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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 27, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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event, it creates so many memories for a lot of students. >> sure does. >> everyone should have that opportunity to go and not worry about the finances of it all. because that can be tough. >> it's a big one. a quick reminder, nbc bay area, did you know we stream 24/7? you can watch us whenever you would like on roku or other streaming platforms. we will want to take pictures, we will want to look at the engine room of the vessel, the bridge, and then we will want to look at the highway structure itself now that it has collapsed. >> right now at 6:00, rescue efforts turn to recovery after that frightening bridge collapse. we're going to take you live this morning as the mission changes focus to the search and rescue for those victims. showdown at city hall. supervisors overturn mayor breed's veto of a measure to
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limit development projects. the potential impact for those struggling to make it in the bay ahead of a make-or-break election season. plus, rain on the way for much of the bay area. we are tracking a wet week ahead. this is "today in the bay." good wednesday morning. thanks for allowing us to be a part of your morning. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. you may be asking yourself, when is it going to stop raining? >> when is it going to start? it starts in the north bay this morning and then the rest of the bay area may not see the rain until later on this evening. we are going to see things changing after a few days of some sunshine, and then we will have a stronger storm coming in on friday that may bring us isolated thunderstorms for the weekend. but we are also going to be tracking some heavy sierra snow, and we're going to talk about that in a little bit. but as we see this rain approaching, right now just to our north, it will start in the north bay and then eventually
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make its way from north to south into this afternoon. it is a cool start. we're in the upper 40s and low 50s. it is also dry for the morning commute, as we take a look at what to expect, we'll time it out in a few minutes. mike, you were tracking a delay in the tri-valley. >> this is west 580 coming through pleasanton at santa rita road. a crash blocks one lane, that is a distraction as well. things are calming down, speed sensors improving. we do see folks traveling down highway 84 through livermore and pleasanton. so watch for that. that will add more traffic. there's already a delay building. outside of that, everything is fine. back to you. >> thank you. it is 6:01 this morning. the baltimore community is reeling following the tragic francis scott key bridge collapse. this, in fact, is a live look at the scene that you're seeing here. the ship is still wedged between the debris from that bridge. it's just hard to look at. last night dozens gathered for a vigil to honor the construction workers who were on the bridge
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when it came crashing down. coast guard officials suspended active search and rescue efforts. there are still six workers unaccounted for. recovery efforts are under way for those workers who are sadly presumed dead. "today in the bay"'s alice barr joins us live from baltimore with the very latest. >> reporter: good morning, we have new information that the head of the national transportation safety board says investigators have been able to make it onto the cargo ship and she confirmed to nbc news they recovered the voyage data recorder, the black box, that could potentially have some answers to the many, many questions that remain about how this tragedy could have happened, what is coming next to rebuild, both the bridge and the lives forever altered. in baltimore this morning, a broken bridge uniting a community in grief, as an urgent rescue mission for at least six missing people shifts to
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recovery. >> we're going to do everything in our power to help these families find closure. >> our heart goes out to the families. >> reporter: the missing part of a road repair crew filling potholes on the francis scott key bridge when a cargo ship as long as the empire state building started showing signs of distress, flickering lights, dark smoke and a mayday call, as the ship's pilot warned he had lost power and propulsion, before slamming into a support column, sending the bridge tumbling into the patapsco river. >> the bridge is gone. >> reporter: two of the construction workers were quickly pulled to safety, and in the moments before impact first responders acted quickly to stop traffic on the bridge. video shows the last two cars crossing about 30 second before the bridge fell. >> i need one of you guys on the south side, one of you guys on the north side. hold all traffic on the key bridge. there's a ship approaching that just lost their steering. >> reporter: state, local and federal agencies working together with president biden,
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promising help to rebuild the bridge. the national transportation safety board now interviewing witnesses, examining debris, data recorders and past safety records. >> the ntsb focuses on the facts, so we will figure that out and be able to provide that information in the coming days. >> reporter: for now, the focus still on the human cost, as families wait for answers from the dark water. >> alice barr reporting for us. some people are wondering about the structural integrity of our own bridges. this is a live look at the golden gate bridge this morning. and with that shocking video out of baltimore, it has a lot of people wondering about the stability of bay area bridges. local experts say people should be confident about their integrity. >> in the bay area we have several beautiful bridges that are strong enough to withstand any kind of reasonable situation. >> the video out of baltimore is
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hard to watch. the golden gate bridge authority issued a statement reassuring commuters, saying it was the most robust ship collision protection of any bridge. it has that on the west coast. governor gavin newsom is facing another recall effort. the recall group rescue california got the go-ahead yesterday from the secretary of state to begin gathering signatures. this is the same group that failed the recall of newsom back in 2021. now, they're accusing the governor of leading the state into a budget deficit, plus issues like homelessness and crime. for a recall to qualify, they need more than 1.3 million valid signatures by september 3rd. newsom called this another wasteful recall campaign. there are new developments out of san francisco this morning, and a tug of war at city hall. this is with the promise of new housing caught in the middle. it comes after the mayor vetoed a measure to limit the size of certain projects.
