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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  March 23, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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and, of course, the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." good night, everybody. bye-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with
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seth meyers." tonight -- james corden, from "echo," actress devery jacobs, comedian nico carney. featuring the 8g band with colleen clark. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. and now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. former president trump's campaign is reportedly focusing its fund-raising efforts on recruiting mega donors. yeah, i wonder why. [ light laughter ] suddenly 50 bucks just ain't cutting it anymore. [ light laughter ] president biden traveled today to south florida for fund-raisers in palm beach and miami, while trump traveled to new york for the exact opposite of a fund-raiser. [ light laughter ] cnn published a report yesterday about the federal government's new energy efficiency standards titled "joe biden is not coming for your gas stoves." and i think it's a sign of times how many headlines sound like things you say to calm your grandma down. [ laughter ]
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"nana, it's okay. there are no hippies in your root cellar." [ laughter ] new york senator kirsten gillibrand over the weekend called on president biden to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level. though i don't think you're going to get progressive action on marijuana from someone who definitely still calls it reefer. [ laughter ] "yeah, you're better than that. yeah, you don't want to mess around. that stuff, it's no good for you. it's no good for you." [ light laughter ] the producers of the puppy bowl have released this year's lineup, and more than 60 dogs will be featured plus a halftime show by pitbull. [ laughter ] mike scollins wrote that joke. i think it's the first joke he ever wrote that i can tell my kids. [ laughter ] in a new foreword in the paperback version of his memoir, former national security adviser john bolton criticized former president trump and said, quote, "a mountain of facts demonstrates that trump is unfit
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to be president." and it's never a good sign when a paperback book has the strongest spine in the party. [ audience ohs ] it's a book burn. [ light laughter ] elon musk announced yesterday that his brain science start-up neuralink has implanted a device into a human for the first time. and maybe the last time? >> ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. [ laughter ] they've only got 17 seconds to figure this whole thing out, right? bom. okay. missile launch. psh, poom. [ laughter and applause ] >> seth: didn't go well. [ laughter ] a 16-year-old partially blind dog with a heart condition recently went missing. it was found at a local bar about a mile from its home. the dog has since been reunited with its family and was given an honorary country music award. [ laughter ] muslim and palestinian students at harvard university filed a federal civil rights complaint yesterday that claims the school failed to protect them from harassment.
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wow, things are so weird at harvard right now that i talked to someone that went there, and they didn't even bring it up. [ laughter ] i saw colin jost in the hallway. he was wearing a michigan hoodie. [ laughter ] wow, we really did him dirty on the photoshop. [ laughter ] my friend colin walks like this. [ laughter ] we couldn't find a single picture where he was just standing straight? [ light laughter ] amazon announced yesterday it will not proceed with a deal to purchase the vacuum maker irobot due to -- oh, i missed it. [ light laughter ] well, i could have just kept going. you guys want to hear the word i missed? amazon announced yesterday it will not proceed with a deal to purchase the vacuum maker irobot due to, quote -- [ laughter ]
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[ applause ] "undue and disproportionate regulatory hurdles." and as anyone that owns a roomba can tell you, they don't do well with hurdles. [ light laughter ] in the end, it didn't matter. [ laughter ] i was worried my [ bleep ] up would ruin the rhythm, but -- [ laughter ] it still had such a satisfying landing. or maybe the joke was never good! [ light laughter ] we'll never know! don't you judge me in your corner! oh, it's easy to judge in the corner. in the corner you'll stay! and finally, krispy kreme is offering heart-shaped donuts in honor of valentine's day. it's the perfect way to tell her, "i just remembered what today was." [ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody. we are off and running. [ cheers and applause ] we got a great show for you tonight. he's a tony and emmy winner and
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for eight years, for eight years his show aired opposite this one. and even though it was a white-hot rivalry, we never stopped texting about our beloved west ham. we never will. his new interview show "this life of mine" premieres thursday on sirius xm. my good friend james corden is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] very excited to have james back on the show. and she is a very talented actress you know from "rutherford falls," "american gods," and "reservation dogs." she is one of the stars of marvel's "echo" on disney+. devery jacobs will also be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] and we will have stand-up from the very funny nico carney, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] speaking of podcasts, my brother and i have a podcast called "family trips with the meyers brothers." a new episode dropped today. it is our good friend sarah silverman. do check it out. we all grew up in the same hometown. me, sarah, and my brother. me and my brother you probably knew. [ cheers and applause ]
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look at that. everybody's happy. same hometown gets a round of applause. moving on. just the idea of hometowns, everybody is like, "yeah, i like that." you guys, the past couple of decades have been tough on the journalism industry, but recent developments have some worried that it may be on the brink of death. it's just one of the troubling trends going on "in other news." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: as the internet has taken over how we read the news, print newspapers and magazines have declined rapidly. the last time i saw someone in new york reading a physical newspaper, it was in a play. [ light laughter ] but some legacy publications have figured out how to thrive in the online era. the "new york times," for instance, has thrived thanks to popular word games, and can you blame them? the news is so depressing, at this point people are only willing to learn about climate change from wordle. [ laughter ] other publications haven't been so fortunate. for instance, the "l.a. times," the biggest newspaper in the country's second largest city, recently laid off over 115 staffers, more than 20% of its workforce. leading many to worry the paper
