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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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thanks for joining us i am gia vang. we do im garvin thomas. proposition one will be a much- needed boost for mental health and homeless services in the bay area. governor newsom outlined expectations for the billions this will provide. a massive bond measure means more than $6 billion will be available for mental health and homeless housing and counties across the state. >> in san francisco both issues have gained national attention the mayor says she is wasting no time coming up with a plan to get the share of the money. here is nbc bay area's with the details. >> standing behind a podium that reads treatment, not tense, gavin newsom celebrated the razor thin win for the mental health proposition. he said the real work is just starting.
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>> that means little if we can't deliver on the promise. >> most of the million dollar bond will use 11,000 bands to treat those with mental health and substance issues. it will 320 6700 outpatient slots, $1 billion will be earmarked for treating and housing veterans, and another 2 billion will go to the projects room key housing program. >> there'll be funding to train and educate more mental health professionals so that not only are children, but our adults can be heard and get the help they need when and where they need it. >> in order to get a share of that money each county needs to propose its own mental health treatment plan and these proposals need to be made pretty quickly. >> it took over two years for the money to start going out when there was a bond like this. will put out notices for funding availability in just a matter of months. the first ones come out in october.
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>> reporter: implementing propositions now that it's past is a high priority for her administration and department heads have already met today about it. we are told a working group has already been working behind the scenes but they have to formalize the details make it public quickly. >> who we could partner with and locations for potential facilities, how to structure operations and that kind of thing. >> reporter: he says it will provide opportunities for facilities and to train people but there are questions about long-term funding for those jobs. city leaders say they want to be at the front of the line with the plan the moment the state puts out a call for applications. in san francisco, june 16, nbc bay area. while waiting bird for the san francisco district attorney's office about whether or not they will charge responsible for the crime. people have been bringing flowers and candles to the
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crash all week. the family was waiting at the bus when an suv smashed into them. a brazilian natural national who worked and a one-year-old son all died. the three month old who was in critical condition died yesterday. the driver of the suv 76-year- old mary lau is out of the hospital and not in custody. these are still investigating so we don't know if they have a case for review. a peninsula care company is being forced to pay a big fine. helping disabled peoples and without doing background checks investigators say caregivers stole thousands of dollars from a palo alto man he was hired to help. the das office filed a consumer protection lawsuit serving
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seniors care now has to pay a $1000 penalty. >> it's been a stressful time of year for millions of families across the country. calls are starting to roll on him but a major glitch in the new application process for financial aid has brought the process to a halt. many students don't know how much aid they qualify for and the deadlines are moving. nbc. is that san jose high school where they are trying to come up with solutions. >> reporter: to simplify the financial aid application but it made matters worse for thousands of students and it could be the difference between actually going to college or not. >> if we see something that gives us a question -- >> in the east high district. the seniors are excited because they are college-bound. >> i will be attending grand canyon university this fall. >> my dreams to go to graduate from college and help my parents out. >> reporter: the seniors have one major obstacle.
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they haven't been able to complete their application for financial aid. something that should have been done three weeks ago. the federal aid application is called fafsa and the new system isn't allowing many students to complete the online application. >> however when i got to the part where my parents had to fill out their information, i still am unable to create my mom's account. >> current glitches primarily affect the students whose parents do not have a social security number. >> she is with the agency called counsel who helps first- generation low income students apply for financial aid. the glitch also created a black background for some students whose parents do have a social security number. many of those students haven't gotten an answer either. >> it's very frustrating and scaring with looming deadlines right now.
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>> the deadline for state aid like the is being extended but this is affecting students in the colleges that are waiting for an answer. >> yeah, it is stressful for me , it has been very stressful because at school it's almost the end of the year so have to keep up with our gradesd everything. so yes it has been very stressful. >> the u.s. department of education tells me it is aware of the issues and is looking for resolutions. their answer could make or break for thousands of students like miriam. damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. prosecutors urged the judge not to delay donald trump's trial over has many obligations. last week the judge postponed it until mid april after the formal president's lawyer claimed that the federal investigators handed over evidence late. today the manhattan district attorney's office filed
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paperwork arguing the trial does not need to be postponed. prosecutors say they handed over the majority of the evidence to trust legal team in a timely manner. the judge has agreed to meet both sides on monday to discuss the issue and set a new trial date. apple is in hot water with the department of justice. merrick garland announced an antitrust lawsuit against the bare area giant. apple's business model relies on illegally cutting competitors out of the market leading to higher prices and less innovation. details ahead from washington. >> reporter: in a landmark lawsuit, the u.s. department of justice is accusing apple of monopolizing the smart phone market, squeezing out competition and driving up prices. >> consumers should not have to pay higher prices because companies break the law. >> reporter: 15 states and the district of columbia joined the doj in accusing apple of using power and position to illegally undercut competition.
