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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 25, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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playing with someone taking care of them. if you're in a household with teenagers right now, you know they're not present because they're on their phone or dealing with that academic achievement pressure. >> young adults say they're still hired, but the process to get the job is a little more extensive. you can watch the full report coming up on the "today" show. and a quick reminder, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. you can watch us whenever you want on roku and other streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, deadline date for donald trump. he's just about out of time to pay hundreds of millions of dollars, or his properties face potential seizure. we're live in washington as he prepares to return to court for a different case. oakland's in-n-out serves up its final burgers. the fallout from its farewell in one east bay city. plus -- >> the mind-set is really meaningful and i think it's more poignant now than ever because women are seeking each other.
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>> advancing research and innovation for women's health. a look at one group of bay area women getting answers to their questions all while having some fun. this is "today in the bay." >> thanks for starting your day with us. i'm 6:00 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's talk about this weather because we don't know what it's going to be. better will be better than what we saw this weekend. >> yeah, it was pretty wild over the weekend. it was just like raining, it was sunny, it was cold, windy, warm. we had a little bit of everything. well, now it has all cleared out, and we're starting out in the upper 40s and low 50s to get this monday started. in santa rosa, we're going to have a mix of sun and clouds, but, once again, the rain will leave us alone. we'll start out with temperatures in the upper 40s and then we're headed for the low 60s for this afternoon. it will be a cooler day. you'll probably keep the jacket
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on all throughout the afternoon, as dublin only sees a high of 60 degrees. we'll see that in san mateo and san francisco, and 64 in san jose, as well as 64 in santa rosa. a little bit warmer tomorrow, but then rain comes back on wednesday. so we'll talk about that timeline coming up. mike, how is that slowing on highway 24? >> it's easing up. we had a crash that originally was reported 24 at 13. that did clear to one of the frontage roads. never got a full resolution, but we do see the rippling recovery orinda, clearing by highway 13, and it's a great drive. walnut creek not showing the slowing. we have a build on highway 4, 37, standard patterns, including the bay bridge toll plaza. 6:02 right now. new overnight, two people are dead following a shooting in san francisco's bayview district. officers responded to reports of shots fired last night at a home
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on dwight street. they found both victims inside the home. no arrests have been made and no other details are being released. today is the deadline for former president donald trump to post a $454 million appeal bond in new york or face the possibility of his property being seized. as the former president scrambles to find the money, a hearing is scheduled concerning another case. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is in washington this morning on the legal battles that he's facing. so, brie, his team, his legal team, that is, they really have been struggling to secure this bond. >> that's right. good morning, marcus. so this is a lot of money we're talking about, lawyers for former president trump have said that coming up with roughly half a billion dollars was a practical impossibility. they say they've been turned down by about 30 different companies already. the clock is ticking for former president trump to secure more than $450 million or face consequences from new york's
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attorney general. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> reporter: some of the former president's iconic properties could be seized. >> this is not some immediate process where tish james is going to walk into 40 wall street on tuesday and change the locks or something like that. >> reporter: trump claims money is not the problem. >> we have a great company, but they want to take it away. >> reporter: he also aired his grievances on truth social, criticizing the attorney general's record on violent crime, while claiming he did absolutely nothing wrong. on sunday, the former republican national committee chair defended efforts to use rnc donations to pay off trump's legal bills. >> if they feel strongly to support his legal bills, then they have every right to do so, and i think he's being open that they're helping with his legal bills. >> reporter: democrats are blasting the presumptive gop presidential nominee's legal
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woes. republicans are coming to his defense. >> this is not about party, this is not about politics. this is about corruption and criminality. >> and president trump is actually gaining popularity because they're just focusing on trying to go after him. >> reporter: trump has called the case against him election interference and is seeking a last-minute reprieve from an appeals court to prevent his assets from being seized. today former president trump has a hearing regarding his alleged scheme to cover up hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. trump has pleaded not guilty. the judge is expected to set a trial start date during this morning's hearing. >> a lot of court dates to keep up with, in many different states. brie jackson this morning in washington, thank you. it is 6:05. we continue to celebrate women's history month. there's a new push to advance research and innovation for women's health following an executive order signed by president joe biden. but one group of bay area women are creating space to tackle
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these issues on their own. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live in san francisco this morning. ginger, i understand you had a chance to sit down with these ladies? >> reporter: i did, laura. and as we continue to still celebrate women's month, they definitely give off a lot of that energy. they call themselves the strong her collective and there are a group of women that have long felt that specific women's issues need to be addressed. they have answered questions about menopause, cancer specific to women, hormones and wellness and connection. they decided to get together, hear from experts and have some fun. this author is the most recent guest speaker for the strong her collective. a group of women and people who support women that meet every other month to casually learn about curated issues specific to female mid-life health. >> being the bridge for women