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could go out of business completely. and l.a. can't afford to lose its biggest newspaper. people in l.a. spend almost all of their time either in their home or in their car. unlike new yorkers, they can't get their news from the street. [ light laughter ] i can get a full recap of the day's headlines just by standing in line at the deli. there's basically a news anchor in my lobby. by the time i leave my building, i've already heard about the sports, the weather, and updates i don't want to know about that weirdo in 4d. just let me believe the smell is his cooking, robert. [ light laughter ] and if you don't think a longstanding publication like the "l.a. times" could just disappear, look at what happened to "sports illustrated" earlier this month. the company that publishes the 70-year-old magazine told employees it would lay off many of them after a separate company that licensed that company to publish "sports illustrated" revoked that license. and if you're confused what that means, you're not alone, because ownership of "sports illustrated" has a very complicated recent history. in 2018, it was purchased by meredith publishing, which then
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sold it in 2019 to a licensing company called authentic brands. then a different company called the maven, which later changed its name to the arena group, struck an agreement with authentic to operate and publish the magazine. no one can follow that trajectory, not even sports fans. and there are sports fans that could tell you every single team bartolo colon pitched for. cleveland, montreal, the white sox, the angels, the red sox, the white sox again, the yankees, the a's, the mets, the braves, the twins, and the rangers. and that's not even on cue cards. i just know that. [ cheers and applause ] then last august, a majority stake in the arena group was purchased by manoj bhargava, the entrepreneur behind 5-hour energy, raising hopes he might provide a measure of stability. anytime you're relying on the 5-hour energy guy to bring about stability, you're already in trouble. you don't bring in the 5-hour energy guy for stability. you bring him in because your paper is due, the sun's coming up, and you're still a little bit drunk. [ laughter ]
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no one's ever said, "hey, this meeting's getting pretty heated. let's all take a moment, chug a 5-hour energy, and let cooler heads prevail." the only thing that would be a bigger red flag is if "sports illustrated" had been bought by the company behind bodega boner pills. [ laughter ] there had been some warning signs about "sports illustrated's" downfall. in november, reports circulated that "sports illustrated" published product reviews from fake authors generated by artificial intelligence, including this one by someone named drew ortiz, whose bio stated, "drew has spent much of his life outdoors and is excited to guide you through his never-ending list of the best products to keep you from falling to the perils of nature. nowadays there's rarely a weekend that goes by where drew isn't out camping, hiking, or just back on his parents' farm." sometimes a.i. is so good it's scary, and other times it just sucks so bad. [ laughter ] if a.i. created that as your tinder profile, everyone who read it would say, "oh, a serial killer. so you're a serial killer." [ light laughter ] "i'd love to take you to dinner to discuss the perils of nature." [ laughter ]
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right now you're probably thinking, "well, if these publications can't bring in readers, they don't deserve to survive." but that's the thing. they still do bring in readers. in december, drew more than 50 million visitors, doubling its audience from four years earlier. so what do all these websites have in common? anti-union ownership that's only concerned with cutting costs and delivering profits to shareholders or making rich people richer. not about giving readers quality journalism. sometimes even when it looks like someone is trying to save journalism, they aren't. this month the "baltimore sun," the nearly 200-year-old newspaper with the largest circulation in maryland, was purchased by david smith, the executive chairman of the sinclair broadcast group, and it's not going great. in his initial meet and greet with employees, smith trashed the work they'd been doing and stood by his previous comments that print media is left-wing, meaningless drivel. he also said he'd only read the paper four times in the last few months. so why would david smith even want to buy the "baltimore sun"? maybe revenge. you see, in 1996, the sun reported that smith was caught by police in an undercover sting while receiving oral sex from a prostitute in a company-owned car with the embarrassing detail
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that the prostitute broke off conversation with an undercover police officer when she saw her regular date driving in the area. [ laughter ] so not only was dave smith paying for sex, he was silver medallion status. [ laughter ] i'm not saying the guy bought the newspaper just to get back at them for reporting on him getting busted with a prostitute in 1996. more likely he bought the newspaper to keep them from reporting on it the next time he gets busted with a prostitute. or, worse, so he can use reporters like drew ortiz to provide alibis. this is why staffers at "the new york daily news" and "forbes" staged walkouts last week. this is what our industry went on strike over last year, and if we're not careful, it will happen to every industry. think about it. thousands of workers laid off and millions of americans at risk of being left without a trustworthy local news source. the internet has eroded the business model of local newspapers, and instead of investing time and money to make quality journalism sustainable, rapacious hedge funds and private equity titans are bleeding newspapers dry. there are success stories like the "new york times," but we
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need more. otherwise, we'll all be getting the news from our doormen. this has been "in other news." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we'll be right back with james corden, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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here at papa johns, we know our stuff! so try our garlic epic stuffed crust pizza. made with our iconic garlic sauce flavor, mixed with cheese and hand stuffed into that papa johns original dough! no one stuffs a crust like papa johns.