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"today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in san francisco this morning. ginger, supervisors basically just put their foot down despite the need for more homes. >> reporter: that's right, marcus. but the supervisors supporting this say this does not mean they are antihousing, however, they did overturn mayor breed's veto 8-3, which means that certain limits will be put on high-rise projects in historic neighborhoods. the legislation calls for limits on the height and the scale of housing developments in the jackson square historic district, that's seen on the map in yellow. the extension to that district and the northeast waterfront historic district, seen also on the map, but in green. supporters say the legislation is partly the response to a proposed 200 foot tall housing project. president aaron peskin, board president, sponsored the legislation saying the older buildings in these areas need to be preserved. but in her initial veto, mayor
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breed argued it would deter critical new housing projects. of course, this all comes in an election year, with mayor breed already in a battle to retain her post and peskin previously suggesting he may be ready to enter the race. supervisor peskin called the veto a political move, while the mayor released a statement that reads in part, quote, our current housing shortage is the result of decades of bad policy decisions and inaction, and it will take years of consistent and relentless work to make the necessary change to get more housing built. now, housing, as you know, is a huge topic in san francisco, with developments coming up all the time. this is, by no means, an end to this topic and debate here in the city. back to you. >> one that has been going on for quite some time. ginger conejero saab in san francisco for us this morning, thanks, ginger. 6:08 right now. monterey county opens a new assistance center for people who lost everything during the
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flooding in pajaro last year. that's when heavy storms triggered a levee break and submerged many neighborhoods south of watsonville. the new center will allow impacted residents and businesses to apply for state assistance, amounting to a total of about $10 million in aid. the center will be open today through april 27th. people should make sure to bring proof of identity and residence. 6:08 this morning. taking a live look, this is eastbound highway 80 at soda springs. you can see the snow blanketing the sides of the roadway. but how are conditions as we head up to the sierra? well, meteorologist kari hall is tracking that and what's going on in the bay area. what we're dealing with is going to head that way as well. >> yeah, we're going to see the storm system approaching. as of now there's no tire chain requirements, but we are going to possibly see them going up as this system comes in. we will have a winter storm warning going up at 11:00 and
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continuing until 11:00 tomorrow morning, and we could see some gusty winds, along with snow, that as of right now is right where it should be in terms of our amount of snow compared to this date. and we are at 99% of normal, with the northern sierra at 115% of its normal amount of snowpack, so we are seeing it statewide right at average. but as the system comes in, it's going to first bring the bay area some rain in the north bay by late this morning, and making its way across the rest of the bay area this afternoon into the evening, most falling later tonight. i'll be tracking that for you. mike has been watching the gas prices. >> we're charting the best statewide through and they actually have one of the best here in the bay area, we're leading off with oakland, it's $4.19 at 98th avenue gas on 98th avenue at the top. in the south bay, morgan hill, one of the many showing $4.39
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throughout the south bay. this is arco on monterey street. and in solano county, $4.39 at central gas on springs road in vallejo. those prices are consolidating. the roadway, we're looking at a smooth flow. only some consolidation in the tri-valley. westbound 580 still slow approaching the santa rita road crash. there's activity on the roadway itself. that is a slower drive toward the dublin interchange. the build at the bay bridge toll plaza, pretty quick all of a sudden and there's slowing on the span itself. the bridge is smoothing out. they may have just turned them on. back to you. 6:10 right now. weeks after the primary, history is being made. ahead on "today in the bay," the way women are making their mark in napa county this year. and how do half price new cars sound? i'm being serious. let's go to the futures and see what wall street is going to do. it looks like after three days of losses, we'll start with
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wins. going up in smoke, 4/20 in san francisco going to look a lot different this year. the annual event suddenly canceled.
