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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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next on nbc bay area news, the weekend and the rain is here. we have the timeline and how much snow is coming to the sierra. oakland finally has a new police chief. >> chief mitchell is a strong
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leader. >> we go one-on-one with the mayor about her decision and issues already being raised. princess catherine explains her months long absence from the public eye. >> at the time it was thought that my condition was noncancerous. however, after the operation cancer had been present. >> what we know and don't know about her diagnosis. why doesn't santa clara have a downtown? there is a push to change that. good evening, this is nbc bay area , we have made it to friday and there is a lot happening as we head into the weekend. let's start with this storm. the rain is already here for a lot of us. check out the bay bridge. there is also a look from our exclusive storm ranger radar.
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the most accurate radar in the market. you can see it tracking the rain as we speak. it will also bring more snow to the sierra. the sugar bowl resort says they are expecting another two feet of fresh powder this weekend. we are talking spring skiing. happy friday, to you. >> happy friday, indeed. we are expecting more snow. turning your attention to the satellite and radar, it does a nice job showing you that rotation of the low pressure system. also detecting some lightning far north. there will be a chance of thunderstorm activity tonight into saturday. you can see the scan here showing some light to moderate rain moving through san francisco and livermore. in the south bay, santa cruz has some light rain coming
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down, making its way into fremont and san jose. this will come in waves, at that late, 8:00-9:00 hour. a brief break overnight into saturday morning and here is what you can expect. into tonight, still keeping periods of rain, also windy at times, 18 to 25, a little gustier in the hilltops. into the weekend we keep that chance for thunderstorms, and we could even see the possibility of some hail and lightning in tomorrow's forecast. and of course we've got the sierra winter storm warning in effect through sunday. we will catch a break but we do have more instability that will include potential delays and impacts to the sierra. >> it is kind of like partially gloomy outside right now. you can stay on top of the weather by downloading our free
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nbc bay area app. just point your phone's camera at the qr code on the left side of your screen . it will take you right to the app. after more than a year, oakland has finally done it. they are hiring a police chief. in a video message the mayor announced that floyd mitchell will be taking over opd. most recently he was the police chief in lubbock, texas for four years. it is about half the population of oakland. he was also the chief in temple, texas and is an air force veteran. he is credited with bringing down overall crime while at the helm in lubbock but does come with some controversy. he resigned as lubbock's chief after criticism about 911 call times in lubbock. the number of people hanging up before getting their calls answered double in two years. as we reported, oakland has its
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own issues with 911. today the mayor told nbc that she believes mitchell is the best person for the job. >> in regards to the 911 calls, i had the same issues and this is why during the interview i asked him directly about this very situation. to be quite honest, i was very impressed about his response. he didn't make excuses but instead talked about what he learned from the experience. so i am excited he will bring that experience over to add on to what we are going through with the 911 system in oakland. >> what made now incoming police chief mitchell stand out among all other candidates? >> what stood out for me with chief mitchell is that he is committed to crime reduction strategy, that is with the cease-fire strategy, not just that, but talked about
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proactive policing, making sure crimes don't happen. make sure to intervene before the crimes take place. also mentioned the strong officer community engagement. he is a strong leader, smart crimefighter and more so, delivers results. i'm always looking for leaders who i'mhiring and they can give the city of oakland what they deserve. >> you know that the residents of oakland have been waiting over a year for a new police chief, right. but also the reality is that they don't stick around very long, they just want to see substantial change. they want to know that there is stability within city government and the police department. what is your message to them as we welcome in the new chief? >> my message to the businesses and the residences, just, thank you.
