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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 25, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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right now at 5:00, advancing research and innovation for women's health. a look at one group of bay area
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women getting answers to their questions, all while having some fun. deadline day for donald trump. he's just about out of time to protect his properties from potential seizure. the latest from washington as he prepares to return to court for a different case. and victory is sweet for stanford. the cardinal win, a nail-biter for a berth in the sweet 16. reaction from the team and fans celebrating their thrilling win. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you all on this monday. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. we're going to check that morning commute with mike in just a bit. let's first check the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. she's tracking what we can expect. >> it was such a mixed bag of weather this weekend. it was sunny, rainy, warm, cold. we're going to see things start to quiet down for today. as we take a look at the satellite and radar, most of the rain has moved on, maybe a couple of spots where it's misting and drizzling, but we
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are going to take a break until the next system starts to reach into the bay area, and that's not going to happen until wednesday. so we're starting out this morning, temperatures in the mid-40s for dublin, it is 50 in fremont and 54 in san jose. when we look at our highs, definitely cooler than last week, but this is about normal for this time of year. we're going to see mostly highs in the low to mid-60s, and a mix of sun and clouds for today. mike, how is it looking on i-580? >> we have a crew, it looks like they may be moving after their overnight work. the span out of richmond over to san rafael is just fine. that's right here. 580 extends down through the area. i know we just saw this incident, too. something is going on in san francisco. we'll check that. no slowing on or off of the bay bridge. 580 continues, altamont pass, that's where chp did say they got caught with a gust or two. it's down below 0 miles per hour at the worst point, but no other major issues after the wind advisory was declared by chp.
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back to you. >> thanks, mike. well, new overnight, two people are dead following a shooting in san francisco's bay view district. police are saying that officers responded to reports of shots fired a little before 9:00 last night near a home on dwight street. they found victims inside the home. so far, no arrests have been made and no other details about the case are being released. today is the deadline for former president donald trump to post a $454 million appeal bond in new york or face the possibility of his property being seized. as the former president scrambles to find the money, a hearing is scheduled concerning another case. >> "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is in washington with more on the legal battle. trump and his team, they really have been struggling to secure this bond. >> reporter: that's right. so lawyers for former president trump have said coming up with roughly half a billion was a practical impossibility. they say they have been turned
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down by about 30 different companies. the clock is ticking for former president trump to secure more than $450 million or face consequences from new york's attorney general. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> reporter: some of the former president's iconic properties could be seized. >> this is not some immediate process where tish james is going to walk into 40 wall street on tuesday and change the locks or something like that. >> reporter: trump claims money is not the problem. >> we have a great company, but they want to take it away. >> reporter: he also aired his grievances on truth social, criticizing the attorney general's record on violent crime, while blaming he did absolutely nothing wrong. on sunday, the former republican national committee chair defended efforts to use rnc donations to pay off trump's legal bills. >> if they feel strongly to
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support his legal bills, then they have every right to do so, and i think he's being open that they're helping with his legal bills. >> reporter: democrats are blasting the presumptive gop nominee's legal woes. republicans are coming to his defense. >> this is not about party, this is not about politics. this is about corruption and criminality. >> and president trump is actually gaining popularity because they're just focusing on trying to go after him. >> reporter: trump has called the case against him election interference and is seeking a last-minute reprieve from an appeals court to prevent his assets from being seized. today former president trump has a hearing regarding his alleged scheme to cover up hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. trump has pleaded not guilty. the judge is expected to set a trial start date during this morning's hearing. back to you. >> certainly a lot going on. >> a lot to cover. thank you, brie. we'll keep checking back with you. for the first time in its
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75-year history, in-n-out shut down one of its popular restaurants due to crime. even it's profitability couldn't keep the in-n-out on hegenberger open. cars nakd through the parking lot yesterday. customers getting one last double-double and animal fries. when the announcement was made in january, the company stated customers and employees were often victims of crime. former employees were there joining current staffers to say their final good-byes. >> a lot of these people have been working here for over ten years, we are like family with oech ear. >> current workers have the option of taking a severance or transferring to another location. this is just the latest closure along the same corridor. a denny's closed last month citing safety concerns, along with the black bear diner and a starbucks. 5:06 right now. we continue to celebrate women's history month. there is a new push to advance research and innovation for women's health following an