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good wednesday morning. right now at 6:14, we're taking a look at our day planner in gilroy. we're starting out with a few clouds and some sun peeking out from behind those clouds, and we're going from low 40s to low
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60s into the afternoon. it looks like the rain holds off for much of the day, but it does arrive in the north bay a lot sooner. so i'll have a look at the timeline for all of our microclimates coming up. the traffic is arriving in the east bay. here is oakland, a little more traffic northbound with those taillights toward the bay bridge, where a lot of lights there are backed up. slow across the span. i'm watching the progress. i'll let you know what i have for the metering lights coming up. good morning. very happy wednesday to you. futures calling for a higher opening after a string of losses. markets are still at a near all-time high. we keep flirting with 40,000 on the dow. two interesting stocks, i think you can call them both meme stocks. reddit continues to rise almost a week after its debut on the stock market. djt, that's donald j. trump, the symbol for the media company that owns truth social, rose on its first day of trading. neither of these companies make a profit.
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both of these companies trade way over earnings. truth social's ratio is about 2,000 times earning. by comparison, nvidia, which makes gobs of profit, 25 times earnings. tesla was a high flyer, too, but the stock is down around 35% so far this year. one of the worst performing stocks on the s&p 500. tesla worrying sales growth will slow. it's offering free trials of fsd in cars it already sold. if you have a capable tesla, you'll be able to turn it on, and tesla hopes, if you like it, you'll keep it and pay them $12,000 for $200 a month. now, fsd, full self driving, it isn't, no matter what they call it. i just got word from fisker of a massive price drop. the struggling car company cutting the price of its $61,000 ocean extreme practically in half, $37,000. its lowest priced car now drops
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to $24,000. as you may have guessed, that company is in enormous trouble. its stock will be de-listed on the new york stock exchange and it's concerned about running out of money. it has also paused manufacturing of new cars. apple says its worldwide developers conference will get under way june 10th through the 14th this year. this used to be a conference that attracted tens of thousands of people in person to san jose. it was in san francisco for a bit. arguably now it's just nowhere because it's virtual. it will kick off at apple park in cupertino, otherwise it's online. the big concentration this year, i bet you can guess, ai. apple has been behind in ai, at least in public. it is well time that we saw a siri that was as intelligent as chatgpt, who understood the nuance of what you were trying to ask, and then gave you back answers. the one that frustrates me is in the car, if you ask her a question, she'll say, i can't look that up while you're
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driving. that's why i was asking. >> that's your job. >> you literally are just talking to me. >> oh, siri. >> thanks, scott. >> watch out, she's getting to know you pretty well. 6:17 right now. new at 6:00, for the first time, napa county is electing its first-ever all-woman board of supervisors. the final results were posted yesterday afternoon. they were all elected to the board of supervisors, only the second all-women count board in the state behind l.a. county. new at 6:00, the pride flag flying over the castro in san francisco might be the newest landmark in the city. this comes after city leaders introduced a resolution yesterday. the official name would be the gilbert bakers rainbow flag installation at harvey milk
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plaza, a nod to the artist who created the community symbol in 1978. the resolution will be up for a vote at the next supervisors meeting on april 2nd. if it passes, it will still require the mayor's signature for a final approval. trending this morning, san francisco appears to be ready to trade pot for volleyball. >> yeah, go figure. so it will be changing a lot of 4/20 plans. yesterday organizers announcing the cancellation of this year's 4/20 celebration at golden gate park, saying that it could not afford to properly staff the event this year. and the annual gathering draws thousands of people over at hippie hill on april 20th. at the same time, the rec and parks department announcing plans to hold a peace, love day. some are already wondering if marijuana supporters will show up, anyway. but the city says that there
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won't be any music or cannabis booths. >> i have a feeling a lot of people are not going to get the memo on this. >> there might still be an atmosphere of the theme. >> a cloudy day. >> perhaps. >> hovering over that area. >> for volleyball, what a combo. >> could be interesting. >> we'll see how that goes. >> watch out! we're starting the morning with some quiet weather, but we are going to see some rain coming in. things will be changing as we go into the afternoon. so the rain is back, and it will be breezy at times. also, winter storm warning will be in effect for the sierra starting at 11:00 this morning. if you do have plans to go there this weekend, just a heads up that there will be some very heavy snow showers with the stronger storm system that's going to be arriving on friday and throughout the weekend. here is the first system moving in. it is fairly weak, it's going to be moving quickly and moving from north to south. so the north bay will see the rain initially, and then the rest of the bay area seeing it
