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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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death row is facing its own death sentence, the copper department of corrections as now begun transferring all death row inmates to other prisons to comply with voter approved prop 66. by the end of the summer, california's death row will not exist. jody hernandez took what may be one of the last tours of san quentin z's block. >> you are locked down. >> marcus adams describes what it's been like living on san quentin's death row, sentenced to death for triple murder. he's lived in a 4 x 10' cell for the past 21 years. like all death row inmates, anytime he leaves his cell, he must be escorted and handcuffed. >> being on death row, you're confined to your cell 20 hours out of the day. >> that's all about to change. the department of corrections has begun clearing out san quentin's east block moving condemned inmates to other
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prisons across the state. it's all a result of proposition 66 which requires death sentence inmates to pay restitution with victims, meaning they need to be able to leave their cells to work. >> they cannot stay here because they did not have an electrified fence and so, the guys who are transferring have to be behind electrified fence. >> inmates will be mainstreamed into the general population, and not required to wear handcuffs at their new prisons. there are still 399 condemned prisoners living here. the youngest, 24, the oldest 93. all of them will be moved out by the end of the summer. >> anything you will miss about death row? not at all. michael lamb was sentenced to death for killing a fellow gang member, once part of a white supremacy gain. he says he's now a changed man.
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>> i can't tell you how good it feels to get rid of the death row stigma you know, when people think death row. they think serial killers, , child molesters. i am not here for that. >> victim advocates say that it's a recipe for disaster. >> these prisoners are not the type of prisoners that should be put in mainstreamed, people are going to die because of this policy. there are several death row inmate that received a death sentence because they killed someone in prison already. >> these condemned men say they are ready for a new way of life and a little more freedom. >> it's a different lifestyle for all of us, it's going to be different and we get to walk. ice cream and chicken on the bone, small stuff like that is big to us in here. >> i cannot wait, i'm ready to go. i can't wait to get out of here and be out there.
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>> at san quentin, jody hernandez, nbc bay area news. another top story, we have new details from that tragedy in baltimore. six people are now presumed dead after a cargo ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge. >> the video is startling, that historic bridge plunging into the river after the ship went right into it, now that ship moved away from the baltimore port bound for sri lanka, the chain of events begins when the cargo ship suddenly goes dark, the lights go off and then and alerts authorities that it's lost power. moments before then and hundred 80 foot vessel, slamming into the bridge at a speed of 8 kn which is about 9 miles an hour. >> two people were rescued from the water, one in good condition, the other seriously injured. ireland's governor, westmore said there might be drivers in the water if it were not for people who heard the may day call and then blocked off the
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bridge and kept of their cars from crossing. unfortunately, six workers on the bridge roadway at the time of the crash have not been found, they are presumed dead. the urgent search for those workers transition into a recovery effort late this afternoon because of the amount of time that has passed, about 18 hours. the water is chilly, 47 degrees and the bridge near 20 stories above the river at least it was, a contractor who worked with the missing man told nbc news that those men are from mexico, guatemala, el salvador, and honduras. they came to the baltimore area for a better life. >> we do not want to injure any of these first responders in this recovery effort. we absolutely want to be as safe as possible for everyone involved. >> we will work with structural engineers to help them understand how to navigate and address challenges of having bridge structure in the water that may be sharp, they could
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puncture a suit, an airline, all these things we must take our time with. >> the loss is devastating for the entire eastern region, the francis scott key bridge was built 47 years ago in the 1970s is named after the author of the star-spangled banner. >> 1 1/2 mile structure spans the river stretching from baltimore's inner harbor to the chesapeake bay, it's a notable and popular region. an estimated 30,000 vehicles cross over this bridge each day, ocean carriers and trucking companies are now in a logistical stramel -- scramble to divert containers away. >> that's a big problem when you consider the port of baltimore is the 11th largest port in the nation and is a critical -- for u.s. trade, the top port in the country for both import and export of cars and light trucks, customers from the east coast to the midwest who are expecting good ship via
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this port could see significant cost increases, we are talking about home depot, bob's furniture, ikea, amazon, some companies that use that very port to ferry in their products, the president said he wants the federal government to pay for the reconstruction of that bridge. >> we will send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency, all federal resources. we will rebuild that port together. >> to see images and to see video of this, of the crash are stunning and it is terrifying, it prompts us to ask if it could happen here. >> shortly after that collision, the golden gate bridge authority issued statements reassuring commuters about the safety of our bridges, the baltimore crash involved a ship slamming into the peers, structural engineers say that shallow depths and areas of the bay offer additional protection. they say that most ships would likely run aground before they actually make contact with the bridge.
