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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  March 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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a deadly double shooting eddie apartment complex.
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investigators are trying to piece it all together. good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our ian cole is talking to police and nevers who will be joining us shortly. we are also tracking other stories on this tuesday and a smoke break in, and escape in a daily crash. we will show you how it all played out today. also bringing speed cameras to san francisco, they dangerous stretches of road where city eaters plan to track them. it has been a huge hit, the observation wheel, have you taken a spin yet? the reason your chances just went up. let's go ahead and begin with the search for a command in pleasant hill, someone shot and killed a man and injured another at an apartment complex. ian cole is live at the scene perez with the latest with investigators. what are you learning?
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>> yes, investors said the two veterans shot multiple times just before noon in the series and it was described as a quiet neighborhood. investigators on the scene here about point have areas after it taken, a section of the complex is part of the investigation. of this happening oft when bridge circle near jfk university. today we are told a 57-year-old victim died and another younger man is seriously injured. please do not have a suspect or car description but we just spoke with a woman who was walking her dog nearby at the time of the shooting. she said the young man was badly hurt but was talking with medics that they took him away. she says she saw a speeding car with a loud muffler before and after hearing the shots. >> i heard it but thought it was a car and then he came back and we found out she has shot about four or five shots. >> i think i heard you say
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earlier there's no description at this point? >> not right now, that when is that you just heard from says she believes she saw two men in that car speeding off but details are still very limited right now. she also says though that it all happened so fast and police do not comment right now. she said that they will be checking surveillance cameras throughout the complex hoping that at least one of them captured the shooting. the medical examiner will have the duty of identifying the 57- year-old man who unfortunately did pass away today and i find his family. we will have the latest on this investigation coming up tonight at 6:00. >> we will see you then. thank you. in the south bay a rare police shooting earlier today in campbell. the suspect did not survive.
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police say a woman texted 911 for help just before 3:00 this morning. officers say when they arrived at the apartment, the woman told them a man she had restraining order against was inside with hurt two children. the man, miguel also had an outstanding warrant for domestic violence. please say when they contacted him, he shot at them. officers fired back and killed him. the children were not hurt and her back with her mother now. santa clara district attorney's office is investigating the shooting. illustrated as a tabasco store burghley in the east bay ended with a deadly crash. these drove a truck into the tabasco store earlier this morning. the burglars made off with thousands of dollars in tobacco products. ultimately they spotted the truck triggering a chase onto i 80 towards the plaza when they approached the connector. the truck made a u- turn and started driving the wrong way slamming into two cars and killing an innocent driver.
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the tobacco store owner says he is heartbroken and angry. >> it is definitely tragic, when i heard about it, it was heartbreaking, that is the last thing you want to hear, someone innocent getting hurting or losing allies. because a couple of scumbags just thought they could get away with doing what they did. >> the store owner told us this is the sixth time his store has been hit since he opened 10 years ago. the damages and losses are estimated at more than $50,000. the suspect suffered injuries and is at the hospital this afternoon. we're learning new details about the family killed and that san francisco bus stop crash over the weekend. the medical examiner has identified the victims as 40- year-old to 51, his wife matilde moncada ramos pinto and their 1-year-old son, to 51. their other child is just three months old remains in life
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threatening conditions at a hospital. the father was working for apple and the family lived in san francisco and were waiting at a bus stop on saturday when a car plowed into them. 78-year-old driver is facing three counts of vehicular manslaughter. safety honor street is becoming a big concern and one way to address that is was speed cameras. right now city leaders in san francisco are talking about a plan that would put them on the cities most dangerous trees. we are talking about the cameras on the streets. let's bring in our marianne live in san francisco today. do we know exactly where the speed cameras would be placed? >> the city is looking at putting up 33 speed cameras throughout san francisco and we now have a list of all of them and they include seven at harrison and also nine at
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bryant. they picked these particular locations because this is where they have seen a lot of accidents and these are areas where we see a lot of pedestrians, especially kids and seniors. these are the possible locations but they have not been finalized. >> you mentioned kids and seniors from a lot of families live in that area. i know you were able to speak with neighbors out there today. what are they saying? >> they say it can't come soon enough. we talked to this lovely family , they live here off of fulton street. they say that during the past few years they've had so many close calls. they've seen vehicles jumped the curb and nearly hit people and just a few weeks ago they had a scare where a car almost hit the whole family. the that actually had to jump in front of the car to prevent the car from hitting his wife and his 2- year-old daughter. they welcomed these cameras, they really want even more
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done, even lowering the speed limit. >> i think there are some terrifying situations out there. i know there is a meeting going on today. what are we expecting? >> the subject came up very late in the afternoon, so they are just beginning to talk about it. what they're talking about specifically is how they came to the conclusion of these 33 specific locations. they are also hearing from the public as well about what they think about these locations. they are not expecting to make any final decisions on the specific locations today. they are just sharing with the public how these were decided and they are expected to make decisions on april 21st. >> thank you for that preview, i know we are going to see your full story later on this evening. we do have some good news