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later. but we can see the center of the storm, what's driving all of this moisture in, and another storm that's going to be developing as we go into our easter weekend. so as we focus on today, our temperatures will reach into the mid-60s. that's about normal for this time of year. it will be cool for the next few days and off and on rain in our forecast as you're seeing at the bottom of the screen. in martinez, it's going to be 62 today, cooler in livermore, only 64 for the afternoon, 63 in redwood city, in half moon bay 59 degrees. and also 59 for the outer sunset, and in the upper 50s for the north bay, up to 62 today in napa. and then looking at our hour-by-hour forecast for the timeline of that rain, we see the green from parts of marin county on northward, and that's before lunchtime today. but then going into the afternoon, we see the rain continuing to fill in, and the south bay, the east bay may not see it until later tonight. and then there could be some
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brief heavy downpours, but then it tapers off in time to wake up and head out tomorrow. there may be some quick passing lingering showers, but a new storm system arrives on friday that brings in heavier rain. so we are expecting off and on showers from friday into saturday, and then tapering off on sunday. but some of our models even showing that on sunday evening there could be a quick round of some showers moving through. so in total, between today through the next several days into sunday, we could see about 1 to 2 inches of rainfall near the coastline, and then in these areas in yellow, in orange, that's about an inch of rain. so that's, once again, coming over the course of several days. we're not expecting any major problems out of this activity, but we will have to keep an eye on saturday, where we could have some pop-up showers and thunderstorms, and that thunderstorm chance is the rain concern we have here in the entire forecast. mike, you were closely watching bay bridge traffic. >> yeah, because we had things
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really crawling up the incline, spacing is a little better. it does look like congestion getting toward treasure island but it continuously moves into the city. the sensors are improving, going from red to orange across the span. i think they may have started to meter the traffic volume off of the toll plaza where i do see the backup filling in the camera shot here. highway 37, there's another issue, westbound is your commute direction. we do have a crash that was reported near the intersection with 121 and this may be a serious crash. the rest of the bay shows a standard build, guys. back to you. >> always stick with mike. he'll keep you up to date. how did you sleep last night? did you get your full eight hours? if you didn't, listen up. coming up next on "today in the bay," the all-new findings linking lack of sleep to some pretty
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deep breath. cancer is a journey you don't take alone.
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you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you.
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6:25 right now. and new at 6:00, if you are among those not getting enough sleep, well, one new study finds less sleep is associated to greater risk of high blood pressure. searchers found people who sleep fewer than seven hours a night have a 7% increased risk of high blood pressure. that risk goes up 11% if you get fewer than five hours per night. for those who believe sleeping in on the weekend may actually make up for the sleep deficit, experts say that's not the case.
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>> i think it's wrong to think that if you acquire all this sleep debt through the week and sleep in on the weekend that you're reversing that. a regular sleep schedule is so important. it's so important for what's called your circadian rhythm. >> experts say a regular sleep schedule and making heart healthy choices are two of the best ways to lower your risk. you can learn more about that study's main takeaways on the "today" show airing at 7:00 a.m. right after us here on "today in the bay." we're awake in the middle of the night just for you. we've got a lot more ahead this morning, including testing the tsunami alert system. the potential impacts for some north bay residents. plus, in baltimore, recovery efforts are intensifying. the new revelations from the governor about the crews on the bridge at the time of the collapse. the heroic actions he says they took moments before the tragic incident.
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plus, later today the city of oakland officially introduces us to their new incoming police chief. the criticism and praise of the chief from the people who worked with him and knew h norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line...
