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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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now at 11, is it the only one? a investigation in the south day after a hidden camera is found in the bathroom of a disease starbucks. >> the story has a lot of people feeling uneasy. police are trying to determine if there are more victims or cameras. police have made a arrest in this case but it is not closed. >> police seized 20 firearms from the suspect's home and they also found other micro cameras. in one case it was hidden in a key fab. we spoke with a expert and he tells us what you should watch out for. >> reporter: a disturbing invasion of privacy. on january 31 a maintenance worker was fixing a sink in the bathroom inside this starbucks when they discovered a camera pointing toward the toilet. detectives determined 91 people
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were recorded the day before, the victims ranging from 4-85 years old. >> the recording is graphic and includes multiple juvenile victims. >> reporter: margaret says she and her young kids use the bathroom often and worries they may have used it on a day the bathroom camera was on. >> this is awful. >> reporter: during the course of the investigation detectives identified the suspect and arrested him last week and seized 20 firearms, including a assault rifle, high-capacity magazines and other micro cameras. >> we spoke with security expert sean erin, he sees this happen often as cameras get smaller. >> that tiny dot right above,
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that is a camera. >> he says in places like bathrooms and hotels, look around. >> this will not globe back at you but you can see a shimmer of the lens when you look at that area. when you see a smoke detector in the bathroom, that does not make sense or why is there a coat hook on the back, why does it look like victorian-style but it is on the back of a bathroom stall? >> reporter: this sign was posted when it happened saying it was a lack of staffing. in a official response they say they are grateful to the police department in apprehending the
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suspect. they cannot overstate the importance of providing a safe environment for our customers and employees and we will continue to cooperate with law enforcement. >> police are asking you to reach out if you believe you may have been captured on the camera hidden in the camera or if you have more information on the case. another update on the bus crash in the city, we learned that the infant that was severely injured unfortunately has died. multiple sources have confirmed the information to us. that means the entire family of four has died. the family hit by a suv while waiting for a bus on saturday. a brazilian national that worked at apple, his wife, their one-year-old son and their three month old baby boy. people have been bringing flowers and candles to that site all week. the driver of the suv has been arrested. were you exposed to the
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measles? someone who dined at a restaurant called sons of liberty ale house earlier this month later tested positive for the contagious virus. it is possible other customers were exposed. anyone who was at that restaurant on march 9 between 4:45 pm and 7 pm is at risk. the person contracted measles while traveling internationally. doctors tell us international travel and low vaccination numbers are a bad combo. >> i think unfortunately given the global state of rings we will probably see ongoing spread of cases. >> symptoms show up 7-14 days after exposure and can include runny nose, high fever and runny eyes. no employees and no other customers have reported any symptoms. san francisco is rolling out another tool to crackdown
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on crime, hundreds of automated license plate readers are rolling out. we are in san francisco with how the new technology works and the concern about the future of policing. >> reporter: you will soon begin to see these at 100 intersections across san francisco to help combat retail and car thefts. >> i think some of what we are doing with the camera technology in the city is going to put us in a good place. many cities around us have that technology. >> reporter: cities like piedmont, the chief says his department has been using them since 2013, he says the readers are tied to state databases that track wanted or stolen vehicles. the information comes into the
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dispatch center life. >> when the information is confirmed, the agent informs the officers of the location, the direction of travel and unique features of the car. >> reporter: officers could give chase, not the voters passed prop e which expands the circumstances in which police officers can chase suspects by car. >> are you concerned about potentially increasing our high collision and injury rates? >> we need to make sure there is management of those pursuits, supervisory and officers that are always evaluating the crime that was committed that caused the pursuit to be initiated with the risks. >> reporter: data released show a record 197 chases last year