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>> the ships -- they can't get to that place, it is so shallow. that bridge is a little deeper but still, it's shallow with this kind of ship it >> could happen? it actually has to a much lesser degree, you might recall back in 2007, the costco boson shipping cargo ship swiped into the bay bridge, into one of the peers damaging the protective bumper around the bridge. the bridge itself was not damaged. since that crash, large circular structures called the dolphins have been designed to protect other bridges from direct impacts by ship, our coverage of this bridge collapse continues from baltimore tonight, nbc's lester holt anchors nightly news from the entrance of the bridge coming up in about 20 minutes from now. >> let's switch gears and talk about our weather and changes ahead of forecast, a live look from some cameras across the bay. it's not over, rain could soon be rolling in again after we
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had that nice break. >> we are heading into easter weekend, what are you seeing jeff? >> it's dry on storm ranger, doppler radar but if we get you out here towards the pacific, you will see that next storm system is already lining up right there, we will see that cold front sweep across the tomorrow afternoon and evening, that will pick up rainfall. we are drive-through tonight, we could see a few spotty showers at 9:00 in the morning mainly for the northern coast, northbay may be around san francisco 9:00 and then as we had through tomorrow evening, that is when the rain will be picking up six, seven, and also 8:00. we will have more on the timing and totals in just a bit, i wanted to show you how any kind of rainfall will continue to add to our reservoir numbers which are incredible, east bay mud, 85% of capacity marine water 100, lexington 95, chaz roe 97, 100, coyote not as high because it has been lowered for
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seismic safety, 51.8 in lake sonoma, 70% of capacity. more looks again at that storm tomorrow and changes into the weekend, i've got that for you coming up in 10 minutes. >> thank you, jeff. while bay area districts are seeing a spike in demand for more student lunches, it's complicated because many are scrambling to find enough people to prepare and serve those meals, nbc is in san jose with a look at staffing shortages and how districts are trying to handle what is a very big challenge. >> here at still valley middle school in alamo, workers are prepping food to serve students lunch, the san ramon valley unified school district needs a lot more workers in the kitchens, right now, they have 19 openings. >> it is all hands on deck and we make changes and adjustments and we even have our own staff from the central office that's together, we come out to the sites and help.