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equity, to make health care information accessible, approachable, applicable, and although it's coined a community, it's really a health care initiative starting in san francisco. >> the mind-set behind what they're trying to create is really meaningful, and i think it's really more poignant now than ever, because women are seeking each other. >> reporter: this women's month, the white house is also taking notice of the need to expand research on women's health care. just last week, president biden signed the white house initiative on women's health research. the goal, to fundamentally change how we approach and fund women's health care in the country. president biden also announced more than 20 new actions and commitments to advance women's health research, which includes big money, $200 million worth for the national institutes for health. >> i'll bet today that this is the first time a president of the united states has ever signed an executive order that mentions the words menopause and
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women's -- [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: back in san francisco, that same laughter from women who are not shying away from talking about menopause and other mid-life health topics. >> i think the key thing is about getting the education that we're talking about, and being empowered and to ask the doctors for help. >> reporter: and, laura, that was one thing they really did talk about, advocating for yourself, it's a message that carries on well beyond women's month. back to you. >> very much so. so important. thank you very much, ginger. for the first time in 75 years, in-n-out is shutting down one of its popular restaurant locations due to crime. even with the profitability, it couldn't keep the doors open at the in-n-out on hegenberger drive in oakland. but it was a final farewell for fans as lines of cars snaked through the parking lot yesterday, customers getting one
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last double-double and animal fries. when the announcement came of the closure back in january, the company stated that customers and employees were often victims of crime. former employees were there yesterday joining the current staffers to say their good-byes. >> a lot of these people haven't been working here for over ten years, but we still are, like, family with each other. >> current workers have the option of taking a severance or transferring to another location. this is just the latest closure along the same corridor. denny's closed last month, also citing safety concerns, along with a nearby black bear diner and starbucks. happening tonight in contra costa county, caltrans is shutting down two lanes on interstate 580 at the richmond-san rafael bridge. the closure will start at 7:00 p.m. and it's expected to last until 5:00 tomorrow morning. during that time, crews will repair the upper deck of the bridge. it will impact the westbound lanes just after the toll plaza. new at 6:00, a new ferry will be christened this afternoon in vallejo as the
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latest addition to the sf bay ferry fleet. this photo is showing the boat being tested in washington. it will be the fleet's 17th ferry, and the capacity is more than 300 riders. leaders will take part in a short celebration ride. >> get the champagne bottle. you smash it on the boat, don't you? >> i want to gulp, gulp. that will be the other bottle. >> the christening of marcus. let's take a live look outside on this monday morning, overlooking san jose. it looks like a nice start to our monday morning. kari is keeping tabs on the forecast. >> we had such a big weekend, with rain and sunshine, rainbows, some of us even had a few thunderstorms. now we're getting a break in that rain and it's going to be cool and partly cloudy today. tomorrow, just slightly warmer with a little bit more sunshine, and then rain comes back late wednesday, and continues off and on throughout the weekend. so as we take a look at concord
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and what to expect for today, many spots in the east bay and around the bay area will see a few clouds this morning, and a mix of sun and clouds throughout the afternoon. temperatures go from low 50s to mid-60s for this afternoon there. and we'll see a high of 62 in mountain view and 64 in novato. san francisco up to 60 degrees. here we go with that slight warm-up for tomorrow, but then on wednesday that's when those temperatures drop for parts of the bay area as rain comes in. mike, you're trying to find some lower gas prices, but they seem to be rising. >> we wanted to see prices drop, but they have not. we've got the case of mondays if you're talking about not feeling so well. for vallejo, royal gas on tennessee street, it's up 15 cents from when we checked on friday. so to $4.38. sunnyvale has the same situation, up a dime, at $4.39 for national petroleum on old san francisco road. but as of last night, we have
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one holdout in hayward, same thing, $4.27 at r stores on hesperian boulevard. thank you for reporting and checking to the roadways, we're looking at a smooth flow of traffic for most of the bay. highway 24 does have great recovery from the earlier crash. we had two issues between fish ranch and highway 13. now traffic the rippling toward the bay bridge. there was a bumper reported in the lanes. the slowdown for highway 24 is only due to the ripple effect and the lanes are actually moving now despite the debris reported. >> thanks, mike. 6:11. could this be the end of the line for a man called panda? coming up next, new hints from the giants, his days there may be just about over. a number of errors for the boeing ceo means it's the end of the line for him. we'll have that latest breaking news. out to the futures this morning, on a shortened trading
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week, it looks like we'll start with a negative. plus, a geomagnetic storm in space. the stunning views some lucky few will be able to catch and an update on whether it's expected update on whether it's expected to impact radio
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs.