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executive order signed by president joe biden. one group of bay area women are creating space to tackle these issues on their own. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in san francisco this morning. you were able to sit down with these women? >> reporter: i did. good morning, marcus and laura. they call themselves the strong her collective and they're a group of bay area women that have long felt that specific women's issues need to be addressed. they have questions around menopause, cancers specific to women, health and even ways to combat loneliness and they decided to get together and have some fun. this author is the most recent guest speaker for the strong her collective. a group of women and people who support women meet every other month to casually learn about curated issues specific to female mid-life health. >> being the bridge for women
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equity, health care information accessible, approachable, applicable, and this is -- although it's coined a community, it's a health care initiative starting in san francisco. >> the mind-set behind what they're trying to create is really meaningful, and i think it's really more poignant now than ever, because women are seeking each other. >> reporter: this women's month, the white house is also taking notice of the need to expand research on women's health care. just last week, president biden signed the white house initiative on women's health research. the goal, to fundamentally change how we approach and fund women's health care in the country. president biden also announced more than 20 new actions and commitments to advance women's health research, which includes big money, $200 million worth for the national institutes for health. >> i'll bet today that this is the first time a president of the united states has ever signed an executive order that mentions the words menopause --
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[ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: back in san francisco, that same laughter from women who are not shying away from talking about menopause and other mid-life health topics. >> i think the key thing is about getting the education that we're talking about and being empowered and to ask the doctors for help. >> reporter: well, we've got just a little bit left to celebrate women's month, but i think those women are going to be celebrating all year long. back to you. >> definitely so. thank you, ginger. 5:08 right now. happening tonight in contra costa county, caltrans shutting down two lanes of interstate 580 at the richmond-san rafael bridge. the closure will start at 7:00 p.m. and it is expected to last until 5:00 tomorrow morning. during that time crews will repair the upper deck of the bridge. it will impact the westbound
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lanes just after the toll plaza. stanford had a big scare last night at maples. they had an appearance from former cyclone brock purdy. brook hit a three-pointer and the game went into overtime. then dimitry came up big again, giving the cardinal a win they would not give up, winning 87-81, thrilling fans and head coach tara vanderveer. >> i'm so proud of our team and how far we've come. >> it was unbelievable, the offense, the defense, the pure grit out there on that floor. those girls fought like it was the last game of their life. >> exciting to watch. stanford moves on to the sweet 16 for the 29th time in school history. on friday, they play the winner of tonight's tennessee/north carolina state game. so a lot to keep track of. >> that it is. taking a live look out in san jose this morning, a lot to
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keep up with weather-wise, especially this weekend. how are we shaping up today? >> it is nice and calm as you get ready to head out on this monday morning. and it's also milder after all of the cold temperatures and the off and on rain that we had. right now we're at 51 in oakland as you head out the door, and it is 49 in walnut creek and a little milder in san francisco at 53. as we take a look at morgan hill and what to expect today, at 8:00 it is in the upper 40s and going throughout the day a mix of sun and clouds. a bit of a breezy wind, but only making it into the low 60s here. it is going to be about what we typically see for this time of year, with low to mid-60s around the bay area, and san francisco today, we're looking at a high of 60 degrees. we'll talk more about what to expect as we go through the week. mike has a look at how high those gas prices are going. >> they have a case of the mondays. they're not feeling down, they're feeling up. vallejo, royal gas on tennessee street is up 15 cents from when
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we talked about it friday, up to $4.38. sunnyvale up to $4.39 at national petroleum on old san francisco road. as of last night, in hayward, one holdout, $4.27 at r stores on hesperian boulevard. you can track changes on on the roadways, not a lot to report. the bridge, highway 84, dumbarton, chp said gusty winds overnight but we haven't had any problems reported after the initial report from chp. looking just to the top of the screen, the san mateo bridge in real life, we're just picking up a little volume. a smooth drive over the high-rise to and from the peninsula. >> thanks, mike. lotto fever is back. ahead, the excitement building in the two mega drawings happening this week. probably the biggest lotto type money you've made is from your house, that red hot
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good monday morning. it is 5:14. we're taking a live look outside in san jose. it is a cloudy morning, and we're going to see a lot of clouds over the next several hours. but we will get some peeks of sunshine for the afternoon, as our highs only reach into the low 60s. we will have a cool week ahead and rain will soon return, so we'll talk about that timeline coming up. and over here in the south bay, we're looking at 101 where we're at the limit, which is 65, mid-60 there. we're looking at a smooth flow
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northbound with headlights. i'm seeing a crash that might be affecting folks heading north out of here and through fremont. we'll have that coming up. good morning. very happy monday to you. we have some breaking business news. the ceo of boeing says he will step down by the end of the year. he had not been on that job very long. and you know the problems that boeing has had that he inherited. it's a shortened trading week. no trading on friday. shares of reddit will start at $46 a share, just above their $43 share ipo price. reddit spiked in its first day of trading, but since has come back down to earth. social network is very popular but it's never made a profit. wells fargo back in the news, this time with accusations it overcharged members of the military and their families, a lawsuit in north carolina claims wells fargo did not reduce the interest it charged service members who were deployed, as required by law.