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he's the real deal. i believe if you just give him a chance and hear him out, and then he'll make positive things happen. >> right now at 6:30, after more
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than a year in limbo, oakland finally has a new chief in town. the much anticipated introduction and why oakland's wait is not yet over. plus, we take you back to baltimore for developments in that tragic bridge collapse. where recovery efforts stand this morning and new details on the tense few seconds before impact. rain set to hit much of the bay area today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking those rain chances all week long. this is "today in the bay." good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. did someone say rain chances? meteorologist kari hall has a look at that. starting out beautiful this morning across the bay. >> it looks great. it's a nice start to the day and that may be the reason why some people forget to grab the umbrella. it will not be raining until later on today. as we're starting out, temperatures in the upper 40s,
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low 50s. a look at all of our cameras we have on the screen and our temperatures headed for the upper 50s for later today. we'll be in the mid-60s for the south bay, mainly because the rain will take a little longer to get there. but as we're going to time it out, we are also going to see showers lingering in the north bay a lot longer compared to what we'll see elsewhere, and continuing to work its way across the bay area as we go into this afternoon, into the evening. i'll be tracking that with another look at the timeline in a few minutes. >> thanks, kari. later this afternoon, the oakland mayor will officially introduce the city's new police chief to the public. there's already a lot of opinions and expectations as the city struggles to deal with crime. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is joining us live this morning. the chief, bob, really has a tough job on his hands right now. >> reporter: you can say he does. good morning to you. the oakland police department is still under federal oversight
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because of the scandal from over 20 years ago, and it's been a revolving door for police chiefs with 12 police chiefs over the past two decades along. incoming police chief floyd mitchell is a veteran of the u.s. air force, has more than 30 years in law enforcement, including 25 years with the kansas city, missouri police department, most recently he was chief of police in lubbock, texas. nbc bay area spoke to the president of the lubbock professional police association over the phone, who said the union's relationship with the chief, like any other, it had its ups and downs. mitchell resigned as chief last september. the reason was never disclosed. the department in lubbock did come under fire over abandoned 911 calls under his tenure. the department survey showed criticism over his leadership, with more than 50% of respondents who felt mitchell was out of touch with the needs of their department. we spoke with a pastor who worked with chief mitchell when mitchell was chief of police in
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temple, texas, prior to his stint in lubbock. he is the department's chaplain at the time and says mitchell had a positive impact as temple's first black chief of police. >> he goes out to the community, and if he does the same thing he did here, go to the community and community leaders, and not only that, but visit each area of the city, and just talk to them, i guarantee you that they would at least see a viewpoint or give him a chance to prove himself, that he is the real deal in oakland. >> reporter: incoming chief mitchell said in a statement he looks forward to working with residents, businesses, city leadership and the police commission to build a stronger and safer oakland. but before he can do any of that, he still has to clear certain state requirements, including a test. the mayor of oakland says that process is under way. mitchell's appointment follows more than a year of no permanent chief after mayor sheng thao fired chief leronne armstrong
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weeks before the department would have completed its federal oversight program, again, after 20 years, as i mentioned. it is still under that federal oversight. oakland mayor sheng thao will introduce the incoming chief floyd mitchell at 1:00 this afternoon, during a news conference, when he is expected to be taking questions from us. we'll bring you updates on air, on our streaming platforms, and online at reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thank you. let's take a live look in baltimore, the scene of yesterday's devastating bridge collapse. sadly, the rescue effort has now turned into a recovery mission, as search teams acknowledge six lives were lost, all of them road crew workers. >> also emerging this morning, some amazing acts of heroism. maryland's mayor telling us, the "today" show, that first responders sprang into action to try to clear the bridge in the seconds following the ship's mayday call. >> when we say that we are
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maryland tough and we're baltimore strong, it exemplifies that, these first responders. the fact that they were able to get cars off the bridge and move cars off of the bridge, they saved countless lives. >> so far, there's still no plan in place to remove either the cargo ship or the bridge debris. all of baltimore port is shut down indefinitely. it is certainly a busy port, and number one for foreign shipments. the governor expects the closure to have economic repercussions for the entire country. >> and the ntsb and state of maryland are launching an investigation into what led to the tragic accident. juliana valencia from our washington, d.c. station reports from baltimore. >> reporter: marcus and laura, this has shifted to a recovery mission. the u.s. coast guard says it's unlikely to find any survivors at this point. they had planned to have divers in the water by 6:00 this morning. we know at least six crew members were doing routine
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maintenance, filling potholes on the bridge, when it collapsed. they are still missing. this is a very busy port that's had no movement in or out since yesterday morning. step one is for the ntsb to complete their work. they need to go through the remnants of the bridge, interview crew members and witnesses, examine the ship, and analyze data recorders to piece together how and why this tragedy happened. maryland's governor, wes moore, says the state will also do their own analysis. >> we also do things for us to really think about our infrastructure as a whole, our maritime infrastructure, rail infrastructure, all infrastructure, and making sure that maryland can lead the way in having real core infrastructure assets. >> the path to normalcy will not be easy, it will not be quick, it will not be inexpensive. but we will rebuild together.
