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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm kate snow. zinhle essamuah is off today. "nbc news daily" starts right
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now. ♪♪ today, monday march 19th -- rather tuesday, march 19th, 2024. breaking news moving forward, the supreme court allows a texas immigration law to go into effect, state police and judges allowed to deport people they suspect crossed the border illegally. and new video shows riley strain, the question of where is he? royals and rumors, buckingham palace is unable to shake the speculation over princess kate. and new research shows intermittent fasting could pose
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a serious risk to your health. hello, everyone. welcome we begin with breaking news, the supreme court allowing a controversial immigration law in texas to go into effect. the state law allows local and state police to arrest migrants suspected of illegally entering the u.s. it also empowers judges to deport those migrants. the law had been blocked by a supreme court order for the last two weeks. gabe gutierrez joins me now. just yesterday the supreme court said it was blocking the law indefinitely. what are the justices now saying today? what are you hearing from the biden administration? >> reporter: that's right. it was surprising. just yesterday the temporary stay as it's known had been extended indefinitely. but a short time ago we received a ruling from the supreme court. and the justices did not rule on the legality of sb-4 but they essentially decided -- the majority decided they shouldn't second guess the appeals court, therefore letting it go into
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effect at least for now. the three liberal justices wrote in a strongly worded decent the court gives a green light to the law that will upend a federal state balance of power and sow chaos. that's the decent from the three liberal justices. but the other justices in a 6-3 ruling essentially deciding to let the controversial law, sb-4 which allows local police in texas to arrest people suspected of being in the states illegally. >> i know you spent time at the border reporting there. talk about how drastic a change this will be on the ground. >> reporter: this had been part of the legal back and forth for quite some time between the state of texas and governor greg abbott and the white house. the biden administration said this law was unconstitutional and accuses the texas governor
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of perpetraing political stunts using migrants as political pawns. but this law gives more power to state authorities and the biden administration has said it should be up to the federal government and that by law it's up to the federal government to enforce immigration law. so this law, sb-4 now being allowed to go into effect by the supreme court. very significant. and there are questions from local law enforcement officials in texas whether they have the adequate training to enforce this law, kate. >> gabe, thank you so much. former president donald trump is facing backlash for new comments he made about jewish voters. here's what he said during an interview on a conservative radio show yesterday. >> the democrat party hates israel. any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion. they hate everything about israel.
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and they should be ashamed of themselves. because israel would be destroyed. >> the head of the league called those statements defamatory and false. a white house spokesperson said there's no justification for spreading toxic stereotypes that threaten other citizens. vaughn hillyard is in arizona today for us because it is a primary day. talk how the campaign is responding to the criticism. >> reporter: trump is his own spokesperson for his own campaign. looking at comments like these, this is not the first time he made the comments. even back in 2019, he said, quote, i think any jewish people that vote for a democratic i think it shows a lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. then two years later in 2021, he said, quote, there's people in this country who no longer love israel. and in 2022 he said u.s. jews
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have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in israel before it's too late. a few months ago after the hms hamas attack on israel he said if he's not elected, there will be no israel. suggesting he's a staunch defender of israel and it's imperative he has another time in the white house. >> we know it's biden/trump but there are still primaries today, that's why you're in arizona. what are you hearing from voters about trump and the race more broadly? >> reporter: right. president biden, in fact, is flying into the state here today for several events over the next 24 hours but it's the republican primary that is still the most particularly interesting one. we will get results tonight, of course donald trump has already lock up the number of delegates necessary to win the nomination but folks have been mailing in
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ballots before the last month before nikki haley dropped out of the race. i talked to one gentleman, tom winters, who came to vote for nikki haley despite she already dropped out. he told me in 2008 he's someone who voted for mccain over obama. he said if it was biden and haley election, he would vote for nikki haley but it's biden and trump so he's voting for the democratic. it's those voters that donald trump has to win over a significant share of after he lost this state by just over 11,000 votes in 2020. it's an intense seven months ahead here. >> quickly. you said biden is in the state of arizona on the democratic side is there any contest for biden, the idea of voting for an other candidate that's happened in other states?