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wells fargo in an emailed statement says it's still reviewing the accusation. venture capitalist david sachs speaking with our panel on press here, weighing in on the attack in russia. he said, quote, in the ukrainian government was behind the terrorist attack, as looks increasingly likely, the u.s. must renounce it. but isis has claimed responsibility for the attack. isis has provided the world pictures from inside the attack, and russia says it has arrested several of its members. the u.s. warned russia ahead of time isis was planning such an attack, but russia and sachs have pointed fingers at ukraine. home sales jumped in february, according to the latest data, up 9.5%. this despite higher mortgage rates. the red hot market inspires more
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people to put homes on the market. house prices are up nationwide as well, more than 5% higher than this time last year. we'll get data on new home sales this morning. those often slow down, of course, with higher mortgage rates, as those people with 2% and 3% mortgages say, why in the world would i sell the house to get a 7%? unless you're selling in california and selling somewhere else, then you don't need a mortgage. >> which we see more and more. it is 5:17 right now. moviegoers were filled with nostalgia over the weekend, and they all asked the same question, who are ya gonna call? >> overruled. >> sustained. >> thank you. >> there you saw it, the new ghostbusters movie hit the big screen on friday. it topped ticket sales, bringing in more than $45 million, that's about even with the launch of the last ghostbusters movie in
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2021. the success over the weekend gives sony pictures it's first number one film since last summer. "dune: part two" took the second spot and kung fu panda came in third. trending, nearly $2 billion up for grabs this week for lottery players. >> it starts tonight with the powerball drawing. right now the powerball jackpot sits at $800 million, and if that wasn't enough money for you, hey, the mega millions jackpot is more than a billion. it grew after no one won friday night. the mega millions draw happens tomorrow night. be sure to grab your tickets so you can have a chance to win. if not, just wait and it will probably go higher. >> it keeps rolling over. >> i won. >> did you, like $2? >> $4. the most i've ever won. >> i thought i would let it ride. >> invest it. >> march madness for me. >> roll it back over. >> crazy.