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>> reporter: and president biden has pledged his support that the federal government will cover the entire cost to rebuild the bridge. but a senior adviser to the president yesterday says it's too soon to tell just how long that will take. to give you some perspective, when the skyway bridge in tampa collapsed in 1980, it took about seven years to get another bridge over tampa's bay. reporting for kntv in baltimore, juliana valencia. >> thank you. 6:37. happening today, attorneys for the man convicted in the violent attack of nancy pelosi's husband plan to argue for a new federal trial. david depape is awaiting sentencing for the hammer attack that seriously injured paul pelosi in their home. he faces 50 years in prison with the state trial still pending. radar online reports his attorneys will argue constitutional rights were violated during the initial federal trial. >> this morning more problems at the martinez refinery. there was a small fire around 6:00 last night.
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by the time firefighters arrived it was out. this comes as the martinez refining company is under investigation after a chemical release back in 2022, along with multiple flaring incidents. new at 6:00, expect tsunami sirens to blair along the northern california coast as part of a test. they're testing warning systems from 11:00 a.m. to noon. people can expect a test message sent from the national weather service. the emergency alert system will also interrupt television and radio. sirens will go off along the coast for three minutes. let's take a live look outside this morning. it is 6:39 right now. the sun is starting to come up. what will the weather do today? meteorologist kari hall has the answer to that. mother nature says, i'm going to give you a little of this and that. >> it's going to change as we go hour-by-hour, which we are, i guess, used to in the
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springtime. when we see storm systems coming in after a stretch of nice, sunny, warm weather. we're going to see a lot of clouds moving in today, but in livermore we're not going to see the rain until later this evening. we do have a little bit longer to bring in the patio furniture and prep for this rain that's going to be arriving, and just off and on over the next several days. we're still headed for the low 60s. there will be mid-60s in the south bay. san jose looking at a high of 66, while in santa rosa the rain gets there earlier and there be staying in the 50s. i'll talk more about that coming up. mike, you're starting with 580. >> we had a crash causing slowing in santa rita in the commute direction. no update from chp, but the sensors have cleared. we're seeing more traffic hit 60, released through dublin. that's relieving some of the pressure on 84 cutting through toward sunol. we saw more traffic and buildup at the castro valley y. those sensors are also improving. here this evening, tonight, you
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cannot use the posey tube, second night in a row. maintenance under the water, use the bridges to the south that go over the water. getting along the water, a smooth drive for the eastshore freeway, but this crash is still going on highway 37 at 121. so there is some slowing past the sonoma raceway turnoff. back to you. south lake tahoe making some new changes to protect our climate in crisis. up next, the one item you won't be able to take with you the next time you head to the sierra. president biden interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters, and he says, you know what, they've got a point. >> my type of party. lobster rolls galore. the viral malibu restaurant bringing fir to sanla
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good wednesday morning. right now at 6:43, we're taking a live look outside in walnut creek where it starts out cloudy, but it is dry. we're going to see the rain holding off throughout the morning and into most of the afternoon, but we are going to see some showers this evening. i'll talk about that and more off and on rain in our forecast into the weekend coming up in a few minutes. the commute is on here at the richmond bridge heading to san rafael. westbound 580 across this span might see more traffic. folks, if you're weighing the decision between 580 over the bridge or highway 37, that crash is still going on. we'll show you where that is near sears point coming up.
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recent polls show good news for president joe biden. he gained on trump in six states. >> scott mcgrew, you often remind us it's really the states that matter. >> absolutely, states. not the national polls, right? it's entirely possible, after all, the state of wisconsin will decide the presidential race this year, or georgia, where trump is still gaining. the recent bloomberg polls telling us about the states showed that trump is picking up most of the former nikki haley supporters faster than biden, though trump has said he doesn't want their support. president biden and vice president harris campaigned together in north carolina yesterday, biden focusing on abortion, the affordable care act, and promising he won't allow congress to appeal the aca. as one point he was interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters, the president asking the audience to be patient and saying they have a point.
