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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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. i'm raj mathai. next on "nbc bay area news tonight," this should be good news for home buyers. more houses are on the market. but there's a twist. we'll explain why prices are still sky high despite a higher inventory. also new developments in that heartbreaking story. we're hearing from the
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78-year-old woman that plowed into a family at a san francisco bus stop. what her lawyer is requesting. plus, the conflict in the middle east igniting tensions at uc berkeley. why the federal government is stepping in to address accusations of anti-semitism on campus. and a short-lived victory for parents in the south bay. they fought to keep a school open only to learn several more could soon close. good evening. this is "nbc bay area news tonight." i'm raj mathai. we're going to get to the latest about our housing prices in just a few minutes. but let's start with the new developments in san francisco. we're now hearing from the 78-year-old woman who drove into a family that was waiting at a bus stop. this happened over the weekend, killing three people. today the medical examiner identified the victims as 40-year-old diego cardoza de la
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vera, his wife, matilda pinto, and their 1-year-old son, joaquin. their other child, just 3 months old, is still listed with life-threatening injuries at a local hospital. the family lived in san francisco and was waiting at a bus stop in west portal on saturday when a car, an suv, plowed right into them. the driver of that suv, mary lau, is now facing three felony counts of vehicular manslaughter. today the attorney for mary lau released this statement, saying she is fully cooperating with the investigation, adding ms. lau and her family join the community in mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred in west portal. also tonight, police are still looking for a gunman who killed one man and injured another in a quiet neighbor in pleasant hill. it happened just before noon. our nbc bay area skyranger was overhead. police say the two men were shot multiple times in this parking lot of an apartment complex off twin bridge circle.
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a 67-year-old man died. a second person is in critical condition. police have not released any suspect or car description but say they're checking surveillance cameras throughout the complex. well, is there anti-semitism at uc berkeley? a house committee is now asking the university for a wide range of documents as lawmakers continue to investigate claims of anti-semitism on college campuses. in a letter to uc berkeley leaders, the chair of the house education committee cites a list of incidents on campus. she says the committee has grave concerns about the inadequacy of the school's response to what's been happening. in one incident last month, about 200 protesters surrounded a building where a jewish guest speaker was invited to talk about the israel-hamas war. protesters smashed out windows and doors, you see there, and ultimately got inside. that event was canceled, and the speaker was evacuated with the attendees. when asked about the letter, the university released a statement
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that reads in part, "uc berkeley has long been committed to confronting anti-semitism and to supporting the needs and interests of its jewish students, faculty, and staff." another story that we're watching closely, the speed trap in san francisco. today the sfmta began discussing the process for picking 33 different locations across the city to install speed cameras. among the more likely options, 7th and harrison, and 19th street and guerrero. once installed, the cameras would have the ability to track -- to record and issue tickets to drivers automatically. you don't get pulled over here, but you do get the ticket. the rivera family is among those cheering the cameras. they say speeding cars have often turned a simple stroll near their home into a dangerous trek. >> we were crossing the street, and my husband had to jump in
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front of us to stop a car from hitting us. >> the sfmta is expected to make a final decision on camera locations on april 21st, and then the cameras could go up as early as next year. well, also tonight, some mixed news for people looking to buy a home in the bay area. after years of low supply, more homes are now hitting the market. but even with higher inventory, prices aren't coming down. in fact, they're going up. zillow says a number of homes for sale has jumped 20% from this time last year. but demand is so strong that prices are rising still. the average home in san jose now tops $1.5 million. it's just above $1.1 million in san francisco. >> we're really underscoring the need for more new construction, the need for more homes being built in the market, in that san francisco market, you know, really in order to bring down house prices and improve housing
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affordability. >> let's bring in our business and tech reporter, scott budman. scott, for years we talk about this in the newsroom. more inventory is going to mean lower prices, but that's not happening. why? [ inaudible ] >> okay. looks like we're having some audio difficulties. we'll work out those difficulties and get back to scott. we have an update on our election. one of the closest races in the state, the runoff to replace longtime congresswoman anna eshoo on the peninsula. there are about 1,300 ballots left to count in san mateo and santa clara counties. the race we're watching for is second place here to see which candidate will advance to the november general election to face former san jose mayor sam liccardo. it's razor-thin. you see the numbers there. silicon valley assemblyman evan low now leads santa clara county
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supervisor joe simitian by just two votes. that's not a typo. evan low leading joe simitian by two votes. this is the battle for second place because the top two advance to november. it's very likely here the losing candidate here, the third-place finisher, will request a recount if the race ends this way. well, the biden administration is trying to target aapi voters with a new ad highlighting his investments in small businesses. >> the biden/harris administration is really working hard to lower the barriers. >> the ad follows a married couple and their expanding small business. according to the census, asian americans own more than 600,000 businesses in 2020, the highest across all minority groups. and asian americans are also the fastest growing electorate. they're expected to make up more than 6% of eligible voters this coming november, and they're becoming a significant presence in many swing states.
