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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  March 21, 2024 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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blockbuster lawsuit filed against apple this morning. the department of justice claiming the cupertino tech giant has an unfair monopoly
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over the phone market and that you, the consumer, is suffering because of it. we will break it all down for ♪♪ ♪♪ good morning and thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. this is causing shock waves through silicon valley right now. our business and tech reporter scott budman in the newsroom for us this midday. scott, what could this mean for all of us? >> the lawsuit is especially interesting, marcus, because it doesn't really say that you're an iphone user you have it better than android users. apple by stifling outside competition is giving iphone users are an inferior experience. one thing we know for sure this morning, the lawsuit is from the jump hitting apple investors hard. apple shares have fallen by more than 4% since the lawsuit was made public this morning. that's a loss on paper of more than $100 billion in stock market value. we also know the justice
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department is going deep with this suit saying apple's phone monopoly affects everything from the watch you buy, the apps you download, your text messaging and the advertising you see. so how deep could this go? the doj says, and i quote, structural relief could happen if the u.s. wins this case. that's code for possibly breaking up part of the company. >> we allege that apple has employed a strategy that relies on exclusionary anti-competitive conduct that hurts both consumers and developers. for consumers, that has meant fewer choices, higher prices and fees, lower quality smartphones, apps and accessories and less innovation from apple and its competitors. for developers, that has meant being forced to play by rules that insulate apple from competition, and as outlined in our complaint, we allege that apple has consolidated its monopoly power not by making its
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own products better, but by making other products worse. >> all right. apple releasing a statement today reacting to the lawsuit and they say in part, quote, this lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that set apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets, unquote and that, if you think about it is a pretty big admission says this hits at who we are makes it clear that apple is dependent on the iphone and the ecosystem. laura and marcus, that's why shares of apple's stock are getting hit this morning and that's why apple will fight back against this so strongly. >> they certainly have the money for it, too. >> this is true. our scott budman will be following the story all day and he'll bring you the latest in our evening newscast, as well. starbucks customers in the south bay are horrified to learn that a hidden camera might have captured them using the restroom. >> nbc bay area's bob redell is joining us live from the coffee shop's location in san jose.
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police have made the arrest of a man they believe was hiding those cameras. >> correct. the suspect was found not only with other microcameras, but weapons and they say that this suspect installed a hidden camera inside the bathroom at this starbucks behind me on coleman and taylor in san jose and that on january 30th of this year, that camera recorded 91 people ranging in age from 4 to 85 years old. the day after those recordings a maintenance worker who was fixing a sink discovered the camera pointing toward the toilet. that's when employees called police. we spoke to one woman who is a regular customer here. >> i was probably in the bathroom that day. was that january 30th? >> yeah. >> i come here a lot, and i think that there definitely needs to be something internal going on because as a woman, again, this is very uncomfortable. >> you wouldn't think that
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something like that would happen at a local starbucks and that makes you more conscious of your surroundings. >> last week police arrested this man, louie juarez and recovered an unregistered firearm and high-capacity magazine and microcameras and one hidden in a key fob and another in a tiny soccer ball. starbucks releasing a statement saying, quote, this is a deeply disturbing incident and we are grateful for the thorough response of the police department in apprehending the suspect. we will continue to cooperate with law enforcement on this matter. police are asking you that if you used this bathroom or you think you might have been captured by this hidden camera, this was tuesday, january 30th of earlier this year they would like to hear from you. again, this is the starbucks on
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coleman and taylor here in san jose. reporting live in san jose, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thanks for the very latest there, bob. one person is dead in a house fire in marin county. it happened last night in san anselmo. firefighters say the fire was coming out of the second floor of the building. crews extinguished it about an hour later. the victim has not been identified. a heartbreaking update for you on an already tragic story. authorities now say the infant severely injured when an suv slammed into a san francisco bus stop has now died. multiple sources confirming the news to nbc bay area last night. three other family members of the same family also died as this happened on saturday as they were waiting for a bus. this is near the westport or muni station. the father diego cardoso de
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oliveira who worked at apple and his wife, matilda pinto and their son joaquin and no word on whether the driver 78-year-old mary lau will face charges. mayor matt mayhen along with others were at the grand opening of a new senior apartment in san jose. it has nearly 150 units all for low income elderly. the mayor also pusheded a new tenant preferences program. that tenant would force developers to keep 20% of property for lower income residents. the city council is expected to vote on that ordinance soon. blazing the path to encourage women to pursue a career in law enforcement. for the second year in a row the san francisco's sheriff's office is urging women to consider such a path and doing so with some ambitious goals. nbc bay area's ginger conejero
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saab is in san francisco with more. >> there is a bit more work to do before the san francisco sheriff's office reaches its numbers. it is holding its annual women's leadership conference today and it is still working with a 30 by 30 pledge. that pledge is to increase the number of female deputies by 30% or to 30% by 2030. let's look at where the sheriff's office stands now. the agency is currently at 96 females which account for 13.3% of its sworn staff. the goal is to more than double that in the next six years. there are 624 males with 200 vacancies. the san francisco's sheriff's office spoke to today in the bay and shows the recent research shows the positive impact females bring into law enforcement. >> it's iortant that we have more females in our departments
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so that victims of those heinous crimes have a person who looks like them, who represents them that they feel more comfortable with can come forward and share their stories. >> according to the sheriff's office that research suggests that female officers use less force and less excessive force. they are named in fewer complaints and lawsuits and the outcomes for crime victims especially in sexual assault cases. the leadership conference is under way with women from different law enforcement agencies acrosshe bay area taking center stage to inspire the next generation of leaders in law enforcement and this is timely as we continue to celebrate women's month, but beyond that, representation is key and that is what today's conference, leadership conference is about. ginger conejero saab, nbc news.
