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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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i'm raj mathai. next on "nbc bay area news tonight," a major blow for california homeowners. one of the state's largest insurers is dropping thousands of customers. also, he's wanted again. the man we've been following as part of our series called "saving san francisco" is on the run, this time from two
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different law enforcement agencies. we investigate. plus, the doj and california going after apple, accusing the company of creating a monopoly with the iphone. we're talking to attorney general rob bonta. and here comes the new menu at the ballpark. what to expect when the giants open the season. good evening. this is "nbc bay area news tonight." i'm raj mathai. what's the key to the san francisco mayoral race? the specific community that the candidates, including the current mayor, london breed, are fighting for. that story just ahead. but we start with the new details about that deadly crash at a bus stop. will the 78-year-old driver face criminal charges? mary lau is out of the hospital but is has not yet been taken into custody. this has been a heartbreaking story. lau drove her suv into a family of four who was waiting for a bus in san francisco's west
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portal neighborhood last saturday. diego de oliveira, who worked at apple, his wife matilda pinto, and their 1-year-old and 3-month-old sons all died. on monday, sfpd said lau was arrested and would be charged with felony vehicular manslaughter. it's not clear, though, if this case has been forwarded to the district attorney, who ultimately has to make the decision on filing charges. another big headline, thousands of california homeowners will soon be left without insurance. state farm says it's dropping about 2% of its policies here in the state. that equals to about 70,000 policies. state farm already stopped writing new homeowners policies within the state last year and raised its rates. the company says this will help it ensure long-term sustainability in california. the changes are only happening here in california, and impacted customers will start being informed in july. amy bach, with the united
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policyholders, says she's stunned by this decision. >> very frustrating. they just got a 20% rate increase. they just got it. >> at least seven of california's largest property insurers have either limited or completely paused new home insurance applications, citing that many of our buildings and homes are being destroyed by climate catastrophes like floods and wildfires. our consumer investigator, chris chmura, is looking into this latest chapter in our insurance crisis, including what you should do if all of a sudden your policy ends. you can watch his full report. we've posted it on our website, also tonight, governor newsom is pushing for a cease-fire in gaza. he wrote an open letter to california's muslim, palestinian american, and arab american communities. he says he supports president biden's call for a cease-fire as part of a deal to secure desperately needed relief for gazaen civilians and the release
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of hostages. it comes just one day before the u.s. plans to ask the u.n. security council to back a resolution. now, the governor wrote in part, "it's time to work in earnest toward an enduring peace that will funnish the lasting security, autonomy, and freedom that the palestinians and the israeli people both deserve." all right. do you have an iphone or an android, and does apple have too much power when it comes to the iphone? the cupertino-based company is now facing a lawsuit accusing it of having a monopoly. the doj and 16 states, including california, are suing. that lawsuit claims the iphone and other apple services like its digital wallet discourage customers from using rival devices or products. nbc's gia vang spoke one-on-one with california's attorney general about why he joined this lawsuit. >> they've secured significant market power in the performance smartphone and smartphone markets. 65% and 70% respectively.
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and they've used that power to block others from having access to the iphone, and they have deteriorated the performance of certain products, not because their offerings and their products are better, but because they have the power to do so. >> let me ask you this. has apple been open to having conversations outside the courtroom? >> you know, they have. they've been in touch with u.s. doj, who is the lead on this that we're working with. i believe they've met with them outside of a litigation environment, and that continues to be possible. there's a litigation track, you know, that we're following through the complaint filed today in district court, and there's always the possibility of conversation, you know, outside of that environment and getting to a solution.