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using company email to show apple has not improved text messaging between iphones and android's to keep customers from switching phones. they cite the 2022 incident when apple ceo tim cook was asked why the questioner couldn't send certain videos to his mom. mr. cook's response? buy your mom and iphone. the two there are things we can do that are anti-competitive because you have to use certain apple products with an iphone. it will encourage people to buy only apple products and not other products. >> our partners at cnbc breaking down had that alleged strategy translates to the app store. >> they control the app store and it isn't able to throttle the growth of apps that might compete against apple itself but also charge higher prices. >> apple says the company innovates every day to make technology people love and that this lawsuit threatens its ability to do that. while setting a quote dangerous
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precedent empowering government to take a heavy hand in designing people technology. a major lawsuit that could impact the cell phone and wallet in your pocket. this lawsuit is part of the biden administration's broader crackdown on what it considers monopolies in big tech and includes cases against google, facebook's parent company meta. scott budman will have more on this story, coming up at 6:00 he is talking with those who have an iphone and those who don't and what is next for apple following today's news. facebook's parent company meta is facing a class action lawsuit for fraudulently inflating the number of people there ads reach. advertisers can sue for damages as a group. the advertisers claim the company overcharged them by as much as 400%. mehta says it generates most of
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its revenue which is over $134 billion last year, the class action suit covers millions who have paid for ads on facebook and instagram since 2014. today is the last day of the conference in san jose and the company is getting love from elon musk despite planning to build a rival supercomputer. the startups cofounders even talked about how they are using an ai chat but it comes after quoted in a press release on monday announcing new blackwell ai chip. elon musk has been working for years to build a $500 million supercomputer to train its own ai models. tesla had more than that on
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nvidia hardware. >> target says the chain will get their bonuses for the first time in years. the past two years have been challenging largely due to inventory, high levels of that and emplacement. target says its performance in 2023 exceeded goals for salaried employees with bonuses. target says it expects sales to say the same or grow as much is 2% this year. they are asked to make important decisions in a split second. lessons learned and being taught today at a conference featuring gray area with in the ship roles in law enforcement takes import. edward started with a school sign in a simple conversation has turned into a passion that has lasted two decades. it's a story that will make you bay area proud. beautiful weather again we have the 60s, these temper
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blazing a path to inspire women to get into law enforcement. that's what the san francisco sheriff's office is hoping to do. for the second year in a row they hosted a women's leadership conference today.
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21 women from different law enforcement agencies took center stage to talk about their career and experience. it is to inspire the next generation of leaders to consider such a career. the sheriff's office is still working on the 35-30 flights taken in 2020, looking to increase the number of female deputies to 30% by the year 2030. >> is important we have more females in our departments so victims of those heinous crimes have a person who looks like them, who represents them that they feel more comfortable with, can come forward and share their stories. >> research suggests female officers use less force, or named in fewer complaints and lawsuits and see better outcomes for crime victims especially in sexual assault cases. a chaotic scene in downtown l.a. after a man hijacked the bus and crashed into a hotel.
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it happened last night around 11:40 p.m., please say the man held the driver at gunpoint forcing him to drive around for about 30 minutes. surveillance video shows the bus plowing through an intersection as a car t-bones the bus and continues driving. we don't have video for you but that is what the surveillance video did show. lapd says it ended when the gunmen grabbed the steering wheel causing the bus to crash into the ritz-carlton. the police caught up with the gunmen about an hour after he took off. preserving and honoring the stories of those in the united states military. that's been a passion of a barrier born photographer for the last 20 years. this week at belmont village senior living, tom sanders who grew up in sonoma returned to the bay area to capture images and stories of veterans who lived there. it's part of a passion project sanders has been working on for close to 20 years. he has published two books of veteran portraits and stories
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over that span and he continues to visit belmont village facilities around the country capturing even more images. i asked sanders how many veterans he's photographed over the years and he said between five and 10,000. >> the goal has been the same the whole time. it's giving veterans an opportunity to share their story and be honored. i will go to the photo shoot at the belmont senior living and we will have a gallery exhibition. we have a big day where we honor all the veterans as well and that's really the main purpose of the project. it doesn't matter if you're a republican, a democrat, you know. i think we should all appreciate our veterans and give them the opportunity to tell their stories. >> tom got started doing this when he was a 21-year-old student and photographed and interviewed a veteran for a project. that veteran was 21 years old when he almost died in world war ii and for the connection that clearly resonated with sanders and sparked a lifelong
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passion. sanders also told me his grandfather participated in the day and a great uncle died in world war ii, and this project is a way to kind of bring him closer to them, keep in life and stories present in his life. obviously he's been doing it for many years and he will slow down. the amazing photos. and the last couple of days you might have taken some nice photos yourself because of been nice the past couple days. >> my dog has been loving it. i found a patch of grass for him, he's running around but it's going to get muddy soon. let's talk about what the changes are on the way. i don't want to make anyone sad but we will see a slight cooldown. it will be pleasant, don't worry, i will make sure you're properly prepared should you be out and about whether tomorrow or this weekend. 61 degrees in san francisco, we do have mostly clear conditions with the exception of a couple clouds here and there and here's a closer look at, satellite radar is showcasing
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this right now. we enjoy this calm weather pattern throughout the entire state of california and you can already see just out of the pacific, there it is. we have this cold front and this is going to drop down darting out of the north bay before coming widespread into the south bay. let's start timing for this. into tomorrow morning, your commute should be okay. we will see a lot of this initially in north areas including eureka, this is around 10 a.m. if you look at the timestamp, follow me here. as we move this forward, it isn't until about 2:00 see some of these showers moving south of the golden gate bridge extending down to the south by the time we get to the evening hours. if you notice it is not completely widespread although you will see some stability in there that's going to mix and the possibility of some scattered thunderstorms activity. will be monitoring for that, as the cold front moves through, one thing you will notice if the wind will begin to pick up.