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on the republican side, former president trump cast his ballot in the florida primary today, taking a trip to a polling place near his mar-a-lago club, there with his wife. he's already clinched the republican nomination. let's move on now. there are more concerns about the windows in san francisco's millennium tower. last spring, seven different buildings, including the millennium, had windows break or fall during high winds. the problems triggered calls for inspections and changes. but according to our investigative unit, not much progress at the millennium tower. we have newly obtained video that shows a window on the 49th floor of the millennium last march. you can see it flapping in the wind there. when it finally broke, shards of glass flew across the street and shattered windows at the nearby salesforce east building. in the wake of this incident and issues at other high rises, the city of san francisco made a series of changes. that includes urging the high-rise owners to make sure
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their tenants and residents close and latch any operable windows. but take a look. this video that we shot just last month, showing another open window at the millennium flapping in high winds. we then spotted two more windows that had been left open despite a storm warning issued by the city. >> it's plain dangerous. it's just a matter of time until glass is raining down and kills somebody on the streets. >> joining us now is jaxon van derbeken who has been exposing the problems at the millennium tower for years. jaxon, let's bring you in here. what's the problem here? to be clear, we're talking about these windows. what's the millennium tower done about this? >> reporter: they've instituted a number of fixes in the sense of they have ordered new window support arms. they are also making sure that
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tenants know that they need to keep their windows closed. and they basically say they're doing the best they can, but it's really up to the owners to honor their request that they close their windows. >> and what's the response from the management at millennium? is that it, that it's up to the owners here, and they're kind of walking away from this? >> reporter: well, they've been in talks with the city. they've ordered a bunch of new stay arms. they've arrived back in september, and they started to install them. but the progress is very slow. the city wants to know when they're going to be done, and right now the millennium tower folks have no estimate as to when that might happen. >> there's a new law that requires all the windows of the newer high rises to be inspected. how is that going at millennium and the other high rises in downtown san francisco? >> reporter: well, generally the city has said they've gotten a fairly good response. they issued two special bulletins to the applied buildings here. there are about 70 or so of
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them, including the millennium. they say they have until the end of next month to visually inspect every one of their windows. the millennium has inspected what they call up-close or detailed inspections of 25% of their windows, but the city wants assurances that all 100% of the building's windows have been inspected. >> so the problems continue at the millennium tower. jaxon, thank you. let's bring back our business and tech reporter scott budman. i think we worked out some of the audio technicalities here. scott, we're talking about housing. more inventory is supposed to mean lower prices, but that's not happening. how come? >> reporter: well, raj, we now have some sellers that are finally deciding to sell their home and put it out there in numbers that are about 20% larger than we saw this time last year. however, there are many more buyers on the sidelines, and so real estate agents here in the bay area that i talked to say for everyone putting out a home to sell, they get between 10 and 20 offers.
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this is back when we saw that crazy housing boom, and that's what they're seeing now. so prices are actually inflated even though we're finally seeing some new inventory. what we need to see is more inventory, more people willing to sell their houses, and like zillow said a little earlier in the show, more housing built so there's just more choices for people and they don't have to compete with 10 or 12 or 15 others to try to get in a new home. >> we used to do this years ago when people were even overbidding for the asking price. we talk about buyers. a lot of buyers are still hesitant to sell -- excuse me. a lot of people are still hesitant to sell. what are they waiting for? so i own a house, and it's now spring and summer. how come i'm still holding on to it? >> reporter: you're doing a math calculation, raj. on the one hand, chances are you've made a lot of profit on that house. and if you sell it, you're in for a lot of money. on the other hand, if you're still maying a mortgage, that mortgage is probably around 3%. and if you went anywhere, not just in the bay area, but
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anywhere in the country, your new mortgage would be somewhere between 6% and 7%. and it seems that as we see the federal reserve start to cut interest rates perhaps later this year, we might see a further dip in mortgage rates. but that could take some time. so you have to make the calculation, do i want to take the cash and the profit for my house, but for my next home, pay a higher monthly mortgage? and that's what's keeping a lot of potential sellers on the sidelines. >> it's all a big math equation. final question for you. what's the housing forecast in the bay area as we head into spring and summer? >> reporter: it's actually likely that we'll see more inventory. spring is traditionally a time when a lot of people move. they put their kids in school. they get new jobs. they decide, hey, we have kids now. we need a bigger house. it's likely we'll see the market heat up, literally and figuratively. will it heat up enough to satisfy all of those buyers? we'll see, but that could be the one thing that could bring a lot of inventory to the market and
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perhaps see prices finally start to dip. >> there's a backlog of all those buyers out there. thank you, scott. appreciate it. >> you bet. up next, several schools in san jose at risk of closing. what's at stake here, and when could they shut down? we're getting some answers. u're watching "nbc bayyo a
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welcome back to "nbc bay area news tonight." this type of story is usually emotional and fiery. a possible school closure. parents and teachers in east san
