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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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automated license plate readers, why privacy advocates remain concerned. the feds have once again decided not to cut interest rates while also laying out plans for the rest of the year. what it means for you and how the stock market reacted. investigating more concerns about windows in san francisco's millennium tower after several broke, how much progress has been made? welcome back, the news at 5:30 pm starts right now, thank you for joining us. >> will this help fight crime in san francisco? city leaders announced they are starting to install license plate readers at various intersections throughout the city, more than 100 of them, explaining what the cameras will and won't do. >> it's an extraordinary tool and we are really grateful for that. >> mayor london rejoin police and community leaders in the
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inner sunset neighborhood to talk about 400 new automated license plate cameras rolling out around the city. >> when we are talking about car break-ins and car theft, and talking about sideshows and some of the other issues that have happened in our city, automated license plate readers can play an invaluable role in helping us to track some perpetrators of these crimes and hold them accountable. >> they are going up at 100 intersections across the city, expected they will be up and running over the next three months. >> this is possible because the department security $50.3 million organized retail theft grants, but the grants does not limit us just to organized retail theft. this will help us address all crimes. >> retail crime is a problem we have.
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last year alone my store, only 300 square feet, last several hundred dollars in products. >> reporter: they've had challenges and weighed in on the new crime-fighting tool today. >> i believe it will have a long-term effect.>> reporter: not everyone is cheering the newtek. the frontier foundation sees it this way. >> anytime this type of tool is adopted, there are a lot of privacy concerns and civil liberty concerns that come along with it. because the pitcher of a person's life that can be sketched through the location of their vehicles is actually very detailed. >> reporter: the city says it is not a red light or speed camera and will not include facial recognition. they describe it as a larger part of a public safety campaign, which they say has helped cut property crime by 32% this year.
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christie smith, nbc bay area news. big news from the federal reserve, interest rates will stay the same for now but the federal reserve signaled it will make multiple cuts before the end of the year. the decision comes after a two- day policy meeting. the benchmark interest rate remains at 5% word has held since july 2023. federal officials said they plan three quarter percentage point cuts by the end of the year, the first reduction since 2020. wall street liked the news from what it heard from the fed, they hit all-time closing records, the dow rallied for more than 400 points, the nasdaq jumped 200 points, and the s&p cross the 5200 level for the first time. more problem -- problems in sepsis go, windows blew out in a high rise, raising concerns about them in high weather, and
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inspections for many in san francisco. we discovered there have not been many changes that the troubled millennium tower. kearis jackson. >> reporter: -- here is jackson. >> reporter: a window on the 49th level of san francisco's millennium tower last march, you can see it flapping in high wind, when it finally broke it sent shards of glass flying across the street, shattering windows at the nearby salesforce east building. in total seven high-rise buildings reported window failures during the windstorms. supervisors are -- the supervisor had a plan to inspect all windows. figure playing dangerous, a matter of time until glasses raining down and kill somebody on the street. >> reporter: the city is
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issuing weather alerts like this one, urging them to make sure residents close and latch any operable windows. but take a look at this, this is video we shot last month showing another open window flapping in the high wind. we then spotted to others despite the city issuing a store morning. >> the millennium continues to be an outlier. we met when we reached out, they told us in a statement they have a detailed process to minimize the risk of another window failure in high winds, tracking weather, send text alerts to residents and perform hourly checks in storms but they also admit in the end it's up to the owners to keep the windows closed. last year's incident wasn't the first such window at the tower. this class at the base of the tower marked a spot worry 41st floor window shattered in 2020, leading city officials to demand they install stronger
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stay arms to secure them in high winds. but last march when the window failed and glass fell, they said the arms were on order from china. we are told they finally arrived in september. as of the latest report in late february, millennium officials say new of them desperate new ones have been installed in 29 of the 400 units, replacing the arms on the upper floors first but the process is slow because those units have so many windows. but he says the city cannot afford to wait. >> the millennium tower organization is made repeated excuses and they need to get their act together.>> reporter: millennium officials told us that based on a inspection of a quarter of the fagade, they believe the windows are safe but under a new mandate he says every window must be visually inspected by the end of april. nbc bay area news. >> jackson by the way has been
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exposing problems at the millennium tower for years. you can watches stories on the website, we continue to celebrate women's history month. a trip to sonoma county, a remarkable journalist whose gift is knowing a good story when she hears one. sonoma county stories, the newest permanent exhibit inside the museum, by veteran press democrat columnist, talking with high profile newsmakers and regular people too. >> i talked to people who might've regarded them as little stories to tell and those are the ones that tickled me the most. there was a man named rafael morales, who was, when i knew him, the foreman of a vineyard. a wineries vineyard.>> she is a community gym.
