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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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about 42,000 people who own apartment buildings. they will start sending out nonregular notices july 3rd. the people who watch the insurance world are simply stunned today. >> very frustrating. >> reporter: anybody has policyholders as you homeowners like you. she's frustrated that state farm will drop so many customers. >> just got a 20% rate increase, they just got it. >> why is this happening? state farm declined to go on camera and asked janet ruiz beeks for an industry group, she says the money we pay for property insurance doesn't cover our claims. we went over the last 10 years every dollar of insurance in california, the premium that was taken in, a dollar and eight cents was spent on claims and expenses. >> we ask state farm wearing california people will lose
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their policies and how state farm will determine which customers to drop. the company did not respond to those questions. it issued a statement that says this decision was not made lightly and only after careful analysis of state farm general's financial health, which continues to be impacted by inflation, catastrophe exposure, reinsurance costs, and the limitations of working with the decades-old insurance regulations. just a couple weeks ago state farm's parent company reported financial results including a net worth of $134 billion, up 3 billion from the year before. state farm quoted its jose the parent company remains financially strong. >> how can they be reporting good results in common with this announcement? it feels like they are just trying to ratchet up the pressure on the california department of insurance to give them more of the items on the wish list. >> she is not the only one exposing frustration today, the state insurance commissioner saying state farm general's decision so they raises serious questions about his financial
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situation, questions the company must answer to regulators. commissioner ricardo lara is working with regulators in state farm's home state, illinois, to get a full picture of the company's financial condition. >> the overall results for the industry are looking better and better, so yeah. i am hoping that commissioner ricardo lara's colleagues will help him push back on state farm's decision. >> will be watching. let's bring it home literally to your mailbox if you get a nonrenewal notice, take action immediately. the firm requires state farm will give you 60 days notice. you will need two months to shop around and find a new policy. you might need to contact an insurance broker who can shop around for coverage from companies you might not know about, gia? >> thank you. we will see if the district attorney plans to charge a
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woman accused of plowing into a bus stop and killing a family of four. she has been arrested but so far not charged. people have been bringing flowers and candles to the site of this crash, family was waiting for a bus, on saturday when an suv smashed into them. diego cardoso de oliveira, a brazilian national who worked at apple, his wife matilde pinto and their one-year-old and three month old sons ultimately died of injuries related to this crash. the driver of the s v, 76-year- old mary lau is said to be out of the hospital that has not been taken into custody. as of tonight it's not clear whether the police had finished the investigation and had the case over to the da. rising rents are now threatening to price san jose families out of the neighborhoods. they are just really hoping a new city housing policy will rescue them. here is nbc's robert handa. >> reporter: affordable housing complexes like this one being built in east san jose are a welcome sight for many working families in the area but sometimes no one in the immediate area actually gets to move in. a newly proposed city policy would change that.