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>> reporter: democrat marian williamson is in the race, but she's only been garnering 1, 2% in most of the states. so he's making a stop at a mexican restaurant before holding an event tomorrow with intel. touting the chips act signed into law in the first administration of his as he contends with the voters of arizona to give him a second shot for four more years. the family of a college student who vanished ten days ago now is bringing in extra resources. riley strain's family announced they are calling in a group called cajun navy. strain was last seen on march 8th after his friends say he was asked to leave a bar in nashville while on a fraternity trip. kathy park is following the investigation.
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>> reporter: the mystery is deepening over the disappearance of a 22-year-old college student from missouri, riley strain has been gone for more than ten days now and his family is here seeking answers. recently nashville police released body camera footage and it shows a brief interaction with riley and an officer in the area on march 8th, just before 10:00 p.m. you can hear riley's voice, in this clip, he says he's doing okay. doesn't appear to be in any distress and 9:52 is when he was walking out of the frame. meanwhile, there's another clue that surfaced over the weekend. it was a bank card unsurfaced by so-called citizen detectives. they are here, based in nashville, and they went searching on their own, they walked along the embankment of the cumberland river, rummaged through the debris, the trash, and they were able to uncover riley's bank card, the family did confirm it was their son's bank card.
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i had a chance to talk with family members a couple of days ago, they are emotional and remaining hopeful because officials have said they don't suspect foul play at this time. they are, however, upset at the fact that a lot of surveillance images have surfaced, they show riley stumblstumbling, falling t times and they're upset that no one came to his aid when he was alone and clearly not himself. time for the cnbc money minute. trader joe's is announcing a recall. leslie picker joins me now. >> reporter: cashews sold at trader joe's have been recalled over concerns of salmonella. it comes as trader joe's has experienced multiple recalls as recently as last month.
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after implementing negative interest rates in an effort to get people to spend, japan's central bank today raised for the first time in 17 years. the economy has recently showed signs of growth through increased inflation and wage growth. prompting the central bank to say the approach had done its job. and jimmy donaldson announced he will create a reality competition show on amazon prime that he said is the biggest reality competition series ever. it's called "beast games" and will have 1,000 contestants compete for a cash prize. valued to be about $100 million. the next iteration in digital streaming and partnerships and all of that. >> he seems to be a particular case of so much fan dom and
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stardom out there. the kids love mr. b. they are hitting the road and the destination may be your house. the new warning about traveling burglars and the high-tech ways they're trying to steal. they're trying to steal. and new allegations of ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! (smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects,
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including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection.
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i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. the royal photo drama is
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heating up again. another picture taken by kate, the princess of wales is under fire for being altered. this shows the late queen elizabeth with her children and grandchildren. it was posted last year. but now getty said it was, quote, digitally altered. that comes as speculation continues to swirl also about the health of the princess of wales. matt bradley joins me from london. the story doesn't go away. start with the new photo why was it flagged? it calls into question every picture out of the palace. >> reporter: it does for a certain kind of avid royal watcher with time on their hands. we're seeing people coming through looking for little scratches, like little breaks in the picture. there were lines, colors that don't seem to match up. you can see where, at times, there's a straight line that seems -- a faint straight line
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that runs through it. looks as though it has been manipulated. but only if you look really, really closely and that's what a lot of people are apparently do. we'll see more of this as more of the photos get called into question. a lot of internet supersleuths are going to look into the background, the history, seeing if this is something the palace has been doing for a long time. this is a photo that's supposed -- we never know anymore -- shows the queen herself with her grandchildren. if you thought kate-gate was over, it seems like it might be getting started. it's hard to get a photo with all the kids smiling at the same time. >> this is what people are saying. >> the tmz video that shows
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princess kate leaving the market over the weekend in windsor. has that calmed the speculation around her? >> reporter: it has not calmed the speculation. it's still running wild with conspiracy theories and jokes, some of them pretty hilarious. we heard from some royal followers that insisted it's not kate in that video, even though we see her walking and talking, really life like does not look like it's manipulated. if the video calmed down some of that talk, i don't think we have what we're discussing now, that picture with the queen is unlikely to put to bed the rumors, it's probably going to revive what little has been settled with the video. because now the entire internet will be going picture by picture looking for faults.