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the market's a doozy. but you might be closer to owning than you think. zillow has the tools and experts that can help you find what you can afford. see what's possible with zillow. roll up to easter with fast and easy drive up. [ upbeat music plays ] drive up is fast, easy, and always free only at target. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band right over there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back with us tonight on drums, she's an assistant professor at the university of south carolina, where she founded the national music program, jazz girls day. her band alliance will release their debut album march 15th on shifting paradigms. follow her on instagram @colleendrums. colleen clark is here, everybody. >> thank you, seth. >> seth: thank you for being
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with us, colleen. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is a tony and emmy-winning actor who spent eight years hosting "the late late show with james corden." his new interview show, "this life of mine" premieres february 1st on sirius xm stars channel 109, and the sirius xm app. please welcome back to the show our good friend james corden, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back. >> hi. how are you? >> seth: welcome back to the states. welcome back to a talk show studio. >> i know. >> seth: you got out of the life. >> i did. >> seth: you got out of the life. >> i did. >> seth: i feel like -- >> and you can too. [ laughter ] >> seth: i do -- >> that's all i'm doing. i went to see jimmy last night. i'm going to go see stephen in a minute. and i'm going to say, "listen, i know they make you feel like you've got to do this --" [ laughter ] >> seth: i've got to do it.
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>> you don't. >> seth: i've got to do it, and i've got to do it tomorrow, and then i've got to do it the next day. >> oh, that's -- that's the thing you realize. >> seth: yeah. how much more time do you have in your day, james? >> oh -- oh, that can have -- that's a double-edged sword. >> seth: right. that's true. >> that's -- and i've got time to really contemplate. [ laughter ] it's got quite a -- >> seth: you're keeping busy. >> -- dark place. >> seth: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> no, i've not been doing anything in truth. i really -- i really decided to -- we were so conscious, my wife and i, that we were moving. you know, we have three kids. they're 12, 9, and 6. and to take them, to lift them up from los angeles and be back in london, for me then to leave would be -- and to go off and do anything else would be -- >> seth: yeah, sure. >> -- would be, you know, such a stupid decision. so, all we've been doing, all we've been doing is really just focusing on trying to -- we knew we were going to hit bumps along the way. that was inevitable. but to try and make them as soft as we could for them really, that was the biggest thing. >> seth: you were well known in the u.k. before you came over here to do your show.
