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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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unfair practices to corner the market and drive up prices. investigators want to know if apple is making it easier or harder for users to pick alternative browsers on their iphone. they are investigating the meta decision to charge users for a ad free experience on facebook. the eu is looking into google to determine if it favors its own services when consumers use it search engine, if found guilty the companies could face hefty fines. >> you can watch our newscast 24 seven mike on roku and other streaming platforms, more news coming up at 5:30. >> minimum wage is going to increase to $20 an hour for some workers. good for employees, but maybe not for employers. what some business owners are saying before the hike goes into effect next week. hackers charge with with the feds call economic espionage. what they are accused of doing in california that could have targeted your. there is a long list of
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celebrities and athletes turning to politics. who are some of the more successful ones? could steph curry join the list? the news at 5:30 pm starts right now thank you for joining us. >> fast food workers are about to get a pay raise next week the minimum wage goes up from 16 bucks an hour to 20 bucks an hour. but the restaurant operators say a higher wage could mean fewer workers. here is robert. >> reporter: running a popular pizza shop in san jose near the oak ridge shopping center, he considers himself a good employer to good times and bad, for example he points out he did not lay off any workers during the pandemic or cut their hours. now as california gets ready to up the minimum wage for fast food workers, from $16-$20, he is not sure if he can afford
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that change. >> as an owner or employer you have to have like coverage to pay them, if you cannot you have to shut your door or they will lose hours either way it will be losing for both sides. >> some have suggested the wage hike could be covered by raising prices but he says passing the cost to customers is not a simple as it might sound. >> we cannot out of nowhere change the prices so people will go elsewhere, there is a lot of options. >> the new minimum wage applies to designated fast food employees who work and sell food and drinks for immediate consumption and applies to the bigger chains with at least 60 establishments nationwide. the south bay labor council and many other label organizations supported the change calling it a job creator not a job killer. >> i think the data tells us that small businesses in particular save money by
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investing in their employees and do less spending on training. less spending on advertising. and when someone just has one job they're more focused on that job. >> some fast food workers we talked to who asked not to appear on camera say they worry about the impact on their employer but also say they need the money to keep up with the bay area's cost of living. customers we talked to at the roundtable say they sympathize with all sides, employers, employees and customers. >> everywhere, everything is getting higher so people need to make more money and rent is getting higher so it is understandable from both perspectives. >> if the stores or shops raise their prices you might not go out as much. >> the new law establishes a fast food counsel which will monitor the change and see if there should be any more increases in the future. in san jose, nbc bay area news. the feds are charging seven chinese hackers with sweeping attacks here in california, prosecutors say the
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alleged hackers spent 14 years targeting officials in what is being called economic espionage, is included hacking into i.t. providers for software company and engineering company and the california university. but it did not offer any specifics the fbi says they did compromise some email accounts, cloud storages and even surveillance programs. a big legal victory today for former president trump, a new york appellate court has agreed to lower the bond he must pay after a judge found him liable of inflating his net worth. the five judge panel says that mr. trump must post a $175 million bond instead of a $454 million bond. the court has granted him 10 days to post that new bond amount. while today's ruling lowers the size of his required bond it does not reduce the total judgment. if he loses his appeal he could still be on the hook for the full $454 million plus
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interest. are political analyst is joining us now, a career businessman, becoming a politician and facing financial troubles now but he has recovered like he has in the past. and multiple cases of bankruptcy, what is the history of business people entering politics? >> it's fascinating, the study of presidents over the last hundred years, they found that the ones we think the least of career politicians do the best and four of the top six were career politicians. bill clinton, fdr, they got there agendas in high standing with the public. there was non-business types who did well, eisenhower, military of course he is a good one but ronald reagan, the actor had really high standards but really when it comes to guys like hardy, coolidge, hoover, all of these residents that came from business and made poor presidents, go figure.