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it has felt like a long time, over a year before we could find a permanent chief, but just know that we in the city of oakland deserve the best and i do believe this is the missing link to our public safety strategy. in taking a comprehensive approach, and with that being said, please give the opportunity to the chief to come in and meet you all. >> stability has been a huge problem in the east bay. oakland has had 12 police chiefs in the past 20 years. the last chief is currently suing the city for wrongful termination after he was fired last february. incoming chief mitchell has to still clear some state requirements before he can officially take over and is expected to formally start his job in late april or early may. also tonight, a school substitute teacher in hayward is among six men busted for trying to have sex with
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underage children. these arrests were part of a sting operation in contra costa county in february. for five days officers posed as children to try to find sexual predators online. investigators say 37-year-old joseph martinez, substitute english teacher at tennyson high school engaged in chats with two officers that he thought were 13-year-old girls. he sent inappropriate photos and claim that he took them in class. the school district said once they heard of the arrest released him from employment. california now has the highest unemployment rate in the country. here is a look at some of the local numbers. in february the east palos 2400 jobs, about 1000 jobs lost in san francisco and the south bay, just about 100 jobs lost. not big numbers but significant nonetheless. while at hub, which tracks these numbers, calls it a
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correction. >> it is very common for companies to scale back on hiring or resort to layoffs. >> the hiring slowdown may not last long, venture capitalists say they are likely to find more startups this year, which with likely lead to job growth. today, and emotional and stunning announcement from the princess of wales. after months of no public appearances and lots of speculation, the 42-year-old mother of three announced she is undergoing cancer treatment. >> it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family but i have a fantastic medical team. >> revealing her health struggle this video message released by the royal palace, saying after having abdominal surgery in january, she was
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hospitalized for two weeks. doctors found what she said that cancer had been present. she also explained her silence, saying it took time to explain the diagnosis to her children. >> william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken time for me to recover from major surgery so i could start my treatment, most importantly it has taken time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that is appropriate for them and to reassure them that i will be okay. >> it is obviously making headlines across the globe. joining us now is an oncologist at ucsf. thank you for being with us. we should be very clear, the princess did not reveal what type of cancer she is being treated for but i will ask you this, is finding cancer after surgery, is that common? >> thanks for having me.
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we have a lot of questions based on princess kate's message. commonly it is not our regular practice to find cancer suddenly during surgery. most times when nations are having a cancer specific surgery, where there is known to have cancer or high suspicion of potentially finding cancer based on what we see on radiology tests and ct scans and things of that regard, however, every time someone undergoes surgery, that is sent in to pathology. they can then look at those pieces of tissue through a microscope and tell us whether or not there is potentially cancer cells they are. >> can you explain what preventative chemo is? so many of us had cancer impact our families, but preventative chemo, i'm not too familiar with that. >> it is not really a medical turn we would commonly use.
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i think princess kate was trying to use a term that perhaps the public would think of and identify. what we really call this in oncology is abdomen chemotherapy. it is providing email therapy and drugs after somebody has had a big surgery or procedure to remove cancer with the goal of trying to reduce the chances that cancer may return or come back in the future or potentially get rid of some small cancer cells, which we can't completely remove during surgery. this is something that we do commonly in certain types of cancers, but it depends on the specific answer type, what stage it is, and what some of the genetics associated with that cancer are. >> final question, what kind of awareness that this public announcement create around the globe for someone as high- profile as she is? >> i think it is really
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important that she shares her story. it is a moment to increase education. and for us to bring a message forward to the general community of how common cancer is. in the united states this year there will be over 2 million people diagnosed with cancer. it is something that clearly can affect everybody. it is important for us to say that cancer does not discriminate. everyone with access to health care, and as privileged as she is, she can get cancer, and any of us can. and really to know that even though cancer incidence overall and the chances of dying from cancer have been improving with medical advances, we note that in young people in particular, within their 30s and 40s, cancer has been increasing. we don't understand why but we have to pay attention to making sure people get screening
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tests, see their doctors and are aware, particularly of young women, what type of cancers they are at higher risk for. breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical, and even lung cancer. >> thank you for your time. we appreciate it. have a good weekend. >> thank you. from a candidate in san francisco's mayoral race fighting for support from the asian american community. can london breed do enough to get re-elected. is possible to create a downtown santa clara? they are working on it.
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welcome back, the election is in november but the scramble begins now in the san francisco mayor's race. can london breed hauled off the other candidates? winning the aip i community which makes up about a third of the population, a quantico poll showed 80% of voters disapprove of mayor breeds performance. both candidates have hired prior prominent leaders. on this very program we spoke to keep lamb, who was hired to be the campaign director.