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the alan rock apartments is a five story affordable housing complex that will eventually house 60 families. the units are only for those earning less than half of the median area income, a proposed preferred tenant that the ordinance would also require 20% of these units go to people already living in the neighborhood. a wife and mother says she hopes to be one of those preferred tenant. she has spent her life running from silicon valley's rising rents. >> being a daughter of a single mother, everest worked two jobs at fast food restaurants. we had to move literally every two years. we were never able to call plays my permanent home. >> the mayor and community members rallied outside the offices to make a last push for the program before tuesday's city council vote. >> when we ask the community to tax itself and build affordable housing, access is new development in their community, new neighbors, the traffic,
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it's only right that that neighborhood benefits which means low income residents in the neighborhood should have access to that affordable housing. >> maintenance is affordable housing developers they talked to are supported since the rents already restricted so no one loses money. ordinance also set aside that of any affordable housing development, in that council district, community organizers acknowledge that even with preference, many will still have to keep looking. >> we will push for other forms of relief. we are looking at local preference, also looking at land baking, land trust, community development corporations for people. >> liza says she is encouraged because she's been on a waiting list for years at another complex. >> if one or two people were able to rent the place it was heartbreaking because the
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process is a system right now. >> if the policy is approved on tuesday the city says it will click quickly set up an online portal for people to find out if they qualify and how to apply. in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. who gets the money? san francisco city leaders that they want to be first in line to get a piece of the $6 billion bond that california voters just narrowly passed. the city and the governor held separate events cheering the passage of proposition one, 61 $3 billion state bond funding facilities for more than 11,000 mental health beds. it also funds 26,000 outpatient slots, $2 billion will be for treating and housing vents, and another well $1 billion to prevent home key, which is the governor's housing program. >> the last time we had this effort it took over two years for the money to start going out. we will start putting out notices for funding availability in just a matter
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of months. the first one come out in october. >> he wants to fast-track it. making prop one work in the city is one of the mayor's top priorities. her staff had a formal meeting today in anticipation of the state calling for applications for the money. the search for a missing senior has come to a tragic tragic and we are learning the missing man was killed after he ended up on highway 11. on tuesday a silver alert was issued for this man 77-year-old ian went up san jose. chp confirmed he was hit by a vehie and the driver who struck him now faces potential dui charges. the accident happened on a one- to-one near mckee road and it's not clear why he was on the highway. a federal lawsuit is sending shockwaves through the silicon valley and beyond. the doj along with more than dozens have filed a lawsuit claiming apple is trying to monopolize the smartphone business. let's bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman who
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has been tracking the story all day. among the hardest hit by all of this right away immediately or apple shareholders. >> on an otherwise strong date for the stock market this and apple investors heading for the exit, apples value down 10% or $110 billion today. apple is using an iphone monopoly to stifle competition and hurt consumers. >> the department of justice says the apple iphone and ecosystem a couple monopoly that hurts consumers, developers, and other smart phone companies. >> for consumers that has meant fewer choices, higher prices and fees, lower quality smart phones, apps and accessories and less innovation from apple and its competitors. >> apple currently has or the half of the iphone market but of the first two people without walking around silicon valley, one had an iphone. >> apple.
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and the other, two android phones. proof that if you don't want to be part of what the doj called apples walled garden -- >> there are options for consumers out there. >> you don't have to. >> i don't know any consumer that feels locked in when they think the experience they have is subpar or painful. >> apple released a statement after the lawsuit was filed saying quote, this lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that that apple products apart in fiercely competitive bids. >> scott, that green bubble is if i am communicating with the samsung, right? >> absolutely, there's all sorts of ways where we could have a sort of gradual settlement , rise, perhaps opening up with the doj calling that walled garden to let certain android users use apple