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>> you mentioned reagan who of course was a well-known actor before he entered politics, other notable actors? >> it's amazing, not that many in terms of acting become okay? but think of arnold schwarzenegger, the obvious one. we had sonny bono, sonny and cher and my favorite, fred grandy, from the love boat. in congress it for 10 years from iowa so there you have it, some have gone in there and it shows you how different types of professions work. >> actors, let's talk about athletes. steve garvey facing off against adam schiff this november, other notable athletes that have entered? >> how about gerald ford? michigan, football went right into congress shortly after that, ultimately vice president and president of the united states and then there is a couple others. football coach, tommy tupper bill, and then mark wayne mullen who is from oklahoma, what was his profession?
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martial arts, so there goes, it shows you all kinds of people can get into these very lofty professions. >> stuff curry has brought up he was interviewed recently and he said something a little bit surprising that he wouldn't rule out if he could do something good he would enter politics. surprising to you? >> not really, if you take a look at what he is all about, his portfolio so to speak he has some interesting characteristics that a lot of people like. he is respected in this industry and we know that, he is very famous and the person who has good family background and people like that kind of a thing. makes them feel secure. he is a person also who has been out in community, right? things like the nonprofits that he and his wife have done, this makes him likable. so he could have a big future not the only athlete in modern times to do it that you know but someone like that with that kind of pedigree if you will could go a long way. we will just have to see if he has that career path past
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basketball. but the opportunity seems to be there. >> the characteristics you listed are the same that oprah winfrey had, they encouraged and want to push her into politics but she says no. stuff curry is not ruling it out he said he would consider it. thank you so much. we will see where the ball bounces. president curry. we will see. it is a delicate and challenging balance for a lot of parents, kids and social media, ron desantis signed a new bill to keep kids younger than 14 off of social media. the band requires a social media platforms to prevent kids under the age of 14 from creating accounts and deleting existing ones. it also requires parental consent for 14 and 15-year-olds to have accounts. the bill represents tighter regulations than currently used by social media companies. instagram for example requires users to be 13. under the bill social media companies have failed to comply can be sued for thousands of dollars.
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governor desantis acknowledges though the strong possibility of first amendment challenges in court. >> the place in the bay area that takes you back in time but keeping it on the rails is not always easy. the help being given to a special museum. i am chief meteorologist jeff, even though we had rainfall over the weekend, that pollen is high, pine, oak and ce
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when it comes to railroad history the bay area has a number of places where train enthusiast can roll back in time. but as time marches on those museums are finding it difficult to keep these historic trains going and rolling, we have the report. >> reporter: in the hills, the phantom steams out of the past interview.
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lumbar steam engine number four, one of the workhorses of the canyon railway museum, running along 12 miles of track through fremont and sentinel. >> she is 100 years old this month. >> every weekend this historic railway founded in the 1980s carries visitors through transportation history. >> often it is all under the hood. >> we are trying to keep it running and show the history. of railroads in california. >> for keeping this 100 year old antique running can be a challenge. recently number four needed new brake shoes, the kind of parts you can't just run down to walmart for. >> no, no. all this is really is not made anymore. >> it's a small part that could put the brakes on an entire
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steam engine. >> we would not be able to stop so we wouldn't be running this locomotive without new brake shoes. >> the railroad volunteers and asked for someone to make the custom parts but where? california was filled with many iron foundries but few remain. the answer came from another portal of the past. about 100 miles east in the gold rush town, once known as the jewel of the mother load, is another joint where time cycles backward. >> this is the ninth foundry established in 1973 to produce high-pressure water motors. >> vested from the gold-mining days, the volunteer run ninth foundry is where the industry of yesteryear lives on in iron and fire. a blacksmith forges tools. volunteers fill molds with