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both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. good monday morning. right now at 6:15, as you head out in oakland, it will be a cloudy morning, and we're in the
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upper 40s. we will briefly hit 60 degrees. overall a cool day, but at least we're not dealing with rain. we'll talk about when that comes back in our microclimate forecast in a few minutes. a steady flow of traffic and build for west 92. taillights away from us are the commute direction toward the peninsula. headlights coming toward us are moving smoothly. the volume about even now. westbound, the taillights will build. we'll show you what's feeding it coming up. good morning. happy monday to you. it's a shortened trading week, no trading on friday. breaking business news, the ceo of boeing says he will step down at the end of the year. dave calhoun hasn't been in charge of boeing for that long, just since 2020, took over as chief shortly after those two fatal 737 crashes, only to then be in charge as that door plug blew off another 737. here he is speaking to our colleagues at cnbc moments ago. >> if you're going to be leaving, some will say, why not
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just leave now? why wait until the end of the year? >> we have another mountain to climb. let's not avoid what happened with alaska air, let's not avoid the call for action, let's not avoid the changes that we have to make in our factory, let's not avoid the need to slow down and let the supply chain catch up. we will get through that. we will get through that, and i've committed myself to the board to do exactly that. >> the feds are treating the door plug incident as a crime, not intentional, perhaps, but negligence. as you recall, a part of the wall of the bulkhead gave way because of missing bolts in a plug placed where an optional door could be installed. it drew worries to the culture at boeing, which many say was ruined when boeing bought douglas back in '87. calhoun will be joined by
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several boeing top brass in stepping down. home sales jumped in february, according to the latest data, up 9.5%. this, despite higher mortgage rates. the red hot market inspires more people to put their homes on the markets. house prices are up nationwide as well. more than 5% higher than this time last year. we'll get data on new home sales this morning. now, oftentimes you see the slowdown with mortgage rates because people who would buy a new home aren't going to give up 2% to 3%. this is going to be a problem for decades, because we're not going back to 2% mortgages, or there would be a horrible disaster if we did, a pandemic, a global financial crisis, something like that. so this will be around for decades. >> and it will be interesting, too, when people re-fi, and they only did an eight or ten year, when those come up again, it really could change.