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and then very quickly you became well known here. when you went back to the u.k., had they been familiar with the work you were doing over here? did "the late late show" make a mark? >> well, they -- i suppose because, you know, we came up -- we had a couple of clips or segments that would do very well online. >> seth: online, of course. >> so they knew that. but nobody -- because back at home in britain, no one does a talk show every night of the week. >> seth: yes. >> so, like, graham norton, which is the biggest talk show in the country, and it was a huge influence on me and the way we built our show, is on once a week for, i think, 30 weeks of the year. and that is exactly how it should be done. >> seth: i mean -- [ laughter ] i'm so jealous of him. >> nobody -- nobody can -- nobody at home would comprehend. so, i'd be like, "well, no, because i'm doing a show." they were like, "you just did it yesterday." i go, "mm-hmm. yeah, no, i know." and, again, they're all, "what are you doing? it's essentially the same, just with different -- that's it. [ light laughter ] it's a long fever dream really. >> seth: also, the other thing
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i'm so jealous every time i see graham norton, it's four of the most famous people in the world. >> yes. >> seth: he always, his guests, any one of us would kill ourselves to have all of his guests on one show. >> because he's doing it once a week for 30 weeks of the year, so, it's like it's all of those -- yeah. there's like -- look, if you were doing this once a week, i don't make the cut here. i'm not here. [ laughter ] not a chance. >> seth: absolutely not. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> not a chance. >> seth: yeah. >> i'd be waiting outside, hoping that there's some awful bout of gastric flu or something. [ laughter ] and then i might just get on. >> seth: hanks went down. bad news, hanks went down. good news, corden's outside. >> correct. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> bradley cooper slipped. [ laughter ] don't worry. bring in -- that's it. so, you know, at this moment, i'm very grateful that you do it every day. yes. >> seth: well, thank you. i'm grateful. look, i'm grateful to have you. how about obviously so well-known in both places. what is the difference between how you're approached by people in l.a. versus how you're approached by people in london?
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>> well, you don't -- i don't -- you don't really get approached by anyone in l.a. you don't, because firstly, you're not walking anywhere. >> seth: right. >> you're just in a car. then you're in a valet. but also, even if you're in a restaurant, you know, you're aware. if you live in los angeles and you host a show at 12:35 in the morning on cbs, you know where you are in the food chain. >> seth: yeah. >> you know, like, oprah was in here yesterday. they actually look at you with disdain. [ laughter ] you know what i mean? "oh, it's you. oh, my god." they're like that. but in the u.k., i -- i wrote a tv show that not many people would ever know. i wrote a tv show called "gavin & stacey," which is still -- [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i'm watching right now. you're -- right now you're like, "i should be getting residuals." >> hang on. are you -- are you british? are you? [ cheers and applause ] whereabouts are you from? >> kent.
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>> kent? look out, guys. be careful. [ laughter ] whereabouts in kent? >> [ inaudible ] >> oh, they're thieves. they are thieves. [ laughter ] and i love that you're here. >> seth: don't come here and like now start the expectation that i'm going to do crowd work. [ laughter ] i don't want people showing up. they're going to go crazy every time they hear where they're from. >> so i did this show called "gavin & stacey," which to everybody's surprise, mostly me and my -- me and my best friend, ruth jones, we wrote it together. and so really more often than anything else, people will come up to me, and they'll say catch phrases from that show. >> seth: yes. >> can you remember a catch phrase? >> what's occurring? >> what's occurring? there you go. [ laughter ] that's what people will say to me all the time. or more often than not, they'll come up to me and they'll ask -- because the last episode ended on a proposal, and they will ask, "did smithy say yes or no?" which i will never share. >> seth: what is the catch phrase? what's the -- >> no, it's -- well, the show is set in -- sirius xm are going to
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be so pleased that we're talking about -- >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> no. the show is set in a small town just outside of london in essex called billericay on an island called barry island, which is in wales just outside of cardiff. but in barry, they've got a very particular accent. sort of like that, right? and you say, "oh, what's occurring," right? which, my friend -- >> seth: oh, what's occurring? >> what's occurring? >> seth: i gotcha. got it. >> she'd say, "oh, what's occurring?" and that's where that came from. >> seth: all right. >> yeah. >> seth: so maybe watch that instead of the xm show? what do you think? [ laughter ] >> i mean, look, i get -- i get paid for the attempt, man. [ laughter ] >> seth: i have a lot. we're gonna --- the next segment is going to be all sirius xm. we'll be right back with james. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
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1:01 am
mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. here at papa johns, we know our stuff! so try our garlic epic stuffed crust pizza. made with our iconic garlic sauce flavor, mixed with cheese and hand stuffed into that papa johns original dough! no one stuffs a crust like papa johns.
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mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning!