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even though it becomes a scattered into early saturday morning we will keep scattered chances. notice that at 7:00 on saturday we will see more of a line moving through, looking to carry some heavier pockets through the evening. is rain totals go, if you look at the totals, this extends through saturday. the highest totals will be to the high end of the north bay, that is through santa cruz, less than an inch. most areas see less than an inch. i did think some of those numbers were going a little higher than expected especially in san jose by the time we get to tomorrow evening so you will likely notice that first in addition to this you will likely notice a drop in temperatures. if you plan to head over to the sierra this is an important note because you likely haven't been concerned about travel conditions. that's going to change starting late friday. by tomorrow evening we will have a winter storm evenings in effect along with a winter
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weather advisory. we are talking about the possibility of 6 to 18 inches, but it's the windspeed that we are concerned about. 45+ to cause some travel delays and so far we are expect to see, thinking through saturday for higher peaks. 20 inches out of this weekend store. your saturday forecast shows the showers remaining through saturday heading into sunday. we see activity but i think the main thing is going to be the chance for thunderstorms to develop. even though is not a big rainmaker, the cooling will be by about 10 degrees compared to what we have been seeing. we have one more day of weather for tomorrow and as the cold front passes we are going to drop down. daytime highs, look at that. only in the 60s. quite a change in the temptress, that's going to be more impactful than the rain itself along with the wind. always going to be prepared whenever we see the wind gusts.
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speeches we will take your advice and make the most of it that we can. thank you very much. while it remains tough for those to buy a house in the bay area, home
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analysts expected a drop in home sales but the national association of realtors say they actually jumped last month. numbers show home sales went up nearly 10% from january to penury. that is the largest monthly gain since february 2023. sales went up the most on the west coast, 19%. the number of homes for sale also jumped by 10% over last year even though there is more
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inventory, experts say high demand pushed the median price higher. rented shares jumped 40%, the san francisco bay company is the first media company to go public since pinterest did in 2019. tom sanders priced its ipo at $34 a share but the stock opened at $37 and reached a high of nearly 50 dollars as a key for the day. reddit close to just over $50 giving the company a market cap of about $9.5 billion. stocks in general client is central today with all three indexes hitting new highs, the dow jones, of 269 points, the nasdaq road by 32 and the s&p close just about 5200. >> they know who they will play first at the x and here's a hint, the u.s. team on be the
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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france will play and kick off the soccer tournament at the paris olympics. >> the two dreams were drawn together, the game will be played in marseille, the other
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teams in group a, new zealand and a playoff between new guinea and the fourth place team in the asian qualifying competition. the women's competition, the u.s. is in group d with germany, australia, and an african qualifier. >> you can watch our forecast 24 seven on roku. what is coming up at 5:30? hey guys. >> right now the city of oakland has a new way to get valuable information to you. the way it is going digital and some of the cities busiest areas. how the mayor says it's going to help and why it's not costing oakland a dime. >> wanted once again, the man we have been following as part of our saving san francisco series is on the run from two different law enforcement agencies. why the fed has joined the search for him. become a growing concern for people living with diabetes. having trouble getting their hands on the drug mozambique and many are trying to lose
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weight. the difference to be between life and death for some. welcome to the news at 5:30. good thursday, thanks for joining us i am janelle wang. >> oakland is going digital, as part of an effort to get locals and visitors better information all at your fingertips. >> everything from dining options to social services nbc bay area has more from oakland. >> restaurants and emergency services all at the touch of your fingertips. >> they will not only modernize how we find our way throughout the city of oakland and also empower businesses, nonprofits, boost tourism. >> that's what these new digital touchscreen kiosks are intended to provide, the 20 to their specific neighborhood. you will start seeing them pop up throughout busy business courses including downtown,
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