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>> they may have to sell their houses. >> exactly. well, in the run-up to opening day for baseball, the a's and giants tonight play the first of two bay bridge series games. this one is at the coliseum. giants fans may be on limited time to see one of their fan favorites. a lot of people wonder if this may be pablo sandoval's swan song. he last played in the majors in 2021. he signed a non-roster deal in february. on social media over the weekend, the giants encouraged fans to attend what may be his last game in a giants uniform. the teams play at oracle tomorrow. trending this morning, nearly $2 billion up for grabs this week for lottery players. >> it all starts tonight with that powerball drawing. right now the powerball jack pot is sitting at $800 million, and if you say that's not enough, i need more, don't you worry, because there is the mega millions jackpot. that one is more than $1 billion
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right now. it grew after no winning numbers on friday night. the mega millions drawing happens tomorrow night. so if you want your dibs at either one, make sure you grab your tickets before the drawings and good luck. [ laughter ] >> always thinking. >> there is a chance. it's small, but you do have a chance. >> somebody has got to win. >> if somebody has to, i'm willing. >> why not? >> taking one for the team. kari, you're always managing things here and there, but you have a different type of storm you're working with right now. >> let's talk about forecasting tracking a geomagnetic storm. every 11 years, the magnetic fields flip, called the solar maximum. we're getting closer to that time. so this is causing solar flares, originally space forecasters were concerned that these flares could interfere with the earth's
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radio transmissions. but in an update earlier this morning, they found the mass ejections that would cause the issues with radios are weakening. now, there's still a solar storm alert until 8:00 this morning, but it could be visible in some parts of the world. that's pretty cool. we were hoping we could see it in far northern california, but we also have some clouds moving in. and we're going to take a break from the rain after tracking an earth storm over the weekend. we had some showers, some very heavy downpours at times, some sunshine in between, and then we had some small hail in some spots. it brought us a decent amount of rainfall. take a look at some of our weekend rainfall totals in the santa cruz mountains. in ben lomond it was nearly 2 inches of rainfall, almost 1 1/2 in the oakland hills, san jose had a little over 1 inch and about the same in santa rosa, and in san francisco a little more than 1/2 inch of rainfall
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fell over the weekend. today we're headed for the low 60s behind that cold front that moves through. it is about normal or slightly cooler than normal as far as our temperatures for today. headed up for 64 in martinez, and we'll see mid-60s as well for much of the south county into san jose. now, tomorrow it's slightly warmer, and then going into wednesday we start to see some of our temperatures changing because the clouds and the rain will first move into the north bay. so santa rosa will only reach a high of 59. we're comparing that to the 68 we'll see in san jose as the rain takes a little longer to make it to the south bay into wednesday evening. once the rain comes in, it doesn't look to cause us any problems. it's in and out of here quickly. a brief break on thursday. but then on friday another storm system will be coming in, and it could bring in some lingering showers for the weekend. so we're looking at another quarter to possibly half inch of rainfall, and slightly higher amounts of rainfall farther to the north.
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the sierra is going to get a decent amount of snow. travel is going to be very difficult because we're looking at another foot to possibly closer to 3 feet of snow all coming between friday and sunday. and a look at our seven-day forecast, we'll be in the low to mid-60s and it's going to be dry today and tomorrow, but rain comes back on wednesday. mike, you had a couple of reports near the bay bridge. >> yeah, there was a bumper in the lanes. i believe that cleared. traffic is moving a little better. and coming off of the berkeley area as you join the eastshore freeway, right at the 880 interchange, there was a report of something there as well. we'll check the roadways, as we're looking at a smooth flow of traffic on the approach. there is a blip around ashby. it looks like everything is pretty much moving as you would anticipate, including the build for fremont and pleasanton, as well as hayward. back to you. 6:23 right now. next on "today in the bay," the way ai is helping some schools
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reduce gun violence on campus, and the new push
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next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? 6:25. new this morning, artificial intelligence technology, which detects weapons, is now being offered to free for schools. this comes as there have been 16 school shootings in the u.s. so far this year. the company behind the tech is and the technology is able to detect guns and alert
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police within seconds. the company originally created it for a customer dealing with theft in their stores a few years ago. however, realized it may be a helpful tool to detect weapons in schools using security cameras that are already in place. executives from the tech company say they just want to protect students. >> why don't we protect our kids, i was thinking of my kids specifically, and said, you know, first and foremost, why don't we figure out how to protect our kids, use this technology so that we can implement it quickly and cheaper and faster, so that we can proliferate it out there. and let's just do the right thing. if we're going to protect our kids, let's protect all kids. >> experts say multiple schools across the country are interested in installing the technology, including some here in the bay area. we've got a lot more ahead at 6:30, including only on nbc bay area. a mail carrier targeted not once, but twice.