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certain services and vice versa. several steps that couldn't be taken before what would be a fairly lengthy, expensive and complicated court case in the future. >> there is someone that things in my car to travel with you settlement? >> the doj could even backoff, after all, this isn't really a monopoly, you had many choices in the smartphone market. would be surprising if this goes to a court case because i don't think either side wants that. >> nightly news will continue coverage, lester holt joined us in 20 minutes from now at 6:30. a somber ceremony to mark one of the darkest days in oakland history, understand 2009, four oakland police officers were killed by a single gunman. it was the single does deadliest attack on police in california history. officer john hagy, were all killed by convicted felons wanting for a parole violation,
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two of the officers were killed when the felon opened fire during a routine traffic stop in the other two were killed as they tried to track down the gunmen. today a moment of silent marked 15 years since those murders. nearly 20,000 people attended the public memorial for the men killed at the time of this crime. up next, california fires giving some has appointment your noise over the few months. oracle park is showing off what is new for the upcoming season we will take you inside. we are one day shy of the weekend and we have some changes right now 65 degrees temperature will go down into the 50s, and increasing cloud cover and we are tracking rain in the forecast,
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we are back now with our climate in crisis series, a new
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warning from nasa about our rising levels. a new study shows the average sea level around the globe rose 76 centimeters and it might small to some but nasa said it is the same as training a quarter of lake superior into the ocean. nasa says 30 years of satellite data shows that the levels are up at least four inches in 1993, driven by global warming. the risk of higher sea levels can range from increased flooding to more dangerous storm surges along our coast. don't be alarmed if you see or hear a low-flying helicopter at night, cal fire pilots are doing nighttime training. people in parts of alameda, contra costa and santa clara counties may see or hear these choppers. overnight training will take place periodically over the next few months. pilots will train with night vision goggles to help hone their skills. the hope that more women may be considering a career in law enforcement after an event in san francisco today. the san francisco sheriff's
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office posted the second annual women in leadership conference to encourage the next era of women in law-enforcement. it is looking to increase the number of female deputies to 30% by 2030. >> law enforcement , politics, public service of any type, that's very important because we do want to get more women in this. i have to say, i was surprised to hear there was only 13% women in san francisco sheriff's department now. >> research suggests female officers use less force, less excessive force and see better outcomes for crime victims especially in sexual assault cases. let's have some fun, we know the giant made some big on- field additions for the upcoming seasons but we also like the story, what do the giants do to upgrade their menu? here's nbc's christie smith. >> reporter: what is new at oracle park this season? giants fans will have plenty to choose from, from noodles, to
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new bacon cheeseburgers. there is even an upgraded sound and lights system. >> is pretty amazing, this is our 66 year in san francisco and our 25th year in a small park. >> reporter: today giants president and ceo larry baer said talks about some of the highlights fans can expect the season. >> the whole premise is sort of here we go into a new quarter-century. it's amazing. the new ballpark is 25 years old now. so what we are going to do is we are going to just kind of get a whole revamping of the ballpark so a new lighting, which will be really cool, especially night games and to use lighting in new ways, technologies, a whole new sound system. >> today starting lineup opens with a video giving fans a sneak peek at what a night at oracle park will look like. >> we are incrementing a full color canopy, the first and i'll be ballpark to have the
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spotlight which will feel very similar to an nba arena. >> there is warm a whole lot more than peanut and cracker jacks. >> this year we will be introducing fuku which is an amazing restaurant and fried chicken concept by chef david chang, we will have is very notable fried chicken sandwich hear the ballpark. >> the new concession, they are hoping crab noodles, onion rings and a new waffle mix sunday will be a home run with giants fans. all of that tried and true fan favorites. >> cracks image and of course the garlic fries. he went there's plenty of giveaways and promotions. a new bikeway is also expected to open later this month along third street in front of oracle park, the countdown begins, the opening day is april 5th.
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in san francisco, christie smith, nbc area news. >> i need to get christie's list on what was her favorite. >> she should bring some here for some taste testing. >> agree. >> maybe on the 11:00 show. >> baseball being played today would've been gorgeous right? >> it would have been gorgeous and even though he did have some rain it's not a major rainmaker but it will pick up the wings and anytime we are dealing with twins, we want to talk about the concern for possible power outages or prepare for bringing anything you may have outside fly away, patio furniture, if you have a trampoline back there, anything of that nature, bring it inside today and tomorrow. the winds kicked up we are talking 30+. we don't have wind advisories in fact changed to tomorrow and we will let you know as soon as we do.