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>> they have a point. we need to get a lot more care into gaza. [ cheers and applause ] >> biden has repeatedly said he supports israel in its fight against hamas, but has also repeatedly warned israel about its treatment of palestinian civilians. the u.s. on monday abstained from a vote in the united nations calling for a cease-fire, which engaged prime minister benjamin netanyahu. back at home, independent candidate for president robert kennedy jr. announced his vice presidential pick, california lawyer nicole shanahan from oakland, who has contributed significantly to his campaign in the past. nbc says it's parting ways with its newest employee, former head of the republican party ronna mcdaniel. she made her debut on sunday morning's "meet the press" and was out by tuesday. her hiring rubbed many the wrong way, including nbc's top
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political analyst chuck todd. >> look, there's a reason why there's a lot of journalists at nbc news uncomfortable with this, because many of our professional dealings with the rnc over the last six years has been met with gaslighting. >> those washington tv shows are full of former politicians and white house staffers, but mcdaniel, critics say, was different, pointing to her repetition of the big lie about the election and her part in the fake elector's scheme. mcdaniel's replacement at the gop is lara trump, who will be on the "today" show later this morning. >> how do you tell people sending money to the rnc it's more important to put their money toward paying the legal bills of a billionaire than helping elect republicans in pennsylvania? >> anyone who does not want to contribute to that small amount of money is able to opt out. >> lara trump talking about the method by which the republican party will pay part of trump's legal bills as he becomes the first former president to go on
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trial in a criminal case. the judge in that hush money case issued a gag order yesterday, telling trump he cannot speak about the jury, witnesses or court staff. he's still free to criticize the judge and the prosecutor. trump had criticized the judge's daughter on truth social shortly before, laura, the gag order was issued. >> all right, thank you very much. scott. 6:47 right now. and new at 6:00, south lake tahoe and truckee are banning plastic water bottles and paper cartons. the ban will go into effect next month. a report from the league to save lake tahoe, says tourists left behind 8,000 pounds of crash on tahoe's beaches, most being plastic bottles. they will small their public water stations to refill reusable bottles. trending this morning, everyone is wonlderring who that new billionaire is. a short time ago we did get new details on the mega millions jackpot winner from last night
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from new jersey. the amount is $1.13 billion. here are the winning numbers. you can see there, 7, 11, 22, 29, 38, and 4. now, a lottery spokesperson says the winning ticket was purchased in monmouth county, the exact location is still unknown. and since you lost last night, let's just focus on tonight's drawing, shall we? tonight's powerball jackpot is at $865 million. it adds up to more than $400 million in cold hard cash. so if you're looking to win, you've got to play. if you play, good luck. also trending this morning, a sandwich shop is giving every penny earned today to charity. jersey mike's celebrates it's 14th annual day of giving. >> the chain has been collecting money for the entire month of march. customers have the option to round up their total or donate a couple of bucks at checkout. today is a little different. every cent that comes in to
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jersey mike's locations, including the cost of your sandwich, being given directly to local charities. over 200 charities will benefit from today's fundraiser. >> i do like a good sandwich. how about a lobster roll? a seafood spot is coming to san francisco and it opens today. >> hello? this wednesday, 11:00 a.m. >> broad street oyster company is the newest addition to ghiradelli square. ther known for lobster rolls, there are oysters, seafood towers and clam chowder. it's expected to have san francisco exclusive dishes. >> i'll bring my epipen. >> oh, yeah, sorry. oops. >> you can watch us. you can drive. we're going to be in a coma after we eat. we've got to bring our umbrellas, too. >> we'll need that later today, but we are starting out with
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peeks of sunshine, trying to come through the clouds. we take a live look in san francisco. if you will be gone throughout most of the day, you want to make sure you grab the umbrella before you leave because we're not seeing the rain yet, but it is on the way. as we take a look at our temperatures for this afternoon, we're back to where we were yesterday. but it won't be all nice and sunny like we got during the afternoon. in gilroy, we'll see a high of 65 and we're also going to see some mid-60s for much of the east bay, with danville, walnut creek, looking at a high of 63 degrees. 62 in oakland, and also 62 in san mateo. in san francisco, 59 degrees downtown. and 60 in sonoma, with ukiah reaching a high of 58 degrees. so it will be cooler in the north bay as the rain arrives first. but we should see a lot more coverage as we get into this evening. at 9:30, we're seeing a lot of green covering the bay area, and then more rain overnight. and then on friday, the next storm system comes in. now, this one looks a little bit heavier and may bring the chance