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>> i was pretty upset, i was pretty angry, at first. >> the one-two punch that only got worse when he was ready to punch out. >> reporter: plus, oaklanders will now have to drive to other locations like this one behind me for their in-n-out. the rising crime rate that forced that burger chain to
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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breaking right now at 6:30, the ceo of boeing announcing plans to step down. it comes after a recent series of mid-flight scares. his brand new comments this morning with the company now facing a criminal investigation. a final farewell to a fan favorite. crime driving away perhaps the most popular fast food restaurant in oakland. we're live this morning with a look at the fast hurrah for in-n-out. and donald trump has to comes up with hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars right now, today. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. hope you had a great weekend. 6:30 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. let's get you caught up with weather. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect. the bay area looking pretty good. >> it looks much better than the weekend where we did get much-needed rain but it was throwing off weekend plans with the sunshine, the rain, the cold temperatures. and we are starting out this morning in the upper 40s and low
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50s. a look at martinez, we are at 49 degrees and it is a mostly cloudy morning. we'll see the sun peeking out with our temperatures that are going to be heading into the low 60s by 1:00. a look at our highs for this afternoon, up to 64 there, as well as mostly mid-60s for the south bay and north bay. we'll talk about changes ahead in a few minutes. >> thank you, kari. breaking news just into our newsroom, the ceo of boeing, david calhoun, is stepping down at the end of the year. the plane manufacturer has been under some intense scrutiny after a number of scares. but he tells cnbc the move is about him giving early notice of his retirement. >> i've entered my fifth year, the end of this year i'll be close to 68 years old. i've always said to the board, and the board has been very prepared, i would give them plenty of notice so that they could understand and plan
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succession in regular order. and that's what this is about. it's me giving them notice that at the end of this year, i plan to retire. >> the departure comes as regulators have put the company under the microscope in the recent manufacturing flaws on boeing planes. in january, you may remember that sealed door panel blew off a boeing 737 max 9 plane just minutes into an alaska airlines flight. last week, fbi agents informed passengers on that flight there is an ongoing criminal investigation. new overnight on the peninsula, firefighters say a small grass fire at the scene of a much larger weekend fire was intentionally set. the latest fire happened last night in brisbane on industrial way. it burned less than an acre. firefighters say it is not connected to this fire in the same location that destroyed a commercial building saturday night. this video is from citizen app. no one was injured. this fire's cause is still under investigation. starting today, oakland
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residents will have to go the extreme mile, and likely far more than they thought they would, because they're going to have to get the double-double fix farther away. bob redell is live for us in the east bay at a thriving in-n-out burger. let's talk about the decision to close that oakland location, everything to do with crime, because they say the business was going well there, right? >> reporter: you are correct. of course, there's still other in-n-out locations throughout the bay area like this one in pleasanton, which is not at risk of closing, as you can see it's getting ready to open a little later this morning. but the one in oakland is no more. for the first time, marcus, in the company's 75-year history, in-n-out has shut down a location of this one, which was near the oakland international airport, not far from hegenberger road. you can see a long line of customers showed up for the final day of business yesterday. the restaurant was staffed heavily with security, plenty of
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reminders for guests not to leave valuables in their cars. this is one of the recent closures near the airport. the denny's closed last month, also citing safety concerns. many former employees and patrons of the in-n-out hope oakland works together to stop other businesses from leaving. >> i think as far as the community, we all have to kind of like turn toward each other and start talking to each other. >> reporter: in january, in-n-out announced this closure, saying customers, employees are regular victims of crime like armed robberies and car break-ins. the chain has said that all impacted employees can transfer to other nearby locations or get a severance package. in-n-out plans to continue supporting charities in oakland. reporting live in pleasanton, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> it will certainly be missed in that area, i am sure of it. thanks, bob. three people are recovering after being shot about 24 hours
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ago in oakland. it happened a little before 8:00 yesterday morning near 47th avenue and 12th street, just south of fruitvale. police say it started with some sort of argument. the victims are now in the hospital. all are expected to survive. police so far are not indicating if they've identified a suspect. only on nbc bay area, a fremont mail carrier is talking about being hit by that same burglar not once, but twice. nbc bay area protecting his identity. but that carrier says that he had just finished his final drives last thursday, this is when he returned to his mail truck to find someone had broken into that truck. all of his personal possessions were gone. we're talking about his wallet, phone, car keys, and even a portable charger. the mail in the back was also taken. things got worse when he returned to the irvington station post office. >> as soon as i pulled into the parking lot, i looked over, and i noticed that my own personal vehicle was missing.
