hour of "today," the newest member of the "law and order family" is here to tell us about his role and how it feels to join the
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iconic franchise. then tomorrow on "today," an exclusive interview with coco gauff. the young tennis phenom is helping spread her love to the game to underserved communities. she will open up about that mission and how she's inspiring the next generation of today. >> she's coming off a big birthday looking guard forward to catching up with her mr. roker, first day of spring. >> well, it is not until 11:06 tonight, so we still have time we still have time in fact, here is a couple. they're celebrating their 19th anniversary today on the 19th. on the 19th. what are your names? >> michael. >> michelle. >> rosemary. >> all right very nice. well, happy anniversary. ♪ happy anniversary ♪ anyway, let's show you what we got as far as today is concerned. it is chilly here in the northeast, all the way into the southeast. western warmth looking good. sunshine from the plains into texas. tomorrow we are looking for snow showers, windy, more cold air coming into the plains
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strong storming developing in texas and out west we are . good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to have another beautiful sunny day. some of our temperatures in our warmer spots in the inland valleys reach the mid 70s. for our first full day of spring tomorrow, looks pretty nice. we'll continue with sunshine and mild temperatures through thursday. on friday it starts to cool off as some rain comes in. scattered showers in our weekend forecast. san fr and tha that's what's going on around and that is your latest weather. >> all right, mr. roker. thank you, sir just ahead, creative spring cleaning hacks using household staples in a new way wait until you see how shaving cream, that's right, shaving careen can help brighten up your appliances but, first, this is "today" on
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"today's consumer. it is the first day of spring, and a whopping 86% of us plan on doing a little spring cleaning doesn't need to be a daunting task, though here with some of her favorite hacks, courtney mason, vice president, general manager, of "the spruce. welcome back. >> thank you so much for having me happy first day of spring. >> yes, happy first day of spring, indeed you have three get ready tips for you. if you will regard to spring cleaning >> exactly before you get into any cleaning, you want to do three things first you want the declutter you don't want to be picking up something, cleaning underneath it or cleaning around a pile take a minute to make sure your surfaces are clear. >> always declutter. and then - >> and then make a plan. whether it's room by room or day by day, you want to know what you are trying to tackle at the spruce, we have tons of guides
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if you have got a minute, if you have got an hour, if you have got a day, we're here to help you make a plan. >> what's the third thing? >> stock your tool kit now because there is nothing worse than getting into a project and realizing you are out of something. it totally kills the momentum. >> all right three good tips here let's take a look at these hacks. this first one i have never heard of. >> shaving cream, the secret fun cleaning ingredient you didn't know you had in your cabinet the ingredients are really effective at getting out streaks and hard watermarks on stainless steel appliances or chrome fixtures so exactly, you want to put just a little bit on to the microfiber cloth and just buff it in. buff it in buff it in, buff it in. >> any type of shaving cream work >> the fewer ingredients the better you don't want anything with too many moisturizers or scents. so more basic. once you have buffed it in, you can follow it with a clean microfiber cloth and you can see how streak free it is, which is really satisfying.
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>> that is a hack that works. >> another hack that works is this second use for drier sheets. >> okay. >> they are actually really great for dusting. if you pick one up and touch it, you know that feeling, that coating on the drier sheet. >> yeah. >> that's very effective at grabbing dust and pet hair from base boards or blinds. and that coating helps prevent dust from settling in those places again. >> we have some video here of someone actually doing it. >> it is super effective it doesn't have to be a new drier sheet either. >> i can and i have used a used drier sheet. there is still coating leftover to make it an effective tool. >> all right courtney, you're 2 for 2 here. let's go to this window. wrms let's go for 3 for 3. this is a classic, an old di but a goody for a reason because it works. that's using newspaper to clean glass surfaces in your house i'll come around here and spray this basic cleaning solution on to the window. this is just vinegar and water
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>> equal parts >> yep and then get in there with the newspaper and just scrub from top to bottom, actually. let gravity do the work so you clean up these drips. >> you can actually see it working. >> you can see it working. >> if the newspaper ink bothers you, you can use cleaning glove to do this but the ink won't transfer to the glass surface. that's because the glass surface isn't as porous as your fingers, so there is no ink transfer like you might find in your fingers it is an effective, powerful cleaner to have in your tool kit. >> my wife is watching that now and saying, this is the first time my husband ever -- >> well, it is the first day of spring you have all spring to think about it >> what is this? >> we have all been there. warm day cold drink, condensation on your wooden surface. >> yes. >> if that happens to you, you want to head to your kitchen you are looking for olive oil and table salt. >> you love these little microfiber cloths. >> i do. i'm on a campaign.