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and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new. it's amazing! wow, it makes it look like... i don't have kids at all. it's so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers! with 80% less scrubbing, mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. also available in sheets! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: we are back with james corden, everybody. "this life of mine" is your new podcast. and i would imagine it must be nice, you've built relationships with a lot of people who have been on your show. but totally different to get to talk to them for an hour, hour-plus as opposed to this format. >> yeah, i have to say i'm really, really enjoying the process of doing it. it's a really intimate, very quiet show where each week the guest on the show will choose a person, a place, a possession, a
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piece of music, and a memory which has been significant to them in their life. and then we'll talk about every facet of someone's life with these things really being the chapter in it. and so we -- when we do them, there's no one else in the room. we set everything up and the cameras and all those things, and then everybody -- there's no one there, and it's a really -- i've realized that people really open up when they're talking about things that they love and they're talking about things in their life that are important. and we've got some really great guests. jeremy renner is the first guest, and then odell beckham jr. and kim kardashian and david beckham and martin scorsese and tom ford and dr. dre and julianne moore, and the list goes on. and it's -- i have to say i've really enjoyed doing it. it's great. >> seth: it's fantastic. i also imagine sometimes when we do shows like we used to do or i do and you used to do, they'll say you need to talk to this person for like 14 minutes, and you'll go, "oh, that's a lot of time," on a show like this. >> yes. >> seth: but an hour when you're
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talking to somebody in that quiet setting, i bet it goes by so fast. >> it does. and then you realize, oh, no, i've really got to move on because we've still got three of their selections to get to because you get so -- you just get into these stories, you know. and some of the things that people have shared are incredibly intimate and actually quite moving. i found myself very, very emotional doing it. i hope people find it, i hope people like it. i've really, really enjoyed it so far. >> seth: that's really exciting. i want to also talk, when you left, all the late night hosts did a sketch on your show. >> yes. >> seth: and one of the jokes was we all wanted to inherit carpool karaoke because it is truly one of the greatest talk show bits of the last 50 years. [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks. >> seth: but i don't wanna waste our time here talking about something you did that worked. tell me some of the worst things you did on your show. [ light laughter ] >> oh, god. i mean how long is the show? >> seth: yeah. >> i mean we've got -- we did so many bad -- >> seth: i did your show right
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in the last week. >> yes. >> seth: and i remember you showed a clip from musical chers. can you talk about musical chers? >> musical chers was -- i'm trying to think if it was ian karmel's idea or ben hoffman, who -- ian was one of the first writers we hired. he started as a writer on the show and ended up as a co-head writer with lauren greenberg. and i can't remember if it was his idea or ben hoffman who kind of came in at the start to keep us together. the way you've got that pencil is so -- >> seth: i know. i did weirdly put it between my legs like that. [ light laughter ] >> genuinely it's just like -- and i was like -- i honestly was like -- >> seth: i don't know what i'm doing. i'm just -- >> what is happening here? [ light laughter ] i'm not mad at it. i'm not mad at it. >> seth: look, i have a way. you have a different way of hosting the show. i like -- i like to let the guest know when the answer's good. >> does that come -- [ laughter ] but the um -- the um -- the uh -- the -- oh, musical
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chers was a group of cher impersonators. >> seth: yeah. >> playing musical chairs. >> seth: yeah, not much more. >> and then we played it with cher. >> seth: which is really, truly amazing. >> cher came out and did it. we also played musical bears. >> seth: uh-huh. >> at gay pride in los angeles. and we also did one game that was called "are you smarter than a whoopi goldberg impersonator?" [ light laughter ] which i think we played with christian slater, and i forget who the other guest was. but they would come out, and it was just literally a quiz to see if -- and then we had a whoopi goldberg impersonator, and we would find out if they were smarter than a whoopi goldberg impersonator. i mean there was so much. it's a miracle we lasted as long as we did. [ light laughter ] a miracle. >> seth: it is -- it makes perfect sense to me, but it is nice every now and then when you
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talk to people, and anytime i talk to someone else who, you know, did a show like this, who does a show like this, it's the most fun to talk about the things that didn't work. >> oh, for sure. >> seth: because ultimately the ones that do work, you're like, that just came from heaven. but here's the one that i actually thought would work. >> oh. we had a bit called first line, every line, which was you had to pick a song and you would sing the first line for every line. we thought this was hilarious. so you'd go, you know -- ♪ tumble out of bed and i stumble to the kitchen tumble out of bed and i stumble to the kitchen ♪ we did it. we did -- we built a stage. i did it with heidi klum. [ light laughter ] and the audience were looking at us like -- i could almost feel people going, "james, what are you doing?" >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] i like it so much because you hear the first line, and it's like, "oh, that's pretty. i like this song." then you hear the second line, and it's the first line again.