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51 degrees in san francisco. we do have one more day of temperatures that have been very comfortable. we have the 60 through the bay area, noticed san jose, 63, oakland 62, and to give you an idea where we are headed, we are already noticing cooling down to the topic, look at san jose about four degrees cooler but this is going to get even greater heading into the weekend because this is what we are monitoring, we have the system to the north, the cold front will sweep through. initially starting, more widespread, let's talk timing of this. if you want to follow along, it's right there at 5:00. early morning commutes should be okay. we won't see a big rain chance right there, for areas for the golden gate bridge, notices pots we do see some heavier pockets into reading and chico. the instability could trigger some thunderstorm activity heading into tomorrow and saturday. early saturday morning we do get a more organized line the
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kind of moves through some heavier pockets. this is also going to pick up the winds from the south and if you notice by about 4 a.m. we start to see that really moving in, spreading southward as well into sunday. we get more of a scattered activity. by sunday evening we start to see a lot of that clearing out. we can showers with cool weather, but also these gusty winds from the south. 4:00 for your friday, 33+ for san francisco, santa rosa getting dusty some of the higher peaks in the mountain tops down to the south we are talking 20+ and if i take this forward to saturday we will get a break to breezy early saturday but once again getting dusty by saturday afternoon. expect to keep those winds in effect and through the weekend another area we are monitoring is going to be lake tahoe. in the sierra range. starting amount evening to saturday evening we will see a winter storm warning going into
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effect along with the winter weather advisory, 2 to 3 feet could be possible, 5 to 6000 feet and 18 inches could be possible for some of those lower elevations and the gusty winds could make travel delays possible through that stress. is a closer look at what some of the models are looking at when it comes to snow totals. all the way through saturday and sunday, this is an accumulation of about three days. if you notice, some of the higher totals, some of those higher peaks with about 28 inches. that's a decent amount heading into the weekend which means, yes, that wintry mix is going to impact any possible delays on the road. for san francisco we will get some clearing on sunday, i mentioned how it's more shattered onset of bleeding into monday we will see temperatures cooling and i think what most people will notice aside from the gusty conditions is going to be how much cooler we are going to be. we will see 70, 75, 76, the festival days, daytime highs, the 60s into the overnight lows, it will definitely be a
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mix of sun and clouds. a gusty wind. >> you took us back to winter. >> just a brief spring shower, we will call it that. >> thanks vianey. >> >>
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance.
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a pfizer product. this is pretty cool,
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japanese students are getting the american high school is friends with visits to castle mountain high. 29 students from oklahoma got the shadow our local students and have an american high school lunch and castle month students in the pacific bridge club served in the post and welcome committee. next week the tables were turned and american students will be heading for a two-week trip to japan, taiwan, and the philippines >> i am so excited, i can't wait , i've always wanted to go to japan and i never thought i would go. pbc has given me the opportunity to go. >> students in the pacific bridge club, have taken lots of local field trips including marching in last year's chinese parade, the club's founders as it is working to raise awareness against aapi hate and give students better cultural enrichment. >> very, very awesome.
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san francisco celebrate the birth of the landmark hotel. is the 120th anniversary of the historic westin saint francis in union square. saint francis opened two years before the 1906 earthquake and while it survived, it also underwent a major rebuild following the quakes. city leaders celebrated the grand opening of the hotel museum featuring items that have been used throughout the hotel's history. >> and iconic spot for it. up next, don't be confused if you see a giant, this thing, baby chicken on your next trip to san jose's airport. honoring one of its very first flig business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else.
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a giant baby chick is taking over the san jose airport but it's not for easter, to commemorate a big anniversary. >> meet bernie. you can find him at terminal b , baggage claim, 75 years ago the very first commercial flight arrived at sjc, caring seven passengers and 2500 baby checks, that's why. there are other chick displays, spread among the terminals and if you take a picture with any of the pictures use it with the hashtag #sjc75. and arrest after an intense week in idaho. please capture an escaped inmate and the gunmen accused of shooting officers to help them get away.
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a lot happening. lester joins us right now from 30 rock in new york. breaking news tonight. the escaped inmate and his accomplice in idaho now caught, but not before they may have committed more horrifying violence. the dangerous convicted felon and the gunman police say broke him out of the hospital in a brazen ambush back in custody tonight. but while they were on the run, police say they may have killed two people. what we're learning. also tonight, the blockbuster lawsuit. the justice department accusing apple of having an illegal smartphone monopoly. what it could mean for your iphone. the new ntsb report on an american airlines plane running off the runway in dallas. the error investigators say caused the brakes to fail. the u.s. turning up the pressure on israel, calling for an immediate cease-fire and the release of all hostages held in gaza. back-to-back


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