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they're my favorite. so you're mixing equal parts, salt and olive oil >> any kind of salt? >> a finer grained table salt is best here. it is a natural mild abrace i have once you have a paste like that, you can apply it directly to the affected area. use a spoon, dab it in with the cloth. spread it all around the edges but that's enough for that particular spot. yep. >> you let it sit for a few minutes. >> come on look at that. >> it's more effective take out the trash finish vacuuming the room. once it's left on for a few minutes, i'll come in on this one with a damp microfiber cloth. and you'll see just how powerful it can be. >> yeah. >> it's really great spot check it on a discreet area of your furniture first, just to make sure it's working effectively before you go on a main surface, but it's pretty powerful. >> last and really quickly here with these cotton balls. what are we doing?
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>> few drops of essential oils on a cotton ball to smell that lavender, it is a natural pest repellant. >> where do you keep them? >> put them in a cute dish like this on a windowsill or corner of your bathroom and freshly-cleaned longer. >> great hacks thank you. >> thank you so much. laura jarrett, what do you have. well, speaking of spring, jill is here with a special batch of steals and deals filled
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jill's "steals and deals" is sponsored by wells fargo credit cards. credit cards made for the way you live that's real life ready. >> and we are back with a
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brand-new steals and deals our dear friend, today lifestyle contributor jill martin brooks is here ready to share stylish and unique accessories for spring, up to 84% off. yes, that's right. and to shop along with us, jus scan that qr code at the bottom of your screen jill, good morning this i have never seen before. >> good morning. this is an absolute triumph. let me tell you about this the retail price is $52 for a set of two >> okay. you're always going to lose one. >> right and you take them around. >> yes >> what's so awesome about this, first of all the colors and the prints there are some new for spring and also this bottle is a wine bottle so vinrella. vino wine and then umbrella. these always sell out. it is a set of two what's so unique about them is the no drip situation. you know when you have an umbrella. you're a mess and go to restaurants. >> yes, they're everywhere. >> you put it in and there is no drip. >> and looks lovely.
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>> it looks beautiful, too just close it and put it in, and there is no drip technology. >> i love that >> okay. two for $26. gift. they that's 50% off a great gift they always sell out. these, we have blue lagoon i was there when the volcano erupted just two days ago. oh, look >> but i made it back. >> here. that's me a few hours before the volcano erupted in the blue lagoon but i did a tease in my anne taylor glasses that's 63% off they have 100% uv protection super cool every single style let me see which ones look good on you. >> yeah. you choose good ones for me. >> the situation with glasses is people say -- i don't care about that you wear what you want to wear see? those look good. you look like a movie star this you get one pair. >> you forget a pair in your car. >> i lose them all the time and 63% off. >> now we're speaking my
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language okay. >> this is the cubic zirconia tennis bracelets. >> so stackable, right >> yes and with lab diamonds so prevalent now, these are more affordable you can't tell the difference. nobody can the retail is $198 the deal is $35. that's 82% off what i love about these, if you can get a shot of my wrist there's also one with an adjustable band. so that's so great if you want to stack it. these are really great again, $35 if you are going on vacation, you don't want to bring your real jewelry, that's amazing. okay these bags. >> these always blow out these are so fabulous. these are the m.i.l.a. bags. the retail is 550. the deal price is 89 that's 84% off i just want to show you this is how it comes, but it is beautiful suede. it has organization on the inside three packets. it's unbelievable. all these great colors, yep. the charging port.