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he is an influential member of the chinese community. >> as heart of our reporting we also reached out to mayor breeds campaign and we are joined by one of her supporters. thank you for being with us. nice to have you on the program. >> thanks for having me. >> you've known this for years, the importance of the asian american vote in the city, is it disheartening to see the recent poll where people were dissatisfied with mayor breeds? >> i don't think it is the same sentiment i experienced day-to- day in the asian american community. >> how do you flip the script to get the support from the community for this election whether you see it on the streets or from that poll? >> i don't think it is so much flip the script because the mayor is out there in the community, doing things to
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serve the community. she has shown, i know a lot of people have talked about property crime and crime on the street, but the reality is, data shows that property crime is down 29%, violent crime is down 17%. i think sometimes people jump on the bandwagon, but i think the mayor has been very solution based. >> we also spoke with someone from daniel's campaign. >> the sentiment on the street is that people don't feel safe and voters will make their voices heard. daniel and i share the same belief that we are not afraid to take on the corruption and incompetence. >> do you agree with what he said in terms of crime and corruption in city hall and is that something that you can pin on any mayor right now? >> i don't agree with what he is saying. if you look at the data, at the
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peak in 2021 it was up, so far this year it has been two. the previous year, it was about 17. we can see a steep decline in that and a big part of that is that the mayor funded senior escorts for the aip i community so people could feel safe going to see their friends and go to doctor appointments. personally, i self, the mayor reached out to merchants in chinatown and sunset to understand their needs. again, that is not the sentiment i see on the street. >> well said. do you think it will be a tight race and how does the mayor separate herself from the other candidates? >> any time there is a mayor's race i think there should be a tight race.
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but mayor breed is different from the other two candidates because she has had the job and has been doing the job and has been doing well. i think the men that are running, one has had the opportunity to show what he can do for the asian american community and it was my understanding that at the time he really did not do that much. the other strong candidate in this race, i think his intentions are good but he has not proven to be an effective leader. >> like you said, all mayor's races are usually very close. i appreciate your time tonight, have a good weekend. >> thank you so much. we mentioned in yesterday's interview, you can watch all of those on and on our nbc bay area app. back in a moment.
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the city of santa clara has a downtown problem. the problem is, it doesn't have one. there is a plan to change that. we have a walking tour of the new plan. >> it's hard to believe that santa clara has gone so long without an actual downtown. starting on monday they plan to get public input on a new downtown. despite the modern attractions, a survey shows that people still miss a downtown and they like the remnants that they still have.
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even these trees are from the old location. they want to see cafes, retail and entertainment centers. they will start soliciting public comments at the santa clara convention center starting monday at noon with another session scheduled for april 3rd. the rain is here, you likely already noticed it, and we will continue to see periods of on and off rain through tonight. moving through the south bay right now, san jose can expect to keep this through tonight and early saturday morning. chance of thunderstorms for saturday and sunday. >> thanks for joining us, have a great weekend.
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i'm headed to the home to someone who has been creating award-winning wine for decades. a total of 16 wines that have received 100 point scores including six this year. we get to check out the private collection. such a pleasure to finally meet you. you are pretty much a legend in winemaking in napa valley. i want to know, what made you go into the winemaking business in the first place? >> first, i don't know about the legend stuff, i've just been here a long time. and the wine industry, it's been about half a century. i had a club with a bunch of people who loved wine at the jazz club.
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they said, come to napa valley, it is up-and-coming. go up there, find out what people are doing, get to know napa valley. >> reflections of the veneer shares reflections and stories of napa valley wine country. >> back in the '70s when i came here, and in the '80s, we had julia child, of course. and there was this explosion in interest in fine wine and fine food and they converged here in napa valley. i started with some cooking schools, became close friends with julia childs. and a wonderful chef, madalyn, it was really just the excitement of the wine and food, and in 1992 we had thomas
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keller who started, well didn't start, the french laundry was there but it became his. we have over 1000 wine brands. >> what makes a great wine? he says to start with great quality grapes grown in an extraordinary plot of dirt. wow, look at this collection. it's like a museum in here. so how would you describe your wine collection? >> it is a collective, it is historic. it is very close to me because so many winemakers that are represented here, it allows me to travel. >> so many countries represented here. >> we have a lot from the u.s.,
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france, a few appellations, italy, hungary, spain, croatia. >> 1912. >> 1912. and it has a little history to it. a lot of people don't realize that in the 1800s napa valley was rocking and rolling, and by 1950 there were less than 50. >> what is your oldest vintage? >> this here, a family i met in got to know fairly well in portugal back in my import days, and they gave me two bottles from 1873. i think the secret is finding somebody, possibly in the
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industry. >> can i take you with me when i go shopping? >> yeah, i'm in. open a bunch of wines with people, talk about them and do a little bit of research. if you can't do that, find a friend in the industry, in sales, possibly, make a friend. if that person is really good at what they do, they will not tell you, you have to buy this because it's what i like, they will ask you, what do you like? the first wine with my name on it. 2001. >> if i were to describe this as a season, i'd say fall. cheers. thank you, so much. >> my pleasure. present. this, of course, came as a huge shock. >> princess kate stuns the world sharing the secret of her battle with cancer


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