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>> matt bradley, thank you so much appreciate it. the los angeles police department are cracking down on what they're calling burglary tourists. >> correspondent dana griffin looks at the new task force the lapd is launching to fight back against these international crime rings. >> reporter: the lapd launching a new special task force after a concerning rise in so-called burglary tourists as residents in southern california on high alert. >> we have a significant increase in burglaries from organized groups that are outside this country, they're coming into the country, and they're targeting high-end residents. >> reporter: police say the burglar tourists are part of international crime rings, traveling from countries in south america. the majority from chile, with the mission to break in and rob homes in the u.s. home surveillance videos like this capturing the moment a group of individuals break a
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window and enter a home in redland, california, and an all too familiar story for residents in the area. >> very, you know, disturbing. you know, it rattles us as a neighborhood. we've been here for years and years. >> reporter: the lapd says there have been more than 900 residential burglaries in the area since january. and in orange county irvine police say in the past 35 days there have been 34 home burglaries similar in nature to burglaries tied to the south american crime rings. police say the intruders use sophisticated technology, like wifi jammers, drones and even camouflage suits. to stake out homes and disable security cameras. >> some sort of device by burglars that actually deaden, kill, or stop wifi from operating. >> reporter: ransacking residents for cash, jewelry, electronics and high-end handbags. but how are these highly
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coordinated criminals able to get into the u.s.? police say they arrive here legally on 90-day tourist visas before hitting some of the wealthiest neighborhoods across the country. san diego police investigating this crew of burglars caught on camera and suspected of more than 21 burglaries. >> they are upping their game, getting smarter as how they're acting and what they're doing. >> reporter: making extremely difficult to track down. a possible win for authorities in arizona who arrested a 17-year-old chilean national, and two adults suspected members of this heist ring and accused of robbing multiple homes in los angeles. dana griffin, nbc news. dana griffin, nbc news. still to come, no ♪ upbeat music ♪ asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks.
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you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. look how crusty this is. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. good advice. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are
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injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. welcome to the "the fast forward." new surveillance video sheds light on a burglary this morning that led to a pursued and a wrong-way crash on 580. ginger conejero saab has more from where it happened. >> reporter: the cleanup continues at this tobacco shop, which is several miles away from that fatal crash site on westbound 580. one person was killed in the crash. now, we are getting a look at how the break-in unfolded triggering this series of
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events. video from around 4:20 this morning shows the same pickup truck barrelling into a tobacco shop, destroying the front of the store. while on route to the scene, officers located it. police say the officers attempted to stop the suspects, but they drove on westbound i80 toward the toll plaza where it merges with 580. the suspects changed direction on the freeway, driving in the wrong lanes of westbound truck . more than stolen goods and daniel to his property, the owner of the shop says he is heartbroken for the burglary that led to loss of life. >> there's a reason why it needs to be harder punishment. they have no concern for innocent people. some person is on their way to
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work. out of nowhere, that was it. that's not how we should live in society. >> reporter: the two suspects sustained major injuries as well. this sean ak is an active inves. it's not the first time the owner of this shop has experienced something like this. he experienced six break-ins to date. ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> a heartbreaking ending. thank you. our team september out an alert as soon as we learned about this crash. you can get alerts sent to your smartphone. download our free nbc bay area app. let's talk about our weather. we can say good-bye to winter. it's officially the first day of spring. here is kari hall. >> our highs for this afternoon are still looking pretty spectacular for this time of year. 75 in gilroy. in san jose, we will see 72.
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these numbers are above normal for this time of year. low 70s for walnut creek and concord. 65 in oakland. 65 in san mateo. also, 62 in san francisco and downtown area and mission district. north bay temperatures into the low 70s. santa rosa, 70 today. a cooler and wetter weekend. here are other stories. oakland leaders are voting on expanding cameras in illegal dumping hotspots. new details about a murder in berkeley. a 23-year-old woman accused of killing her mother is behind bars. it happened sunday. police responded to a call about a stabbing in an apartment on
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university avenue. a 60-year-old woman was found dead in an apartment. police arrested her 23-year-old daughter for the murder. police have not yet released their identities or a motive. san francisco will mount speed cameras. it stems from legislation the governor signed last year. today, there will be another meeting to solidify the location of the cameras. a live look outside. leaders will vote on a plan to expand the recent crackdown on illegal dumping in oakland. it started with a pilot program two years ago. today, council members will consider a new resolution providing up to $75,000 to expand and extend this program in oakland for three more years. starting today, you can apply for nbc universal's local impact grants. this program is entering its seventh year and will award more than $227,000 to eligible
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non-profits. the application closes friday, april 19th. for more details, scan that qr code on your screen. code on your screen. that does it for this i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back.