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>> senna riker, district director of child nutrition says the need for more workers spiked when the state started providing free breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of income. >> at san ramon valley, the number of students has -- participating in the lunch program has more than doubled. >> the district hired 44 new food service workers but is still not enough, school districts across the bay area are battling a similar shortage , including in the cupertino union school district. according to a study by the california school nutrition association, low wages and inadequate hours are the greatest contributors. what's the impact of quality of food? at san ramon valley unified when the demand for meals first searched in 2022, the district nutrition director says they relied along -- a lot on the heated meals, they now rely on batch cooking as they work to
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recruit more people to serve a healthier meal. in san jose, marion fabbro, nbc bay area news. >> pamela prices back in the headlines, a group of prison reform advocates are plotting the decision by the alameda county d.a. to not pursue a dart -- adult charges against a teenage murder suspect stemming from a 2022 house party shooting in oakland that left two brothers dad, the suspect was 17 years old at the time of the killings, pamela preis decided to keep this case in juvenile court, today, a group that works with incarcerated youth defended her decision saying young offenders deserve a second chance to reform. >> somebody -- at the age of 17. there was not one person when i was locked up with me who was not a survivor of trauma. so, we say hurt people hurt people but we know that healed people -- >> the d.a.s decision means at most, the suspect faces seven years in custody, the family
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called prices decision painful and irresponsible. they sued up every day to save lives but the uniforms could be deadly. >> the calls from sf fire to stop the use of a toxic chemical found in their protect gear, we will tell you what the chemical is. >> a bare area neighborhood afr a mountain lion'ste
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stay in the 408, a new program hopes to keep locals rooted in the city, about 30 minutes ago, the san jose city council unanimously passed a new tenant preference program, the policy will require affordable proper owners to set aside a portion of housing specifically for people already living in the area, the goal is to keep lower income people from being priced out of neighborhoods and give them better options to stay in san jose. >> we begin to staff, to all of
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you really appreciate how the community works to get to this point, that will be a good thing for our community. >> data shows high housing costs, disparate version of the herding black and latino residents, the plan has widespread support from local community groups. a common firefighter uniform has committed cancer-causing chemicals. san francisco could be the first city in the nation to ban this particular type of uniform. today, sfr fires join firefighters on city hall, it would require the city to provide new uniforms to its roughly 800 firefighters within two years. companies are still testing alternative fire safety uniforms, the city made an agreement with the fire union to phase out their current uniforms, today's legislation would set a mandatory timeline for replacing them. it will not be cheap, estimates show it could cost san francisco roughly $10 million to replace every uniform in the
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department. >> take a look, warning in south san francisco, a mountain lion spotted on mansfield drive, this is near clay avenue park, we loop this video, this clip sent in by the homeowner, police checked the area but were not able to locate the big cat, if you see one, keep your distance and call police, if confronted by a mountain lion, make noise and try to make yourself look bigger, slowly back away. >> things to remember, let's take you outside giving you a live look from over the bay, it looks gloomy jeff. >> come on, the gloom has arrived. wait until you see tomorrow, any credit for some of the sun? for next monday when it comes around. >> next tuesday, wednesday, thursday. there will be payoff, it will just be slow for some of that rainfall and colder temperatures coming on back. let's show you outside on that live sky camera view in san francisco, a bit of a closer view of downtown, one of the
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most beautiful cameras, we have high levels and serious clouds mexican with blue sky, no need for the umbrella, 66 degrees. a little bit of a breeze, you will need that jacket, we will stay in the 50s. as we had through tonight and also for tomorrow, a lot of temperatures are in the 50s through this evening, what we will see that will change it up is this cold rent that will drop down across the bay area, that will bring rain back but really caught up within the flow is an upper- level system that is just going to move right on down the coastline as we had through tomorrow friday, saturday also went to sunday and that's where we get these on and off rain chances from possibility of thunderstorms and why we will stay with chile or whether through this upcoming weekend. on the rain timeline, 9:00 in the morning, rain over the north bay near san francisco through the early afternoon, still kind of hit or miss, sf
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northbay, we see that pickup as we had through tomorrow evening at six, seven, 8:00 is that storm front moving across, some heavier downpours around 10:00 p.m. at towards the north bay for -- specific way not quite as much but everybody still gets in on some rainfall in the should kick out of here as we had through thursday morning's forecast with only a slight chance of a spotty shower thursday but primarily it will be dry thursday, rainfall totals, trace amounts a quarter inch for most of us tomorrow, up into the northbay, that's where we see a quarter to a half inch expected as we show you, that storm system moving down the coastline will give us an additional chance friday into saturday, that one looks to hold more in the way of rainfall, a half to 1 inch. those 1 inch totals will be outdoors the northbay, also the coastline for those higher totals. morning temperatures tomorrow beginning like this with lots of 40s from the south bay to try valley, over to the east