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and you're like, "oh, this is really funny." and already by the third line, you're like, "oh, no. i get it." >> no, i get it. [ light laughter ] >> seth: oh, no, please stop. i get it. >> no, i've got it. i figured it out. yes. i have. when are you going to come to a west ham united game? >> seth: wel that was my last thing i was gonna say. so we both support west ham united. how often do you get to go to the games now? >> well, i will say, it's one of the my favorite things when you send me an email. >> seth: yeah. >> and you'll be like, oh, my god, that goal by antonio. i love it so much. i think it's so random that you support west ham. >> seth: it's so random. >> and i love it. >> seth: yeah. >> my soccer team, west ham united. and i've been so far to pretty much every game this season, and it's great. and i want you -- is there a way that you can come if we tape it for the show? >> seth: oh, any -- i think probably a better chance to come if nbc doesn't have to pay for it. >> okay, great. okay. [ laughter ] >> seth: i think if it's out of my own wallet -- >> but it's on peacock. >> seth: oh yeah. >> all the games are on peacock. >> seth: oh that's right. the games are on peacock.
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>> i'm saying. >> seth: all right. we'll figure -- >> corporate synergy, seth. >> seth: oh, my god. [ light laughter ] >> that's what i'm talking about. corporate synergy. >> seth: i do know this. going to a west ham game with you is going to spoil me forever, and so i cannot wait to do it. >> well, i went to the final in prague. >> seth: oh, wow. >> i went to -- we won -- west ham and -- a we won a tournament last season. i flew from l.a. to paris to prague. i was there for 26 hours and then flew prague to amsterdam back to l.a., and it was the greatest -- the greatest moment of my life, including the birth of my three children. [ laughter ] but you have to come. >> seth: yeah, i will come. >> let's talk to peacock. >> seth: all right. we'll talk to peacock. >> me and you, we could put the pea in the cock. we could do it. we could. we could. just a couple of pencil boys. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> seth james corden, everybody. "this life of mine" premieres february 1st on sirius xm stars channel 109 and the sirius xm app. we'll be right back with devery jacobs. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. matching your job description. of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”.
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your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels. (coi leray & metro boomin, “enjoy yourself”) new axe black vanilla? yum! ♪ he like when i get dressed, ♪ ♪ i live life with no stress, ♪ ♪ he said that's my best flex. ♪ ♪ i hopped on a big plane, said i'm doing big things, ♪ ♪ gonna bring out the champagne...yeah. ♪ ♪ baby i'm cool, yeah, you know what to do, ♪ ♪ yeah, we got nothing to lose.♪ sfx: yacht's horn ♪ metro boomin want some more ♪ ♪ with the bosses, i just pull up in ♪ new axe black vanilla. get closer with the finest fragrances. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? new axe black vanilla. ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in.
1:13 am
(luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company. well, rest assured, company's in great hands. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com.
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go up there, find out what people are doing, get to know napa valley. >> reflections of the veneer shares reflections and stories of napa valley wine country. >> back in the '70s when i came here, and in the '80s, we had julia child, of course. and there was it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush.
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that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? (♪♪) it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. it stops cavities before they start... crest. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: my next guest is a very talented actress and writer you know from shows such as "rutherford falls," "american gods," and "reservation dogs." she stars in "echo," which is streaming now on disney+ and hulu. let's take a look. ♪
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♪ >> seth: please welcome to the show devery jacobs, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome to the show. how are you? >> i'm great. i'm in new york. hi. >> seth: very nice. and now you lived here ten years ago very briefly, but a different new york than you're probably experiencing on this trip. >> oh, 100%. i lived here as like a poor, aspiring actor ten years ago, and i lived in, like, a bedroom -- like a tiny bedroom that had no windows and like was infested with cockroaches. so now to be here and to have
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marvel be putting me up, it's like a little bit of a different experience than that was. [ light laughter ] >> seth: always try to get marvel to pay for it. >> yeah, i'm learning. >> seth: yeah, you're learning. before we move on to "echo," which is terrific, i want to congratulate you and basically everybody involved with "reservation dogs." it was such a special show. [ cheers and applause ] three incredible seasons. and you had such a cool arc as an actor on that show because you also joined the writers room and got to direct. >> that's right. for the first season, i was an actor and, like, sterlin harjo, who is the showrunner and creator of the show, like he's known of me for years, not only as an actor but also like as a filmmaker, writer, director. so for season one, i was acting, and i was just like, "hey, would i be able to shadow a director?" and sterlin was like, yeah, of course. i mean fx, bless them, they're great. they were like, "yeah, we kind of brought you here for acting, so if you could like focus on that, that would be great." but then for season two, i came