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so this is the electronic power tower charging ports the retail is 79.59 deal price is 28. that's 65% off you can charge all of your devices here very neat. all you need is the usb port and it can charge like my mother has a flip phone, a kindle anything you want to put in there is nice and organized. that's an unbelievable value this is the j.d. puzzles this is not a regular puzzle 800 pieces it comes with glue the retail is $49. the deal price is 24.50. >> it comes with glue? >> you can do it and it looks like art >> and it comes in this beautiful jar. how rewarding is that for a family this is obviously sped up. >> oh my gosh. >> but how rewarding is it it comes with a qr code that you scan to show how to glue it. >> this is perfect my son would love this jill, so many steals and deals love it! thank you so much. >> i am going to give you a wrap-up. >> okay. you can always go to our website and find out more. >> we have the umbrellas, the sunglasses, the cubic zirconia
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tennis bracelets, the handbag, the electronic ave power tower charging ports and the jiggy puzzle 800 piece puzzle and glue kit. >> i will give that bracelet back. i promise. i want to wear it a little longer >> that's a literal steal and deal. >> scan our qr code or head to where you can find even more exclusive deals al >> i'm sorry i was just reading this great cook book. my gosh! we have the great chef, jose andres here ready to take us to the mediterranean with a spin on greek chicken straight from the pages of his new cook book pages of his new cook book but, first, this is "today" on
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,
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to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. ♪ and welcome back this morning on "today food," the one, the only chef jose andrés. he's a james beard award winning chef and humanitarian who runs the nonprofit, world central
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kitchen. he began his empire decades ago at one of his first restaurants. also name of the new cook book, delicious, mediterranean recipes from greece, turkey and lebanon. chef, good to see you again, my friend >> so good to see you. >> before we get started with cooking. you were on the phone while i was back stage you got some news right now concerning the food shipments to gaza. >> well, the team of world center kitchen this morning were able to deliver eight trucks to the north, around 200 tons, around 500,000 meals we must do more. we need to do every day shipments to the north we can solve the hunger problem in the north everybody working together, we can be successful. >> bless you for doing that, you and your organization. all right. let's get started here we're making kind of a one-pot dish with chicken. >> we are making chicken youvetsi. it's like the pot.
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>> i love your accent. your accent is so beautiful. so you go and you put the chicken. what you do with the chicken in the pan, you make sure that the chicken gets brown. >> is it like chopped up chicken thighs >> yes in this moment, the chicken is happy because the chicken is getting brown. the oil. >> it's a happy chicken. >> the chicken is getting brown. when you get brown -- >> you get happy. >> that's why people spend their time on the beach getting brown and happy. >> and they pay a lot of money for that >> now you have the chicken and the chicken is browned you put black pepper and salt. what happened? the chicken tells you, jose, i'm ready because the chicken is talking to me. then what do you do? put tomato paste and then you put some garlic then you are supposed to put the tomato paste then the recipes don't go as planned. you change the name of the recipe and you keep going. then you put the orzo. this is not orzo this in greece they call it here because i always forget. this is ready.
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what you do. you toast the whole thing. this is ready. what you do -- >> chicken stock. >> yeah. but why? because the chicken and the orzo are getting along and they say, we would love to take a bath together they are taking a bath together. >> doing the backstroke. then you are here. >> boom. >> it's a greece -- it's a greek jacuzzi. >> then we have more tomato sauce. this is almost finished. we put some spices that i always forget which ones. >> it's in the cook book. >> can you do something? all the spice, everything. yeah, show me that you are more than a great weatherman. >> oh! >> you are a good food man. >> yes >> keep going. >> okay, keep going. >> so this is finished you put it in. you put cheese on top. >> cheese on top >> you put parsley. >> how is it, guys >> fantastic
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>> chicken youvetsi. now we will make some tabbouleh. >> again, hot water. >> it is like a jacuzzi. >> oh! >> and tabbouleh so we keep going it is here what do you do parsley. okay what is this mint yes, i know my recipes tomato yes. you put the scallions. oh my god, this is like a marathon and then what is this? so more all spice. >> all spice >> and then some lemon zest. this is the zest of life now is the moment to -- man, you are too intense. you put olive oil? >> the best olive oil is spanish? >> the best one right now is from greece because i'm celebrating greece but the next one will be spain one thing, i need to be
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diplomatic i like all olive oil we put these, you mix. oh, my god, you are such a good cook. >> how is that >> it is unbelievable. it is like on another level. >> it is a treat. >> you are enjoying your time together. >> and then you have got some other dishes here. >> we have had amazing things like this traditional turkish eggs >> silver? >> all the people will be eggs and our yogurt. then you see here that has like a chili pepper and the sesame seeds and the bread. it is one of my very egg dishes. it is like you want to swing into them. >> you go from the jacuzzi to the swimming. >> you need to be doing the sports this is the heart of eastern mediterranean. >> thank you, chef he is back in our third hour the cook book is out today
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recipes on good morning. it's 8:56. i'm marcus washington. a deadly wrong-way crash near the macarthur maze. all lanes are now open. the chp now saying it started as a chase involving two burglary suspects on interstate 80. during that chase, the suspect vehicle tried to pull a u-turn on westbound 580 and crashed into two other vehicles on the flyover. we know one person died and the suspected both suffered major injuries along with a driver in a third vehicle. our ginger conejero saab is heading to the business believed to have been targeted by those
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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air wick. how far would you go to set the ambience of your space? try the air wick way with air wick essential mist. infused with natural essential oils to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. now that's a breath of fresh air wick. . this morning on the "3rd hour of today," oprah opening up. >> when i tell you how many times i have


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