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bay, 48 and through northbay, 45, daytime highs cooling off 3 to 6 degrees that puts us with a lot of 60s in the south bay over to the east bay, 63 concord , 63 san mateo, san francisco 67 for the marina and across northbay, 60 sonoma, sierra snow is coming from tomorrow to saturday, 1 to 2 feet for the highest elevations. you want to get out of the cold and rain, check out the seven- day forecast keep your eyes on next monday and tuesday, sunshine is back mid-60s and for the inland valley, 70 monday, 74 on tuesday as jessica let me know earlier, the easter buddy is waterproof -- easter bunny is waterproof. it does not penetrate the fair. what about the chocolate? what about the chocolate? up next, a new plan to test
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telephone rolling out a new law for customers to test their drink for rupees, we're taking a look inside one of the first bars using that test, called happy does, in the cities gaslamp district, city of california lawmakers passed a bill requiring bars and nightclubs to offer drink tests by the summer of the test can detect ethanol, often referred to as roof fees. it is easy to use, you take a
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few drops of your drink, if it turns blue or black, there's a good chance that someone slip something into your drink. >> that's a new thing we are adapting to as a bar, i'm glad that this bar is one of the first ones. >> anything you can do to protect women would be good. >> the law applies to businesses with title 48 liquor licenses meaning those that do not allow minors in and do not serve food, they will have to offer free kits to anyone who requests one and they will have to post a sign saying the tests are available. the law officially goes into effect july 1st if you want to get your own, you can buy these online. a legendary bay area celebration has been canceled, this year's annual 420 celebration on golden gate park is not happening at lease not happening officially, the decision was announced today by the city and the 420 hippie hill organization, they all site budget cuts, the economy and state of the cannabis industry.
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inside purple lotus which is a san jose cannabis to sensory, business is strong but they say they will miss spreading the word on hippie hill. >> we have booze, we used to pay for airplanes to fly over with our logo, we did a lot of collaborations with companies, printed out t-shirts. >> organizers say they expect the official for 20 festivities to be back in the city next year , april 20th by the way has become the national day to celebrate all things marijuana started by a group of teenagers in marin county in 1971. san francisco mayor london brain is the proud owner of a new letterman jacket. it came today from bay area's new professional women's soccer team bay football club, the players showed up to city hall and gave the mayor that cool looking jacket, bay fc will host its inaugural home match on march 30th at paypal park in san jose. ♪ ♪
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marking the 30th annual celebration honoring cesar chavez in the county building. the team for this year, perseverance and progress, features you can see, traditional dance, mariachi as well. also honoring this year's hall of fame award recipients. march 31st. up next from the bay to tokyo, a group of east bay students are embarking on a trip of a lifetime, this trip is a lot more than a vacation. >> let's give you a look at rockefeller center, leslie holt preparing for nightly news, one of the top stories, the supreme court hears arguments on restricting access to the abortion ll. th business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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students are taking the trip of a lifetime to a somewhat high school to japan. >> the triple last two weeks, gordon and by the school specific bridge club. stopping by the philippines and taiwan, they have a big itinerary and plan to sightsee schools and sample local food. castle month students in the bridge club welcome nearly 30 students and teachers from japan. the sample american school lunch, learning about their life in oakland so it's now for
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the students to experience japan . visiting the same students from japan that visited them, for many it is their first time traveling this far. >> i'm excited to try new things, i've never been on a plane before. this is like something crazy. wow. rookie. >> tonight at seven, will he or won't he, semper cisco supervisor aaron haskett, this has another conversation about our bay area bridges coming up on a 7:00 news. new details of what was found in the federal raid in rap artist sean diddy combs, how is it the attorney is firing back in what he said. lester holt anchors nightly
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news from baltimore, the side of the bridge collapse. tonight, the state of emergency here in baltimore after a cargo ship hit a major bridge and caused a catastrophic collapse. the dramatic video of that massive container ship ramming into a pillar on the francis scott key bridge. in a matter of seconds, the bridge collapsing in a mass of twisted metal. moments before the collision, the ship issuing a mayday. authorities stopping traffic with just seconds to spare. tonight, my conversations with the mayor and governor, and witnesses who captured some of the stunning images. what do you think of when you look at the video now? >> still in shock, definitely. in disbelief. >> and now, that urgent search. a construction crew filling potholes in the bridge now missing. two found alive, but six unaccounted for. the all-out effort


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