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ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. bottom of the hour now here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." the clock is ticking for congress to avoid a government shutdown.
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last night congressional and white house leaders reached a tentative deal to fund the department of homeland security ahead of friday's deadline. house speaker mike johnson said it'll allow the government to fund until the end of the fiscal year, meaning september. if it cannot fund by friday thousands of workers will not receive their paychecks. brazil's president is accused of inserting false information into a data claiming he and his family received the covid-19 vaccine. this marks the first indictment for the 68-year-old. he could spend up to 12 years in prison if convicted. online sales began for the first ever over the counter birth control in the united states. it can be purchased from amazon
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or the company's website. the pills are shipped in discreet packaging for privacy and will be at cvs and walgreens locations later this month. getting new information about the alleged threats made behind bars by the father of a school shooter in michigan. james crumbley. sources say james crumbley spoke about destroying the prosecutor in discussions with his sister. adrienne broaddus covered the trial and joins me now. adrienne broaddus joins us now. what are we learning about what james crumbley was saying behind
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bars? >> reporter: words of the alleged statement came out at the start of the trial. judge matthews signed an order limiting james' communication. he was only allowed to communicate with his attorney, clergy and use the tablet for research after we found out about the threats. our sources said the threats were made by phone dating back to 2022, phone calls with his sister saying in part his goal was to destroy the oakland county prosecutor, and that's karen mcdonald. he told his sister that mcdonald was going to hell soon, she was done. the detroit free press was the first to report and our sources told us there were multiple calls. before the details of the threat became public i asked james' defense attorney as well as prosecutor mcdonald about the threats. here's what they told me. >> he made a lot of threats. i'm not giving any more of my intention. >> they weren't toward you, were they? >> i'm not going to talk about it. >> there was a disagreement what was said. i'm not going to comment any further on it. >> reporter: james and his wife are scheduled to be sentenced next month. >> we're hearing from the parents of the four students
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killed in the shooting. where are they turning their attention? >> reporter: they want more accountability. they want to hold the school district and school leaders accountable. because of a law, they can't criminally hold the school officials accountable. meanwhile, under most circumstances, a government entity is immune from liability, even for gross negligence. so these parents want to investigate the acts for a high school shooting, they also want the attorney general to do that. they want independent investigations after mass school shootings and change the governmental immunity law, telling me they want the opportunity to take school leaders to trial. listen in. >> if you don't have that and you set that bar, then everybody is going to try to do a better job and actually protect our children. >> you have the murder plan in
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front of you. you can't recognize he's at the top of the mountain in crisis and they don't have to answer to that? >> reporter: just moments ago, the attorney general releasing a statement saying in part at least twice she has tried to conduct an investigation with the oxford school district. but it was, quote, soundly rejected by the school board. kate? >> adrienne broaddus. thank you. now to an nbc news exclusive. we're hearing from two whistle-blowers who came forward with accusations of sexual assault by top officials at the department of veterans affairs. those officials were actually in charge of preventing harassment. their complaints led to a congressional hearing where the va secretary was grilled and there are now calls for the va to do more to protect their employees. >> very concerning to me that a management official, at his
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level, would want to be so bold as to send her those types of text messages and porn. >> reporter: we're calling her joy. she can barely repeat the words from a text message forwarded to her from a coworker while working remotely. >> sent her text messages about what he wanted to do to her. >> reporter: she said the messages were sent to the victim from archie davis, the chief of staff within the va's office of resolution management, diversity and inclusion. >> these are the people who are in charge of preventing sexual harassment. and they're totally violating the process. >> reporter: joy forwarded the messages to her supervisor, a woman we're calling grace in september of 2023. both then reported what was happening to congress. >> i have never seen a case where someone sends explicit messages, text messages, porn,
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pornography, to an employee. >> reporter: their report led to republican chair mike boss to order an investigation of the office. sending this letter on september 29th to dennis mcdonagh asking if he's aware of these allegations. >> i have no independent recollection of reading the letter. >> reporter: he admitted during a congressional hearing on february 14th that the letter was put in the back of his file and he didn't learn of the allegations until november. but secretary mcdonagh said he cooperated with the va office of accountability and whistle-blower protection. it resulted in a 125 page report. >> the report confirms much of what the whistle-blower shared with us. that vaormdi office is full of misconduct to the highest degree. this is unacceptable. >> the va will take appropriate disciplinary action. >> reporter: the va proposed removal for the davis and no
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less than suspension for another executive in the office, gary richardson for inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature towards the same victim but grace wasn't expecting the va to discipline her too for her handling of richardson's harassment case in 2021. >> you can't justify a removal. >> reporter: that's when the victim first accused him of sending instant messages. >> the removal is because they're retaliating against me because i reported it. i reported it to congress. >> reporter: she is appealing the decision. >> the harassers have the same penalty i had, a removal. they have the same penalty. >> and lucy joins me now. i should sexual assault was the acquisition but it was sexual harassment they were accused of. i know you've done extensive reporting on the va, the
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department and the allegations. what comes next now in the investigation and what investigation is this giving to the whistle-blower? >> she is appealing the decision saying she followed procedure and now we wait, the va office waits as well. the message here that she's worried about is people aren't going to come forward. however the va office said she was a manager, she should have known better, should have reported this. but this is all happening at a time when the boeing whistle-blower was found dead by suicide in a parking lot just last week. the same week the department of justice announces a pilot program saying we will give whistle-blowers cash if you tell us about cooperate corruption we don't know about. even saying if you did something wrong, certain categories it's okay we're not going to prosecute, as long as you give us information that leads to corporate corruption so it's counter to what they're trying to do.