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of some thunderstorms on saturday before this system wraps up. and if you do have some outdoor plans on easter, heads up that there could be some lingering showers even into sunday evening. we'll be watching out for that. with these two storm systems coming our way, in total here is a look at how much rain we may see. in these areas in red farther to the north and along the coastline, that's about an inch and a half of rainfall, maybe closer to 2 inches for those higher elevations. most of us getting about 1/2 inch to 1 inch of rainfall. once again, that's over several days, but it will bring those temperatures down in san jose. on friday we'll only reach 58 degrees. warmer temperatures, we will get that for the middle of next week. i'm really looking forward to some sunshine and warmer weather. but we do have to wait a few more days. and, unfortunately, it's not coming in time for easter, with the egg hunts and everything going on. we'll be in the low 60s inland and san francisco will see
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temperatures right at about 62 degrees. mike, you're tracking a crash and a decision? >> that's right. this will affect folks deciding between the richmond bridge and highway 37. i know it looks pretty right here, but there is a crash over near sears point. 580 is holding steady. not extra traffic showing up yet. some folks south of richmond might be making the decision to go down there instead of over highway 37 in order novato. the good news, the crash that involved three or four vehicles at the interchange with 37 and 121, it looks like speeds are improving westbound. back to you. happening now, a new program coming to the south bay could boost affordable housing. last night san jose city council unanimously passed a resolution for a tenant preference policy. the city will now require portions of affordable housing be set aside for low income residents at the highest risk of being priced out. the goal is to stop people from being forced out of the city. the program would also offer the same protections to non citizens.
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up next, we look at the top stories this morning, including overnight developments out of baltimore. this is where the rescue efforts sadly turned to recovery after that frightening bridge collapse. an update as the investigation gets under way. plus, showdown at city hall in san francisco. this is where supervisors are overturned may orbr
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." >> this morning the baltimore community is reeling following the tragic francis scott key bridge collapse. we have a live look at the scene. it happened after a ship crashed into it. as you can see, the ship is still wedged between the debris.
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overnight coast guard officials suspended active search and rescue efforts. there are still six workers unaccounted for. recovery efforts are getting under way for those workers who are presumed dead. the ntsb chair says they have recovered the ship's voyage data recorder. san francisco supervisors are putting their foot down after a veto from mayor london breed to limit the size of certain high-rise projects in historic areas, the areas you see shaded in yellow and green. the board vetoed 8-3 to overturn that veto, board president aaron peskin argued older buildings need to be preserved and called a veto a political move. the mayor, meanwhile, released a statement saying in part, our current housing shortage is the result of decades of bad policy decisions, and inaction, and it will take years of consistent and relentless work to make the
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necessary change to get more housing built. today oakland's mayor will officially introduce the city's new police chief to the public. incoming chief floyd mitchell is a veteran of the u.s. air force, has more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement and most recently he was the chief of police in lubbock, texas, for four years. mitchell resigned as chief last september. the reason was never disclosed. before he can take over as oakland's chief, mitchell has to clear certain statement requirements, including taking a test. the mayor says that process is under way. a last look at the forecast. >> we're starting out with some clouds. we're going to see some rain later on. it does start in the north bay, late morning, and the rest of the bay area seeing it during the afternoon into the evening. then we do get another break in the activity tomorrow, but another storm system will be arriving on friday that could keep it unsettled throughout the weekend, and cooler temperatures moving in. it's a crash in the north bay right now i'm concerned with right at sears point.
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highway 37, 121, not a lot of lanes there. one less because of a crash and crash activity. both directions do slow, but the rest of the approach looks just fine for contra costa county. the "today" show is coming up in just moments. we also continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms right now. you can join us live at 8:00 this morning. are you dealing with spring allergies? a doctor joins us live with more on the aggravators which might be making your symptoms even worse. >> he's just getting choked up. it's okay. >> thank you. >> look, that's what's happening here on "today in the bay." stick around. much more ahead on the "today" good wednesday morning. we are getting a clearer good wednesday morning. we are clear getting a clearer picture. >> the search for answers is
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