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and, you know, they took my car keys from my work truck and then they took my car from my workplace parking lot. >> now, that car, a dodge durango, he says he cannot do without it. postal inspectors are telling us that anyone who can help solve this case, you can earn a reward up to $100,000. it is 6:36. donald trump is facing a big deadline today to turn over hundreds of millions of dollars to the courts. >> scott mcgrew, he's been following this. break it down for us. what are the options? >> we talked about this friday, and i'll remind you, he has a number of options today. all of them are bad if you are donald trump. the first is to pay the roughly $450 million he owes the court, after he was found culpable of business fraud. his lawyers say he doesn't have that much in cash. the second option, the one that he would like to go with, is to post a bond, a promissory note that says, here is the money,
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we'll set it aside while i appeal my case, if i lose, we all know the money is right there. but his lawyers say he can't find anybody to give him that bond. no one will lend him the money. it's how he posted the bond on the carroll sexual assault case, but that's just not working now. third option, the one that may be most likely, given what's going on, is if he has problems with the first two, the state of new york can start seizing his property. now, that may not happen right away. it won't be as dramatic as somebody slapping a padlock on the trump tower. the state attorney general can simply put a lien on his properties, which would give her financial control over it. now, there's one more option, it's a bit of a hail mary, the courts could reduce the fine, or at least reduce the bond. that's what his lawyers were after when they told the courts he doesn't have the money to pay the fine. but trump over the weekend contradicted his own lawyers, saying he did have that money in his bank account in cash, which
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he claims is how prosecutors came up with the total. that's only part of trump's busy day. there will also be a hearing in new york to determine when trump's criminal business fraud case will begin, the one where he's accused of faking business records to cover up a hush money payment to the adult film actress stormy daniels. trump admits there was a payment but denies the two had an affair. that trial was supposed to start today. but there were delays when the u.s. department of justice turned over thousands of documents to the new york prosecutors who, in turn, notified trump's defense. trump doesn't have to be at today's hearings, but we fully expect he will attend. the republican party now led in part by lara trump, has arranged for donations to flow into trump's pac first where they can be diverted for legal bills before filtering down to the party itself. the former head of the republican party, ronna mcdaniel, spoke about that on sunday morning's "meet the press" right here on nbc.
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>> ultimately, these donations are going first to pay his legal bills. people who may be struggling in some cases to make ends meet, is there not an ethical challenge with that? >> if they feel strongly to support his legal bills, then they have every right to do so. and i think he's being very open that they're helping with his legal bills. >> mcdaniel is now a paid commentator hired by nbc, which has a number of journalists upset. during her time as the head of the gop, she backed the big lie and former "meet the press" host chuck todd said he doesn't trust her, and he said so sunday morning. >> i think your interview did a good job of exposing many of the contradictions, and, look, there's a reason why there's a lot of journalists at nbc news uncomfortable with this, because many, many of our professional dealings with the rnc over the last six years have been met with gaslighting and character assassinations. >> trump's hush money case hearing is to start at 7:00 a.m. our time, so just minutes away. more coverage ahead on "today."
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we'll have coverage on our 8:00 a.m. streaming broadcast on roku and we'll tell you everything that happened on our midday news at 11:00. back to you. all right, well, let's get started this morning, as we are going to see a break in the rain. we had some off and on showers throughout the weekend, but today we can just leave the umbrellas at home. it will be cool and partly sunny as we go into the afternoon, and tomorrow it will be slightly warmer, with more sunshine. looking ahead, the rain will return to the forecast late on wednesday, and will be off and on as we head into the end of the weekend. hayward, we're going to have a partly cloudy day, going from low 50s to right at about 60 degrees between 2:00 and 4:00 today. and our high temperatures will be on the cool side, but this is right at or slightly cooler than what we typically see for this date, and it will warm up just slightly tomorrow before our temperatures come back down, as rain moves in on wednesday. so we'll talk more about that.
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mike, you were saying that traffic is slowing down in san jose. >> specifically right here, north 101, just after the 280/680 interchange. northbound lights are bogging down, orange on our sensors. this is the second buildup, this is the one that hits and sticks tht area. 87 sees more buildup through the downtown area and we maybe have a crash going on where the two meet 101 and 87 right by sjc. we'll check on that once chp gets on scene and gives us more information. southbound 680 shows a build toward fremont and sunol. same thing for west 580, castro valley y, 880 south. san mateo bridge shows some more slowing west across over to the peninsula side. slowing for vasco as well. we look ahead, old river bridge is closed tonight and for the next couple of nights, so there will be a longer detour. this is overnights heading between brentwood and the stockton area. back to you. walking off the job.
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workers at a peninsula medical center are going on strike. we break down the demands being made and the impact it is likely to have on patients. >> and shohei ohtani is set to speak amid theft allegations against his interpreter.