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hope it's a good monday for you. we're coming off an interesting weekend weather-wise. >> we had some rain, hit-or-miss showers, most of us got about an inch of rainfall over the weekend. now we're getting a chance to let that soak in before the next system comes in midweek. we're going to take a break, but we can see already that system taking shape and the clouds starting to reach closer to the west coast. but once again, it is a nice little break in the activity. as we take a look at our highs for this afternoon, we will see temperatures up to about 62 in oakland, about the same in fremont, and some mid-60s for much of the north bay. san francisco headed for 60 degrees. tomorrow it's going to be just a touch warmer for the afternoon, as the break in the rain continues. but then we're also looking at showers returning on wednesday, and as we go into the afternoon, into the evening, those rain chances ramping up. the north bay seeing it first, and that's where temperatures will be cooler, only in the upper 50s to low 60s compared to
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68 in san jose. so let's talk about that timeline. so once again, most of the rain comes in late on wednesday, but we could have some additional rain ahead for the weekend, so it's going to be very much like this past weekend for this upcoming weekend, where we are not going to be completely clear. and we're looking at some scattered showers in our wednesday forecast into thursday, most of us getting into a tenth to a quarter inch of rainfall south of the golden gate bridge, but farther north there could be a half to three-quarters of an inch of additional rainfall. if you plan to go to tahoe this weekend, it is going to be snowing, once again. another one where it makes it difficult to get there, but if you are able to go, it's going to be beautiful to watch that snow fall. we could see an additional 19 to 35 inches of snowfall for twin bridges, up to 39 in kirkwood. we are going to continue in this active weather pattern. look at these temperatures. it's going to feel like winter
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pretty much all week long with low to mid-60s, off and on rain that returns back to the forecast in the bay area on wednesday. mike, how is it looking heading through fremont? >> we're checking on a crash because we did talk about leaving san jose, which is clear as far as the speed sensors go. we are heading toward fremont for north 680. just got the update from chp this crash heading north and heading toward the bend, the washington/irving exit has cleared. it's no longer on 680 itself. the commute is the opposite direction, anyway, heading south out of the tri-valley. dublin interchange, we still have the traffic control for the repair work needed through niles. we did get chp with a wind advisory overnight coming through the altamont pass. traffic flowing smoothly, joining with vasco road traffic and not a problem out of contra costa county. contra costa county itself, no slowing for highway 4, which we often see in the next few minutes developing, same out of
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vallejo for westbound 37, great flow of traffic. we are following the incident in san francisco, but i have no update from chp. it's something that was reported just off the bay bridge on westbound 80, getting off onto city streets. there's been plenty of time for it to show up on other reports and we don't have any other secondary information. the sensors are clear for now. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 5:22 right now. next on "today in the bay," we're going to talk about how ai is helping some schools reduce gun violence on campus and the new push to spread that same technology. >> and a reminder, you can apply for nbc's universal local impact grants. the program is entering its seventh year and will award more than $277,000 to eligible local nonprofits. the application window is open until friday, april 19th. for more details, scan the qr code on your s cr
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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welcome back. 5:25 this morning. and new for you, artificial intelligence technology which detects weapons is now being offered for free to schools. >> this comes as there have been 16 school shootings in the u.s. so far this year. the company behind the tech has technology that is able to detect guns and alert police within seconds. the company originally created it for a customer dealing with theft in their stores a few
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years ago, however they realized it might be a helpful tool to detect weapons in schools using security cameras that are already in place. executives from the tech company say they just want to protect students. >> why don't we protect our kids, i was thinking of my kids, specifically, and said, first and foremost, why don't we figure out how to protect our kids, use this technology so that we can implement it quickly and cheaper and faster, so that we can proliferate it out there. and let's just do the right thing, and if we're going to protect our kids, let's protect all kids. >> he says multiple schools across the country are interested in installing the technology, including some right here in the bay area. a lot more to follow this morning on "today in the bay," including a deadly mountain lion attack involving two brothers. the action wildlife officials took and how the second victim is doing this morning. oaklanders will now have to
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drive to another location for their in-n-out. the rising crime rate that forced the burger chain to
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right now at 5:30, a final farewell to a popular fast food restaurant in oakland, as crime is taking center stage there. we're live this morning with a
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look at in-n-out's last hurrah. donald trump has to pay hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars today or face some seizure of his properties. also, only on nbc bay area, a mail carrier targeted not once, but twice. the one-two punch that only got worse when he was ready to punch out. this is "today in the bay." here we go, monday morning. thanks for allowing us to be a part of your morning. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at the forecast, how our workweek is looking. checking in with meteorologist kari hall, tracking what we can expect. >> definitely calmer than what we had over the weekend. we had a mixed bag of weather and now the cool air is settling in behind that cold front, and we will have winds gradually calming down and a chance to enjoy the nice cooldown that we have. our temperatures are in the upper 40s and low 50s as you head out the door. in brentwood, this is what you can expect today. it's going to be partly cloudy and our temperatures are going
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from 49 degrees to the low 60s. we'll see a few more clouds in the mix as well for today. but our high in dublin will reach 60 degrees. a lot of these temperatures about average or slightly cooler than normal, but we are going to have a very nice, calm and quiet day. we'll talk about when the rain comes back in a few minutes. mike, you're tracking a new crash in oakland. >> it's this subtle sign right here. let's look at the map. i shouldn't be joking because we haven't heard about any injuries, but you never know. this is blocking two lanes of westbound highway 24, approaching highway 13, a crash reported there. a single vehicle crash. someone reportedly stopped to help and that's why a couple of lanes are blocked as crews arrive. there may be another crash or a disabled vehicle in the backup. i'm sorting out the details. again, west 24 clear at the caldecott, slow approaching highway 13, and then making the maze a little lighter. the backup not really yet formed at the bay bridge. a little slowing for highway 37. just barely showing brake tapping for highway 4. no other issues south of there. the south bay, peninsula and
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across the bay, the bridges are moving. breaking news just into our newsroom, the ceo of boeing is stepping down at the end of the year. dave calhoun is speaking right now on cnbc about that decision. now, the departure comes as the airlines and regulators have been increasing calls for major changes at the company after a host of malfunctioning things that caused the boeing planes to malfunction. scrutiny intensified after the january accident. you might recall a door plug blew out of the boeing 737 max 9 minutes into the alaska airlines flight. our scott mcgrew will have much more coming up for you at 5:15 this morning. new overnight on the peninsula, firefighters say a small grass fire at the scene of a much larger weekend fire was intentionally set. the latest fire happened last night in brisbane on industrial way. it burned less than an acre.