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with 20% of them ending in crashes and sometimes injury. they cited the use of license plate readers as the most notable reason for the spike. >> any time this type of tool is adopted there are a lot of privacy concerns and civil liberty concerns that come along with it. >> the city promises the cameras will not use facial recognition technology and they expect them to be up and running in a couple of months. it is a big reward, 200 thousand, that is how much the police department is offering to crack a cold case. up from 100,000. in 2016, 27-year-old lindsay and 51-year-old eddie tate were shot to death inside of a
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wooden box on 16th street in the mission. police say they were living inside the box at the time. so far no arrests but this is a sketch of a person of interest. you are urged to contact sense for cisco pd with any information. police are investigating it as a attempted robbery turned homicide. we spoke to the victim's neighbor who was home when the shots rang out. >> i am shaken to the core, i have never seen a murder. >> reporter: susan lives at the woodcreek apartments on pleasant hill, yesterday's homicide scene at the complex was a first and when she walked outside she was stunned to see it involved her beloved next door neighbor. police identifying the neighbor
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as 63-year-old peter. police say he was the target of a robbery. he delivers packaging materials to cannabis dispensaries and to suspects tried to rob him while standing next to the delivery fan and it led to both parties firing shots. >> the victim did have a concealed carry permit issued by the county. >> reporter: he died at the scene, one of the suspects was also shocked and taken to the hospital where he died this morning. the second suspect fled the scene and has not been identified. the incident is adding to growing concerns by neighbors and it comes to crime in the area. >> cars being woken into and vandalized on the street. >> reporter: for susan, she is sad to lose a close friend and
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hopes justice is served. >> it should have never occurred. >> reporter: nbc bay area news. was it a accident or a attack? the chief of police confirmed they have reopened the investigation into the chinese immigrant, the 63-year-old woman with pushed on the sidewalk in last july and police willed it as a accident. over the weekend the asian justice movement says the person accused of pushing her is now connected to another attack. this evening, the chief tells us new evidence has prompted them to take a second look at the case. we have election news, california voters have passed prop one, it is projected to pass, that is a separation of
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only about 29,000 votes. it needed a simple majority to pass. a big victory for the governor who spent a lot of money promoting prop one. he tweeted this this evening, now it is time to get to work, repairing the damage caused by decades of broken promises and neglect for those suffering from mental illness. counties are now required to spend tax money on housing and programs for on housed people with mental illness or drug problems. it allows the state to borrow 6 billion to build housing units and treatment beds. would you believe three votes are separating two candidates in the race to replace anna in congress. that is district 16 covering san mateo and santa clara. who is going to join him?
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two of these three will advance, the top two. late tonight we have the updated numbers. evan has a three vote lead over joe and there is pure than 2000 ballots left to count. they are called contested ballots, when a voter turned it in the either did not sign it or the signature did not match. the office is waiting for the voters to respond. >> we are reaching out to them by mail to ensure they can reach out and verify their signatures. >> voters with contested ballots have until april 2 to verify, that means we will likely not have official results until then. there is also a possibility of a recount but a candidate or supporters would have to pay for it. ahead, a closer look at the elon musk neuro- link.
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video with the person with the implant controlling a computer. a new application could help you save some money at the grocery store. we all enjoyed the warmer temperatures and sunshine lately but we are in for a major change. check out the temperature trend from 70 tomorrow down to the 50s this weekend.
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in a matter of hours read it is going public. the company priced its initial offering at 34 a share. that puts the company at a value of 6 1/2 billion. read it is the first major social media company to go public since interest in 2019.