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good monday morning. right now at 6:45, we're taking a live look outside at san
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francisco, the golden gate bridge. we are seeing some breaks in the clouds and it will be partly cloudy today, but our temperatures here for the most part staying in the upper 50s. we'll talk about more changes as we go throughout the week and when rain comes back in just a few minutes. and those sensors, we saw them change from green to yellow. there's nothing like seeing taillights in red. westbound 92 slows because of volume. no incidents on the span. we'll talk about the incident that's reported near san jose international airport and 101 coming up. happening today on the peninsula, workers walking off the job at dal eye city's seaten medical center. the union authorizing a two-day strike involving more than 400 workers. workers are in the midst of a contract dispute and claim the hospital changed union health benefits. the strike includes nurses, nursing assistants and housekeepers. the hospital did release a statement saying in part, we are disappointed with the union's decision to walk off the job in the middle of our negotiations,
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as the expense of patient care, despite seton offering excellent benefits, substantial paid time off. the hospital says care will not be impacted. in southern california, baseball star shohei ohtani is expected to address the media since major league baseball was rocked by allegations of illegal gambling and theft against his interpreter. our sister station in live in los angeles in front of dodgers stadium. do we know at all what he's expected to say? >> reporter: we're hoping he will shed some light on all of this, laura. good morning to you, hello, everybody. since the scandal broke out, there have been so many questions that have gone unanswered, and probably the biggest one of them all is how did shohei ohtani and his
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representatives fail to notice that $4.5 million were transferred out of his accounts. today for the first time, the dodgers superstar will speak to the media after his attorneys put out a statement saying he was allegedly the victim of theft by his interpreter. according to reports, mizuhara had conducted an on-the-record interview in which he claimed that ohtani had knowingly paid his deblts. then he recanted the story and said shohei ohtani was not aware of the debts he owed. a source told nbc news that ohtani hates betting, casinos, and had no part in any of the wire transfers that happened. the allegations have prompted several investigations not just by major league baseball, but also by the feds, including the irs. so, again, we are expecting this presser to get under way sometime later this afternoon, possibly 3:00 or 4:00 this
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afternoon. all eyes will be on ohtani. that's the latest. reporting live outside of dodgers stadium in l.a., annette aereola. >> thank you so much. let's talk a little basketball and talk about madness. stanford survives a big scare. >> last night the game against iowa state had it all, even an appearance from brock purdy. late in the third quarter, dimitry hitting a three-pointer, the game went into overtime. in o.t., dimitry came up big again, giving the cardinal a lead they would never give up. the cardinal winning 87-81, thrilling fans and head coach vanderveer. >> i'm really, really proud of our team and how far we've come in a year. >> it was unbelievable. the defense, the offense, the pure grit that was on that
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floor. those girls fought like it was the last game of their life. >> her excitement makes me mad i missed the game. >> i want to sit by her and watch the game. >> stanford moving on to sweet 16 for the 29th time in school history, on friday they play the winners of tonight's game, the tennessee/north carolina game. >> can we be your friend? >> i know. sit next to me. >> that's exciting. hoping for a nice, clear week. >> yeah, we're going to see that for a little bit, today and tomorrow, and then the rain comes back. we did have some much-needed rain over the weekend and we're going to take a break. here is a look at the wide view of the storm that has moved on and it's starting to reach closer to the bay area will bring about more changes. let's talk about how much we measured over the weekend. in the santa cruz mountains, ben lomond nearly 2 inches of rainfall, the oakland hills had almost 1 1/2 inches, san jose measuring 1 inch of rainfall, about the same in santa rosa,
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and in san francisco it was a little more than 1/2 inch of rain. we are seeing some clouds roll by as we take a look at our walnut creek camera, and there will be a mix of sun and clouds with temperatures going from the upper 40s. we gradually warm up and make it into the 60s. we're looking at a high of 62. about the same in oakland, 64 in much of the north bay, as well as san jose down to the south county. now, tomorrow it's just slightly warmer as we get a bit more sunshine and another break in the rain. but as you've probably seen at the bottom of the screen with that seven-day forecast, it's going to return to some wet weather by wednesday. mostly during the evening. so the north bay sees it first and temperatures will be cooler, with some upper 50s in santa rosa, but in san jose, we make it through most of the day without rain, and it will be in the upper 60s. here is a look at what's coming in. the wave of rain, once again, spreading from north to south, as we go into wednesday evening.