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firefighters say it is not connected to this fire in the same location that destroyed a commercial building saturday night. this video is from citizen app. no one was injured. this fire's cause is still under investigation. starting today, oakland residents will have to go the extra mile and likely far more than that to get their double-double fix. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live for us in the east bay. the decision to close had everything to do with crime, because in-n-out is saying that the oakland restaurant was profitable. >> reporter: correct. good morning to you, marcus and laura. there are still many in-n-out locations throughout the bay area, like this one in pleasanton, which is not at risk of closing down. the only one that had been in oakland is no more. for the first time in its 75-year history, in-n-out has shut down one of its locations, this is the first location it's ever shut down.
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this was the one near oakland international, not far from hegenberger road. a long line of customers showed up for the final day of business yesterday. the restaurant was staffed heavily with security and plenty of reminders for guests not to leave valuables in their cars. this is one of several recent closures in west oakland near the airport. the denny's on hegenberger closed last month, also citing safety concerns. many former employees and patrons hope oakland works together to stop other businesses from leaving. >> i think as far as the community, we all have to kind of, like, turn toward each other and start talking to each other. >> reporter: in january in-n-out announced the closure saying customers and employees are regular victims of crime like armed robberies and car break-ins. the chain has said all impacted employees can transfer to other locations or get a severance package. in-n-out said it plans to
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continue supporting charities in oakland. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> i'm sure it will be missed. thanks, bob. 5:35 right now. donald trump facing a deadline today to turn over hundreds of millions of dollars to the courts. >> scott mcgrew, break it down. what are his options here? >> we talked about this friday. let's give you a reminder. he's got a number of options, but all of them are bad if you are donald trump. the first is to pay the roughly $450 millions he owes the court, but his lawyers say he doesn't have that much in cash. the second option, the one he wants to go with, is to post a bond, a promissory note that says, here is the money, if i lose, we all know where the money is. but his lawyers say he can't find anybody to give him this bond. it's how he posted the bond on the carroll sexual assault, but it's not working now.