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the chp is ut shoulding down 280 in san jose. mike inouye is keeping tabs on what it is all about. >> we did get information with specific roadways and mapping it out it doesn't make complete sense just yet. we'll let you know what we have and then we'll show you on the map what's going on, as well and we'll continue to update as more news comes in out of our news desk and here is the south bay map and dead center right there. the interchange, 280, 880 and 17. a very important interchange right there and south of there is the activity. laura, you cited meridian and there is police activity that we reported and the speed sensors are slowing as you come up toward meridian. southbound i am told all traffic is being diverted off southbound 280 off of highway 17, but there is more traffic heading over between baskem and meridian itself. i did get notice that it is diverted north of the incident.
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somewhere between meridian and baskem are getting folks off of meridian and that would adjust where that police activity is. it is reported over 280 and there is an overcrossing here and likely it is meridian. i would guess northbound judging by the speed sensors now. folks coming out of meridian, so keep that in mind if you're coming off the area off the 280-101 interchange and you'll likely get off here out of cupertino and san jose you are having to get out of highway 17 and the san jose border and santana row and valley fair, those are major shopping icons in the area and that will be the area that's already pretty busy around the lunch hour so we'll watch for that activity and we have a camera in the area and we are looking at 17 and 808 and
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i'll go gather more information. >> thank you very much, mike. >> let's take a live look for you this midday as we get started with our afternoon. meteorologist kari hall, you say today is the day we need to soak in the weather and the next coming days not so much. >> if you haven't been doing so this week, it's been amazing. today we have one more day of the warmer temperatures and the sunshine. take a look at the current temperatures in the upper 50s in oakland, about the same in san francisco and san jose at 63 degrees and we are headed in the low 70s and it will be 69 degree for the high temperature and san francisco in the mid-60s and there will be a lot more cloud cover and it will be cooler in the north bay as we get ready for this storm system to arrive. it's going to start to bring us some wet weather as we go into the afternoon and into the evening and that will continue
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for the weekend. so we'll talk more about all of the changes ahead, the time line of the rain and what's ahead for next week as welcoming up in a few minutes. laura and marcus? >> thanks, kari. reddit went on the market today. looking pretty good. >> spring is here and a look at what this means about the climate. the good news of the water levels. >> the 8:00 a.m. streaming newscast is moving and starting monday you can get your news at 8:00 a.m. watch on roku and other streaming channels and watch online on nbc bay or with our smartphone app and scan the qr code on the screen for how to find the channels. we'll be right back.
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we will return to this breaking news that we are following this midday. the chp is shutting down
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northbound and southbound in san jose. mike inouye has the latest. >> all of the green throughout the south bay and everything was flowing smoothly as we approached noon and we are looking at the closure as you and laura said. north and southbound 280, judging by the speed sensors, we do know the southbound side is being blocked at 17. it is forced off at 17 because of activity closer to meridian. from what i'm hearing it may be in the meridian overcrossing and there's baskem, somewhere between the two areas they have the actual activity. northbound folks are exiting just before meridian. i think there is a lee avenue exit and lincoln avenue here and you can get on the stevens creek boulevard and there are options with larger roadways and it will create quite a disturbance. this is lincoln avenue so before you get through the area. basically before highway 87 and
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downtown san jose and highway 17, don't use 280 because of the police activity. it's a fluid situation. right now they have to stop all lanes and i do see the traffic backup approaching on the southbound side is starting to seize up. i'll check back and let you know if they have reopened 280. police activity near meridian on 280 both north and southbound are currently affect. we'll send it back to you. >> thank you very much, mike. >> shares of san francisco's reddit started trading today in the stock market and this is the first ipo for a social network since 2019. >> it's been a while shares opened at $34 and trading right now at $50. scott mcgrew says you can expect some volatility. >> good morning, reddit offered early stock to some of its users who managed the pages and many of them got shares. now there is no lockup period on those shares. that means they are free to sell
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them as soon as they wish, if they wish and that could cause some of that volatility. the opening bell this morning hosted by reddit mascot snu, and covering thousands upon thousands of topics from raising children to sports to politics and wall street itself. it became famous for its collective and successful effort to draw shares in gamestop higher than they realistically should have been. hollywood made a movie about it. wall street bets aren't that positive about the future of reddit. the ceo steve huffman addressed that on cnbc. >> first of all, look, i love wall street. i'm a user. i've seen their comments over the last couple of weeks and i send them my regards and that's reddit. reddit is people. reddit is fun and special, but sometimes a crazy place. >> huffman who already gets paid