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also following this case very closely, our business and tech reporter scott budman. i'm no legal expert as you know -- but i have a choice, right? i can go buy an android? i can go by an iphone. >> that's the big question. it doesn't seem like we have a monopoly. if you want a different phone, there are many watches. there are all sorts of ways that you can hit other companies or even other operating systems. and so you do have a choice if you don't want -- we all know people who have tried the iphone and chosen something else. >> and the doj, this is a national thing, and the doj mentions that little green bubble when you get someone who doesn't have an iphone. it's annoying, i get it. but is that illegal? why bring that up in a case like this? >> it actually sort of fits in because i-message is something apple created. this is kind of the crux of the doj's case. apple created imessage to make it easier specifically --
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>> for apple to apple people. >> exactly. you can exchange memes and videos. if you go apple to android, some of the memes won't go through. some of the videos won't go through. and, yeah, the bubbles turn a different color. i don't know if that status is such a bad thing, but it's not the exact same experience. so legitimately that's a change. does that mean consumers suffer? i'm not sure. >> apple's response to all of this? are they taking this seriously, and the attorney general said maybe there's an agreement outside of court. >> apple stock lost $110 billion in value today alone after that thing was filed. >> it was a big day at the stock market. >> it was an otherwise very positive day. >> apple tanked. they came out and said, the lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that set their products apart. apple makes a very, very big chunk of its revenue from the iphone. so if the doj is threatening the iphone, it's threatening apple's dominance in this area and all of the revenue it makes. that's why i think apple is going to go back to what attorney general rob bonta was
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saying. >> settle this out of court? >> exactly. they really want to do that. let's move on now. this story is fascinating. the complicated and troubled man at the center of our series called "saving san francisco." that man is once again wanted, this time by both local and federal authorities. for a couple years now, our investigative unit has followed the story of james durr begin. he's a former schoolteacher who became addicted to drugs and has struggled with homelessness and mental health. by his own estimate, he's been arrested more than 100 times in san francisco. over the weekend, durgin was released from jail. a couple days later, sfpd says he violated his probation, so that's this week. today durgin was supposed to show up in federal court as part of a separate case. he didn't show. so now federal prosecutors are asking for a warrant for his arrest. joining us now is our senior investigative reporter bigad shaban. bigad, is law enforcement concerned about his whereabouts, or is he just another guy now on
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our streets? >> you know, there's a back story here, raj. the hearing today, the federal hearing stems from a vandalism charge. he was accused of leaving these somewhat cryptic messages on the front doors of people's homes in the presidio. something like "she's mine, she's my love." neighbors in the area believe all this graffiti was targeted towards one woman, a neighbor of theirs. her name is ann ray. we've shared her story on this program many times, and she story was also profiled in our "saving san francisco" series. she's someone who didn't know durgin until she says durgin tried breaking into her home. she filed a restraining order against him, has had one against durgin since 2017, but he has been repeatedly caught on camera. you're seeing it here, violating that restraining order, continually showing up to ann's house at all hours of the day. at one point, raj, even naked. so ann fears that in this period now where he's out of jail, she worries he'll attempt to come back to her house, and frankly
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she's worried about her safety, raj. >> it must be terrifying for her. so is neenachtively searching for james durgin. >> it's the u.s. park police that's in charge of patrolling that area, and we have learned that park police has actually circulated a photo of james durgin to all of its officers that patrol the area in case durgin attempts to come back to ann's home. >> bigad, you've been on this for a couple years. there are hundreds if not thousands of people with mental health issues. >> we really liked to look into social ills plaguing the city and solutions for how to fix it and that sort of connecting thread throughout all of it is james durgin and his story. it's a very complicated story. this is someone who was a star teacher. he was a fitness coach.
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he was, as his friends have described him, the person you wanted to go to if you saw him at a party. he lit up the room. so how did this person become now one of san francisco's hundreds of homeless individuals who is struggling with mental health issues? this is someone who repeatedly, raj, has been ordered into rehab and oftentimes within hours, he disables his ankle monitor, and he walks out. and then he's on the run again, and then resources are put towards trying to find him, and he's arrested. and it has been this cyclical unfortunate circle. and when you look at it, james durgin admittedly -- we spoke to him in prison a couple of years ago -- or in jail, rather -- he doesn't seem to be better off for it. the community that says he keeps terrorizing neighbors in that neighborhood, they don't seem to be any better off for it. and by some estimates, raj, the amount of money that it's cost to basically conduct hearings for james durgin, incarcerate
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him, send him to all these rehab services, it's easily at least half a million dollars. >> sure. >> if not more. the question is why? so we want to continue to sort of showcase his story that's emblematic of a much larger problem because if we can't get it right for just this one individual, what does this say about the entire system? >> we just hope that no one gets hurt when he's out right now on the streets. bigad, thank you. you can watch all six of our episodes of "saving san francisco." we've posted it on our website. you can stream it on peacock, roku, and other platforms. up next, the mayoral race in san francisco. the candidates for mayor fighting for support from the aapi community ahead of the november election. we'll tell you what they're doing. also, we're at oracle park for a sneak peek and a little taste of the new
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welcome back to "nbc bay area news tonight." this is when the real fight really begins. who's going to be the next mayor of san francisco? and can that person clean up the city and make it safer? it's not just a local story. people across the country are watching to see who the voters elect. mayor london breed is running for re-election, but she has some prominent challengers, including supervisor ahsha safai. venture capitalist mark farrell, and nonprofit executive daniel lurie. we know the big issues here.
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crime, homelessness and drugs. but what about the communities these candidates are targeting? these a scramble to get support from the aapi community. a recent poll suggests mayor breed may be losing support from asian voters. that poll showed 80% of aapi voters disapprove of her performance. daniel lurie and mark farrell are acting on this. kit, nice to have you on the program. this is a big deal in the chinese community, you joining forces and endorsing lurie. why do it? >> well, i wasn't in politics until three years ago when i was involved in the school board recall. i have two students in public schools. when i saw my kids and other students were suffering academically and emotionally and the school members were not
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doing their jobs, i decided to -- the recall campaign. for the past two years, i've been an advocate for parents, community safety, in the asian and chinese community. so daniel has two kids, and he's fighting for the city. with the state of our city now, it's time for me to get involved and join daniel. >> mark farrell also added a asian american community leader to his campaign. is this the game plan here? whoever wins the asian vote wins the election? >> well, you know, in san francisco, everyone knows that we need asian votes and chinese american votes in order to win citywide election. so 37% of san francisco population is asian. more and more asian americans in san francisco are engaged in city politics because of various reasons -- anti-asian hate, crime.