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the third option, and the one that may be most likely given the problems with the first two, is to do nothing, in which the state of new york can start seizing property. it won't be as dramatic as somebody slapping a padlock on the trump tower. the state attorney general can simply put a lien on the property, which will give her financial control over it. there's one more option, it's kind of a hail mary, the courts could reduce the fine, or at least reduce the bond, and that's what his lawyers were after when they told the courts he doesn't have the money to pay the fine. but trump over the weekend contradicted his own lawyers, saying he did have that money in his account in cash, which he claims is how prosecutors came up with the total. now, that's only part of trump's busy day. we see the trump truth social post where he says he's got the money. he also has a hearing in new york to determine when his business fraud case will begin, the one where he's accused of
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faking business records to cover up a hush money payment to the adult film actress stormy daniels. trump has admitted there's a payment but denies there was an affair. the trial was supposed to start today, but there were delays when the u.s. department of justice turned over thousands of documents to new york prosecutors, who in turn notified the trump defense. now, trump does not have to be at today's hearings, but we expect he will attend. the republican party led in part by lara trump has allowed donations to flow into pac first where they could be diverted to legal bills. the former head of the republican party, ronna mcdaniel spoke about that on "meet the press." >> ultimately these donations are going first to pay his legal bills. people who may be struggling in some cases to make ends meet, is there not an ethical challenge with that? >> if they feel strongly to
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support his legal bills, they have every right to do so, and i think he's being very open they're helping with his legal bills. >> mcdaniel is a paid commentator hired by nbc, which has a number of journalists upset. during her time as the head of the gop, she backed the big lie and former "meet the press" host chuck todd said he doesn't trust her and he said so on tv sunday morning. >> i think your interview did a good job of exposing many of the contradictions. there's a reason there's a lot of journalists at nbc uncomfortable with this, because many of our professional dealings with the rnc over the last six years have been met with gaslighting and character assassination. >> trump's hush money case hearing is to start at 7:00 a.m. our time today. more coverage on "today." we'll have coverage as it happens on our 8:00 a.m. streaming broadcast on roku and we'll tell you everything that happened on our midday news at 11:00 as well. >> thank you very much, scott. 5:39 right now. three people are recovering after being shot about 24 hours
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ago in oakland. it happened a little before 8:00 yesterday morning near 47th avenue and 12th street just south of fruitvale. police say it started with some kind of argument. the victims are now in the hospital. all are expected to survive. police so far are not indicating if they've identified a suspect. only on nbc bay area, a fremont mail carrier talking about being hit by the same burglar not once, but twice. nbc bay area is protecting his identity, but that carrier says he just finished his final deliveries last thursday, when he returned to the mail truck to find someone had broken in. all of his personal possessions were gone, his wallet, phone, key cards, as well as a portable charger, and the keys to his car. even mail from the back of the truck was taken. things got worse. when he returned to the irvington station post office -- >> as soon as i pulled into the parking lot, i looked over and i
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noticed that my own personal vehicle was missing. and, you know, they took my car keys from my work truck and then they took my car from my workplace parking lot. >> wow. so his car, a dodge durango, which he says he can't do without, postal inspectors say anyone who can help solve this case can earn a reward up to $100,000. a follow-up to saturday's deadly mountain lion attack near sacramento. dna confirms the euthanized big cat is the same one involved in the attack. it happened saturday in el dorado county when the mountain lion attacked two brothers on a hike. deputies arrived, finding one brother dead, with the lion crouched next to him, which wardens managed to capture. authorities say the brother who survived has undergone several procedures. >> he has undergone multiple surgeries throughout the night, however speaking with one of the family spokespersons, he
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informed me that, thankfully, the brother is expected to make a full recovery. >> this was the first deadly mountain lion attack in california in 20 years. >> wow. happening today, east bay congressman mark desaulnier hosts a town hall in response to several refinery incidents. it has raised big concerns among residents and health leaders. members of the county health department will be on hand, along with air board and chemical safety board leaders. the town hall is tonight at 6:30 on john muir elementary school. here is a live look in san francisco this morning, as we get started with this monday. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. so we dealt with a lot of rain this weekend. what is today shaping up to be? >> it's starting out nice and quiet. the rain has moved on. we will have a break for a couple of days before the next storm system comes in. we're going to let the water
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soak in, because for some of us it was quite a bit. looking at some of the rainfall totals we had from ben lomond, nearly 2 inches of rainfall. oakland hills had almost 1 1/2 inches, san jose had 1 inch of rainfall, about the same in santa rosa, and san francisco a little more than 1/2 inch of rainfall. today we will see a mix of sunday and clouds, temperatures up to about 60 in dublin. we'll mostly see low to mid-60s for much of the rest of the bay area, with the north bay highs around 64 degrees. 64 for san jose and low 60s for the peninsula. mike, you're updating two crashes on highway 24. >> we knew we had one, we have two confirmed by chp. one is closer to fish ranch and one is closer to highway 13, both in your westbound commute direction. chp is not yet at either scene, but we see speeds changing and more backup forming. it is slow, basically from orinda toward highway 13 through oakland hills, add two to five
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minutes if you're coming from walnut creek or concord area down 680 and toward 24 westbound. we're looking at a smooth flow of traffic outside of those two, but we do have the richmond bridge starting to show build and the bay bridge metering lights are on. marcus told you about the overnight road work, but i will remind folks or tell you, west 580 overnight will have one of the lanes blocked as you're traveling across overnight, clear by tomorrow morning's commute. this closure doesn't happen until after this evening's commute, again, westbound 580. a smooth drive except for the activity for highway 24, a little build for the south bay, san jose 101, and a note overnight, discovery bay there will be a closure -- sorry, during the daylight hours, watch for the area of the old river bridge and folks will have to take a longer drive. it won't affect most of our viewers. back to you. >> good to know. thanks, mike. 5:44. a popular major league baseball player is set to face the media. still ahead, shohei ohtani will
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speak out for the first time since the dismissal of interpreter rocked the sports world. the growing pressure to get to the bottom of some serious allegations. plus, raising a toast to the solar eclipse. a local winemaker commorating mea
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good monday morning.