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melted aluminum. it's the perfect place to make something that isn't made anymore. like an old train part. >> we needed some brake shoes and this locomotive is a special, basically asked if we would be able to work out a deal and build some parts for their locomotives that they are working on. >> so inside the pattern shop, joe harrelson took an original brake shoe and made a wood pattern. >> basically this is the pattern to produce the brake shoe. >> from that pattern, volunteers made a mold using green sand. and then summoned an inferno to melt iron. the poor into the mold. >> absolutely this is exactly how it would've been done 150 years ago. this gives us an outlet to be able to build our skill in iron casting. >> the foundry which is
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celebrating its 150th anniversary recently made parts for other historic railroads in california. >> we are trying to preserve these traditional methods of making wooden patterns. and sometimes trains discover how did they do that, 150 years ago. >> those new parts will keep engine number four on track and passengers all aboard the time traveler express. >> preserving that knowledge and industries like knights foundry to make the parts is key to the whole success of what we are doing. >> but the relationships stoped in the furnaces of time, here in this hotbed of technology is the technology of another era saving the day. >> we are lucky it is still there. >> nbc bay area news. keep on rolling. i love it. that was nice. we have all sorts of things coming our way, right? >> how about some rain? everyone was like more. third season in a row where we had some consistent rainfall
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continuing into march and really over the next couple of weeks on and off chances so hang tight here, outside to the walnut creek camera we get in on some sunshine through the afternoon with cloud cover mixing in. right now 61 degrees. dropping down to 56 here by 8 pm. out towards napa we had some sunshine, 59 and we had some chillier 40s that will be dipping in here as we hit 11 pm. and really as we roll through tomorrow morning's forecast we will stay on the chilly side here, lots of 40s. this will bring us down to 49 through the south bay, tri- valley at 46. san francisco the one spot that will be in the low 50s and out here to the east bay will be in the upper 40s. daytime highs for tomorrow stay below 70 degrees and that is just because of the way the airflow and the whole pattern is setting in for us so no chance of warmer weather tomorrow. up to 66 here in santa rosa,
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also mid 60s down here towards morgan hill and right up towards san jose. so it will stay dry and cool for us here as we roll through tomorrow's forecast but those rainfall chances on the way, so here's what we are looking at, it is one storm system here in the upper levels of the atmosphere. starting on wednesday but this thing will linger all the way through sunday. and it's all about how this is moving and it looks like it will just ride down the coastline here, one day, thursday, friday, saturday and also on sunday. then rain chances and thunderstorms and also some cooler temperatures. as we roll through tomorrow, it is dry as we talked about here, some spotty showers on wednesday morning's commute does not look like anything big right now. then we see the rainfall pick up here with widespread chances by wednesday evening around 7 pm, north bay and the coast. and we will continue with rain chances for about 11:30 pm on wednesday. overall totals and trace amounts to a quarter inch. could see a few spots around a half inch but it looks like with that storm system getting
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closer to our coastline, by friday and saturday we see those rainfall chances pick up. writing in saturday's totals looking a little bit healthier here, anywhere from a half to about one inch, coastal mountains, peninsula northbay anywhere from a half to one inch may be a little less here towards the east bay in south bay, but still some decent rain amounts. not only that but sierra snow from wednesday through saturday going to stack up in feet likely up to 23 inches twin bridges, 11 s. tahoe and 21 in kingsville so that will add on to the snowpack numbers. which right now are over 100% normal for another sierra. central sierra, 99% than normal, and the april 1 snow survey which is the most important out of the entire snow season will likely come in at 100% and/or better. this will be the only time we have seen two years in a row of 100% and/or better snowpack
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since 2010 and 2011. so certainly something to celebrate getting all of that snow. right here in the seven-day forecast we will see that heavier chance of rain by friday scattered thunderstorms stay for this weekend, the forecast and those numbers on the cool side. i would like one day in the 70s on here. we are getting close on monday. flirting with it, but that is what we got coming our way. >> thank you. up next the stanfords men's basketball team is not in the
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a's and giants are done with arizona, they are back in the bay area and tonight at the coliseum, baseball is back in the regular season begins thursday for both teams. tonight and tomorrow the last of the exhibition games so it does not count in standings but still pretty cool to see them on the field together. and there they are now, the a's hosting the giants in the 510 this is a look at the coliseum, so tonight's game in oakland, tomorrow night in san francisco. and giants fans may have one last chance to see one of their favorites, tomorrow night, it might be pablo sandoval's swansong. last and played in 2021 and tried to make a comeback after signing a nonroster deal in february, they are trying to attend what may be his last