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but once again they're saying this is a manager she should have known better. see if it's political football or if it leads to protection of someone doing something right. >> i know you're going to stay on it but come back if you get more. thank you. after a series of problems involving flights across the country the ceo of united airlines is out with a letter assuring the airline is safe. here's tom costello. >> reporter: united airlines trying to reassure the public because we are in the spring break rush right now and we had a series of high profile incidents involving united, boeing aircraft, so the message from united they take it seriously and are doubling down on maintenance and safety. here are a few of the incidents that of course we have been reporting on. the incident as the flight was leaving houston, a 737 a few weeks ago, fire coming out of the back of the engine that appears to have been an engine stall or compressor stall. usually not a big deal.
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the plane did land safely. we had the flight from san francisco losing a tire during takeoff, damaging several cars below. a different 737 slid off the run way after landing in houston. no injuries. a flight out of australia to the states forced to turn around mid flight after fluid, apparentlyhydraulic fluid was leaking from the under side of the aircraft. and then a flight landing in portland missing a panel on the under side. again nobody injured. nobody injured in any of these incidents. and yet it under scores these are boeing aircraft. a lot of concerns about boeing following the door plug and the concern is maintenance every day. if it's not an issue with the mechanics of the airplane, it's maintenance. that's why ceo scott kerby
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of united airlines is trying to assure the public they take it seriously. united airlines said they're unrelated incidents but they have sharpened their focus, especially on maintenance. they're updating their training for new mechanics and dedicating new resources to the supplier network management. it's all about maintenance. keep in mind that this has been a safe period for aviation. while the incidents are concerning, there's no single thread that connects all of them, other than maintenance. the last time we had a plane crash, commercial jet liner crash, a u.s. carrier in this country was in 2009. 2023, safest year ever for commercial jet traffic worldwide. not a single crash anywhere in the world last year involving a jet liner. it is the safest way to travel but these events have unnerved some families as we are in the spring break travel season. back to you. >> tom, thank you. up next, what you need to know about an
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in today's daily health, if you're on a weight loss journey you may have heard of intermittent fasting. the diet pattern has exploded in popularity, it's when people only eat at certain times of the day now research shows it may not be good for everyone and could lead to cardiovascular death.