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it is 5:47. we're taking a look at our day planner in saratoga. we're starting out cloudy and in the upper 40s, but we'll be in the upper 50s as we go into the afternoon, and briefly hitting 60 degrees before those numbers start to come back down. it will be a cool day, but we are taking a break from the rain. a look at that and what's ahead as our temperatures remain the same, but rain comes back in the microclimate forecast. we are looking at a backup forming quickly at the bay bridge. a smooth drive approaching the area except for highway 24, where we're tracking two crashes coming through oakland. i'll give you the progress as reported to us by chp. well, in san francisco, a man is recovering after being hit by a car while waiting at a bus stop near golden gate park. this is the second bus stop crash in the city in a matter of weeks. this happened saturday at fulton street and park presidio boulevard. paramedics did take the man to the hospital.
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he is expected to be okay. the cause of the crash is under investigation. the driver was cited for multiple moving violations. the crash comes after a deadly crash at a bus stop in the west portal neighborhood where the driver hit and killed a family of four, including a 3-month-old and a baby who was just 1 year old. the driver was arrested, buttery leads from the hospital and custody. the d.a.'s office has not filed charges. maxed out bay area animal shelters are asking for your help in anticipation of a wave of incoming new arrivals, mainly kittens. san jose's animal care and services is just one shelter anticipating hundreds of young felines to be dropped off over the next two months. the time of the year is often called kitten season and it's relying on groups and foster families to assist. anyone interested in fostering is being encouraged to come onboard and everyone is advised never to separate kittens from
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their mothers, whether or not you bring them to a shelter. >> they're coming on their own, the kitten's best chance of survival is if we have mom to care for them. and, unfortunately, if the kittens are separated from their mom and mom has lost her kittens, odds are she's going to go into heat fairly quick and have another litter. >> the shelter is also looking to find homes for over 40 bunnies, with concerns more may be coming after easter sunday. they're looking for families prepared and committed to raise them. happening today, baseball star shohei ohtani is expected to address the media for the first time since major league baseball was rocked by the allegations of illegal gambling and theft against his interpreter. that interpreter also a long-time friend, and was immediately fired when the first reports came out last week. it started when the "l.a. times" linked ohtani to a gambling probe. after that, ohtani's attorneys
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called him the victim of a massive theft tied to a gambling ring. major league baseball is investigating and the dodgers manager, dave roberts, says addressing the matter publicly is the right thing to do. trending this morning, the revival of a unique race in france. hundreds of waiters and waitresses lining the streets of paris for the 2024 cafe waiters race. the race was brought back after a 13-year hiatus, but it's a tradition that goes back 110 years. the participants carry a tray with a croissant, coffee and a glass of water through the city trying to move as quickly as possible, while trying, also, not to spill anything. it is a 1.2 mile route. that guy has got a little get up and go. the winners, they take home tickets to the paris olympics opening ceremony, as well as a night out in paris, and, of course, medals to remember their historic win. >> he needed a little drink
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there. a north bay winemaker is celebrating the upcoming solar eclipse with a wine three years in the making. >> joseph daniels is an owner of tiny vineyard winery and this year he's releasing a vintage 2021 eclipse malbec wine. his family roots are in southern illinois, which will experience totality of next month's eclipse, and he is just trying to drink it all in. >> i'm very pleased with it. it's aging perfectly. it's at its peak right now, and, i mean, people will love it. i don't know anybody who doesn't like it. >> daniel says that he's seen five solar eclipses in his life, including one in africa, south america, and right here in the u.s. and his passion for these events fuels his passion for wine. >> all right, it will be nice to head up to wine country. kind of soggy this past weekend. it will most likely be soggy this upcoming weekend, yeah.