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and bad news when it comes to making it in the bay. after years of low inventory, more sellers are putting their homes on the market. the jump is about 20% from this time last year. that is the good news. the bad news is pent up wire demand is so strong right now that home prices have not come down even though supply went up. >> we're not just talking like two or three offers, we are seeing 10 to 20 offers on properties because the buyer demand is absolutely there. >> zillow says the average price of a home and send rose is now topping 1 1/2 million dollars. mayor london breeze wants the city to extend the lease for the sky star wheel at fishers wharf. business owners say it has become a popular extraction and abuse for other local shops. the lease is actually set to expire in april. the mayor has introduced legislation to extend that
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lease for another 18 months. >> it will change the complete view of this location. in the past it was not as beautiful as it is right now. >> fisherman's wharf like many parts of the city has been struggling with businesses closing through and after the pandemic. the board of supervisors will have the final say over whether to extend the lease. whispering here today, we are going to take a look at ours so narrow snow season. is it enough after warm start to winter? from contractors to getting the correct licenses, we do have some tips for you to help you remodel your home. met before we had to break we want to know what your next story you would like to see coming up? wendy's as a new frosty flavor.
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petal coast-to-coast without petal coast-to-coast without using a road ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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welcome back, at&t land lanes could become a thing of the past. companies considering removing his landline services. the california public utilities commission is holding public meetings to get customer feedback on the plan. they are actually virtual hearings happening today. the first was at 2:00 this afternoon and the second will be at 6:00 p.m. customers have already gotten rid of their land lines, so many others are still attached. companies are offering internet- based land lines as an alternative and to say it is seeing a boost in interest. >> the people who still have home phones really value having the concept of a home phone. even though most families at this point, most homes know you
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have land lines. back to back, things are looking good for the sierra snowpack following last year's record totals for the central and southern sierras. citywide numbers are out about 100 to 200%. that isn't likely to be the case in a warming climate. we talk about this as well where more rain and less snow is expected to lead to more challenges moving forward. raj mathai joins us now. how is it looking? >> we had the fourth quarter comeback. you can see we are at one or 2% average. a lot of those came within the last 30 days. that ties into the jewel snow data. we think of the big three
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months. december, january and february. what we have been seen more recently are the jessica aguirre warmer storms, december and january . more rain below 5000 feet. the late season comebacks becoming less likely, you have to count on february which is still a big producer winter snow. we talk with the doctor to see if this trend is something that will also play a role in this year's winter snowed back as well. >> when you look at the trends every month during our snow season of october through may, back to the 70s, we can see that each of these months is warming and that means that we are transitioning away from snowfall as a dominant participation type. the one month for that is not happening is in february. we see cases of that, we thought last year and we are seeing it this year. december bringing in these big rainstorms, these atmospheric rivers that come in typically right around the end of the year. the brings us a lot of rain.
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we see that this year in january as well. of course in february we start to bulk up hours snowpack even further and get a little bit of drier and colder storms. the storm at the end of the month they give us that 6 1/2 feet that went into early march, that was a colder storm. we are seeing that storm bring it through time and time again with these wetter, denser rainy storms in january and february. then these colder and snowy storms of the word. >> to his point, one of the coolest points of the year was january 22nd of this year. notice just above 6000 feet we had no snow there at like level. it really was a late season comeback that we saw in february. that is the recent climate photograph of where things are now. moving forward, climate forecast shows in a warming climate we may lose february. you're looking at the likelihood of future winter storms in the sierra duchess having higher so levels but we can see more flash flood
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warnings for elevations below 5000 feet. it becomes a big problem. actually increased risk for flooding out of the sierra from these warmer storms and warmer climate. >> when you stop and think about it for a second, it is really incredible we are seeing the changes in real-time. >> in just the last 30 years. >> thanks so much. it may soon be easier to charge your electric vehicle in san francisco. they will charge charging stations in several neighborhoods across the city. reports assist he needs 5000 chargers by 2030 to meet demand. >> we've heard from many of you who live in multi-unit apartments, demand for them in san francisco is significantly higher than the national average. we have to take action. make the city is asserted to
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prep up an assessment by jan and chargers would be installed no later than next year. spring season starts in just hours at eight: a six p.m. to be exact. it is a time for some people start thinking about upgrading their homes. here is today in the base market specialty of what you should know about movies forward. the season is the most popular when it comes to ho renovations. experts are weighing in with some important tips when selecting the contract. first, do your research. make sure your hiring as expertise of work that you need done. also, verify licenses, certifications and proof of insurance. and make sure that you get references and interview who your hiring directly. also choose and establish businesses and never forgetting to put everything in writing. the ceo of block renovation that aims to streamline the contracting hiring process.