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jose are celebrating a short-lived win. we told but this story last week. aptitude community academy at goss was on the chopping block. parents took their complaints to the streets before facing the school board. ultimately the school board voted to postpone closing the school. the board said the savings from closing that school would not be worth it if many families left the district as a result. here's the impact of that decision. more schools are at risk of closing. that revelation came during the board meeting last thursday. with us tonight, lorraine gabbert, a reporter for the san jose spotlight. you were at that board meeting last thursday. one school is going to stay open now, but now others could close. do we know what schools are on the chopping block? >> we don't, and there's no guarantee that even that school, aptitude, will stay open. what was revealed that evening was that the budget has projected $20.8 million deficit,
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and therefore at least five schools may potentially be closed. it could even be higher. it was said that that was a conservative view. >> $20 million. did i hear you right for a budget shortfall? what's the issue in alum rock for that district? >> alum rock has always struggled financially. adding to that is a loss of onetime covid funding from the federal and state government, a loss of students coming into the district, going to charter schools, and also a perceived future of less students enrolling. >> sure. what's the parents' response? we know they're upset, but then somewhat happy, i presume, that the middle school might be staying open. but now with all the other things happening, what's their response? >> there's a range of emotions. some parents were elated, shocked, so happy that unanimously the board decided not to close their school at that time as might have happened
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that evening. however, there is also a concern that it's just a reprieve and that school could again close into the future. part of it was grades six through eight of the middle school was going to be leaving the school, which the parents felt was just leaving it open to be closed in the future for low enrollment. >> the student, to add more drama, hilaria bauer, was unexpectedly fired at that meeting at the end last thursday. what happened? do we know? >> so the trustees came back from a closed session and announced that decision. it was a bit of a shock to everyone. they did not say exactly why. they said it was, you know, a private matter, but it was a decision that had been reached. tonight there's going to be a special meeting to discuss hiring an interim superintendent. >> final question for you. what's next? when will the parents know? when will the community know what's happening with these various schools because a lot of
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people's families and lives are involved here. >> so in 60 days about, the board is to come back after speaking with the people at the district. they're supposed to have a plan in mind of how many schools might need to be closed. they're going to have to decide upon the budget in mid-june. so this gives them an opportunity to hear from those involved, parents, teachers, community. what they need to find out is how many families might leave these schools for charter schools. if other schools are closed, they need to find out the burden of transportation for family who's currently walk to neighborhood schools. >> lorraine gabbert with the san jose spotlight, thanks for joining us. let's move on now. one of the newest additions to the san francisco waterfront could be getting a longer lease on life. this is fun. mayor breed wants the city to extend the lease for the sky star wheel at fisherman's wharf. the large ferris wheel was moved
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to the wharf last year for the apec convention. since then, nearby business owners say it's become a popular attraction for tourists and locals and a nice boost for business. with the lease set to expire in april, though, the mayor has introduced legislation to extend that lease for another 18 months. the decision now rests with the board of supervisors. all right. let's take a live look outside now across the bay bridge, or across the bay there in san francisco from our emeryville camera. jeff is going to join us with our changing microclimate forecast. and some information to pass along to you. calling all nonprofits. applications for our nbc universal local impact grants are open today. the program will award more than $227,000 to eligible organizations this year. nbc is looking for local nonprofits working to make a positive impact in the bay area. the application window runs from today through april 19th. for details on how to apply, you
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welcome back to "nbc bay area news tonight." that is spectacular looking over the transamerica pyramid. a sunset on this tuesday night. jeff ranieri is with us, and i believe we are about an hour away from spring. >> yeah. 8:06 tonight.
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>> we are there. less than an hour. >> the sun's going to be shining right on the equator, so equal day and equal night. then as we head through the next couple weeks, we'll start to see some increased daylight. tomorrow it stays nice here for us. a little bit of cloud cover moving in. some patchy fog, and eventually we get that chance of rain returning. let me show you more in that microclimate forecast. here we go. tomorrow morning, patchy fog is back and temperatures in the 40s. so a chilly start. then as we head through the afternoon, a little bit cooler. we'll still find some 70s here on the map, over to concord, livermore, and san jose, also morgan hill. back to 60s for the north bay. rain returns friday, saturday, and sunday from this storm system. every gets a chance. totals a quarter to one and a quarter inches. on friday, a half inch through the bay area. saturday, anywhere from a half to one inch. dry next two days. rain friday, saturday, sunday.
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we dry it out next monday and tuesday. look at those temperatures. 71 tomorrow. 59 on saturday. >> happy spring. 8:06, you said? >> 8:06. as we wrap up, mario lopez just getting started with "access hollywood." >> just because we now know kate is alive and well thanks to this weekend video obtained by tmz, it hasn't answered all the questions being tossed around about what's going on behind those palace walls. tonight on "access," we're going to break down the theory that this casual appearance with husband william was actually orchestrated by the royals. then we've got oprah fighting back tears after blaming herself all these years for continually losing her battle with weight. now, she clarifies even more how the use of weight loss medication is working for her as oprah hopes to lessen the stigma surrounding the drugs. plus, eminem came out today to support dr. dre getting his star on the walk of fame. snoop even saluted dr with an
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impromptu rap. it's all just moments away on "access hollywood." here's what's coming up after "access" in prime time here on nbc. beginning at 8:00, "night court" followed by "extended family." then "the voice" at 9:00 and "password" at 10:00. we're back with our 11:00 late news live and local. that's going to do it for us at 7:00. for everyone here at nbc bay area, thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening, and we hope to see you back at 11:00.
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