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we saw some recent election that asian american votes can heavily influence results. so in san francisco, monolingual chinese voters are more reserved. in general, you won't see them going out protesting, but they will vote to make their voice heard. >> you talked about connecting with the asian community and listening to their voices. we reached out to mayor breed's re-election campaign a short while ago. they issued this statement. quote, she stood strong with the aapi community during the challenging years of covid and the rise of asian hate, increasing public health support, adding police presence, protecting seniors, and launching community patrols. do you agree with this? >> mayor breed can say whatever she wants. i'm not here to criticize her. but the sentiment on the street is that people don't feel safe, and voters will make their voice heard in november. and, you know, speaking of why i
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want to help daniel lurie, one of the reasons is i was an anti-corruption officer in hong kong, and daniel and i share the same belief that we are not afraid to take on city hall's corruption and incompetence. >> kit, appreciate your time. one last question for you. are you afraid or possibly concerned that the lurie/farrell could cut into each other's votes, which would open up the pathway for mayor breed? >> well, again, i'm not here to speculate the result of the election. voters will decide in november. >> fair enough. kit lam, appreciate your time. good luck with the election in eight months from now. >> thank you so much. we also asked former mayor willie brown about mayor breed's chances. mayor brown is a longtime supporter, as you might know, of mayor breed. >> i believe london breed can defeat anybody who runs against
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her for the job she already has. if it was her making an application for the job, it's a different level of assessment of skill set, different level of assessment of attractiveness. i think she is smarter enough, clever enough, good enough, and functional productively enough to beat any of those guys that are now running or thinking about running. >> this is expected to be a close race. we should note tomorrow, a member of mayor breed's re-election campaign will be on this program at 7:00. let's take a live look outside now on this thursday. this is walnut creek. our meteorologist, vianey arana, our meteorologist, vianey arana, joins us nt with theex
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we love this. show me the food. today at oracle park, the giant. today at oracle park, the giants offered a sneak peek of their new menu. addition to the classics like garlic fries, we now have crab noodles, a bacon cheeseburger, all sorts of fried chicken, onion rings, and something called a waffle mitt sundae. i like that. it's not just the food either. >> the new ballpark is 25 years old now, so what we're going to do is we're going to just kind of give a whole revamping of the ballpark. so a new lighting system, which
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will be really cool, especially night games and to use lighting in new ways, new technologies. a whole new sound system, which is going to be, you know, it's going to be loud and proud. >> loud and proud. here's the deal. the giants open the season a week from tonight, march 28th. but then the home opener at oracle park is friday, april 5th, when the giants host the san diego padres. vianey arana is with us. what larry baer is trying to say is it's going to start looking like a club at oracle park. >> with the lighting, yeah. one of the best aspects of going to sporting events, is the food, but it's even better when the weather works out. weather-wise, we've been enjoying the 70s, and it's been absolutely stunning. right now, weather pattern is still calm. temperatures in the 60s and 50s. but that's going to soon change. let's get to your microclimate forecast as we've got a system making its approach. that's going to drop our temperatures down. it's going to kick up some winds, and, yes, we've got rain.
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you can see it right here developing just out in the pacific. this cold front is going to sweep through starting out in the north bay initially. let's look at some of the timing when it comes to this moving in. for your morning commute, it says friday, 8:00 a.m. you should be okay for the commute. it should be until about 10:00, 11:00, that areas north of the golden gate bridge will see some rain. around 2:00, you see rain moving into fremont, palo alto, danville, down through the south bay. by the evening, we will get more of a widespread effect. you can see that line of showers moving through san francisco. it's going to remain on and off throughout your friday evening into early saturday morning. your saturday plans do include some rain in the forecast. as this cold front passes through, the instability could trigger the possibility for some thunderstorms, and we've got sierra snow. rain totals wise, taking it through saturday and sunday, you'll notice some of the highest totals will be for the north bay and coastal mountains. everywhere else, we're talking a
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little over an inch all the way through monday. we're going to see winds kick up from the south, 20 to 30-plus miles per hour, starting tomorrow afternoon, taking it all the way through saturday. we see those kicking up around 3:00. your seven-day forecast, we'll get some partial clearing on sunday at times, but even then, the highest we're going to see is about 58 degrees for san francisco. check out these inland temperatures, raj. we're going to drop down by as much as 10 degrees by the time that we get to saturday. so one more day in those 70s. >> that's not baseball weather. >> uh-uh. not with the wind. >> the following week. here's what's coming up on prime time on nbc. it's law & order night. law & order at 8:00.
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