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in with like my references. i was like, here's all my writing samples. i'd love to be in the writers room, and sterlin was basically like, yeah, you don't have to do all that. like come in. be in the writers room. so from there on, i was able to co-write an episode in season two, write a solo episode, episode nine of season three where elora danan meets her dad, which turns out to be ethan hawke, spoiler alert. and then also got to direct an episode in season three. >> seth: it is a show where i imagine being in the writers room is so special because it was, you know, critically lauded for its authenticity and being one of those really authentic voices must have been a cool feeling, knowing that you were making the show what it was. >> oh, it was incredible. like everyone in the entire show, whether it was directors, whether it was actors or writers, everyone was from an indigenous community and different nations. so it was something that was really special. it was a show that was really groundbreaking. it's bittersweet that we're on our final season releasing, and
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it's going to leave a big hole in the industry. but it's the hope that there will be many, many more to come from there. >> seth: this is also, when we speak of authenticity, in "echo," which is wonderful, you have to, obviously you saw, do a lot of american sign language. is that something that you had to teach yourself? >> i didn't teach myself, no. there were really incredible teachers from the sign language center. there was also douglas ridloff, who is the asl master and one of the producers on the project, who was just like fantastic. but, yeah, getting to learn that language was a privilege, but also like a lot of pressure and making sure that we were able to, like, communicate with alaqua, who is like a legend in her own right and is so bad ass. it was really awesome to be able to do that, and it's something that i'm still learning even after -- after the show's wrapped. >> seth: so you played a character, bonnie, in this that was not in the comics. when they make a character for you in a marvel show, that's a big deal. >> oh, 100%. it was great.
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>> seth: but you also -- not your first marvel role. you were in "what if," and you voiced this character, which is also pretty bad ass. >> thanks. >> seth: this was your first entry into marvel. was this a cool experience getting to do this show? >> it was incredible. so i auditioned for "what if" and the character of kahhori, who is mohawk, and i'm also mohawk. i grew up in kahnawake mohawk territory, and they were looking for mohawk speakers. i am not a fluent mohawk speaker, so this was a lot of pressure also to make sure that we got it right. my doda, my grandmother is the -- used to be the principal of the mohawk immersion elementary school. my niece is a first language mohawk speaker, and so it was really special to be able to work on kanien'keha and to be able to bring that character to life. but marvel actually didn't -- the "echo" people didn't know that i was already in another marvel project, and they asked on set, and i ended it bringing it up. and they were like, oh, "we had no idea." and i'm like, "i know, 'cause i didn't tell you that." [ laughter ] but i couldn't have imagined that like these two very
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different marvel projects would have come out like within weeks of each other. >> seth: it's very nice and very -- it speaks to your range. congratulations. >> oh, thanks. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] >> seth: you did not -- acting was not your first choice for a career, or i should say you probably always wanted to be an actor, but you had different plans for yourself professionally. >> i mean i always wanted to be in film and television. it was my dream. but like growing up on my res, there was no clear path to do that. so i actually like could be considered a certified corrections officer. >> seth: okay. >> which was a very different path, but i wanted to be able to go towards social work, which would have had like the applicable credits, and i figured if i wasn't able to pursue my love of film and tv, then i wanted to be able to help indigenous people. and then i was cast in a role, and i was like, "i can't do anything else. i love this too much." but my hope is i'm able to do both of those things, like advocate for indigenous rights and also be able to be a storyteller in front of and behind the camera in this medium. >> seth: the fact that you can
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act, write, direct, and play two marvel characters in the same year, i feel like there's no reason to think you won't be able to do everything you set your mind to. thank you so much for being here. >> oh my gosh. >> seth: what a delight to meet you. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, that's devery jacobs. "echo" is streaming now on disney+ and hulu. we'll be right back with nico carney. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. barista: lavender latte for sam! ghostbusters: frozen empire. daughter: mmm! mom: ooh, i like that!
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah.
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let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. (marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> seth: our next guest is a very funny comedian who will be performing at the netflix is a joke fest in l.a. beginning may 2nd. he also co-hosts the podcast "boys club with nico carney and conor janda." please welcome nico carney. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hey. what's going on? it's great to be here. my name's nico. it's nice to meet you guys. i'll tell you a little bit about myself. i'm a trans man. i'm trans. [ cheers ] thank you. thank you so much. i like talking about it up here in my comedy because i feel like most people don't know any trans guys. like even famous ones, there's really only one super famous trans man right now. we'll say his name on three if you know him. one, two -- justin bieber. very good. [ laughter ] if you don't think that's true, you're not paying attention, okay? [ laughter ] like i didn't necessarily understand that i was trans when i was growing up, but i saw justin bieber, and i was like, it's going to be okay.