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game in a giants uniform. the stanford women's basketball team is once again reaching the sweet 16 of the ncaa tournament, they will play nc state this friday, also the stanford men's team has a new head coach. he is a good one, kyle smith comes here from washington state where he led the cougars to their first ncaa tournament appearance since 2008. pretty impressive and in doing so he was named the pac 12 coach of the year, he takes over for jared who recently was fired after eight seasons. basketball and a lot of baseball but the football season never sleeps, the 49ers continue contract negotiations with their star wide receiver until a new deal is reached, trade rumors will persist, 49ers general manager continues to shoot down those rumors saying again today the team has no intention of trading brandon, he is set to enter the final year of his rookie contract if the new deal is not reached he will count more than $14 million against the teams
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salary cap. the olympics approaching fast, officials continue to increase security. the new asures being taken me norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs.
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both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. after the deadly shootings at that moscow concert hall there is concern for the upcoming paris olympics, the french government is now raising its terror alert warning to its highest level. french president macron says the government, the kiln the
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gunman killed 137 people in moscow are the same part of the islamic branch that attempted to attack france over the past few months. allowing for extra security measures has stepped up patrols by armed forces. in places like train stations, airports and religious sites. also today, a test run of the olympic torch relay this is near paris, it is meant to fine- tune security and traffic arrangements. the olympic plane was set to march there on may 18 after sailing out from greece. the torch relay will then pass through 64 towns and cities across france stopping at iconic monuments before the torch travels to paris july 14. the cruise ship carnival freedom is back in a florida port following of fire over the weekend, the ships exhaust funnel caught fire saturday while sailing to the bahamas. fortunately they were able to contain it quickly. nearly 4000 passengers d boarded the ship saying the
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experience was scary and confusing. because of the damage carnival says it must cancel its next two cruises. they were set for today and friday. investigators say the fire is carnival freedom second one in less than two years. up in space, carrying a russian, belarus and and an american successfully docked with the international space station. the russian spacecraft was launched on saturday two days later than planned. the original launch aborted seconds before takeoff on thursday because of an electrical problem. american astronaut tracy dyson will stay in orbit for about six months to work as a flight engineer. the two others will live at the station for about two weeks to do research and then come home early next month. still a lot of news ahead. what's coming up next. >> the assault happened decades ago but tonight a south bay teacher is facing charges. a tip that led police to that teacher and what students who went to that school are now saying. learning more about the
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brothers who were attacked by mountain lion, one of the brothers died, the new details on everything that led up to that attack. san francisco's office space, so many places left empty while the city deals with the housing issue. good evening and thank you for being with us on this monday. a south bay teacher has been arrested in connection with, police say sean thomas taught at lee high school in san jose, but is nbc mariam tells us, that's not the only high school where he was employed. >> they have now arrested 56- year-old sean thomas on suspicion of rape and sexual assault on a teenage girl
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between 2002 and 2003. she was a student at lehigh at the time were thomas taught pe. investigators say he was still teaching there when police took him into custody last week. students we spoke with today are shaken. >> that makes a lot of us feel a lot more like unsafe. just knowing that there are faculty on campus that would do something like this. >> parents are also concerned. >> i feel like there will be a lot more stories to come out. >> the superintendent of the campbell union high school district issued a statement saying the district is actively cooperating with the investigation. the teacher has been placed on administrative leave and directed not to have student or staff contact of any kind. investigators say thomas was also a football and track and field coach at los gatos high school, we reached out to the los gatos saratoga union high school district which told us all coaches are required to undergo thorough background checks an


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