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also make sure that you are protected when those projects are complete that it should be someone else to take into consideration. >> you don't want to get any project that falls apart a few months afterward or a few years afterward. at the very least you want to make sure a contractor provides a one-year, if not multiyear workmanship warranty which means if something does go awry like a faucet comes out or there is a leak, they will come back and fix it for you as part of their overall package and overall business reputation. >> he also says that research indicates 12% of marriages end because of stress from this home renovations. for more stories like this make sure you join me and the rest of the today in the bay team. we start at 5:00 a.m. we're on for 24/7. i am marcus washington, thank you. hi, i will tell you about
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our no phone zone. they are taking extra security measures. they can now drop off their phones in the storage bins. some students are not happy about that. some parents don't like this idea either for different reasons. >> check out these amazing costume creations. they are characters from a popular videogame. they were made from materials scavenged from illegal dump sites and you won't believe who this man is and why he created these costumes. it is all coming up at 5:00. >> my 5-year-old boy would love that. >> it is from a popular videogame. still to come, trop. get ready to see a whole lot more of george kittle and devo. the 49er stars are coming up.
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made it a quick reminder, starting today you can apply for impact nbcuniversal grants. application window runs through friday, april 19th. more details just scan the qr
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here it is top trending story as voted by you on my instagram pole. aren't you glad it is spring. wendy's sure is. the fast food which chain is celebrating the first day of spring with a twist on one of us items. you can see the new orange creamsicle frosty. the treat blends cool and creamy orange notes with his original vanilla frosting base. it kind of reminds me of middle
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school high school times. those orange creamsicle's. today is the first day you can get your hands on that new frosty. i will be posting the other stories evicted on on my instagram. as for deebo samuel and george kittle, they're getting there on netflix series . now it is announcing his newest series titled receiver. the docuseries will show their 2023 season along with the raiders adams and the vikings jefferson. he shared the promo saying that he was mic'd up for 20 games last season for this series. it will debut this summer. i'm here once again with rob to take a look at our weather again. >> it actually feels like spring, just a couple of days
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away. we have the sunshine, 70s outside. the sea breeze keeping because the san francisco right now. the new one degrees and 75 in livermore, we will again be watching for some mcclatchy clouds to start but a little bit of a change by this time tomorrow we will be increasing high clouds. temperature is still mild for your wednesday. mainly 50s and 60s from san francisco. low 70s in san jose. watch the temperature trend moving forward to friday. highs dropping back into the 60s but more importantly by friday, rain chances about to make a comeback. it will make an impact on your sierra travel plans. you see friday into saturday rain chances returning. snow levels 5000 feet to start the weekend may drop a little bit lower as we head into saturday night.
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right now it looks like later friday into saturday will have most of the more widespread rain. as we head into sunday we will see the showers become a little more scattered. maybe a dryer finish with the showers in the forecast. it's like the warm temperatures enjoyed the next couple days. changes will end on friday. it looks like we need an umbrella for the weekend. i will be back soon. thank you for joining us at 4:30. jess and janel are working on the 5:00 newscast in a bit.
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right now at 5:00, wrong way crash on the freeway. a police role-played. saw what they are being urged to do with her cell phone
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during class. what parents think about it. >> and the person behind this costume might surprise you along with the reason why he made it. that is today's bay area proud segment. to make good tuesday everyone, news at 5:00 starts now. i am janel wang. and i am jessica aguirre. >> this is where it all started. you can see the windows on the tobacco outlet store are boarded up tonight. the owner tells us the store has been hit many times before but never like this. >> it is anger, it is, you just feel violated. >> reporter: that is how the owner the tobacco store says
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he's feeling after these use attractive room into his business early this morning. >> they were just on a shopping spree pretty much it looked like, grabbing what they could. stuff in their bags. >> reporter: police spotted the backs and began chasing them onto the freeway. >> was the officers reached the point where i 80 merges with traffic coming from i 580, they saw the suspect vehicle make a u-turn and they realize the suspect was going to start coming or start driving against traffic. our officer canceled the pursuit and interests of public safety and shutdown his equipment and exited the freeway. >> reporter: the truck collided head-on with two cars killing an innocent driver and injuring another motorist. the suspects were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. >> you can't take that back, cigarettes, money


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