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joining me to explain is aria bendicks. i want to quickly note it is the muslim holy month of ramadan we're not talking about that, we're talking about fasting that's a diet tool. what did the research find? >> it was a 20,000 person study done in the u.s. the key takeaway here is that people who ate all of their food, the bulk of their food, within a less than eight hour window saw a 91% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than people who ate across 12 or 16 hours in a day. it challenges our previous thinking that maybe intermittent fasting was good for heart health but it's not good. it's a study relying on people's memory of what they ate over two days. so more to learn here. >> that is a dramatic number here. i was told there was a lot of studies out there about
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intermittent fasting. some say there's no risk, some say it's great, has benefits. it's one of those, what are we supposed to believe? >> to summarize the bulk of evidence suggests that it is safe. dietary patterns and we can look at a few, reducing the risk of disease, inflammation, promoting weight loss, even helping lower blood pressure or bad cholesterol. we're looking for the randomized trials with intermittent fasting we haven't gotten those until the last five to seven years so we're looking for more of those. >> more research helps us understand better. what's the bottom line for people on a health journey that want to lose a few pounds? what's the best diet advice? >> the main message is not every indict is right for everyone but diet is right for everyone, but i think there are a few things to consider. if you're elderly, frail, chronic health conditions talk to a doctor if this is right for
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you. everyone should be talking to a physician if they're talking about making these major changes to their diet. and it matters what you eat and how many calories you're taking in if you want to lose weight. so if at the end of the day it's helping you not over eat and reach for a vegetable, it might be right for that person. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. the cdc is issuing an alert over a rise in measles cases in the u.s., so far this year 58 confirmed cases across 17 states, the same number of cases we saw in all of last year. so, joining us now, dr. syra madad, first off, thank you for joining us, interestingly, this data says that according to the cdc 93% of these cases this year were actually linked to international travel. what do we need to know?
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how concerned should we be? >> i'm very concerned and from a public health perspective, it's very concerning. because we're seeing drops in vaccine coverage across the united states. we dropped from 95% to 93% among kindergarteners even though that 2% drop may sound small that's hundreds of thousands of kids. when you talk about measles spread think of wildfire in kind of a dry area. so one spark or case can ignite large outbreaks. and vaccines or measles we have a save and effective vaccine with a track record of 50 years how safe it is. those are the fire breakers, preventing tran mission of this virus. >> remind us who should get the vaccine and anyone who should not? >> the cdc recommends children 12 to 15 months get their first
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dose and 4 to 6 years second dose. born before 1957 you're protected because you got the measles virus or, you know, the like. so you're protected. and if you're an adult and don't know if you have had the measles vaccine talk to your health care provider and it's safe to get another one. >> if you had it as a kid you're protected as an adult. >> yes. >> quickly, symptoms to look out for? >> so you first have the kind of cold-like symptoms that can start within seven days of your exposure and progresses to rash all over your body. contact your health care provider if you see any signs or provider if you see any signs or sy i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief
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she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing,
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chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. welcome back to "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." it could get easier to find a spot to charge your electric car in san francisco. city leaders announced a new plan to install public curbside charging stations. the pilot program would place stations in several neighborhoods across the city. the goal, to make this a citywide program to meet electric vehicle demand. >> we heard from many of you who live in multi-unit apartments without access to garages or off-street charging. demand for evs in san francisco is higher than the national
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average. we have to take action. >> the city is expected to wrap up an assessment next year. leaders will propose removing a pedestrian lane on the richmond bridge. the mtc will recommend removing it monday through thursday to help alleviate traffic. that lane will be used as a shoulder for drivers to pull off to after collisions or breakdowns. the lane would reopen to pedestrians and cyclists friday through sunday, which will hopefully make both sides happy. the full proposal will be unveiled in may. at&t is considering removing landline service. they are holding public meetings to get customer feedback. there will be two virtual meetings, today at 2:00 p.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. other companies are offering
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internet-based landlines. here is kari hall with the forecast. >> it's still going to be a beautiful day with mid 70s in the forecast for the inland valleys. more sunshine for tomorrow as we he will as thursday with highs up to 70 degrees. then look ahead to the weekend. we are going to see off and on showers. temperatures only up to 60 degrees. in san francisco, we are also going to have a big cooldown. we will see a lot more in the way of cloud cover for the weekend. we enjoying mild temperatures and sunshine in the forecast on this first day of spring that continues into tomorrow as wl elas
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nbc bay area responds to a woman who needed help settling
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an ambulance bill. it was mistakenly paid twice. she asked chris chmura's team for help. >> christina says her husband had to be take ton the hospital in an ambulance, then died later that day. our condolences. she later paid the ambulance company, amr, $134. she realized the insurance company also paid the ambulance company $134. she asked for her money back. several times. reps kept telling her it was under review. she contactedtacted amr. they sent her a check for $134. we cannot discuss any details surrounding care provided or account information they told us. before you pay any medical bill, consider calling your insurance company or logging into your insurance account first. find out, have they processed or paid the bill? if you have a complaint, let us know. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online.
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astepro starts working in 30 minutes. re. you're lucky if you forget. i'd rather have forgotten everything. 911 operator (on clip): 911, what's your emergency?


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