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one of the very few venture backed tech deals in a few years. elon musk's startup neuro- link posted a video showing a patient using the company's brain implant to use a mouse on a computer. >> it was like using the force. i could do whatever i wanted. just stare at the screen and it would move for i wanted it to. >> the man on the right of the screen is noland, he became a quadriplegic eight years ago after a diving accident. he is the first human patient ever to get implanted with a chip in his brain. the device contains electrodes programmed to gather data about the activity of the brain and sends it to a computer that transforms the thoughts into action. mistry in morgan hill, new
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video of a busted fire hydrant, the question is, what happened? no car crash or any other signs of damage. firefighters were called to the scene at 5:00 in the evening and they solved the water gushing for 20 minutes before they were able to turn it off. a group called the preservation act of it committee is behind the effort to restore the west side billiards sign. they hope to create fundraisers to help other businesses keep their iconic signs as well. >> either you have a personal connection to the place where you appreciate the artistry of the signs, they are landmarks that we are starting to see disappear. as a preservation position we are often fighting to save buildings but signs are just as important. >> the city has also started a
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signed restoration program. it has been a big day and night for one of the most influential people in bay area history. former mayor willie brown is 90. the choir sounds good. most people have one -2 birthday parties. he had nine. including this one in city hall, the current mayor who interned when willie was mayor. friends, family and colleagues from his decades of service. he is fit, energetic and as stylish as ever. his term ended 20 years ago but he is still a driving force in politics. >> what is the single defining moment of your political career right now? >> every time i see a year,
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everybody who started with me is still going and doing good work. harris started with me. newsom started with me. there is so many people in public office, judges and things of that nature. that really pleases me more than anything else in my career. >> if you can go back and change something what would you change? >> i would have been a candidate of governor in 97. >> why did you not do it? >> i always thought you really have to finish everything you were elected to do before you step up. >> hats off to mayor brown, nine different parties which
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means nine different outfits. >> of course, we wish him a very happy birthday. he is a fun person to be around. >> jeff and i were talking about it, you saw him walking down the street and you said that is the mayor. >> there is no mistaking him, he is iconic. i need to know his regiment. we are tracking the next storm system offshore but we have one more day before rainfall returns. we will show you details with the microclimate forecast. as we head through tomorrow we start with patchy fog as you are on the commute. we will see it clear with a mix of sunshine and clouds as we go through the afternoon. for tomorrow we will get down in the 40s. 49 for the peninsula, south bay
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at 48 and we continue with upper 40s to low 50s over the east bay to san francisco. temperatures for tomorrow, the south bay is hanging onto low 70s. 60s in the north bay to the coastline. the rainfall chances are still on the way as we head through friday and also saturday and then the storm will kick to the south as you head through sunday. let me show you a early preview of the timeline for friday. dry for the morning commute but by the afternoon rain picks up for the north bay, by 1 pm and then down by the south bay by 6:00 friday night. the rainfall totals on friday, a quarter to a half an inch. on saturday we are getting data on what we think will happen for the weekend. numbers are down a little bit, a quarter to a half an inch on saturday. some of the coastline could get around one inch.
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on sunday morning things will taper off to a quarter of an inch. the worst travel is saturday, 22 inches in vail, 10 in south tahoe and 22 in kirkwood. here is the seven day forecast, a spotty chance for the morning. not a washout all weekend long. dry on monday and tuesday. spotty chances on wednesday and the temperatures drop, upper 50s and low 60s this weekend. do not put the umbrellas away yet, the next 14 days we could see more on and off chances. >> did you say 14 days? >> not in a row but the long- wenge forecast shows
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee.
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because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. if you find yourself hunting for bargains at the grocery store, there is a application for that. the goal is to save money and
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cut down on food waste. it monitors items at grocery stores, to determine which ones are getting close to expiration dates. as it approaches stores discount the product. it alerts you when the price is dropped to help you save money. the stores do not throw away the food. >> making sure the members of the community never have to worry about food insecurity again and the opportunity for us to have a impact on sustainability is icing on the cake. >> it is a first come first serve basis. it works with 44 lucky stores on the west coast but it is hoping to expand to other chains. the benches cleared at charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. mugs. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. they are holding on for dear life, the warriors are clearly in the 10th seed in the playoffs. >> 10 teams make the playoffs. they are right at the edge. we will take you to chase center, things get dicey in the 2nd. green in this mess.
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they fall backwards into the coach. he fell backwards but no fight or ejections. the game continues, coast to coast, the steel and score part of a 26 point performance for him. steve said this may be the best game he has ever seen. a alley-oop from chris paul, the warriors take meant this and there are 14 games remaining. are you ready for march madness? st. mary's on its way to the ncaa tournament, a nice sendoff, the sky ranger was overhead as the players loaded the team bus. they take on grand canyon on friday in washington. that is round one of the tournament, make sure to fill out your brackets. the giants have made the playoffs once in seven years.
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today they introduce their new star, blake, the reigning cy young award-winning pitcher. >> the guys it along really well. i already feel comfortable in the clubhouse. >> we were exit about the pitching we had already to be able to bring in a picture of blake's caliber, the reigning cy young award winner in the nl. we could not be more excited. >> as for the teammates, this is another giants newcomer with a rbi double. the giants the angels 5-2. the regu you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining
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a historic find, a giant 40 foot crack in the snow, it appeared on the east side of the mountain. the resort says it formed during the storm. it has never been seen like this before, it opens to a icy cavern below


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