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this is gaye lebaron 's interview of who she was talking about, a perspective on the bracero program that allowed him to work in the u.s. legally, which put his son in a position to win a full scholarship at harvard and building the latino public radio network, you can experience 70 of gaye lebaron 's stories at the museum of sonoma county. farmers dealing with the impacts of climate, how that is leading you to pay more the grocery store and restaurants. i am chief meteorologist jeff ranieri, the latest jeff ranieri, the latest drought monitor, plus
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan
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to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. it is officially spring, but farmers in the south have been working to protect crops
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from a late freeze, a frequent challenge for america's farmers, battling extreme temperature swings, floods and drought driven by climate change. >> we feel the effects at the grocery store out to eat with higher prices for food. here is chase king.>> reporter: you can see it in the iconic cherry blossoms and felid stinging prices at the grocery store, up 25% in four years. >> they are ridiculously high.>> reporter: human caused climate change is throwing off major cycles and we are right literally paying the price, in individual extreme weather events and the long-term trend, like the newly planned plant hardiness zones, guiding farmers what to grow where and look at how it has shifted since 2012 as the coldest days got a lot warmer. >> i have farmers that are the front line making sure we have
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abundant, safe and nutritious food supply, they are being challenged by climate change. >> reporter: the chief scientist for the usda pointing to georgia, losing the winter chill that fruit trees need and facing extreme weather which meant the peach state produced hardly any peaches, losing 90% of its crop. similar things are happening in new england. >> we lost 30 acres of vegetables. >> in michigan. >> is not good for mid-march. >> reporter: strawberries in california.>> we are down around 90%. >> reporter: as the states biggest wildfire scorched millions of acres of pastors and killed thousands of cattle. federal data compiled by the environmental working group shows two thirds of all crop insurance payouts were caused by extreme weather closely linked to climate change. droughts, floods and heat, totaling more than $100 billion. it's the kind of thing that
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makes food more expensive and why usda is working to develop crops which can withstand the new realities of climate change. >> the key word is resiliency in this equation. how do we help farmers be more resilient. we have to develop varieties to have an opportunity to be more tolerant to heat and droughts. and flooding. we cannot just pick up agriculture and move it. we have to be resilient where we are. that's what the scientists are working on every day. acre chase king. a tragic update on a gut wrenching story. the infant who was severely injured in that crash at a bus stop over the weekend has died, we just got the confirmation from multiple sources within san francisco police and government. that means the entire family of four hit by the suv while waiting for a bus at the west portal bus stop on saturday has now died. the father, who worked for
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apple, his wife, his 1-year-old son and 3-month-old baby, all four have died, people have been bringing flowers and candles to the site throughout the week. the 78-year-old woman who lost control of our cities -- of her mercedes suv has been arrested for involuntary manslaughter. speakers such a heartbreaking story. the investigation is still ongoing and active. we are going to switch gears and talk about the weather. it is officially spring but changes are coming. >> just around the corner for us, it will feel a lot different as we head into friday, saturday and sundays forecast, rain and much colder temperatures move back into the bay area. i want to show you how we are doing so far on the drought monitor and where we are sitting nationally and some of the worst drought right now is appear across the midwest. also down towards texas in the four corners, we are continuing
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to see drought conditions through much of the state. a small sliver left on the reno side but i expect that will also be going away as we head throughout the next month or so, with a pretty good rain season so far this year and the reservoir level doing excellent across the bay area, we are pretty much assured that we are not expecting drought conditions to come back for the next three or four months. so a little sigh of relief at least on that front. 70% of capacity, lake sonoma, chaz roe 97, 84 e. bay mud. coyote is not as high, 52% but that's because it is being lowered for seismic safety. the reservoirs will continue to get more, the reservoirs, a preview on the scrolling seven- day at the bottom of the screen, more details in a minute. as far as tomorrow, one more day of high pressure nice
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weather, low pressure is inching closer and closer. through tomorrow morning, patchy areas of fog. in the the and some of the inland valleys and the east bay. back into the 40s, 48 south bay, northbay 46, for san francisco right here at 50. temperatures by the afternoon, some of the warmest weather continuing to the south bay, low 70s san jose to morgan hill. starting to trend cooler near the bay, near the coast was 60s returning. along with sunshine we will have high clouds increasing ahead of the storm system. speaking of which the storm looks like it will hang out friday, saturday and sunday, with it spread out over three days we are not looking at any flooding conditions, the way that i'm seeing numbers right now. a quarter up to 1 1/4 inches over the three day period. let's get an early preview of
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the timeline. friday mornings commute, we are all good. and then as we get out to 1 pm on friday, rain returning to northbay in san francisco. moving towards the south bay by 6 pm on friday. isolated heavy downpours could come along with that . rainfall totals on friday, one quarter up to 1/2 inch, things are getting fine-tuned for the models, saturday quarter to half an inch, those numbers are down and by sunday only trace amounts to a quarter of an inch. the 7-day forecast, dry tomorrow, rain friday, saturday and sunday. i don't think the weekend is loss, we should get sunshine through the afternoon, dry monday and tuesday, a few more rain chances returning next wednesday. more looks at the temperature trend in the weekend weather coming up tonight at 6:00. >> thank you jeff . up next, the giants