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[ laughter ] we're both going to be absolutely fine actually. people are very curious about trans people. you know, people ask me sometimes, "how did you know?" "when did you know?" and it happened to me the same way it happens to all of us. caitlyn jenner bit me, so -- [ laughter ] and listen, i tried to get away, but she is so fast. she is -- [ laughter ] like olympic speed, you guys. it's crazy. [ laughter ] she got me quick. she really did. [ cheers and applause ] i've been -- i've been medically transitioning for a couple years now, so i pass a lot more now. and if you guys don't know what passing means, this guy at my cousin's straight wedding put it best when he said, "damn, dog, i had no idea." [ laughter ] "that is awesome, brother. that is awesome." he was so excited, he bought me drinks for the rest of the
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night. that is an ally, okay? [ laughter ] what are you guys doing to help, all right? passing is interesting. it gets me into some weird situations now. like now every time i go to the gynecologist -- [ laughter ] i get a lot of weird looks at the gynecologist. [ laughter ] and i understand because like i know i look like a teen boy in a coming-of-age comedy, who looks like he's only at the gynecologist because he's got a plan to see naked ladies. [ laughter ] like i look like me and my buddy are going to get back to the exam room, and he's going to be like, "uh, what do we know?" and i'll be like, "i don't know. i didn't think we'd get this far." [ laughter and applause ] i had an appointment kind of recently, and i was feeling really nervous about it because i didn't want it to be awkward. i didn't want to stick out in the waiting room.
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so, i started coming in with plans. and at first i was like, maybe i'll bring my girlfriend with me to the appointment. that way they think it's her appointment and that i'm there too because i'm just like the best boyfriend ever. [ laughter ] "sorry, ladies, there's a hero in the waiting room today." [ laughter ] but my girlfriend was busy doing literally anything else, so -- apparently grown men have to take themselves to the gynecologist. [ laughter ] it's messed up. so left to my own devices, i had to come up with a backup plan. and i was really nervous about sticking out in the waiting room, so i decided i was going to wear pants and a long-sleeve shirt to cover my arm and leg hair and then a mask to cover my facial hair. it was the middle of august. [ laughter ] but i was like, i'm going to wear all this so i don't stick out in the waiting room. and then i was sitting there, and i was like, well, now i look like i'm going to rob the gynecologist. [ laughter ] put the iuds in the bag and nobody gets hurt. [ laughter ] so when the nurse finally came out to get me, i could tell she was nervous. and this happens a lot, well-meaning people. and i just wanted her to know it was going to be okay. it was going to be okay for me. more importantly, it was going
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to be okay for her. so we started talking and stuff, and i was like, you know, "i love your scrubs." then she told me i had beautiful eyes. now we're hitting it off. we're having a good time. and so, by the end of this appointment, you know, we have a great rapport. and she's about to leave. and she's like, "all right. the doctor's going to be in to see you in a second. so take your clothes off, put this gown on, and the doctor will be in." now, i haven't had a gynecology appointment in a long time. so, i forgot that part of it is a breast exam to check for breast cancer. so, when she said take your clothes off, put this gown on, i panicked, and i was like, "uh, do i have to take my shirt off?' because in my head, i was like, i don't want to get more naked than i'm supposed to be. like, i'm keeping my socks on. like i'm not trying to be too naked. like i'm already the only trans guy she's going to see today, and then she's going to be like, "and he was all the way naked. like is that what they do? is that part of it?" [ laughter ] now this doctor is speaking on diversity panels like, "you know these trans fellows like to get naked." and that blood is on my hands. so i panicked, and i was like, uh, do i have to take my shirt off? and this nurse went ghost white because she was about to be ally
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of the year before i threw her this curveball. and she looked at me, and she was like, "you -- can ask the doctor." [ laughter ] she was like, "nope, they don't pay me enough for this. i am waving the white flag. i don't care what color your flag is. mine is white." [ laughter ] this is done. you guys have been so fun. my name is nico carney. thank you so much. thank you, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: nico carney, everybody. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ febreze man: i don't about y'all, but when it comes to working from home, i gotta have every part of my house clean. that means tidying up, then spraying my febreze air mist, to leave every room smelling fresh and clean. with that done, it's time to get to work. ♪ la la la la la my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: i wanna thank my guests james corden, devery jacobs, nico carney, everybody. i wanna thank colleen clark and the 8g band. thanks for watching. we love you, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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