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just go whenever you can. it's spring, sometimes we see these waves of showers coming in, and we just have to enjoy the breaks as well. we're going to see that break in the rain today, but it will be cool and there will be a mix of sun and clouds. by tomorrow, it will be just slightly warmer as the sunshine continues, but then on wednesday, going through the end of the week and possibly this weekend, there will be some off and on showers. so here is the next system that's going to be coming in. it hasn't yet made it to the west coast. we are going to have a break in the rain, as well as some cool temperatures behind the cold front that moved through over the weekend. it was definitely a mixed bag of weather. one minute it's raining, then it was sunny. now we're all feeling the cool air behind that system that is now leaving us with soggy ground, but also some sunshine. and we're looking at temperatures that are in the low 60s. we're headed up for 64 in martinez today. we'll see about the same in much
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of the north bay. san francisco and the peninsula in the low 60s. it will be slightly warmer tomorrow as the sunshine continues, but then as the next cold front comes in with the rain, it's going to first start in the north bay and keep those temperatures cooler, while we'll still have a chance to make it into the mid to upper 60s for the rest of the bay area. let's talk about what's ahead with this active storm pattern continuing. on wednesday, late in the evening, and off and on throughout the day on thursday, it doesn't look like a washout, but there could be heavier rain on friday. and then some lingering showers for the weekend. also some snow showers expected in the sierra. looking at how much rain we could see between now and friday -- between wednesday and friday, really, it's going to be about a quarter to a half inch of rainfall. some of the higher rainfall totals for the north bay. in the sierra, there's going to be another decent dumping of snow right ahead of the april 1st sierra snowpack measurement. and we could see another foot to possibly closer to three feet of
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snow for higher elevations, mainly coming all this weekend. we are going to see off and on showers. we don't need the umbrellas today or tomorrow, but we will need that late on wednesday, possibly on thursday, and then off and on rain from friday through the weekend. mike, you're seeing a backup in the east bay? >> yeah, and this is no surprise at the bay bridge toll plaza. it did form quickly over the last 15 to 20 minutes. everything filled in at the toll plaza. no surprises on the approach for the eastshore freeway. this backup, 24, that was the unpleasant surprise. it's starting to move better, highway 13. i believe they moved this vehicle out of the roadway just as you approach the interchange. the one approaching fish ranch road, there may be a traffic break to clear a disabled vehicle. things should start moving better as those clear from the area. the rest of the bay shows a nice, easy drive. >> thanks, mike. happening now, it turns out sick days are not all fun and games when it comes to most
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teenagers missing school. a new university of michigan study finds that most students worry about missing class time and the potential impact on their grades. that same study finds that more than half of all parents will allow their kids to stay home if they're unsure of how sick the child is. one-quarter will still send their kids to school and fewer than 20% allow the child to decide. new commute options for those from the north bay. ahead, we're going to take a ahead, we're going to take a look at the new vessel hoping
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with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at next. try it for free at next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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it's 5:58 right now. you probably know this, but for years parents have hired young adults and teenagers to babysit. >> now parents are moving in a new direction. a report from the "today" show says parents don't feel comfortable leaving their children with teenagers. they say they now hire family members or older adults. according to hiring posts on, parents will only hire someone 18 and over. that's because parents say they don't trust young adults now. >> this generation's parents are really in tune.
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they want their kids to be playing with someone taking care of them. if you're in a household with teenagers right now, you know they're not present because they're on their phone or dealing with that academic achievement pressure. >> young adults say they're still hired, but the process to get the job is a little more extensive. you can watch the full report coming up on the "today" show. and a quick reminder, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. you can watch us whenever you want on roku and other streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, deadline date for donald trump. he's just about out of time to pay hundreds of millions of dollars, or his properties face potential seizure. we're live in washington as he prepares to return to court for a different case. oakland's in-n-out serves up its final burgers. the fallout from its farewell in one east bay city. plus -- >> the mind-set is really meaningful and i think it's more poignant now than ever because women areki


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