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and it's going to be off and on for thursday into friday, a new storm system arriving on friday will bring in some heavier rainfall. and then lingering showers into the weekend. so it's going to be very much like the weekend we just had for this upcoming weekend. we could see about a quarter to a half inch of rainfall, with the higher rainfall totals in parts of the north bay. if you do have weekend plans for the sierra, it's going to be very difficult to get there, once again. but if you can make it during that window ahead of the system, and maybe wait until it's done on monday, you will be able to watch a beautiful snowstorm that will bring about 19 to possibly 39 inches of snow throughout the weekend. and it stays winter-like here in the bay area, with temperatures only reaching into the low 60s inland. we'll have some cold mornings, san francisco also going to see rain coming back on wednesday. mike, what's going on with that crash near the san jose airport? >> chp got there and let us know everything is on the right
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shoulder. there is a slowdown because of the volume. north 101 typically sees the volume build toward the airport, and there's sjc where it joins with 87 and 101. a smooth flow of traffic. 87 back into downtown slowing more from curtner toward the area. this is a typical pattern for the south bay. no surprises for this monday. we have slowing for the nimitz, as well as 680 coming south, 580 and across the san mateo bridge. i showed you the live look with the congested travel westbound. highway 4 moving nicely westbound, same thing for highway 37, typical slower areas. richmond bridge does have slowing at the toll plaza and a general build for the eastshore freeway, all the way down to the berkeley curve. there's the area out of richmond with a lot of traffic just building. back to you. >> thank you. happening now, it turns out six days aren't all fun and games when it comes to most teenagers missing school. the new university of michigan
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study finds most students worry about missing class time and the potential impact on their grades. the same study finds more than half of all parents will allow their kids to stay home if they're unsure how sick their child really is. one-quarter will still send their kids to school and 20% allowed their child to decide. up next, breaking news, ceo planning to step down, coming after a recent midair flight and his brand new comments this morning, now facing a cminalri
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at top stories here on "today in the bay," including the ceo of boeing abruptly announcing he's stepping down. >> dave calhoun this morning announced plans to retire and
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leave at the end of the year. boeing has been under intense scrutiny lately. in january, a sealed door panel blew off a boeing 737 max 9 plane minutes into an alaska airlines flight. he calls the announcement his way of giving early word about his retirement, and not part of the fallout from recent mishaps or product flaws. new overnight, two people are dead following a shooting in san francisco's bayview district. police say officers responded to reports of shots being fired a little before 9:00 last night at a home on dwight street. they found both victims inside the home. so far, no arrests have been made and no other details about the case are being released. firefighters say a small grass fire at the scene of the much larger weekend fire was intentionally set. the latest fire happened last night in brisbane on industrial bay. firefighters already say it is not connected to this fire in the same location that destroyed a commercial building saturday
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night. this video is from citizen app. no one was injured. this fire's cause is still under investigation. for the first time in 75 years, in-n-out shut down one of its popular restaurants due to crime. even profitability couldn't keep the doors open at in-n-out on hegenberger drive in oakland. but it was a final farewell for a lot of fans lining up in their cars, snaking through the parking lot yesterday. customers getting one last double-double and animal fries. when the announcement of the closure was made back in january, the company stated customers and employees were often victims of crime. one last check of the forecast. >> we had a lot of rain over the weekend, but now that has moved on. we're going to get a chance to enjoy some cool but sunny weather, and we'll have that for a couple of days before rain returns. looking at the end of the week, rain will be back, so another soggy one on the way.
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westbound on the right side, that's getting over to the peninsula, continued slowing because continued traffic feeds off of the nimitz. >> thank you very much. the "today" show is just moments away. you can get more local news with our 8:00 a.m. streaming newscast on roku and other platforms. ahead, a live report on the strike getting under way at seton medical center, and we're also talking with dr. lucy jones about the top honor she's receiving and the steps you can take to prepare for the next big one, we're talking earthquakes. >> you can always get a lot on our streaming show. make sure to join us then. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." the "today" show starts now. join us for midday news at 11:00 a.m. good monday morning. more wild weather on tap all across the country. >> and winter is not over


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