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officially introduced their newest bar, hearing from the man
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the giants have made the playoffs once in the past seven years, but they might be changing the season. >> didn't we just win three world series a few years ago. >> 2010, 2012 and 2014, over a decade ago. >> introducing their star
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signing, blake snell, the reigning cy young award winner.>> reporter: after a slow start to the off-season, the giants feel like they've hit it out of the park with the recent signing of to time cy young award winner blake snell. >> obviously a really letting 48 hours for the organization. >> reporter: the reigning national league cy young award winner agreed to a two-year $62 million contract with the giants on monday, including an opt out after the first season, pairing him with logan webb, the giants should have a strong one-two punch on the hill. >> we are excited about the pitching we have already, and to be able to bring in a pitcher of his caliber, we couldn't be more excited as an organization to acre i love being here, i'm excited to learn what it is to be a giant.>> reporter: the former padres ace is the fourth reagent they've signed, adding
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japanese start outfielder, designated hitter jorge soler and matt chapman. chapman and snell both played for the giants new manager bob melvin, with oakland and snell in san diego. the signing should quiet the national noise that it's too hard to lure star power to the bay area. >> san francisco has really developed a standard with players about how they are treated, and that bodes well to players coming to an arena like this because they hear about it and they hear that and it's a credit to ownership. >> the guys get along really well, i already feel comfortable in the clubhouse. it's only been a day. >> reporter: a 31-year-old lefty has been throwing simulated games in his hometown of seattle>> i feel good and strong. >> reporter: he will throw a bullpen session tomorrow, and he hopes to be ready to pitch for the season opening series
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against the padres. nbc bay area. >> excited for the season. are you ready for the madness coming up, st. marys with a grand sendoff, sky ranger overhead, loading up on the team bus, a nice sendoff to the ncaa tournament, taking on grand canyon on friday in spokane, make sure you fill out your brackets. >> hi i have them winning in rounds 12 and maybe three. [ laughter ] i'm still working on my brackets. play ball, the dodgers and padres open the regular season, these games count, in south korea, but tense moments before the game started, involving you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year!
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okay, while you were sleeping most likely, the baseball season officially began in south korea. the dodgers and the padres played at 3 am, before the game there were some tense moments, a bomb threat made against dodger star shohei ohtani, an additional 150 officers went to the stadium to do a search for bomb sniffing dogs and x-ray detectors, thankfully nothing was found. he helped lead them to victory, they play again tonight or tomorrow morning at 3 am. ireland's prime minister has unexpectedly stepped down,
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saying he was resigning for personal and political reasons. he has been the prime minister for over four years although the terms are not consecutive. he made history as the youngest leader to be elected in the first openly gay and biracial prime minister but faced growing discontent. his party will need to elect a new leader who parliament will need to approve. explosive allegations from prince harry's lawyer, claiming that rupert murdoch was aware of coverups using techniques to spy on the prince, prince harry and actor hugh grant are seeking to amend their phone hacking lawsuit against murdoch 's newspapers to include rupert murdoch himself. lawyers say he was personally aware of efforts to cover up phone hacking's between the late 1990s and 2016. the case is expected to go to trial next january. nasa is looking to hire new
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astronauts. looking for 10 people ready for takeoff. it is full-time and pays $152,000 per year, all applicants are required to have a masters degree in a stem field in at least two years of related professional experience in a stem field or 1000 pilot hours. you also have to pass a rigorous fitness test. it will be intense since they expect more than 12,000 people to respond. if you're interested in applying, you have until april 2 to send in your resume, what a great opportunity. >> we can apply? figure you need a masters in a stem field. i have an undergrad but not a masters. >> if you have to ask it means you don't qualify. me neither. so we are all staying here. coming up at 6:00, unsettling and disturbing, a man arrested for putting a hidden camera inside a starbucks bathroom, in san jose, more than 90 people may have been recorded but what is
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inside his home that raises concerns. there is an app for that now, for higher grocery prices, a new site teaming up with a major street gene. after a robbery turn into a deadly shootout with the police chief is telling us about the case. the news at 6:00 store is now.>> a creepy invasion of privacy at a soft be starbucks. a hidden camera found in the bathroom. san jose please tell us that 91 people including young kids and seniors, were unknowingly recorded. police have arrested a suspect but they want to know if it's the only place where there is a hidden camera out there. marianne is there. >> reporter: found under a sink and a bathroom here at the starbucks on coleman avenue. on january 31 a maintenance
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worker fixing a sink in the starbucks bathroom discovered a camera pointing towards the toilet, that's when employees called police. investigators say the camera recorded images from 9 am until 7 pm the previous day. >> 91 victims were captured on camera using the restroom ranging from the ages of four years old up to 85. this recording is graphic and includes multiple juvenile victims, fully exposed. >> reporter: marta gonzalez says she and her four and 6- year-old kids frequently use the bathroom and concerned they may have used it the day the camera was under the sink. >> that is just horrible. this is a community, everybody comes here you know, just to have people looking at you is insane. >> reporter: other starbucks customers tell us they are stunned. >> that is all very alarming and shocking. and disgusting to think about. >> reporter: police arrested


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