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more than mark zuckerberg does and is one of the main beneficiaries of the ipo and the other, the co-founder alexis ohanian. if you don't know alexis, you may be familiar with his wife, serena williams. the head of open ai will cash in thanks to early investments in reddit. he should come away with hundred of millions with the opening price of $34. a share. >> it is its main way of making money. it did make a deal with google to allow google to scrape the site in order to scrape google's ai, but that was a one-off deal. i'm not telling you to buy or not buy reddit's stock, that's not my job. i do encourage you to use it, it does cover everything imaginable, that thing you're interested in there is a sub reddit for you. >> noaa, the national oceanic
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and atmospheric administration, has the 2024 outlook for april, may and june. much of the u.s. may see above-average temperatures, however, as you may know we don't usually see our hottest temperatures until the fall season. when it comes to precipitation, equal chances will remain here in california. as we inch closer to the spring snow melt in the sierra. scientists say any flooding threats from this event is actually low. >> the snow pack is around normal for most of the sierra. so snow melt flooding when we have normal snow pack is lower risk. we can get it. it all depends on the temperatures and how they occurred throughout the spring. >> another piece of good news, california will most likely remain drought-free for the second year in a row. it's important to note all of this is a long-range outlook and things can change as we go deeper into the season. it was nice to be able to say
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that. >> great outlook. >> yes, it is. just looking at how much rain we've had, most of us are right at normal. we have more rain on the way, too. we will see thosehanges this weekend as we take a look at our current setup, what to expect. it's mostly sunny and it's comfortable and we are going to see more clouds coming in tomorrow with that rain arriving during the afternoon. it will be a cooler day and much cooler for the weekend, as well as we get more rain and even a chance of thunderstorms. a look at our highs will be in the mid-60s for petaluma today, partly cloudy there and sunshine for the south bay and 71 degrees and 68 for a high today in brentwood. as the seven-day forecast comes up in the bottom of the screen big changes for the weekend and all because of this, the storm system now approaching the pacific midwest will bring in more clouds, rain and much cooler.
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there's a shift in the jet stream and that's the flow of those upper level winds that can steer those storms and it's been diving farther to the south and that's about to change over the next few days as it starts to dip farther south. that will bring down some cold, canadian air and also bring in some more storm systems to the west coast and they're not the only ones that are going from a nice, springlike break in the weather back to winter over the next few days. and we are going to see that rain coming in starting in the late morning, early afternoon, first for the north bay and then spreading across much of the rest of the bay area as we go into the evening. this is right at 5:00, and it does show some moderate rain that may get heavier as we go into tomorrow evening and another wave of showers in the forecast on saturday and just off and on and we're also watching out for the potential of some thunderstorms and in all for the weekend we're looking at a half to three-quarters of an inch of rain and some spots may
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get over an inch of rainfall and we're expecting that in mill valley as well as parts of the north bay and along the coastline, as well. as we take a look at our seven-day forecast, off and on showers and a big drop in temperature for the weekend. we're going from 70 and sunny today to 59 and raining on saturday. so just make sure that you're not completely caught off guard and we are going to see the rain tapering off on sunday morning and then a bit of a break for a few days before we get another wave of rain and cool temperatures for the middle of next week. marcus and laura? >> good to know. thks, kari. jackpots are growing for the lottiesnd we are talking about serious cash. no one actually won, i should sa the lasterll drawing is at $750 million for saturday's drg d that's the next one. the meg millions jackpot is at $977 million with another
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drawing tomorrow. your dreams come true. good luck. good luck. we begin with 0 in the28
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. >> breaking news we continue to follow for you this midday, the chp shutting down all lanes of 280 near san jose. mike, you have a new look at the area? >> this is 280 and highway 17 is in the foreground here. we zoomed into this overcrossing and there is an ambulance and the police department here. you do see traffic flowing in both directions in this 880 and 17 interchange, but as we get over to the map this is what we are told by chp that you need to avoid the area. it is shut down at 17 and likely taken to stephens creek which will take you alongside the freeway and highway 87 in downtown. that's the easeiest. we are told folks are being
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forced off the freeway over at the baskem exit. you might access other roadways there, but that actually is the label as you're coming north. basically between highway 87 and highway 17 and you will avoid northbound 17 and take stephens creek boulevard and it turns into san carlos and vice versa as you're coming in the southbound direction. we'll follow this in the newsroom. i'll send it right back to you. >> thank you very much for the latest there. >> we'll follow that and make sure you download the free nbc bay area app and we'll keep you up to date there. up to date there. >> we stream on roku,
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